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For seven temporary clerkships in iclie Parliamentary buildings, there liver© nearly a hundred applicants last jlveek. Members ©i the Legislative- Council received a, ''call" Inst week to assemble in'their places at Wellington .to-day. This is said to be the first ■tall that lias been made lor yeai's, and iilio reason for it was not ascertainable en Saturday. A. substantial fine is (■iil'orceable against any member of the Council who fails to respond to a, call of this nature. Monday is an. "oil'" day with Parliament, and this makes the call the more mysterious.

The *'Skipper's Ytirn" programme will bo shown at the Theatre Royal tonight. The start of the series of the beauty spots of Australia open with Melbourne in the next programme-, and the Hawkesbury River, New South Wales. As the Theatre was engaged on Saturday last a matinee could not be held, so as not to disappoint the children the management will allow children with their parents in to-night for the usual matinee prices; adulte the usual evening prices. A meeting of the Sooietv tor the Health of Women and Ohiidciva was held on Saturday afternoon in the Council Chambers. Present - • Mr*s Newman (in the chain, Me.-dr.mes G. Jones, Candy, Talbot, T. Thomson Tennant, Irvine, ..'onas riid Cabot. There was not much business to be done. The ■••\v "te»t I rk for mothers —"feeding and care of tho baby" is now r-vidy . for ihs-t'i'iution, and may bo had from the llmke.t Nurse at her room, ar.d frc-ti tho iocal booksellers. ._ It is «n excellent book, containing as much printed matter, with illustrations, as nr. cidincjy novel, and drought within the compas of 144 pages. Tho chapter on adenoids is especially inter-.ybng and should be read ty ewcry 'ne. Ihe riunket Nurse >vill bo thankful for old clothes of any description, wnich may bo left at tier < o tit ».t the Friendly Society's Tsi.spensor;\ Another pomplimont was p.'iid to cur nurise. The Vortk Islar.d Society wished her to do I'.eum tcvrij ycrl; for three months, but as there is ?o much work in inmd she cculd not be spared.

A successful entertainment was held in. the Ealing goodshed on Thursday night in aid of the school prize fund. The Hinds Comedy Company, consisting of about fifteen talented musicians and comedians, performed in. a most creditable manner. After introduction by the chairman of the school committee, the. company opened the concert with an instrumental selection, followed by solos from Mrs Jemson and Messrs Gibbs, all of which were encored; then followed Mrs Jarley's waxworks, Simple Simon, Meddlesome Matty, Robinson Crusoe, Scotland, England and Ireland, the fob boy eating tarts, Mrs- Squires giving the boy brimstone and treacle, ail being .wound up either by song or performance. A comedy entitled "Harvest Homes" was conducted in a. very able manner. The gleaners hod their sickles, rakes, and sheaves, with songs and dances intervening; fancy costumes ,scenery by a local artist and decoration with evergreens made the whole affair a complete success. A hearty vote of thanks was carried by acclamation.. Tea, and cakes were provided by the ladies, and the clerk of the weather provided a special evening, consequently tTiero was a very large audience.

A man needs to be very cautious and shrewd when he takes the ripe fruit of his brain to market. The primo i necessity of success, given a good idea, is to make your patent a sure thing. Messrs Baldwin and Rarvirard, Wellington and Christchurei, have correspondents and sub-agents everywhere, and their reputation for scrupulous dealing gives their clients full security...

Lavona de Composec, the latest preparation for the hair may be procured at Baxter's Pharmacy, Timaru...

Pianos, Pianos, Pianos. The DresBen Piano Company, Ltd., beg to an. nounce to the general publio of Timaru and the > surrounding district that they have just opened up sn en . lirely new stock of pianos. Our hijrh trade instruments, include John Broadwood and Son, Collarn nn d CoT lard, the most famous of British makers, the best that money can buy • also the Romsh, Lipp and Sohn, Koch and Sohn, Bohm, oemdea other cele bra.ted makers. We give you a ten years* warranty with any instrument you choose; we also give you the right of exchanging if you are not perfectly satisfied. Yon are on a good sound wicker when buying your piano or organ from thu, well jjnown and up-to-date firm..-

Wo all try to he winners of the race that we aro running. To get in first is th esuccessful man's main effort. Souter's got in first with their boot sale. We make the pace pretty warm, and new records are the order of tho day at Souter's boot sale. We are not surnrised at this, f or our sale prices should and do bring trade wherever they are brought under the notice of the general public. ...

He took hot whisky, gin and rum, To cure a nastv cold! His home was Pandemonium For weeks and weeks I'm told; He made fearsome hullabaloo, And smashed the furniture! But now he's well (and sober ,too) Through AVoods' Great Peppermint Cure. ... DOCTORS DIFFER. Theologians also. . AVe all speculate as to whether hill! lives live for ever. AVhat 'is one man's meat is another man's poison. What is pain to me is joy to you, and contrariwise.

The relativity of pleasure is almost complete. Your bootblack does not wish to edit * paper, and you don't wish to live in Buckingham Palace. The baffled millionaire who finds the Kohinoor is not for sale i? prohnhly mo more disconsolate and no less disconsolate than the beggar boy who only has a ha'penny, and knows that !his favourite tart is priced at twice that sum. Finally, Heaven gives us our relations— Thank God we can choose our friends »nd our Ointment. To recapitulate, Doctors, Theologians, et 'hoc genus omne may differ, nut all who have experience agree that Red Cross Ointment stands alone as the greatest thing in cures, because wherever there is a skin affliction. Rcrl Cross Ointment will, after the first .ipClication. absolutely begin its miraeuiui healing work.

'The- Municipal Association's Conference opens at Wellington to-day. The bachelors of Bluecliffs will liold their ball to-morrow evening.

Roller skating will commence in the Albuvy Town Hall on Wednesday evening next, the proceeds being in aid of the fund for lighting the hall.

A meeting of St. Mary's Hockey Club will be held in the Club-room at 8 o'clock this evening to discuss matters relating to the game.

The Evening Star Quadrille Assembly will hold a long night on Tuesday next, sth inst. The assembly's long nights are now quite popular and a lEOiid attendance is anticipated. The annual general meeting of the Pioueer Terminating Building Society will be held in the Foresters' Hall at 8 o'clock this evening.

At the Magistrate's Court to-day Harry Middleton, who was arrested at Feilding, will be charged with the theft of a watch from Donald Munro at Timaru in 1904, but the police will probably apply for a remand. Three offenders will also be charged with drunkenness.

Sliding round on a smooth floor Las decided attractions at this period of the year, and the proprietor of the Olvmpia. Rink has no reason to complain of lack of patronage. Each (session sees the. building siji-e or less Idled by enthusiastic skaters, and on Saturday the snort was heartily indulged in. To-day there will bo the usual sessions.

The, devotion of the Forty Hours commenced in the temporary Catholic Church, Brown street, yesterday morning after the 11 o'clock mass. The early morning masses had all been crowded with communicants who wished to outer thoroughly into the devotions. During the afternoon la.rge numbers visited the church and last night the Rev. Father Fay. of Temuka, spoke to a. crowded congregation for upwards of an hour on the origin, practice, and usefulness of the time that thoji Mere celebrating. A missa cantata will be sung this morning at 7 o'clock, exposition wiii be on during the day, and a special service will be held this evening* The cable message, from Melbourne in Friday's issue of the Herald, stating that the Colonial Sngar Company had raised the price of sugar to Australian manufacturers was not exactly pleasant news to those residents who noticed it, and a reporter made enquiries on. Saturday as to wh-ethor there_ would bo any corresponding, effect in New Zealand. One prominent grocer, said that he did not niitk-ipate any change in the price as far n.s the dominion was concerned, and it. was his opinion that the increase was merely the result of a "tiff" between the company and the manufacturers on the other side, probably a breach of some agreement. On Friday afternoon another Timaru grocer wired to the Auckland Office of the company regarding the matter, and was informed that the price was the same as before. The ruling retail price has therefore not been altered, but the story is told of several shrewd residents who ordered three or four Dags eacli on Saturday, when one in", each case would have been sufficient.

A conundrum: Should we, or should we not, extend the city boundaries absorbing adjoining portions of Levels County? A moderate rate accounts for the cost, and when the immense advantages to suburban residents is considered, it can only be looked on as good business to amalgamate the interests. But admitting the little extra cost, why those attending Thomson's sale and getting 45s worth of j goods for 20s well never feel, the trifle. We hear that the steady do\#rfpour of Friday and Saturday suited Thomson's sale trade very well. There was a wonderful run on umbrellas, blankets, coats, etc., things they have in grand selection. The real selling, will commence this morning at- 10. when the give-away stock of dresses—all-wool from Is 3d, admixture, 9£d un —curtains, sheetings, seal coats, millinery, and everything in the Misses Robinson and Parks' departments, will be submitted in all their choice, at sale' prices. 22s 6d worth for 10s. Keep the hill._ An error has been noticed, which will bo referred to later. Next time you have a, disagreeable cough, don't let it wear you out. Get a box of Zymole Trokeys, they > loosen tho cough and stop the irritation...

It makes one anxious—anv loss of I weight. PHOSPHOL will rebuild a [ constitution. Largo bottles -sold by '. all chemists...

Our head tuner Mr G. Harris is now in Timaru, for the purpose of tuning .and repairing- pianos and organs. All work entrusted to his car© will have his prompt and best attention. Orders may be left at the -Dresden Pdn-no Company, Ltd., Stafford St...

Chilblains: Redness, some swelling and intolerable heat and itching aro the features of an unbroken chilblain. They are difficult to euro; but our Chilblain Liniment will, reduce the redness and swelling and relieve the itching. Price Is a bottle from L. B. James, Chemist ,Timaru.... i IS YOUR CHEST IN DANGER? If you are neglecting your cold, then your chest is in grave danger, for the constant strain of coughing has a very I weakening effect, and leaves the lungs ] i extremely puscepiable to more serious j complications. Don't run risks with your chest, you can't afford to. The safe way is to get a bottle of that most efficient of cough ■ cures —Baxter's Lung Preserver —it -will cure your cough speedily and thorouahly. Get the large sized bottle at Is 10d... WHY DO CUSTOMS IVORK? It takes up a lot of valuable time—time you could devote to other work with more profit to ' yourself. Get us to do the work. We specialise in it, nnd are familiar with every detail. Doing so much of it, we can give you an excellent Service at a small cost. Our service is comprehensive, including the passing of entries and delivering of goods. The N.Z. Express Cov . Ltd... AN HONEST OPINION. "No beverages of any kind are bo popular as Thomson's Aerated Waters and Cordials, and certainly none are so pure, so wholesome, or so palatable. How anyone ran allow himself to be served with_ cheap, chemically-adulter-ated decoctions, when he can easily get Thomson's drinks—unsurpassed by any produced in the whole world is byyond understanding."... 1 ' THE CAUSE OF RHEUMATIC PAINS REMOVED. There are several causes of Rheumatism but the most common is the presence of Uric acid in the Hood. This acid is responsible for the exeruciatinc: pains in various parts of the body, notably the muscles of the beck. Rid the blood of this foreign substance and the nains will disa.nnenr. That •■ is the mission of. EHEUMO—-it gets right at the root of the "vil and makes'the acid literally take to its heels nnd run, never to ftii'Ti. BHEUMO cures permanently where other Tcmeclips fail even temporarily. Other remedies . linimonte. embrocations, plasters, or pills—cannot. cure Rheumatism. They dn not tonrdi tie real came of the suffering. ""IHEUMO is the one medicine "that brings Ttlief. Give RHF.UMO a. trial. Tt_"vill m-t cure every tronbln that iffliots/mankind, but it ATTLT/ cure Rbonnvi':•)•m, Gout. Sciatica. T.-nmhaTo. and ail ?i-r.i----l~r disr-apes. S.;ld l lr all chemists and 'tores at 2s 6d and 4s 6d. ner S.ottle...

At Waimate Court on Saturday morning prohibition orders were issued against two local residents. The vital statistics of Temuka for June are- as follows:—Births 11, marriages 3, deaths 5. The Temuka District High School broke up for a fortnight on Friday afternoon, for the usual winter holidays. •■' Gisborne is ahead of Timaru. A fishmonger of that town delivers his fish to customers by motor car. Mado ready for the cook too. Leo Scott, University of California, at Berkeley, U.S.A., on" April 30th, cleared in the pole jump 12ft. 10 3-1(5 inch, beating the previous world's record of 12ft. 9£in. A recent visitor to the North Island states, on very good authority, that within a very recent period no less than £'36,000 of money made in Marlborough Has been invested in Waikato lands. The following is a statement of revenue collect-eel at Timaru for tho period ended 2nd July, 1910.—Customs duties. £637 7s 2d: beer duty, £3S; other, receipts £6 12s 4d: total, £6Bl 19s 6d. A correspondent of the "Taranaki Herald"' estimates there are 8000 farmers making Stratford their centre. There are eight co-operative dairy factories, and their aggregate output will he about .1200 tons of butter and 1100 tons nf cheese, say, £175,000 worth, and the plough is only just beginning to make its mark. Tho Timaru Choral and Orchestral Society announce that iShey will give their first concert to-morrow evening in Wesley Hall, presenting "Stabat Mater," and miscellaneous items. This concert is to be open to pati'tms and subscribers only. Those who have not yet become members and desire to do so aro requested to send their names to-day, or to-morrow evening, to the isecretary. At a meeting of the Waimate library committee held on Friday night four applications were received for the position of librarian, and Miss Hodges was appointed. The committee minuted its regret at Miss Smith's retirement from tlie position through illhealth, and also its appreciation of her services, a copy, of the resolution to be forwarded to her.

The members of the Auckland Master Grocers' Association have decided to limit the period of customers' credit to one month. The inordinate extent to which the credit system has grown was bewailed by several storekeepers. The cause of the trouble that was assigned, says a "Herald" reporter, is the keen competition in the trade. "Men starting in the business," said one of the victims of the system, "are always tempted, in order to acquire trade, to give undue credit. Other grocers in the same locality find themselves compelled to follow suit or lose their trade, and thus the thing goes on. A large number of these accounts are never paid, and of course those who do pay have, to a more or less extent, to make up the lossevs arising from the unpaid accounts of the had marks. Tilings are now- cut very fine in the trade, and, since the merchants have decided to shorten our credit, our only means of making our businesses pay is to follow in the same lines."

A passenger by the late express south the other night had an experience that is not usual, as during a portion of the journey—between Gore and Invercargill—he found it incximbent upon him to take charge of a five-year-old girl who was travelling alone. He joined the train north of Dunedin, and in the carriage were several ladies, and the child, who was playing about with an abandon which gave him the idea that she was .in their care. When the train reached Gore the ladies left it, and then the Southland resident found that the little one was travelling alone, and had come all the way from Christchurch that day. He ascertained her name, and the street in which her parents resided, and had made up his mind to engage a cab and see his charge safe in. her home, but this service was dispensed with owing to the appearance at the station of the mother, who, he says, did not seem to regard the fact that the child had been travelling since eight o'clock in the morning without any authorised person in caro of her as anything out of tho ordinary.

Mr AV. H. King, jun., using one of his father's largo traps on Friday afternoon at Mr Stacker's farm, succeeded in catching 1238 small birds. This is a record for one day's trapping, and nets for Mr King the sum'of £5 3s 2d. 'J.Vo oases were dealt with by Mr V. G. Bay, S.M., at the Courthouse on Saturday morning. A\ 7 alter Healey (Mr Emslie) en me up on remand for failing to provide for the maintenance of his illegitimate child at Invoroargill. and was ordered to contribute £1 per week, the warrant for two months' imprisonment to bo suspended while he complies with the order. This ca--e had been adjourned from time to time,, as it, was thought that a mnrriago might be n.rransed between the mother of the child and defendant. hut the. negotiations were broken off | hv the former. For drunkenness at Pleasant Point Benjamin Brosnahan j was convicted ■ and discharged. and j fined 10s for broach of prohibition or- j der. :

Mr Joseph McCabe, who lias been I invited to give a couple of lectures! in Timaru, lias written over 30 books, mastered 1.5 languages, and translated about a dozen works from the German, French, Italian, and Latin. He was born m 1867, was a monk in 1383, a ■prwsb in 1890, from 1890 to 18.94 he was a. professor of scholastic philosophy, and in 1905 rector of Buckingham College. "I've been a. student lcr SO years," ,he rlcmarked to an Auckland reporter, "and during these d 0 years I've done nothing but read; my lite has been one of seven days' a week." This learned and bookish man, says the reporter, carries little of the hookworm in his appearance. He ]S slight, sprightly, and youthful looking, and a genial personality. As a public sneaker he could not fail to be popular, for he has a pleasing fluent voice, »n easy style of delivery, and a pownr of making interesting" subjects doubly interesting At his. first address in Auckland a large number had to be turned away. Use Icilma Cream and watcli vour skin grow clearer—the cream with" the reputation for foiling father time. 1 nee 2s fid post free. Baxter's Pharmacy, Timaru... CHILDREN'S COUGHS . COMPLETELY CURED. It's almost impossible to keep the children tree from coughs and colds this weather—-they get their feet damp —go from warm rooms out into the biting wind—take colds from each other, ete.—niid every mother knows the importance of checking these chest troubles at once. If you're anxious about the little ones' colds, you will find Baxter's Lung Preserver a "Friend in need"—it cures, but get a bottle now. The large size at Is lOd is the best value... DO NOT BE BEHIND THE TIMES. but move with them. , Salts, Castor Oil and harsh purgatives are out of date, and have been the cause of many a case of constipation. Chamberlain's Tablets are the medicine that you want to take. They cure" constipation, indigestion, ; biliousness, and cure them permanently. | Remember the name Chamberlain's [Tablets and be sure you get them, for /there is nothing "just as good," ,goM ' everywhere.... ..' ' , .

A New. Plymouth man undertook to drive a single cow some distance along a road, lie riding a £2OO racehorse named Catapult. The cow, a quiet one ordinarily, became excited, and rushed and gored the horse so badly that it had to be shot.

When one comes to consider that railway sleepers and fencing posts have also . been successfully constructed of ferro-concrete, and that railway carriages of sheet metal and papier-mache are coming into general use, one may almost expect to seo wood disappear on railways altogether.

In his lecture on the Maori legend of Tawhalu at the Christchurch School of Art, Mr Johannes Anderson, who has devoted much time to the study of Maori folk-lore, said that some Maori myths appeared ridiculous, while others were sublime, and the explanation was that there were two strains of blood in the ancient representatives of the race—an aristocratic and a plebeian or slave strain —and wherever the absurd element obtruded itself, it was due to the myth having derived elements from the more ignorant slave mind.

CHILBLAINS. There is no preparation Manufactured that will soothe and heal chilblains as Chamberlain's Tain Balm will do. When this liniment is applied it soon allays the itch and prevents the chilblain breaking. It causes them to heal in :i very short while. Sold everywhere....

SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. C.F.C.A.—Clearing sale at Morven, on llth inst. Pioneer Building Society—Annual mectine this evening. L. B. James—White rose glycerine lotion. C. Jonas and Co.—Lost diamond pin, reward. Ernest Howden—Town properties and farms for sale. At Marriott's—Special prices on Wednesday. Timaru Choral Society—Concert tomorrow evening. Mr and Sirs Peter Cochrane—Thanks to doctors and staff. Pathe pictures—At Theatre Royal, this evening, Albury Town Hall—Roller skating, on Wednesday. c " W. J. Bardslev—Residence for sale. Bluecliffs—Bachelors ball to-morrow evening. At Bnllantyne's—The latest in allwpnvi'nn- nvmnr^l. R. Orwin—Will receive offers for house, etc. Manning atid Co.—Thank public for Bunnort. Funeral notice By W. J. Lister. Wanteds—Two notices.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 14239, 4 July 1910, Page 5

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 14239, 4 July 1910, Page 5

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 14239, 4 July 1910, Page 5