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I'.oxTiiLv mef;tixg

Tne mor._hly iiif-oting of the Timaru s Harbour Board was acid yesterday.! J.ieseiit—.Messrs J. Craigie (chairman), 1. D. Jouns; (vice-chairman). I''. J. Bolleston, J). C. Turnhuil. C. X. Orbell,' t- K. Stiokmgs, .J. ]•:. Goodwin, YV. ; i layman, .J. .Manchester, G. YV. Armi-1

BKUSOXAL. Jho Chairman welcomed Mr BardsJ<=y (secretary.) back to the Board, after the severe operation lie had recently gone through. .\lr Crn'igie explained to members il,;it Mr Bard.lev was still Inr Iron, strong, and though lie ,-, at. m attendance ior the meeting that dav. it would he ucil |,,r him not to resii'mo nis dnta-s lor a week or two yet. J hough he had now been away'for some v.eeks, .Mr Bardsley kei>; in" constant touch with tile work oi the port, and watched the Board's interests. During his absence tile Hoard had had a very valuable .substitute in .Mr YYieJuman. who lira! not soared himself, and iiad chine splendidly. lie had earned tho best thanus or the Board. — (.Hear, hear.; CHAIRMAN'S sT.YTH.MJ-'.N'l.'.

-Mr Craigie said the debm balance at last meeting .stood at £2301 His I'd, and the receipts since then amounted to £1403 IGs lid. The LLeneral aceounis to be Massed that day totalled £ 111;',.) His 7d urn hiding £IO2O to Mr Siowey lor tiie new wliart'i. commission to N.Z. Railways £2l os Si, transfer to "Klsie Evans" and "Taniuha" insurance funds, .Ulod. The del,;t balan-e i-L'IM.-.'is'cd. The ■p'ce'bWs for "'the I ih included t:C,-2-2 Ills I'd on account ol' ships' dues, and wharf.vo .US 11 lis !,i. .Members would have seen by the papers that the .Minister for Agriculture had, at hist agreed to make Tiniaru a grading port tor dairy produce. This was a mast important matter both to Timaru and Smith Canterbury. Dredge ;>.-,(■) i,. !( | „,,, 1(S Ul Tort ('Maimers it.r rcuairs, and I'rein Port Chalmers she wonbl go to Oamaru. the Oamarti Board having signed the contract for the hire of the dredge. A question had arisen as to whether, in the event of an accident happening to the dredge while at

Oamaru. the Oamaru Hoard should continue to pav too ,„.,■ ,] ilv u !,i|,-, ,: u , hoat was being reoairod. lie had inhumed the chairman of the Oamaru Board that if tho malt.-r were lc-i'f ;o tho Timaru Board (the Oamaru Board being legally resuous'ible for the payment) fair treatment v. ould he meted out. The chances of an accident were very remote, but if one did happen, the Oamaru Board should certainly hear part of tiie responsibility. There was anotner question as to tin? insurance of tiie dredge. At present the Board put away £101)0 a year by way of insurance, t:ikni- its own risk, but for the time she waul.l he m Oamaru he thought they should insure her with a company. 'To insure for £211,000 for two months would cost £loU, and for the sake of such a sum he. thought the Board should lake no risk. The new wharf was now near- ! inc.- completion, ami it would be iKees-! • sary to arrange for the lijrhtiny of it. ! The resident engineer had jjone to a I good deal of trouble in drawing up ' plans for receiving sheds on the luaiu ! wharf to assist in the more expeditious handling of cargo. The work would be expensive, but they could not progress without expense, and the new sheds would he a great benefit to the whole district. The sheds would probably to some extent alleviate the shortage of trucks difiicufiv. '] !«e Board should approach tho Bailwav Departmeiit ami see what it was prepared to do in the mutter. There j uere a number of matters concerning 1 the railway which lequind looking int.. i and he would sugg, st that .Mr, Uonayne, General Manager X.Z. Hail- i ways, he asked to come down to Ti- | mam and confer with members of the I Board, a special meeting to be held to ; meet him. i

It was agreed that this should be done. IXSrUAXCK.

ATessrss Bolleston. Then', and Manchester could »ee no reason why ihev suoidd insure the dredge while' ;ic Oamaru, any more than at I'imaru. Ihe Board took its ouu insurance at linuiru, and it could do likewise while siie was at Oamaru. -Messrs Skinner, Turnbull, and | Arm.tage were in favour of insuring the dreoge at Oamaru. Lending tne J dredge, .Mr Turnbull said, was a'c.'umj mercial transaction out of which the Board stood, to make a gross profit of ! £3OOll. and they should cover the risk they were taking. it was deeidea to insure the dredge, .Messrs Koileston and Stickiugs dissentine;. CO R R KS i 'OX DKNCK. The architects f.,r tiie Harbourmaster s residence adv.sad that the contract time for the work was 10 weeks, ending on September 3ru. 'The delay' was due to tho road being blocked by ' the drainage works in BoCren's Ter- ■ race: j

-Mr Bolleston said the road had not been Mucked for some time, yet not a tap had been done on the house for a loitnight. The District Engineer, X.Z. Bailv.a%s, forwarded a print showing the limits ol the land proposed to be acquired at Timaru, ior railway purposes. The provision of a public road along tne seaward sale oi the proposed rai way yard v. as regarded as essential. --A discussion on Has loiter was taken in_ committee. 'The .Secretary io the Amalgamated > .ociety oi Bail way Servants, Christchurch, lorwarded a statement of General conditions in the engineering l.nd 1 allied trades, for considoration bv the | Hoard prior to being cited bv the Conj cthation Council. I The Secretary to the Marine Dopnrt-nir-iii. a.,vised that the H,.„. \V. Hall- | -Jones as H,gl, Commissioner, had acI ',r pU ; i! tl '» te "f the Cotton | J owder CoTiipany for the supply <,r ;l ]•.;%; signal ior lmiaru, delivery to he given in June next. [ lh V." Mills and Co., AVellington. forwarded sample of Delta metal.'— Handed over to engineer. The commander of the s.s. Kaipnra wrote suggesting that an improved light should l, e provided at the harbour. He had armed ~|F the oort at o.oU a.m. on Monday. Muv 23fd, the morning being beautifully clear, vet he could not puck up the lisht until "within four miles or the - •■t.>bn„gb j t was supposed to be discernible 10 miles I

Mr Pvolleston said he thon-ht this matter sLould bo attended to without delay, and it was resolved to adorn the suKt'estion made ln tlle report f ae fc>tanu:n<; Committee. Mr T. K. Unpens, lecturer in civil c:i K , ! .ei ! nn<r at Melbourne Vniversitv. v-nitc asking for a report and plan showing the present condition of the harbour. The information was desired for the benefit of the classes in en-dn-eennjr at the Vniversitv.--Kiinnlied Mr G A. Bu--hannn. of Dnned!.-). forwarded particulars of acctvleno uas bi--s for 1-ilitinn harbours. ' Mr A. Taine. shipbroker. Auckland asked for iv>rti,-.d-rs ~f j he locomotive which the Hoard has for sa'e. . A reply lnd Keen sent uivinp- rartienlars. and Piriiv fbo i>ri.-e ••+ <"-1f)0n Mr TT. K. Leishton; of AVellinston, forwirded particulars of* a ■'Hctchautomatic circulator, said to allow of si<vimi Vlnii raised much quicker, and at a tit r e uniform temperature + l -"" .-i./w ~l.i ..~~.v->:„„, ST \XUXG CfnP^TTET.! Th~ Standing (""<••>•> «m tree made the J' wine recommendations : dredge 3.-0 to Oamnru Harbour Board be «'W *■/>/!_ That the Vacuum Oil Companj bo

' advised that the Hoard is prepared to ] advertise the lease of a quarter-acre | .-.eouou on Hie torc=.llorc lic..r <J>ue.'ll street for a fourteen-year term, at a rental of .Uil) per annum; the Company to k'vei the section, and to have lhe ngut to remove all improvemeuis at the end of the lease, and to make its ovm arrangements with the Bailway Department relative to siding accommodation. That Captain Cornwall he advised that ,t ,s proj>osed to take the opinion "1 Captain Bnlions of 11..M. llinemoa, on the elhciency of the light on LeCren s .1 errace. That as the Xorth Mole line is encroaching on tho Bailway proportv if "■: amoved and re-laid, 'in accordance with the Railway Department's request. H.UUJOI RMAM'EB. The Jlarbour MaM.r i ..plain Tait, repotted tiie. arrival m 2," swamer* and one sailer in Ann). The ueatm-r dur1,! = lh « past month although comparat.vely hue for tins time oi" the veer very un.,ei thai, moderate to i.oj.\ heavy seas ior tee most part prevail:.!-, 'jhe, heavy sea.., houever, caused practically no inconvenience to shippng. He had inspected t!ie ss I'll ran at i.yttoit«.n/ and found her in every way suitable, in the meantime lor any that may be required at limaru. lie recommended Unit two men who had been put on to temporally hh vacancies he appointed permanently. Casual labour had been cmployed for 1201 hours since last month's report.

As the new wharf was nearin-r completion, he recommended thai the necessary littings of chain hawsers and ropes he ordered.

Appointments approved, and fittings to ho ordered. Air 1-. w . C.aiKe, resident engineer, reported Unit tue worK. at tne nev, Wiian was proceeding Sat,siactor;i.'. 'iue remamder oi tue piles had ari-iwd, ana the tuavii.g snoii.d Oe eom- * nidy exacted "una t ile ne ., v whan woi ,;e comp.eteti in .Septemoer. ana the work is now so iar auv.ineeoi the Ba;h.ay im,v be not.bed that tney could eoni..lneo "''"'" ''" L: '« «e. .i',ary ranwav eoVinectiou early in July.

, in.' I'.ugnicer i\-ierred to tiie fracture the lop tumhier s.iait of dredge ;;.>U. ine semlmg of tj le dredge to Ber: I hill mors to get a new shall filled, and to h;s visit mere to the new s h u lt when lorged, ami being machined The went uu,, dock last Saturday, vwis sightea there by the inspector of .Hi.cin.iy and c.oya s sunvu,!- and should oe out of uoek yesterday, and lv: . l ; lv l -> s-i-! K'i- Oamaru to-dav. lue of extra piling a"t Alain V " :lj ' : !:i;u lieou l>revented so far bv tne berths helr.e occupied. Someone has been tiimperinu; with the neaeon at the end of the K.K mole and_ I purpose preventing the public having acce.-s to the end of the mole by removing tin? planks for a short u.stiince oil each road near the outer end, and placing a notice to warn them that they are not aliov. Ed to proceed iurther.

The electric lights on the Moodv Nnan have given general satisi'acti<ju' and be asked the Board to aoprove of a similar electrical installation on the now wnarf. He proposed to instal six J. ..' i-c.p. enclosed arc lamps on the whan, and three 00-c.o. M.F. lamps to hgut up the auproaeh. Oilers could lie iuvitca for submission to the Board at the dune mecti'iif.

: the accident, and lifted J7..10U tons,' i average liio tons per hour. Reporting oni surface drainage of i Hayes Street. Mr .Clarke said there is no need at present for a system of drams, as the rains get awav through the smngle except in the right-of-wav between Mill and Co.'s sections wher'e a thick hea of day has been put over the sninglc. Jie recommended that a 12-meii p,p e | K , |. li(l ;1 ,.,., ws Ravos Street there, to the shingle, with siiifcl a'lie or.uus ami grates, on the r.ght-ol-"i{y- «".. if necessary, other drains could be laid. and connected with tne Oeorge Street dram. The cost oi the work recommended lie estimated:

Tne Board agreed to have the drain iiiade at, ,layes Street, and that plans tie submitted at next meeting ior Inditing the new wharf ° TJiXDKRS. lenders were accepted as follows: Ironmongery, etc., Priest and Tloldpte. Oils, waste, etc., .Messrs Xeedhani, Jsuen and Co., Ltd. Foundry work, Mr l>\ llatton. ,hi reply to Mr Manchester, the Chairman said that there were a good many tenders, and ih.ev were prettv l n\ l Ui f' u, favourable to the Board ha<l been accepted in each case 'iRAVKLTIXG RXiMCXSKS Country members of the Board are paid travelling expenses ami heiVn dispersing their cheques were handed out, some oi them running up u , |,„ tween £l2 ami £l3 ior t)le yo .J. J own members of the Board receive no payment. Accounts were passed for pavraent and the Board rose.

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Bibliographic details

Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 14211, 28 May 1910, Page 3

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TIMARU HARBOUR BOARD. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 14211, 28 May 1910, Page 3

TIMARU HARBOUR BOARD. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 14211, 28 May 1910, Page 3