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. Mr T. A. H. JjiilU-v. HM. Conui-i.s-fiioucr on iii'■ Ashjf-y TraiTic Kncjujry .rf-foiijiiH'ii'hs that a f'irro-con-crot-j hri'kro to /-.ant about £IO.O(KJ h<- r.](jf;tod on tho bit'.* of thi> oxi.-tiir.; On Tliiu\v!;;y a v-ry r-uc^f'.v-j'il social v.'ms in thf: Ockirr.-liov.'.s 1 H;tli Pk-aaunfc .Point. in ul<] oi th f ; iuri'l ihr tho- Cburo-h of KiJirland TL?; mwaif; u-a.s fcuppliod by vTr.-j Hnrdlcy .s bjtTid. tlio ovoiiikj; '.vf-i-r- by Mf-.s.srs Cha)>-

m;;u. Laurenson, and Mioses Cart wnght anrl Orion. and the- ladies o the parish supplied, refresh me uts. natives of the East Co a st_, north of Gisborno. v.'ere (~a\.s the ••JJoininion"> perturbed. over the uppe.'! ranee or ?J alley's Corner.. .V. tonear "Walpiro hSay had advised their; tiiUu the celestial visitor p;e=a:red a hiiL'e tidal wave to sweep the- pakehas into the se-.s. and so oncij and ror all or the land qupe.stion the noxious ;ve-'-d irr-p-etors. and other ■barnacles of civilisation.

Mr James Mayor of Lavrrence. Las in Land a scheme lor the celebration next y-iar of the jubilee of the discovery of g.»!4 at. Gabriel's Gully, his idea being that for a period of a week there .should be a reproduction on the historic spot of incidents that wove characteristic of a mining camp in the diiripmsrs days. He was asked some time something of the kind, to brinu together the old diggers, who still survive. Mr Rcty-rison. then a lad of 13. w:ii through his lather, associated with Ga'-riel Read the discoverer of the faniguiiy. In addressing his constituent* on Thuisday tic.- Hon. G. Fewlds r>.ferrcd to the Kr.yvett ease. He .stated that Colonel Robin wad now desirous to have an inquiry into the charges made against him. but it was n-t ea.-y to arrange :■ -r one. as military cutcm demanded that- a Court of Enqury eouklbe composed of only oflieers of equal or superior rank to the officer whose conduct- was the subject- of the enquiry. They had no officers in X-.-w Zealand of equal or superior rank to the Chief of .Staff. All efforts to overcome this d: faculty had been unstn-ees#it:l. and the proposed appointment- of an Imperial oim-er »f higher rank as Commandant ,\f the Xou" Zealand forces would probably overcome the dilrieulty. When the new coiimv.uMant- arrived, he weu'.d anpre.Ye of a beard to enouire into the charges ag-.dnsi Colonel lvibin. In duo time Captain and his friends would thus have an oppwtun-iv ».f x 1;.fullest- enquiry that they coald desire. The following; is the- advertisement which appeared lu "Lloyds Weekly Ximis" recently (.before the new Federal Ministers wk onke), wish it was stated, the authority »'i tin- High Commissioner for Australia (Sir tu-u-ge Koid): —"in Australia, the year bin;' uas marked by the breaking of many l'eeords in produetion. The wool clip, tilkou from UK) nulliou sh"ep. was tile heit-i'iest e\-er produced in a. season by any country. I'lie wlieat yield lor the lirst lime touched KM million bushel(ol'tieial estimate'*. Dairy in..-, Iruite;rouine'. and other braiu-iu-s of Vaniijiiu- made Lireal headway. 'riioii-an-.h oi near settlers took up land. .Maniifaetm.ine; had a bie year. Works woie

expanded and hirjjv numbers. .<f new liuihU employed. Nearly all hiilus! i u-v lered t-i> farmers, farm labouicr.s. :111< 1 Waii.'s arc l.iyli an.l diiious I ii< l lill\ t rllnh 1 111 L'.ianis

KU'am.«iti|> |si^ ; av..'s ai Momma! au 1111risis and domestics.'' Ihe Tra<ies Hall. .A!' ■lbeiirne. tir.-r ohiecle.l in ii". and then trie M ini-tcr lor l'.xier--11 a I Affairs said il would not do. the ,siat : l stics were unreliable. SOMK STCCHSSFrT. PATENTS. I DMAS TH AT PAY. OiU'e a patent takes on. it begins to pay. and the paieutee's income is then insured. A man obtained a [latent in the I'nited States for a sHu'lit improvement i'' chad cut tcrs, and alter oiulit months sold it for JL'S:);HI. Another inv,'|if"i" obtained a paU'ut 'to thresh and dean <;rain and sold it in fifteen months lor £'l-.<KK), while a third h;ul a patent monopoly in a .special nriticer's ink and linally sold it for C 12.000. These are ordinary cases of minor inventions involvin.'j; no cieat inventive nciwers and of which hundreds

.'II out of the patent office every year. N'ew Zealand inventions can likewise lie placed in the same successful list, and anions his clients Tlenry I indies ], K s manv such, who are. lie is _ happy to sav. "doing well. If you have invent erl anviliing that tills a want. or replaces anv less efficient comrivaiic;>, obtain expert information and patent it. Kor | ile:! ourpose 1 he otiiee oi' Henry Hughes i (A. .1?. I loldship). 18;! .Hereford's!:.. Christehurch. is fully equipped fur advising the inventor on the spot. .7. K. S. Jackson, Stafford St.. is the Timaru agent for Henry Hughes. ... INFLUENZA. "When you have an attack of Influenza take immediate stens to reduce tlie fever as quickly as p. ssible and for this there is no' better medicine than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It will reduce the lever, lessen the inflammation surrounding the lungs and bronchial tubes. "With Chamberlain's Cough Remedy there is no danger of developing tliat nasty cough that so often follows influenza. Croup is most prevalent during lie dry, cold weather of the early winter months. Parents of young "children should be prepared for it. All that is needed is a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, Many mothers nro never without it in their homes, ond it Jio-s never disappointed them.

Iho London "Daily Telegraph" in a Ifadnijj: article dcscj'ihes ex-iVesidept I'oosevelt as the most powerful statesman in 1 lie ■world. "Mis personality/' tho article says, "is hotter than that, of any oilier statesman except the German Lmperor, and in some ways ho is trio stronger ol tho two."

Iho survey of tho harbour channels ei Auckland, winch is proceeding Indirection ol tho Harbour Hoard, has resulted in strange things being discovered "11 tho harbour bed. A steamer's * noiler, .1,1, lu;/;h, was found in Kamdtoco Channel in the fainvav, and was a distinct menace to navigation. Tho survey has also brought to light anchors and many other nautical items. A lad who was out with one of tho Janiaru fishermen at the lining of tho week met with a. peculiar adventure. .V was being hauled into tho boat, and as its head passed the lad it snapped and took a considerable quantity of flesh out of, a part of his body. Oil coming ashore the lad fiad to bo medically attended, several stit.-hes beni« necessary to hold the youiid together, and the doctor adm'on-i.-.nod him not to attempt to sit down lor some time.

I he. Teachers' Institute endorsed a resolution received from Auck--11 f 1 Tiiiifc the iroo book issue, as ;ib picv'nt conducted, is not a success, for —(I) it doos not alloiv of the children taking tho books homo, and .some preparation of nork at homo is essential I" progress in reading and. in snellin"; C-) parents who have tho welfare of jbeir children at heart arc pureliasiiifj; books as hereto; ore, consequentlv verv little saving results. l-'ui'ther' it is the opinion of this institute that, as■ost.ance to parents m this direction can 10 /.'lVeil lo till' greatest tidvanhip-c l,v tlie i roe IS,Me of all writing and rlrmrme; requisite-:."

At ii ri'i:cnt of Ui«> Xiitionn! Council of Women, „f Victoria, it was re-.ulrcd to arrange ;i, conference tf) coii.-i'ler tlic ],ro|»iiety „f a skin«r I'siriMliient for a Curfew law for ics. It \ias >-t;ited that the Curfew lie|j ™' ll3 wheme enforced with "rent sneers ,n oOUO towns and cities in tlm ' .l" "< .-natc:, of American. AVlie,, ' "'.'"-■ll is run- at 8 o'clock at in-hfc '""■ t,if ' " niter months, ;ni<l <) in .-.nmmer all voiiny; folk of sixteen year.* and under were required tcj lie at lioine, i.ii,i'..i : n the chanr.e of a ijarent op Eiiiirjlian, If tlm I«\v was not mw. was cijii'lncted to , rll , d !!,a ' tli'-r.-! would l,c a 5i,,1l sourt. It was i, ,t "i 1 ';.."""', -"t'-rf'Te With the 1i 1 >r-rl,r 'I t ''- ''"'i'ir'*ii kt, nine!. r,= to protect f.'ieiii iroijL rarer,tal in-idf-ft. Th'T" v.'.r. nothing to nrevont the eniovment aivl oenefit of fresh air, f„ r children could he out as low; as thr-v nV-ii ••'-<1 i»ronded thV-y wero aceorap'anic-d by someone. re-^onsihle.

cut to Education b, thr- iJi-piirtnK'iit states that S ' Ut Um W!h ° ol r^idcuL, ; K i rA W<:re "' ,tho,lS or Of these resi-oenr-es there were four with one three rooms, UC with four rooms, li ' F > Wit]l two moms, 4G with ll'o-; -J™ I ™' 146 "-'til four rooms, J-o .m;ii five rooms. SI with six rooms. jr.,?"- 1 yen r ™ms. ami three with V- roon 3 s - In Providing for tho j-.j-.-r.on or new residences during the. '.'?."i r 't r .l r ° u " department had to r---.Li.ct tho accommodation to five wita a bath-room and a wasli-l-o(,,„ Genorallv. continues tlio me'..orar.dum, it would seem of doubH'ul expdiem-y to make any Pi-ncutiire nn residences more than "0 years old. It would be eonallv inex-,.—-Uc-nt. to spend money on additions £ one and two-roomed dwellingIhere were some- 200 houses of tlireo co five rooms needing ininrovemenf Ine c-ost- would ho £IB,OOO to Win.' m to th» standard. Tilis m-ni'l.vl 196 bathrooms at ■ p 2o h>~, at £-2.7, 122 (one ' room x-\'rn at +~,' if J- i aC, o ronms fnr-h) at £T'irt total £l/ .925. A list of dofeetivo residences in each district is adted for.

Anion-;t. the exhibits at the Duneam \mter Mio-.v was tho Soya bean, <,hv,\-ii by i)r Go*»v, of Sunny.skle, C;ui-tt-ri);iry 1 lie h; j au is doacribed as u !l o' V , lud , der --\s this it is naturally little known in tlii.s capacitv in its native- element in Asia, but- where it -Mi been tried it is generally admitted to be an excellent milk-pro'dueer. Tho beau, savs a Southland paper, nueht wirn advantage be cultivated m -New Zealand. .Apart from its value as an oil-yielding legume, il:a value as a fertiliser and a fodder snould recommend it iu a country v. here winter feed is periodically searee. A eahie reeeived n dav <ir two a-o stated that the prolits of the Suez tanai Comiiany had been amplified partly through the largely increased export of the Soya bean. This is sieu'.neant, indicating, a.s it does, that the i\lauohuriou article has made itself popular in Europe, to which trial shipmenis were made a. couple of years a.Lje. Owing to the failure of tliw cotton crop. 111 all probability tln»-*'xport.s to Europe approximated half a million tons, absorbing all the available surplus. The Manchnrian bean evidently lias a great future, and it will be surprising if Dr Gow's ex ample is ni.< followed by a number of agrici.ilturv ists in X'eiv Zealand,

After millions™, Baxter's Oran<?« Quiui: to Wino quickly restores you to health nnd strength. l'rieo 2s Cd. Ha star's Pharmacy, Timaru. ...

A\ o may all have health, strength, ami happiness by usiiiir Summervilhj's laver 'I oiiic. a preparation which i.s destined in i iiia liver complaint, iii'-"-. headache, drowsiness, pains in «!"• l ):,iu i ll tilt* aide, eimstipat:nu, I.ail taste in the mouth., biliousness and indigestion. Tlio laver Tonic IS l's (;<! per bottle, and may be had irom i nianufacturer, !R. ftotmnerville. analytical and dispensing chemist. Tim.'U'ii. ...

Xervous people who had doubts whether Halley's Comet would envelope the earth are now assured that such doubts were But there is no doubt whatever, that Router's Health Boots Store, sell only the best wearing hoots and shoes, at lowest prices for such L'ood boots. If you have not tried Souter's boots, call at our shop where you _ will fmd. the busiest hoot st ere in South _ Canterbury, because the general public recognise that Souter's boots wear we 11...

"T. have used every oom pure on the murker, over a spaco of five or six years, t»l| with the same result—no ri'lioi : but n<nv 1. aia thankful to say ■ 1 111 by ( oni Cure' lias practically cured »«'• So . says one grateful customer, n I';I ' u ' I* filly mi# of many who aro Iic!!il': cured ol those painful growths liy Ruby Corn Cure. One shilling port 1 roe. Baxter's Pharmacy. Timaru. ...

Vie have just landed from England a .splendid sample of Extract of Malt, ami bxtraet ol Malt with Cod Liver OJ. It is highly recommended for its digestive and strength-giving properties, and tlm price, Is Cd a bottle, is within the reach of all. Prepared in England for L. B. James, Chemist, Tiinuru. ... '

A concert and dance will be held in tile Fairview School on Friday. June 3 < t-li, the pr-ifec«Js vo "e devoted to the school i'uuds. At Wesley Church .to-morrow nt both services. the preacher will lie the Rev. H. E. Bellhouse. Ashburton. lie is well known as an able preacher, and so a good congregation is expected for both services. At Waimaiaitai the preachers for the day will be -Air C. G. Yogeler for the mornyig, and the lier. AY. J. Enticott at tlie evening service.

The weather yesterday was somewhat peculiar. In the west the" ranges were sunlit, a nor'-wester keeping them free from cloud. In the east the sea horizon was dark with heavy clouds from which rain seemed to be falling from time to time. The lowlands were between the two. and alternately had a warm air from the hills and a cokl one from the sea. To the townsfolk the sky signs threatened, to the country people promised, rain. The former hoped that when it came. whether soon or late, it would come with a rush, to wash away the thick coat of dust that covers the streets, as a light rain would convert it into a deep mud.

The weeklr meeting of the Lifeboat Lodge, 1.0. G.T., was held last evening. there being a good attendance ot members. Alter routine matters were put in train for a successml choir tor the Lodge. The programme for t• i• ■ evening was '* Guessing C ompetitioii for a prize presented by Sister Busch. After the members had done their best, the winners wore announced as Sister Claughton and Bro. *T. Ellis. ami they were presented with the prizes b\ Bro. Ennnerson. Harmony was then indulged in. Sfsters C'Saiighton and Leggott-, Bros. Peake, F.llis. Keiusloy. Overend. Emmerson. Glr-dhill contributing!:. The meeting was closed by Bro. Ellis, C.T., at 9. p.m.

At the last meeting of the "Wellington Land Board, the chairman reminded members that- after the hush tires two vears an f >. tile Government came to the assistance of settlers by adraneinrr crass seed free of interest- so that the hind affected might be re-sown as speedily as possible. Altogether, the Government- had helped 3"_b settler®, to the extent of £13,570. The first payments had no v.- come <lue. and outof' 323 settlers who should have paid £4526. only 24. representing £393. had not met their accounts. The hoard did not look at the amounts outstanding as bad. and the position must be regarded as satisfactory. A'nhoucdi the fires came very hard on ihe settlers at the time they were the best thing that- cotdd have happened. lor as a result much land had been broiudit in which formerly was unnvofuable. He knew of sorne instances, where as a result of the fires the carrying capacity of farms had been doubled. It- was resolved that steps should be taken to enforce the payment- of the outstanding amounts.

The. annual convention of the South Canterbury Christian Endeavour Union was held iu tile Cuujjregational Church at- Tiniaru yesterday. Delegates representing ail parts oi" teonth Canterbury were present, and following a lon<j established custom, they were entertained at dinner and tea by members of the local Edeavour Society. At half past 2 yesterday afternoon the delegates met* for the "purpose of transacting business, the Rev. J. Olphert presiding. The annual report and balance sheet were presented and discussed both being of a, very satisfactory character. The report showed that during the year, there I'.ad been a record increase in the membership of tlie different societies in the Enios, and that one additional society hgd ioined. The report and balance sheet were adopted, and the election of officers for the ensuing year was then proceeded with. A. E. Hunt was elected president, the Rev. Coatsworth (Temuka) and Rev. Harris ("Waimate) vice-presidents, and Mr J. Chiles, lion, secretary and treasurer. After the formal business, a very interesting paper was read by Miss_ .T. Strachan on "Ambit-ion," and after appreciative references to it, the writer was accorded a hearty rote of thanks. East evening another meeting was held in the church, this being larsely of a devotional character. The Rev. Coatsworth who was unavoidably absent, forwarded a paper he had written. and this was read by the "Rev. -T. Olohert. A very appropriate address was delivered by Mr J. A. Valentine, and after devotionaH the meeting closed. Before dispersing, however, supper was handed round by the ladies.

Just as very man thinks lie is a judge of music so pretty well every inventor lias a lingering idea that lie can run his own business in the matter of his patents. Never was a greater mistake. The wise inventor puts himself under the guidance of a skilled agent. Messrs Baldwin and Rayward. "Wellington and ChrLstchurcli, are tlie agents of repute. They see to the preparation of working drawings, and stand between the inventor and liis risks...

Forgan's Celtic golf clubs latest oval shafted drivers, brassies and nonsocketing iron clubs, Spalding's latest gold medal drivers, brassies, irons, etc. just arrived. F. Tasker. Timaru. Hockey players please note that Mr F. Tasker, Timaru, has just opened out a splendid assortment of hockey Eticks, balls ,shin guards, etc. Maker Grsnville, Birminsham...

DOCTORS DIFFER. Theologians also. We all speculate as to whether cull lives live for ever. What is one man's meat is another man's poison. What is pain to me is joy t-o you, and contrariwise. The relativity of pleasure is almost complete. Your bootblack does not wish to edit a paper, and you don't wish to live in Buckingham Palace. The baffled millionaire who finds the Kohinoor is not for sale is probably 110 more disconsolate and no less disconsolate t'nau the hpggar boy v."ho only has a ha'penny, and knows that his favourite tart is priced at twice that sum. Finally, - Heaven gives us our relations — Thank God we can choose our friends and our Ointment. To recapitulate. Doctors, Theologians. et hoc genus omne may differ, but all who have experience agree that Red Cress Ointment stands alone as the greatest thir.g in cures, because wherever there is a skin affliction, "Red Cross Ointment will, after the first application, absolutely begin its miraculous healing work. TIRED OF COUGHIXG. Your ihest will stand a lot, but you can't expect it to stand the strain of that continual coughing, fur there's nothing more weakening and injurious to the- lungs. Don't suffer any longer, but get a bottle of Baxter's Lung Preserver to-day, and bo rid of your hacking cough to-morrow. This proven remedy is famous because itcures quickly. ''lt's worth Is .1 drop." The Is lOd sized bottle is the mast economical... AVOIDIXC A BAD COLD. This cold damp weather, it's the easiest tiling in take a n::s:y chill, and, you begin to fee! that burning sensation at rtie back of the noso. tis-kiing in the throat, etc.. and it's iu-t at this stage when Baxter's I.nt-g Preserver will quicklv ran: ve all trace of tlie trouble. Ktvi> a r.oti!" by von to stop the chills !>o they derr*l" D into serious c,.nr-'i ">t ; en;. "It's wortn Is a drop." 'l'he Is led si:-.e represents the best value...

The Tui Hockey Club will hold their antiii;) 1 liall on tile !>th inst. •V progressive cuehre party and soeial will be held in Washdykc School on the 2-1 t-h inst.

Details are published of a. large sale of budding sites to be held by tho National Mortgage ami Agency Co. on the 30ch inst. The sites are. the property of Air I' 1 . Cullniann and are within the extended boundaries of the Borough of Timaru.

The I'or. Thomas Stinson will conduct the services in Trinity Church tomorrow, and also the afternoon service at Salisbury. Service will ba held in CullmaniitiiiVß as usual in the evening. The Lord's Supper will be observed at the morning service.

The following information is available about the Tim'aru to Christchurch road race on September 3rd—The entry fee is 7s Ou, with an additional 2s (id acceptance; entries close 30th July; handicaps will be declared on August loth, and acceptances are to be sent in by August 22nd.

The services in the Congregational Church to-morrow will be conducted hy the Rev. Arch. E. Hunt, who will take for his subject in the morning. ''The Beatitude of. the Persecuted," and in the evening. "The Failure of Fear." Strangers are cordiallv invited.

The Rev. A. Macaulay Caldwell will he tiie preacher in Chalmers Church to-morrow. Morning subject "Living "Words," children's address. "The weak and the strong'': evening theme

The secret of greatness. 1 ' A cordial invitation is extended to all. A preparatory service will he held on Friday evening next at 7.-1-3.

The superintendent- of electric lines has advised the Mackenzie County Council, that there had been a surplus oi £3 Is 3d on the working of Ma Y\aro telephone office for the year. On the Waikarua and Ashwick Flat telephone there has been a less of £l6. and in this case, the Council has to remit a subside of £ls.

Hie Pleasant Point Gun Club have decided to liokl a club match (clay birdsi on Thursday next, at 10.30 a.m. in Air McKibbon's grounds for trophies given bv Messrs G. Pettigrew. F. Nelligan, C. Byrne, J. S. Chisholm, J. Murray and H. llrophy. amounting in value to over £lO. A sweepstake will follow if time permits. Given fine weather tho committee hope to bob a good attendance.

Sergeant Bowman, of the Timaru police. received - word last evening that 'J'rembath, sentenced at the Supreme Court to two years' imprisonment, jumped off the first express ti;ain when nearing the Rakaia bridge yesterday afternoon. The nrisoner was in charge of Warder Cordy, ;uid embracing an opportunity when his back was turned, walked smartlv out on to the carriage platform and jumped off. So far as the Timaru police knew last evening, Treinbath was still at large, lie was not handcuffed.

The weekly meeting of the Fairview Mutual Improvement- Society was held on Thursday evening. There was a large attendance and tho Rev. W. J. Enticott was chairman for the evening. The Rev. Ah- Hunt kept the audience thoroughly interested, while he gave them the history of the Congregational and Baptist* Church. At the close of the address Air Bennett proposed a hearty vote of thanks to Mr Hunt. Songs were rendered by Mrs Crosstnan, and Rev. W. J. . lvmcott. Next- week's meeting is to be "President's" portfolio.

Extract in the home. When you feel iut:gued. nerves are unstrung, can't eat and iecl all run down, then is when you need it...

Nature's Embrocation. ROC'KE'S Eucalyptus Oil. The finest that Australia produces. There's "something'' distinctive about ROC'KE'S...

Fishermen are notified that- Scuter's Bout Score lias opened up u largo iio'-k ol Maple Leal rubo L -r fisnmg bo.rtii, fcuth sua-; proof and crack proof. Call at Boot Storo aud sea tiiern...

THE GUINEA POEM! A CHEQLE 1* Oii £1 Is Las been sent to the writer of this vers**— Miss S. E. C., Care S. Holt, Cameron Head. Napier. Even "Dreadnoughts ' mav be surpased Ami srano day find themselves outclashed; Rut !• lay; Brand Pickles stand alone, And come what may, they'll hold their own!

WIN A GLINEA! Prize Poem published every Saturday. Best original four short-line advt. verse about "Flag Brand Pickles" wins each week.

Forward verse, embossed metal cap from bottle, and full address to Hay-*-ard Bros., P.O. Box <513, Wellington'.

ASSISTANT'S FOB INVENTORS. The booklet- published recently bv Climic. C'oatcs and Co. entitled "M nie'v for Ideas'-' will be found of the utmost assistance to inventors for it tells how your ideas may most safely be made marketable and thus converted into money. If you have an invention and want io get the most out of it in hard cash then write for this booklet. It's free to everyone who's interested. Drop a postcard now i'or it. You'll have it. by return mail. Climie, Coates and Co. are a firm of practical engineers and experienced Patent Attorneys. and the benefit of their special ,-Lutly and wide i*xpriem-e is vou r s for tin* asking. Wriie now for "Money for Ideas" to their head offices. 179 Hereford Street. Christchurch

Yankee Doodle wont to town Upon a little pony. He felt a little hoarse, of course, And said so to a crony. The crony said: "I'm certain sure The remedy is plain; You take some Woods' Great Peppermint Cure, And you'll be right as rain!''

SYXOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Morton and Pearson —Sales for today. Jonas and Co.—Sell property, furniture, etc., to-day. Guinness and LeCren —Horse sale. Siudhohne. Monday, Tenmka sale on Tuesday, clearing sale 7th inst. Dalsrcty and Co. —Stndholme sale lflrii inst. and A. Co. —rTemuka sale Tuesday, building sites on -30 th inst. C. H. Tripp—Wants a boy for garden, rte. . Athletic Football Club —Dance at Teimika. 9th inst. AVaslidykc School—Euchre party, on 24th inst. Plrassmt Point —Gun Club slioot on Oth inst. C. E. Thomas—Entries for steeplechases. H. T!all —Tenders for alterations to residence. Alburv Football Club—Social June 10th. Gleniti School —Social and dance June 10th. Fairview School concert- and dance •Time 17th. Rowie's— Cr.fFef at Is Sd. TidSt- —Gold watch . reward. G. C'ro?-;—Nursery ck on sale. GPearson —Confectionery, toys and kniro=. Tin" Ff"ckey Club—P'dl on oth instS:>'ilv>t!i —Salvation Am v. C -ii'Tr-'.^itional. Methodist. r'.,-]*!.- 7? V\ asitrds arftine&-

The Rev. -T. Olphcrt "vvill preach in i 1 to Primitive Methodist Church tomorrow ami afc'AVaimataitai iu the afternoon. Mr Chiles will preach at A"\ aimataitai at night. M' aior Carniichael, young people's secretary for the South Island, will conduct the services on Sunday at the Salvation Army, when a memorial service to tJie late Mrs Cowles, of Sutliorlaiids, will bo held.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 14216, 4 June 1910, Page 4

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 14216, 4 June 1910, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 14216, 4 June 1910, Page 4