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At the Timaru Police. Court yesterdav morning before Mr D. Rothwell, .T.P.. three first offenders were each fined 5s or in default 24 hours'

A Military Court sat in Timaru on Thursday to enquire into a charge made against two officers. The enquiry was conducted in camera, but the result will ba made known after it has been reported to headquarters.

It is proposed to publish in the Saturday supplement each week, a column oil "Hockey .Votes," and hockey players aro iisked to send ill reports and any items of interest aduri'ssed to the hockey editor, Timaru Herald.

Mr J. E. Hiudlcy, chairman of the South Island -National Hairy Association, has written to Air Craigie, M.P., thanking him tor tho successful result of his efforts hi securing the appointment or a grader tor toe port of Timaru. It would be of great benefit to the dairying industry in tins district.

At the Acclimatisation Society's annual meeting, a member who had not attended these meetings before said he could not help being struck with tho am-Junt of contradiction that members indulged in. He could not understand "the tone of the meeting. One moment members were saying there were no fish in the streams, and next minute .others said the rivers were teeming. Either there was plenty of fish or there was not. It was a qms--tion of fact surely, and the time of the meeting should not be wasted by pursuing such useless discussions about it. The chairman took tho hint and called for the nert business, and tho meeting was over in record time. The meeting of the Fairview Mutual Improvement Society was hold on Thursday evening. Mrs Grossman occupied the chair, and there were between thirty and forty members and friends present. A musical programme was gone through, those taking part were—Mrs Hornbrook, Mrs Grossman, Misses Ttaddon, Squire, and K. Thorean and Mr Congo]ton : violin solo hy Mr Congeltou, and reading by Mr Parlane. A vote oi thanks to' the performers was proposed by Mr lladdou and seconded by Rev. \Y. J. Kntieoti ; a very enjoyable evening coming to :1 close. Next Thursday evening will l:e devotional night. WHY DO CUSTOMS AVOTJK? It takes up a lot of valuable time—time you could devote to other work with more profit to _ yourself. Get us to do the work. Wo specialise in it, and are familiar with every detail.' Doing so much of_ it, wo can give vou an excellent service at n small cost. Our service is comprehensive, includim; the passing of entries and delivering of goods, The N.Z. Express Cov " Ltd...

Don't suffer with torturing chilblains. Use Baxter's Chilblain Biniment. It cures in one night. Price one shilling, Ba>ter's Pharmacy, Timaru...

There is nothing so bad for a c< rn ns pressure, there i.s nothing so j.uod for a corn as Baxter's Buby Corn Cure. One shilling post free. Baxter's Pharmacy, Timaru...

A good preparation always lias a ready sale and Brice's Regenerator for the Hair is no exception to the rule. We are selling a lot of this preparation lately and good results are being obtained. Price 3s Gd and 5s 6d from the local agent L. B. James. Chemist, Timaru... '

A social and dance will be, hold IH lbc fNk \-alley School on June 1711, : "id not on .lune -J-lili, as previously advertised.

lb,. Timarii Operatic Soeiefv has sold ■'d. the .stage, properties and seenerv 'iscd in the production of "Tbe Pirates of Penzance." to the. Masterton The "trical Society.

Morton a.nd Pearson annomlee that Ih'ir Kale, ibis day starts at ] p.m. Miarp, when produce, will be offered •"id at I.W tbo moat auction will be "'ld, when an extra heavy supply will be sold without reserve.

A discussion on tbe Borough by-laws •topped U p incidentally nt tbo meeting "I the Poultry Society night, w],e,n one member remarked that it would soon i,e necessary for shop-keepers to !--l permission to put their shutters

Tim case, V. O'Neill -.. T . Kelliher, .",/ llV l'' "■ f 'b"m f«r £2OO damages for • ■•'■'f'KOft asrault, which was to have .',""'" on lor hearing at tbo next -dt- "'-; o the Supreme C„ U) . t here, has '"""" il1 'V"' l ""'"l 1 >fp J. AV. White., who ■'is

iia'.oi t r Kiveu notice of discontinuance', '",. f'errv. Perry and Kinncrnev, .solicitors ior Kelliber. '

I<"V. J. Olr.hert will nreaeb in the 1 nnnlivc Merhodist Church on Sunday ni'Tiim-/. and at night tbo, montblv I'tMsieal service will be held. Several s'.'los, oners, and anthems will be "hmr, and Mr Boothrovd will give n shorr, address. Key. J. Olphert will (oii'lucr, aitemoon and evening service at \\ armataitai.

Mr S. 1> liurns, president of the. Jmiaru Poult rv Society, stated j„ the course oi a discission at tbe meeting oi tno society last night, that n.,twii|,: standim.-- what anyone might sav to the, comrary. it i- onit ß oossibb- u, bred poultry combining utility, with famy P"ints. lie believed in mirebred poultry. He was able to get purebred lions to lav all tnrongh the winter, and that satisfied him.

The following is the Tier. D. C. I'.ites summary and forecast—-"The barometer lia.s fallen everywhere and moderate to strong westerly winds have prevailed with cloud v weather and showers in parts. Present indications sire for a, falling barometer everywhere, increasing cloudiness, prceeediue rain m most parts of the country. fresheumg_ westerly and northerly 'winds wdl probably prevail and the 'weather continue unseeded for two or three diivs."

Iho Merry Mascotts p;iv ;i return visit to Makikihi on Tlmrsrliiv. .Tunc I'iid, and should be grotted ' with n large audience us tlioir last programme was so heartily appreciated. The company will stage tho great novelty "Shindy's Wedding." the dancing in which is a special feature. As "the .Merry Mascotis plav a number of items for the children, parents shou'd give the youngsters n treat. The company appear at Waimate the following liiijht.

At their meeting this week tho Timaru Savage Club had an interesting discussion as to who should pay for liquid refreshment when such was used at koreros. n the past, liquid refreshment had been paid for bv iicii vidual members, but some thought that it should be naid for out of tho general funds of the club. Others disagreed with this, and on a vote being taken, it was, resolved that the rule •dirmld stand as it is—rhat is. tb-i honor should be paid for bv those v, ho drink it.

The "Weekly Press" has the following in reference to the recent boxing tourney in Christchurch: —"Another event was the introduction to it" audience of Mr It. Cooke, who acted as referee. Mr Cooke got a good r, - caption, and as far as the discharge of his duties was concerned he justifj-'d the coniidence which had been rej.o- 'd in him. He has a line strong ;'oi.-". which was able to penetrate to lie' competitors through many excitu j h'.'.rly-hurly.s, and the vigour of hisemaphore gesticulations for silcueo on the part of a. roaring audienco argued some physical capacity. Altogether, Mr Cooke was a success.''

The Life Boat Lodge, No. 1.01, ].<). G.T. liold an linen meeting last night and it was well attended bv members and lriends. Tin- C.T.. iipi. .1. T. Ellis, in extending n cordial and hearty •welcome to the visitors spoke of tin* chief purpose for which such meeting-, were held ,namely, that of bringing more prominently before those not associated with tho order the aims and objects of the greatest organisation in the. -world for tho of humanity and the saving of others from falling under the liquor traffic. After a. well played overture by Sister Lennie. .songs were contributed by Brothers Chivers. Kemsley. Anderson, Muchmore llawkev and Overend. Sisters Chnmhton, Fitzsimmons, Lennie, »nd Veake; notations by Brother Hamilton and Sister Jones, duets by Sisters Fit/.simmons and Leggott and Brother and Sister Lowry, two jeveuilc members and a pianoforte solo by Sister Fitzsintmons. Tho accompaniments wore n.bly played by Sister T.r-n----nle> and Brother Lowry. Refreshments were liauded round and greatly appreciated.

Nervous people who had doubts whether Halley's Comet would envelope tha earth are now assured that such doubts were groundless. But there is no doubt whatever, that Souter's Health Boots Store, sell only the best wearing boots and shoes, at lowest prices for such good boots. If you have not tried Souter's hoots, call at our shop where you will find the busiest boot store in South Canterbury, because the general public recognise that Souter's boots wear we 11...

Morgan's Celtic golf clubs latest oval shafted drivers, brassies and nonsocketing iron clubs, Spalding's latest gold medal drivers, brassies, irons, etc. just arrived. F. Tasker, Timaru.

Hockey players pleaso iioto that M* V. Taskor, Timaru, has just opened out a splendid assortment of bockej sticks, balls .shin guards, etc. Makw Grenville, Birminehani... For children's hacking couch at nighf Woods' Croat. Peppermint Cure. Is 61 ami 2<= Gd... BKUKF VKOM TUT. START. WHAT BHEOIO Wll.l, PO. It is a ::io:r. thin>: to know of a tnodioir.o lliat will j.m'vo reliof with tha vo'-v first o.omv That is oxaotly how IvlU'.rMO works. 1: is n positive antidote for acid i*>isouin}'. If von Miil or from Illuminate in, tlnut. Sciatica, 1 m.iilv,. -v or av.v other d,so,se ,1,„. U acid iu tl'.o hlo.xi, BHErMO--whirr. , i-ivd so many others- wilt I'liii' v.".: lihoumo is a linuiil to (in ia'.oii in vvovvilio,! doses, ana will givo i.-l'.oi' w-.ili llio first dose. Bheunio exo.',s ','".o i-.-.-io acid euros the pain •mo. removes the 5u011i,,.:. Those, who liav ' irio.i it nraise it most. Bhouuitf cures Pheumatism. Sold hv fill ohw Hiisis ami storekeepers at '_'s 6d and ■is M per hoi tie. ... Pianos, Pianos, Pianoa. This Dres. don Piano Company, Ltd., bog to announce to tho genernl public of Timaru and the surrounding district that thoy have just opened up an entirely now stock of pianos. Our high' prndo instruments, include John Broadwood and Son, Collnr't and Collard, tho most fnmoua of British makers, the bent that money can buy; also the Ronish. Lipp and Sohn, Koclj and Sohn, Bohm, besides other celebrated makuvß. We give you a ten years' warranty with any instrument you choose: we also give you the right of exchanging if you are not perfoctly satisfied. You are on a pood sound wicket when buying your piano or organ from thik veil snow* and up-to-date firm..,.

Timaru Operatic Society will night in Budd's AraJo Caie.

On Tuesday next Mcsms Ilalgciv and C. ], t d.. Mill offer :l! . the. Washdyke yards mi carotin; of Mr \Y. Black, his well-selected cattle, and horses.

Tii..- Timaru Marino Band last night reioivi d a rcquo-t In plav at the South School Jumble Sale on "tli.' 23rd and 24th of dune, ami decided to reply that ikey would do so on the 23rd, thev having an engagement lor the. f>-itii.

At tlie meeting of the Poultry Society last Mr F. C. Wat son handed round for the inspection of mouthers a novel kind of egg, called the Knor r.e-st egg. It is sol:<i, a remarkably good representation of a real egg. and is guaranteed to free any nest, iu

which it; is placed, of all kinds of vermin. It gives off a very strong odour.

The present selection of Pathe films •s quite equal to any previous series ihowu in Timaru. and the audience that attended tlie Theatre Royal last evening were hearty and spontaneous in applauding tlie views. Historic and scenic, films figure largely in tlie programme, and are of a distinctly interesting nature. There will he tlie usual two performances to-day. one in the afternoon and ono in the evening.

Last evening at the Olympia Hall there was a fairly numerous attendance of skaters, and the floor was in excellent condition for the pastime. There will be the usual sessions to-day. The afternoon and evening; sessions will nc doubt be well attended. as every arrangement has been made for the comfort of patrons, and the skates are running very smoothly. Tlie Garrison Band orchestra plays every evening.

Owing to the lateness of the season the Alhury-Cave Collie Dog Club have decided net to hold the trials just now, but to get them off early next year. The new club was formed so late that it was thought better to postpone the trials in the meantime than to attempt anything wliich. through lack of time in properly working tip, might turn out unsuccessful. and consequently cripple the club from the outset. There. ;s every prospect- of the club being sound and healthy, but it was considered in the interests of all concerned that the above steo should bo taken.

The Arts and Crafts Exhibition which opens next week promises to be one of tlie largest of its kind ever l:ekl. Pictures from sonic- of the best artists in New Zealand will he on view and also a number of Royal Academy pictures. There will he oil and water colours, black and white work from various Technical Schools, and the department has sent eight cases of work by- South Kensington art 6tudents. There will !>? varied shows of applied art. enamel work, beaten copper work, wood-carving, etc.. and everything i--heinrj arranged to the best advantage. The collections h.ave nlreadv been seen by Mr Isaac. New Zealand Technical School Instructor, and tie said that Timaru could congratulate itself as the show of nlr-tures was equal to anything lie had seen. The curio section should be very interesting and the National Art Gallery pictures should attract wide attention.

The Marine Band's fete, which was postponed on account, of the death of the late King, has been fixed for a fresh date —June loth, and the scene is to lie the Assembly Rooms. The additional time will be utilised in making tlie fete more attractive, and the bill of fare is so extensive that it will provide a. very busy afternoon and evening for patrons of the affair. For sales stalls a large quantity and variety of suitable materials has been collected. In the afternoon there is to be a baby show: and in both afternoon and evening a '•poster' competition, and performances by two parties of girls, one trained by Sergeant-Major Jones (the "Tiniaru Lancers '), the other by some or those who gave such popular exhibitions at the late bazaar in Olympia. The refreshment room will be furnished, of course, and there will be plenty of music, Mrs Mayo's orchestra, augmented for the occasion, and the Mandolin Band aiding the Marine Band, and the Pipe Band will play for some Highland dancing. The Fete will wind ivp with a popular dance.

TIRED OF COTjqHING. Your ihest will stand a lot. but you can't expect it to stand the strain of that continual coughing, for there's nothing more weakening and injurious to the lungs. Don't suffer any longer, but get a bottle of Baxter's Lung Preserver to-day, and be rid of your hacking cough to-morrow. This proven remedy 5s famous because it cures quickly. "It's worth Is a drop." The Is 10d" sized bottle is the most economical... AVOIDING A BAD COLD. This cold damp weather, it's the easiest- tiling to take a nasty chill, and you begin to feel that burning sensation at the back of the nose, tickling in the throat, etc., and it's at this stage when Baxter's Lung Preserver will quickly remove all trace of the trouble. Keep a bottle by you to stop the chills before they develop into serious complications. "It's worth ls a drop." The ls lOd size represents the best value...


Once a patent takes on, it begins to pay. and the patentee's income is then insured. A man obtained a patent in the Tnited States for a slight improvement in ehaifoutters. and after eight months sold it for £BOOO. Another inventor obtained a patent to thresh and clean grain and sold it in fifteen months for £12.000, while a third had a patent monopoly in a special prhrti-i-'s ink and finally sold it for £12.000. These are ordinary cases of ■innor inventions involving no great incentive powers and of which hundreds to out of t'ne patent office every year. New Zealand inventions can likewise be placed in the same successful list, and among his clients Henry Hughes has many such., who are. he is happy to say. doing well. If you have invented

anything that nils a want, or replaces any less efficient contrivance, obtain expert information and patent it. For this purpose the office of Her.rv (A. R. 'Hoidship., IS3 Hereford St." Christ<-hurch. is fully equipped for ailvising the inventor on the stxtt J E. R. Jackson. Stafford St. is the Timaru agent for Henry Hughes. ... DOCTORS DIFFER. Theologians also. _ We all speculate as to whether <:i:!j lives live for ever. What is one man's meat is another mans poison. _ What is pain to me is joy to vou, and contrariwise. The relativity of pleasure is almost complete. Your bootblack does not wish to edit a paper, and yon don't wish to live in Buckingham Palace. The baffled millionaire who finds the Kohinoor is not for sale is probably no more disconsolate and no less disconsolate than the beggar bov who only has a ha'penny, and knows that his favourite tart is priced at twice that sum. Finally. Heaven gives us our relations — Thank God we can choose our friends and our Ointment. . To re"« pit-date. Doctors, Theologians, et hoc genus omne mav differ, but a", who I>-> V e experience agree that Red Cress Ointment stand-- alone as *:he greatest thing in cti--.-. her-ar'so wherever there is a skin affl : ct : -n Pe'd Cross Ointment v.-iih .-.fter tre nr.-t application, obsolut'-ly fejtM heating work.

I Tli.-' services iii Trinity Church ionmrr,m will bo conducted l>v the Kev. T. Still Mr ,1. M. Miller will take tin- Ciilliiuimit-owii. service.

! Members "f the Tiinani (inn Club v. ill lire for :i valuable silver rim and :lln-w other trophies on June 3rd, cuii- ' ciidnii.-. 1") clay bird.-, unknown angles.

■ At Wesley Church in-morrmv, the preachers for the day will he the Rev. J. G. W. Ellis in the morning and the Kev. W. .1. Eiuieottt for the evening service. At Waimataitai Mr Holers ; will preach in the morning mid Mr R. . Stewart- at ihe. evening .service.

! Tlie services in Chalmers Church to- ' morrow will bo conducted by the Kev. A. Macaulay Caldwell. Morning subject: Privilege; children's address. A Sea Captain's Story. Evening- subject : The Xew Theology—Statement by one wdio lias renounced it. A cordial invitation is extended to nil.

• A meeting, convened 'bv the local Ministers' Association, will he held tomorrow evening at 7.4.0 to consider the question of inviting Dr I. Q. A. llenry

and Air Potts, who are conducting missions in the four centres, to include Timaru in their campaign. All who are interested are invited to attend.

Dance patrons are reminded of the Valetta Assembly long night on Monday. June 6'th. The mignonette competition will be the attraction of the evening, as there is likely to be a. large number of competitors. Music will be supplied by Messrs Williams (piano). Grant (violin), and H. Besant (ocrnet).

j The absence of rain, almost atuount- ■ nig to drought, wliich has prevailed in the country round Oainaru lately. the "Mail" says, is being severely felt iin the Hampden district. Many tanks

[are empty and residents arc forced to 1 undertake the task of carting water for their domestic supplies. Of course : the ground is dry and in some places j almost as hard as a road, so that until : rain comes no ploughing can be done, j The iirst entertainment in aid of the | Piano Fund was held in the Crieklei wood schoolroom on Wednesday eveu"ing last, and resulted in a good addition to the fund. The prize-winners were—Mrs W. Brav and Mr Brvce "Wright sen., and the "boobv'' prizes were won bv Miss B. Connor and Mr P. M. O'Connor. For the dance that j followed. Miss B. Connor supplied the i music, and Air J. Manning acted as M.C.

{ Entries for the 'Ashburton Poultry ■ Society's annual exhibition to he hold .on June 10th and llth close on Tues- ; day next. 31st inst. and alreadv a jlarge number ~f entries have, been' re- ; ceived from all parts of the dominion. : A bout £IOO is to be given in specal prizes, etc-., including the Wvandotte .Club's specials totalling over £lO. ; £4-2 in trophies valued at £3 3s each) j and the balance (about £4O) "in specials : from os to £1 to the oou'ltrv, pigeon 1 and canary classes propor'tionatelv. The South Island Poultrr Association's championships for all classes of wvan- : ciortes and orpinirtons will "also be com- • peted for at this show.

THE GUINEA POEM! A CHEQUE FOR £1 l s bas been sent to the writer of this verseMrs K. M. P,„ 1-2 Hay Street. Oriental Bay. AYelliu<rton. When good King George tie Third was King. Men FED on tasteless victuals-.

But in Geurge The Fifth's enlightened days, They'll FEAST on Flag Brand Pickles. \\ IN A GUINEA! i'rize Poem published every Saturday. Best original four short-line advt. verse about "Flag Brand Pickles" wins each week. Forward verse, embossed metal cap from bottle, and full address to Havward Bros., P.O. Box Gl3, Wellington. BEWARE OF PNEUMONIA. If you have weak lungs you have reason to fear pneumonia, and should ; keep at hand a bottle of Chamberj lain's Cough Remedy. It counteracts j any tendency of a cold or attack of j influenza to result in pneumonia. It ; always cures and cures quickly. Sold i everywhere... | Nature's Embrocation. ROCKE'S ! Eucalyptus Oil. The finest that Australia produces. There's "something" I distinctive about ROCKE'S... j -lust a.s very man thinks he is a judge of music so pretty well every j inventor has a lingering idea that he j can run his own business in the matter ;of his patents. Never was a greater ; mistake. The wise inventor puts him'ielf under tlie guidance of a skilled agent. Messrs Baldwin and Ray ward. I Wellington and Christchurch, are the ' agents of repute. They see to the ; preparation of working drawings, and ' stand between the inventor and his ; ri-ks... i Health counts most.—ycu must have ; it to win out—to forge ahead. ! Stearns' Wine of Cod Liver Extra*.!I will assist you —Build you up and 'keep veil going... i ' " I PAYTNG FOR BRAINS. I The world pays and pays gladly for ; brains and original dcas when they are of practical value in every-day life. An idea that makes say particular work easier or better is worth a lot in hard e;ish to those engaged in thatwork. If you have thought of anv ■ contrivance or improved method, j which would save time or render your work more efficient, then that idea I means money to you if properly haodlj ed. The important step to take .is to I consult . a reliable Patent Attorney ; who will give you his honest advice, and exoert opinion upon your inven- ; tion. You cannot, do better than e'et in touch with Climie Cnntes and Co. the progressive firm of Patent Audits. Head Oflices 179. Hereford Street. Christchurch. Write to them to-dnv, for their interesting and valuable : booklet called "Money for Ideas." It's '' vours on request and it shows you how your invention may be bandied jto your best advantage...

DON'T GIVE UP. j Don't give up. I Discouragement lias lost many a life. ; Fight, it out. Try every means. 1 Failure in one casp does not mean success is an impossibility, j Kverylnxly makes mistakes. Experience is the modern instructor. I Profit by the experience of this ; woman. 1 It may save your life. ! liie experience of friends and neighbours. The testimony of Timaru people. Will bring renewed encouragement. Here is :i ease in point. Mrs F. Stromdhal. Raymond street, • Timaru. says:—"Two years ago I obtained a supply of Doan's Backache , Kidney Pills at Oudie's ph.armacy. and : u-ied them for kidney truoble, with the ': bf>t results —perfect and lasting cure. , I suifeivd dreadfully with backache, headaches. giddiness, and a dazzling : sensation before the eyes, and I had . bilious attacks very frequently. I was always talari;! one medicine or ! another, but somehow none of them seemed to be anv good in mv However. I got l").-ai"fs Backache Kidicy Pills at Oudie's pharmacy, and *hey relieved me after I had taken a few dusts. ;,i;il fmir boxes cured me. 1 aui oi!ire well now in every respect, 'and mv good heaWi is dne'solelv to .Dean's Backache Kid>i»v Pills.' ' | If yon are siek or ''feel badhv' he- ' ••!•) taking Roan's Backache Kidney T : " = ;,t once, because as =non as vour , ki.lnevs are well, <hev will he!r> all fh~ | other tirgans to health. A trial will ! •■•e-'Viiii-c envone. Dean's Baekar-lm P : P.s are sold bv all chemists '..„,] »-s at ?.- n"- bet.rl., Csix J. .trl.---. I-"-. Oh. r," wJ'l'b,, ~,.~t~,1 r.-n v.,..;,.:- r-- ,-,,..>-, T lv TV-' ;(■•■ "e l > 'rr. stre-t. Sv'""v 1 But, be- Euro you jjet DOAN'S. ..<

( The Rev. Archibald E. Hunt will preach in tlic Congregational Church to-morrow, taking for his subject in i the morning •■'The Beatitude, of tli» [Peacemaker." ;iml in the evening, "Tlie Xeod of Frlo-ils." Strang'T S are cordially invited.


Dalgety and Co. —Sell farm to-day; Point sale, Monday, Geraldine 'Wednesday. Otallaghau and Co. Details of sales to-day. Guinness and LoCrou —Point sale on Monday, properties l.ith. Jnne, Geraldine sale Wednesday, clearing sale 30th'inst.

C.F.C.A.—- Stock sale at Point Monday, at Geraldine Ist Jnno. N.M. and A. Co.—Sale, at Point Monday, Washdyke Tuesday, Geraldino Wednesday. Morton and Pearson—Particul&s of Sales to-dav.

Ernest Howden—'List of farms for sale.

'Timaru Marino Band—Fancy fete, June loth.

Tttrnbull and Lusk—Tenders for drain-laying. Black and Son —Want man to clip horses.

Ashburton Poultry Show—Entries .iue 3.lst. show June'lOth and Uth.

Kvans and Co.—Shops and offices to let._ Xurse-H.ousem.aid wanted —Apply at this ofiiee. Pathe pictures—At Theatre Royal, this evening. Esk Valley School Social June 17th. .). Wallace—Farm for sale. T. J. Teague—Houses for sale. Deputy-Assignee—Re bankrupt's estate. Trinity Church—Mission to-morrow-. G. Pearson's—Albums, fanev goods, etc. " " Timaru Gun Club —Match on June 3rd. .Nora Dene—For best millinery and gloves. J. G. Cowan's—Kaiapoi white blankets. Assembly Rooms—Quadrille Assembly to-night. Makikihi Hall—Merry Mascotts June 2nd. D. Mahoney—Building site ior sale. -A. Thorean—Has to let simp. C legg's "Works—For good go-carts. Football—Tournament. June 3rd. Halienstein Bros.—Bovs' 'Varsity suits. Lost —Gold chain bangle. Baxter's pharmacv—For chilblain cure.

Sunday services Congregational, \\osleyan, Chalmers, Trinity, Metliodist. Wanted—Seven notices.

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Bibliographic details

Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 14211, 28 May 1910, Page 4

Word Count

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 14211, 28 May 1910, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 14211, 28 May 1910, Page 4