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In order to provide, space for the report on. the Show another supplementary sheet is issued to-day and there will bo no supplement to-morrow. The members of Chalmers Church are reminded of a meeting to bo hold i>v the Church Hall tOrnightajb 8 o'clock. ■.'.■'

Among the business to come before the Harbour Board to-day is the consideration of schedules of duties of certain officers of the Board.

For the Canterbury A. and P. Association's Metropolitan Show the- entries received up to last evening outnumber those of last year's Show by about one hundred. Further entries will be taken at Rangiora Show today.

Caroline Bay attracted a good marly holiday-makers - yesterday afternoon, chiefly ladies and young people, and a few family picnic parties. The .Bay was a very pleasant place indeed, .in the calm, mild, and sun-shaded afternoon. The North Molo also offered its attractions, to persons with hooks and baits. The appearanco of tho Bay now nearly calm after the storm, from tho footpath on the hill was v,ery ,ploasjng.

The Rev, R; M. Rybum of First luvorcargill Church will conduct the anniversary services of Trinity Presbyterian. Church on Sunday. There will bo a special children's service in tho hall at 3 o'clock, at which the prizes won at the Assembly's examination mil he distributed. .The annual conversazione will bo held on "Wednesday and tho ladies have decided to give an old-fashioned sit-down tea at 6.30 o'clock. Tho children's entertainment will bo given on Thursday evening. The following is the" Rev. D. C. Bates' forecast: "The northerly winds are freshening over, the North Island and westerly in the south. Local indications show stormy weather to the westward of New Zealand and the ©onditions will probably intensify shortly. • High northerly winds are probabl» soon in the n6rth and more unsettled and stormy weather is expected to- follow in the south from a westerly area of low pressure pass on i.lohday or Tuesday next." Tho value of.'the instruction in wooldussing given in tbo Technical Schools seems to be highly appreciated by softie farmers. The Managers of the /lejmuka Technical Classes havo received a letter from a Morvon farmer, asking whether-he could get one of tho pupds to class his wool, and ho had no doubt that some: of his neighbours glad of his services.. The Managers were much pleased with tins token, ot appreciation of the classes, and names of suitable pupils will be, forwarded.

The Wainiato Swimming ■Club' held its first annual meeting: on.Wednesday night; Mr. C. Mremner goaded over a-large attendance; starts tho season, well, as fifty ne\j mcXrs wem enrolled. Sato actory arrangements have been made with tho Borough Council, by which tho club retains 2s 6d from each members licket, which will bo 7s 6% with a credit balanco of £4 6s 6d--Ut-ficers were elected-Pres.dent,,_ Messrs Breniner, Kiely,/Akhurst, A..J. Man- . cheater and Glenammng; Captain, Mr T. Bennett; Vice-Captain, Mr F. Aklvurst; Secretary,and Treasurer,. Sir J. Scott. A commitee,.df::.fivo elected Mr H. S. -Moorp. was.appomt--1 dolcgato to the S.C Centre, Rules wm, submitted and adopted and li-ht blue adopted uis; the .club s 'colours. . ■ - '••■•■' ''■'> ' '■■

The bachelors and spinsters/-of Ofipes ValKv to a verv •cnjovalik' plain and iflney■ dress half in the sdioolroom Gctoher I.sth, ~ •V^ tl '^.'^! part, in the grand march; ,The- schpo - room was tastefully'"decorated .w)tli flags and eyergre'ensi and-nearly everyone turned 'out.,'Jir \ fancy.. costume, among ihem ■being many origin a and charming dresses.'.-,' Among tlfo Jadies .were Brides ahU^'Bab^s,','fcurscs;: and 'Housemaids; Italian, Dutch,' ; Spanish and New Zealand Girls," Spring;, Cop- . flower "and /nrget'-ine'-uots,' Glides and Fortune Tollers, a,'QUeen :'.pT .Hetfrts, and lied Riding foods':/,; 'Amo)rg-.the ■ \\xw S'idievs,, Sailors,. Volunteers, . i'lid a Pirate' T[\i'ng;.'a Farmer ; jfjlj!' century and aXoAjricr of - tUo'l4tli; . i>, '.'Clown, a'Jester','.'.'and 'a ; ; a •■ : ~IS: a pole.ou ■ man, "a Cricketer,'' a'; Footballer. . Altogether, a pictiVresuiio ooiripany;.''TJlo _' music was. supplied by Mr "Meredith (piano) and Mr! and . extras were' played .. by Miss;-I|esith (m'aiio), '■> '. duties of M.C. we've carried Vnit in.'im : efficient mariner liy Mr Miihiliill, and the, catering by Mr Maitbindi' Gcraldinc, was all that could be.desired; v XMAS PARCELS FOR ABROAD. FOIIWARDED SAFELY, SPEED'IIiY, CHEAPLY. ■'" ; Bring to us (or notify . us'.'rind .'we will collect them) any., mementos of .tho approachiug: season ; which ,you desire sent to friends .at BohiD. All parcels entrusted to us arc dispatched direct by steamer, securely. . packed, arid may bo• depended on to arrive, at the time 'stated:, and in good order. The New' Zealand Express, Co., Ltd.'... You can lose your situation-, lose your raruVolr stati6HjYou can lose your reputation, You can evert lose your wifel But if, this advico you follow When your cough sounds, harsh' and hollow, , .'[' . ;,'■'• : " And Woods' Peppermint yoir swallow, You will never lose your life;.. MUSCLES IN KNOTS. . JOINTS ALL STIFFENED AND SWOLLEN. . Lancc-liko pains torturo and torment tho victim of Rheumatism, and you don't think you will ever get rid of the disease. Perhaps you havo tried all kinds of so-called cures and much-advertised quack remedies all to ho purpose. Well, don't despair. There is a medicine- that can and 'will euro you. Take RHEUMO. It is a positive antidote for. urio-acid, poison- - jig. It relieves ■■■',' pain ,; removes tho swelling, and clears the'system of excess uric acid —tho cause' of all tho trouble. RHETJMO is neither a lih iment nor a pill, but a liquid medicine of marvellous: .therapeutic value. RHEUMO conquers Rheumatism. Sold by all chemists'and storekeepers at 2s 6d and 4s Cd ft bottle*

Tho entries for-the annual show of the Waimate A. and P. Association are very satisfactory, there being practically a similar number to that of last year. There is a falling off in light horses, and slight increases in some other classes.

Replying to Mr Buxton, the Minister of* Education said that a great many children had always to go to school bv means of horses and bicycles, and their doing so had never been regarded as a hardship. The present demand arose from the fact that the South Canterbury Education Board erroneously made allowances in some such cases and had to withdraw them. The Government saw no necessity for undertaking the large expenditure that would bo involved in giving further assistance for the conveyance or children to schools where they live beyond walking distance.

Tho weather forecasts of the Rev D. C. Bates arc more and more valued as their high average of correctness comes to bo noted. A "Wellington paper states that on Mr. Bates' forecast for last Friday, that a very severe storm was approaching, accompanied by snow on the high country: that the crisis would be on Thursday, and the chief trouble would he experienced about Friday, settlers in the Mackenzie Country, realising that the official weather bureau of the country was at last becoming of some real practical value lo the man on the land, and from past experience having learnt to have confidence in it, lost no timo in arranging to take their sheep to a place of safety. The prediction came to pass to tho letter. "A week or two ago wo published a letter received from Mr J- Venning, while he was sojourning at Rotorna. in which he mentioned that he had seen a Catholic priest digging drams to let steam escape from beneath his little church at Wbakarewara. The Auckland "Herald" of Tuesday states that this peculiar kind of drainage work has been completed. lather Wienties has constructed underneath the church a number of concrete conduits, one extending almost the length of the building. These conduits tap the princroal steam vents and conduct the steam to the rear of the building, where it escapes in a huge volume Should the concrete stand the test of the thermal action, the safetj of the church is assured. New Zealand is connected with all the world by means ot t'.c dec nc telegraph, laud lines and cables, and therTaro not so many thousands of miles of these: the weather ot the planet is always rude somewhere or other, and damaging the lines: Ik-sklcs which interruptions from other causes (some of them human) from time to time occur. And every interruption on an important line of communication and tho subsequent rectification, is reported to the chief telegraph of rices all over the world. The officer m charge at Timaru is good enough to send copies of these notices to the newspapers, and scarcely a day passes but that some notice is received that such and such a line is "interrupted," or is "restored." Yesterday two messages contained seven notices of the kind. South America. China. Madagascar, Persia, and Alaska were the wide-apart regions whence the notices came. One would need to have a good world atlas to locate them all.

We are given to understand that owing to Mr Stephens expecting to receive & large shipment of new goods any day in the way of vweeds, men's underwear and clothing, etc., he is selling the goods on hand at very low prices, in fact nnder cost, so as to make room for the new season's stock. The new department recently opened (referring to the cleaning and pressing) ha* been a great success, the work being done giving every satisfaction. It is needless to say that every person who buys from Alfred J. Stephens, opposite the Post Office, saves money...

P. G. Allen's flower seeds always give satisfaction. ...

Daylight from the loading of tho camera, to the perfect picture. If you use a kodak. Baxter's Pharmacy... \

Show visitors are invited to inspect the largest stock of boots and. shoes in South Canterbury, by calling at Sonter*s Shoe Store, next J. Ballantyne and Co. Over £3OOO worth of footwear to choose from. Being direct importers, we are able to give the best salue. Sonter's brown » boots and shoes are wonderful value...

Zymole Trokcys are handy -J carry and are invaluable to all wOo talk or sin*-. As a stimulating antiseptic for the throat they are unequalled. 23

If you are thinking of buying a camera call and inspect our stock. We have just landed a nice lot direct from the makers at prices within the reach of all. Kodaks (film cameras) from 5s to £5 17s 6d ; nlate cameras from is fid to £6. All photo requisites in stock. At L. B. James' Pharmacy, Stafford street. Timaru...

A slight irritation in the throat may lead to a. hacking cough. Zymole Trokevs stop it; they soothe the irritation and strengthen the throat. 14

Lutha Burbank is the earliest pea grown. Procure from P. G. Allen. ...

Slazengers tennis Tackete and 190910 championship tennis halls are just to hand. The rackets are a few samples of Doherty's; E.G.M.'s; Special Demon Demons; Renshaw and Übique. They are splendid specimens and anyone wishing to purchase a really. 6 " o racket should call at once. The balls are the very latest on the market and aro being bought np rapidly at iaskcr's Sporting Depot...

Do von kodak If not call and let us explain " kmlakery "'. A»« "ill he interested. Baxter's Pharmacy...

When you wake up in the morning with a bad taste in your mouth you know that you need a dose of Chamberlain'* Tablet*, for they will sharpen your appetite and strengtnen the digest;*- organs. For sale everywhere... Pianos. Pianos. Kanoa. The Dresden Piano Company, Ltd., b«g to announce to the general public ot limaru and the surrounding district that they have just opened up an entirely new stock of pianos. Our ngn grade instruments, include John .Jroadwood and Son, Collard and Collord, the most famous of British makers, the best that money can ht.y; also the Ronish, Lipp and Sohn, Koch and Sohn, Bourn, Besides other celebrated makers. AVe give you a ten years' warranty with any instrument von choose; we also give J-.i the "ri"ht of excharging if y..u aro not pjrfectlv satisfied. You are <>n a good sound wicket when buying your piano or organ from this weft kwira and up-to-'. ,,, ~e firm. ...

Don't continue groping m the dark. Buy a kodak at Baxter's Plnirmv.y. It means davlight all the time-

Mrs S H. Walker, 230 Humffray street, Ballarat, Vic, writes: "Have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy For four years, and know it is excellent. Have found it most h*n°ncial Can recommend it to anyone. In fact have done so many tiroes, and it has accomplished good results m every case." For sale everywhere. ...

Grow the best Vegetables by sowirm P. G. Allen's selected seeds. Send for illustrated catalogue, post free. ...

The Railway Department is extending the "tablet" system along i InNorthern line from Christ-church. This is a means of securing additional safety to trains, but somehow or other a porter was' killed at Southbrook on "Wednesday night, while exchanging tablets with t-jie driver. In the stress of yesterday great credit is due to the Railway Department ! for the admirable way the traffic was handled. Thousands of persons were ' travelling and Timaru station was the i centre of the greatest activity. It speaks well for the staff that no accident happened; trains were well arranged, and the officials were courteous and very attentive to all. From a Christchurch source we learn that the St. John Ambulance Brigade is preparing for the road race troin Timaru to Christchurch on Saturday next, to render first aid treatment in case of accidents which might possibly occur on the road. The .I'imaru division, under Superintendent Foster, will probably establish a station and patrols from Timaru to Ruugitata bridge, and connect up with the Ashburton D Division. the Christchurch Division taking up the duty from ClicFtscy. The patrols will use motor cars, and Superintendent Hughson will look after the southern end. Rangitata and Chertsey are to be the "feeding stations" and a stock of 301 li of chocolate. 3olbs of raisins. 300 bananas, and two sandwiches for each man. will be sent from Christchurch to each place, and hot milk will be provided in abundance. Each rider will be provided with six dockets on which are printed his number, and will drop one at each telegraphing station as he passes through, this method enabling the officials to ascertain the competitor's identity without his dismounting from his machine.

The South Canterbury Hospital Board will further congratulate itself on having declined to liecomo a partner in tho Cashmere Hills Sanitorium. It was telegraphed about the Dominion that the shelters had been wrecked. From a report to the Christchurch Board on AA'ednesday, it seems that the "foundations" were not blown away, but only some unfinished frames of shelters. That damage is a trifle to a disclosure made by one of the members, Mr. AA'olfe:—fcle said tho trouble was that they had built a house on the sand. It they had a few had storms like that of last week, they would find the Sanatorium, slipping bodily down the hill into the gully. Tho mistake was putting the building on tho hill at- all. They should have accepted a very good offer of a site between Rolleston and Burnham. Mr. Horrell said it was a question whether there was much good .in spending any more money on the building until the trees had grown. If_,they had not in a weak moment taken over the place, the Government would probably have found some use for it. It would make a good inebriates' home. ECONOMICAL PRODUCTION OF RAPE. GET OFF AN ADDITIONAL BATCH OF FAT LAMBS IN THE SEASON. The cultivation of a rape crop costs money, 'therefore it is essential that tho grower makes the most of it. If an additional batch of fat lambs can be got off in the season a distinct gain has been scored—a gain which pays all working expenses entailed in the production of the crop, and something more.' To ensure this, sec that your lambs get the benefit of every ounce of feed they consume. Free them from ticks and lice before putting them on the rape, and you can turn them off fat weeks l>cfore your neighbour who attempts to 'finish" off his stock in an undipped sf-ire. For frecing'young lambs of ticks and lice without retarding their progress. Quibell's Liquid Non-poisonaus Dip has no. dual. To dip young lambs in this valuable preparation costs onofifteenth part of a penny per head, and their enhanced value, not to speak of the feed you save as the result of getting them finished quickly, will be at least Is to Is 6d per bead. On_ 1000 lambs this means from £SO to £75 of :> grain. Can you afford to throw away this money for the sake of saving less than £2 in dip! i Never use a poisonous dip for lambs going on to feed; it may check their growth seriously. All you want is to keep them elean till thev are fat. For autumn dipping of sheen and lambs that yon intend to keen throughout the winter, use Quibell's Powder Dip. It- destroys all parasites and prevents rein Testation, besides giving a beautiful lustre to the wool, which always means more competition at the sales. ... SYNOPSIS OF NEAV ADVERTISEMENTS. Jonas and Co. —Sale of furniture, tomorrow. O'Callaghan and Co.—Entries for to-morrow, clearing sale, November 4th. N.Z. Loan Co. —Crown Separator foi* dairies. Tyrol tea moms —Hours of opening dailv. Shamrock Hotel —AYants a jmrter. J. P. McLean—Wants improver to joinery. Military Carnival —Programme . for this evening. Thomson's —First rate goods for men. Theatre Royal—Richards' A'audevillc Company. Lost —Sheep dog, bay harness mar". Father O'Sullivan's lecture Postponed Dec. 16th. Timaru Aipat Mart —Commence but-i----ness on sth November. Church services—Anniversary at Trinity Church. Chalmers "Church —Meeting of members this evening. AVanteds—Seven notices.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 14043, 29 October 1909, Page 4

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TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 14043, 29 October 1909, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 14043, 29 October 1909, Page 4