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It is understood that as a sequekto the trout-shooting ease sat JMeasant - I'oint, a iuither charge is to be' prelenect, toi dischaigmg fiie-unis on tlio pnbho highway. 1 On Wednesday' the Canterbury Land -board disposed of the GlVyear tenancies • or seven w ol'kors' cottages on the Wal- * > ker settlement at-Addington. There-V \v6re only ten .applicants.infill. , Fj vo .V. or the cotjages contain live, rooms eatli, and the rentals ot these range from-£2 : - 3s-8d to £2 lis lOd per month; for , two or tour l'ooms the rentals are £2 4s /d each. , The annual inspection of the Timarit di\ tsion of the St. 'John Ambulance s Ungado is to be held in the Dnllshed at. •< p.m. next l'riday evening,-I>v ' Major George fiat clay , VID., N.Z.V.* Deputy •Commissioner- lor Nisw ;Zealanir:' A i eception -is to bo given >to the inspecting oliicer at-Cook's - refreshment ■ roojiis, immediately: after the iiispfcctlon - 1 ' . » , . -uU .The Mayor o£ t given, notice..: to move as- follows -at the.' next ' meeting of the llor.ough.Council :- ''That in future ho plans of i any dwellinghouse proposed to bo erected in' the borough of'-Napier be passed by the Council unless; a;bntli .at;leasts 4tt Gin. .long by. yft.: broadiiXvith: wator Jaid; on, ■ be elected ot tlip room's of the said house or some room thereto." 1 1 * > Mr T. E. Taylor (does not think very highly toi tiie fortifications of Lytteitoi). , 'A foreign consiilshaving: applied :to iho Lyttelton;;Harbo»n*- Doard.-tor a jilau oi the, harbour, • Mr Taylor sniil the Board should also send' a plan ot " the-wonderful ofortilications at the port, ; which j were only dangerous to-the men - behind the guns. !' Get as many of their crews behind possible, and you will be- defended' at onte," Mr 'ljylor concluded.

Daniel Geaufy was charged at Court ye&terday with having driven'a trap nt aiiglit \\ itlibut carrying a ' light. ' Detendant explained that *hg 'had" 1 had a light oir tlitf night in question, but it luid gone out. 'Hub-inspector > Green ' .said tins \\«is the "thud occasion trt* i wluch tlio detendftnt liad beensirtularly charged within the past 18 months. TlhjMagistrate imposed a fine of 10s ami costs 7s, remarking that' it "would bo cheaper for defendant' to buy ft lamp and_ keep it alight.' The "Press"- jjives the following ■oxplanation 'of. the meaningofthefamiliar Maori napie . il llinemoa""-The • woid is made up of two parts—"hine,'V a young woman, and "moa," tfao 1 name ol an extinct bird. ' Tlifc legend is tliat the last moa was imprisoned'. in a cavp, and could, 'only thrust head' and ;neck through-;a crevice, : -VaiuT..' had, in fact,, to feed'on air. - From tliat the void "''moa" came to meat* something iceding on > air, and .when 1 apyljqcl to "Inno,* 1 iueant a young woman feeding on'air,: i.0., a yoxingWO?-.; man in love. >■ 1 ,k *

Mr Cyrus Williams, engineer fctt tlio" ' Lyttelton Harbour 1 Hoard, 1 hns, taken the trouble, to calculate the coat of carrjing out a suggestion thathas been put before the Hoard, viss.-,' J that, instead ot making a- canal nt Sumner, a big gap should be cut' through tho - .'nil so as. to ,do nwiywith .the tuiineh-i Mr Williams' estimat'o 'was fifteen 'millions for disposal ot . the spoils ; This * will not satisfy tho proposers;-'- -because lie : calculated-arcut: a" quftrteivof ;a mile v . wide at the Iwttoni. They will say that a fraction . <of that* width would, Inoefc their views. , " , ,

"The "Otagp Daily Times J> under-/ 1 stands that litigation in , connection ' with the new dock works at lVirt Chalineis will engage .the attention" of tlie j Supreme Court, Messr/n Sqott Bros. ; of Chnstchuich, the contractors' for the* dock, having intimated" their intehtioi^ k ' * of filniniingirointhe OtagoDocVTrust; : " 3 th<j sum of £36,000. It is, understood 1 that tlio Dock 'lruat some tune - sinco • „ lorwarded a cheque for SsSd'to ,tlw contractors in final rsottleinent of f ■ th< contract account, tlie sum, tnetttioned being-the balance due after dei .ducting a-very .considerable. l amount for k : penalties ior non-completion ot the 1 ' it ick up to contract date. The cheque \ ickircd to has, not been lifted by the' conti.ictors. - / U ~V;SV':.: ■ -"J.?^ A ' very successful social, was jjivofi by the spinsters of Clandeboye 1 in, tho school on I'j iday evening, 27tU August, '' The weather was very threatening, but " 4 iu snito of tins ■a* largo/riumber- as- ' senibled. The music was' supplied by ' J. Looker (accordebn), l ahd "Mr «J2 Downcs (violin-and "Mra-" Bissett i As M.C., kept matters workirtg smoothly. During tho evening Miss Mailing gave a lecitation, and Messrs DOwnes atad '• King rendered songs, all the'iterab j*. meeting with applanse. Tho refresh- 1 , ments were supplied by the ladies' of' the district. Mr H. Wreiithall,' tin behalf of the guests, complimented*the" ' spinsters on the successful gathering, and warmly thanked them for the «n- '' - joyable evening's amusement. The'-*, gathering, which broke up :; about two* , o'cloclr, was a successful one in ever* way. -

Yesterday -Detective Fahey arrested a man on a charge of carnal knowledge of a girl. Accused will coine before the Court in due course.

A joint, meeting of members of tho Timaru and Kia Toa Rowling Clubs will be held on Tuesday next, to receive a report on the proposed Christmas tournament.

In Christclnirch. on Wednesday last Mr Justice Denniston granted ail order directing the attendance of two prisoners to give evidence in the case of Rex r. Matthews, a perjury charge, to he heard at Timaru next week.

At ilie sitting -of the Supreme Court to-be held in Timaru next week, application will be made for the discharge from bankruptcy, «>f 11. J. Edgar. . Messrs Tripp and Rosleston will appear in support of the application.

-To mark the close of the football season at Albnry, the members of the Alburv Football Club intend to give a dance" on September 17. The club has been well supported during the season and no stone wil lie left upturned to make a sticees of this function.

Tho following is the Rev. D. C. Dates' weather forecast —"Strong southerly winds are probable everywhere with cold, showery and changeable weather. Tlie barometer is now rising steadily everywhere, and more Fettled weather is expected to follow generally until about September Bth.'

; Miss* Hill has just received word through Mr Virtue, from the Pitman Institute, that-her pnpil. Miss Frances L. McConachy, has passed the .speed examination for 100 words a. minute. Miss 'Hill will be pleased to receive intending pnptls for the study of Pitman's shorthand at her residence, corner of Cray roat| and Deo street.

The spring flower show will he held this year in the Assembly Booms 011 September 23rd. There will be the usual; classes for enfc flowers ami floral decorations. v and the promoters ; are jndritlihg for sprcial exhibits from nursery gardens, which should provt attractive items at the . show. Exhibitors wfll be able to obtain schedules in thecoorse of ..a few days.

At the meeting of the Timara Main ■ehbol committee last night the questiaii of patting in more hat .pegs was brought nn,-but it was considered that* as so many of'the children were now taking to going'without hats there was no = pressing necessity to _ procure new pegp. As one member said "Most of- the girls 'CP without hats and the hovs headgear is very easily disposed' oil"

' Mr C. Laing-Meason ,C.E., formerly ' of Timara, who returned to New Zealaild last week from* a' visit to Mel- , Jionrne and Svdney, states tli.'it found a decidedly optimistic tone preTsilinj'rcganliiig the Dominion, s future among mercantile and. fii'.ancial authorities with whom lib. - .conversed. vWithin a very short timeyou will *' have-roOre money offering for .invest- ■ inent than you will te able to !. Mud wbo had largo interests in New Zealand. The' hehef that _in . both private and" public circles the . need' for the exercise of economy has been thoroughly-grasped is the. factor, Mr- Lainp-Meason believes, wlucli has iiwst 'cbntrihutca to the revival of.con- ' fidence. ]

- Dfirinjr Angnst'22l ostites yf tl<v persons were certified for stamp ; doty,, the" largest Hoinff Uat of Henry Brat Gardiner <Chr*tchurch\ £123,r *" lift Other Canterbury estates were: Andrew" Dawson" £24.781, William I* 3 *" U. T £ll,Bll, Donald McLennan £L0 t--406, Francis T. Haskins £G ' 4 :?- '* ol ', n , -Vance £5688. -Thompson Mitchell £5482, CJeorce Barclay £5140. .Josepi - K. £4120. Sir J. W. Walrond £3000.>1- : lisun Fenrriek £2791, Hei'/y ' £2545,-John Barratt . £*23o->,-A\ Hham A«hlev£2loß. PhHin D. /£149&:: Benjamin J. North VaV ILim Hall £llls. 'John Seed, £•£*>■■- - ~M«? Aim' Conrtenav £lO-}[)- J 1 * 0 ?; Baam £«)7. Ellen Aitken £.60, frjr.V -Ann*.l«ss £"O2. John Shw £o*?. : J)enw Mnridiy £fi3s. F. J- W iHo»i£..ih\ £583, Frank Dickson £578.

"* A paper entitled'" Observation en ' Sniw Xrv Zealand: Halpphytes " > was read by Mis* jßella D. Cross (a Timaru ex-stndent. of Canterbury College), at the of the Canterbury Philosophical -Institnte. on Tuesday evening. -In. the conrse of her paper Miss. Cro** '-emr general-description of the varions lire-forms comprised in the classii fixation. and tl»e results of obsecrations - made'" of , halophytic vegetation at J * Ctoistchnrch and at Timaru. The - deney to *, prostate growth and the - 'various, characteristics. of the. foliage, " yliH* were-probably attributable to *' superabundance of aalfc in tlie sod in whfch-they grewT'were also dealt with. f n congratulating Miss Crora upon hrrnkner which was submitted by her for the honours examination of the New -r Zealand ,Univep»ty, reports tlip At UJtnn Times,'' Dr Cockaync.said that ■ inhis- opinion it was the *"iest e\er nrodatfid hv a" student of Dr CUiltna. verv favourably with simiLrXK™ America, and confined Observations' of extreme -wnport-l)r-Chilton said that the «sxance,. i,- Oliver, had. refeiretl tSikbPtoss's paper and had said ..that . in recommending it for first-class honours. t |f /],. ■! muscles of the throat. ar< * J . P. . poid is verv easily conS«f Trokey S v. ill pre- - rent'this;-tiiev aA just,the thing ->r hwlrsewSyand irritating coughs. 2fi '"iMtt* V" : Hoi lines " tjie world-famons Troo V ox ~ incV well-known f Siberia . < «•'« at tlie May series »f sales m London, makes interesting reading: The- well-known New «ealnml clip. AH over. Siberia, w?s sold in .London, at the May series of sales, and _cf.m- - ' extremelv keen co^t.tion the crossbred* selling nn to f»r America. This clip lias been better ' classed, than last year, and sold extremely well. It was in pond ™d.; tir.n. the well shoring a gooiL length «f stape: and good *°d to ; 2id more than it would 111 - March Its -scouring properties were AL ;»nd it will {nve satisfactory result* j n nil the mannfsM'tunnc precedes it «*» tl,fcnsl.. f'T ! HOI.!.IN"W To tow a fleece that i"> s"imd, lustrous, "and possessed of the he=i sniping properties is, <*r.. should hty t ie obiocfc, of every breeder ,of shtpn. _ " ! r inieh woofs nlwavs command top To attain this end tbo Iceufc' free from parasitic filth of all ltin«l«,"><»nd enabled to mal.-e the of the f«KI provided them Jspr . F ome years p«-st the.'fS.beriP^ I>ns Imk»p regn'arly dinned in , Powder' Dip. the prf*iaration o ; which rverv sh»ep owner of rite throughout ffi« world to-day who ba= rvco it- « ♦rial on even ten* against the most I"gelv ?'V^ f ised dips, speaks in terms - of praise. Sheen w»nt ' .ahb?*nofl hy t^ ,A ust? <'f ' Oiiibcll's Din. ' So the world's niosfc famous pastoralists eay. ...

Tlio fid!y of failing to send in returns under tho Land and Income Assessment Act was exemplified at Court in Timnrn yesterday, when Timoihy 'J'woniey, pnhlican, of Waimate, was charged with this offence. Mr Jordan, who appeared for the defendant, admitted the offence. but said that it. was the result >.f an oversight. Defendant had sent in Jiis returns for income tax, hut had (iinitted, inadvertently, ;o send in his land tax returns., His book-keeper was to bin mo for the omission. l"nder those circumstances the minimum fine of £2. should meet tlie case. Mr White, who appeared for the Commissioner of Taxes, said the penalty was a fine of not less than £2 or more than £IOO. The Commissioner of Taxes never took action until notice to send in the returns had lu-en sent four nr live times. A heavy penalty was not asked for. Inst it was desired that a warning should be given. The Magistrate imposed a fine of £2 with Court 'costs 10s and £2 2s solicitors' fee.

. A largely attended meeting of these ; interested in the formation ot a .Sports Ciub for Alburv was In Id at the Railway Hotel last Saturday evening. Air J. Campbell presiding. It was.imanimouslv decided to form a club, to he called the Alburv Athletic Sports Club, and all those present signified their intention of becoming members. It was decided to hold the first meeting on the 9th of November;- for which a varied programme of about twenty events was drawn up. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: —Patron, Mr T. Buxton, 31.P.: president, Mr J. S. Rutherford; vice-presidents, Messrs Wreford, Neill, Raillie, Simpson. Irving, Stewart, Smith. Jlayter, Macauly, Winter, Raker, Nurse. West and Innes-Jones: committee, officers ex officio and Messrs Smith, O'Reilly. Sadler. Campbell," Stewart, Crozier. Treinbath, Higgs, McKay. (The committee? meets again on the lltb at 7.30 p.m.) Secretary, Mr E. Anderson; treasurer, Mr .W. Mallett. Five pounds for a duck for Sunday dinner makes rather a costly meal, as a young lrian named Thomas (irace found" out-yesterday. Grace \rns charged before Air V. G. Day, 'S.M., with having shot three'wild ducks en Sundav, August- 22nd,:.0n tho farm of Mr J. "Smith, Saltwater' Creek. Sub-inspec-tor Green said that the charge was laid under section 20 of the Animals Protection Act, which' made it illegal to shoot native gamfc out- of season, and provided a penalty of not less than .to. On the day in question the accused. l>ad shot three grey ducks -one of winch lapicked up and took away with him, while the othfcr two were found bv the owner of the property. When first charged with the offence accused denied it, but he subsequently admitted his guilt. Defendant pleaded guilty, but Said lie did Jiofc know that the shooting reason had closed. The Magistrate told Kim. that he should have, known, and imposed a penalty of £o. 1' ourteen davs' were, allowed in which to-pay the fine. It was Mounted Constable Osborti who brought the accused to book, and he had considerable trouble in , , \ Sulphur and Sarsaparilla Salts.— Thb pleasant and refreshing preparation will be found exceedingly valuable in' purifying the blood and cooling tho system, and thus preventing those unpleasant eruptions and so common, to-many at. the chaiige of season. One teaspootifiil in half a tumblerful of water before breakfast is invaluable as - a spring medicice. Price Is tid a-bottle, from Li. TS. James, cliemist. Timaru. ...

. The Dresden Piano Company, Ltd., announce their annual sale of pianos and organs. In addition to modelsby the world's leading makers, including John' Broadwood and Sons; Lipp and Sobh, Collard and Collard, tliey liave recently opened up a new shipment _of the justly famous. Bolun riano,- which still maintains its position as the best medium price instrument on the market. They are also -offering at special rates a "'line of pianos slightly shop soiled; and would recommend intending -purchasers to talie advantage of this opportunity 'to secure a high grade pianiy on the best terms ever «9<*red Jn this district...

; Wft are given to. understand' that owing to Mr Stephens expecting to receive a. large shipment of new goods any day in tho way of tweeds, men's underwear and- clothing, etc., he is selling the goods on hand at very low prices,, in fact tinder cost, so as to. make room for the new season's stock. The new department recently opened (referring to the denning and pressing) ha* been a- great success, the work being done giving every satisfaction. It is needless to say that' every person who bnys from Alfred J. Stephens, opposite the Post Office, saves money..., Good Red Blood! TJiat's what most people want during the approaching ripriugtime. Something to put vigour and vim into one—that's what, our Compound Sarsaparilla does. Each dose .makes you feel younger, stronger and happier. It purifies the blood and frees the sk:n of all eruptione. Price 2s 6d and Gd per bottle. Baxter's Pharmacy. He sure you get . Baxter's \.

Voiirig men should see the" latest styles iind shapes i:i gent's hoots as now displaveil "at Snuter's bijfit .stor.'. For really high-class-footwear fiir gentlemen, we strongly leconimend Snuter's store. T!ii.> linn is one uf t-lie most enterprising in New Zealand. ... ABOITT YOUR CUSTOMS WORK. ..May we advise yon to let iis do it? We have a skilled staff sit each centre, and yO'n, can depend on our doii'g the work v ex|jediiiously,. correctly," your interests in every way. Hand ns your documents ■- wherever your good3~nre being lauded. We'll undertake the whole work of passing entries, and delivering the goods at any address. The N.Z. Express Co., Ltd-.-Said Darby to his'old wife, Jftan, •'We;" side by side, have aged and grown, But here I tell yon plump and plain, Von shall not poultice me again!' There's something now- to cure one faster Of cough or c.old than mustar<l plaster, No more these blisters I'll-endure, I'll purchase Woods' Great Peppermint Cure."... A MESSAGE FOR THE MAN WIIO IS TORT(TPEI) WITH 11HEUilATJSM OR GODT. Every year Rheumatism, Gont. Sciatica, or Lumbago brings torture to thousands of men. To some ii comes during the early and more vigorous yeanC with others, after middle life has 'been reached, or passed—but .in eVerv case the trouble is due to excess uric acid in tho blood. RHEUMO is the one certain and rimple cure for Gout,, and kindred a:l----ments, and it is the only etirfi. Perhaps you have read advertisements asserting that remedies claim it. a to cure almost every' other ailment will also relieve Rheumatism. Now, a doctor never gives tho same prescription for indigestion, for debility, for liver troubles, for neuralgia, and for Rheumatism. No. he knows, and yon "knew, ttint each different class of ailment requires a navicular medicine. Liniments. pills, and similar nostrums, although chean, a r e useless. RHEUMO, tested and proved efficacious hv thousands of sufferers, is the one safe and snKsfnctory cure. Thousands have found relief. You too can be cured.

SYNOPSIS OP NEW- ADVERTISEMENTS. Morton and Pearson—Sell mutton, furniture, produce, etc., to-morrow. Jonas and Co. —Entries for to-mor-row; furniture October 7th. Guinness and LeC'rcu —List of farms for sale. O'Callaghan and Co.-—Sundries and clearing side to-morrow. Suburban properties for sale Ronald L. Fisher. 'J', awl .T. Thomson—Prices of goods in clothing department. Scott's cycle depot—All classes of light mechanical work. J. Harrison—Very best of men's footwear. R. L. Fisher—Agency for Nimmo and Rlair's " Standard .seeds." . W. If. Walton—Purse lost, finder rewarded. D. Dnull—lmportant sale of town pronerties. Theatre. Royal—New and first-class pictures to-night. C. Warhurton—Rig reductions in .watches, clocks, etc. John Kempt home—Details of houses for sale. Alburv Football 'dub— Ttall on 17i.1i inst. Wain-ate High SeTiool Roard —Notice re scholarships. " Accountant," this office —Wants cleric at once. Alner® and Xieholls—Accounts in est"te Mrs A. Grimes. Timaru and Kia Toa Rowling Clubs —Meeting on 7th inst. Wanteds—Six notices.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13996, 3 September 1909, Page 4

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13996, 3 September 1909, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13996, 3 September 1909, Page 4