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Hearae's Cure. Those who have taken this medicine are amazed at its splendid healing power. Sufferers from Bronchitis, Cough, Croup, Asthma, Difficulty JLJLSd of Breathing Hoarseness, Pain or Soreness in the Chest, experience delightful and rapid relief ; and to those who are subject to Colds on the Chest it is invaluable as it effects a complete cure. It is most comforting in allaying Irritation in the 1 hroat and giving Strength to the Voice, and it neither allows a Cough nor Asthma to become chronic, nor Consumption to develop. Consumption is not known where "Coughs" have, on their first appearance, been properly treated with this medicine. No house should be without it, as, taken at the beginning, a dose or two is generally sufficient, and a complete cure is certain. Small Six*. 2/6* Lare*, 4/S. Chemists, Medicine Vendors, or the Proprietor, W. CL HEARNE, Chemist, Qeelong, Victoria. Forwarded by post to any address, when not obtainable locally FOR SALE LOCALLY BY L. 13. JAMES, J. C. ODDIE, CANTERBURY FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION.

STAFFORD TEA & LUNCHEON ROOMS STAFFORD CHAMBERS. CORNER STAFFORD & BESWICK STREETS, NOW OPEN. THE whole of the Top Floor of these centrally situated Chambers has been secured for the business. A LIFT will bring visitors to the Rooms, which are the best lighted in Timaru, and afford a magnificent view of the Town and Suburbs. The Culinary Arrangements will b t under the personal supervision of th Proprietory, and all' services will be promptly and neatly served MORNING AiNJJ AFTERNOON TEAS LUNCHEONS a SPECIAL FEATURE from 12 to 2 p.m. daily. " Afternoons " and " Evenings " by special arrangement. STAFFORD TEA AND LUNCHEO ROOMS. 0. C. Turnbull & Co. FOR SALE. SEED WHEATS. SOLID STRAW TUSCAN. RED TUSCAN, VELVE'i Also Marshall's WHI.i'E TUbCAN. SEED OATS. Specially Selected GARTONb, DUNS, jUAMSH AND TARTAR KINGS. LONG TAjttTARiAN OATS. RYEUKASb, CLOVEKS, CUUxSi'OOf, EiU Farmers will do well to inspect our samples and compare prices before purchasing eisewiiere. DRESSING FOR WHEAT 4 OATS. Wo axock " Smith's," and farmers are recommended to use same in preference to blue-stoiuug. OREGON TlMßEß.—Lengths up to 82 feet, from 12s 6d per iUU feet. 0. C. Turn Dull & Co. JOHN JACKSON AND CO., LTD., TIMBER MERCHANTS, TIMARU. yyE CARRY LARGE STOCKS 01 GENERAL BUILDING MATERIAL JARRAH, all siaea. OREGON up to 60 feet long. IRONBARK PILES and BEAMS. WHEELWRIGHT'S MATERIAL. ' BENT WORK, JOINERY. v FENCING MATERIAL. Kircher's B for EST VALUE IN Furniture. Comfortable EASY CHAIRS FOR WINTER NIGHTS. Cabinet Goods made to Order. Make, Work Easy by buying one of our 6d Fire Kindlers. STAFFORD STREET NORTH, next Nalder's. Jas. Speight & Co CITY BREWERY, DUNEDIN. THE PREMIER BREWERS OF NEAV ZEALAND. SPEIGHT AND CO.'S Celebrated Sparkling Prize Ales can bo obtained at all the leading Hotels from Timaru to the Hermitage. Bottling Store: MAITLAND STREET, DUNEDIN. (Under the supervision of Messrs Powley and Keast.) EVANS AND CO.. LIMITED. ATLAS ROLLER FLOUR MILLta BEACH ROAD, NEAR RAILWAY STATION, TIMARCr. WE are CASH BUYERS OF mti LING and FOWL WHEAT OATS and BARLEY, in any quanii ties. STORAGE always available in ouj veil-ventilated Brick Stores, alongaidt Mill. LIBERAL ADVANCES mad. on Grain in store if required. CORN SACKS and best SEWING TWINE i» stock. FRESH CRUSHED OATB on hano at Luwest Current Rates. Crushing done for Farmers, Stablekeepera, and other*, at 6d per bag. CHILDREN'S White Lace and Buttoned Boots, sizes 3 to 6, formerly 4s, now Is 6d at Penrose's Sale —a bargain worth seeing.

WE INVITE Intending purchasers to v«a our HARDWARE STORE and sex our Range of HOUSEHOLD REQUISITES, LAMPS, NOVELTIES, *n< IRONMONGER!'. 'WE STOCKCUTLERY. E.P. WARE. ENAMELLED WAT.J. TINWARE. LACQUERS. POLISHES OF ALL KIND* TOOLS FOR ALL TRADES ORATES AND RANGES. MANTELPIECES. QUALITY Al. PRICES RIGH'J E. W. Wade & Co THE PEOPLE'S IRONMONGERS GEORGE ST. 'Phone 215. 5. fIoBRIDE. MONUMENTAL SCULPTOR, LARGE " 1% CHOICB IN / LOCAL and IMPORTED . BTONS- - PRICES. ; '.Li". Marble and Granite Monuments, ft..: Scotch and Italian Quarries; Note Address: Sophia Street,. TimiUrU Opposite Wreck Monument. 3 I YOU WILL SAVE YES, YOU SAVE MONEY 'on your Furniture when you buy .tut Radcliffe's—you save money and gain satisfaction, for every article wo make contains solid and reliable quality iu botli Materials and Workmanship. Whether it's an elegant Settee for your Hall or a. serviceable I Table for your kitchen,' we can execute your order to please you in better quality and price. Call and see us about anything you require fcr your home —our i estimates are always, reasonable for the high class of work you secure. J. RADCLIFFE. Furniture Manufacturer, TIMARir. PRINCES STREET BAKERY. MR W. G. HAWKEY, while thanking the Public and his numerous Customers for past support, begs to intimate that he has opened a Shop in KING STREET, where he will alw&ye have a Fresh Supply of all kind* ol Confectionery and Small Goodi, etc., on hand. By strict attention to business, com bined with civility, Mr Hawkey huper bo merit a continuance of their patron »g«. WEDDING AND BIRTHDAY CAKES MADE TO ORDRR. SERMA.LI.NII jBKEAD A ItJPECIALTI W. G. HAWKEY, WAKWR AND CONFECTIONER *THO IS The Orion Won the Gold Medal AT TtlE NEW ZEALAND INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION. BUT it couldn't very well do otherwise; could it? The merits of thb "ORION" are such that the winrint; of a Gold Medal was a certainty. The real judges, however, are the people—the actual users —and they have uumistakoably awarded the palm to tho "Orion." OVER 15.000 FAMILIES in Now Zealand alone are to-day cooking with th« matchless "ONION," and moro "Orion" Ranges are sold through their strong recommendation of it to others than by any other means of publicity That's the best , praise of ai), is it not!" Sold by ALL IRONMONGERS. Ask for an Illustrated Catalogue. lI.E. SHAOKLOCK LIMITED, Manufacturers, DUNEDIN. JOHN DAVIDSON/ THE OLD-ESTABLISHED CARTER, HAS SHIFTED ONE.DOOR further UP THE STREET to more commodious Premises next door to Hole and Co.'s Bond, where he will he found as usual to looK after your interest and shift anything promptly and at reasonable charges. 'PHONE No. 40.

A Boon to Bakers. NORTON'S FAMOUS -js® — ~ DORASE PROCESS i •33iteas.* c-ii FOR BREAD-MAKINT3. THE Government Analyst says: "Norton's Dorase is a mixture suitable for supplying the yeast used in baking with the nourishment that is not contained in ordinary flour. Bread or other food made with the addition of Dorase should be perfect, as the steady and rapid fermentation produced by the yeast nourished by Dorase prevents the growth of bacilli and fungi which produce the sour, bitter, badly flavoured and heavy bread. Dorase is at least twice as effective and goes twice as far as either Monarch or Bakererine, the other similar substances analysed. For further particulars apply J. T. NORTON AND CO., Lyttelton, N.Z. Timaru Brewery. (HOLE, GRIERSON AND DAVIS, LIMITED), WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, BREWERS. MALSTERS, AND BOTTLERS, DRINK ONLY Hole and co.'s celebrated ALES AND STOUT. On tap at all the Principal Hotel# in Canterbury. Buyers of Bottles in any quantity. Highest Price given. TIMARU AND CHRT9TCHURCH. SINGER Talks. 4—EVIDENCE OF POSITIVE SUPREMACY. THERE are forty-six manufacturers of sewing machines in America. How many can you name? How many did you ever hear of? One name comes to the mind of every woman immediately—the Singer —and there's a very good reason. The Singer makes and sells as many machines in a year as all the OTHER forty-five manufacturers COMBINED. The Singer Sewing Machine is known as the best sewing machine in every country on the globe. There is a Singer Store in every city of the world. Why? Because when you buy a Singer you do not buy simply so much wood and steel —you buy the latest result of the longest and best experience. Sold only by SINGER SEwiNG MACHINE COY., Stafford Street, Timaru. GERALDINE-ORARI-TEMUKA MOTOR BUS SERVICE. GERALDINE-ORARI—DAILY. MOTOR . BUS leaves Geraldine 1.56 p.m., arrives Orari 2.10 Leaves Orari 2.55 p.m., arrives Geral dine 3.10 p.m. (To connect with botfc Expresses.; Fares —Single la 6d, re turn 2s 6d. GERALDINE : TEMUKA—DAILY. Leaves Geraldine 9.50 a.m., arrive! Temuka 10.35 a.m. Leaves Temuks L 0.45 a.m., arrives Geraldine 11.30 a.m (for express going south). Leaves Geraldina '3.50 p.m., arrives Temuka 1.35 p.m. Leaves Temuka 4.45 p.m., arrives Geraldine 5.30 (for second express going north). Fares —Singlt 3s 6d, return 5s 6d. This Timetable will be strictly ad hered' to, as time allowance is small 'Bus will stop at all hotels for on minute only. J. T. MEREDITH, Motor Garage, Geraldine. Agent for Dar.racq, De Dion, Stuart Siddeley Cars. Cars of any make or power indented U order on 10 per cent, commission includine landine charges 3hi MAIL COACH 8 GERALDINE ORARI BERVIC*. Leave Geraldine, daily, 7.45 a.m. Arrive Orari, daily, 8.30 a.m. Leave Orari, daily, 8.40 a.m. Arrive Geraldiue, daily, 9.30 a.m. Leave Geraldine, daily, noon. Arrive, Orari, daily, 12.45 p.m. Leave, Orari, daily, 1.10 p.m. Arrive, Geraldine, daily, 1.55. p.m. Leave Geraldine, daily, 1.30 p.m. Arrive s Orari, daily, 2.i5 p.m. Leave Orari, daily, 2.55 p.m. Arrive Geraldine, daily, 3.40 p.m. Leave Geraldine, daily, 4.50 p.m. Arrive Orari, daily, 5.40 p.m. Leave Orari, 4.45 p.m. Arrive Geraldine, 6.30 p.m. Geraldine dep., 5 p.m. each day vii Orari Bridge. Woodbury arr., 6.30 p.m. each day. l Woodbury dep., 6.40 a m. each daj via Orari Bridge. Geraldine arr., 7.40 each day. Fares reduced to Is each way. ,In connection with the above, I con . duct a Livery Business. Gigs, Saddk Horses, Coaches, etc., on hire at reasonable rates. General Carrying and Carting carried on. Travellers' Samples are carefullj handled and brought from the railway Charge* reasonable. Telephone No. 44. N. SHERRATT, Proprietor, fieraldin*,. PLEASANT POTNT NURSING HOME. MATERNITY CASES admitted on shortest notice. Open from July 3rd. NURSE DOTG, Certificated, Dunedin* Hospital.

CURE FOR INDIGESTION. " Some years ago, while living in Ballarat, my* constitution seemed to undergo a complete change. From a robust, healthv person, I became very weak and despondent. I attributed the change to indigestion, and biliousness, from which I suffered severely. My digestive organs became very weak, and could not perform their functions. I was also afflicted with severe nervous headaches,' from which I was hardly ever free, and life became a burden. I was almost afraid, at times, to walk, as giddiness would come upon me, and I was in danger of falling down in the street. I had a sharp pain in my left side, below the ribs, and was unable to get my proper rest and sleep. I was goin" from bad to worse, when, fortunately for me. I was persuaded to try Warner's Snfc Cure. l<rom the vp'ry first a decided improvement took place. I continued taking the medicine for some little time, getting better each day, and, at last, the pains entirely left me.' I could digest my food without difficulty, and was, once again, restored to health and stiength. The above letter, from Mrs. A. Lang]pv 121, Chestnut-street, Richmond, V'i«'., admirably illustrates the _ wonderful curative effect of Warner s SafeGuie in cases of liver complaint and indigestion Warner's Safe Cure' can be obtained from all chemists and storekeepers, both in the original, form and m the cheaper ''Concentrated,' non-alco-holic form, each containing the same number of doses. A descriptive pamphlet will be sent, post free, on applioj tion, by H. H. Warner and Co., Ltd Melbourne. Whether, resulting from a sprain or from rheumatic pains, there is nothing so good for a lame shoulder as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Apply it freely and rub the parts vigorously at each ■implication, and a quick cure is certain. everywhere. ... NOT how cheap but how Good is the principle that guides the Manufacture of K PURE FOOD PRODUCTS. Take for instance K BRAND PRESERVED FRUITS. Sold by all Grocer; in J-gallon and one gallon Tins. Only the FINEST and plumpest Nelson Teaches, Apricots, Plums, Greengages, Nectarines, Gooseberries, Tomatoes, and Apples come into our Preserving Works. Immediately you open a Tin your nostrils are greeted with the true flavour of the fruit —the delightful odours of the sun-kissed orchards of Nelson clings to them. All Grocers sell " K " Preserved Fruits. Insist on having "K" Brand. S. KIRKPATRICK& Co. Ltd NFLSON, Where the Jest Fruit grows." S £ AL U? T wear a George Davies suit, you'll know what it means to have style, comfort; and good wear—you'll know what it means to have satisfaction too—and you'll know that you've saved £2 on it. What's more—when you ordered your suit, you felt that you were taking no risk, because you had my written guarantee for satisfaction or your money back. If you don't wear a George Davies suit, get the habit of wearing one now—you'll be saving money—you'll be better dressed. I've my own warehouse I buy direct from the mills I sell for cash only—and do twenty times more business than any other suit house in the Dominion that's why I can offer you the best value —no middle profit to pay—see my samples—you'll be glad. SUIT SPECIALIST, Corner Arcade and Stafford Street, TIMARU. FOB CHOICE PAPEHBANGINuf In all the i" arrest Pefitinfl, AT PRICES TO SUIT ALL, Go to G. M U RDOGH, PAPERHANGER, PAINTER, AND GLAZIER. ARCADE, ttIMARU.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13979, 14 August 1909, Page 4 (Supplement)

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13979, 14 August 1909, Page 4 (Supplement)

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13979, 14 August 1909, Page 4 (Supplement)