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The heavy sea of a week ago drifted i lot of sand into Caroline Bay. At ow tide there is a notably wider expanse of sand bare. The- Government is considering the ndvisabihty of reintroducing' the Bill oi last session, granting compensation to Mr. J. J. Meiklo for wrongful imprisonment. Glad news for business peoplo is that a noiseless typewriter is announced from Vienna, where it will shortly appear on the market. The inventor claims, that fifty of them in a room together will not make a sound Ioud ( enough to be heard above a- conversation \ . ' V'j - Tho model by-laws for wbieli 'hb. many local governing' bodies havo asked recently are ready ,f or t submission W Parliament, but whether "they; r will be brought down during J tho session will v depend upon 'this course of business' on other matters of great M»P°rtance. > ■,'' =.i' Tho Wellington/ -and Wairarapa Charitable Aid district is'to be oivkV ed under tho new Bill|,aiid\Weiringtoi members are against it. North Island districts have.been much ' cut up, there being six snraH "districts proposed between Palmerston dud' Tan-" anaki. Wellington objects to tho„scur aration of Wairarapa, a' rich district < with comparatively small .population.^ The'^uestioA'of tSie-day on which the hdhday for the King's Birthday should be observed has been discussed m several, of the northern towns, and so far tho tradespeople in each,have decided that, Monday, the Jftlv, instead tv of the ' kept. Oa'maru' adopted tins iine, >but a telegram sent to, Wellington elicited the'reply?that the,factories must e 'ose on Tuesday. f . v »' , On the report of ference coming before* the Otago Harbour Board*, tho T (that it was marked ''confidential." It wag i tliis*'"was i to cover the part that th^tOn-bo"'" 4 Bill. One member.' said,- that if tho Conference had 'not' undertaken.' to treat it as* private the chance*, were >. that the -Association w«qalcl "iiat'<liav6 seen tho BiM. "' Z ' ' , ' Sleeping cari-on-"the "North * Island . Trunk lino, are-fitted v&M firsti claw cars,- and. passehgers riding in them etfliorrßay-oK'Mgbi mast .pay ' first daW , ' given rhy .the* Minister tfv*tfs*»X* W ,an »e- . < cently ' retrfmetb^nx '&»< „ s*™i «? land, informs uatb*t\ttlaW tj» firstclass tiassenge? hp»'to ' sleeper,* the toK pay 15s. i { (ift-v vVt".*" s». 1 •.-*• -4 ■ chiWranWtle their fifsfc communion at 7.80 %sfchn-Ifce Catholic' Church f yeslflfdny!;hWrniinir. J The ReV. Father a srmpn to the * comn^nied"l>y^o«'wK^ v ;*ongrcgatiton' ' %p^maFvW,'and -the r w6rds"Wth"e Jiappcned', in hyes tMt " day. , *Mr J,' : that* a party of, achoot Jr*"fcK* *HP -tfew> South Wateawtt K<k*#" - die islands New Zealand $<W ;i g» - u6xtA»r^tnia^»vacat^KU'i n ' of the tour Will to'm«tjgoß# , 2?ealaud-teachers and play* «s™»i£F cricket and tonms*, matcju*i*ntt w visit the prieipabtouroVwawto.- -J-J® • ukrtv will arrive -in " JunsfuJ afcMt Ear? 1 and will leave* about January 3, a burv Play a cricket jnatoh ™*M*g New South Wales touchers dunng their s t,tay in Timaru. ' lr , v % A uoputotionwaitod r on V Sir' Joseph , \\aid 'last.Thursday,MWitli, a r«uost that 'th© Hooter , present worthy Vt^» ? #«^ B^^!»*^ bi r r ;' 'ntein6nairaevoteo<-to.'^c ■> ' reaay ahd' :*«?' \ smo'Dera.'of the ttgyoitteiilJ >, crease ' -Wfl* .asgOOjfrWf *»* - pWid© .sottethinß ' u substanti«' * *fcch,, year ># t^b^t/^rMfatf work'dorte iii' ,, and' otttsiaV'lt'lW' Joseph with th^mWeme i tat."m]wotiMiWB l gWd. •to favourably prtfposw " v «'nd recommend, a subsidy up tot £500." ' u { J- k V t-t'' Referriiig tp-'tlf<-auratiefei '; suicide, the ' Zealand' say ft :—F6r r *■ siclidus and 1 aetoStWe r^n6lteinen*»^to i race, 'sni«de-th6 , '''^^witß6nt^, r " brahec", adVcAi^uicnt:*««t time iho WesbWWftn "M 5 sembly were issuing' t tor the fono>vih g . peanng m ' of date" for Y.W.C.A., 1,35 Madrid - potent working housekeeperVno chiWv 1 Apply Secretary." ' Wo 1 .peed- ' haidty Explain" t!»tf""«AV* .rtaiwte ifc-V You>g' Women's ' Advertischients 'of'-tfcis'clasV espwaal* 1 '- ly those couples for" stations, Wh • t and pidus I coming so' conirtbtf as'-toSbe-'alnrost I pical.' Siich reality far more "deadlysible than thp mere {heoro|abal' A a'dvot cacv of Malthrisianisin~wwhich iff'Vi?*toria deputrrti^nists v a'iked * i ,- 1 ; infer to prohibit, , ' ' i ] ¥ \^' f 'f A request that the -Government ~ should institute an enquiry. »into the upctations r 'of tho sugar'monopoly! inNew Zealand,, has drawn .from tbet - Prime Minister the reply that "the vGtfverriment assistance in' establishing the > beet sugar industry m / New* Zealand will be tho best method of protecting v the iieoplc. More underlies this statement than appears on tho surface. Fi&r BfcuMioi* for ''flhtf mlmoAt immediiite launching'of the 'bee%'* sugar-growing industry ,in tho Dominion were outlined by the member, for Waikato (Mr. H. 3. Greenslade) in'the cpnrsp dFan' interview. Mr Greenslado said that for some time past he had bebn awaiting the- opportunity, ongoing into this question', and bringitig' the matter l pfo- ._ minently before Parliaments There .are, he states, quite a mers in the Waikato whtfinVvej? Kt\ ' * in my 'ypars' past lifeeh^expfefuheatinfe",. .with sugar beet r with s the. greatest'ajicj- / cess. 1 also v bee*" J obtained" at ..the Govejtanifent4Experi>„, at Ruakura' t and f there ate people v moving", ja /!, 4be matter of starting the manufae* >< sture of ,. v

A trio of drunks occupied tlio cells rX the "police station last night. The Waimate County Council advertises to-day, the price to bo pant for small birds' eggs this season.

The very satisfactory pneo ruung for wool, was- favourably discussed by farmers in town on Saturday, but by some, tho fear was expressed that by the time the local wool sales^ <amo round prices would bo down again.

A meeting of the newly -formed Farmers' Union was held at \\ annate on Saturday afternoon. 'Jhc business done was chiefly details as to the working of the Union and receiving canvassers' reports, which were of a very satisfactory nature. In a lawsuit at Ashburton last week it came out that one of the Highbanfc pcrpciual lease tenants sokl Ins Jeaso or £lO an. acre, and a man who bad previously bargained for it at £l2 an acre sues for completion of his bargain.

At a meeting of the N.Z. Farmers' Union Committee hcM in Timaru on Saturday, it was decided to at once form a South Canterbury Branch of the X.Z. Farmers' Union, and to tako steps for the formation of branches throughout the province.

A daring theft was committed in Timaru on Saturday, a person making off with two or three pairs of boots from Ganites' shop. Tho police wero informed, and before night Constable McLean had made an arrest. The ■ accused will appear before the Court this morning to answer the charge. A few South Canterbury farmers are stilT in possession of all their last season's .wheat, and they are regretting now tint they did not "take the cur--jent when it sorted." In other words Vihcy do not relish tEe'idea of accepting llhe 4s Id'now offering, after having refused 4s Gd-somo months ago. School teachers aro only human after all. At tho meeting of the- Teachers' Institute on Saturday mention was incidentally made.of the proposal hy the ISpector-Ckmeral of Schools, to ' lengthen the school day, and lmmedi- •- ately iUiere was such a vigorous protest plainly indicate that such a reform (?) will never be brought about if the '-teachers can prevent -it. Onevof tho most valuablo residence sites in Timaru will bo »WW puhlio auction'at 2 o'clock on Saturday, lam November, by Messrs C. Jonas and.Co. at their rooms. The property, win EKssbeth. street and lies between Staf-. foid House and Strathmore House, and contains 87 7-10 perches with_a ', frOßtaß* of one cham and four links *on Hmabeth «treet,^nd.« Banc sold by older of the Registrar of tho bupremef jCbttTt. > An. appeal for funds to aid the work of thermion Missionary bpaetj m man* lands is now being made to the by Rev. G. J. Williams and Mrs Williams. Mr Williams' was for some time a missionary - in China, and is now organising agent for the-'L.M.S. in Australasia. - YcsterdsyVboth Mc and Mrs Williams cbn--vductcot- services in different • churches, and m*tbe afternoon Mr Williams'gave an address to several Sunday Schools assembled for the purpose' iii the Congregational Church. His illustration ' of the value of mission work was drawn i .from Uganda, regarding which he was able< to draw/.a striking-contrast be- ' ~ state of the country thirty , years' ago and to-dayy and was able , too a point.of tho advantage J ' of missionaries 'getting into a new land before.traders. Mr Winston Churchill's book>on his recent journey through Africajgoes far in the direction of bearing this out. ■ To-day Mrs Wil-, Items wiir address a meeting of ladies, - < and" this evening -Mr Williams will , sneak, ait >a pnMic meeting, both in the Congregational, Church..

IX ~ the nnscles of the throat aro - strained-ajonldl is .very easily contracted. '.", Zjrnble }rrokcy» „ - prevent .- tnjsijijthey,. are jest for t hnijmmm and irtH^ne'wiicbi."'..;' * **:- ' hM*^fmfeaaN&if?s^s yonx, : food/ feel doll .and all'you , need' im i* doao- of C&amberlain'» Tate lets. -They trill make you feeblike a , . new man' and icrve.-yoir a'; healthy *p- " petite. They > will ;*£ you- mora good than a. & bottle of tonic., Sold cre#; where... "'-"".'*\' t ;'*" , £~*,r Piano*. Kanoak The^pW*.' den Tiaao Comi»n>7*Bfd.;'beg to «n-^ -mun< io the' generaJQwbUc/of T>- . Board and the., auf 1 dunding*- I district tltat;they, hare; jiisi ipeWjdfop^att-en^ tirely nW st«k «T JSSs^r' t^» grade instruments/' Hncfnd©i~ 'John "' lard, the most fanow 1 of British makV - ers> <money 'tin' buyp .litheßonishr K«4, and-Soon, J3ttun;<-]bettfsf heated makers-- Iff Bsg years* * with a^iiwtTomemk .yon ,J ytrti tfc¥ right of^exehaVgia'g>iP yori s are not perfectly satiMjed. -f/Ybki are. "on", c _'a good'sonnd *Kkrt"whe>"T»riyin'e you£~ piano or orcan>from this well", known and up-t««»-te aria. *■ - -■ -: ■ <-*.. ?<Z'i*t<-x ' r "f. v*r Don't contuwo .the daifc,, 1 ' - Buy a kodak at •Man* daylight. aIU the^,™fe r si. -.;*_?* * I Mm -ft. H.' Wn&»raKfati •treet, Ballarat, Vicente* oaed for fonr yean, and know* JtJA, cicellentf Have WW'it.ijW:* ->&s\ reearaeW Hr to->nypnS:r K ' In fact I B« B y:>n§:jand it has* | •ccomplMwd in; - every | cane." For aab> everywltera. j._ -.V,. Crow the Best 1 Vegetables by towing P. G: AUcn's-wlccteflMwdß. Send for I illustrated cataJocue.- pnat free.' ...

XMAB. PARCELS FOR ABROAD. FORWARDED SAFKLY, .SPEEDILY, - «>.. (r . CffIEAPLY. ' m *„ BrMpT-to" 1»" "(or - notify "na "and we will collect them) #ny .mementos of the approaching season vwhich you desire sent" to friends"- at All parcelf-entrustcd to im are dispatched " direct ~*by steamer, -securely packed, and way be depended on to arrive at the tiiatf stated and in pood order. The New Zealand Express Co., LW. ... Yon can' lose yonr situation, Yon can-lose yonr rank or station, Yon cad lose yonr reputation, -Yon can even lose yonr wife I Bui if-this advice yon follow When jjour cough sounds harsh and hoßowv: •'• it And Woods* Peppermint yon swallow, Yon will newx lose your life... ' *, ,- - "MUSCLES IN KNOTS. *»s JOINTS ALL STIFFENED AND r ..' r Lancejike pains torture t .and torment the victim of Rheumatism, and jnu don't think yon will'over get rid •f the disease. Perhaps you hare tried all kinds of so-called cures and ' much-advertised quack remedies all to ■o purpose. Well, don't despair. There » a medicine that can and will cure ydn. Take RHEUMO. It is a ' positive antidote for nric acid poisonSg. It relieves pain, removes the ■welling, and clears the system of excess unc acid the cause of all the trouble. RHEUMO is neither a liniment nor a pill, but a liquid medicine of marveßons - therapeutic value. RHEUMO conquers Rheumatism. Sold bv all chemists and storekeepers at 2a M and U Cd a bottle.

A meeting of all interested in tlio formation of a branch of the Farmers' Union for tho St. Andrews and surrounding districts, will bo held in tho Library Hall, St. Andrews, on Friday, November 5 at noon.

We are requested to correct an error in our report on the Show hist week, Instating that Miss Violet Verity, and not Miss 11. Wright, rode IHr Bryce Wright's ponies in the pony jump and other classes.

The C.F.C.A., advise that a largo consignment of Abermain and Fclawmain coal has arrived to their order in the s.s. Komata. Orders for delivery ex ship are requested to be sent in immediately. Owing to lack of space to-day, some local commercial Tcports, reports on volunteering at Temuka, and on the Teachers' Institute discussion, and a letter from Cr. Beck, aro unavoidably held over. . . One of tho Timaru comyctitors in the . road race, D. Doyle, made good time to Ashburton-,reaching there in a minute under three hours. Ho did not get much further .before meeting with a mishap that put him'out of the race. .

The fat wethers sold by Dalgcty and Co., Ltd., which brought tho top price at the Show sale, viz. 335, reported as being on account of Mr S. Cain, Rangitata, should have been on account of Mr Samuel Cain tho well-known Seadown farmer. At the. meeting of the Teachers' Institute in Timaru on Saturday Mr Valentine brought forward a matter in 1 connection with inspectore' examination reports. He said that for himself ho had no complaint as he had. an excellent committee at'his school and a-wise chairman,' but be had received several complaints during the week from other teachers who obejeted to their examination reports being - taken homo by members of the school committee and discussed before the children and the people of the district generally Mr Valet.tine said this was certainly not right; such/reports should be treated as confidential hy "the committees. When parents discussed them before their children tho effect was to lessen the influence! of tho teacher in the school. Tho N.C. Board had decided that such reports should bo treated as confidential,- ami ho thought the South' S.C. Board should pass a similar resolution. ~ In Otago; the reports were always'sent to the "teachers first. —Mr Mcnzics said he had had no trouble in tli : s respect, hut he thought it only right that" the reports should he sent first to the school teacher and remain in the school as part of the school records. '■;'■* They should not he taken home by members of committee at.all. —All present agreed with this, and it was said that it is against the. regulations for such Toporte to be taken home by members of school committees. —One teacher said he knew, .-.or committeemen who could not write their own name taking these reporte home and- discussing tho teachers in a disparaging way, all over 'the district.. It was-' not right that educated men and women should he subjected to such indignity.—lt was suggested that de-tailed'reports-should be sent to tho. teachers and-aone-word report to the committees—"good," "bad," or Vindiffefent," as the case may ho. It was said that it would be, impossible to hind the committees over to keep the reports' confidential .and finally a motion was passed asking the Board to send the-reports to the head teachers ( first, and not to allow them out of tlic schools. r

Yesterday afternoon -at -Trinity Church the prises won by the scholars of Trinity Presbyterian Sunday School at the recent assembly examination were given out. Tho prise-wiuncis with the marks gained by each are as. follows:—Senior division, essay—AnJiie Goldsman 82, Mary Goldsman 73, Jessie McNab 65. Scripture and catechism —Annie Goldsman 96 and 94; Mary Goldsman S9 and 96; Jessie McNab 67 and 95. Middle division, scripture and catechism—Gracio McJfab 75 and 82; Nellie King 72 and 64Y Yera, Crawford 65 and 90; Ulsio : '6ddie >K 63 and "89; Nellie, -McKay 34 f ami', 58; "Winnio Small 50' and "80. Junior.' jfl?vision 'scriptnre j«d eatcchism — .Teanrua McNab 71 anW 92; Bertha Crawford','77 and 75: 'Kenneth King 76 S and 64;.C01in Gillies 41 and 85; t Harold Oddie 42 and 74: Bert Rawistfon 56 ami 56; Evelyn Fraser 42 *nd 865'MvtHo.Rawstron 92 and 75 > Ei '- recn /dams 20 and 62; Catherine Gil-

Headache Cure is tlio most Vstwcll asHho most effiaqipjpJieadwhe remedy known. Cures iiilV.' few minutes. Easy to carry. Simple to .take. ' - 77 .lira are given to nnderatand that owing to Mr Stepnena expecting to re* cewe-Zalarge. ahipmentdr'new goods oHweeo., men'a clothing,-etc., he is aellnig on'lianqTat, »cry low prices, in fact .nnder coiV.ra>-';as make room "for the new r scd»on's stock. fjSfeffirig tojtkeo/eaninganf pressing) great-success,' tjfe work be.tftgi«*fr*«j'giving erery satisfaction'. It •igneedlai* tolwyVtfiat every person 'wSo I DOys v front Alfred J.'Stepbens, opmoney... give 1 ' satisfaction. r ... \ P , from tlieS tnading of the 'ramcra*-to"lnejjcrfcct picture. .If you W{a-.kodak,, Baxtee'a Pharmacy... "''Show* .Tisitore'are s invited to inspect 'tbojargest stoclr.o? boots and shoes .in fionth <santcrbury;_ r by calling at Soutcr's Shoe Store, next J. BallanCo. Over £3OOO worth of 'footwear' to choose from. - Being direct importers, wo aro able to give the best 'value. . Soutcr'g brown boots and* shoes arc wonderful value... : - Zyroole Trokcys aro handy .J carry and arc invaluable to all wjo talk or sing:-: As a stimulating antiseptic for 'the throat they are unequalled. 23 , If. you aro thinking of buying a. camera call and inspect our stock. Wo have just landed a nice Jot direct from • tbo' makers at prices within the reach of all. Kodaks (film, cameras) from 6s to £i> 178 6d; olate eameras from 7s 6d to £6. AH in stock. At L. I*. James'-lMiarniacyi Stafford street. Tinwrff.s.'". A sliglit the- throat may lead to* a backing cough. ; Zyiriolo Trokcyaf atop it 5 they sootbo the irritation; and strengthen'tho throat. H

Lulha Burbank is the earliest pea grown. Procure'-from, P. G.. Allen. ...

Slascngcrs tennis rackets aud 190910 championship tennis balls are just to hand. The rackets are a few samples of Doherty's; E.GJtf.'s; Special Demon Demons: Renshaw and TJbique. They are splendid specimens and anyone wishing to 'purchase a really fine racket should call at once. The balls aro the very latest on the market and aro being boucht up rapidly at Taskcr's Sporting Depot... Do vou kodak If not rail and let ns explain ,; kodakcry "'! You will be interested. Baxter's Pharmacy... When you wake np in the morning with a bad taste in yonr month you know that you need a dose of Chamberlain's Tablets, for they will B b ar P ßn your appetite nnd strengthen the diKestim organs. For tale everywhere...

So as not to 'clash with the Military Carnival, the resident manager of the 'Patho Pictures decided not to show on Friday or Saturday, the 29th and 30th October, or this evening, as it is the last evening of the carnival. The Railway Department notify some i trifling changes in the local time-tables for the mail trains. The first from Dunediu leaves St. Andrews at 1.0 instead of 1.11 p.m., Tiinarn 1.39 instead of 1.40, and Tcinuka 2.1 instead of 2.2. The second express from Christchurch- leaves Tcinuka 'at 3.9 instead of 3.10 p.m. At the Waimate Magistrate's Court on Saturday the clerk read the judgment of Mr.T. Hutchinson S.M.. in the caso Georgo F. Richardson (Mr Middleton) v. James Jones (Mr Hamilton) claim £42 damages, for over feeding off wheat (as heard last Wednesday). Judgment was for the plaintiff for tho full amount claimed with costs £7 Is. A well-attended meeting* of the South Canterbury branch of .the N.Z. Teachers' Institute was held in the Technical School on Saturday, when two interesting subjects were # discussed, namely the school syllabus' in its relation to English, and the syllabus in its "relation to history. The discussion on English was introduced by Mr McLeod M.A., of Temuka, »nd the-die? cussion on history by Mr W. Thomas, M.A., of Pleasant Point. Owing to pressure of space our report is held over until to-morrow.

The first heat of the Timaru .Rowing Club's trial fours will be rowed this evening, when crews stroked by H. Kollinson, J. Norric and J: NichoH will try conclusions. . The club's friends may depend, on races being rowed to time tin's season, as the committee are determined to start all races at the time appointed, and to disqualify all crews late. 'Crews' are expected at the shed at G. 15, r laiinch boats at 6.30, and .the race is T 'exi>cctcd to finish about .'7 ' p.m. To-morrow evenr ing H. Archer's and W. Ma lien's crews will contest the second heat, and S. Maltlius's ami A. Duff's the third. ; Should the races bo postponed through any Unforeseen event*, the white' pennant with red ball in" centre will be flown'- on the club's

The Council of the Waimate Acclimatisation Society met on last Fridny A". Walker presiding: The County; Council advised that they were prepared to expend, up to £SO on little Wis, and' it was/decided, to procure 1 to tin's amount.' ' It was reported that the Temuka Society was selling';licenses in' "Waimate and the executive had how retaliated by. pointing an agent in Timarti—a regretabb, .step ,bnt Tendered' necessary fcy the -action : of the northern society. The raising of mallard ducks was reported as unsatisfactory. ' Two broods had beeni hatched; .tut they had all disappeared. > Mr Keen thought els were the cause of this.and also of the destruction of pheasants and other eggs. The matter was left to the Park' Coiranittee: It take action in a poaching 'case : atr Makikihi.

THE CAUSE OF CONSTIPATION. . The cause of constipation is a lack of exercise: necessary; to keep tho muscles of the bowels actor©. That is why constipation is often brought on by too frequent use of purr gatives. They act violently performing the work of the bowels for them, and so weaken them that they .will not act without assistance. . Chamberlain's Tablets will. cure coiistipation + hecause instead of doing, the wqrit of tho. bowels they gently stimulate them to vohmtny action. V Their"frenuent use wdl not injure the most dedicate person, v Sold. everywhere...


N.Z. L.' and M.A. Co-Ready for wool and grain season; agents.for Mac* alisterX ridgcr, entries j tor /Waslidvke and GeraWine stock sales. - , . . J. Mundcll—Entrics for ->\ ashdykc and LeCrcn— Properties to Ballantvnc's New. materials. Bust and Col—Special lines noted. Military Carnival—Continues tonight. " . ~ Waimate County Council—Notice re purchase oE birds', eggs. <■'■'. ,',",".'*,"-'■. R. Glover; Arcade—New Christmas Stock. ..■"•' „ ' , „ ■■■■ '■•.-; Barninglmm and Co.—The Zcalandiarange. . i_ : '..':■'■■■ ~■',-' . :,.'• N.Z. Railways. Fares for Cliristcliurcli Carnival-Week, and Kings Birthday. . ' '. Farmers' Unions-Meeting at bt. Andrews, November 5. Farmers' Union—Want a secretary. A. Cowan —Shearing postponed at Washdykc. ■ • _ Druids-Lodge—Mccfc at Russell Sq. to-day to attend funeral late Bro. Cbrles. C.F.C.A.—CoaI by Koroata. Manning and Co.—Business notice. C. Jonas and Co.—Sell town property, November 13th. tt. H. Webb—Revised list of farm and town properties for sale. ; Thomson's—November goods in. A. J. Stephens—The people's outfitter. . , ' ■ •, ■ -■ Cowan's Clothing House—The place for bargains and quality. Wanteds—Three notices. - Funeral notices—By W. J. Lister and F. Bcri.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 14045, 1 November 1909, Page 4

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TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 14045, 1 November 1909, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 14045, 1 November 1909, Page 4