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j ; The- ?.=. lyver Cylde arrived at Auck ■ ..'lid at 9.4.j a.m. vest-erdav from Sa.> j Francisco via Apia. : A meet in 2of the Avoca Hockev Clul 1 h j/.» J)e held to-night in the" Girls' >->;•,o! at ■> o'clock. There is some 7-\- v juiportnnt business to discuss, and . ;t -= i!<,jv-d ihut every member will put j :n an appearance. [ At ihe Juvenile Court on Saiurdav periling. Mr V. G. D.-iv. S.M.. on the , f.e!K:!i. a ca=e of theft nsiainst three lads was adjourned for three months, reiwrts of their conduct to be sent in every fortnight. The parents were ordered to pay r-xpenses in connection with the case —20s. . The Tirr.r.rr! Ambulance Brigade de- ■ srres to thankfully acknowledge the fol- ; lowing donations to their funds —Two j:i:inea;_ from the S.C. Hunt for the brigade's attendance at their tt*o recent meetings, and ten shilling from .Mr _W :L:ants for -heir services in removmg h:s son from the private hospital to his home. i _ A'_w.;-;I attended meeting of the I soutiiliurn Mutual Improvement Society I was held on Thursday evening last. ; when Mr Koier kindly journeyed from ■ Tin.aru to an address on Labour : Ideals. The address. which wa; de!:ver-"d in a Vvry able manner, was listened to with great interest and attention, and an animated discussion ensue-!. At the close Mr Roller was ."•-corded a very hearty vote of thanks. Mr A.' Ward made an efficient ehair- , man. The Ross Goldfic-lds Company is not having an altogether straight r'.n of Good luck in their big venture. On liiursday last some mishap to their electric line cut- ihe power it! the m..tors actuating ihe pumps a:.d the mine became flooded. Of two rotors below wat'-r level one was g<X out. but the other was submerged, and it will take some time tj make it ft for work again after the water ' ss been got out. This is expected to take a fortnight. The «ompany requires further capital to carry on with; the directors have already had lo make some advances themselves.

A very successful social took place in ! Gk-niti school on Friday evening. The I floor was in excellent condition for ! dancing, and these present were 'well enwrtained by a programme of Tocal 1 and instrumental it'ems. Songs were , ably rendered by Cann. and Messrs : T. 1.. 'Russell and Roach, all of them havmg to respond to emphatic encores; and an instrumental trio by Messrs Findlay. Lane and "Roach proved a very p'ear-ing item. The music and danc- : iv.z were in charge of Messrs "VCent- ' worth and Reid respectively, while extras were contributed bv Miss M '■■ Vrobyn. and Messrs Findlay and T. ; T.ano. The tvliool committee is for-iupat-e in ha vine such an able band of helpers, and in being so well supported : by the large'nuinbers who attend their socials. Just as very man thinks He is a judge of music so pretty well every inventor has a lingering idea that he can run his own business in the matter o; his patents. >~ever was a greater mistake. Tile wise inventor puts himself under the guidance of a skilled agent. Messrs Baldwin and Rayward, Wellington suid Christchurch, are the agents" of repute. They see to the preparation of working drawings, and stand between the inventor and bis riiks...

i ' FIGHTING A COUGH. - Don't play with a cold—tackle ittia ir.omen- a chill strikes you. Baxter's Lung Preserver is a famous fighter—bi cause every dose strikes a stinging and effective blow at- your cold, you can feel every do-e relieve the coughing and know every dose is curing you b-. cans-- there :s r.o time lost —every ingredient- has its work to do. and does :t quickly— cuts the phlegm* throws off tiie inflammation and makes iiii- .-km ami lungs do their work in a perfectly natural way—that's what Baxter's lain; Preserver is made to do ami it's i":u::».ius bev-ause it does it quickly. "Worth Is a drot>.'' Ask for the large sized bottle at Is lOd. It's the best value... THE GREATEST THING IX CURES, The Greatest thing is not essentially tlie Latest production, as you know. l>y the term" "Greatest" we endeavour to convey to vour minds the facts that :!»' preparation is the Hall Mark or Standard Cure of its kind. In medicine, for in>tanco. the physicians are -si:!] prescribing tho extracts of Herbs, Harks, etc. that were in use for the same troubles -oars which goes to prove our assertion that the Greatest thing is not the Latest thing. In the same «ay lied Cross Ointment has boon i"..r thirty years, vmid is still,, tho Greatest thine;" known as a healing preparation. Doctors recommend it. Chemists and Grocers eel] it. and tho people who Know a :tood thing buy mi! u<e it. It does nut- contain any animal fat or injurious ..substance, but is made ir.r.-. the purest- Vegetablo Compound- prepared by the Proprietor's Sph-ndid T ah ratery.»and is so pure that you eotild use it rcs butter. It will not hurt the most d?licate child. It is absolutely splendid. Get a pot tc day. It is necessary in |tha Home...

'A concert in aid of tiro funds of the Wnimate Public Library whs held in the Oddfellows' I hill (in" Friday night. There was only a. moderate attendance but as the frcinf seats were well ('died a fail- balance should he available for the library funds.

A .sudden gust, of wind struck AVin-rhe.-ler on Saturday aiternoon an 1 dicing the three minutes of its continuance threw things about a bit. As illustrating its violence if niav b" mentioned that, it .smashed in the I'cnliglit, over the main entrance of the Winchester Hotel.

Mr \V. .Humess. of Kiugsdown. has for several years past prepared poisoned grain which has found a readv sale among his neighbours. Last week lie laid nbout seven pounds of poisoned grain at Harlan, the residence of Mr A. E. Kerr, and fully six hundred birds were picked up within a few days.

The annual social of the Salisbury school was held on the 11th, and was well attended. The proceeds were very satisfactory, leaving a fair sum in hand after paying expenses. The ladies of the district supplied abundance of provisions, and every one enjoyed themselves. The music was supplied by Mr Wentworth, and Mr P. O'Connor acted as M.C., both giving every satisfaction.

Many yearn ago an educational institution, successfully teaching practical tilings by post, would have been considered an impossibility, but since the establishment of The International Correspondence Schools, the results achieved have practically revolutionised educational methods. The ambitious and earnest man ran qualify for the higher positions of trust in'his spare time and at a very small cost. The exhibit, of the above schools may he seen afc the Dresden Piano Company, and intending students should see Mr Barraclongh the representative, who will ho in Timaru for a short period only.

A miniature rifle match wns fired at Temuka on Thursday night between the second team of the W.rrhester Club and the Temuka vetenns, ilio Winchester team winm it; bv 100 points. Scores Win;.'] >ster —W. Redly 67, A. Wilson o<\ G. McKcilar 65, J. Saunders -5 i\\ Behrcns OH, T. Harrison 03, W. E'som 02, R Maddren 61, L. Young PI J. Patcrso,. 50, .J. Earroll 58, A. Louden 58, J. Haar 58, A. Young 53, G. Cliff H: total 910. Veterans—D. Cairrs 05, W. Grant 04, G. Hob lis 01 S Douglas 01, T. Gunnion 03, H. Sennninw 01. j! Taylor 59. J. McLean 57, 'J'. Edwards 56, W. Reeves 40, G. Langford 40, 1. Ln.roombe 40, McKay <l">, W. llilin 40, G. Phillips 36; tvui'l Pj(j. Yesterday morning at St. Mary's Church, the acting-vicar, ho Rev. Trerioe Adams drew particular attention in the course of his sermon to the very important mission which is to he held throughout the Dominion in the Anglican Church during September, October, and November. At St. Mary's the mission will bo l-okl from October 22nd to the 31st and the pi.'ncipal missioner will be the Rev \ D tapper Carey, M.A., Canon Missioner of the diocese of York, England, who is a, very earnest able preacher. Mr Adams pointed out that the . iii.-f objects of the mission , re: To briii" a irseh inspiration into Christian lTl'e • to qucken and stimulate those who are growing lax in the service cf 'loc 1 ; to bring home a. truer sense cf T>- e i m _ portanco of spiritual things to tia,se who have forgotten tho claims of God. in tho hurry and ousiness of ev:ry day iiie. The preacher appealed *o tho congregation to look forward lo the mission as something vhvoa •<». vlm-h God would speak lo them all, to prepare by earnest thought *ud prayer and work their own ■■"res and ,he lives ot otiiers to welcome what may we'l be a great blessing which thall influence the whole town. On Sunday , ixz the Lord Bishop of Ohristehurch rays his annual visit to St. Mary's, T'maru when he will hold a conlirmation su-jioe ■n tho afternoon, and uracil \ Kn ] x morning and evening. Ou Sunday, August 28th the twenty-fourth cnril versary of the .•onseoraiion o c St -Mary s Church will be celebrated, when festival services will be field Ihruphcut the day.

FIGHTING A COUGH. Don t play with a cold—tackle it th® moment a chill strikes you. Baxter's Lung Preserver is a famous lighter—because every doso strikes a stinging 1,1 effective b'.JW at your cold, you can tee every close relieve the coughing .i id know every dose "is curing xm, ecause there is no time lost-^evcry gredient has its work to do, and lu *' /I . t ] , , ,lckl y~ oute the phlegm throws off the inflammation and makes n rfp,+i n and . ,lln ? s do «ieir work in a nn v?« y t natu ™l way—that's what , d +? L ,f mg Pres "ver is made to do tt tesf L IM ■ »- THE KING. The King of tablro waters Is "WaiItongoa the only water in Australasia that sparkles and bubbles with its own natural gas. An authority recently said: "It is exultinglv alivetruly n laughing water." Apart from tlio valuable- medicinal properties held m solution, the NATURAL carbonic acid gas has a most beneficial effect on the human system... RHETTMO-THE RATIONAL RF MEDY FOR RHEUMATISM Once upon a time people used to think that . liniments, embrocations and external treatment could cure Rheumatism, Gout. Sciatica, and Lumbago. Careful experiments by scientific investigators, however demonstrated that the real causes of these diseases lay in an over acid condition of the blood. If the excess of Uric acid could be eliminated a cure was assured. Many preparations were tried, but it was not until the discovery of RHEUMO that a really successful remedy was placed on the marnot. In Rheumo you have a powerful neutraliser of Uric acid which quickly expels it from the system and gives welcome and lasting relief. Mr Albert Algar, of the Wellington Woollen Co.. Wellington, bears testimony to the efficacy of RHEUMO as a cure for Rheumatism,' Gout, and Sciatica: "I suffered for some time from Rheumatic Gout and Sciatica. I found your medicine RHEUMO. a quick remedy. Two or three doses arrest and cure an attack." Give RHEUMO a fair trial and it will positively cure you of Rheumatism, Gout, Sciatica, Lumbago, and kindred diseases. All chemists and stores 9s 6tl and 4s 6d... NEVER NEGLECT A COLD. A cold should never bo treated lightly ns it is always more or less ous. Many people make the mistake of neglecting a cold until some serious lung trouble result.' If every cold received the attention it should bnve the danger of this would be avoided Everv cold can Vie cured by the use of Chamberlain's Cough Rn'nedy. A bottle or two of this remedy' taken when the cold is first contracted will nromptlv cure it and not only save doctors bills but much suffering rind annoyance later on. Sold everywhere... The Baker was "," h; s wr.jds were "tart." He was not in the u.oo 1 for a l'f'tHo felt like an oaf Mil waiit.'d to "loaf." For he hn<l n bad cold on the chest. What! "ales" 4 "..-"e. Fr ! end. you've br-ci in tin- "draught. ' Rema'-lced his o'd neighbour, the brewer: Tis the wind r'-,-,,-,-. Vie -yci-'r. ' r>,,r\ u worry the le.i-t : Take Woods' Great J'epperi-m Cure.^,

The concert given on Caroline Bay yesterday afternoon was highly enjoyable, a large number of people listening to it. The weather was very fair, and a long stretch of sand was available lor pronieuadcrs.

Skating was vigorously engaged in on Saturday, the Olvmp'ia. Rink lieing fnily patronised at the afternoon and evening .session, though the season is in its advanced stage. There will be two sessions to-day as usual.

An emergency nicotine- of St. John's Masonic Lodge' will he held this evening in (he Lodgoroom, Church street, lor work in the second degrecj The gave! will fall at halfpast 7 o'clock. \ isiting brethren are cordially invited.

Ihe grand em-nival at the Olympia Skating Rink will take nlaee on Thursday and .Friday. September Of, and 2nd. Preparations are well forward, and it is expected to be the greatest attraction of what has been, a'highly successful season.

Again on Saturday the Theatre Loyal held fairly numerous audiences who found much of interest in the current Pa the programme. The films form a very attractive series indeed, and provide a pleasant and instructive entertainment. They will be submitted again this evening. A farmer in the Ot.iio district informs us that influenza has taken a verv strong hold on the horses, both light find draught, of that locality. He savs that there are horses too' unwell to work, on almost every farm, and that if veterinary surgeons or anyone else could name a remedy, it would be verv welcome.

I he monthly meeting of the committee ol lb,. Timaru A. ami P. Association to have been held on Saturday was p„slp,,ned till the following Saturdayon account of oraud national week in Christchurch. The chief business is the appointment of judges for the summer show, and the selection of a date for the annual horse parade.

The Mayoress' fund for building a children's hospital at Wellington now totals more than £s<'oo. On Saturday tho Ward Company handed over a cheque for £50(1 2s' B<l (including £101) from Mr Ward). thus making the grand total of £ISOO, so that the promoters could then claim £SOO promised by a citizen. This £SOO camo in on Salurdav evening, the donors being Mr and Mrs T. G. Macarthy.

As the Hon. J. A. Millar refuses to give the local fishermen the right to send their fish to Christchureh by the second express, Mr T. E. Taylor M.P., has been written to, asking him to assist the member for Timaru in bringing the matter forcibly before the Government, ft is said that Mr Taylor is as interested in the matter ;is Mr Craigie as the refusal of the Minister means stale iish for Christchureh.

A meeting was held on Saturday afternoon to discuss a proposal to form a Gaelic Society for South Canterbury, for philanthropic and social purposes. There were about a dozen Highlanders and "colonial .Highlanders" (sons of Highland parents) present, and Mr M. McLood presided. The meeting decided to form a Society of Gaelicspeaking Highlanders, and all who are known to be, thus qualified for memhersbip will he invited to attend a meeting on the 27th inst. Mr MoLeod was chosen chairman, and Mr Panton jun. lion. sec. pro tern.

It mnlces one anxious—anv loss of weight—PHOSPHOL will rebuild a constitution. Large bottles sold by all chemists... Zymole Trokeys clear the throat and revive the voice—important facts for all who talk and sing. Their widespread popularity shows their value...

If you want a good tonic, one that will stimulate the appetite,, hrace up the nerves, tone up the system, take James' Quinine and Steel Wine. Price 2s 6d from L. B. James, Chemist, Timaru.

Pianos, Pianos, Pianos. The Dresden Piano Company, Ltd., bog 'to announce to the general public of Tiniiiru and tlie surrounding district that they have just opened up an entirely new stock of pianos. Our high grade instruments, include John Broadwood and Son, Collard and Collard, the most famous of British makers, the best that money can buy; also the Ronisli, Lipp and Sohn, Koch and Sohn. Bohm, besides other celebrated makers. We give you a ten years' warranty with an instrument you choose: we also give you the right of exchanging if you are not perfectly satisfied. You are on a good sound wicket when buying your piano or organ from this well known and up-to-date firm. ...

After Influenza —It is after Influenza that many complications arise. No end of sickness can be traced to neglect following this unpleasant malady. Fortify yourself against these attacks, build up your system with lifter's Beef, Iron and Wine, the one preparation which will restore you to lies.lth and strength again. Its f arai)Js because it cures. Price 3s 6d per bottle. Baxter's Pharmacies, Timaru rod Fnirlie...

Influenza is playing great havoc in Dunedin and one cannot afford to take any risks. So be sure and keep a bottle of the Rapid Influenza Cure in the house. The safest and surest remedy sold by R. G. Malcolmson, Central Pharmacy... All mothers should see Souter's stock of "Nature" form childrens boots and shoes. They have just opened up a large shipment of the latest in childrens footwear. Nature Form Boots and Shoes are made on broad toe natural form losts. The heels are' low and square. These boots are extra broad fitting, and are just the thin-.* for children with broad, flat feet Call and see what Souter's Boot Store can show you, in children's footwear... Pure drugs and honest serv-iee eve essential in the dispensing of vo'ur doctor's prscriptlons— you obtain loth when you take your presenni/: ms to Baxter s harmac'ies, Timaru and Fairlie...

YOU SHOULD BEAR IN MIND That by using the commercial eucalyptus oil which is now bought up at Gd per lb weight and bottled, and on account of the large profit pushed, you are exposing yourelf to all tho dangers to which the use of turpentine will expose you: irritation of kidneys, intestinal tract and mucous membranes. By insisting on tho GENUINE SANDER EUCALYPTI tiXT/RACT you not only avoid these pitfalls, but you have a stimulating, safe and effective medicament, the result of a special and careful manufacture. A trial will at once convince. Quality in small dose distinguishes it from the bulky and dangerous products. ° Remember— SANDER'S EXTRACT embodies the result of 50 years' experience and of special study, and it does what is promised; it heals and cures without injuring tho constitution, as the oils on the market frequently do. Therefore, protect yourself bv rejecting other brands. SANDER'S EXTRACT possesses curative powers peculiarly iits own. and it can be used with perfect safety internally and externally. ... Special attention is directed to Darby's great bankrupt sale. ... LAME. BACK. This ailment is usually caused by rheumatism of the muscles and may be cured by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm two or three times a day and rubbing the vigorously at nach I apnlication. If this does not afford re- , Pcf bind on a piece of flannel damp- | ened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm 1 and relief is sure to follow. Sold

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 14274, 15 August 1910, Page 4

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 14274, 15 August 1910, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 14274, 15 August 1910, Page 4