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♦ Mr Bates advised last evening^ Present indications aro for variable winds, with moderate to strong easterlies prevailing and changing to freshening northerlies. Expect fair to cloudy weather generally, but misty at timea on the east coast and in the southern districts. Increasing haze and cloud iness probable for a favourable clianga in the early part of the week. The barometer is due to fall everywhere shortly." Five more deaths have occurred from meningitis in Victoria. The valuation of Levels County for rating purposes is three million odd pounds., exclusive of the Pleasant Point Town District. A boy was killed at Brightwater, xselsoii, on Tuesday, by beih«r struck by a motor car. Tlio driver was held blameless. Two men named Stockbridge hav» been arrested at Wellington ou a charga of committing burglaries in and near the city. The. Railway revenue for the four weeks ended July 24th was £299,519 or £SOOO more than for the same period last year. The expenditure was about £IOOO less. v ■ The "Ro'l of Honour" of Waimataiiai school contains 75 names, of ex-pupils, who have gone, or are on the way, I<j tho_ Front. Among them are two majors, one captain, four lieutenants, and six sergeants. Playing at Wanganui on Thursday, Christ's College football team defeated by Wanganui College by 24 to 5. AYairnrapa defeated Wellington by 24 to 11, and. Auckland defeated Taranaki by 14 to o. A man named Pierce Power has been committed for trial at Christ-church, on a charge of manslaughter, for causing tno death of Frederick Charles Buns, by running into him with a motor car. A Chinaman at Orepuki lias been fined £lO for sealing brandy in a nolicensed district, lie was at. a hotel, and was allowed so much brandy per day. ,He saved this up and sold four bottles to another Chinaman just before a feast day. Mr J. E. Hurdley is in receipt of a letter from Mr Hawley, Ca.lteetor of Customs at Invercargill (formerly of Timaru) stating, in reference to the electric light discussion, that iris bill in Inyorcargill last month, for tha municipally-owned light there, was fop 2D units at 4d per unit. Mrs Daboll's school re-opens, on September 15th. Mrs Dabell lias taken "K-els-o," in Sarah Street',»in ouler to have a u!g airy schoolroom getting all the. morning sun. School is from 9. to 12 with a break for play and a break for drill every day. Airs Dabell lia> not long bean'.put from Heme where she prepared boys for Eton and Harrow, and other public schools. I At a meeting of the Gcraldine foot ball club, it was reported that in th» .'\shburt-on seven-a-sido tournament, the club was only beaten by one point, lb was agreed to convey the thanks of the club to Messrs Fiatman a'ttd ?,forrison for motoring members to Timaru and Temuka. The costume match and dnnno it was reported, had yielded £l7 for the Red Cross Fund. A very large number of brethren assembled fit the Druid's Lodge Inst Tuesday night. The Arch Druid, Bro. Jackson, resigned the chair to take tb« position of secretary, to which he was elected unopposed. Bro. O. .Tones was elected Arch Druid, and Bro. D. C. Johnstone vice-arch, and Bro. H. Print* was elected V'.A. Bard. Bro. C. IT. Morgan was elected trustee. The receipts were £2uo and expenditure £7O. A very pleasant social evening was spent last Wednesday week at the residence of Mr G. Fridd senr., of Russell Square, the occasion being to bid farewell to one of liis sons, Mr Albert Fridd, on the ere of his departure for Trentham. Ihe departing '-ecruit was presented with a handsome wristlet watch and sovereign belt on behalf of the triends present. Tko recipient feelingly responded.

In tin's issue the Otago Hunt advertise tlio programme for their race meeting. to bo hold at W'ingatui on Sfj/tc-mbor 18. nominations for whicli at 9 p.m. oil AVednecday evenrcxt._ Stakes to the value- of £'o()0 arc being distributed in addition to two valuable troplves. This istho first meeting to bo hold by the Otngo Hunt with a tota'isator in operation, and this should h.* of special induc6nient to horse owners to patronisa the fixture. ' '

. 0,1 J}', ed " , : sda y chains, St. b;i .s Bible C..ass, I<\iirlie. _ iieid a. f.ncc,:ssfu( gilt; social. Jiach. one weseiit brought a gift suitable for the stalls, run m connection <vitli the. Rose Show, , winch is always hold m December. Tha result was a large , number of appropriate articves. Tae evening was :;pent in games and music. The -Rev. J. Craig thanked those present for the handsome- gifts and intimated that a siw.ilai social would bo held on !:he hist Wed* uesday in September.

The following is a list of candidates who passed the recent ambulance examination conducted by Dr Hotop at G-eraldine. Twenty-five members of the First Aid class conducted ,-bv Dr Pat-erson sat for the examination, ,e following: passed :— Sim and Mason, Misses B. Richards, L. Richards, A. Hughes, E. Hammond, L. Howard. E. Booth, L. Ef\s« terbrook, M. Rattray, M. La vie, M, McMillan. M. McLean, E. McAteor, 0. Camnbell, E. Neale. E. Wall, B, Orton, D. Barker, P. Sharpe.

Influenza. —Quickly cured by taking Neil's Tonic Influenza Cure. It quickly relieves those aches and pains, tones up the system, and prevent* those distressing after effects so common to the malady. Pleasant to take, prompt in effect, and suitable alike for young and old- Prico 2s 6d post- free. —Neil's Pharmacy, 73 Stafford Street, South. Timaru.

Coiline's Fruit Denot-s increase, in popularity daily. Having business premises in Timaru and Cnristcbnrch, the firm gets to bedrock in its purchases, and gives the benefit to th« consumer. Collins's have brought down the price of fruit, and .their enterprise, backed by quality 'ajid famous low prices, has made them the largest retail fruit firm in the South Island.... -

Customers for Py-Nol F1 uid for Automatic Disinfectors . please .note that the local agents for, this highly effective compound of disi:nfeet , ng oijs are the Canterbury Farmers J _ - Cooperative Association,' Ltd. Price b'S 9d per gallon. ...

A te pnrcliaw. —Early last week Alton's somii'ed 15'dozGTi all British ladies' leather bogs: Thoj ,ato bought, at '25 per cwit, Wow landod'oost and. a further 5 per cent, for casli. Theso bags a,re now being ofiorecl at 5s 9d, 6s, 6s -Cel. 6s 9d. 7s 6d,' aiid 8s lid en eh. At these prices they Sxe absolute-bargain's. At A'ston'a. ...'

Mr W ooles forecasts for South Canterbury to-day:—'"Moderate easterly winds, weather fair to cloudy and becoming unsettled, ivith likelihood of scattered showers."*" The 5.15 p.m. Pareora-Timaru train not run after to-day. The Xew South Wales State brickworks made a profit of £7579 for the year. For the Sick and Wounded Fund Major Kennedy, of Geraldine, has received iroin Mr C. A. Crowe £'2, and from Mr W. Shires £5. Five shilling tickets in the £4OOO shares in the Waikato district farm can fctti be obtained at this, and also xhe branches at Temuka, \\~aimute, and Geraldine. A meeting of Indies in connection with th - jumble stall at the Tiniaru Show will be held at the Red Cross rcoms on Monday ;ft 3 p.m. A patriotic carnival will b? held in the school pounds at Seadown on September 7th, to in- followed in the evening by a grand concert to be pve:i by "the Tiruaru Savages. The proceeds v.ill go to the lied Cross Fund. Mes=rs William Yenill and Jas. Pratt lev at Tenmka. who have let" for -ths training camp were entertained before leaving, by a largo number of friends at the residence of Mr and Mrs Geo. Allfrey. and were each presetted with a pocket Testament. A Press Association message from Duredin states that owners of taxis and commer-ia'?- vehicles have decided to telegraph to Sir Joseph Ward that a tax of 'd per ga'lon on petrol is unreasonably nigh for them and for fishermeA. and suggest that id would be a fair tax. A meeting of subscribers to the South Canterbury Public Safety Comr.. it tee will he held on September 4th to consider handing over the balance of its funds to the South Canterbury Patriotic Society, wliic-h holds its general meeting of subscribers on September lltb. to consider and adopt rules and regit Hit ions for its governance. Dr Curtis, whose services as a medicat m.ui navi: b>f n accepted by the military authoiitie.-. ieit Temuka yesterday by the evening express for Wellington. A large number of Temuka residents gathered at the railway station to bid him farewell, and on behalf of the citizens Mr A. Frew (Mayori pre-nted him with an address. s : gned by 112 residents, and a tiuveilinj: nig. Dr. Curtis loaves with the next reinforcements for Egypt in September. j To-day will be " Violet Day " in I Timaru. and every home in the district- should as a result, be redolent of spring to-morrow. An enormous collection of the most beautiful spring flowers (including a big consignment which came from the North Island yes-t?r«iay) has been got together and artisticailv arranged in. buttonhole form. These will be sold in the streets by young ladies, who will draw their supplies from a central flower depot which is to be erected this morning in front of Hay's Buildings. This depot will be a work of art in itself, by reason of its pretty floral enrichments. and will be in charge of Mrs Hunter Weston, - who initiated the "Violet Day"- movement here. The flowers will bo sold for as much as people feel disposed to pay for them, provided that not less than sixpence is given. The whole proceeds will be devoted to the Red Cross Fund. All gifts of flowers may be left at Mr R. T.. Orhe-H's office A "Violet Diy ; ' in CLristchurch vesterdav realised £741.

The old established firm of Morgan and Sc-arf, family butchers. their removal to up-to-date premises opposite the Ciiorai Buildings. The premises have been eompetely renovated throughout, and a nc.V shop frontadded, besides extensive modern fittings. The reputation of this firm since its establishment- in 1566 is such that it need not be enlarged upon. -In their new premises they will continue to sup■p'y the 'very best stock procurable. Prime ox beef, wether mutton, l;;mb, real, and dairy-red pork secured in the best markets by expert _ buyers, and purveyed to the pubh'o 'in the most hygienic manner. The small goods branch of the business is in capable hands and shou'd appeal to all who are fond of such wholesome delicacies.

Sydal is a wonderful skin improver—makes the cheeks, nr.ns and hands soft and beautiful. It-is good for the hair also—cleanses the scalp, removes the dandruff germ, and gives a silkiness and Elcssiiirss to the hair. Always nave this wonder Jul emollient -on your dressing table—gives additional charm and beauty to your nppeaHnee. Oulv Is 6d a jar. .

-Tames s Sulphur and Sarsaparilla w-alto. \ a'uahle as a spvins: medicine: eoolmg, purifying, refreshing. The best, known preparation for all diseases having their origin in an impure state of the blood, sncli pimp'es. boJk rheumatism, etc. Price Is 6d a bottle only from L. B. James. Cliem;<t Timaru. ...

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Timaru Herald, Volume CIII, Issue 15742, 28 August 1915, Page 8

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TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume CIII, Issue 15742, 28 August 1915, Page 8

TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume CIII, Issue 15742, 28 August 1915, Page 8