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SOUTH CANTKRBFIiY LXiON. AXXUAL TOCHXAAIFXT. l'atron, l)r Drydcn ; president, Air A. bliirtclift'e; lion, treas., Air C. I''. Co!iit;.~: lion, .secretary, Air 11. H. 1 ra.e. r : l.cti:a;_< nioc.t - committee. Aies-rs' A. Shirtciilfe. \\\ Drake, C. i . Collins, \V. J'. Alaben. C. F. plasiii. C. !.. Aln-iin. and 11. j[. Frnser; ti'nekecp. rs, Alessrs F. C. Watson-v ]j. Aiahoney. \V. Gunn, and C. S. Fi.-.ser: team .stewards, Aiessrs it. Kennedy, T. KHowies, AW Jordan, P. Al;;hi<aev. iv. Mayo, and C. L. Aiaslin; blackboard sLewaid. Air A. A. Ware; controller oi event?. Air A. Shirtcliife. To r.'..iny p-nnlo. enthusiasts r.psrr. xhero is stuarilrini: clecidedly attractive in a £-:-ve3i-."t--id" n fart vvhicli is not lost sight of by any iii'.Libv i men in - u: ic D.nmmo!! wiacn 'csir s io j.opulr,i :<■■■ the Liame. ;in<l ihereby aiiv! to the moneys ;il its <il>posal h.r <.;;iti"ii 1 ot the For '"i" ih.mL; tile average speef.u tir knows t.'!.-:' he uiil lie pruvkli-il with nnmeroii-- i'x!tihit;ous oi the- last cpen uaine. a:k: coir.parativeiy few liresonc' .vlisjilays oi ciese ior<vai\l work. It was this re:i'i tion, added to a knowi 'dLCe thai • previous tournaments had ever en si:ccc.s-e-. that drew such a h.r.;e cnr.\d lo tlie (>i'ounds yesterday, when 34 teams of .•.even leavers each bettied or ehampion-smp-i. senior, junior, third and fourth Grades. Tile turf i-'oi, and tlio and to spitii s:>or: *.v;i£L iicarv lain h';K>\vei\->, lu-pt v.\) sploiKlicliy. and th(» • {'foctMHliniis Tiassrd oil v/ithout- a liizi.!:. mid wiiac- id'.Hirable almvo ail iliinus. without curing t'i;- iiitvTnoon nuiidKiv-d! over 1500 about a <j::ar*jor <>'r "'hoiii \vert i ladies, 'vras for the most part a v naved oiu i . T;> liu* <>V~ lu'iaU who 2ii:ui:::rr({ rdia.iis. f-r.-d;t is duo. 'a-i. t!i.y wrrki d ;Mif| snooe-siuily. keeping things up to t-lie ir.ark. and t-liiir \V:tn

marked absence of annoying delays, s:> that tiie last game was commenced at -i.l>o p.m. .V great deal depends on the ivlevve. and yesu-rday these ol'iieiaij; accoutred Tji:-ms:ives rc-markalily v.eii. [here were no glaring mistakes, an inclination on ti:e pari or some oi'

use i'l'.i much \i;i =c 1 o Lvmg ouiv pause of tnoa* control one eouiu comp.ani ahiuii. Ihe Album team leom hristehurch, won the senior eompe-

litiwii, ami t-kii 1 :. was a popular vie-L-.ry: the jumor medals wiii go out to F:iirli.- ; whhv the Star Club .Turned up trumps in the third and fourth grades. ii.ay be men: u-neii iaat in aoUKiun :j other e::-nvc-r.L-mv< ; Mr J. xl. .tfud-gc-rs provt.d an efficient caterer. The was JL'oi) ~j- C.l. about ilk- same as last \var. Piesulis were as follows:—

I'OUKTH GKADE. Celtic v. Higli School (Referee, Mr ValeiulneK—Celtic outclassed tlio iiijill School h:j-.,-i ;n all departniems. and he'■ere iialt-t'nie ..ere leading by 6 points t;» nil. adeir.y S points in tile .second spell ..UcGrath, lieimehy and Cairoil ijornig. Zinirari v. Star uir McMillan). — iVith spe!!o were i'air!y even. Star uiorc openings, and at last lJuneaii away and scored. Ciark£2ii converted and Scar won o to nil. FiXAL. Co'tia r. Star (Mr C. Collins).—A raising rush by t'.iu Star backs was the iir.-r.. inipertani feature of t-ho first .-.pell, the : ads linr.'ll.ue; t'le ball with i ennui-able iinencss. but Williams was rushed out. Celtic forwards iii'iiibb". t!c„' hiiii past halt way. hut .'. ; i":i -eiieid r;)U3:d, and saved : t t:iv r»v r.rv-iivc iia.g tae wiiisiie l icw Str.r kept- up the pressure ia ik: j»d anct I:mo ai'ter lime : iiTf.ther.'d ntceuipted return kicks l»v The Cekic hacks, and nipped in tiie : T.d any dribhlr.ig rushes. From some :ae.v pL'.y Avii:. ~r ;',nd Duncan scored i:ijs ii.r "Kar and tiie game ended Siar ii poisits, Celtic nil. ! THiivD GHADE.

v. Cehif l\oc*kel). —£tnr had the upper rand in the first spell, »\\z no scores were registered, and the second spell lin:siicd v/Ttli the teams still even. At'u-r the game had bcon conciniied ht* i.. u or three minutes, .--tar were aw.-.rded a iree-kick, and did Ijh* lvcdr'nl.

Pirates v. i :School (?\lr Martyn). —I Mi -School staued o!f with a rattle, ■ lid Simmers scored alter a lone run. Soon alter the same player started a one rush. -valine and Hutton handled tiie ieat'i.r ill turn, the latter . -orim:. (>-De.nojrhn<> converted, and were load' 'g S — l at liah-iime. in the socund spell Da vcy scored ior -orates. JI tjji h.-bw»l S, Pirates 3. /licgari v. Si or (.Mr Valentine*. — Ciarkson put the ball over ironi a freein the iirs: sooii. and at the start ■i the second spoil Cook scored a good try ior St ir, aad Ciarkson eonrerted. '-■ tar v. on by j? points to nil. Athlete v. (•; raklii'.e (.Mr T». Little- }-• >:: ii < —A-cleric woo by 12 points to id'., HiUin'nVn, •<; iitt. >iiiii"an, and B.'.c'! sco!one: without much difficulty. s.>eraU!ie." ;o:0otto.1 111>m igtwratico oi the iinc points of the gaiuc. Tomuka v. Southern Cross Oir Kodaugher).—This -ana; W as featured by a iro.mbm- ot' loose forward rushes by Temuka, bur the ten minutes went by without either line being crossed. In the third =pe" "Webb .scored, and Temuka won by three points to nil. Jligli School v. Star (Mr Manninei. —School were oil the for first s.pell. but failed lo s.-uiv. jlaticis were reversed after changing ends. Star holding: the upper hand —Cook scored near posts. The try was converted. Star "j-0. Tennikri v. Athletic,—(Mr T\T;u'iyn').— .1 scoreless first spell was followed by Athietie notching a t:y in the i-orner. SulUvau being the scorer. Xo lurther points were gained. Athletic won 3-0 I'IXAL. Star r. Athletic (Mr J. DeansV— Athletic hud little diii'ieuity m y:ettiii!i into an attacking ]!■ >:tioo. and ini'red Star alter tv. o oiinnp. s' ohiv. eoiue: lit tile hitter's territojy til; half time, after a sm cession ol short ti; >t)i>litj lt rushe*. In the second spell Aililetic pecexd away persi-tently. and the dei'ence was olivioosly Thru Cook broke away from his own line, end :an down field bcine overtaken just as he was about- to cross. Ki;cour;e-W:i by this ineid< lit Star livened up, and <"'larkson dashed over, convertins with e.-jod kick. Star -j. Athlotie nil.

J UXIOR. Timnru v. Ziniriiri (Mr O'Leary).— Plav was of a rauired order for n start. Zinuari attacked but their rushes lacked effectiveness. and there veto im scores ill) till bali'-time. Both hides '.vent near scoring in the second >pe!l. hut foolish' illif:nir>-iis■ i:ts snoilt their chances. The third spell was inure exeitiuir. but it Wi'S nnlv after smother extension tluit Zingnri got to irork, and Latimer scored. Tci>u:k:/ V. Ath';-!"<* (Mr (.'"') Temuka played a fast name and Hearer scored a. couple of tries. Athletic H ere weak in k?< h 1 iiand fieldinir. hut improved in the secondspell, and prevented any furtlicr score. Temuka H. Athletic 0. Celtic v. Geraldine 1?. (Mr AY. "Raymond). —Celtic played well indivMnnily and attacked nearly all the time, thnupli the defence was hv no means weak. Mason. -T. TToulihan and TTertnon scored for Celtic, who won by 9 points to nil. Viratrs heat Cricklewood hy default. Fairlie J?, v. Alburuv (Mr Fraseri.— Aibury Were attacking with trreafc yigour rigUt through. and won bj 3

V-'hii< in nil. .Kuih'.'riord si-orinji :i wil-tMrihil iiy. »rr:il(iiin' ,\. v. Kjiiriiu A. (Mr Sliiri-i-liii'<<>.---l-'.-nriii' wiiii i,v .[:', points to n:l. -). Si7.vni.iri' w-iiriiii' cue Lrv ;imi ■!. Km;.-, i-rns-:;-,!- i.v. i<- 5 .. kicked mil' --iiiii. .-imi liiirii.-ii mi.-.

iiiwiro.i v. Southern truss (.Mr A. .1)11:111 >.- Soui hern Cross forced piny? ami liio oilier team seldom yofc pasl haltway. in the second snell I; :lzeerald scored a u■<i try, and Southern cross won Ity ;! points to nil. Zinsrari v. IVmuka—(Mr Korkcl). — Icmuka scored almo-t at omv, Henry ,u'i'ti.iiiu' <iv< r. Ziiijiitii «•«•;•«• kopt <lt~ t'eudinn until hall' time. A iter channends Xingari had iiu< belter of the play, but cuuld not score. Temuka wan 3-D.

_Co I tie r. Pirates—(.Mr Littlejohn).— exciting happened until a free kick i-.avc Ceiile a sirone; advantage, but no .score eventuaicd. Cive anil lake play until in tile third spell Celtic ■ won by a. force. Celtic Pirates 0. j Fainie A v. Albury (_\ir Ale.Uilian). —Albury made ur--i of the piac in the Jirst spell. 1);>i11Very much .superior ill the loose, hut in tho second sp, II they lost, a ileal of ground through (jver-rmiuim; the ball. In the second spell L. ilcudeisuu scored, and Fairlie A won by ;i points to nil. Celtic v. Fairlie —(Air 11. .H. FraS'ri. —*1 Me country team made a (iashinn opening by means of consistent, tonvard piay, am! from one r:;sh ,McLced e t) t over, am] li■ ndern-:! coiiveited. Fairlie continued lo attack persistently in the second spell, and. showid up to advantage in several bright pas.sin:.; exhibitions. Fairlie «oa by 5 points ia nil. bL i'.iia-rn (Y '--s v. Temuka —(ATr V.". 'i homasj.— IViiiwka were in their opponents twenty-live all throu.uh the til's.; s;v!l. a• c i mi-scd two or three onnortup.i tics ii; roueii evcr-eae:eriie.>s. IHe .second speli pa--s d v. itiiiillt a scoie. and the lihirt! and fourth spells likewise. lew interestim; incidents occurring. I' isher scored in the tilth, and Temuka wun. FINAL.

Toniuka v. Fairlie A (Mr J. O'lioary).—After a weak attempt to centre play "by lr'airiie, the Temuka team, headed by rushed thesphere in co Fairhv\s territory where thc-y wore .nearly scoring. Two Fairlie lorwards took the bail from a scrum. a in] picking iu> about 11a]i : way ran strongly to "Temuka'.s line. TUs delenee laiied-to the rush. ;iiid I'. Henderson, coiiiMji; up. ,scored at ilm foiuer. On rlinngiiig' en;i.> Temuka wuke up t-;j the iact tinit they st-iJi)(| a chance ui' io-ung, and attacked Vigorously. uniii Henry scored. in the continued play Fair lit- evidt-nccd better staying power, and scored ail easy try. Ifuirlio 0. Temuka 3.

SEXIOtt. Pirates r. Timaru Ofr Collins). — Play was las!, and hi the first nvo minutes Jtobcrtsxi and Hod;:i<rs ceHided heavily. but resumed play alter a short spell. Pirates throw the ball about in xiic-ir usual iaslnoa, but Timaru kept them duo we'd in the first spell, snov.ed up for Timaru on several nut was not backed up. After

ooiies mu'l made a i: 1;o op-cn,n<i', l J iraces ill an attacking pesdioiij all -] (iasiien across. denes converted, and Pirates Won by :> -a.nis tu ml. _ Temuka v. Zingari '(Mr O'Loary).— Icir.uka immediately ill Zmgari's tweniv-iive, aiut _vi. had an unsuccessful shut at u\;:u a iree-kic-ii. Thou Zinuari tt:«tk a hand. and Darreeh.kicked the ball into the other twenty-live, Scott reluviiinv; tu nalr'.v'ay. in tiie .sectmd spell the Teiniika b::cks participated in a number ot' iie.-s----i 11— ri!s:ies_. an;l a'.ier sireiiiuu::; elicrts. Grant cut through and tcored. Zin.nari rallied aiit.-r cit:. l -. a.iul weix- attacl-:-u'hen the whistle Metv v.ith the •score: —i'einuka 3. Zmuari nil. itakfiia v. Star U- sliiricliffc).—Star attaLived .strongly, antl almest scored at once, and .Rakaia v, ore i'orced atraii; by Zlioraan. Ion;; k-'.-k biiL t'ne team bad the better of "the ispeil. .Star eoiitiiimd t» mn'-e play, and their twenty-live never •entered 111 the <ecjnd term. Overtime was played,. Star »ii!| aitac-kiny; and Gibson kicked a prettv i».-iialtv" aoal. Star 3—o, - • -

Celtic v. Albion —(Mr -f. Deansi. — The opening play was tame.. Gray started Aiblun and J Lenry v,\o; stunpod at the 25. A kick by Gray railed to work, and Xialt was at "midiieid at- hah time. Albion set. up an attack by yetting on to the Celts full back, and Gray scored an easy try. and A\ eston converted. Soon niter (■ V'-'y ran over a .second time. The game ended —Albion 8. Celtic 0. Pirates y. Tomuka—(Referee Mr A. Difllii j. f his was a very fast go o;c. Tomuka showed tr> advantaiio in following tip ami their forwards worked together tplendidly. l?y good p'av in the line-out-.. Cok-. and Kodf£ers imsJiotl Tonsuka back and had got- tc ball tn the let;: r's" tweniyhye at liai i-1 irae.. An exchange of kicks oetwocn all and Scoit cp.ned the .second speli, and thou Temuka got a i ruc-ki- -1: ior oil s'-de plr.v bv Jones, b'.it a good per by Keen just led short. M. jiorgun got. away and was just collared .on Pirate's line. Y\ ltli ten laimitrs gone there was still no .score, but in the third spell the combination ol the town t,ani improved. ale 1 from a line out took the leather and passed to C'ole.s. The latter made a big effort. and Ti nmka wore forced down and lost by half a point.

Star v. Albion—(Mr AY. EaymontiJ. —Jlali a minute had trone. when Cray siored a try lor Albion ai'ter dodfrin*; two (ir three opponents, and scon d

ai'aiu .alter a smart 'passing rush. Vieston converting, jlen'.y added another try ior Albiou ju the second ■spell, and a nonine later tiie seven Albiou men were (in the Star line

uunimarked, Ous Spillane touching down. Gray was the next to score and Albion won by 17 point;-, to nil. Pit-ales v. Ai'bion— (Mr A. Shirtcl.!ie>.—Pirates took the iield in Zin«<>ri's colours, and had the best of the opening play. Ami'.! much excitement the visiting backs got going, but Wall cut in and punted out. Gray and "Weston got av. ay again but a breach oi the oil-side rule saved Pirates. Albion were very last however, ami trom a favourable opening Luke got over, after a twenty yards run. Hc-nrv kicked a line goal l'rom a difficult angle. (Albion Pirates 0). jdalihay play lidlowed lien the sides cliaiigef! ends, and the Pirates forwards were breaking aivav from the hue repeatedly but the visiting hacks goi down to the rushes in excellent stwo. Contrary to Pir;itc\s iiifliiiations too play opened somewhat slow, and the .speedy V. all was brought down before he .could return a, kick. Three. Albion hacks po'tmeed on the' leather simultaneously,, and alter an effective display of passing Swanev scored right behind the posts. Albion were the winners by S imints to nil when the whistle blew. The winning team were: dlray, A\eston, iMeadows. Henry, "Luke. Turner. Spillane. (Swaiiey rephiccfl AVo.Nt.nn in the final).

AVtX FOR XF;\V ZEALAND. Per Tress Association. AVI'LIVIXCTOX, .Tune 3. The match New Zealand r. "Wollinjiton was i»h' T e;| in fine weather. and before a la'-ee •>!tendance. The\»mie was a very Ja:-.f and rjood exhibition of ioothall. sou e Sine passing rushes l>ein<r indnhred in by Im,th sides. The New Zealand team wns not vastly superior .to their opponents, hut should >rive a oood account of themselves on the other side. The hacks work well together. and the forwards are a fine iot. their play at times bein<' brilliant. New Zealand set the ball rolling, and s-or-inir onero+.ituis eommencod at once. Fnll'*r ' : -!<r ever mid o'T,»nrr converting. Shortly after Bradley scored for

Vi elline; but the kick" at jroal fail-.!. I' olaee'l a luce eoal f !; • \V . ion slu rl'v alt crwa rd-. civieej: them a lead. Fuller a-a in scored near ihe posts, ( )'Lo;i I'v's kiek on this oeeasioli heiue fruitless. Wellington were penalised in front of I hoi r own posfei, Stohr placing a jftwl. Frnni the kickout "Wellington rushed the ball down till! Jield ami liruee yut over, but the try was not. converted. Three iniuutes lais'r Dawson touched down for "Wellington, and this was not improved upon. fuller scored a third try, which St.ohr converted. Immediately altcrv.ards I'Jvensan with a iine run scored near the posts, AlcFarlane ad:line; the major points. Patton ind'ificd this by s<orinn; a jrood try in the corner, the kick at goal failiup,. "Wilson shortly after potted a nice eoal. whicii was iolloived by a try by AHtchinsim, winch was ;iot: converted. The gams | ended—\ow Zealand L'fi, Wellington 17.

M/B-I'XTOX AIATCHKS. .Tune 3. The annual couTitrv matches arranued between the sub-unions aftiliated to the Canterbury Pmihy I tiitm wei'e ])hived to-day at Laneasi,>r Park in fine weather. liosuHs—Kllesmcre (l'2l v. Ash'"irion (l!). Peninsula (3) v . Xci'th Canierbury (;i). Canterbury .Tuniors (2-3) v. Alalvem ((IV

FTGTI TETiS V. FOOTRALLFE?. Press Aswoeiatinn-lU- Telenra l»-Copvvi<'ht c.!KT/P»OFFNF,, June 3? The chairman of the Victorian Football League, in disqualifying a player for two years for striking: another player, said that if players wanted to beconio iiehici-s let them 'he so. but if loothallcrs let them play fooihall. -'vs an outcome of a. consultation between the Premier and the head of the Police Department, lirm measures will be La ken to put ctuv. ji ro ity ism either by players or spectators.

THE MAUlii FOOTBALLKIW. SYDXiiY, June 3. The Alaori tea in has umvya in condition. TOI'C.IILiXK TOriCS. (By C.K.H.) Springburn were nout':ie absentees from yesterday's tournament. Uradley played centre i'or Wellington against the _\ew /.calami team vesterday. and scored a try. St. James dejeaied Poneke last Saturday, and are now leading for the Yi c»!i:ngum premiership. Last year s tournament winners were Pirates (senior), Celtic (junior). Athletic (third), Star (fourth).' • Two or the winning .South Island oi' last year, Gray ami Weston, were playing ior Albion yesterday. Ihe Auckland 1. men lias detailed that relerces and members of the management committee shall have power to report instancesoort r rough play or unruly conduct.

If i.uinour is not the lying jade she is popularly supposed to be, two of the Aucklanders originally chi sen for the iS cm /aalan<i team will tread the now y, eP-oeaten track to Lancashire and the -.\orLlier;i I a ion next .season.

Tho diyqnaliiicaiion of Victoria. Park iho iirst _ incident of the kind I can ror.icMiihL'r m Smith Canter burv. Xi* other places it i.s a common euoa,<ik occurrence ; Canterbury lias at deferent times i;!aeed the Xaianoi. LytU-Hon. and Sydenham grounds nuder the ban. lUuiic'tt was ono f)i tho \\ cilmiitou liommations lor the A: j \v Zoalaiul t^am,

ancl (■oiiSL=r|i:ciit!y was lookocl linon as a c.'i taiui;,- joi* thy i)i'ovirn.-:til 11-tecn lor > t'st L-rday s j;;uiK'. .tie innoitod bis ciiniK.'c cfnniiuny wiih nnolWr player (in the day tho team whs selected.* i)u:hie. laie ol /Waitaki School, is U'.m\ f>kivin<4 ior Dntii:'.- ami .dnlloy fjiuiit her Y\ aitakiam) ! I ,ut "j 1 »nw;»r.intc!> nfrt.rmiwe la si ; . v: ' !ir njrmncfc idea! .teams. Thov lir-;r ; in a maWi ' High , School (third grade), lritor visited TiI as 111 p 1111> t>rk of .he junior .-op. i team. and finished up by placing for -North OtoK'> .".gainst South Canterbury mi ihe senio. i-*-isi<>n. Several of the selected men hare had to witlidrn w from tlio team for tralia. addition to I\iitche!i, the s«"s|N»n'J«l player, IT.iyward ami 'fier- - 3 ":! ~ (.Auckland), Cameron (Tarauaki). and fryer (( ;iuu fir. fry) each bad to be Budd got- Alin-hell's place, V. iI:.o;i (Auckland l : nivcrsitv') and Stohr (Turanaki) filled the guns in the threequarter lino, and iMcivellar (Wellington) and f-.vans (Canterbury) secured vacant positions in thy vanguard. Stohr is a youthful back endowed with great speed an.! goal-kicking ability. ..n> much leniency had been shown in years gone hy to Temuka- spectators, am! io Havers who had flouted the authorities with regard to competition ail.-; rep. games. that it was only to be expected that the (lisqnaiiiication of \ ictoria J'nrk would create a mild sc">saLion. it. was also easy to predict that, an attempt would be made to giro a. personal aspect to the affair, aim that ;i! 1 manner of insinuations would he made. '1 hose are unworthy of notice, with the exception of th'.' silMjeitioiw made thai 'lVmuka. should withdraw from - tile competitions. iho players are wise, they will do nothing, <>t the kind. The Committee completely exonerated the nlayers from any connection with the ill-treatment oi the referee, and may be trusted to se? that, they Milfer jm more hardship than is necessary. There is room for discussion as to whether the punishment iits the crime—or rather the criminals. and it may be open to nuestion whether the course adopted 'was the best, one possible. "What is beyond dispute, however, is that such unseemly disturbances as have disgraced recent Liix matches at Temuka must be prevented, even at the risk of incurring the displeasure of citizens who " won t. stand " interference. Pecole who indulge in referee baiting, and deliberately seek to inflame players, are morally little better than criminals, ant! if they cannot be controlled without. assistance from outside South Canterbury. football has reached a stage where it should be knocked on the head, or the". State aliowed to take charge, as the cable says is threatened in Sydney. Spectators who treat a man as some Temukaites have clone on recent occasions, after lie has been specially invited to control a. match, are lost to all self-respect, and it is despicable for onlookers wlio have by their hooliganism brought inconvenience on players, to seek to draw them into the mire also. Although some prominent citizens of Temuka are known to have sympathised with the displays of feeling, there are larger numbers fashioned of fitter clay who are thoroughly disgusted with some of their townsmen, and it is to these more finely constituted ones and to the club that we must look for relorm, and there is good reason to believe that the club will assist- the Vniou. Tuesday's meeting is fraught with serious consequences for the welfare of the game, and it is greatly to be desired that the Temuka.' representatives will be in a position to promise effective control of their ground in future, and that the personal "aspect of the question will be keot out of the discussion bv both town and countrv delegates. The issue at stake is not the convenience or inconvenience of spectators, but the good name of South Canterbury football. ' 1

THE TOr iiNAMKXT. The Union is proverhiallv luelcy i n vesneft to wenHjer for its tournaments :ind though the bleakness of the ai'r doubtless restricted the attendance, the day was an ideal one from the player.?' standpoint. The only incidents whir-h nvirred a particularly successful rrathorinjt, were the lodging of two protests

and a num 1)01' of minor accidents—or correctly speaking, temporary knockouts. Tin.' protest entered by Temnka seniors ayainst Pirates could not ho .sustained, us it- involved u question of fact, and the rtreree's decision in. such cases i.s irreveca b]y final. The other objection, lodged by Athletic against Star alleged that Star played seniors in their team, and this matter lias yet to bo considered. Pleasing features of the day's spurt were tlu; cleanness <<l : the nitty, "the impartiality of the juniority of the spectators, and the clever work displayed in the two lowest of the four '.trades. This !a.-,t mentioned feature aucurs well for the future of Smith Canterbury lootbail. and i.s a direct outcome of the efforts of the Schools' Association. The arrangements worked without a hitch, and the lengthy programme was put through jnsr in time to avoid the early darkness of a dull winter day. The fonrLh-m'adcrs were responsible for seme nice lootball. the and Star-Ceilio nialches reaching a much higher level than some of the junior contents. J'lx-jiunils of the .Main and e.farist Schools were conspicuous in the final-eontestinij; teams, and the success of the Star lads was well merited and unp;rudgine]y aiiplauded.

The cream of iho sevens in the president's division were also above the average. Zingnri, High School, Star, and Athletic each doing good work. Of the two in the final, Athletic on the run of the plav should have wop. hut Cnok (an ox-Waimata itai hoy) won the gam'" 1 on Ins own merits, and deserves a gold instead of a. silver medal for his sterling play right through. With the exception of Fairlie, Al-. bury, and Tcmukn, the junior teams were hardly up to the usual standard. ''Alter mail J- days," Fairne scored the popular w in of the afternoon, and iullilled the prediction, made in this column a. few weeks back. The men from this Mackenzie township, always noted for dasumg play, blended -with speed the additional virtues of good passing, deadly tackling, and accurate kicking, and one or two of the senior sevens would have had their work cut out to defeat them. O'Dowd was a tower of strength, and had he remained in Tiuiaru would have earned rep. honours ere this. Size more and Henderson are good men. Henry, Temuka, on yesterday';; showing would be a dangerous scoring member in a r-ouior '.cam; ! c-n i ;ne (tlio ex-High School ijoy; was conspicuous tor i'irates, and .Moore placed very soundly for Zmgari.

J it there was nothing in the senior i contest quite so good as the Tenruka- , Pirates final oi' last year, there was •soiiio rousing football, tho two crack | local teams contcstiii;* another close : game ill their semi-mial. Albion, one ; of the two best hacii mvisious in t'lirist- ! church, delighted the spectators by i their clever work, and turning ail element of fortune to splendid account, rounded off two scaring movements in taking style. will he ■welcome visitors at future tournaments. The lirsfc senior game, Pirates v. Timaru, was not exhilarating until seven I minutes had gone, then the Blacks opened up and wore Tinnmi down. An accidental collision gave Kodgers a nasty cut which dazed him for some time, but. biter be did yeoman service in spite ol his wound. Hariey was the star oi' the Tnnaru seven. li. Anderson. who had played also'in the junior grade, gave a better display in the big company than in his own' class. Temuka beat Xingari, nut not with any apparent ease, ami sounder tackling than usual made Ziugnri's display creditable. even if Temuka- were not fully extended. Albion won from Celtic fairly ennvfortnoly once tho opposition of JViall, "Kit'igeraH and o*l3rien had been overcome. 1-laka ia. were expected to account for Star, but to the general surprise tho visitors never had a look ;n. and Gibson made Star a good AV illner with a pretty penalty goal. Albion easily displaced Star in the second round, hut Temuka and Pirates had a fine tussle. Ted TTo.rgan and King were absent from Temuka's s-'de, but the seven was a good one, and tile first term was all in their favour. f'irates reversed the order in the second five, minutes, and won after a dashing bit of play by Jones and Coles. The'final was not so good to watch, excent for the evolution which terminated in Albion's second try. Pirates chivalrously allowed Albion to play a- substitute for Weston, who had strained his knee, and if they lost rlie medals hy so doing, they showed the true sporting spirit. The winners were a fast and nippy lot-, and after offside gave them a lucky try, they placed the result beyond doubt by seizing an opening presented by an opportune bounce, and a neat passing bout gave thom a well-deserved victory. Grav was the ''classiest '' of their lot, ancl Jlenry and Weston were very prominent. G. Spillane was one of the Albion parly. Pirates had the best front division of tho lot, but they played with less dash against .Albion than against the stronger forward opposition of Temuka. Jones, RoUgers, Coles and Davis were the best of the seven, the five-eighths (Coles) playing a sterling and clean game, Jfor Temuka, Maze and Grant were prominent, tho erstwhile Oriental man being particularly neat, and heady in his play. "Uick Morgan was another useful' member, and just missed a line try by reason ot' a beautiful tackle by .Tones. The best senior efforts were behind the best of last vear, but thc-average was a, trifle better.

NRXT THURSDAY'S FIXTURES. Senior.—Temulva v. Timarn, No. 1 ground, 3.15: Celtic v. Zingari, .No. 2 ground, 3.15; 'Pirates v. Star, Caledonian Ground, 3.15. Junior. —Pirates v. Temnka. Winchester, 2.30; Geraldine v. Thnaru, Rectory, 3.15: Celtic v. Zingari, No. 1 ground, 2.15. President's. —Athletic v. Celtic, Winchester, 3.30; High School v. Zingari. Rectory, 2.15; Star v. Geraldine, at Geraldine. Fourth Grade.—High School v. Celtic, No. 2 ground. 2.1.5; Star v. Zingari, Caledonian, 2.15.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 14216, 4 June 1910, Page 2

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FOOTBALL. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 14216, 4 June 1910, Page 2

FOOTBALL. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 14216, 4 June 1910, Page 2