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H.v a compositor's c.rTor the n a raft of a young man charged with ail oft mice at the Ma'gisrate's Court on Saturday was made to appear as RayV r ' r " "" rfJ 'd Hespor ltnyner was the informant in the 0 ,a.50.

I lio liw. 1). C. Bates' weather sural'»'<!cast are as follows: I lie barometer Ml rapidly in the south on Saturday night, and '2<J.loin. was recorded at -I a.m. at the Bluff on Sunday, alter which pressure rapidly increased lor a time. Heavy westerly squalls were experienced, particularly in Cook and Foveaux Straits. A northwesterly ;j;ale and heavy rain have also been experienced to the farthest north oil Sunday night and on Monday morning. J'resent indications are l'or a lurther fall in the barometer. Northerly and westerly winds from strong to a !.'.ilc aro probable everywhere, and unsettled and cloudy weather with heavy ram ;g probable generally."

. Mr George Wright writes to say that in giving evidence in a civil ease at tho r' 1 n 1 '",!" s tWt last Wednesday, j w si mm that. ;m oinp!i,VHt3 of his iiamocl Dan .-mi had settled a contra account with defendant without the authority , l""isell, the plaintiff. He <lid not, lie says, state that Dawson had run up the account without his authority.

A farmer in this district the other day mixed from its usual place in the toul-hmisf! :i piece oF railway iron some iilu'on pounds in weight, which he used ■is an anvil. A little later he happened to l>e passing through the orchard where his new farm hand, an immip;i ant from London, was drawing water h'om a well. The anvil was in tho bucket to make it sink. So said the ne\7 chum.

r>i i Canterbury Motor-Cycling Club held an enjoyable run to'Wainiaf.e and back on Sunday, when some thirty-six motor cycles and two cars took part, this being tho opening expedition ol the season. At Waimate members lunched at the Royal Hotel at the invitation of Messrs Adams, Ltd., and in the afternoon went on through the Gorge to Arno. Tho Club's experts, Messrs Baker and Randrup, were kept busy on the trip home in attending to punctures.

Mr Buxton M.P. informs us that all the formalities in connection with the purchase of Mr Brookland's farm at Winchester under .the "Land Settlement. Finance Act 1909" are now completed, and the Order in Council will be gazetted on Thursday next. This is the first purchase in the South Island under this Act. The area purchased is about 400 acres and the Association is made up of the following members:—S. W. Trumper, junr., W. Guilford, W. T. Bill, Arthur Davey and George Duke.

Tlie little township of Waslidylce is steadily progressing, and the members of the school committee there are determined that it shall not lag behind in matters educational. A oommodiotia new brick school is at present in course of erection on an ideal site—high, dry, and sunny—and five acres of good land have been purchased for a playing proline!. A concert will be held in the old school on October 6th to obtain funds for prizes. A novel and varied programme of exceptional merit lias been arranged, and it is expected that sett-ers thronghnt the district will sup--1 port the concert by their presence, as loyally as in past years. The concert Will be followed by a dance. The Prime Minister let slip a sentence in the House on Friday evening that lias promoted a good deal of speculation (states a Parliamentary correspondent)'. He stated 111 the heat of debate that before the sessionwas over the Government would show in regard to 0110 matter that it was not afraid to go on with an enquiry whether the member who had brought up the subject liked it or not. The Prime Minister refuses to be further drawn, but Government members generally consider he had Mr Hine's charges relating to laud purchase transactions in his mind. On the other hand. Sir Joseph Ward may have been referring to the demand that further light should be thrown on the irregularities in the Taxing Department.

Washed rip BigK and dry on tho south beacli opposite the Otipua lagoon, is to lie seen a large piece of whalebone, somo three or four hundred pounds in -weight, and beached quite semblance to the baclc and shoulders of a man on a. large scale. A stroller along the beach yesterday afternoon was "attracted to the large white object just as three small la-ughing school boys were leaving it. They liad printerf in bold letters across what looks like a. broad pair of shoulders the name of a. well-known Timaru tradesman of burly dimensions. The little bit of pleasantry on the part of the boys was the more Tefresbintr in that they wrote the name and nothing more —quite unusual for the present day boy at large with a lead pencil.

Mr W. Noswortby, mombor for Ashburton, informed a representative of the' "Press'" that the gathering held by the Reform Party in Palmerston North recently was a very successful one. It was intended that this should be the forerunner of similar gatherings and that tho Opposition should initiate a much more active campaign than was carried on prior to the last election. He nnid a warm tribute of admiration to the Leader of the Opposition. After quietly observing tilings in the House, ho was of opinion that Mr Massey was the best all-round man there. He was a fighter, and the Party had every confidence in him as a leader. One tiling which struck him was the utter absence of discord. They pulled together in a solid team. With regard to the general prospects of tlie Opposition. lie considered that they were beter than they had ever been for twenty years, and that the next election would soe a great addition to its strength. Decaying teeth and consequently an unhealthy condition of the mouth ia the primary cause of a great deal of other ills. All that is necessary to prevent this is the daily use of Eukol Tooth Paste, with a reliable shilling tooth brush. You can get both from R. G. Malcolmson, Chemist... A WONDERFUL STORY CONCERNING A VALUABLE DISCOVERY. The possibilities are that you yourself may be in the same unfortunate condition as the lady who sent us the following letter, or perhaps you may have a relative or a friend who may be Buffering in the same way as our correspondent. Just think of the good you may do by pointing out this letter to them: — Dear Sirs, —My eyes were so inflamed and wealc that I could hardly see, and 1 had the advice of the leading doctors in Dunedin, and could get no relief. I, however, had a friend who brought me a pot of your Red Cross Ointment, which I am thankful to say v cured almost at once, and I have had no return of tho trouble, and that it over a year ago.—Yours, thankfully, Janet Si'rk, South Dunedin. This is one of thousands of similar testimonials which are received every day about Red Cress Ointment, The Mighty |'«

The Timaru High Schools reopen to3av.

The Postal Department- advises that the mail despatched from "Wellington via Brindisi on August 12 arrived at London on the afternon of the 17th inst.

Mr G. H. Mason supplies tlie following weather forecast: —Strong northwest winds may be expected on Tuesday. Rain is not probable within the next twenty-four hours.

The Mr Chisholm who spoke at- the the annual meeting of the C.F.C.A., on Saturday, was Mr J. Chisholm, farmer, of the Temuka district. This explanation is necessary owing to the fact that there is another Mr J. Chisholm in the district.

Nature's Embrocation Roeke's Eucalyptus Oil. The finest- that Australia produces. There's "something" distinctive about Roeke's.

During tlie absence of the Hon. G. Fowlds in South Africa his Ministerial duties will be shared hy the Hon. D. Buddo and tlie Hon. ~T. Mackenzie, Mr Bnddo taking the Department* of Education, Public Health and State Fire Insurance, and Mr Mackenzie that of Customs.

Signs of an early spring are evident In the Timaru Park jnst now. Winter's frosts and the cokl winds from the ranges have dealt leniently with the sprouting seeds, the flower beds are beginning to glow with brighter lines, and behind the pleasant grassy hillocks •the gree'n trees are snlashed with touches of yellow, where the wattle blooms wave against the tall pines and the spreading firs.

_ A word to the wisp is usual'.v sufficient. Many farmers in South Canterbury are at present wondering whether thev should go in for dairying, and "perhaps the following will assist them lo come to a decision:—The chairman of a meeting of dairy farmers at- Wondville stated that he commenced milking 12 vears ago with £25 of his own money tind borrowed the remainder at 10 per cent, to start his farm. To-day he *vas very thankful to say he was worth' -at least £3OOO-

To-day weather conditions being favourable, Alf. Birch, the well-known road-racing cyclist, will make an attempt to break the Christchurch-Dune-din record. Birch will be paced by motor cycles and will be accompanied by a motor car containing, with others, an official of the League of New Zealand Wheelmen. The best performance to date for the journey, although not an official one, stands to the credit of J. Arnst, whose time was 12 hours 21 minutes. . Birch will leave the ChristchnTch Post Office at 5 a.m., and average luck as regards punc- ? res ' , etc -' expects to reach Dunedin about between 4.30 and o p.m.

What a diffeerence in fen months. Ine wan and listless —now the verv picture of buoyant Lealth. "Wonderful Stearns ' Wine of Cod Liv «"

A V he annual general meeting of the /Waimataitai Wesley Tennis Club number of members were present. 11is following officers were elected for the season—President, ii n u "i Vice-President, Mr 'i\ ±i- Hokigate; Chairman, Rev. "W. J. inticoLt,- Secretary and Treasurer, Mr C. Nelson. Quite a number of new members were enrolled, and everything seems to augur well for a, successful geason. Thursday, October otli, was decided upon for the opening day. Th-j election of captain and vice-captain was deterred till a more representative meeting. Votes of thanks were nccorded to Mr and Mrs Tonkin for their Kindness during the past season, ami also to the retiring secretary and treasurer, Mr J, Parker.

•The proposed celebration, of DomiDay is the subject of the following telegram from Sir J. G. Ward to the Timaru Borough Council:—"lt is proposed to celebrate the anniversary of Dominion Day on Monday, 26th :nst. by having a parade of the Territorials in the various towns and. districts from a given point through the princinal streets. I should be g'ad if vou could Bee your wav to confer with the officer commanding the troops in your district m regard to the contemplated turnout cf .the Territorials. ; All Government buildings are to display their bunting curing the day, and if citizens would do likewise, where possible, it \ ould enhance the interest of the occasion. I lave requested the officer commanding tae Territorials in your town to see you Sin the matter."-

Oh, For a Camera? Whenever you Say it, whenever you hear it, think of a Kodak. It's the Camera of Cameras, for the matchless joys of the great outdoors. It means picture taking under all circumstances with the greatest convenience. No dark room required Svhen yon use a Kodak; it's davlight all the way. Kodak Depots, "Baxter's rnarmacies, Timaru and Fairlie. ...


There is bo medicine so strono-lv recommended for tlie cure of the disease T? TFTFTTVrn mP i < + IXS c o m P°«nding as ■KJAJiUMO. At your own doors there are scores of people willing and to testify to its efficiency. °Everv year in New Zealand hundreds of hard-earn-ed sovereigns are spent on useless pills and liniments by people suufferinn- from Rheumatism, Gout, Sciatica, Rheumatic Gout, or Lumbago. Their monev is siply thrown away because these socalled cures cannot possibly exoel from the system the excess Uric acid—which is the cause of the trouble. RHEUMO is the only medicine that will accomplish this quickly and effectually. Mr W. James, Propretor of the Terminus Hotel, Christchurch, relates bis interesting experience:—

"I suffered very greatly from Rheumatic Gout for quite FOURTEEN YEARS and tried almost every remedy suggested by my friends and medical practitioners, but with very little relief. About three Tears ago I was strongly advised to try RHETTMO. I did so and with, a greatest satisfaction. I have a little twinge now and then, but a dose or two of RHEUMO puts Cie right at once." NEEDED EVERY DAT. A good liniment, and one tLat can always bo relied upon, is nowhere more appreciated "tlian in the country. Scarcely a week passes but some member of the family has need <-f it. Chamberlain's Pain Balm is more v'dely known than any liniments for cuts, burns and sprains, and it Tiot only gives relief but heals the wound m about one third the time equirsd by nov other treatment. The 2rent, power Chamberlain's Pain Balm has over pain is shown in the relief it iffords in cases of acute and inflammatory rheumatism. Chamberlain's Pain li&lm ia also an antiseptic. Sold nverywh^re... Pianos, Pianos, Pianos. The Dresden Piano Company, Ltd., beg to announce to the general public of Tfmaru and the surrounding district that they have just opened up an entirely new stock of pianos. Our hiirh grade instruments, include John Broadwood and Son, Colinrd and Collard, the most famous of British makers. the best that money can buy; also the Ronish. Linp and Sohn. Koch and Sohn. Bohm, besides other celebrated makers. We give you a ten years' warranty with an instrument you choose: we also give you tlie right of exchanging if you are not perfectly satisfied. You are on a good sound wicket when buyinrr vour piano or organ from this well known and up-to-firm. Red X Tooth Powder can be obtained from L. B. James, ChemistECimaru, Price Is 6d^

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 14302, 20 September 1910, Page 4

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 14302, 20 September 1910, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 14302, 20 September 1910, Page 4