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SATISFACTORY PRICES. The third wool sale of the season was held in Timaru yesterday, when better prices than anticipated were realised. The sale lasted just three hours—from y till uoon. In all, 6200 bales were offered, and or the total offering about 15 per cent- was passed ill Jit auction, though a good many bales were afterwards made privately. lhe usual buyers were in attendance except those representing two of the big woollen mills of tlie Dominion. ii l © sale was a long way better than it was expected it would be. Bidding vas brisk—as brisk as at any sal© of the season up to the reduced limits cf the buyers. There was very little isally first-class wool in, and so far as superior wool is concerned comparisons with last sale can hardly be made. Speaking generally, it may be said that compared with the previous sale lleece woof showed a drop of id to anJ * pieces about Id to lid. The sale was a somewhat erratic one, judging by the prices paid for various lots. In some cases the dearest wools ~oiujht were those which fetched the lowest prices, and strange to say pieces m some instances brought as nuon ?s fleece wool- In one half-bred c?:p the pieces and the fleeces brought the game, namely, BJd. The classing this time was fairly good, and ieft little room for fault finding, while the intcrlotting, which "was dono on a fiu?ly extensive scale, apparently fynrked cut verv satisfactorily to all parties* A drop of 2d per lb on merino wool was attributed to the absence of buyers from some of the big mills of -the Dominion which were competing earlier in the season, these buyers being r.ble tc fill their requirements nearer home. Among the wool sold yesterday was gome which had been held over from the previous sale, and it brought $d per lb less than was offered f*r »t Vcfore. Hie general range of prices } eaterday was as follows: Good half-bred. to 11-jfd. Medium half-bred, to Inferior half-bred, 6sd to Bd. Crossbred —very little offering. No ■uper. Medium crossbred, to BJd. Inferior crossbred, »sjjd to 62d. Three-quarterbred. Sjd to 9id. Medium 2-hred, 7d to Bid. Inferior s-bred, 6d to 62d. Merino, 7£d to 9\d. Half-bred Ist pieces, 7sd Jtto 95. 3-bred Ist pieces, 6id to 7sd. 2-bred 2nd pieces, 5d to 6d. Bellies, sid to 7d. Locks, *22 d to 4d. X.M. AND A. COMPANYThe X.M. and A. Co. of Neir Zealand. Ltd.. report on the third sate of the season held yesterday as follows: A total offering of G2OO bales "*yas submitted by tlie joint brokers, being 1420 bales "more than at the • corresponding sale of last year. There ivas a good attendance of buyers and competition ivas fairly keen, prices showing ■ a slight advance on the more recentsales" in New Zealand, although as compared with our second sale a decline of from to Id per lb may be recorded on practically all classes, and in a few instances rather more. The follow-in:: are our principal sales: — Halfhred —MH. 6 b.iles at Sd. 9W, 6 at 9id. PX. 2 at Hid. AVS. 5 at 9id. over V..T. 3 at Sd. Glerilos*an, 9 at 9H. P.ncklands. 4 at 9}d. TienHill, 8 at ICHd and 7 at lOd. St. Elmo, 5 at DJd. Otaio Gorge. B at 9}d. 5 at 9d. 6 ft Sid. "WnHiao Dotms, 14 9Jd. ET, 3 at B*d. SV, 3 at BJd.

C-DT conj., 3 at 7Jd. Hazelburn, 3 at 10d. ileikleburn, 11 at 9Jd. 31r, Opuha Gorge, 3 at Sd. DK, 5 at BJd. Siberia, 5 at. tfjd. I, 12 at> Bd, 4 at JMerino—Otuio Gorge, 4 bales at 9d. 2 at 9d. I, 8 at S^d. Tlireequarterbred—HY over —> 5 8? 4 d. FG, over —, 3 at Bd. 9W, 4 at JB conj., 4 at 7Jd. X 7, 8 at Sd. \VS, 5 at Bid. T, 4 at 7i<l. Gleniogan, 14 at Bid, 4 at 7£d. Rocklands, 6 at Bd. C Diamond over 3 at 7), d. St. Elmo, 3 at W4, li at" 62d. 66, 9 at Bi<3. 2M over —, 5. at 7Jd. "Wailiao Downs, 30 at Sid, 4 at 73d. 6C. 7 at 7d. BJ, o at Bid. BT, 10 at Bd. HR, 4 at 72d. .T., 3 at Sd. SV, 4 at 72d. CDT conj., 5 at 7£d. Cora Linn, 3 at 9d. Jleikleburn, 5 a-t B}<l. 7D,' 3 at 7sd. MP Riversade, 25 at B.{d. over T*J, 8 at Bsd. HS, 3 at Bd. over K, 3 at Bd. HB. 3 at 7sd. Opuha Gorp:e, 4 at 7£d. 9G, 3 at 7|d. J over T, 3 at Bsd. LO over —, 5 at 7^d. Crossbrod—7H, 3 bales at 7sd. over EG, 4 at 7id. PX, 4 at 7sd. T» 9 at 7d. 08, 3 at 7d. View Hill, 4 at 83d. JC over —, 4 at 6*d. ?, 3 at 6Jd. "Wailiao Downs, 5 at 7Jd. XB, 5 at 72d. ET, G at 7*d, 3 at 7d SV, 7 at 72d, 4 at 7d. over VJ, 3 at 7*d. HS, 5 at 7*d. HB, 3 at 7*d. JGM, 10 at 7d. Mansfield, 8 at B*d, P2. 6 at 7|d. Sandv and Matted —Waibao Downs, 7 bales at 62d. Hazelburn. 4 at 7d. Various, 8 at 7d, 7 at 6Jd. Cotted —Cora Linn, 5 nt 7£d. Various, 11 at 6fd. Black — Vnr/vns, 3 at 7d. Bellies pud Pieces —Glelogan. 5 "bales at 6}d. Rocklonds, 3 at 6Jd. View Hill. 5 at 7Jd. Otnio Gorc;e. 4 at 7sd. T\*nihao Downs, 6 at 6tUl. ET. 3 at •sjd. Hnzelburn. 8 at 54d. Meikkvbur'n, 6 at 6Xd. Riverside, 4 at sid. over VJ. 3 at s*d. Otmha Gorge, 7 nt 7d. 9G. 3 at 6Jd Vnrious. 9 r.t Jssd. 14 at fiiberia, 3 at 6d. I, 7 nt 6?d,,4 nt QJd. toc!re—Crn : jrmore, 5 bales at 3fd. Vanous, 5 at 3*d, 4 at 3d. . xV.Z.L.M.A, COMPAOT. The Zealajxd Loan and Mercantile Agency -Company Ltd., Tinuiru. report that at tlie third series of wcol sales held in the Theatre Royal, Timani" they offered a representative catalogue comprising 1068 bales. There was a fairly good attendance or buyers operating for Home manufacturers, the Continent, Dominion, woollen mills, and the local fellmongers and scourers. There was no demand for America, hardly any of the lots offered at tliis sale being light enough in condition for the "United States requirements. The continental section of buyers was much more restricted in its bidding, and their limits had evidently been considerably reduced since the last series of Timaru sales, Tlie Dominion "Woollen Mills were active buyers of lots suited for their requirements. while the Home buyers were active bidders for crossbred wools at a decline of about 10 per cent, on last sales' rates. The condition of most of the wool offered was unsatisfactory. being Tather heavy in grease, -dingy in appearance, and in many cases lacking strength" of staple. Several growers were not disposed to accept the lower range of prices offered by the buyers, and, as a consequence, a large proportion of the lots submitted. was passed in at the auction, our sales under the hammer totalling 330 "bales. Many of the larger clips passed in will be shinned to the Home .market "under owners' instructions. Onr more noteworthy sales were:— "Wairua—Halfbred hogget and ewe 9d, and crossbred hogget Bd. Station

Peaks—Cru s *bred, BJd. NJ\ Leicester hotels,' Sd. CVntrt>wot)il, clothing merino, lOd, luilfhned yiicrc.s. 0:1(1 :m<( locks 4jd. L(»S, I'lLrrequurtorhrcd ewes, 8}»1. Br;ioin;»r It, Jin If wi»frlii»r, !)Jd. < Vntrwoitfl. ■Tosshn'd wcthor, Our ran«2«* of prices os compared with IXv-oniW 1 !>](') salo was ;ts fol-f-mvß. The figures for aro given, in brackets:—Halfbred 7}d 1» 9*d (SJd to IHdi, threequortebrfd 7d f.n Bjd to !J3d), crossbred 6£d to 8-£ d (~i|d to pieces, od to 93<1 (&2d to lOdi, merino, 6sd to ICkl. GUINNESS AND LeCREN. Messrs Guinness and LeCren, Ltd., report that at the third wool sale of the series, bold in the Theatre Royal yesterday. There was a full board of buyers, and competition was spirited, much more so in fact than was anticipated, Continental and Bradford buyors bidding keenly for all suitable lots, while uoollen mills were also much in ovidence on wool suitable for their requirements. The wool in general was in heavy condition, a good deal of. it being shady and dingy. Prices realised were decidedly better than had been expected, and were, we consider, an improvement on those ruling at the recent sales in other centres. Most of the owners being prepared to accept a reduction in prices, the result was that wo made almost a complete clearance of our 'at.iloguc. A few of the most notable sales in our catalogue Tvere:— HALF BRED EWE. Mr F. V. Wain, Rockwood, .10 bales at 113 d. Mr H. L. Fenn, Grange Hill, 4 at lOid. Mr E. Harris, Chastleton, 8 at 101 d. Mr R. Anderson, 2 at IOJd. Mr .f. IBaxter, Moville, -1 at IGJd. 5 at lOd. Mr M. Lyons , 3 at IOJd. Mr .T. ! Bougliton, =JH eonj, 2 at lOd. Mr E. C. Stndholme, Bell over NVoiniatc, 33 at lOd. Mr .T. S. Moir-Byres, Kit- I byrno, 4 at lOd. ' I S-BRED EWE.—Mr F.- W. Wain, 8 j bales at IOJd. Mr C. M. Bui dor, i CMB, 2 at 9jd. Mr C. M. Anderson, | 2 at 8 at BJd (also 3 bales hogget at 83d). Mr H. L. .Fenn, 6 at 9d. Mr E. C. Studholme, G at 83d. Mr S. Higginhotliam, Cleveland, 4 at Bd. CROSSBRED.—Mr J. Baxter, 4 at 93d, 4 at Sd. Mr F. W. Wain. 10 e. at 9d, G li. at B£d. Hammond Bros., 4 at B}d. Mr C. M. Burdon, S e. at S-J-d. Mr ,T. S. Moir-Bvres, 6 e. at B}d, Mr O. V. Watkinson, Brinklands, 9 at Sid. Messrs D. and'L. J. Grant, 6 e. at Sd. Mrs A. Martin, JA conj. 4 e. at fid. PIECES.—Mr F. H. Smith, 3 bales necks at OJd. 6 Ist merino pes at B}d, 3 merino bellies at GUI, 4 merino locks at 4£d. Mr Car. Studholme, Kaiwarua, e.. 4 at BSd, £ and x-bd e, 4 at- Bd, 2nd *-br e, 10 at 7d ,2nd J and x-b e, 7 at 6£, §-b e bi>ls. 4 at 6£d. Mr E. Harris. Chastleton, 8 at BJd. Mr C. M. Anderson. 4 e at Sd, 3 h at 7*d. • Mr ff. L. Fenn, Ist pes, 6 at 8d Mr F. "W. Wain. Ist f-b e pes. o at- 7*d, Mr W. W. Lane, 10 at 7-\d. Mr E. C. Studholme, 4 at 7-sd. Mr J. S. Moir-Byres, 5 at 7sd. Mr R, Meredith, 7 at 73. CANTERBURY FARMERS' COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION. The Cauterbuiy Farmers' report on the tiiird >vool sale of the season. IJ-U----XVil as follows: — ' (inr catalogue contained 60* Daits, whicii were competed ior by a fun board of buyers, wlio thougii evidentiy ior most classes were operating at reduced limits compared witii last sales, yet evinced spirited bidding on most lots, and though from reports of other colonial sales prices were expecti ed to be down from to Id, yet ill | several instances on lots passed at last sale from 3d to Id was offered in advance. TMs showed more markedly on £ood threequarterbred lots. Our reclassed lots again met with, excellent competition, and we have not the slightest doubt that the system of reclassing in the interest of growers is far ahead of that of inter-lotting. Appended is a list of tile business transacted, "p" representing "passed." "N in O" is the brand of reclassed lots:— HALFBRED—WR under bar, 15 bales at 9d. Mir, 5 at SJd. Takeroa, 3 at 9d. E—. 4 at S£d. 2L, 6 p at 9Jd. Dalnaglar, 13 p at 9d. JJ, 5 at 9d. I in diamond, 7 p at Bj£d. CJ, 4 p at 9£d. KICK, o at 9Jd. K5, 3 at BJd. Maranui, 6 at 9Jd. 2W, 4 at 9d. Three dashes, S at 9Jd. SCC over —, 4 at 9d. ( over F, 5 at 9Jd. N in O (reclassed), 5 at BJd. Star lots—T over . in 0, 1 at 9}<3. DA over —, BJd. H 9, 2 p at 9d, 1 at GJd, 1 at IP, 2 at 9Jd. DB under —, 1 at 81d. Kipilow, 2 at Bid. A 5. Bi, 7.U1. THREEOXTARTER-BRED—JESI, 10 Dales at 74d. OH. 7 at 7}d. Lombiook, 3 at 8(1. AVA, 3 at 7jd. 3E, 4 at Sd. Si, 9 at Bd. 2L, H p at 7Jd. ZY rev.. 3 p at 7d Clifton, 8 at 9i<l. X bet, ( and —, 14 at Bd. IT, 9 p at Bd. JJ, 4 a t Bd. F\, 8 p at 73d. D\. 9 p at JJI over —, 4 p at 7Jd- Ko, 4 p at 6|d. Maranui, 3 p at Bd, 3 p at 7Jd. D, 12 p at Hohenfeldt. 4 p at Bd. EN conj., G p at 73d. DA. over —, 0 at 8.5 d. H 9, 3 p at 3Y. 3 ( F, 9 u Bid, 4 at Bd. 'i N ia 0 (reclasvSed), 5 at B£d, 6 at Sd. i Star lots FW conj., 2 p at 6a. J o T , er „ ' 8 = t I : , A - B. Jesmondene, 1 at bd, 3 at /Sd. A. 7Jd 3E 7-'< l J A over —, Bd. Jsf over 7d i 1 P a* BJd. X l.»et. ( and ac 6jd. Staple and bar, 1 at 7d IP 2 at Bd, 1 at 7Jd. DB - 7id Kipil! low, 2 at Bjd. Ao, 7id, 7d OROSSBJR.ED._MM, 7 bales at 7id TAKHtOA, 3 at 7Jd. 3Z, 3 p. at 7Jd! C LH TO!N, v at 73d. BALRUDDERY, 3 P- afc T ,'|<l» 2 p. at 7U\. OR. 3 at v-T-V - I '} V -, t ', onJ ' 5 at 7 i d - MARAJ ,T 'i > VJd - EOHENFELDT, 5 p. at S 4 d, 6 p. at 7jd. B in Angle. 4 at 0- ; 731 OVO W' 2 at 7d - KiPn,ow. - i I 'Sn 7 a t 63d. N in o, 0 at Bd, 10 at 7d. Star Lots.—Aß Jesmondeene, 2 at BJd. F3 over Hf c& 8 " d - TRIDENT, 7id| oil, /a. BI ? L ¥S?, AM) PIECES-WR under —, 4 at 6Jd. CLIFTON 7 , 3 at ojd. J £°l er M - D, 3 at 4Jd, 3 v - s} i HOHKNFELDT. 3 p. at 6d. N m 0 5 at C}d, 6 at 6Jd, 2 at 4}d, 1 at 63d. star Lots (single bales iinless otherwise stated).—Ko. 2 at sid. ANCHOR, - p. 23d, MARAXCT, HOHEN FELD'i", -i P " over —i V ! d. AV \ od. MEADOWBANK 2 it uj'd' KKK.oid AYR under-, 4d 2L, - ; 1 p. at 43d. 5C over V G o>-er ojd. CROS3fS \, P , a L oid " CLIFTON, Sid. , B ~j, sJd - Tln-ee dashes, 1 at 6Jd, 1 at Sd. AC under ), 0 p . at ss j^ L 0^ e L«i.lfd 63c1,2uds 3Jd - KjfIyATTKD CIjr'TON, 4 bales at 'jd. HOHE.NFELD'C, 3 n -,t 7'd N 111 O, 7 at 6jd. star Lots.—Aß, wr" 0 ?, ?" 5 ' Tn P 4 at 5Jd - 1 "t 6d, 1 locks 3Jd. IP, l s t 6|d, 1 at C{d. F under ), 6jd, 63d. anXED —RBH, 3 at 7*rt. JA over aw SKK'5 KK ' 3 ,lt B i d - meaDOA\ BANK, 6 p. at 63d. JO, 3 at 8-1 oO —, 4 at Bd. H 9, 9 p. at 7d. Trident, 4 at Bd. Star Lots.—K over j ). 1 ai 83. KTNGSBOROURH, 2 at <dd 1 at 4Jd KKK, 7d. AVE under 0 5«- C-f over 1 at B}d, 1 i* Tj . 5 at 53d. 1 at GJd. B. LEICESTER.— HOHENFELDT, 8 p. at 7Jd. JJI over —, 1 at 63d, 1 at Bsd. MERTNO.—Three dashes, 4 p. at Bjd, 1 nt 7§d. CLIFTOX, 2 at Sad. j

HAMS.—\ ill O, 2at CLIFTON. I ;it ti.,'d. UOIIEXI''ISr,DT, 1 'Sinclcs sold at '-'id, 3d.-to 3.', d; dead ami Mack at 5Jd and DALGETY AND CO. Da'gety and Co. report that at the uonl sain 6197 bales were offered, nrainst .1832 at the corresponding sale last vear. The total offerings to date show' a decline of about 30110 bales on list. ve;ir'B (inures. Ah at the previous sales, the condition «f tl.o wool compared unfavourably with 1009-1910, being heavy in grense. In sympathy with tlio priors wliioh have noon ruling at rocent sales in other centres, a drop of a penny per lb all round was gcncrnlly anticipated, and although December values wore not maintained, we can quote this salo at a decline of only U1 to 3d on previous quotations Our catalogue comprised l(>lu hales, and although we had no fancy lots wo made a satisfactory clearance at the following prices, viz. :-M™j. up to 10<1; i-brcdj up to IOJd ; 3-l)red crossbred, to Sd ; l-bred pieces, to BJd, laS); S™ r,°9d r§ jlf (0k lid); inferior do., 8d to Si' l a d to ■ super crossbred. 9}d (10d); medium S£ 8d to 9d \B4d to Hid) ; mdo., GJd to /t,d (G.j-d to S«) , super pieces, Sd to 83d (?d to 5 medium do.. Od to 7d ,*d to S3d); inferior do.. IJd to 5Jd (o.jd to <d). Prominent in our catalogue were the following halfbred clips viz.Manahuuo (Mr A. Dale), lOid (merino 10 c, Ist pieces Sid) :PH(Mr F barge.™ ), If). I .d : Abrams (Mr AV. Shiets), 10a , 8 under (Mr Horublow) OJd; 1R (Messrs Rudd Bros.), 9:(d; Kl' cm,.,. (Mr Inm.'m), 9Jd; 6 under (Mr McMillan), 9Jd ; Owersby (Mr A. Dixon), 9!d- Ryde (Mr ->as. Scott), 9Jd; Waimarie "(Miss Priest) 9id; ""''stlca (Messrs ICelcher Bros.), 9id; MB (Mr M. Bon-ker), 9Jd; Crnigicburn (Mr A. S. Smith), 9}d: OK conj (Mr b Waters), 9}d. Mr Rutherford s JSR clip of 200 bales, chiefly merino, sold as follows—Merino fleece, Od (offered) ; Ist pieces, Bijd; bellies, i id; Jocks, old; J-bred h. 9d; J-bred ewes (id. "The following are further details of the sale: — HALF-BRED. —Abrams, 3 bales at lOd. TA. 5 at 9d; Dunglass, 3 at BJd. DR in 4at B.}d. PH, 3at IOJd. Lamp post, 4 at Zt > G at BiLd. Hurstlea, 31 at 9d and 15 hgt. at 9id. NB conj., 7at 9id. llyde, 22 at 9Ad. Manalnine, 6 at 10id and 7 at IUJd. AVI over —, 7 at 9d.« over 6, o at 9sd. 1R over —, 6 at.92d. KJ, 3 at B£d. Otversby, 6 at 9jd. KG, 3 at 83d. Waimario, 9 at 9{d. Tc«kapOj 12 at 9d and 9 at B£d. Cniigioburn, 2 at 9id. Ill 1 conj. 5 at 9Ad. NP, 5 at 9£d. 8 over —, 3 at 9sd. OHE conj., 3at 9Jd. 4P, 5 at JSR, 10 at 9d.

THREEQUARTER-BRED4 over —, 10 bales at DR in circle, 14 at 7Ad. Dunglass, 8 at Scl. lieil,. 5 at Bd. Wailmorungaj 5 at Bd. 3Gr, 6 at 73d. PH, 7 at B£d. 2 before cross, 3 at 7fd. JM conj., 3 at Bd. PK, 4 at 7£d. VB, 4 at 7'id. U5, 4 at B|d. YE, 8 at Bd. Hurstloa, 18 afc Bd. WI over —, 8 at B£d. NIC ov-er f—, 6 at 7|d. IR over —, 3 at B}d. Pusey, 4 at Bjd-. Owersby, 8 at Sid, 15 at Bd. Craigeburn, 3 at B|d. NP, sat Bjd; Cin Triangle, 3at Bid .• Yuna, 3 at Bd. HL iia Square, 5 at Bd. CROSSBRED.—4 over —, 6 bales at 7sd. Abrams, 4at Bd. FA, 12 at 73d. Bell, 4at 7sd. "Waihaorunga, 4at Bd, 6at 7sd. 2 Cross, 4at B}d. over XA, 3at Bd, U5, 3at Bd. Hurstlea, Bat 7|d. Ryde, Bat 7sd. LR, 4at 7§d. MZ, 6at 7*d. KP con], 3 .at Bd. OHE conj, 3at 7£d. PlECES.—"Waihaorungn, 10 bales at 7d. Hurstloa, 18 at 7sd. JF, Bat Manahune, 4 at 83d. rWaimarie, sat B£d. Tekapo, 4at Bd. JR over —, 2 at JSR, 28 at 82d, 4 at 74d. MERlNO.—Manahuue, 4 bales at lOd, 3at 9£d. Tekapo, 46 at BJd, 17 at 73d. MS over —, ft at 93d. WB under —, 2nt Bsd. Hurstlea, 3at 73d, 6 at 7jd.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XCIV, Issue 14353, 27 January 1911, Page 6

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THE WOOL SALES. Timaru Herald, Volume XCIV, Issue 14353, 27 January 1911, Page 6

THE WOOL SALES. Timaru Herald, Volume XCIV, Issue 14353, 27 January 1911, Page 6