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Last night's weather repor and torecast:— * 4 Rain h'as fallen in many parts of the countryj and freshes are reported in_the rivers on the West Coast of the North Island. Moderate to strong northerly winds have prevailed northward of Westport and Kaikoura, and strong westerlies changing to souther lies elsewhere, but with decreasing force. Present indications are for cloudy and changeable weather, with rain in many parts. Moderate to strong westerly and southerly' wvds "RiU probably prevail. The barometric pressure is unsteady, but probably rising in the south and elsewhere "after ten to sixteen hours." The following towns in New Zealand, in addition to the four cities, enjoy the advantage of an all-night ' telephone service:—rNaper, Wanganni, XnveroargQl, Palmerston North. Hasting and Masterton. A day or two ago a house on Waiiti road was entered and a sum of £8 stolen.* It is stated that, owing to the longcontinued spell of dry weather it may be found necessary to suspend operations at the Smithfield Freezing Works, owing to the. water supply at the works running short. , Several local doer-stalkers are preparing to go south for the season which opens on the first of next month. Regulations for deer shooting in the Wai-taki-W aimate acclimatisation district are gazetted. Red deer stags may be taken or killed within the district specified ' from the Ist day of April, 1911, i to the 20th day of May, 1911 (both days inclusive). The proclamation bringing the new defence scheme into practical existence wul bo made on April 3rd, when it will be compulsory for every voung man between 18 and 21 to" register. Existing members of the forces over 21, will require to re-register, and as far as possible they will bo allowed to join the particular branch in wlieh "they wish to serve. Speaking of the Mackenzie runs yesterday, the Hen. J. Anstev said that ho would, be in favour of allowing tho present holders of runs secured at the ballot, to sell at once (if they desired to do so) on ono condition, nanielv thax they sold to a. tenant who would undertake to reside on his holding. _ James* Foot Powder a cooling hoaling and antiseptic Dowdor for th-e f-ec. It -checks excessive perspiration and destroys offensive odours. Sh::k-* a lit:!e into your shoos in the int>n>:n<' and have easy, comfortable feet ai! Price 1b from L. B. James, D!spet«*iu * Chemist, Timaru. ' • - * «* "The Government has granted £75 towards tho Waimate King Edward memorial. As the public has subu-ribetl the £4OO necessary to conroleto the rotunda, this sum will be used to provide se;ats and pathways in Seddou Square, where the rotunda has been erected. That- extremely simple invention Irdia- Rubber Tips to pe.aciJs, ia the patentee £20.0u0 per annum: whilst- the more complicated sewing machine enabled Singer to leave his heirs -£*3.000,000. There are many ether examples of enormous fortune? made by successful inventors, who had the sagacity to fully protect their kirns. For fall and reliable :ulvico in matters relating to patrnts and trad» % marks, consult Baldwin and Ravward. Auckland, Christchurcb. and Duuedia.

A largo number of enumerators are now engaged iu this dislr-ct delivering tho census papers. It is expected that the Hon. D. Buddo, Minister for Internal Affairs, will visit \Yainiate early in April . A meeting is convened by Mr W. 1). Stowell, to be held at the library nail at S p.m. on Saturday, to consider tho formation of a dancing class for St Andrews. The Geraldino Starr-Bowket Building Sceoty held its annual meeting on Monday evening. The report showed that during tho year £9OO was loaned to member*. Notice is given to-day that all tbo Borr.ugh Heenses expire with th ; s month , and appTlcaCTons for reeyals must be lodged at the Council office on or before that date. The Oamaru "Mail" has ascertained the name of the grub that has done a great deal of damage to the potato crops of North Otago—*'Lita scanella." This, docs not go far towards getting rid of the post, or pre- . venting its migration. j At the Waimate Police Court yesterday (Wednesday) before Messrs Fran- ! cis and J. Black J.P's John McDonald ( was charged with drunkenness, using i obscene language, and oommittig an indecent act at Glenavy. ' Accused (''or I whom Mr Perry appeared) pleaded guilty and was lined os, £2, and £3, , on the three charges respectively, *.\ith • total costs of £2 17s. | There is *v gold rush of no fimnll j dimensions on near Murchison ; at preseur. according to the Nelson ; "Evening Mail", It is stated that some excellent finds have been obtained. A trouble to contend with is the lack of water in the v cinity. A wire ' has been fixed up, and bags full of likely looking earth are sent down. A general average is said to be os worth j of gold in a sack. | The chairman of tho Wellington ! Referees' Association (Mr D.McKenr.el j raised a smile at the annual meeting 1 when he said:—"We have heard a lob lately about tho amateur and professional games, but I contend that the referee is the purest amateur there is in connection with football. They give medals for the best backs or forwards, but never in your life do you hear of a medal being handed to a referee for services renderd." Tho count in the election of two representatives of the Post and Telegraph Department upon the Public Service Superannuation Board was concluded at Wellington yesterday, the result being as follows Herbert A. R .Huggins 2370, Arthur T. Markmann 2211 (elected),. William - MeNnickle 1471, William R. Thomson 519, informal 7 Messrs H'ggius and McNickle were members of the first elected Superanuation Board. The annual picuio excursion of tho Pareora freezing works is to bo held at Temuka on Monday-next. The special train will leave" St. Andrews at 8 a.m., Pareora 8.15, Normanby 8.20, Timaru 8.40, arriving at Temuka at 9.10 # and it will leave Temuka at 6 p.m. Tho fares will'be 2s' 6d for adults, and Is 3d for children. A meeting of the Loyal Juvenile Lodge of Oddfellows M.TJ. was held last evening. It being quarter night' a large number of members attended and the N.G., Bro. Davie, presided, A committee was appointed to make arrangements for an open night to .be held in the near future. One new member was initiated. A fair amount of correspondence was dealt with. A large number of members is requested for next lodge when an important proposal will be brought before the lodge. The receipts for the evening amounted to £6 7s 7d, and accounts for £5 17s were passed. A somewhat unusual application came before his'honour Mr Justice Williams at Duqedin yesterday, due to a curious in the will of Bridget Elizabeth McCredie,a widow. The will contained a clause bequeathing all 1 her household effects and goods pleasing to women to a grand-daughter named Mary Brown of Mataura. The evidence showed that there are thr*?e grand-daughters named Brown at Mataura, but not one Mary BrOwn, .md no one of the Browns was known as "Mary" It was-stated also that "next-of-kin RichartT Howard, was wandering aiout Australia. An order made that the legacy to Mary Brown lapsed through uncertainty and that inquiries bo made for the next-of-kin. The new corps formed in Oamaru in connection with the reorganisation of the Territorial forces—th® § Otago Mounted Brigade Communication Corps —has been very successful in recruiting; so far over forty young men between the ages of 18 and 21" having enrolled, leaving less than ten to come forward to make the full strength. Mr A. S. Adams, of Dunedin, in an address on the recent Licensing Act, said it is the most important forward step in the direction of reform secured from legislation for the last seventeen years. It- gives us an opportunity which is unparalleled in the annals of English-speaking communities. We have a chance at tho next poll to carry, if the people will it. the great issue or national prohibition and of testing once for all the truth of principles we have been advocating so long. A harvest thanksgiving service was held in St. Andrews Church on Sunday evening. The church was very beautifully decorated by Mrs H'awkes, Misses Shave, Nichoiis, D. Huwke, and *ll. Hubbard, who bestowed a * great- deal of thought and pains on tiieir work, and the pleasing elfect produced by their efforts was very.much admired. The building was; crowded, and the service most hearty and bright throughout The choir, under the direction i o? Mr Proudlock. the organist and ■ choirmaster, rendered the musical portion of the service with excellent taste. Th(- harvest anthemu, "The Earth :s the Lord's" was also well rendered. The vicar, the Rev. L. C-arsley Brady, | preached an appropriate sermon from j the text, Gal. vi" 7. j Cocoanut Oil is fast becoming a popular hair food, but many of the oils offered are much too rancid for this purpose. We have just imported a very superior cocoanut oil which we • nre selling m sixpenny nnd one shilling ' pots- a line we can recommend. Paxj ter's Pharmacies, Timaru and Fairlie. ... ; Given line weather this afternoon and ; this oxeniug. there promises to be a | vc-ty attractive gathering at the resid- | eiiw of Mrs b. . Suiitusou, when the j liUiaru MariiiL' iiaud will hold a garden j party. i,iuoorate arrangements have : lmade tor the tuuctiun, and there • un! bo a number or items calculated to j please the public; taste. Jt- is weil j Known that the Mamie J3and never do ; tilings by halves, and to-day this is to •; b; demonstrated once more. Among • other attractions will be displays by : members ot St. .John Ambulance* gym- : nastic displays bv St. Mary's ioimg | Men's Society, Highland dancing bv a number of professional dancers, fancy : marches by little girls, a Boy Scouts' display, a competition in decorated vehicles, a baby show, and there will also be work, lolly and fruit, and fancy stalls. Afternoon tea will be provided, and then- will he no Jack of music-', brass or pipe. The party will open at two this afternoon, and will I ho continued at « o'clock this evening. : Among the attractions for to-night will i hi- dancing on the lawns. There will be ;j a procession this evening from the : Bank of Xow Zealand corner to the . grounds, tho Pipe and Marine Bands. the Boy Scouts, and the Ambulance Bri- : srade leading *,his

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Timaru Herald, Volume XCIV, Issue 14400, 23 March 1911, Page 5

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XCIV, Issue 14400, 23 March 1911, Page 5

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XCIV, Issue 14400, 23 March 1911, Page 5