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Tho Dominion Meteorologist advised lar-t evening: "Fair to cloudy weather tin.- prevailed, with showers on the \\_c.sfc, and in southernmost districts. Moderate to strong westerly wind...have predominated, with an unsteady barometer. Present indications are for mild and hazy weather, continuing for about twenty-four hours, with a falling baroni-iter and westerly winds, but a chaugo to tho southward will probably bring a short period of showery and changeable conditions, after which tho barometer is duo to rise, and a spell of finer weather may bo anticipated." Tho Harbour Board advorti-es £6OOO to lend on approved security. Traffic on Park Torraco is stopped until the end of March, during reconstruction of roadway. Tenders aro invited to-day for the annual South Canterbury Hunt contract—to bo in by Fbo. 7th. The annual meeting of tho 'limaru Boxing Ar-Koiintiou is called tor next Tuesday evening. The inquest touching tho death of Patrick O'Xeil, who was killed n tho recent quarry accident, will ho continued at tho Courthouse this morning. It is understood that a majority of the builders of Timaru have formed themselves into a. company for the purpose of purchasing from Mr H. B. Kirk, his brickworks. AVe have received from the iocsl agents, Messrs Howdon and Jum-B-Joncs, a copy of the artistic calendar lv.Siied by the British Domia ons General Insurance Coy., Ltd. I'he calendar of a novel and effective design. Tho Otago Caledonian Society has de-icled to again c.b.o Don udson M.d Postlc, making a final offer Tor a lace for the world's championship over three distan-e-i on tho Oaljdon.'an Grounds en March 23rd. Mr S. Lyon, oF Temuka, threshingmill proprietor, has purchased an up-to-date plant, from Messrs And.-rson's Ltd. The mill is fitted with Anderson j\nrl Ellk's p.-iient '-uet-on blast, wlrVli hns h<vn!ii.'i nonuliu- in this d.«trict, no le-.s than six" being fitted this year. Timaru is up-to-dato in many ways and soino youths of a mechanical turn of mind have decided, by ihc formation of an aerial club, to add lo its Up-to-dateness. They aro in ; osse-vion ■of niu-..'h helpful data, aud aro about to launch out on t.hoir connnen.l ii)lo venture by tho building of a model. Feildiug farmers, Eajs a Pre.-js As-io-oiation mess.igo, are complaining strongly of tho treatment they are getting at the hands of tho railway authorities in regard to getting Trucks for sheep and cattle. The trouole is that the 10-jal offL-ials ar« una-b.'e to givo definite information when trails ordorod will bo available, will lake no responsibility. The Farriers' Union aro to approach tho Minister of Eailways on tho matter. Farmers in Waimato and surrraid- i ing districts "will lj o pleased i.o r.oto that Mr James Manchester Las purchased a new Anderson threshing mil, equipped with Anderson's and I'ilis's patent suction blast and all litest improvements. This should bo of ,'iei.t benefit to farmers inasmuch that it ensures a first-class Sample, ard will fill, a want in the rush of stock threshing. At ii special meeting of tho Vaim.ito School Committee last evening, j it, was de-idod to extend the school : holidays for a week in order io uiccd the wishes of tho raspberry growers, who'held that, should the school open on Monday, a considerable portion, of their crop 3 would bo lost for want of pickers. Tlie school opens 3u jionday wetk. It was decided by the committeo of the Caroline Buy Swimming Club last evening to uphold tha geusrous tupport tho public- have given tha ciub by holding aquatic meetings every Monday and Friday evening to end of present season. On Monday evening tho 50 yards Challenge Cup" handicap will be held. There aro vhree oilier race 3 for this.cup, 75, 100, loOvds. Tho mile riieo will bo held . Jn February iXJth. Tho best thanks of the Caroline Bay Swimming Ciub are due to a lady and gentleman of this district, for giving a handsome flag vith the club's initials placed upon ir. 7he flag will bo used to notify patrons and members of a nu-o meeting by hoistin" on tho flag pole. To-day tho curtain will Ire drawn on tho junior cadet officers' ramp at tho Show gruunds. It is claimed to have been tho most successful and serviceable camp or tho kind ever held in -Ni'W Zealand. The officers 'nave Jn-d every opportunity cf learning what the staff wished to instil into them, und the instruction has l.t-en rf a thorough nature, given by a commandant who has proved his nbiliVv as a leader of men. Captain Stev-iirs's lectures have been full of interest and vim, and the teachers admit having learned much that was new and which will bo of inestimable assisr,an?e to them in their rt.hool cadet Work. Yesterday., the routine of physical dn> etc., was covered ,md the greater part of the day was devoted io company and battalion drill. Reveille will sound soon after sunrise this morning, and a solid morning's work will ho put in. An early -start will ho made, of course, nt striking camp, as ■several of the officers are leaving by tho expresses, both north and south. One of our chief joys in life is being able to do full justice to a good meal without painful reflections .in hour later. Good digestion is something to bo thankful for. and those who aro not so blest can find a ready relief and euro in Malcolmson's wellknown Indigestion and Liver Cure. Sold only at tho Central Pharmacy by 11. G. Malcoltnson... 'ihero are serious complaints of damago done to siieep by worrying dogs in tho Wliare Flat district (says tne "(Hugo Daily limes"). A case occurred within the last few days, when a number of valuable sheep, "tho property of a. local larmcr, were- killed or maimed. Fortunately the dogs were detected in the act, and were summarily destroyed. It- was then found tlna they either hud no collars on or ilieir cellars bore no plate, so that it. was not possible to identify the owners. It is contended that the dog registration lee is ridiculously small, and that sufficient vigilance is not exercised to prevent tho animals from being at large with tho liberty of donig damage which may easily extend to hundreds of pounds. It is urged that it is high time that ilia locai l:o----<hes, which accept a certain amount Ji responsibility by registration, should take some vigorous steps to abate iWiat now amounts to a serious nuisance and cause of loss. Baldwin and Rayward, Auckancl, Wellington, and ~!''■'■ m ' WL that :»»"".;st the ■i-iuj appli alions for patents <h~v ■fe just filed are:--C. W. A.non *-nnst/.-hurc!i. automatic si"nal ■ C 7 ;<»" H. A. Craig, Gi'dionKCnllimv-ioir-t ■<•) shearing mn-hin.-.'-:; J,\ -,- j ? .,, v . morel, nvc-rcargill. i !: ,' x dro S „„., , achmc; T. H. FaHterfield. Well'u-o.i l_prcUuvia s Mnrm-W.v sulplmtc... "" '

In another column Messrs Penrose Bros, give quite a mimbor of especially good bargains in footwear. Surely ibe time is ripe for the purchase of boots and shoes when pitrfTos are at their lowest abb.... At the University Senate yesterday it was announced that Charles Stanley Marshall, of Canterbury College, had been awarded tho Haydon prize, which is intended for tho encouragement of Imperial sentiment. The amount in hand for the prizo is £lO, and this sum is to bo spread over five years. The University agreed that candidates who suffer from "writer's cramp" when a pen may ho allowed to use typewriters at examinations. Mr Goo. Ho-gbon mentioned a case of tho kind, and moved the proposal, which wtis agreed to. ~ Preliminary operations at tho northern wireless station at Awanui will commenco next week, and it is expected that the work will be in full swing in three weeks' time. It will be about thirteen months before the preparations to receive the feettower are completed. Essex's Prices—Choice plums 2d 11), 3s Ski and 4s case: peaches, 3d lb; prime apricots, 3d lb, l"2lbs 3s; splendid bananas, 18 and 24 for Is; eating apples, 4d lb; Australian grapes, Is lb; tomatoes, raspberries, cucumbers, lemons. GOO boxes splendid new figs. 4d box. E. G. Essex and Co., Stafford street north, Timaru.... At the Magistrate's f 'oiirt at Dannovirko on Thursday, Harry Montatth claimed £lOl damages for ejectment from tho drill hall by William Frame, on the occasion of Sir Joseph's Wa.rd'> visit in December last. The defence was that plaintiff's interruptions justified his ejectment, and no more force was used than was necessary. Judgment was given for defendant with costs. A similar action against lan Simson, for assisting in Jlonteith's ejectment, was also dismissed wirii costs. The annual meeting of the Bjap.l iof Governors of the New Zealand ] Institute, was held at Christchurch on Thursday. Mr T. F. Cheese-nan delivered his presidential address. deferring to the nuances ho tuid that tho position was unsat.sfaciory. Tho Institute had got into debt, mainly through an increase in the size of us '"Transactions." At present it received a grant of £SOO from the 'jci- | vernment. Tho grant was originally | made in 18G8, when the members-h •;> j was 178; now there were nine affiliated I societies with a membershiri of over a ! thousand. The work aud expenditure ' had both grown extens-vely. Subsej riuently it was resolved to ask this | (Government to increase the grant by ; £-T)0. A resolution was curried expressing regret at tho death of Sir James Hooker. The weekly meeting of tlhe Life Boat Lodge, 1.0. G.T., was held last evening, Sis. Claughton, P.C.T. presiding over a large attendance. Correspondence of a_ varied nature was dealt with. The following members were elected to office:—Bro. Ovcrend, C.T. (re-elected); Sis. Emmerson, V.T.; Sis. Claughton, secretary; Bro. Peake, junr., F. secretary; Bro. Hawkey, treasurer (re-elected); Sis. Lennie, "M. (reelected); Sis. Quick chap.; Bro. Gillespie, guard; Bro. Solomon, S.; Sis. Proudlock, reg.; Bro. Mair, C.; Bro. EUis, P.O. Next Friday being quarter night, a full attendance of members is requested, when tho officers' report on the work done during the quarter will be suhmitted. and the new executive installed. Mr A. Thorean, secretary of tho Farmers' Union, was seen yesterday in regard to a complaint made by two men, who stated in yesterday's "Herald" that they had been misled by an advertisement for harvesters, winch llr Thorean had placed in the "Otago Daily Times." Mr Thorean states that his office was closed on Thursday for the public holiday, and on returning to his private residence in the evening with his family about 0.30 o'clock, he found two strangers there, who stated in an abrupt discourteous manner that they had come in answer to his advertisement for men. Ho told them to call to his office at 9 o'clock next morning, and he would no doubt place them. TJiey grumbled at this, and Mr Thorean further stated that if thev would not wait till then, that harvesting operations were well forward in the Point district, and if they went there they could easily get work. "The next morning," said Mr Thorean] "I placed twelve men at harvesting work, and if my impatient friends had called they would have been working in the afternoon. Since January Ist I nave secured jobs at harvesting for over one hundred men, so there are no real grounds of complaint as to me not procuring work for suitable applicants." Those celebrated Egg Julep Shampoo Powders are just delightful to use this weather. There is nothing more refreshing than a good shampoo, and there's nothing frees the scalp from dandruff quicker. Price threepence per packet, five packets one shilling, at Baxter's Pharmacies, Timaru and Fairlie.... The residents of Bluceliffs and surrounding district held their annual picnic on Thursday in Mr Cross's bush, Kindly lent by liim p or the occasion. Mr \V. Bell offered his, waggon to take nil tho children from ha feide, an offer which was gladly accepted, and a fair loud was soon gathered. The event was favoured ivirii excellent weather, about 150 were gathered together, and all present enjoved themselves thoroughly. The ladies of the district supplied refreshments with a liberal hand, while the gentlemen subser.bed freely to tho sports fund. Tho Committee arranged a lengthy programme for young -uid old,'also a number of comic events. Durin.. tho afternoon games of all descriptions were indulged in, as a break in the sports programme. The diiv wis brought to a close about 7 'o'clork when the chairman, Mr Beattio' thanked all present for their nttend-au-e and prupesed a vote of thanks and ihree cheers for Die ladies who supplied refreshments. Then followed cheer,; for various persons who had kindly agisted, aud nil present wore thoroughly .satisfied ind looked forward to another such dav next vear as it is proposed to malce the picnic an annual off a jr. When you go visiting, don't have a. headache, and be out of sorts. Carry Stearns' Headacho Cure, make your stay pleasant. Headache relieved immediately.... Mr Cannon returned yesterday from his trip south to make arrangements for the supply of fish for tho fish market, which is to be opened on Tuesday next. Ho visited Oamaru Moeraki, Puketeraki, Port Chalmers and Bluff, and succeeded in making very satisfactory arrangements. 'Mr Carillon returned more than over convinced that a fish market can be made a success in Timaru; at all events he will spare no effort to make it a success. Did you notice the report about tho big Christchurch wool sale held the other day? It stated:—"Last. month there were only a few lots (of merino) on offer, and these were not much sought after. Prices were disappointing. Yesterday the local mills enme to the rescue, and any merino offered brought its full value." There's another reason why you should buy KAIA PO I clotbiag. Keep your I money circulating L&r0....

An " interesting announcement is made to-day by Messrs Guinness and LeCren, that on March 16th they will submit to auction the leases -of 16 farms, the property of Canterbury College, near Timaru and Ma.kikihii We have received a copy of the first number of tho "New Zetuaud MJ.tary Journal," edited by tne jjunuuiou sec- ; tlun of the imperial General litatf, ; headquarters, Aeiv Zealand M.l.t-ary ■ Forces, Wo.lingtou. Tho journal is | being pubiisned with a view to provide ' articles of jui interesting and instructive nature to ail ranks el the military : forces or' tho Douiiui-on. For tho prei sent it will be issued quarterly, but i later on it is hoped that, when it be- ; comes better known throughout the : Dominion, and consequently a largor I number of articles are contributed, it | may bo issued monthly. The first ' number contains articles on matters of training and service by Colonels Heard and Burnett-Stuart, of tho 'lmperial General Staif. Captains Richardson, and Duigan, of the New Zealand Staff ; Corps, and other prominent officers. A | section is given to book reviews, and a j useful feature is a.u index of contcm- ; pornry magazine articles on nvilit.'irv and associated subjects. The journal is well printed on strong paper, and contains a photographic illustration and plans. Passengers by the train from Bluff j to Invercargill last Sunday afternoon j had rather an exciting experience. Shortly after passing tho Awarua station the train began to slow xip; suddenly these on board felt a severo j bump, and the train stopped. It was ! then noticed that there were on both sides of the train some cattle, whose previous position in tho line lad evidently been the cause of the train ? Ti""F "-"• ' Tho trn ' n ™s nln-ost full of passengers, and most of these lert their carriages with the obict of ascertaining the cause of the " stoppage It was very obvious that cue l„.; f . r ~,,, Wn „ n .,- t>l „ t get off the line in tinw. Along tho line for abort twontv yards were the W.blo .of what had occurred. Th« beast was literallv cut to rueces. arc. ns one nowenser put it hide* rem ™ ed b,,t the '!-oad «ld With the approach of the pickling season a steady demand has set in for Baxter's Vinegar .Essence. Being prepared from the very purest materials and possessing that aroma and flavour which denotes good quality, it is unequalled for tablo or pickling purposes Pr.ce Is 6d per bottle, Baxter's Pharmacies, Timaru and Fairlie...

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Timaru Herald, Volume XCIV, Issue 14658, 27 January 1912, Page 5

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TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume XCIV, Issue 14658, 27 January 1912, Page 5

TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume XCIV, Issue 14658, 27 January 1912, Page 5