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GREAT ROAD RACE. TIMARU TO CHRISTCHURCH. AN AUSPICIOUS START. League Council—President, Mr A. E. V~-«5. Rhodes. Yice-Presidcut, Mr R- DD. McLean. Chairman, Mr D- *>- Wood. Couneulors, Messrs J. Burgess, A. CvDuff, R. Harding, T. Smith, A\. J Walter' A. J- Woottou. Secretary, F* L.tMurray. Road Rare-Executive, Messrs D. E- Wood (chairman), J. Burgess, A C. Duff, H. G. Goodman, B. Harding, J. P. Kalaughcr, J. A.Fhdp, T. Smith, W. J. Walter, and A. J. Wvotton, F. L. Murray (Secretary). Officials.—Christchureh: Snwenii tendent, D. E. Wood. Referee, WE. Thompson. Timekeepers, Dr. Thacker, A. J. B. Clarkson, W. 11. Cooke, A- Donaldson. R. Spencer. R. Thompson, F- D. Kestevcn,. and R. Wallace, A. Dickson. Judges, J. E. Bates, H. G. Goodman, AV. J. M. HopIrins. F. W. Johnston, J. Boyd, J. A. llealtngs, F. Sinclair, G. .Sutherland, H. Thompson, D. Hoare, and J. F. Grieraon. Clerk of Course. J. Burgess. d»"<ck~ Stewards, B. Harding and H. EI Lawrence. Marshals, H. Baron. V. Kibblewhite. G. Cameron, J. A. Pliilp, F. Banks, J. 'McClintock, F. .Innes. J. H. Tompkins. Stewards,- R. Rankin, ; R» Bee*, J. Hamilton, A. Napier, W. J. Irwin, C. Caterer, Jl aid W. Hornby, V. - Drake, J. Browning, W. J- Brown, F. RoothT-E. Hayes, A. J. AVootton. Ai. W-'Rankin. F. Wood. F. B. Hughes, Jt.Ashworth, H. S. William*,'J. Piper. ■ J. Pdifer, H. Whinam, W. Barnett, J. Barne* A. W. J. Peacock, AV. Thomas,,. BI;-Lebransky, L. Bralian. F. Bridges, E. ~TU Washer, J. Faulls, R- Cox. E. 11. Price: >and members of affiliated <-liihsv UnuMres. G. B^Bmwn, F."Hawartb, AV. * A> Blundell, R. Adams, J. Benson, V. WhflJer- S. F.Banictt, AV. J.,A**nlti.r. Tyre .Examiner, .1. Grant. Rr-sidt Board; A. H. Hobbs, G. Martin. Joy* Tbuplons. Telegraph Steward. T. Smith: Press Stewanl, h. W. Herd-man.-Chief Consul. J. Pcrkaskio. Handicapper*. J.' P. Kalaughcr, A. C. Duff, 7»nd-'"Wi J. Walter. Secretary, ' F-'Xi-r'iMurfay.' "■•■....■..-"■'•. R>J. Cook. Check Starter*. C. F. Collins and A. Shirtcliffe./'Stewards, F. H. Rolleston, G. Fi Pfflmer. W. McJßride, W. Maben, J. M-I South, G. P. Gerrie, J. O'Leary, E./Crawford. W. J. Cotterilh Time- ■ J.-Dmin, D. Maboney, H. W. Capper! F. Watson. Marksmen, 31. Higprns, W'. Grant, C.~ AV. Wood, H. Randrup. H. Goodwin, H. H. Frascr, E. Donohnc. H. Kennedy. F. W. Taskcr., District' Secretary,, J. P. Kal-' augbcr. Temuka—Stewards, W. F. Evans, Gunniou. R. 3lacaulay, C. Colder, AVSpillano,. W. Hallcy. G. Andrews, D. ST. Geraldine—rStewards, J. Kennedy, E. OTlFalk*; J. F. Meredith, G. Broad-" her.d, B. Brooks, A: McLean. RaiigitaU "Bridge^J. )f. 31cDonald, 'A: Tavener, W. McCann H. Curtis, H RobiUiard, - A. Flower. R.' 'Shearman, E. Orr, AV. Sp«To#>::AWglAndcrson, F. Knox, R. HendersonV: r A^6tewart. Cbertato£r4St«iraras, J. Shannon, G. T. Sniar^,-jAy'lronsides, R. Shannon, R. H»pper,,E. P. March. . A. JC Muller, -T. Evans, C.S. Hardy, E. S. Levenidsje, J. Burgee, W. BrowlflSKJanieaon and W. StopliTHE*3WDEHS"START. It ot auspitco thai, kitSjttt mmjfwait rjwui, anu uiic ».«.!•- on.tb> ot. 1 at too JUeittiio jwumg no wrcneas tiiu'^jp^u| oi cuo grea» .- to CbnSU&turciil -' Tnere' were many ajMug~uO>J Ms wuo coulu reioenoi!r;ra'ces of to'rmer years, when. iceJ t faad t ,jnow- were, on the haa-a-truiy'tusr xi earning -tinny qit'/rbaaa- mat -were well nis)i nfjifflipliljr iiiiil "nlll inn vwcre. a danger ? luub.' It »a», departbro J or tne. League to. shift iorwaru the dattfot the balmy of .should take part in it uoderStho 'most', pleasant condiHad been "made' to been better than it was',on ; Saturday'morning. The air m ,<be early morning was keen, but as thetsun gained strength, the heat waaTlempered by a gentle breeze from the sea and tho starting conditions were all'that couliLbave been desired. So far as South Canterbury was concerned the, roads .were said to be in. hcantifat."order, except for the length betweeat jWashdyke and Temuka, some of which/had been newly shingled. The heavy rains of a week before- were imderstoodrto have made solid the side tracks on this northern half of the route, save oft'course, where remnants of the floodwj£fains formed pools in the hollows. however, the. roads We s c '%r *° *° very eood, and for this and. thMbeautifuJ weather, congratu-

lations were heard on all sides, at the ideal conditions which prevailea at in is end, minglea with some suspicions mat the riders would find the midday too hot for comfort.

So far as Timaru was concerned punctuality marked the proceedings. The officials and most ol the ricicrs were on the spot ui. » a.m., lue nrst rider So. loo" (J. outherland, Sydenham) being reaciy at live minutes to S o'clock, and he was soon surrounded by the others, who came up in twos, threes and fours. i\v time nas lust m marshalling them, in the barricaded portion of the road, which Mr Beswick, the Borough Council's uversecr anu his men, had securely reserved from tlic press of people. As the riders were gn.upcd, ready for photographing by a battery of cameras, it was interesting to note their personal appearance. Willi two exceptions, all were very young men, light weights, and at least half a dozen were mere lads. They were variously clad, but the majority were in a regulation cycling costume. The clothing worn by some * was heavy ,and colours so far as sweaters'and singlets were concerned were in the majority. The ideal road costume is of wool. it ahsorbs perspiration. Most of the ridrrs affected this wear, but there was one who rode in a soft white cotton shirt, and at least half a dozen- others wore jerseys heavy "enough for protection from a south-west gale. In footwear there was also varietv. some had boots, some shoes, sonic wore stockings, sonic dm not. • fancy jjmvj a long way, no' doiilit "each, rider \n,rc a costume that s>cejneti u> lii.n the most comfortable.

* iiu: ofTk-ials, given a lead by Mr J. I*. rvalaugli. l, iiuiif secreiary, and one ol ti.e mcbt expciieucvti athletic organisers in the foiiiinioii. gots.tlic men ou their marks, tier behind tier, in very qliick lline. -Vi'r lii ,i. CooK, who was an ideal; starter, and the tiniecepers (Alessrs 1). Maiiuhey, Dunn and \iatsonj, took up llieir stand at a telegraph post, almost opiiosite .Mr T. J lioinson "s residence, and the crowd, wlijcli at this time was very large, were kept back from the road bv Sergeant Bowman and a number of police, and by the numerous otiiciaU of tin: l>e:igue. The starting was managed perfectly, every; man save one, getting away easily, ami at the time appointed by his handicap. This was D. Lynch," of Chcrtsey, who found that he had' a puncture before starting, and he lost 6} 'minutes over it. Lynch was further unlucky,, for he, had hot gone 150 yards before' a "loose spoke was making tinkling music for him. He dismounted,--and- took it out, and was "soon in pursuit of his handicap mates. In previous races of the kind one or more riders has usually returned immediately, in consequence of some mishap. On this occasion this, did not happen. Two minor nii&haps occurred before the riders had gone very far. At Wabuataitai Hill one cyclist got a puncture, and'another had a" nasty'fall, cutting one" of his knees rather badly. After a 1 stoppage of a few minutes however, he remounted and rode ou again. ' The first group to start consisted of seven, men, and at 8.44 they were promptly sent on their journey amid the-hearty--applause of the'spectators. Then at minute intervals groups of six, three fours in succession, and a six "followed, the latter at 8.49. Then came another seven;' a five and a large group often. The crowd showed their appreciation of this large number of oven starters by giving another hearty round of applause. Two fours followed, -then the largest crow n of the race, eleven riders in ranks of sx and 'five, away at the word "go." Still other two groups of sevens fallowed, among the 8.56 batch beine AV.. Arnst. of the well-known snortinc familv. Two Quartettes next fared Mr 'Cooke, and. these away, a pair arid a trio lined up, and were sent gronp'of five eame next, i then two cretins of three, among them ! being J.< AV. AValdie, of Timaru, who I left amid applause and shouted words of encouragement from personal friends. I D. Doyle, Timaru, was also one • of a J' group of three, and the heartiest good wishes -were expressed to him also for,"success and a pleasant ride." The starter was now getting among I the back markers; the men who wcro expected to make the race really iuI teresting and to furnish the winner. i J. Wilson/, Kaiapoi, at 9.4 had to go alone, Dunn, -Temuka, being scratched, and AVilson was warmly cheered for his pluck. He would soon, of course, 'pick un the riders one minute or so ahead ~ of liim. The last numerous I group (of five) went next, and then came-three first -flight riders including the well known track riders —H. P. | Arrist, Ashburton, AV. Brand, Invercargill, and H. J. Whithey, Diincdin. Fendalton, was in the next group, and two minutes later, Bonis had to ride away- alone. He was in good spirits, and was confident of making the pace warm for the men immediatelv in front of him. The crowd had then to wait eight minutes before Smith, AVaikari. and Humm, Spreydon, were sent awayf and they were a good-hnmonred pair, chaffing one another and ready in repartee with the crowd during the long wait for their turn to go. They went off .amid applause. Another notable pair follow-

cd, the world's champion oarsman, R. Ariist, Tai Tapu, a splendid physical specimen of the expert waterman, but '•tilling the eye" too much now tor a champion cyclist. He was, however, well trained,- and very confident. As his companion he had Ralph Rogers, of Timaru, who has of late years done great work on the track, aiid albeit a' little anxious-looking, appeared to be as fit as his trainer could make him. Ho was a. little fellow compared with Arnst. They rode off amid the heartiest of cheers. Then other good riders followed, genial Mcharry, from Hokitika, a very fine specimen of the road racer, being among . them. With a three minutes' spell, the crowd had ample time to look over the scratch men. J. Arnst, Ghristchureh, and H. A. Mehrtcns, heroes of many such gatherings as that of Saturday, and winners of trophies on many tracks. They left the mark at 9.30, amid the heartiest cheers of the large concourse of people, and with their departure, the great road race of 1909 had begun, with all the elements that make for complete success. The crowd that assembled to witucss the start was so large as to draw from one member of it tho remark that Timaru seemed to have a lot of men who need not start work at 8, and stick to it. There was a dense pack about the starting point, and the street was well lined with spectators as far as Wai-iti Road, and ou this road, and on Sarah Street, many vehicles were halted, horses in expresses and tradesmen's carts getting a rest from their business rounds, and tho team drawing a load of hay had a spell near the viaduct. More thinly the. string of onlookers ou each .side of the road extended as far as one could seo up Maori Hill. At the streets named two motor cars waited till nearly all the riders had got away, and then took the road, ocanng Vyhristchurch officials and Pressmen. The crowd comprised many ladies, who seemed to take as much interest in the start as tho men folk, and keenest'of all to see them on* were small boys, who pressed forward to get a good view, and had to be ordered again and again to stand back. THIS COMPETITORS. The times of starting and the names of competitors arc as follows: — At 8.4-1 (-16 mins start) J. A. Scales (Spreydon), T. Winn (Cust), A. Fuller (Prebbleton), J. McClure (Sydenham), if. Pepper (Hawarden), D. Flanagan (Lecston), R. Hawthorne (Prebbleton), At 8.45—(45min) P. O'Shea (Sydenham), J. Sutherland (Sydenham), S. Ferry (Duhedin), H. (Hinds), E. M. Morris (Kaidpoi)',.! F.'"Wilson (Kaiapoi). ■■■.■■■■ At 8.46 (44min) W. Hall (Christchurch), P. Hill (Addington), S. J. Mann (Tcmpleton), J. T. Staples (Temuka). At 8.47 (43min) J. Carncgio (Duncdin), W. Alexander (Christchureh), J. 11. Raker (Templcton), L. Galietlv (Styx). At 8.45—(42 min)'L. C. Crcqucr (Islington), S. Major (SpringsfcJn), W. Goodall (Hampden), W. Eadic (Dimcdin). At 8.49—(41min) G. Dix (St. Andrews), W. H. Travcs (St. Andrews), J. E. McCarthy (Christchureh), J. M. Roocock (New Brighton), Alf. . East (Otaio), AV. L. Oldman (Christchureh). At—(4omin) >H. F. Williams (Lin wood), J. Bel worthy (Woolston), V. J. Crcqucr (Islington), P. Ford (Christchureh), W. C. Cross (Linwood), G. AV. Prebblo (Christchureh), J. Reedy (West Coast)...'.'.'-rfti. At 8.51—(39min) F. Hill (Papauui), C. Hill (Papanui), Leu. Maw (Dunedin), A. Rugg (Christchureh), C. Henderson (Rockford), E. Slow (Fairlie).,

At 8.52 dlngton), W. Ballagh* (Kingsdown), KLawson (Timayu), C. S. Taylor (Temukn), F. AV. Hnlme (Sydenham), T. J. Doran. (New Brighton), J. Allan, (Hajswell), E. AV. Hills (Moeraki), M. B. Pcrcasky (Marshland), C...5. Williams (Temuka). At 8.53 —(37 min) F. G. Abraham (Belfast), G. White (Belfast;, L. J, Glasson- (New Brighton), J. McTeague (Halswcll), H. Duke (Addington), D. Murray (Mosgicl); G. A. Porter (Ashburton), W. H. Young (Christchurch), J. McLachlan (Linwood). At . 8.54 (36min) B. Martin (Christchurch), E. AV. King (Temuka), M. Wilson (Woolston), It AVood (Christchurch), E. Sutherland (Christchurch), H. L.. Watson (Belfast), H. Arnst (Ladhrooks), E. Boocock (New Brighton), H. Edwards (Halswcll), T. Coleman (Marshlands), J. Shand (Woodlands). ri At 8.55 don), AV. AValsh (Papanui), A.:.;.C..i AVakelin (Ashburton), L. G. Gray (Opawa), 11. AVood (Christohurch),. A. Slack (Christchurch), A. H. Hawsoh (Reidston). At 8.56—(34min) AV. Arnst (Papanui), G. F. AValls (Rangiora), A. G. Donald (Palmerston North), F. W. Grossman (Hinds), T. Lynch (Temuka), S. Cupplcs (Spreydon), AV. AVatkins (Rangiora) At 8.57 (Christchurch), F. Bidden (Springston), F. Arnst (Ladbrooks), T. Belworthy (Christchurch), M. A. Bryant (St. Albans). At 8.58 (32min) AV. A. Thome (Sydenham), G. H. Birch (Fcldalton), G. N. Langford (Temuka), AV. G. Staples (Timaru).

At 8.59 tflmin) A. Storer (Christ-, cliurch), E. C. Rawson (Maheno). At 9 a.m.—(3omin) AV. Harris (Waikhvi), G. MrGloin (Cliristcburcb), J. AYliittakcr (Nelson), A. Welsli (Asliburton), A. Gill (Addington), J. B. Roxburgh (Duriedin), H. B. Pointon (Wellington), E. Manihera (LyttelCon). At 9.1 (29min) J. W. Waldie (Timani), W. J. Garrett (Asbburton), P. J. Darling (Christchurcli). •-*■ At 9.2 (28min) W. J. Bircb Ffi'ndalr lon>, AV. McTeague (Spreydon), -A. 11. Parker (Hornby). At 9.3 (27minVM. "Wilson (Qamaru), R. S. Baldwin '(Addington), D. Doyle (Timaru).

At 9.4—(26min) J. AVilson (Kaiapoi). At 9.s—(2omin) L. H. Towy (Tcmuka), A. C. Walker (Wellington), F. L. Tvnowles (Addington),-.~AV. Price (Belfast), .H.. Gulletl.(Styx). At 9.7—(23min) S . AVatson (llanmcr), S. Griffins (Nelson), E. A. Inwood (Ourukia) bad to start but punctured on the road to the post and did not not awav ti11'9.91. At 9.B—((22miu) W. Broad (Ihver-

cargill), H. P. A rust (Ashburton), 11. J. Wittoy (Dunedin). At 9.10 (20min) T. Birch (Fcndalton), J, A. Shea (Otekaike), L. Franklyn (Nelson) ~■„.• ,», , At 9.12 (18min) A. Boms (Marshland). r , At 9.2o—(lOmin) A .Hunim (bpreydon), A. B. L. Smith (Waikan). At 9.23—(7min) R. Arnst (Tai Tapu), R. Rodgers (Timaru). At 9.25—(5min) G. W. A. Meharry (Hokitika), G. A. Smith (Riccarton). At 9.27—(3min) J. Coulter (Palmerston North), H. Henderson (Palmerston North), A. Birch (Fendalton). At 9.3o—(scratch) J. Arnst (Christchurch), H. E. Mehrtens (Spreydon). ON THE WAY. ,Por Press Association. CHRISTCHURCH, Oct. 30. The weather was almost perfect tor tho road race to-day. The sua was saining brightly, but the heat was tempered by a light north-easterly : wind, v.-hich did not seriously inconvenience tho competitors"'during tlio earlier scages. Unfortuuately it increased in force towards noon, and after crossing tlio Rangitata bridge the competitors had-to plug steadily against it for the remainder of their long journey. It was not until Geraldine was reached that bunches of competitors were found, and here L. H. Tozcr (temuka), A. C. Walker (Wellington), I'. h. Knowlcs (Addington), W. Prico (ifclfast,), and H. Galletly (Styx), formed ' the first "school." Tyro troubles were .frequent up to this point, and quito a number, including A. G. Donald, J. Shand, W. Walsh, and J. Beady, experienced flat tyres. Another bunch, consisting of fourteen middle markers, was noticed near Orari bridge, gradually gaining on the limit men. ,lu fact they had overtaken Ferry, of Dunedin, who had 45 minutes start. J. McCliiro, Sydenham, punctured about this spot. As the Kangitata- bridge was'nearcd, G. McGloin injured his machine, and had to pull up for repairs. When. Maronan road was-entered a large number found the going too rough, and retired. G. S. Williams, Temuka, broke a rim, Which forced him to retire, and punctures were numerous.

Between Mayfield and Ashburton tlio leading bunch was rather it big one and included G. H. Birch. P. O'Shea, J/. Maw, Morris, J. McTeague, .Hill, ,1'". W. Grossman, W. Walsh, and F. R. Jones. Jones and Birch were doing the greater portion of tho" pacing, and all were going at a very steady gait. They reached Ashburton at noon, and a littlo later W. Goodall, who-.was'with them, was accidentally knocked over through colliding'.with, two other competitors, and sprained his ankle. The loaders had a tremendous break on the remainder of the field, their nearest attendants being A. Walsh, T. W. Crossman, W. Garrett, W. Arnst, H. B. Pointon, J. E. McCarthy,' and M. McTeague, who were about four miles behind. The back markers in the meantime had been having a fairly bad passage. Henderson punctured within two miles of Timaru. J. Arnst had a blow-out after leaving Temuka, and just after! leaving Winchester he punctured a tyre. Both accidents cost him ten tyre. Henderson, who had been left on tho roadside ,passed Arnst whilo ho was repairing his tyre on tho second occasion, but later the two got together, and it was to a largo extent duo to Henderson's assistance that Arnst made such splendid time. Henderson obviously was not in good form and retired before reaching Ashburton. Mehrtens, who started on the scratch mark with J. Arnst, camo to grief before he arrived at Geraldine. R. Arnst was "on the big side," but his efforts during tho time he was racing, though spasmodic, were extremely useful to tho bunch ho was with.

After crossing Rakaia bridges J; Arnst, A. B. L., Smith, ' R. Rodgers' and Meharry rode within a ma-onablff distance of Birch and J t Coulter, who We l e U on . t,le * ,,ree minutes mark. At Selwyn tho leading division had dwindled down, to G. H. Birch F • O'Shea, E. M. Morris, L. Maw and J. Mcjcague. , They rode, at a very slow pace from this nont to the Phi'inptoii course.

GOING TO SUM THE FINISH, l'rom one o'clock onwards" tin's afternoon the Riccarton road presented a most animated appearance, with hundreds of cyclists ami scores of tramcars all towards tlw Pfumptoii wfnJ." I^o^ St, : c,lg , tI, of thc easterly wind sufficed to banish alMiopes of an early appearance of the racing van- "?,?? rd i,w. Ther6 was an assemblage of .iuiiy 3000 present, and tho excitement or the occasion was kept keyed up to concert pitch, until at 3.45 it was announced that the leaders had reached the western gates of tho enclosure.

THE FINISH. Five men arrived in a bunch in the following order—P. O'Shea, L. Maw, G. Birch, E. Morris nnd J. McTeague. They maintained their positions wheel to wheel into vfche course, and along tho back stretch. They encountered tho full force of the brisk easterly, and made slow and painful progress. As a matter of fact they took seven minutes to reach tho winning post. Coming into the straight the men made a last supreme effort. O'Shea shot out of tho ruck and finished in brilliant fashion twenty yards ahead of Maw, who in turn beat Birch by a bare length, Morris finishing fifteen > yards behind Birch. The crowd immediately rushed the track, and the winner was carried off shoulder high and was loudly cheered by the assemblage.

W. Hill finished alono a few minutes later, followed shortly afterwards by F. W. Crossman, W. Walsh and W. J. Garrett. Little groups appeared at odd intervals, but it was fully an hour before a substantial majority of thc field was accounted for. v Birch (32min) was the only one of the back-markers to ruu into position, but the redoubtable Jack Arnst (scratch) finished twelfth, and put up the fastest time —6 hours 34J: minutes. . Tho order of finish of first twentynine men was as follows —P .O'Shea (Sydenham) 1, L. Maw (Dunedin) 2, G. H. Birch (Fendalton) 3, E. M. Morris (Kaiapoi) 4, J. McTeague (Halswell) 5, E. W. Hill (Moeraki) 6, F. W. Grossman (Hinds) 7, T. W s

Walsh (Papanui) 8, W. G. Garrett (Ashbtfrton) 9, M. McTeaguo (Spreydon) 10, A. B. L. Sffiith (Wadkari) 11, •T. "Arnst (Christcliurch) 12, A. Birch (Fendalton) 13, J. Coulter (Palmerstoh North) 14, A. E. Parkes (Hunterville) 15,; H. Edwards (Halswell) 16, 'J'. Coltman, (Marshlands) 17, A. Humm (Spreydon) 18, W. Harris (Waikiwij 19, i P. Hill (Addington) 20, L. Galletly (Styx) 21, W. Broad (Invercargill) 22, S. (J'. Dora;i (New Brighton) 23, W. Aritet (Papanni) 14, D. Flanagan (Lee-, .stop) 25, J. Carnegio (Dunedin) 26, J. E. (McCarthy (Christcliurch) 27, A. G. Donald' (Palmerston North) 28, C. HLII (Papanui) 29. J RIDING TIMES. 13i© following are the corrected actual riding times of the first six to finish I\ O'Shca—7h. 6m. 555. Jj. Maw 71i. om. 265. fr. H. Birch 6h. 53m..575. EM. Morris 7h. 6m. 575. J.-McTeague 6h. 58m. 58s. E. W. Hill 7h. 3m. 20s. FASTEST TIMES. The fastest times were as follows: J; Arnst 6h. 34m. 255. A. Birch 6h. 37m. 25 2-£>s. ''XI Coulton 61i. 37m. 265. It. Rodgers 6b. 41m. 25 3-ss. A. B. 6h. 44m. 255. A . Hu'mm 6h. 44m. 26 4-5s G. H. Birch 6h. S3m. 57s M. McTeague 6h. 58m. 38s. N. J. Garrett 6h. 59m.37 3-os. ,T. McTeague 6h. 58m. 58s. The prizes for the fastest time were not awarded as the League is holding an enquiry into alleged irregularities.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 14045, 1 November 1909, Page 7

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CYCLING. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 14045, 1 November 1909, Page 7

CYCLING. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 14045, 1 November 1909, Page 7