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Rev. D. C. Bates idvised last ovenfog:—"An improvement, in general conditions )'s reported to-day, but cloudy woather and drizzling rain have pi (railed in many parts. Moderate westerly wind s hava predominated, with a southerly tendency in the South Island.. Present indications tiro for m'U and changeable weather, showery In ports, with inoreasinc westerly hreezea, and the barometer rising Blowly for a short time; hut a low pressure area,, apparently only of small intensity, ia duo to pasa in th-a South afcout Tuesday." The Gazette of the 18th inst. contains a new set of regulations under the Pubho Service Classification and Superannuation Act, 1908. Allan Orton is gazetted Bagistrar of marriages, births and deaths, at Pleasant Point. The ranger to tho AYaitaki County Council impounded 102 head of cattlo off the public roads din-inn; the paist month. A Taranaki paper says that £20,000 was distributed at Stratford for December milk. Timaru is to have another visit from n warship. H.M.S. 'Pioneer, now at Dunedin, will come to Timaru on February 16th and will remain here until February 29th. Mr F. H. Smith, M.P., for AVaitaki, was in AVaimato this week inBiiocting a property which is under ivffer to tho Government for eilose settlement purposes. The following iiotioo s aopear in a Knzetted lilt of changes "in the Delonee Forces:—Bth (South Canterbury) Mounted JUfle3—Hoy Thomas Bruco, lisq., to bo 2nd Lieutenant, supernumerary to establishment. Dated Ist November, 1911. 2nd. (South Canterbury) Regiment.—The undermentioned to bo 2nd Lieutenants :--Coi:n i'crrier, Esq., dated liSuh September, 1011; Brum Cvrill Aspinail. Ti-.r,., dated 7th >.nveniber, 101).; ]>. jL u. ul , ip ] irijV Ho.derness mitrus his commission, dated 3rd October, 10J.1-. The Yen. Ardideaetm >I K!I . y William Harper, commission, dated 80 th Kovemb;* 1911. His Excellency the' Governor has boon pleaded to armnivn of the award of tho Colonial a*U"i!''a-y forces l c Sff S9 m ( ? J rnfJC ' l ! l tr > C--'vOuv. JohnLllha Gilhoa, robirerl list, lie lrivinn- ; ( total servico to 28th August, ly'll entitling him thereto of 2if years IS'' days.

The wisdom of continuing the organisation used so effectively for tho support of Reform candidates in tie. general elections, wan cmnliu.-isccl Ijv "\ir W. H. Hemes, M.P. for at n 'social political gathering nt ElVers!-/). He said that though it v.-'as imorobablu that thero would bo an election during this year, it was that nil emergency nuVhfc demand the e:;orc. so of tin- enthuvin-m and the energy "-villi tt-hioh the campaign for reform was conducted Inst year. .ITe iu-f;od that the organisation'should not hi/ allr.r.vcd to fall to niecas, flnd that \<> prevent tiro occurrence), and to maintain p-n----eriJ and act : vo interest in -politic.-;, e'oction coir.Tnitto.-n should toasfifute tl-.omwlr.y-. branches of !ho Political lictorm Lc-ngiio. Our Vinegar Essence is nbso!n:."!y pure and r.V superior ilavwii-, r-njt:i!jjV-for tabic use :,:•■! )-ic';iiii._' punio :cs. A la 6d bottle uwihes a gallon of j.-ood rinei;ur. liw. and ;:••-: T- •■ *,'» 1 chi L. B. Jtttaoa, eJn-iiioi, 'i'haaiu. ...

'.Thero will Ik> an excursion tu Ti maru to-day from Mi. Somers.

W.iimale cxperien-ed a severe haiiatovm yesterday afternoon. A resident oc who recently went to tho North Isiand in s. ; an:'h of land, bought a farm near r n3 Kuiti. A very severe hailstorm visited Orton a thy ov two ago, and as h rei-ult a. gloat deal of da ma-go was -loue to cereal and root ciops. Harvesting is new well started in tho Tomr.ka district, hut it is difficult worlc in such erratij weather as is being experienced. Two big eels xrcro t-amiht ~n thi' Opihi this" week, ono weighing ii&lhs. and the other 831bs. Offi-o care and worries are quickly re] end by a dose of Steams' Wine of Cod Liver Extract. It soothes and quiets tho nerves and clears thai: sun... Thero appears to he a fairly pood demand tor new wheat. A lino of about 10,000' bushels was sold oi £<-iitil Canterbury this week at 3s *id delivered Timaru. Tho cutting up of tho Conical H.lls ost.ite, KontliianJ, by Government survoyora is nearly completed, and the ballot will nrohabiy bo held in M.irch. There aro record entries for the Fielding Show, tho increases le,i:g particularly in tho horse, cattle and sheej> classes. The- entries number 1600, compared with 1200 la-st year. Opossums havo multiplied 10 such an extant' on Stewart island as to have become a nuisance. They ore working havoc in the gardens, and settlers advocate that a general si ooting of tho marsupials shotiid b.j permitted as a remedy for tho nu'-sa'ai'e. A Press message from Invercurgill states that wool buyers have been active in tho country districts during tho past fortnight, and up to one shilling is reported to have been pud in several instances. "From what I know cf tho political situation," said Mr D. McLaren at tho Labour party's organisation meeting the othor evening, "1 believe tliat our party holds tho balance of power, btifc I would far rather see it hold tho power than tho balance." At tho Oamaru picnic ■'-osWd.rv Councillor SaUoriAwait-e upheld the honour and dignity of the Borough Council by winning the men's raeo It is understood that :he time for the distance 75 yards established a now record fcr the Dominion. Travellers who sleep continually in strange beds should o.uvv a tin of '■Mortem" with them to dust iMtween tho sheets bolero rttiriiig, end >o rvoid wakeful nights in search of tho nr.'i-a-vntipr; flea. Prieo Is tin at grocers, "noiosal© from J. B. Hart and Co , Christchurch... ..i» f °fiT - of th<s Christmas number ef Jiie Wooa," an illustrated weoklv Published in Toronto. Canadi <:u.,e to hand yesterday. It is oi sui-p.tssi.ig nierit by reason of the escelleneo of us lhuKtnitions, many of whioh .ire beautUullv coloured, and tho va>t tund of interesting information which is given. A quarrel has arisen betiraen the Blenheim morcliaDts :uid the agriculturist, of Marlborough. It ia alleged that the former organised a ring to boycott outsido bnyer3. ChafFcutters n-er 0 warned not to cut for outsidors at tho penalty of no work from local iirms. The prices of cutting has been Kirjotl to 10s Cd a ton, on advance of oS t)d. ibis advance is returned to local firms, but not to farmers and outside buy,-:r3. A meeting of farmers' Union will be held on i'ebruary 3rd to consider the situation.

• T m? hoMn-y passed off very quietly in Timaru yesterday. The town" bore a faunday appearance, the shwos and other business places beiim closed. A great many people went out of town to spend the day, thero being no local jixtnrea. Caroline Bay was very Jargely .patronised until about 3 o'clock in the afternoon, when tho l-u-dit warm sun wliich had prevailed np to that time £a .vo place to a cold southerly buster which quite spoiled tho bathing thore, for the reist of the day. There were in Timaru Testerday on business ooriae'.'ted „- it h t ho i'rimitivo Motluxhst Church tho Revs. G. Kao«- /«- .n? llth (Diuiedm). and J. Dc-w (Wellington) and Messrs John G<Jdie (Auckland) and T. Lill (Ashburtm). Ihcso ministers and lavmen, who cemPnss.the committee appointed bv the (Primitive Methodist Confersn-ie to deal with the matter.met the Rev. J i'-eatberston and representatives of the local church, but the result of their deliberations are cot as yet lor publication. , One of our chief joys in life is be. mg able to do full justice to a good hour later. Good digestion is aometl^ g ~ to h 1 th ?»W"J for, and those who are not so blest can find a ready relief and cure in Maleolmson's wel". known Indigestion and Liver Cure. Sold only at the Central Pharmacy by It. G. Malcolmson... There was a brier sitting of tho Mug.stratc's Court before Mr V. G. Djy, b.M., yesterday. William' Hiluury, arrested on wan-ant at Foxto:i, and crjeorted to Timaru, was charged with failing to make provision ior his illegitmato child, the mother being a resident of Timaru He was remanded to apjieai- oii Thursday next. Luke McCran. for drunkenness, was 10s, in default 43 hours' imprisonment. As there is a warrant of 'commitment iigains.-t MCran for a. previous line, he will havo two sentences to servo. With the approach of the pickling season a steady demand has set m lor Baxter's Vinegar .essence, being prepared from tne very purest mat-er.als and possessing that aroma and flavoiuwhicb denotes good quality, it is unoquulkd for table or pickling purposes. Price is Bel per bottle, .Baxter's Pharmacies, Timaru and Fairlio... With this paper is issueu a catalogue of bargains from W. Sti-a-uve and Co., Ltd., of Christchuivh, who eotntnem-o their greet j-'alo of s'lmner i-ieilci on Tucv.diiy next. Pm-tieul irs i'i the tjio-ial ai i-angenients wh.i-li have been mads for those Miio live at a. distance to be personally represenred at the b.i..'g: i .'n couatois !?y an rxpert buyer ivlien tho siilu opens, -'to given on page Si! of this catalogue, and yjiouid prove of c-iti-oriio interest to Timaru residents... A sale i.3 p. sale, and Thomson's must be attentive in more ways than <-n.. liarvo:--,fcrs' rugs 2 3 3d, I itliu.g cap-; jlj.ld, 8-j pieces stumped liut-n ..'iirk, "id up to 2s 3d, sciu-j of ihem 's lid, 5s Gel value. Matrons silk lieUo, leui; than half mice, Od to -?s Cd, but new goods. Stole Ends. fosca nets, donbla width, Is ijhl. jlotor i-ilbs. g.ey, et?. O.kl. 'Varsity cloth .or boyc. suits, fijd. Real Valctta j'ans, 2s 9d to 7s Gd. More ;bu;n-.!s; more- towels for the bench rh'nobittes, preposterous prices, but refer you tr, top lne All new stuff P-easo remembni-. Give-away mi ■&•?, but wo never exaggerate—Bad j jli^y... These, celebrated Egg Julep Shampoo I oivcicrs are just delightful to use this Y<';thcv. Ihcrc is nothing rr.oro -e- - a _ geed shampoo, and ,- !i '? K ""tiling frees the scalp from 1 iiiuri-.r quicker. Price threepence .-■. jia-.-M't. tivw packet;; one ■;. ii ■i-fer's Pjiarma.ica, Timaru Mid

A wool sale will be hold at Invereargill to-day, for which between fifteen and sixteen thousand bales have ueen entered.

Some harvesters who eamo up to Timaru from the south yesterday to loo* for harverting work ca.l.d at the. ottoo of tlus paper last night in on irate frame of mind. They stated that 20 of them had come up m response to an advertisement in i'ne "Ota-go Daily Tiroes" only to find when they arrived here tli'at ".io harvesting work is yet available nnd is not likely to hj for some little t mo. Tney considered it up-fair that they ahnuld he thus indr.r-ed to waste their iimo and money. They knew of 40 others who intended to come up tn(iiiy and they would he similarly "had." On enpuiring from tho agent in Timaru who adr.-rfcised To- harireeters the men say they were told that ho had names of 80 men on his Ixioks awaiting harvest work, and he expressed regret that ho could offer them none, at the same t'mo i>dvi--ing that if they went to Pleasant Point th»v would hare a better chan-© of getfng work as seme harvesting w.'is going on there. The men. however, were not taking fmther riskq.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XCIV, Issue 14657, 26 January 1912, Page 5

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TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume XCIV, Issue 14657, 26 January 1912, Page 5

TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume XCIV, Issue 14657, 26 January 1912, Page 5