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A basket social will he held in the St. Andrews public hall on Friday evening next, in aid of thchall funds. Mr W. R. MeGrath, veterinary horse dentist, will visit Pleasant Point on 'Monday next, and may be consulted there.. Weather permitting,' the Timaru Marino Band will give a concert in the hospital grounds on Sunday afternoon next. The test selection for the Kaiapoi contest will be included in the. programme. Mr G. G. Ashe, veterinary surgeon, 'attended to a. horse belonging to Mr Geo. Winter, Pleasant Point, which had its foreleg broken. The treatment proved very effective, for tho horse, is now working again. Messrs McPhcdran Bros, ajtaiouneo that they have commenced hfiwicss in the "Herald" buildings, Arc.jj&o, as laud and estate agents. A large number of suitable properties are on the firm's books, and buvers are invited to call, before going elsewhere. The rain which set in on Saturday .and continued throiigh Sunday and yesterday, has been very general throughout eastern New Zcalaud. As there was no wind to drive, the clouds up the mountains no heavy rains fell there, and the rivers are not high.

The recent entertainment: and sale of work at the Girls' Hbdi School was very .successful, and realised somewhere in the neighbourhood of £37. This was mentioned at the meeting of the High School Board, and the chairman said it was rather foolish to let the Board know what a lot of money had been obtained, as it might influence the Board to reduce its usual contribution to the girls' games club. However, after a little discussion; it was decided to continue the . usual grant of £5. A short time ago .Mr A. M. Barclay, (x-M.11.H., of Dunediu, published some papers in the daily pres9 under 'the -title of "The 'Aclnllt>s._Hccr of Civilisation," a " the Question of Unemployment," and these have been collected into a, pamphlet for more convenient perusal. Achilles was a fabulous person who, when an infant, was dipped head first in a magic bath, which rendered him invulnerable, except in the heel by which he was held when dipped. And of course his one weak spot was found by some injury. Mr Barclay's argument is that unemnloymeiit is the weak spot in our civilisation. A good deal of misconception is rife as to the disposition of the Temuka cheese factory, but yesterday a- reporter obtained a definite statement from Mc A. H. Mackrell, the well-known representative of Messrs J. B. Mctfwau and Co., Dtincdin, wlio stated that ho has bought the factory for himself, as a. personal speculation, the price paid being £525. Mr Mackrell will, instal a, quantity of the latest niachinery, including McEwan's famous curd agitators, and as ho has obtained the- scr>ees of a first-rate manager, the comiriued knowledge possessed by "Mr Mackrell and Ins manager should givo the public confidence that the business will be carried on in the best manner.

Tho Cricklewood Schoolroom was well lillril on Jniday evening last Lo witness Hie hnal progtesivo euciiio match, of tlie season. J.lie gathering was n .very ■sociable one, and it was lony; before the last guests Uupurtcii. '±.iuv prizes were won" by Airs u. Cooling, 'Miss B. Connor a ml' Messrs Maurice O'Connor, and Albert .Johnson. A special prize, a keepsake from Antarctica, wasawardcd Mr Al. LO. Connor, bongs by-Messrs) O. Cooling and J. Corleti, sen., and Miss 15. (Joiuuir were inncli appreciated. Those wlio have bcneliteu by tbu funds <iwe much to Misses B. Connor and Joyce for their musical assistance, and to Messrs -J. Corhclt and \V. Bray, as promoters. The Wellington " lOveiiing l'ost," says:~-Thoro are juries anil juries—.•nine guild, some bad, and sonic indifferent. ' Sometimes a. jury will, listen to a case with the greatest possible air of boredom, and, if it were pos- : ible. would, doubtless, snatch a, ipiict n;iiinai-. lint., again, it happens that a jury -brings to a case a shrewd cominons'Mise that, expressed in questions to witnesses, often throws more light than all the examination of counsel on either side. The .other clay the foreman of the jury in the case of the scow Bona, put a. most pertinent question as to whether the vessel on- her trip to I'alliser Bay to salvo the Ben Avon, carried diving gear. The answer of the principal witness'was in the negative. Then in the Wimsett case, several jurymen might be seen industriously taking' notes of various points that struck them. Several, questidns we're e.sked nli successive witnesses, all showing a most intelligent grasp, of .the case. For instance, the foreman-, enquired how many keys could open the safe which was robbed iif the Post Office. The answer was three. -Such an attitude on the part of the 'jfiry, an ardent desire to get at the . tj-iith, >is of great assistance, to the court,, arid ilescrves commendation.

An Ashbnrton man, being told that a new exercise was required for girls, suggests that they take up fencing. A Timaru resident brought to the effice a couple of large garden snails, as a curiosity. They have been common in other people's gardens for a few years now. The A\"anganui representative, hockey team (men's) and the South Canterbury team (ladies) both arrived here by the first express from Christchurch yesterday morning. The Forthcoming ploughing match to b* held on Sept.. Oth will take place in a paddock opposite the racecourse, kindly lent for the purpose, by Mr Shadbolt. The annual meeting «f the No. 2 Terminating Building Society will he held in the. Sophia street Hall tonight, commencing at < .30 oclnck. Two sums of £3OO will be disposed •>! by ballot and sale. Th* members of the Dargaville Borough Conned are in a unique position. They have held their seats for some time, and a fresh election should have taken place in April last. However no one thought about it, so it did not come off. The result is that the present members have a new lease o! two years. '• There is a society in Auckland composed of ordinary workers anil wageearners who give their time and talents in providing benefit concerts formances for deserving cases ot stress and unemployment. The society is iion Wvn as the Auckland Benevoleu Concert Company, and has dunns hr last three years distributed no less that £BOO. ' While the Governor was lookinj through' the kitchen of the Orphans Hornet Auckland he was struck by U> accent of a «rl palpably new to th colonies. '.' And where do you cw from?" queried his Excellency. 1 roi. Armagh," quoth the girl.- Well, «el the Irish are everywhere Ao„ cant escape them," laughed the Oovcruo, who is an Irishman. K number of hooks con tailing document* relating to Goyornnicil transactions from the ear y forties up to the "-sixties " have been deputed in the rooms at the• \ ictom Barracks, Wellington, which will be for stoVing Government archives. I- run time u> time additions will I* male to the- collection in the way o! sections from the papers of department of the Government;scnice. The Orepuki gold rush has (says fie Danediu "Star") fizzled out so hr as excitement Is concerned, but these who obtained claims on the reef ;re not parting with them and are makiig further tests and assays. Messrs Love, Cnlleii, and Fryer, about wlnse claim all the commotion occurred, sre driving a shaft to strike the re«f, aid they are satisfied that it contains payable gold. Most of the other owners are holding back awaitng the results of this Darty's efforts before they go in for driving themselves. " \ Mr- Frederick Cliffe, who will tl|is year conduct examinations throughout .New Zealand on behalf of the Associated Board of the R.A.M. and B.C.M-., London, is a distinguished musiciav , who has ~ held several important pianoforte professorships and post tions as organist to well-known institutions, besides being a composer of higl standing. Mr Cliffe will reach Auckland on I2th September, and is du« in Dunedin about the third week ir. November. Mr Cliffe will finally leave for England on 20th December. In the whole/of New Zealand there are just tinder .2000 entries this year—a reeord —Dunedin contributing 210. Mr Cliffe is accompanied by Mrs Cliffe and their two children.

Commenting on the latest news regarding the missing Waratah, a" Oamarn resident (says the "Mail ) thoroughly acquainted with the coast and currents at the scene of the disappearance, points out that the probabilities are that the Waratah turned turtle and went down. With coal on her deck and a heavy beam sea, the «-et wonld certainly run serious risk. If this supposition be discounted, it is well nigh impossible to account tor the mvstery. Vessels on the course taken bv the Waratah stand close ,n, and onlv if both propell-rs were broken and i-he'were well out would the steamer he likelv to meet the currents carrying her to Mauritius' on the one set, or to Cape Leeuwin on the other. The ai>sence of wreckage does not disprove the theorv of capsize, as vessels setting out ..n the stormv run taken by the missing steamer have everything movable secured as tightly as possible, and the precautions taken would prevent Itotsam in the event of a. capsize. Zvmole Trokeyi are lianilr to carry and'are invaluable to ail who tnlk or sing. As a stimulating anMscotic f«r tlie throat they are unequalled. -i Young men should see the latest styles and shapes in gent's boots as now displayed at Soiiter's boot store. For reallv high-class footwear for gentlemen, we stronglv recommend Soiiter's boot store. This firm is one ot the most enterprising in New Zealand ABOUT YOUR CUSTOMS WORK. Mav we advise von to let us do it? We have a ; killed'staff at each centre, and vou can depend on our doing tlie work* expeditiously, correctly, conservin" vour interests in every way. J-lnntl us" Vour documents "-"ercver ?;" ir -owlK are i.eing landexl. We'll undertake the whole work of passing entrios, and delivering the goods at any address. The N.Z. Express Co., Ltd... Said Darbv to his old wife, Joan. "We," side by side, have aged and prown, . Btit here I tell you plump and plain, You >hall not poultice me again! There's* something now to cure, one faster ~.■'! Of cough or cold than mustard piaster; No: more these blisters I'll endure, / rif'pnrchase Woods' Great reppermii s Cnre."... A MESSAGE FOR THE MAN wK> IS. TORTURED WITH RHEU MATISiM OR GOUT. Every year Rheumatism, *j tica'y or Lumbago brings lor '' l J''; i „ I)ns thatisands of men. To some iy, r „ rnu g during the early and more jjf n years, with others,, after ; n has beea readied, or rsccss every case the trouble is s uric acid in the blood. Rl/^ n^c _ (or the ono certain and a ;|. Rheumatism, Gout,, and L urc pCrmente, and it is the onh* ad;prtisehapa, you have read alhjgj- c l a i nl „.g Biente-assertine that rcif ailmcnt w! |i tojeure almost every n'f f «"' ' ,I™. »Isk> relieve Rheumatilr Nolv ' a V ; nc n tor never gives tbo &- : for -.indiscstion, for > ,lt T'> r TI r tronblcsrfor and for Rheuro«tism.' No, he kml, and thW each different ass of ailment requires' a Particula/.rned.cne Lm - mebte„ P nis, aD d>"=T though cheap, RHEUMO, trfedT tertetf'and-roved efficacious by thousands of su/rers, « the one safe and Thousands have SSmd .«lief. 7ou too can bo cured.

• Dr Portous, of Dunedin, who was recently appointed as the pioneer missionary of the Presbyterian Church to the -Punjab, the home of some of the bravest of the Indian peoples and | some of the most loyal, will leave New Zealand in the course pi % few days. A.short time, thereafter, the I'ev. H: Davies, M.A., will leave for the' Cinton A'illages. Miss MeEwen, at piesent a .student in the Training Institute, will also be added to the Cantonese staff. It was mentioned by Air G. M. "Thomson. M.P.. in the course of a lecture at Dunedin. that it was estimated ••hat some 130.000 lobster larvae had jeen turned out- from the I'ortobello Fish Hatchery up to the present time. I'liey now bail there seven female lobsters, which, it was estimated, would yield ,500,000,000' eggs, so that ;in the near future greater strides would be made in lobster production. jit would be nearly five years before lobsters would be ready for placing on the market. The Wellington Industrial Association contributed £ISOO some years ago towards the extension of the. Technical School buildings. The association reserved for itself two rooms of the building and recently these were vacated for more suitable premises. The association let the two rooms to the Technical School Board at a rental of £IOO a vear; but the Hoard considers this amount should be refunded bv the Government. The Education Department has declined to contribute this sum. It was decided by the board that the Minister of Education rhould Ik- approached in regard to the •.natter. ; The Tnahine Point light is only 50 candle-power, but it is magnified b.v the powerful lense to 250 candle-power. To illustrate the usefulness of the light Tuabine will become visible to ship-masters coming from south shortIv after rounding Table Cape, when thev will onlvha,ve lost sight of Portland Island "light a couple o! hours. From the north the light will be visible hevond Tatapouri, whilst it will ;ilmi be*a valuable guide right to the anchorage in the bay. Telephonic communication and the appointment of a permanent lighthousckcepcr and signalman are all that is" now desired in this direction by Ural shipping people. A shareholder in (he New Zealand Dairy Association referred at's meeting at Auckland to a cheque of £4O or £SO which he. had mislaid for over 18 months, and be asked if the association, upor, finding that it had not been presented for payment, should not have fnrwmled him.a reminder. The liianagiig director (Air Wesley Spragg) rcpiieo. that the duty of the association ceasec'when the suppliers received their deques. "On one occasion," he said, -a shareholder brought along a bnndb of cheques which had accumulated .during a- period of two years. H; said he had retained them because tl.ey were about as sound as anything 1b could keep, until such time as he was prepared to pay off his privac mortgage. AVhy," continued Air S>ragg. amidst laughter, "some of our cheques have act'-ally been framed.' "That is so." rejoined a person from the, body of'the hall. "I have oie for Gd." Mr B. E. N. Twopeiy giving in .his paper, the Pastoralist' Bcview, his impressions of the Argeitine, says : "Aihstralia is almost an unknown country iu Argentina. ' What little thev knVow about our parl'of the world refers to ifc'ew Zealand, aid I am-sure that over 2** l times in th last 25 days when I have* replied to inquiries that I come from Melbourne, the rejoinder has implied that*N-Meibnunc is in .New Zealand. There is.Viowt-cr. one thing for which Australia\ha achieved an Argentine reputation,\a\il that is labour laws anil lahoiif troubles. 1 was astonished to luuie be 'five, batters' -thrown up in my' ficc time alter time. The mischief )(>;>" have done to Australia is iiicrceV'c. T A sn,:,M number of New Zcala.-ers have come over here with station xpenence, and those of them who fcfc worth anything have invested iu-eamp land to advantage, or obtained:far better appointments as station m.nagcrs tliat they could have Impel fox on our side of the world. None the K, their aim is to returi to New / as soon as tbey '';> P "'w 7 -" mouev. Thev remain Nr" /Seal-md-ers in exile, and'.do K become Argentine." j

Household .care is I H,e nerve of any womaL^^nj;. down and devitalised. 1 * r i ing better than make strong, the wea*i- ii i. iv..owl exceedingly v.iluaniL Hon wil be I''•«■£, !11K [ cooling the ,„ J'ur.tying those i.nsystem, and tl s .jf . imll ,|r.s so !P'^"^^ r the change of the ! wmm " n U \ I' '.spoonful in balf * ? eaS |T r.,1 of .'«'*-r before breakfast tumblerful ot - rh ~,,.,1;,.;^.. PncinS , a^'«-. f -» J '- ,J - J:,,,,CS ' chemist, Tuna/" •■• The Dresd'" I>iano Company, Ltd., J lie annlla i S ;,|c of pianos ' I" addition to models by rhe S '-ding makers, including Iflin Rrnj*'""'! anfl J " ,ns ' IyI " P aIUI Sohn S«rd an ' l C " ,li,rd ' ««y' linv ? recently up a new shipment of •the justl/'fanioite n«.hin i'iano which still mai"* 1115 ,ts I" 08 ' 1 '™ as t,,e c medium P™* instrument on the market- " np . v 2rc !I,so <,n ~ rri,,!i at si lo " l 3' rates & nnP - of P' anos slightly shop soileif. nn d would recommend intendinc purchasers to take advantage, of thir opporliniitv to secure a. high !L,de piano on the best terms ever ,j(-rcd jn this district... /\Vp are given to understand that Wing to Mr Stephens expecting to receive a large .shipment of new goods any day in the way of tweeds, men's underwear and clothing, '-, etc, he is selling the- goods on hand at very low pricc.% in fact under cost, so as to make room for the new season s stock. The new department recently opened (referring to the cleaning ami pressing) has been a great sucrcss, the work being done giving every satisfaction. Jt is needless to sav that every person who bnvs from Alfred J. Stephens, opposite the Tost Office, saves money... (;o.wl Red Wood! That's what most people, want during the approaching Springtime. Something to put vigour and vim into one—that s what our Compound Sarsaparilla. docs. ivacli dose makes you feel younger stronger and happier. It purifies the blood ami frees the skin of all eruptions. Price 2s Gil and -Is fkl per bottle. Baxter s Pharmacy. Be sure you get Baxter's... Mr L. Tlrcnan, Mackay, Shortlatid, Thames, N.Z., says: "There is no question about it. Chamberlains Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is the finest medicine that anyone can use tor Colic-, Diarrhoea c;r similar complaint. I have used it and know that it gives everv satisfaction. I have recommended it to my friends and acquaintances And have never known it to fail. For sale everywhere...

, The s.s. Ulimaroa arrived at Bluff vesterdav afternoon (1.15 "p.i.n.) from Hobart,'with an English mail. Mr 8. AVright, of Fairvicw, is patenting : ' valveless acetylene gas generator. The connections arc watersealed and tho rising ami tailing of tlic gashoklcr closes and opens a tap to control the water supply to the carhide as required. As the township of Boss is t" rise into prominence again as a goldmining centre, the Government anticipate more work for the .Justice Department there. Consequently a new courthouse is to he creeled in Boss, at a cost of £sßb". Many people have made paper darts, which can he thrown from end to end of a good-sized room. -Vn Invereargill man talks of making a large one to he driven by an engine, and he thinks that a '-dart" :50ft by 2'.)ft will lilt an engine and two men.. Mr 11. F. Chalfey, now of Christchurch,' has patented a new shape of water heater. .Cone-shaped, like a coffee-pot, iti lias a large inner cone open top and bottom, leaving a water space all round about an inch wide, so that it has a large interior heating space, and whether over a coal fire or a gas jet, water boils in it very quickly. " Eggs is eggs,"' is the opinion of the Wellington Hospital Trustees, and with a view to making provision against the time when the price becomes more or less prohibitive, the trustees have adopted the recommendation of the bouse steward at the hospital that 12,001) should be pickled. Tn the course of conversation the other "day the Hampden correspondent of the Palmerston Times was informed by a local farmer that his milk cheque for the year amounted to £'2B4 15s 6d. This amount was produced by 21 cows, and did not include, moneys received for the sale of pigs which were iattcned on the skimmed milk. According io.Mr E. \V. Diiinie, who has just returned from a visit to the Home Country and the Australian States, New Zealand has little to learn in regard to the identification of criminals bv means of the finger-print system. * He states that the Home system in universal use throughout the Empire, and is everywhere working with the greatest satisfaction. The Timaru Harbour Board call tenders for lease of a section on the southern foreshore at a. reserved rent of £101) a. year. This section is admirably adapted for the purposes of a timber yard,' or for storage purposes, and there should be a good demand for it. It is surprising to note, how well built on the.other foreshore sections are, and business people appear not to be slow in taking advantage of the snlendid opportunities presented to them, so close to the heart of the main traffic. A St. Andrews correspondent writes: —Recent weather has been all that could be desired, and even the present rain will be acceptable, if it will clear in, say, two days. The most of the wheat sowing is now finished, and a good many have finished sowing oats, but by the look of the country it/ will be the end of next month before grain sowing is finished here. The total of grain sent away by rail to date is 68.000 sacks, and tiiere is still some 1000 sacks stored close to the railway, wailing the 5s standard. All winter sown grain is looking splendid, and feed is starting to come Away well. A good number of farmers have their lambing nearly over, but the majority will not start till the middle of next month. The stock s;de was well attended on I'Yiflav. ami prices were on a par with other p-»rk"t,s, tlnuigh. as usual, between finishing turnips and spring of grass a drop in prices always occurs. Th" bachelors of Mackenzie entertained their friends at their annual ball in the schoolroom, Burke's Pass, on Friday night, when the usual success was not left unsecured. The attendance was large as well as enthusiastic, so many taking full advantage of the opportunity to show a- full measure of appreciation of the thoughtfiiltiess incidental to the success! nl carrying out of a most enjoyable dance, anil .had the night not proved rather inclement many more would have attended, though the floor could not comfortably have accommodated any more. Messrs AV. Binney and JI. Maiinington, kindly relieved occasionally by Messrs Clarkson and Doyle, provided the music, while Messrs Manning and Isert Allan effiriently acted as M.C.'s, keeping the ball going nierrilv the whole lou" night. Mrs 0. Conwell contributed that pleasant and appropriate, song, " I/ive on the Sunny Side." in a manner that won <lue approbation. The young men's lady friends lent the needful assistance in connection with the commissariat department, with taste anil cheerfulness.

Approved <>f by Royalty, ami praised l>y all who Usivo knowledge of it. Such is the now famous little silver art- work needle which passes under the'ii:ini(! ol' Empress. The inventor. Mr R. Klstoii, has tiiken premises in the' Areade, wliere Mr.s • Elston will give free lessons in the use of the needle, whieh is meeting with a good wde throughout New Zcahtud and' Australia. H has taken 1-5 «:*il«l medals at various exhibitions, and according to the "Sydney Morning Herald" Prime Ferdinand was so mispressed with the invention that he boii'dit- a needle when it was on exliihiii'«i: in Sydney, and Lady Nnrth-<-nte bought :i cushion made by it m Melbourne. I'oautiful work ean he clone with tin- needle in nrrasene, fine siile and wool, on different materials. It is speeiallv adapted for the. autistic adornment, of cushions, mantel drapes copies etc. The patterns are stamped cm" tile hack <r the material to he worked, and there is lin soiling or other iniurv to the fabric. There is no padding out or waste of material, and as much j' r ""»d enn he covered in an hour with this needle as would take t.w-"tv to get over under the old n..'M—d. Tin- most intricate designs ~..., 1.. i-'-a-lily worked out by anvo-ie who has bad a lesson ill the use of th" nc-edle. which takes the form of a. hj" - low silvr tube, into which the silk js threaded, and by simply turning a sere-- the dentil of the work can be r l-tcd. The window of the depot i„ M... Arcade has a good display of ...'.*;.. .„...,ls. all ''one b<- the needle, and ' visit is well repaid. Anyone purchasing a needle is given free lessons in its use. Chamberlan's Cough Remedy is Nature's most natural remedy, improved by science to a pleasant, permanent, positive cure for coughs, colds, and all inflamed surfaces of the lungs and bronchial t-bes. The sore, weary, cough-worn lungs arc exhilarated, the microbe-bearing mucus is cut out, the cause of that tickling removed, and the inflamed membranes are healed and soothed, so that there is no inclination to cough. It always cures. For sale everywhere... Give, your growing children healthy appetites. Stearns' Wine of Cod Liver i Extract makes.delicate children strong I hv creating an appetite for healthy food. It builds them up. 40


Dalgcty and Go.---Sluillioliiic sale on Friday. C.F.C.A.—SaIe, at Studholme on Friday; annual meeting 25th inst. O'Callaghan and Co.—Sell iurniturc, suit, lengths, etc., to-morrow. Skating—Exhibition game of hockey on Thursday. , . St. Mary's Young Men's Society — Lecture, on Monday. At Dawson's Sound value 111 groeeries. hardware, etc. Adams and Co.—Special show of .spring millinery. Timaru Dairy Co.—lmportant notice lo suppliers and customers. Timaru Harbour Board—Tenders for lea«p of section. Baxter's-Apparatus for daylight photography.Theatre Royal—Professor Sherwood's pictures Timaru ploughing match—Washdvko, Sept. No. 2 Terminating Budding Society —Annual,' meeting to-night. St. Andrews Hall—Basket social 3rd September." C. A. Battes—House for sale. H. Hall—Tenders invited for build- '"£• L.O.L.—Notice to members. . W. Miller—New shipment of seeds. S.C. Timber Yards' Union—Notice re employment book. Wan teds—Eight notices.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13993, 31 August 1909, Page 4

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13993, 31 August 1909, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13993, 31 August 1909, Page 4