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. I.'or tlm past season the rovenue ol tli f> Wellington Acclimatisation Society, derived from stalking licenses, was over £220, mid the results m far indicate this will at least be equalled tor the prcsi nt season.

Mastorton people are alaeady r"-p. paring for the next election. Mr Hogg will stand again, this time as a Labour n/omber. and the ouinion is prc'.fv general that lie. will have as little difficulty in winning the election as ho had at elections of recent years. There is talk of running no less than three other candidates for the seat. A number of vacancies have occurred or will shortly arise, in the Legislative Council. Death, has removed the Hon J. Holmes and Hon. F. Trask, while the term of appointment of the Hon. Mahuta, expired yesterday. The terms of the Hon. Seymour Thorne Ocorgo (Auckland), Hon. T. TOnnedy Macdonald CWellington), and Hon H. F. AVi-rnm (Christchureh) expire on June 22nd.

A memorial is to he erected over ■he ki'iivp in the "Pahiatua cemetery of Mr Michael Quirfce, who was shot in Palmorston North during the hunt for I'awelka. A. large sum of money haa already been subscribed for the* purchase of a. stone. On tlio other havd a movement is on foot for raising sub-S'-riplioris to aid Pawelka in defending himself on the charge of murdering Sergeant Maguirp.

At the Magistrate's Court, Timaru yesterday morning, the Stipendiary Magistrate had only one ease of drunkenness brought before him. The offender was convicted and discharged. A judgement summons case wa« adjourned for four weeks on the application of Mr Hay, for plaintiff: and several civil cases were struck out for non-ap-pearance.

The minute-book of the Waimato Borough Council shows that the Mayor (Mr X. Francis), attended the whole of the 26 meetings of the Council, Inst yenr, and out of 55 committee m<>ej:ings held, he was present fit- 32, ivliilo en SI occasions durlin<r 'the twelve months he nresided or sooke as Mayor fit public Catherines. The Cmnif'llors also attended the meetings W'll, tlie average for the ten memhe-rs being 9} per meeting. The Wanganui Borough Council has become a partner in a permanent i>iclure show in the Municipal Opera House. The Mayer made a statement at- the Council meeting th» other night, showing that the Council and the company had entered into an agreement hy which the latter paid all oxoenscs and pave the Council onethird of the total receipts. Councillors expressed approval of the T'ran-iC-ment. and comr ended the (.nra House Con i.*tee on ite stroke of business.

The Woodbury Miniature Rifle Club fired last Saturday night for three prizes presented by Miss Williams. There was a good attendance, and some record shooting was dune, no less than nine possibles (most of course with handicaps added) were put on, and not till three more rounds had been fired was the number reduced to three, who each put on 35 four times running, and then it was decided to divide the money. The following were the nine who with their handicaps made 35 each: —"YV. Cormack (scr) 11. Allan (1). .1. Rice (2), E. Squire (>), J. Shaw (3), R. Fifield (4), G. Wooding <4>, H. Lapthorne (4), G. Ferguson (4). The three winners were R. Allan, .J. Shaw, and R. Fiiield. The ten highest scores "off the rifle" total 330, an average of 33.

At the Magistrate's Court at Geraltline on Tuesday, four farmers wore each lined 40s and costs 7s, for exposing lor sale at Geraldine saleyards sheep infected with lice. The numbers were respectively 106, 150, 040. and -IoU One defendant offered the excuse, that his 040 sheep were brought elf the hills and he never thought of <■>:- aminiuu; them; and the o«*7ier of tho ■loO simply paid he didn't know they were infected. A fifth charged with exposing 20 infected lambs, said these were a few that got away when ho dipped his flock in December, and ho was fined 10s and costs. Another set. tier chnrir"d with neglect to cut California, n thi-fie. showed that lie had cut the thistles on his farm, but one. y.ateh was '-inadvertently missed. A. conviction was worded and costs ?'•> ordered to be naid. Mr Huddlostonc, Inspector of Stock, and of Noxious Vt'eeds, was tin 1 prosecutor. The Wellington agents for Messra K. D. Pike and Co., shipowners and timber merchants, of Sydney, liavo been advised that a contract with a currency of three years has been secured bv the firm for the* carriage from New Zealand worts to Svdnev of u|>wards of 18,0!)i).000ft. of white pine, to be used in the manufacture of butter boxes by the recently-formed cooperative butter-box factory of New .South Wales. Messrs Pike and Co. intend to employ the whole of their sailtug vessels, and it is understood that several vessels are to he chartered. The contract provides that at least 6,000,000 ft of white pine shall J>e delivered in Sydney annually. Tho first shipment will arrive at Sydney within a couple of mouths, and tho other shipments will follow at regular intervals. The new co-operative but-ter-box company proposes to erect a factory on the' foreshores of Sydney Harbour, and modern machinery is to be installed. The supplies of white pine contracted for will enable the factory to turn out about 600,000 butter boxes yearly.

Forgan's Celtic golf clubs latest oval shafted drivers, brassies _ and nonsocketing iron clubs, Spalding's latest gold modal drivers, brassies, irons, etc. just arrived. F. Tasker. Timaru. ... Hockey players please note that Mr !<\ Tasker, Timaru, has just opened out a splendid assortment of hockey sticks, balls ,shin guards, etc. Maker Grenville, Birmingham... For children's hacking cough at night Woods' Great Pepnermint Cure. Is 6<3 and 2s fid... RELIEF FROM THE START,. WHAT RHETJMO WTLB DO. It is a eroat thing to know of a medicine that will give relief with the verv first dose. That is exactly how RHETTMO works. It is a_ positive antidote for uric acid poisoning. If vou suffer from Rheumatism, Oout, Sciatica, Lumbal?", or anv otlier ''im to acid in the blood, RHETJMO—which has cured so many others—will cure you. Rh-emuo is a liquid to (>« ta'-en in prescribed doses, and will give relief with the first dose. Rheumo expels tho uric acid poison, cures the rtain and removes the swelling. These who liavs tried it praise it most. Rheumo cures Rheumatism. Sold by all chemists and storekeepers at 2s 6d and 4s 6d nor bottle. ... Pianos, Pianos, Pianos. The Dres. den Piano Company, Ltd., bet; to nr>. nounco to the general public of Timaru and the surrounding district that they have iust opened ud an entirely new stock of pianos. Our "high grade instruments, include Joha Broadwood and Son, Collarri and Collard, the most famous of British maleers. the best, that money can buy also the Ronish, Lipp and Sohn, Koch and Sohn, Bobm, besides other eel*brcted makers. We give you a tc» years' warranty with any instrument you choose; we also give you th» right of exchanging if you are nofi perfectly satisfied. Yon are on a good sound wicket when buying yora» piano or organ from thit» yrell lino wo »nd uD-to-rdaJte fira.«*

_A lecture on "Bacteriology" will be given in the Kingsdown tomorrow evening, bv" Mr A. M, j'aterson, Y.S.

There was another large attendance in th© Oiympia Hall last evening, and skating was indulged in with much pcjoyment for over two hours, to music excellently provided by the Garrison Baud orchestra.

The final arrangements for the annual sik ial and dance of the Main School ex-pupils were made last evening. Everything is in good going order, tickets are selling well, and a successful evening is assured.

On Tuesday night at about 12 o'clock some young men caused serious damage in Russell Square by pulliag down fences, and misconducting themselves generally. Yesterday the police succeeded in trr.cing the offenders, -nho will be brought before Mr V. G. Day, S.M., in duo course.

The National Mortgage and Agency wish to draw the attention of farmers and others to the clearing sale to be held on Friday near Fairlie on account of Mr Robt. Smithies. As Mr Smithies has disposed of his property, every lot coming under the hammer will bo sold to the highest bidder.

The barbarous and unkind custom of pelting a married couple with rice tnd confetti was very much in evidence at the Studbolme railway station _vesterdny afternoon, i-.nor to the arrival of one of the express trains. Soon the platform pres-?nr:d an appearance suggesting a hail-strewn roof, and when the friends had grown -tired of the gome, they commenced on each other with great relish.

The gravel obtainable on the Waifcaki plain is too ••lively" for good road making: as it takes" too long to '"set." The Waimate Countv engineer has tried covering a length of road at Pike's Point shingled with Waitaki shingle, wth a layer of softer terrace gravel, as an experienient, hoping that it will serve to bind the smooth round pebbles.

The Waimate County Council has nad to submit to a piece of vile scoundrelism at the hands of some person or persons unknown. A surfaceman's cottage after the surfaceman had left it. was found in a shocking state of dirt and disorder, the chimney K'cr-ted up with a hole made in the water tank, and the keys thrown away. An outsider alleged that the surfaceman did it, and the latter absolutely denied it. After going into the matter very fully, the Council, on the advice of its solicitors, decided to let the matter drop.

The annoyance and dager caused by trees on roadsides gave rise to some discussion at the Waimate County Council meeting yesterday. The engineer reported that although the branches of certain trees did not overhang the roadway, still they were extremely dangerous on stormy days, falling in all directions, and on one occasion fallen branches blocked vehicle traffic, for an hour and a half. During a gale some time bock, two or tlrree tali bluegums were blown down, and caused considerable damage to an adjoining bridge.

The usual fortnightly meeting of the Loyal Timaru Lodge. No. 5305, was held last evening, the X'.G'., Bro. Lister being in the chair. Correspondence was received and lealt with. The sick visitor reported the progress of the members on the funds, and the report also showed that three fresh cases had declared on and three off during the fortnight. It was decided to ask the dispensary board to get 750 copies of the new medical agreement printed, to be distributed to all the members. The sum of £6O Ss 6d was passed for payment, inciuding a death" claim of £3O, and sick pny amounting to £2B 15s. It being tho first night for the nomination of officers several nominations were forthcomins. Tiie receipts for the evening totalled £37 Os 2d."

The dislocation that resulted to shipping business through the Newcastle strike is still having ite effects in this mrt of the country. An instance is the fact that Australian timber ordered six mentis ago by the Waimate County Council, it still awaiting transit, and important repairs to many bridges hare nccorctinly been delayed, and the construction cr some needed culverts could not be put in hand. AVith the chairman's ar>proval a struck load of Jarrah timber was ordered by the engineer, instead of New Zealand timbers, the difference in price being small compared to the relative durability of the two -materials. He hoped this would -tide over the interval required by the "CS.S. Company for handling Australian timber cargoes, and allow of the Council's stock coming to hand. A parm-.nent health —strength to alwsv? will and do. results from tlv•■ontimied rse of STEARNS' Wine of Cod T.iver Extract--makes you hef.lthv anl keeps you there... Don't sufFer with torturing chilblains. Use Raster's Chilblain Liniment. It cures in one night. Trice one shilling, Bister's Pharmacy. Timaru... There is nothing so bad for a crrn as pressure, there is nothing so good for a corn as Baxter's Ruby Corn Cure. One shilling pest free. Baxter's Pharmacy, Tiniani... A good preparation always has a ready sale and Brice's Regenerator for the Hair is no exception to the rule. We are selling a lot of this preparation lately and good results are being obtained. Price 3s 6d and 5s 6d "from the local agent L. B. James, Chemist, Timaru... Nervous people who had doubts whether Halley'a Comet would envelope the earth are now assured that such doubts were groundless. But there is no doubt whatever, that Souter's Health Boots Store, sell only the best wearing boots and shoes, at lowest prices for such good boats. If yon have nottried Souter's boots, call at our shop where you" will find the busiest boot store in South Canterbury, because the general public recognise that Souter's boots wear we 11... The teller who'd nearly " passed in his chenuos." And had suffered a dangerous chill. Now gascd with " drawn " face en ■' tW.rcr.'" complex. That made up a great doctor's '"bill." And then he made a "note" that he'd have more sense Next time lie got in a ' ; draft " sure. And though he ■'paid" up, he saved eighicenpence, For Woods' Great Pepnermint Cure. 4 WONDERFUL STORY CONCERNING A VALUABLE DISCOVERY. The possibilities are that you yourself may be in the same unfortunate condition as the lady who sent us the following letter, or perhaps you may have a relative or a friend who may be suffering in the same way as our correspondent-. Just- think of the good you may do by pointing out this letter to them: — Dear Sirs. —My eyes were so inflamed and weak that I could hardly see, and I had the advice of the leading cc.etors in Dune-din, and could get no relief. I. however, had a friend who tir'-.ucht me a pot of your Red Cross Ointment, which I am thankful to say f/nred almo=r at onvf, and I have had l.n return of the trouble, and that it r.ror a vear nrro. —Yours, thankfullv. Sir]-. Smith Dmiedin. 'Tliis is one cf thousands of similar >»-tirneTiip-ls which are received ever- ■»— r.rV-t T?»d Cress Ointment. The Midity Scaler..,

Mr T. Mitchell, of Richmond Downs, Walton, near Rotorua, write to say that ho has not jet disposed of Richuiond DownSj as reported.

An important meeting of the rj'i-maai-u Poultry Society will he held to-morrow night for the purpose of making arrangements for the annual show to be held next month.

At a, special meeting of the Winchester School Committee on Saturday evening it was decided to approve of the appointment of Miss Mailing as mistress in the school.

To-morrow an important sale will bo held at the Opihi bridge by Messrs Guinness and LeCren, who will dispose of a large quantity of valuable timber, iron, and contractors' plant, on account of Messrs Emil Hall and Sons. The sale will start at 12.30 p.m.

The hounds belonging to the Waimate District Hunt and the South I Canterbury Hunt will meet at Levels ! station, at 11 a.m. to-dnv. at the in- ! vitation of Mr C. X. Orbeil. Probobly ■' the Waimate pack will hunt in the : morning, and the other in the afteri noon.

Tlie Assembly Rooms wore an animated appearance last evening, when the Wai-iti Tennis Club held their first ; anual ball with considerable success. I The walls had been gaily and eifcctual- ' ly decorated, and the proceedings, ar- : ranged by a capable committee, with ■. Mr J. Lawson as secretary, proved ex- ; tremely enjoyable to ihe 80 couples 1 that joined in. Mrs Hurdley's or- ! chestra provided music of a high stand- ! ard, and the floor has seldom been in | better order.

Assessors for both sides have been I appointed to deal with the Canterbury ' shearers' dispute before the Conciliation Council, in the old Provincial Chambers. Christchurch, on June 2nd. ! For the employers Messrs D. D. Mae- , farlaue of Walau, E. B. Milton of Raui giora and C. P. Hugonin of Cashmere, : and for the employees Messrs A. J. j King and F. Waddell of Timaru and C. Johusou of Ashburton, have been I selected as assessors.

Yesterday was almost summer warm about midday, owing to a light nor'-west wind blowing. The mildness of the present season generally—at Timaru at i ll events—is attested by the fact that Mr Pamell, gardener, has not oniy several kinds of spring flowers out—ranunculus, violets, auriculas, and primroses,—but also raspberries, in all stages from flower to fully formed and ripe fruit. It is said that rasps very rarely indeed form and ripen out of season. The Pathe Pictures drew a verv fair sized audience to the Theatre Royal last evening, and the films were greeted _ with enthusiasm. To-night there will be a complete change, showing a brilliant array of new and interesting subjects. The star attraction will be

"The Death Disc." founded on an historical poem and descriptive of the days of Oliver Cromwell, being excellently played by the American Biograph Company. A coloured film of much merit is "Schappausen" a set of very realistic views

Residents of St. Andrews and surrounding districts are reminded that the annual grand Scottish Concert will b- held in the Public Hall on June 3rd. The programme is an excellent one, including songs and dances by wellknown performers. The Waimate. Pipe Br-nl will be in attendance and will parade from opposite Mr Foxon's store at 7.30 sharp. There will be the '.argest- display of tartan ever seen in the little town by the sea. The proceeds of the concert are for prizes for dancing and piping competitions at St. Andrews Snorts.

Owing to the lateness of the season the Albury Collie Dog Club have decided not to hold the trials just now, but to get them of? early next year. Tlie new club was formed'so late "that it was thought better to postpone tlie trials in the meantime than to attempt anything winch, through lack of time in properly working up, might turn out successful. and consequently cripple the club'from the outset. There is every prospect of the club being sound and healthy, but it was considered in the interests of all concerned that the above step should be taken.

The Rev. D. C. Bates' summary and forecast are as follows:—"The weather has been showery on the "West Coast and southern districts of the South Island, unsettled in the far north and cold and changeable, elsewhere. The high pressure continues in the far north, but a fall has baan experienced everywhere else, especially in the south. A westerly galo has been espcrienosd in. Fo-veaux Straits. Present indications are for strong westerly winds with unsettled and cloudy weather generally. Rain is probable on al! the western coast and south of New Plymouth and Napier/'

A committee luacting of the Boxing Club was held at the Hibernian Hotel last night, when final arrangements were, made for their King's Birihday meeting. A first-class programme was submitted to the meeting and adopted. Good entries have been received for the novice competition in heavy, light- aiid feather weights. Two first-class six-round bouts have also been arranged for, and a good night's sport is assured. The meeting will be held in the Drillshed Hall, which will he fitted up as a stadium, and abundant seating accommodation has hr-en arranged for. The prices of admission are 2s 6d and os for the ring side.

The Waimate Hospital Committee ( met vesterdav afternoon. Present — Messrs F. J.'"White (chair), Ativiir, ! Francis, Bitehener, Hart-, Hutt, San- ' ders and Walker. The surgeon, D r • Barclay was also present. The Rug- ; by-sub-Union's application for use of ' grounds for football matches was declined. Mr X. Francis was granted leave of absence, owing to probable ab- . sence from the dominion, from 22nd June to end of August. The Central Board forwarded cheque for £lll 10s 7d, which with bank balance makes up first quarter's instalment of maintenance demands. Messrs Atwill and | Sanders reported having visited the ! hospital, and several details which i they thought required attention were : authorised to be attended to. The : surgeon's report showed patients adj mitted during month 23, discharged ! 10. remaining under treatment 14. . There were also eight outpatients un- ■ der treatment. It was decided to hold | meetings at 3 p.m. (instead of 3.30 j P-m.) in future. The by-laws comj mittee recommended some alterations [ in a number of the by-laws, submitted iby the chief health officer, and after j some discussion these were, with some i slitrht changes, adopted. The whole

! of the by-laws v.T-re then adopted, and' ! are to he pent on to the Central Board, , asking that thev be bromdit into force. ; Accounts for £ll3 13s 2d were passed j for payment.

!_ Recovery from wasting and wea ten- . iiux diseases is hastened bv th° l-e of PTTO-SPHOL. Phosphol begins Tvith a

j For children's hacking cough at [nitrht Woods Great Peppermint Cure. • 1-s 6d and 2s 6d... I Men have made themselves many in- ! volitions but a shrewd idea may t-iill j lend on to fort:i'ie. The simpler tlir, j idea, the better, so long as it- is .«s?n- ---;' tiaily new. The thing is to make sure !of your agent. Messrs Baldwin r-icl i Ravwaril. Patent Agents. land Christehureh, have developed tliei- ! profes-ion to an art. Their I monthly journal '"Piogress" is the < nly i u>uvoal of iiivr>ntir.n published ui the Southern Hemisphere.,.

The Sherwood Downs estate, near Fail-lie, is now under definite offer to the Government I'or close settlement purposes.

The fortnightly meeting of the Juvenile Lodge of Forester's was held last evening, Bro. Vv. Collins, C.R., presiding over a fair attendance. The woodwards reported that no member was on the sick list. One candidate was initiated. The question of holding a social was deferred until nest meet-

.Thirty-three members of the Winchester Miniature Rifle Club fired on Monday night for a trophy presented by Mr J. P. Kalaugher. The winner was T .Kennedy (5)"~70, and the next highest were—T. Gillum (2) 69, A. Cnpps (scr) 68, J. Farrell (4), 68, J. C'npps (scr) 67. W. Scott (scr) 67, L. loung (11 67. T. Harrison (5) 65, A. Louden (4) 65.

Hie krosfcrs and American Order of Oddiellows card teams meet this evening m Cook's tea rooms at 7.30. 1 layers are requested to attend rur.ctiiiilly. Programmes for the season may now be had from the secretary, Mr C. Pearey. The Druids (present holders of the cup) and the" Hibernians meet at the same placo. An i..location made this year is the provision of prizes by each lodge for the*host player of its team, in crib and euchre "lesxiectively.

A paragraph has been published in several newspapers seating that the negotiations for tho purchase of a block of 400 acres of land at Temuka., from ilr Hayhurst, under the Land Act, had fallen through because the Government could not pay for the land other than by debentures. This, it appears is incorrect. Tho Government offered to sec that the owner received cash, but like a private individual, could not allow payment to be made until the necessary formalities had been complied with. Tho owner of the land however, wanted spot cash, and it was because he could not see his way to wait until the formalities had been complied with, that the purchase fell through. Mr Buxton, M.P., wired to the Premier on the subject yesterday, and received the following reply last night:—"Re Hayhurst estate. It is clearly a, case of asking as to do what is illegal, and if the owner will not agree to what tho law provides, it is absolutely impossible for the Government to "act. Xo responsibility whatever, can be put upon the Government, in the matter. 1 have personally been anxious to facilitate the purchase in every possibleway, but if the difficulties which have arisen are contrary to the law. it is not possible for me to do anything to help the matter forward. I will be in Christchurch on Tuesday next, and will be glad to see you there." SYNOPSIS OF NEW MENTS. O'Callaghan and Co.—Clearing sale to-day. Jonas and Co.—Sell roofing iron on Satin-day. Dalgety and Co. —Sale of farms on 9th June. C.F.C.A.—Enti'iies for Tattersall's, property at Temuka on 7th June. Hockey—The matches for to-day. St. Andrews—Scoteh concert on June 3rd. Stafford tea rooms—Luncheon from 11.30 to-day. Tasman Smith—Notice re lost sheep. Football—Matches for to-day. S.C. Hunt—Meet at Levels * to-day. Waimataitai School—Reopens on Monday next. N.M. and A. Co.—Have mangolds for sale. M. Jones—Brooch lost; reward on ret urn. J. Foley—Heifer astray, owner pav exivnsos. Tvin<r.=down School—Lecture to-mor-row evening. Rathe Pictures—At Theatrre Royal, this evening. R. L. Ovbell—Sites, houses and dnu-v farm for sale. Mrs Wootton's. Arcade—Choice inure and confectionery. I OJdie and Co.—Want an' apprentice. At Bowie's—Prime pie peaches and other fruits. T-TnrdW and Son—Groat clearing so." of Tndinn and other soods Brcs.—Special ' window dis- ' [ pl!>V of TVVH?:)!. Wanteds—Seven notices. j

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 14210, 26 May 1910, Page 4

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 14210, 26 May 1910, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 14210, 26 May 1910, Page 4