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Pressure of'news-regarding ..the Show and of business notices connected therewith necessitated the issiic of a special supplementary sheet to-dny. A feature of its contents in an article entitled, "The Invasion," in which tho , writer sketches in very readable fashion, a scheme of defence for Canterbury in case.of an' invasion. Christchurch hotel keepers .state that they have already booked .their..'accommodation fpr< week, and private boarding houses !.haVo, 'also' boon \ busy booking. Several hotel ,'fteepers have arranged: to. board, out .their families and. staffs to make more, roomy;';

r . Sunnier Canal advocates will have I another argument' for '. their cause in Kt'hb- fact that the Fifcshir'e,a medium- , sized steamer, had to wait three-hours for tho tide'to get out of Lyttelton on .Monday night. She'-' started sooner, was stuck: up' for an j getting/away. _ The-: total, loss: ji'f lambs , ahiJ,. eKof n sheep by the recent'storm is very largo in North Canterbury. Dead sheep.aro being carted to Fairfield Freezing Works, Ashburton, by tho hundred to be converted into manure. Oyer 1000 were delivered there on Monday. On© Hawarden farmer lost 520 out of 935 shorn hoggets in spite of.good shelter.

The Pesbyterian Church General Assemly, which was opened in Christchurch on Tuesday evening, is quite a numerous body, tho roll of voting nieiO-. bers being 120 ministers and 110 elders. The Timaru Presbytery is* represented by the Revs. T. Stinson.'lAy S. Morrison, G. King/ A: B. Todd, atid W. G v Black, Messrs A. E. Archibald,. S. McCully, D. Shaw, senr., J. Norton, an<J D, Cunningham,

The following arc the teams for the match Timarti Cricket Club v. South Eiid. at 2'p.m. sharp"to-day mi the Athletic Grounds:—Tiinai-u: Bain. Brobker. Campliell. Houlihan (2), Keen. Lvnoh. McDonald. O'Callaghaii, Patton ami Loughnan. South End: Cave, Cornish. Deans. Douglas, Hijrlit, Hill, Raw. Manly. Redmond, Lf-toh-t'ord, ami Warburton.

The Stipendiary Magistrate. Mr. Day, dealt with a few rl \ ll l™****(?»£ terdav morning. Judgment by default was given in J. Harrison v. J Koano, claim Ts. costs ss: /• *<■ Hu ™ c >V Mrs Dickie, claim £2, costs 10* ami J Thomson (Mr AMi.te), v. C «• Noale claim £0 4s Id. costs 10> amiucitor's fee Lis .U:\V.J. *»"£!»; (Mr. Johan»n>. v. J. Harru-.. « l.«im £ll 13s 3<b «'«** an V -V\ v £. £1 Is Nino or ton other ca-o ««.ri strnck out for non-appearance.

Intimation has been receded Iron, the Rev. J- -1- Cairney. the convenor of the Youth of the Church ™»™£* of the Presbyterian Church (.oner.. taemblv. that the silver medal ... He middle division ha* boon awarded • John P. Steven. Totaru \ alloy. 1 • examination was open to young people between the ages ot V2 ami 1- years, and included scripture, catechism.and essav. The winner made 2,S m.irk> mf "„r 000 Jesse Waters, of A-hbur-Z, eanTseoond with and Robert Buchanan, of Papaum. third with ..•>.

The Under-Secretary for i,a.m~ m a report on the Native timber supply o \ew Zealand, estimates the output ot sawn timber last year at H 4 nullum teet super. This will probably increase to 450 or 500 millions for the next oO Tears. The total amount ot timber growin" into commercial usefulness Jie put at 33,000 million foot, or enough to keep the mills going for m or .<> years The recently planted lorest trees will furnish-timber say oO years hence, but oniv 100 million teet a year so that there will lie a largo margin to be made up by importation.

The Diocesan Synod at Christcliurch on Tuesday placed on record its thankfulness that the Yen. Archdeacon Harper had been permitted to see the accomplishment of his great work, ami wish him God-speed in his journey to England. The mover said that Archdeaam Harper was regarded as one of the institutions of the Church. They were all verv proml of h.m and took the latest interest in the success ol hb'work in Timam. During his absence from New Zealand they would all be concerned for bis welfare, happiness and safe return. The motion was carried with applause. ■ The chamber in wnieti the House of Representatives sits is very badly ventilated, and opening the windows causes exasperating draughts. -Mr. Ross, the member for Pahiatua. asked if the "Minister for Draughts," whoever he was, would have the trouble seen to. He did not know who the "Minister for Draughts" was. hut he exonerated the Hon. Mr Carroll and the Hon. Mr Millar, hecause recent. events showed that they knew more about thornnghbreds than about draught*. This allusion to the attendance of the two Ministers named at the : recent banquet at Tattersall s. Club raised a laugh.

That Mr F. M. B. Fisher, M.P.. is'not a*good arithmetician, is proved bv the figures used in an explanatory memorandum attached to his Bill lor a- new system of counting .votes, at. General Elections. He annears to have rirepared the Bill first with a memorandunTshowing how G. 240 voting papers might be used for an election with fouiT candidates, but he distributed votes so much at. random that three of the imaginary candidates were_ alloted hundreds more votes of all kinds than 6,240 papers would provide, at the: expense of the fourth who was 1775 votes short. The erroneous distribution was corrected m a.., fresh, memorandum, but this too is wrong, for the votes distributed number only 5999.

\ letter received bv a Hamilton resident from.the Old Country. »™J» a friend who went home in the Otona. which left Svdney at the same tune » t& nixing Waratah. state, that an officer on the Otona tobl the writer that there'is no chance of the \\aratah f heing seen again. He stated that Se lad a cargo of frozen meat for London, but prices being better there thefmeat was taken out am] «.Id at DnVbair, leavine the middle of the slp *iSS-»■■««» intends! to fifll up w.tb at Cape Town,.but- she never co Sere. To make thirtgs ww *\* ■ uad a lot of coal on decern that she wa« top heavy. This wilt all poaio out Xntn7 Board .of Trade innmrv is held?aTit wUlhe when finalk-alll hope is abandoned. The captain oF iah had been 50 odd years at -sea. and this was to bejhis.last voyage. He had bought a.little house at Liverpool to his retirement.

The Oamara, Harbour Board has to face- a. considerable expenditure m renairing their concrete breakwater. At Tuesday a report from the engineer >vas read, Mating Jhafc there had been so much settleLtnt of the. apron blocks, exposing Jhe main structure to. the seas, that *K apron ought .to be made up again, bv depositing more heavy concrete block* To enable this to be done, the SanTtraek on the mole would, have to be relaid (both rail* and the .concrete mixing apparatus "**>■*> placed, a« it was decayed by urn* and exposure to the weather. I lie the cost ot p«thns thftraek and plant .an order at .JL2,m ; The concrete blocks,, ">s*«"s "{£ cube yards, u-otjd cost £li »it> eatii. CTbe number required was not. stated*. The- Board disciissetl the report- in cojnSttcb and then deckled that the on"nee? should visit Timarn to injure whether the methodpf adopted here would suit at Oamaru. and as to the cost of this method. The - North CHa»a Times" *»™ *» :, i, . *'•«* , rm "' t 'torn added to the to be rectified. The Kin<*sdown S<hool concert which W as penned from last Friday «... "count of the inclement wether - l'ta on Tuesdav evening. * " i re was yen Marge attendance, and the ,-nter.l very i. «, , greatest credit tam Wewart. who had trained the children in various pretty iSKs. ami «n Mr Proudlock. who ££.'.Sl made a «£ Sriov"' « the most p»p«br items of the programme wen •' S3 * n " ch7" flSii.7. "tl.n.i.'J. the air r-nmson s.»shf> \U- ~ s n^iii>R t eir work hv the younger boys, who dumb-bells i,, a most wo*manlike manner. •* W ' "Over the Summer Sea, »•> -V "., ' Avert': another pretty.,*>«*•„ "V™ CaTTeij.'; l^mtleGhu^^^. Cells'''"bv" MoS Martin »nd Vere Stewart, were amour the best i»i t ie musical items. The last item on the a .dialogue School for Girls/' dewvedlv joined the hearty anplauce winch.t was oreeted. Before dispersing. My >enwiX the chairman of the School Urnmittee. called for three cheers tor '-e teachers, and these were heartily given . Manv were heard to express the opinion that the concert oi I.HU •was one of the best ever given by the jiiugsdown school children.

Wo loam that Twomoy's Waimato Hot.t-1 has been sold to Mr James Young, late of tlu» Provincial Hold. Dn.u-lin.

• To-day the box-plan for '-Pirates of Penzance" will he open at the Dresden until noon, and thou, until 7 p.m. at. Mr Mif. heirs (confectionerl next Theatre.

-\).li:<l .'ill V- "■'•»* *-" : | ,ls '!!' .i.,«..( ■•![( i{H.w .i.n|}.>"o-| liu-n.j! .l.ipilU ~IUII.»A.) Al!|)U k .f no po}iud -0.l Oi[ Ol St Alilid uopJiiS looi[.)S "! ,! K oiii jo ojiniuj u .\jo;oi;jsi;iw .\\i\ os si:.\v ipii|.u ipJKJt oj.iduijr aty,

The. railwav station and Fanners' Co-operative Association buildings at Ekeiabuna were bnrglared on '1 uesday ni.'ht. but. oiilv a few shillings in money were secured. Some boots and M>,'ks were taken the latter place.

Arrouni-s in connection with the Evans Testimonial Fund have all been adjusted and :i balance of thirty nliiliings and sixpence remaining on hand has been devoted toward* providing some extra comforts for the Inmate? of the Old Men's Home.

Arthur John Wilson Roliorts appeared before Mr Bailey, S.M., at Christchurch vestorday charged with the murder of the jiirl Alice Edith Newman at the Silver Grid boardmghouso on October ISth, and was commit toil for trial. At the mooting of the No. 2 Terminating Building Society held last night for the disposal of £9OO, number 767. a double shareholder, drew the first £3OO, and 577 also a double shareholder the second £3OO. In the No. '2 Grouo No. 330. a double shareholder drew the £3OO.

The total cost of Old Age Pensions was increased l»v the issue ol' seven new orders "yesterday, by the Stipendiary Magistrate, six for the full amount, and one for £l2. Nine existing pensions were renewed, seven for the full amount, and two for £lB. One application for pension was adjourned and another was withdrawn. The traffic at the gates of the Show ground yesterday was well regulated. At the close of" the afternoon, traps drew up outside tho gates, and left quietly as the seats were fdled. "With the rush to-day, the director will need a firmer hand, and it would be a good tiling if two'or even three policemen took charge of affairs when the crush is tho greatest.

The Show yesterday was well catered for so far as medical comfort was concerned. The Association had as usual a doctor retained for the day, and a strong detachment of the St. John Ambulance Association was also at call. Fortunately there was no accident of fliiv kind. Some spills took place in the trials of the hunters, hut riders and horses were too clever at retrieving to suffer any injury.

At the Waimate Borough Council the omission to hoist the flag on Trafalgar Dav was brought up. It was explained that the halliards are down, and it-required a champion • climber with a big nerve and a hig life insurance (in the present state of the pole) to tackle the job. and ho was not forthcoming. To obviate the recurrence of so serious an omission, it was left to a committee to provide a permanent and satisfactory means of showing the Council's loyalty when desired; and also to repair the present 'remains" or get a new flag.

The usual fortnightly meeting of the Timaru Lodge of Druids was held in the Foresters Hall on Tuesday evenin" when the lodge was honoured by a visit from the Grand Lodge Othcers who after the routine business was disposed of, gave an interesting account of the progress of the Order in Canterbury. All the Grand Lodge O - ncerswere ore-sent, and after the business thev were entertained at a light cupper, and toasts, songs recitations and speeches were indulged in. uros. Gardyne, Lightfoot Watson, Wlehouse Batley and Muchmore contribua very pleasant evening was brought to a close at about midnight. Pianos. ■P.anos. The Dresden Piano Company, Ltd., beg to announce to the general public oi 11xiiuru' aud the surrounding district that tliev. have just opened up an entirely new stock of pianos., Our Jngn grade instruments, include Joira oroadwood and Son, Collard and Coliard the most famous of British makers,'the best that money can buy; also the Ronish, Lipp. and Sohn, Koch and Sohn, Bohni, besides other celebrated makers. We give you * ten years'-•■warranty with any instrument von choose; we also give you the right «.f exchanging if .you are not perfectly satisfied. You are on a good sound wicket when buying your piano or organ from this well kuown and firm. ...■

Don't continue groping in tbe dark. Bnv a kodak at Baxter's Pharmi:y. It means daylight all tho time... Mrs S. H. Walker, 230 Humffray street. Ballarat. Vie., writes: "Have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for four years, and know it is excellent. Have found it most Can recommend it to anyone. In fact have done so many times, and it has accomplished good Tesulis in every case." For sale everywhere. ... Grow the best Vegetables by sowing P. G. Allen's selected seeds. Send for illustrated catalogue, post free. ... Stearns' Headache Cure is the most convenient as well as the most effiacious headache remedy known. Cures in a few minutes. Easy to carrv. Simple to take. 77 XMAS PARCELS FOR ABROAD. FORWARDED SAFELY, SPEEDILY, CHEAPLY. Brin<: to us (or notify us and we will collect them) any mementos of the approaching season which you desire sent to friends at Home. All parcels entrusted to us are dispatched direi-t by steamer, securely packed, and may be depended on to arrive at the time stated and in good order. The New- Zealand Express Co., Ltd. ... Yon can lose your situation, You cau lose your rank or station, You can lose your reputation, You can even lose your wifel But if this advice you follow When your cough sounds harsh and hollow, And Woods' Peppermint yon swallow, You will never loso your life... MUSCLES IN KNOTS. JOINTS ALL STIFFENED AND SWOLLEN. Lance-like pains torture and torment the victim of Rheumatism, and you don't think you will ever get rid of the disease. . Perhaps you have tried all kinds of so-called cures and much-advertised quack remedies all to no purpose. Well, don't despair. There is a medicine that can and will cure you. Take RHEUMO. It is a positive antidote for uric acid poison"ng. It relieves pain, removes the swelling, and clears the system of ex--cess uric acid the cause of all the trouble. RHEUMO is neither a liniment nor a pill, but a liquid medicine of marvellous therapeutic value. RHEUMO conquers Rheumatism. Sold hv all chemists and storekeepers at 2s Gd and 4o td * bottlo.

jrr D. Mahoney lias farms and town and suburban properties I'm - sale. Details are advertised.

Tlio lecture■ advertisod to ho given liv Father O'Snllivan on Friday evening has lioon unavoidably postponed. It lias been out forward till December luth.

Tb.- al.tont.ioii of all interested is- directed to the fact, that, several of the local auctioneering linns will hold a sale of show .stock at the show grounds this afternoon.

Mr Bardsley, Secretary to the Harbour Board, received a wire from Mr Craigie, M.P., yesterday, stating that lie would be leaving Wellington that night for Tiniaru, whore lie will arrive? to-day in company with the. chief engineer N.Z. Railways. The- latter is coming down to look into various h:ulw)iir matters which ho promised to give attention some time ago. On Tuesday the Waimato Hibernian Society and St. Patrick's Young Men's Club hold a banquet, in Evans' Tea Rooms.' in honour of the visit, of Hfs Lordship Bishop Grimes, and other distinguished members of the clergy. Mr A. Harris, president was in the chair, and after the Bishop had said grace and the really first-class spread had lioon done justice to and enjoyed, a lengthy toast list was honoured. A number of musical items wore well given. Misses Lawlor and Delnhurstacting as accompanists.

Tlio folio win z is the Rev. D. C. Bates's summary ami forecast of yes-terday:—-"The barometer has risen steadily over the North Island, but there has boon little, movement in the south. The weather has boon changeable, with, light and variable winds. The present, indications are for mild and fair weather generally, with moderate to strong westerly winds norths ward of New Plymouth and Napier,) and northerly- prevailing winds elsewhere. The barometer has a. slight tendency to fall both in the extreme north and south, though the general indications are for little movement."

The St. Andrews Gun Club held a shooting match on their grounds on Tuesday. Owing to a shortage of birds it was decided to hold a sweepstake (£1 entry), instead of the £25 match previously advertised. This match resulted iii a "tie lietween Percy Wedercll. P. Wain, J. Rae, G. Mcllvriok, J. Wedercll and '-Starlight" who killed all the birds and divided the prize money. Two clay bird matches were then shot off, the first, being won hy Jas. Rao with R. Mcllwriek and - "Starlight." second. The second match was won outright by Percy Wederell.

We are given to~ understand that owing to Mr Stephens expecting to receive a large shipment of new goods any day in the way of tweeds, men's underwear and clothing*, etc., he is selling the goods on hand at very low prices, in fact under cost'; so as to make room, for the new season's stock. The new department recently opened (referring to the cleaning and pressing) has been a great success, the work, being done giving every satisfaction. It is needless to say that every person who buys from Alfred J. Stephens, opposite the Post Office, eaves money...

P. G. Allen's flower seeds always give satisfaction. ...

Daylight from the loading of the camera, to the perfect picture. If you use a kodak. Baxter's Pharmacy...

Show visitors are invited to inspect the largest stock of boots and shoes in South Canterbury, by calling at Souter's Shoe Store, next J. Ballaiir tyne and Co. Over £3OOO worth of footwear to choose from. Being direct importers, we are able to give the best value. Souter's' brown boots and shoes are wonderful value...

Zymole Trokeys are handy ~> carry and are invaluable to all talk or sing. As a stimulating antiseptic for tbe throat they are unequalled. 23

If you are thinking of buying a ramera call and inspect our stock. "We have just landed a nice lot direct from the makers at prices within the reach of all. Kodaks (film cameras) from Gs to £5 17s (id; plate cameras from 7s (id to £G. All photo requisites in stock. At L. B. James' Pharmacy, Stafford street. Timarn...

A slight irritation in the throat may lead to -a hacking cough. Zymole Trokeys stop it; they soothe the irritation and strengthen the throat. 14

Lutha Bnrbank is the earliest pea grown. Procure from P. G. Allen. ...

Slazengers tennis rackets and 190910 championship tennis balls are just to hand. The rackets are a few" samples of Doherty's; E.G.M.'s; Special Demon Demons: Renshaw and Übique. They are splendid specimens and anyone wishing to purchase a really fine racket should call at once. Tho balls are the very latest on the market and are being bought up rapidly at Tasker's Sporting Depot...

Do you kodak If not call and let us explain " kodakery " ! Yon will be interested. Baxter's Pharmacy...

When you wake np in the morning with a bad taste in your mouth you know that you need a dose of Chamberlain'* Tablets, for they will sharpen your appetite nnd strengthen the diKest>" r -» organs. For sale everywhere...

Mr W. Cox, Huffray street, Ballarat, Vic.,-writes: "1 have been a great sufferer from rheumatism and having obtained the greatest relief by the use of Chamberlain's Pain Balm 1 cannot speak too highly of it. Whenever 1 feel the rheumatic pains coming on, I give the affected parts a few applications and it always arrests the attack. 1 know several people who have used Chamberlain's Pain Balm and they all speak in the hightest praises of it." For sale everywhere. ... SYNOPSIS OK NEW ADYKRTISKAIE.VTS. Makikihi—Library social, on November sth. Williams and Son—Chief agents for insurance companies. James Simmons Saltwater Creekproperty. lyrol Tea. Rooms—Ho!, luncheons 11.30 to -JL to-day. Theatre Royal—Box plans lor fonight. 0. Mahonev —Houses ami farms for sah.-.

Lost—Sheep dog; reward al ibis office.

Paiitou and Son —Tenders for paint

ing. J. Mundell —Special sale of horses, also sheep dogs, Saturday. N.M. and A. Co. —Thoroughbred colt for sale.

Timaru A. and I'. Association—People's Day at the Show to-day-Military Carnival —Opens this afternoon.

J. Kemptliorno —Has 5-rooniod house to sell. Marriott's —Now goods displayed. Timaru Main .School —Repeat Empire March on Friday. Timaru Borough Council —Tenders for carpenter's work. A. Fra.ser—Oplieal announcement. Marine Hand —Muster this ovening. T. McWliirler an<l Sons—Trade nolice. Wanteds—-Ten uol ices.

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Bibliographic details

Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 14042, 28 October 1909, Page 4

Word Count

TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 14042, 28 October 1909, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 14042, 28 October 1909, Page 4