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The Greymonth Imr, which liskl been in bad condition and hampering shipping for some weeks, wms well cleaied b.v ;i fresh in the i'ivit <m Sundiiy. Mr Slowoy, cent raetnr I'.ir the new wharf, is milking good progress wit!l the work, llii! end of which is now in sight, us the last pile has been driven. During the niontli <,l' ."lulv the "Wellington City Council snld eloctricitv to the amount of CIS,881). Deducting expenses, interest, .sinking fund and depreciation, the sale (7(J7,52:j units) gave a profit of .to 104. ! A Mr Gill has made a monoplane at Dtiuediu. lie .started out for a. trial a day or two ago, and when tho six men holding it hack iet go it bounded . forward. Mr Gill immediately stopped, as he saw that the propeller was puling the motor oil' its bed. "Surely it is driving the fresh air theory to death," said a delegnle from a country committee at tho Hoard of .Kducatiim's mieoting yestrrd.ay, in making reference to a certain school building that had been built, mi lie Biiid, nearly as high as it was long. The remark raised a hearty laugh amongst, miembers, despite the doputafcionist'a stern sincerity. At the Magistrate's Court yesterday | before Mr V." G. Day. S.M., two first \ oli'enders fer drunkenness were dealt ! with. Joseph. Fleming, who had been j twice convicted previously within the, I last six months, was lined £l, ill do fault a fortnight's imprisonment. A first offender was lined ss, in default ; 2-1 hours' imprisonment. Both elect- . ed to "take it out." j The north-end septic, tank is at pre- | Kent being cleaned out. Tho shingle ' at the outfall pipes lias accumulated : sitico the tank was built, with the re- I suit that it blocks the mouth of the outlet pipe to some extent, and with a view to remedy this the pipe is to be extended into deeper water where j it will be clear of shingle. I The legal standard of quality for j milk offered for sale would seem to bo : defective. At Oamani on Monday iwo ' milk vendors were prosecuted for sell- j ing milk containing less than the cor- I feet percentage of non-fatty solids. The | analysis showed tin's, but it also show- ; ed an excess of fatty sohds. so that the i two together exceeded the standard total. The Magistrate convicted, but ', imposed no penalty. i Tho "blight" of Taranaki is with us | as with the, rest of the province (writes; a correspondent of the "Daily News"). I mean the constant moving about of , settlers. One cannot blame settlers for , trying to improve their positions, still ■ there is no question that Taranaki will ; never be the' country that I'rovidem -o '• intended until we get a lot of men on i the land who are making homes for j themselves and those who come after i

A testimony read at yesterday's meeting of the Education Board was couched in terms so eompliinontaiy that more than one member smiled in a suggestive manner. The teacher, said tlie reference in one place, was of an even uncomplaining temper and j had made herself beloved by evcrv i child in the school. The Inspector how"- I ever, allayed any doubts by remarking; ! that he had known a few chairmen;? ; . statements about teachers to be highflown, but the- present one. was certainly true. The term Magazine of the Timartt Boys' High School is now being dis- i tributcd. Externally it has been much ! improved in appearance by the adoption of a new design for tilt* cover and I a now title—"The Timaruvian." Tho ; decorations are a good photgraph of the front of the school (from the girls' ground!) and the school "arms." The magazine has qnito a company of editors, mid as they publish (and gave a prize for) some fault finding with their past work, this, may he taken a.s an indication of a determination to do better in tho selection of material, and thorn are proofs of it in this number. Among the now lines of material is a first instalment of notes by Mr Johnson, on his recent trip to America. Tho Hunter bachelors held their annual ball in. the, Library Hull ou Eri-

day 19th, when there was a. very I largo attendance, friends beiut present j from all parte of the district. About '.. 40 couples took part in the grand j march, which, was led by the secretary, j Mr K. Mercer, and Miss Squire. Music was supplied by Miss Stanley (piano), Mr F. Stanley (piccolo), assisted by Mr C. Stanley and Mr J. Gill (violins), and was all that could ! be desired. The hall was very nicely j decorated with ferns, etc., and the j lloor was in excellent order. Early ; in the evening delicious fruit salad wa.s i handed round and supper was served , at 11.30 p.m., and another at '2 a.m. j .Dancing was kept going till 3 a.m., ; when the gathering broke up with Hiree cheers for the bachelors. At the Magistrate's Court, Teniuka, yesterday, some civil cases came before Mr V. G. Day., S.M. Judgment by default was given in two undefended case.*} —Jno. Cross- (Mr Aspinal) V. Win. Hudson £1 l'3.s and costs ss; and A. Gabites v. Jno. Eraser 19s 9d and costs ss. Jno. W. .Miles sued Andrew Hamilton for £-1 I-Is. It appeared that the debt had been contracted by Mrs Hamilton before marriage, and the ease was adjourned till September SJOth, to see if a. compromise could be arranged. At a sitting of the Juvenile Court, two boys aged 11 and 13 respectively were, charged with the theft of £1 Bs, from a lady's handbag at the Parish Hall, on August oth. One was further charged with theft of a whip valued lis Gd, at tlie same date and place. Both boys pleaded guilty and after severely admonished bv the Magistrate were ordered to refund the amount etolen. , YOU SHOULD BEAR IN MIND That by using the commercial eucalyptus oil which is now bought up at Gd per lb weight and bottled, and on account of the large profit pushed, you are exposing yourelf to all the dangers to which the use of turpentine will expose you: irritation of kidneys, intestinal tract and mucous membranes. Hv insisting on the GENU]NIC SAXDEI't EUCALYPTI EXTRACT you not only avoid these piti'nlls, but you have a stimulating, safe and effective medicament, the result of a special and careful manufacture. A trial will at once convince. Quality in small dose distinguishes it from the bulky and dangerous products. Remember— SANDER'S EXTRACT embodies the result of oO years' experience and of special study, and it does what is promised; it Ilea Is and cures without injuring the const i tut ion, as the oils on the market frequently do. Therefore, protect yourself bv rejecting other brands. SANDER'S EXTRACT ,»-- sesiOfi curative powers peculiarly iits own, and it can be used with perfect safety internally and externally. ... INFLUENZA TN CFTRJSTOHURCH. Influenza is still raging in Christclmrch. many business houses being quite disorganised on account of the number o fclerks and assistants laid up with this malady. For those suffering with Influenza pains we give the following receipe:—Phenal 12 grain*, glycerine 1 ounce, po'-nermint water add to make (5 ounces. Take one tablespoonful every three hours. For the Bore throat and hacking cough w]:Hi follows Influenza we ••■:;n rcnm-winl nothing better than Baxter'* Lung Preserver,..

A sacred concert arranged by 'the Timai'U Marine Hand will be given in the Theatre on Sltndav next, the :28th insi. The full programme will be advertised later. A well-nLLeiided meeting of anglers who have huts on Ihe Omhi deserve, Mas le'l.l ill the Gro-vennr Hotel hisl. night, inmnrlanl bii-ni'->s being trniisaeled " in committee." A local auilioniy sunken to xesio,dsv on the. matter said thai he consider d that ropnri- to iheeli'ect, that I aimers were hanging on i- their potatoes were in some cases exaggerated, for he knew that ill several parts of this district there is a searcitv. During the pint few davs some holders have obtained as much as £7 Ids per ton I'.oh. in and local merehanis nre reliorled to be asking; equal io £8 IDs e.i.l'. Auckland for lines of high standard. An Aihiiry correspondent, writes-. — Alburv at i'he I,resent may be justly proud of itself, and especially of the vnitths who have upheld the honour ot ihe piaee ill the football lield. bv beating Cricklewood and Kairlie. and they are now possessors of tiie (lag, the more to their honour, as their only training was on the convincing ground where they won their laurels, and now the old men challenge (hem. The reus, thev call the.:i:--elycs. and 1 believe were very good in i heir day. This great event is coming oil' on Sojiemher ;trd, and it is interesting io see the old 'uns our in (■.••••lining. ! heard a. rumour that should ■iliev win, thev will challenge South Canterbury. Considerable discfnient is often expr.sscd when residents of a district find local bodies concerned taking practically mi advantage of Minis placed on the estimates for the progiess of necessary works. A cno in point way brought, up a! :,f.-.ierday's meeting of the Hoard of Kducaiiou in Timaru. "lieu a denote lien n-oia a .-oimtrv eom"l'ttee p led on! tliat for some time lucre hatl be: n £|in ~„ (1,., r -rnisjo-. lor the erection of a seho..l, ami that it would soon be taken oil' if not applied for. The chairman replied Inlaying (hat the Hoard before errefinea school had to consider mam- -; -how best to serve the inn-rests 'of t!ie young, and wheiiier the aiiend'"'ce would ,'iisiue the services of a suitable loa.dier. ~ A fd'ocia] summoned meeting 0 f Court Soufhern Cross, X„. ecl-C was heh. last ev,n,ng, Hro. Jas. Kmslie L.H. presiding. J] lo Woodwards reP'"'tc<l lour additions to the sick list, am-' that nine members had declared elf tlie funds of the Court. One candidate was initiated and two Were proposed i'l'ildnly approved. The fullowimr nominations for offices \,ero received(.l?.. W. Hogg; 5.C.1?.. Mm. Matheus: 1{,,, 5 . T . Chnigbtou ."'• "ud YV. J. Meilrov: T.Ti Hro J linker; S.V.. Hro. T. Arscoli ■ .)' \V liro. ('. I'earev: A.S.. I!,-,,. |; (:,:f_ hths: M.S.. H,„. ]>. |>. Cafes. Further and final nominations will be received next Court eight. Accounts amounting' to £22 Gs yd were passed for payment.

-1110 KUiUIU-1111 aCLA V.-lllfll BDIDU pi'O- I pie will sloop to perform p, ls s u |[ ! comprt] K.ecenily a, fiie.sideut; | oi J.imaru Ic-ui a valuable eevker spaniel. t-o another man in Timaru as ;i : personal favour, the borrower proniis- i nig to return the dog on tlie following ; "ay. it was not returned, so the ■' owner went for it, and on taking it. : home, lert it on the In Bomo mysterious way it disappeared, and was tound back at the place from winch it had been brought. On bem- : taken back it disappeared once move'' : and on coming ]„, mo the th|>( , t| ' | was found to bo in a verv bad way' I JHe services of a veterinary mir>.-eon i were requisitioned, and be ~at on,-,. ! | pro.ionnee.l that, the dog h a d been 1 <!osed wild arsenic. It died shortl- ■ » erward.s. The spaniel was - v |"1>I8 ono. ami was much by ''s unco lirst prizes. "Timaru is going ;l l,oad "j s Um op j„ "ion given l,y every vi.stor. This say- \' l F J ' s imte borne out by the number "1 new Imudmgs lately completed 0 r | under eonstruetiou. J-'iekls where ' , 1() t I J, i"«. ~»«" the busy harvester. ()I . t |, c . placid cow W vro U> be .seen are now dotted with handsome dwellings of the most modern lyne. Kye„ at'distances ; which used to be considered as out of '< I sill reason for the busy tradesman or business man ono .sees now snim- and peasant homes, with the usual" complement of happy children plavmr, around the doors. Our workers'arc learning that- it is more nroiitable and '. healthy to live m such localities. As a consequence of this movement, the new township of Apsley, lately subdivided and put on the market for Mr John ' Armstrong by the National Mortgage Company, is heing raoidly bought" np. i The agents advise that there are now ' only a' few sections remaininc unsold ■ and it- is expected a Hill clearance will soon be reported. The locality is an j excellent one for a residence, being .situated on a herb and siniiiv' slope and ■ within easy distance, of Timaru. j

THE KING. The King of tabre waters fs "WaiRongoa," the only water in Australasia that sparkles and bubbles with its own natural gas. An authority re- i cently said: "It is exultingly alive—-) truly" a laughing water." Apart from I the valuable medicinal properties held ! in solution, the NATURAL carbonic j acid gas has a most beneficial effect on j the human system... The Raker was "crusty," his words j were "tart." He was nut in tile mood for a je.'.t; He felt like. a;i oaf an 1 wanted to' "loaf," For be had a bad cold on the chest. What! "ales" -Miec, friend, you've been in the ' Remarked his '-ed neighbour, the brewer; 'Tis the wind from ■'he "yeast, ' don't worry the least; Take "Woods' Great I'epperm-.m Cure... THE GREATEST THING IN CURES. The Greatest thing is not essentially the Latest production, as you know. Ry the term "Greatest" we endeavour to convev to vour minds the facts that the preparation is the Hall Mark or Standard Cure of its kind. In medic'ue for iustanee. ihe nhvsieians are still prescribing the extracts of Herbs, Jiarks, etc. that were in use for the same troubles years ago. which gees to prove our assertion that the Greatest thing is not the Latest thing. In the same way Red Cross Ointment has been for thirty years, and is still, the Greatest thing known as a healing preparation. Doctors recommend it. Chemists and Grocers sell it, and the people who Knew a good thing buy an'! use it. It does not contain any ; animal fat or injurious substance, but ; is made from the purest Vegetable , Conioouiids prepared by the Proprietor's Splendid Laboratory, and is so pure jihat you could use it as butter. It will not hurt the m.o-t delicate child. jit is absolutely splendid. Get a pot to-day. It is neces ary in the Home... RELIEF FROAr COUGHS AND COLDS. If you've got to that stage where you feed you can't throw off your cold ', there's just one thing will help you : that's Baxti r's Lung Preserver. It '■ give l ; immediate relief, breaks up the ! severest cold, and banishes the most stubborn cough. Why sniff r any longer when immediate relief is at hand. Raster's Lung Preserver will cure you quicklv. Start on it to-dav—you'll fed better to-morrow. Ask ' for the large s'zed bottle at Is lOd. It's the [best value...

Owing to term holidays and influenza j ilk. Kducafional Institute will not meet i n.xt Satin-day. The Wolliugtuu-Brindisi despatch of mails <d' .12th July arrived in London on the night of the 20th inst. A I'lii-lher meeting of all inlerosted hi Hi.- forthcoming .Marine Hand Cai--I'iva! mil be held in the liandrooni, Church Street, at 8 o'clock this even--111 g . The Taxi-cab Company give notice liy advertisement this morning that I hey have purchased a touring car winch is now available lor hire. The ear is a 2-l-li.p. IJarracq, roomy and eomlortabie to drive in. Orders mav '"■ left at. Mr Boekeait's garage'. '. Stratliallan Street. A card niateh between the T'emuka Veterans and Volunteers and Waitolii result.(l in a win for Waiiolii by two games. During tile course of the'ovcliing a presentation of a albert was made i.o Mr .1. Fisher, who left 1 lor his new Jiome in Souili- ! land. | Mr .1. Heiti. well-known as a prao- ) tu-al man. and who understands all ' lil-anehes of the, oonfoctionerv track-, i has installed an up-to-date plant in \ the shop unco known as Kingston's, I and lately neeiipied bv .Mr Ai it i-ln-11. ! Beside. earryiiiLt full stocks of I-hmlish. ' Continental and American lines. Ah-.IJ-eid will also "ive special attention to the wholesale trade, giving evervone an opportunity of supporting loeai industry. " i I 'lenders close at the Timaru post . office at 5 p.m. next Wednesday for delivering and collecting correspondence between the limlermentionOil ]>lacc S from 1.-i October next, to 31st . December. HH2. bv ( ;1) daily service. ; (b) thrico-weekly service :—From Ti- ■ mam Post-office via Grant's anil I'a ire's j Poads In- Hadlov.- to Tvel-.o Fiat School. 'th-n by Rolline Pidges and Rosowill School, past, Harper's. Davios's, Kr-Uand's. and Lindsay's Corner to Ti- [ niaru Po.sf-office. " j ! Cons-idcrable. quantities of damaged i : grain continue to he oxp-nrfod Home | from Soli#j(to£Ljiterbuiy, and farmers . realisinir to secure i satsfaetoi-y of wheat. still i . The Tonic, whieh j 'day. will lift lo.Onn sacks, a '■, ' port Tin of it lvine snniity velvet: *\ ! " deal is also" being sent to the ■ Northern Holler Mills at Auckland by | Hie coastal traders and the Te Anau , has -Upon put on three Dmos in succes- j : simi to relieve other boats. j j The well-arranged rink in Barnard j Street that is known by the name of j : Olvmpit finds continued favour with a ; larm> section of the young people._ and , l yesterday's attendances were highly saiisfaeterv to the management. There , will be "skating this afternoon .but ! not this evening. A very interesting ; hockey match will he played to-morrow ! < veiling, six a side, and it should move | -,-, veiv exalting contest. There will be special lessens for beginners, particu- I j lai-lv ill ihe afternoons. With the iv:-at her all in favour of skirt in jr. the rink will long maintain its popularity. The Pierotts will show at Fairlie to- j night and pLea.sant, Point tu-niuHMW. j The company appeared to a crowded house at A!bury last night and were well received. The show is as pel formed on sea beaches all over the world. The comedy artists created a furoro in the humorous sketch. The scenery and light-ina greatly add to the. success of the Pierotts. .The company are showing the latest pictures of Dick Arnsi- and Harry on the Zambesi. All should take this opportunity of witnessing this unique company of comedians. Rev. D. C .Bates summary and forecast last evening wen. —Moderate to strong southerly winds extended over the whole country, with a rising barometer during the night, \> ben rain fell in most parts, but fair weather succeeded everywhere. The seas have been very rough on the West Coast. Present indications are for mild and changeable weather generally. Moderate anil variable winds will probably prevail. The barometer will probably fail for a few hours in the .south, where conditions are more unsettled, but little movement is at present in evidence. A social and ball in aid of the School Piano fund was held in the Oiek'.owood goods shed last Friday evening. There- was a good attendance, though a few more, ladies would have been welcomed. A waltzing competition was won by Miss Rowland and Air Ferguson : and a guessing competition by ATrs Win, Bray The music was supplied by Afiss B. Connor, and Messrs •Tim Connor, and Cole (violins), F. iSiegert and F. Connor (piano), and J. Seigert (cornet). Messrs J. Manning and Maurice Connor acted a.s M.C.'s. During the evening Messrs Alallett and Cameron contributed a song and hornpipe respectively. Zymole Trcfkoys stop that rattle in your voice. They are pleasant to use if your throat feels husky. Try them find be convinced. Then you will never be without them... Phosphol is an emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with, hypophospliites and is the .finest nerve, bone, fat, and muscle builder known... Holmes and Sons, Ltd., call the public's attention to their advertisement in this morning's "Herald." Now is the chance for getting house furnishings at Christ-church prices, freight paid to Timaru on all orders of 40s or over. Being bedstead manufacturers, they can sell a. single bedstead at wholesale prices... Getting a patent is not so easf and safe a thing, or not invariably., as many people think. The man with an idea should consult an expert. Messrs Baldwin and Rayward, of Wellington and Christchureh, publishers of Progress—the inventor's journal—are constantly saving people expense and trouble. ... The greatest winner during national week, and since, is the rapid influenza cure. Each 2s (kl invested returns you a good health dividend. Don't be without it. Sold at the Central Pharmacy by 11. S. Alalcolmsoii. Country j customers postage free... j If you want a good tonic, one that ■will stimulate the appetite, brace up the nerves, tone up the system, take James' Quinine and Steel Wine. Price 2s Od from L. B. James, Chemist, Timaru. The result of the A rust-Barry sculling match should be known in New I Zealand early this morning. This will j interest many, but our present object | is to interest you in a 16s 6d pair of ! men's box calf light dress boots, which ' Souter's Boot Store are selling. This line of boots is made in three shapes. . Round too, medium toe, and smart toe. Being a special purchase, Souter's have marked the line low to clear... Pure drugs and honest service ere essential in the dispensing cf your doctor's prescriptions—you obtain both when you take your prescrmti ms to Baxter's Pharmacies, Timaru and Fairlie... After Influenza —It is after Influenza ' that many complications arise. No end jof sickness can be traced to neglect I following this unpleasant mala. ly. Fortify yourself against these attacks, build up your system with Lviter's Beef, Iron "and Wine, the one p*operation which will restore you to lioUth and strength again. Its because it cures. Price 3s 6d per bottle. Baxter's Pharmacies, Timaru end Fairlie..,

Whitebait have made their :i]>pf.iranee in the Opihi river earlv thi.s year, brought in by the Maoris and some were on sale in Timarn yesterday. The price howeviei- was prohibitive— \(\ per (|iuirt. V\' it ii whitebait running earlv Ihe trout follow sllii. in sear.-It of 10r.,1. and this is a good of Ibe rivers gelling stocked well before ihe. angling .season opens ~n October Isi. A reeord of lambs has been recorded for the Killing district Ibis k"h.s..ii on Mr Taihot ion's I'aim wilt re 12 stud Lincoln ewes hare -JO lambs, all doing well—an average ol I'i!) per cent. The same farmer has 100 mixed lambs which lip. is marking this week. Mr .1. (Joed, another farmer m ill,- amp district, lias the lambing finished on bis farm, and his lamhs aie marked ami well forward. The Rev. S. Treriee Adams, of St. -Mary's will lecture to-night at S o'clock, in the Hubert Jackson Memorial Mall, in connection with the Chalm- ( rs Church Winter Course of Lectures. Subject —"A Great. Poet's Ch.'orv Outlook." The Rev. A. Macaufav Caldwell will preside. The admission is sixpence, or by season ticket 'fin. renutaijion of the leotinVr. together with the attractiveiie.-s of the theme ought to ensure a large attendance. -Mailers are reaching a very interesting stage now w Tlli the iadie.- conlieeied with the Wa imat ai 1a i School Mannar which is to take place in til" ■schoolroom early next month. ami judging by t -ke .support that Ins h. on given Ijy the residents o! \Vai,-naiaitai and in town, it <-. n K- now wants line weather to ensure liic slice:. s._ that it Reserves. Ladles are reminded that a special committee mootiiij is to he held in the schoolroom this evciing at b O ciOL'k. •SYNOPSIS Of SRW ADVKRTISKMEXXS. domis and Co.—Sale ol ftiniiutie toX.X. Loan Co. -Stock ami ck-ring C:.i-'.C.A'-St a^:,'drc'J Isale 1 sale liidcv entries latteisail's. Hex -M.. Tiinaru —Kii-iuo and n r.cliincry lor sale. Timarn Taxi Cab Co. —Xotiec retouring car. H.M. Stonyei—ll nires to let. ■ L ILed—i-Lis taried mantd'aci nr.'og confectionery. T. Coulthard Muil'.ms--ienler.; for builders' work. Hockey—Seven a.=ide tourney tomorrow. D. Templelon—Wants wheelwright and body-hand. _N.Z. Factory--Trices Hoys' Varsity suits. Holmes and Sons —Specials in. ftfiiiture. Chalmers Oburcli—Lecture thi= rrftiing. Donald Tioid and Co. -Sheep farmiiej: lands for sale. To when, it may concern —Notice re poisoned dog. Waiuioiu) Drainage Board—Tenders for outlet. Levels County Council—Calls tenders for road works. Powell's shop- Cheap fruit to-day. Morton and Pearson —Modern bouse for sale. Francis Tasker—"Wants good (arm hand. —Six notices.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 14282, 24 August 1910, Page 5

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 14282, 24 August 1910, Page 5

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 14282, 24 August 1910, Page 5