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Tlio Kerry I; own • concert lias bcctl postponed until November 18. Tlie attention of speculators and others in drawn to the,important sal© of town property to bo held at Tattersall's rooms' at 2.30 this .afternoon, <jn account of Mr Carlton. .-The 'sale presents a splendd opportunity of securing Central building or business sites. . The railway department advertise full particulars in this issue, of tlie, train arrangements for 'the, Timaru show. On Thursday- ; hext,- tlio. <1.45 l>.nv. train from Timaru to Pareora, nn<l the il2o r>.m. train, from Pareora to Timaru, will not r.un. • 1 The Rev. Mr Bates'weather forecast ' is as follows -.—"The present indications are for a heavy westerly gale in the far north and heavy southerly weather elsewhere. The • barometer will probably rise fast soon everywhere, with' heavy rain generally and show on tlio high country and coldervweathor everywhere." ' ' : " Very stormy weather prevailed ill Timaru yesterday afternoon-and' last, night. A strong wind prevailed-and rifc was accompanied by a heavy- driving; rain. The storm worked muchhavoo in gardens, especially among fruit trees and it would have tlio reverSo-of ; good results on farms as tho growing crops did not require any more moisture at i>res«nfc. and a cold rain such as it was would be hard on tho lambs, and stock generally. " In connection with tho discussions by; local bodies in this district on tho Hospitals and Charitable Institutions "Bill, tho following question put to tho Minister in charge by Mr_BQUard J : ; and the Minister's reply, aro interesting....; Mb Bollard asked tlio Minister whether ho will at onco forward an exact .copy of the Hospitals and Charitable' Institutions Bill now before the House- to very local body in the Dominion?. The Minister replied—The Bill was .widely circulated and thoroughly, discussod at a Conference; of the local-authorities' representatives,' and its . provisions r aro well known. Tho recommendations and remits from the local. bodies wore. fully considered ait tlio Conference, tho recommendations of which. have been carefully considered by the, Government, and a goodly number of them incorporated in the measure. As no new principles: have : been included in tho Bill since it was beforo the Conference, tho ■ matter is now for the- mombors of the House to deal with. If any-local authority i-eouires copies of tlld Bill, it can obtain them on application +o the Government Printer in tho isual v a.". If you are thinking of buying a camera call and inspect our, stock. We have just landed a nice lot direct from 1 tho makers at prices within, tHe reach! of all. Kodaks (film cameras) from 5a to £5 17s 6d; plate cameras from 7s 6d . to £6. All photo requisites in stocks At L. B, James' Pharmacy, Stafford 6trect, Timarui.i

A case of cruelty to animals is to occupy tho attention of the Court licrc on Moiulav next.

Inspector Hugo. in his annual ref>ort on the F're Brigades of the Dominion, says that during tho post five years, property to the value of £-,- 750,000 has been destroyed by tire in Xew Zealand.

Those who had tho management of the Main School garden party arrangements desire to specially thank Mrs W . Cooper for the great amount of trouble to which she went ill connection with the Empire March. Mrs Cooper gave invaluable assistance to Miss Sibly in the big undertaking.

The contract for the new organ for the Auckland Town Hall has bceu completed and Air. Henry Brett, who is presenting the organ to the rity lias paid down £I,OOO as a first instalment of the purchase money. When completed the organ will have cost over £6,000. It is to bo one of the most up-to-date onrans in the world.

So greatly was the J-Jnipirc March aj>prcciated at the Main School garden party on Thursday afternoon, that yesterday the teachers responsible for "t received numerous requests asking that it should be repeated at an early date. It is probable that the request will be acceded to. If so, the grand spectacular event will be got otf some evening under artificial light, when it. is considered that it will probably be even more effective than in daylight .

The "Wellington "Post" points out that an Auditor-Genera!'a "tags" at present seem to be of no more importance than the game of "tag" played by children, but if a tag is justified the Audit office is required by law, in the case of Municipal Councils at any rate, to take proceedings to recover the amount of any illegal payment from those who sanctioned it and did not object thereto. If. says the "Post" the 'tags" are due to any disputable technicality, would it not. be well to have the matter cleared up by a court of competent jurisdiction?

The Hill Runs Commission has concluded its labours, and Mr Guthrie, of Burke's Pass, returned home yesterday. The Commissioners wore engaged 47 days on the work, and each one (there were three) will have a cheque for £96 to draw from the Government. They have scut in to the Minister for Lands, two separate reports, one by Messrs Reeves and Parish, conjointly, and the other one by Mr Guthrie. The contents of the reports will not be available for publication for some time.

A deputation of thirty-eight members of both Houses on Thursday waited on the Prime Minister re the question of disregarding the value of properties occupied as homes by old age pensioners. At present only values tip to £l5O were disregarded, larger amounts reducing tlie amount of pensions. Mr. T. E. Taylor put the increase of pension payments at- £19,000 odd. Sir Joseph Ward said lie had looked into the matter, and found that the present total would be increased by £50,000 a year. If it were only £20,000 it might bo done. He would, however, submit some practical proposals in the desired direction.

Mr Goycn, Chief Inspector of Schools in Otago. speaking oi». the calibre of boys leaving school for office work, said that a lot of absolute nonsense was talked about it. Boyri ami girl*, fourteen years of age, were exiwcted to lie first-class writers, to be able to compose a good letter on matters of which they knew absolutely nothing, and employers expected them to casf" up, under new circtimstan'-es and under circumstances that did not tend to concentration of thought, several columns of figures. It was not fair to expect a boy or girl, of thirteen or fourteen years of age. to eo into an office and tackle columns that possibly very few mm could do.

Mr. Robert Brown, of Wainiataitai. who hasf tong been noted as a breeder of Ayrshire rattle, purchased a fine yonng bull of this breed, in Christchurch this week, and the animal eame down by train on Thursday. He is only 16 months old, and showing quality all over, promises to develop into something really good. The bull is a stud book animal, and has a pedigree which at once stamps him with the hall mark of good'"breedinE. He is by Woodbine, a son of the famous bull", Marquis of Inglcwood. who was three times rhampion at Christchurch Show, and, who also took a championship at Invereargfll. On his dam's side the bull equally well come, and is altogether a worthy representative of his breed. It is Mr* Brown's iuteution to exhibit the bull at the forthcoming show here. In its leading columns of Thursday last, the N.Z. "Times," which is the Government organ in AVellington, devotes §omc space to the member for Timaru. It says, inter alia, that- the new member for Timani (31r. Craigie) having moved - the ■ adjournment tho previous evening had the" right to resnme the debate on : the Address-in-Reply yesterday afternoon. Ho did so, and acquitted himself nobly.' Mr Craigie made quite the best speech of the session. \'l Tegard tho discussion as a waste of" valuable time," he said, "and will not proceed." The brevitv of this is only equalled by its truth," and the applause with which it was received by members had not the ring' of irony bnfc of "The best speech of tho debate," said -Mr. Massey.

According to the "Bluff Press," Cook Bros., proprietors' of an established whahr station in the North Island, have been impressed with the importance of getting more touch with the southern waters, and have determined to establish a station, and a„6team vessel supplied with all recent improved appliances has been ordered, from Home, so as to reacn Bluff Harbour in the month of March, 1910. * Mason's Bay, on the west coast of Stewart Island, is mentioned as the most likelv place for establishing the projected station. The staple products will, of course, be oil and baleen. In addition thereto, will be by-products, one of which will be preserved "whale Wcf " done no in tins and said to find readv market in the Eastern worldJapan, China, and thereabouts. It is i represented to lie a market capable of vast expansion, Valued !atj sa.v, h pennv per pound. Transforming the refuse into a fertiliser is also mcntionc«*'as profitable.

Sonic person or persons at present uil known, apparently moved by an excess of spirits, have been creating a ilutter amonj householders in the Wai-iti Road by facetiously shuffling the gates ol various residences, and by planting "To Let," and other notices of a like character in conspicuous positions on premises that are very much occupied. The acts were committed oil Thursday night, and complaints from many quarters began to pour in upon the police vesterdav morning. Among other feats, the notice" board, "These sections for sale, etc.," which was exhibited upon Mr. Howlcv's section 011 the Main North Road to "the north of Melville iiill, was nlaced on the verandah of Mr Caldwell's" honse in Wai-iti Road, and the gate from thqfe premises was taken Jowii and put up across the road. The "ate at Beverly was similarly dealt with and erected on Mr Bust s section, while Mr J- Strachan's 'To let" sign was placed in Mr G. ood s front warden. Visits were also paid to "Wharenana." the nursing home, and jtfr- LcCrtn's place.

A house in Wellington caught lire the other flay through a spark falling into a bird's nest on the root.

There is not much use in tolling people tliev should "go on tho land.' Four hundred and twenty-five persons went to the opening o! a block ol land at Te Akau, and failed to get a bit.

The Rev. G. H. Mann, of Gcraldine, will conduct servico in Wesley Church to-morrow morning and evening. At Waimataitai Mr Vogeller will preacll in the morning and Mr Stead in tho evenins.

Tho St. John Ambulance Brigade vesterdav forwarded to tho Harbour Office, a* complete set of first aid appliances, which it is intended to keep in tho harbouramster's shed on the main wharf, in readiness for any emergency at the port.

Tho. Maoris at lomuka are still entertaining their numerous guests (over 100 in number) in connection with the Maori wedding held there recently, and the Temuka Municipal Brass Band will render a programme ot music at the Pah on Sunday afternoon. This band 'S making good progress, and are giving a concert on a large scale on show nig lit, Thursday

The Minister of Railways told the Hon. Sir W. J. Steward, in reply to a question put in the Houso ,that tho extension of the Waimatc branch railway from Wailiao Downs to Waihaorunga, would involve considerable expenditure for the construction of about feven miles and a half of line through fairly easy country, which is at present well roaded. Under tho circumstances the extension of this railway is not considered an urgent matter.

Replying to a question put by tho Hon. Sir W. J. Steward, tho Minister of Lands said that a tender had been accepted for clearing the lvapua drain, and the work should be completed at an early date. In reply to another question" by Sir William, the Minister said it was intended to complete the subsidiary irrigation works on Steward Settlement as soon as the officers of tho Public Works Department were in a position to call for tenders or to proceed with tho work. Tho manner of carrying them out —whether by contract or day labour —had not been decided yet.

Several of the cyclists who arc to compete in the Timaru to Clvristchurch road race havo been over the course, and found the roads in good condition, and should they continue so up to tho day of the race. , some very fast times are expected. The Timaru Borough Council lias granted permission for the race to start at Melville Corner, and has also permitted the League to rope ofF the street in order that competitors may not be impeded by other traffic. Mr J. P. Kalaughor, secretary of the South Canterbury Centre. * lias informed the League that all arrangements have been completed. and that lie has engaged an office in Sophia Street Hall, at which competitors will receive their numbers and final instructions.

I)r. Chappie, late of Wellington, but now in England, has been investigating the Manila problem, and has sent the result of his inquiry to the "New Zealand Times." He concludes his letter thus: —"All the reports 1 have received and the information I can gather emphasise the fact that Manila will not continue to be produced at the present price. It nmst either greatly decrease in quantity or the price must approach its former level. There are either products in Manila, such as rice, tobacco, sugar and other tilings that pay much hotter to produce than hemp at present rates. The cost of fooil and the rate of wages have gone up in Manila, and so far the cost of production has not be u reduced by the introduction of machinery nor by any other means. Moreover, the appreciation by manufacturers of New Zealand hemp has increased, while the quality of Manila has fallen away because of the inferior price. The fact that onrn has maintained its standard notwithstanding -the small margin of profit is a compliment to our State grading system and matter of favourable comment by the brokers in London.''

Among the samples of tho '"Christmas Numbers" of tho illustrated weekly papers of the Dominion displayed in tho booksellers' windows, is a very fine coloured photo-print of a harvest field, ouc of two coloured supplements of tho •"Auckland Weekly News" Christmas nnniber. As a picture it would be hard to fit £.s.d. value, but enough to say that it is worth a great deal more than the shilling which will purchase it, with another good but (in this quarter of New Zealand) less pleasing coloured view of one .of the southern lakes, and a. big parcel 'of illustrations of dominion scenes in the bound number. Tho cooured picture" of tho native pigeon which adorns the cover is worth something, as a reminded to ihoso whoknew the pigeon in the old-.days, as a revelation to thoso who did'uot, of the extent to which evolution decorated tho New Zealand coo-cr.. Sea and land, lake and forest, the wilds and- the farm,- pakeha and Maori, have furnished material for the pictures of the number, and for sending . Home, ono page of "Young New Zealand" is worth a month's ■mintage, .as an advertisement of tlic beauty of our infantile life.' Davlight from tho loading of tho camera, to the perfect picture. If you use a kodak. Baxter's Pharmacy... Uro'w tho best Vegetables by sowing P. G. Allen's selected seeds. _ Send lor illustrated catalogue, post free. ... Stearns' Headache Curo is tho most convenient as well as tho most offiacious headache .remedy, known. Cures in a fow minutes. Easy to carry. Simple to take. '' XMAS PARCELS. FOR ABROAD. FORWARDED SAFELY, SPEEDIIA, CHEAPLY. Bring to us (or notify us and we will collect them) any mementos of the approaching season which you desire sent to friends at Home. All parcels entrusted to us are dispatched direct by steamer, securely packed, and may be depended on to arrive at the time stated and in good order. The New Zealand Express Co., Ltd. ... You can lose your situation. You can loso your rank or station, You can lose your reputation, You can even lose your wifol But if this advice you follow When your cough sounds harsh and

hollow, And Woods' Peppermint you swallow, You will never lose your life...


Lance-like pains -torture and torment the victim of Rheumatism, and you don't think you will ever get rid of the disease. Perhaps you have iried all kinds of so-called cures and much-advertised quack remedies all to no, purpose. Well, don't despair. There is a medicine that can and will cure vou. Take RHEUMO. It is a positive antidote for uric acid poisoning. Ifc relieves pain, removes the swelling, and clears the system of excess uric acid the cause of all the trouble. RHEUMO is neither a liniment nor a pill, but a liquid medicine of marvellous therapeutic value. RHEUMO conquers Rheumatism. Sold by all chemists and storekeepers at 2s fei and 46 Gd & bottle.

Tho Timaru Harbour Board will liold its next meeting on Friday, October 29. Pigeon shooters arc reminded that nominations for the Timaru Gun club's £(SO handicap close with tho hon. secretary (Mr Wm. Stevens) at 8 o'clock on Monday evening next at tho Excelsior Hotel.

Owing to the wet weather last night the bazaar at Waimataitai will he continued to-night. The ladies have a large assortment of goods to clear at reasonable prices; an interesting programme will also be submitted, and numerous competitions will be held. The charge for admission is sixpence. A large attendance is confidently expected.

The Ladies' Guild in connection with the Southhnrn Presbyterian Church have elected as office-hearers for the ensuing year. Mrs Sidey president. Mrs B. Kvans vice-president, and Miss Clumming secretary. The members of the Guild wish to thank all throughout the St. Andrews parish and elsewhere who licliied to make the recent bazaar such a success.

Thursday, writes our Waimnte correspondent, was an ideal day for being in the open air, and the howling green and tennis courts were pretty fully occupied all the afternoon. Bain commenced yesterday morning, and was falling when the mail closed. With a cold wind from the sea, appearances pointed to a continuance. The rain is welcome generally.

With tho approach of tho holdiay se-.'son every ladies attention is turned to the consideration of what to wear. Adams and Co. have a complete stock of tho newest novelties in all departments. Among others they aro showing a really good line in fabric gloves in white, purple, rcsida, dark green, heaver and green, fawn, brown and black. These two lines very attractive and aro selling readily...

Guinness and LeCrcn, Ltd., will sell by public auction at their Timaru land •salerooms to-day at 2 p.m., a superior new brick residence known as "Puke Marama," situated just off the "Wai-iti road, Timaru, together with five acres of land well(laid out in pleasure grounds, gardens, and paddocks. This offers a splendid opportunity for buyers to secure a first-class property close to town. Caroline Bay, and the "gold links. Tho Rev. Father O'Sullivan, whose lectures ou Egypt and tho Holy Land filled tho Assembly Rooms a few weeks sinco, has kindly consented to givo a farcvVcll lecturo in tho Theatre .Royal on Friday next to help forward' tho building fund for tlio new Catholic Church. Tho Rev. Father, of whoso eloquence those who liavo had tho pleasure of hearing liim, speak in glowing terms, is particularly at homo in taking visitors through tlio land of his birth, and tho views to bo shown arc well worth seeing.

The first anniversary of the Primitive Methodist Church, Geraldine, will be celebrated to-morrow when three special services will be held. Tho Rev. \V. Bnumber will preach morning and evening and conduct a choral service and address the children in tho afternoon. Tho choir will sing special anthems at each service. This being the annual gift Sunday, it is expected that record offerings will bo given. On the following Tuesday a monster tea will Iks held in tho Church Hall, to bo followed by a', first-class concert when a splendid programme of anthems, solos, recitations, etc., with two short addresses will bo given. Given fine weather crowded congregations are ed ou Sunday and again on Tuesday evening.

Show week .visitors to Timaru will find at Penrose Bros., Stafford st., a most interesting and attractive display of ladies, gestlemen's and children's tan footwear, also a charming window display of laclies' coloured shoes, which aro to be so much in vogue during the coming season. Be sure and see these good goods, for they are most moderate in price, and will give sound satisfaction in tho wear...

A slight irritation in the throat may lead to a hacking cough. Zymole Trolceys stop it; tlicy sootho the irritation and strengthen the throat. 14

Lntha Burbank is the earliest pea grown. Procure from P. Ci. Allen. ...

To enable lis to accommodate prams, go-carts and push carts, wo havo mado extensive internal alterations to our store, so as mothers will bo ablo to bring tho children in tho prams into our shop. You will find room for 20 prams. Wc aro anxious to further develop the infants department, and liavo marked up all children's boots and shoes at lowest possible prices, to attract every mother in Timaru, to buy their children's footwear off J. W. Souter...

P. (». Allen's flower seeds always give satisfaction. ...

Don't continue groping in the dark. Buy a kodak at Baxter's Plm run ■-•>'. It means daylight all tho time... Slazengers tennis rackets and 190910 championship tennis balls aro just to hand. The rackets aro a few samples of Doherty's; E.G.M.'s; Special Demon Demons; Rcnshaw and IJbique. They aro splendid specimens and anyone wishing to purchase a really fine racket should call at once. The balls are tho very latest on tlio market and aro being bought up rapidly at Taskcr's Sporting Depot...

Do you kodak If not call and let us explain " kodakery "'. on will be interested. Baxter's Pharmacy...

We are given to understand that owing to Mr Stephens expecting to receive a large shipment of new goods any day in the way of tweeds, mens underwear and clothing, etc., he is selling the goods on hand at very low prices, in fact under cost, so as to make room for the new season s stock. The new department' recently opened (referring to the cleaning and pressing) has been a great success, the work being done giving every satisfaction, it is needless to say that every person who buvs from Alfred J. Stephens, opposite the Post Office, saves money... P. G. Allen's flower seeds always give satisfaction. ...

I'liinos. l'iaims. I'janos. The Dresden Piano Company, Ltd., beg to annoiinci! to the general public ol 11maru and the surrounding district that they have just opened up an entirely now stock of pianos. Our high grade instruments, include iirojuhvood iind Son, and Collard the most famous of British makers 'the best that money can buy; also the Ronish, Lipp and Sohn, Koch and Sohn, Bohm, besides other celebrated makers. We give you a ten years' warranty with any instrument you choose; we also - give you the rHit of exchanging if you are not perfectlv satisfied. You are oil a good sound wicket when buying your piano or organ from this well kuown and up-to-date firm. ...

Mrs S. H. Walker, 230 Humffray street. Ballarat, Vic., writes: "Have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for four years, and know it is excellent. Have "found it most *>°n°ficia). t'an recommend it to anyone. In fact have done so many times, and ifc has accomplished good results in every case." For sole everywhere. ...

SYNOPSIS 01' 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. •Jonas and Co.—Sell shares and .sundries, to-day; piano ior sale. Morton and Pearson —Prime meat on sale, to-day. Dalgetv and Co.-—Show stock sale, Thursday. Guinness and LeCren ."own propcrty, to-(Iav; farms for sale; .ronwka sale, Tucsdav: Show stock, Thursday. N.Z. L. and M.A. Co. —Tenders tor wool carting;; Temuka, sale, luesday. X.M. and A. Co. —Temuka. sale, Tuesday; Show stock, Thursday; Studholme sale, Friday. C.F.C.A. —Sale., at JBemuka. luesday; also horse sale at Studholme. W. O'Neill —Howard of £5 re Kateopening. Mackenzie Caledonian Society • Sports gathering, on Nov. 9. Tiniaru Gun Club Nominations close on Monday. Military carnival —Qpens on October 26 th. Benefit entertainment —At St. Andrews on Oct. 27. Bank holiday—ln South Canterbury on Thursday next. F. J. Dunn- —Bargains in jewellery. Waimate A. and P. Association — Show, on Nov. 4th, entries close tonight. Trfist—Small hand bag: reward. Kerrvtown concert —Postponed to Nov. 18th. Mahan and Hal ford —Free photographs. George Pearson Show week presents. J. Brassell Paddocking for horses at Show. S.C. Woollen Mills—Casc.s for sale. | Crawford's tens —"Why they are popular. ' Assembly ' Rooms Show night dance. S.C.J.C. Tenders for licensed booth. •Tame* S. Turnbull —Tenders for painter's work. T. C. Mullioiis and T. B. Gooding— Tenders for residence. St. Andrews Gun Club—Shooting match. Oct. 26th. X.7. railways—Train arrangements for Tiniaru Show. McGruer, Davjes and Co. —Give vonr feet a chance. Oddie and Co.—New photographic goods. G. T. Dawson Special display of crockery. McPhedran Bros.—Properties for sale and to let. Tiniaru Operatic Society—Performances on Oct-. 26, 27. and 28. Theatre Royal—lllustrated lecture oil Friday next. Waimataitai bazaar —To-night, at Sunday services—Primitive Methodist. Trinity. Weslevan, Chalmers. Bust and CV>. —A show dav souvenir. Tvernohan, McCahon and Co. —Goods selling themselves. Ballantyne and Co. —Ireland's finest productions. Adams and Co.—Beadv to wear for the Show. At Marriott's —Place for gloves and hosiery. Wanteds—Five notices.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 14039, 23 October 1909, Page 4

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TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 14039, 23 October 1909, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 14039, 23 October 1909, Page 4