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A basket social in aid <>f the lunds i>f the Wai-iti School will be held ou I 1 riday, August 13th.

Services in Chalmers Church will be conducted to-morrow by the IJev. -V. Sangster M.A., 8.D., of AVyndham.

Tlie 1? ail way Department particulars of excursion to Ghnstchurdi for the grand national mcetin o .

The Waimate Hunt Steeplechase meeting will be held on August 19th. Nominations close on U „- ust 11 tb, and acceptances ou Mondaj, August 16tli.

Xfc the Rugbv Union meeting lost it was mentioned that this season was likely to prove one of the most STSuW 'be aboiW £l4O to the god.

The annual meeting of the T'n>:i r < l No-License League will he lic.d in the Wesleyan'-Schoolroom •if 730 t> m. The meeting will »e iot iJiT. social. AU friends and well-wishers are invited.

The Tui Hockey Club journeyi-d to Geraldine on Thursday afternoon to p n it friendly match. The game contested, and resnltcd in ■ -• tlier sklo lieinß able, to Dreaver acted as referee The visitors vrece courteously entertained J>y the Geraldine Clnb. _ , Some peculiar weather was expenenccd at Timaru last night. In the e-veu-in«r the sky was overcast, threatening .a wet night/ and shortly after seyeu » short sharp shower fell. - T " 0 +~r. minutes later the sky was clear and the stars shining, while an electnc could, from which a few vivid flashes of lightning issued, travelled rapidly along the coast jßorthward, a low black splash on> the horizon. ■ 'One of the local hanks, lias in the wnrse of business, received a numberof clipped or filed sovereigns. : It ,s liardlv necessary to state that tins is a verv serious offence and it » understood that the matter has hecn reported to Business people will he well advised ,to carefullv note any gold coins the), .v. aj receive "and examine them for mutilations.- ' . ' - -

-The Christchurch "Press" savs' thiit ttiG Timarn-Cliristeliurcli road race Jvscd for October 30th promises to a very successful fixture. -Already "some £6O wortli of trophies has been promised, exclusive of any olfers iron most of the larger firms. Kis estimated that by, the date on winch the entries close, some 200 riders aiJi fcive indicated their intention «f:«»niin tJie race. The finishing place-lias not yet been.decided on. "As ail instance of how the Main Trunk line is tending to open np trade, »ifc- is stated that Waikato coalmines arc ;offering coal -to .flaxmillers all oyer the Manawatu, right down as far as ' teviri; The cpal is put into trucks at - the mines, and is said to be. delivered at Foxton, Palmcrston Nortli. •and"Other places at. less than , .twothirds of the price of. certain , wellknown coals wliichliavc held the market heretofore. , '

~ Mr-Bolton (of Littleiohns, the makrrs) has made- a notable improvement in' the.nost office clock, from the outsider's point of view. Tlie faces have -been cleaned and.rewkitened, with .tlie Tijsult that,the hands and i ficures, are . much more easilvseenthan they were. 1> v"both day' and night. The whole or ■|hQ f triachinery has had a complete ovcr■lianl, and-* it had- Tkaen so well looked -< after tliafc- everything about the clockwork, proper was fonnd as pood as new. pome of-the attachments —the wires t<> the bell-striker for instance. P°cdcd replacing, and some other details «t attention- -< : According -to ; a statement made at . the- Lvttelton, Harbonr Board s mccving; on\ "Wednesday, the prennuins ot accident- insurances have been nusetl ' MBBiSeraWy. "ii was stated" that the Board's/agreement ami policy; witln a certain, company-expired.-at-. the ~cjuJ -of""the - present, month, the present rates being 10s. per cent.- for manual labourers- and Is per cent; tor clerical workers. The new rates, <>w- - ing to' the increased liability, under .tlia Act aliovc mentioned, are 2»s «>d .per cent, foJv ordinary manual labourers/ 6Gs per bent. for quarry workers. "'and men employed on ■ reclamation -works, ami 3s Gd per ceut. for clerical 'Workers: -i? . " The South- Canterbury Harriers on ' -Thursday; 'held their truss- country - in . conjunction with which is run a scaled- handicap, from Caroline Bay. ■*. - A dozen members 'faced ' the starter ' (Mr F. J. Dunn). "After a—good' race T'. Claughton nn- . felled first, his time being 22mm 4osec, and D.= , Hodgson second, v 23min lsec. . .For the sealed handicap E. Ferrier was .first and V. Hawkes second. The club ' are' sending -team of six men __ to 1 Donedin! to compete tin tlie Intcr-Cltib '■Championship on .the 14th inst. - The -team will, be picked from the follow-ing:—-T- CJaugliton, G. Glue, A. E. Teiiipleton, E. Ferrier, T. Gibson, H. King, «nd V. Hawkes. .* On Thursday 'next the'club will ~ liold their --weekly-run fronivthe- residence of jlt -C tS. Cray, Old Nortk Road. " At a meeting of the Geraldine Brass Band oir-Thursday last seven new memJiers were elected. Mr L._"Walton, wl'°. has generously provided a practice ' room for the band, was elected a vicc""president. Other officers elected were,: 'Deputy . Bandmaster, Mr Bennington, Sergeant, Mr H. Baughan; Committee, Messrs Allan, Feelcy, Bauglien, Pratt, and'Boberts. *As the band has purchased a number of new instruments lately it was thought that thp .trustee- : ship of these should be vested in the Borongh. Council.. The secretary was instructed to write to e ou^ 1 The concert that was to baveXen held on the 26tK inst. Ips postponed- until:- Tuesday, September 91st. 0« Sunday, September 12tb,tlm . innd will provide a •programme of music in the Park.

■. flic usual weekly meeting of the 'Lifeboat Lodge was held .last cvjyiing, Ufo. Jluclimorc presiding oyer a lair attendance of mccbers One candidate was initiated into the ordei. flie. officers"- reports ou. ,the pasfc ; quarter s work shewed that a fairly successful iwnotl had bwn .passed, there being a t>F-45.'iii i 'gotfd standing, although the finances were lower than " lor some time past.; The reports were .adopted, and a lie:irtv vote of thanks passed to the officers for the way they had carried out their duties. The instaliatiou of officers; for the ensuing three months was carried out in an impressive manner by the -Lodge Deputy, assisted by Bro. Martin and Sis. Lowrv as installing marsballs. Bro. Moore, of . the l'ionccr Lodge, Wellington, was cordially welcomed: Fraternal greetings we're conveyed Froiu the various lodges "he had visited o'pd heartily _ reciprocated, and the lodge also^had the.pleasure of listening to some practical advice from the visiting'brother. The C'.T.. appointed the. various committees, consisting of finance,. sick room, and absent - members.;: .The programme on the syllabus for - meeting will be unseat fh° Chief Templar. The lodge then cioscdi

The second annual hall of the Wiminera Hockey Club will bo held next Wednesday night-. In the Oddfellows' Hall at Pleasant Point there will be held on .next Thursday night, a social in aid of the funds of the Convent at Kerrytown. *

On the run up by train from Timaru to Fairlic a good many young grain crops are now to be seen showing well above ground, and some having already attained a height of several inches. 3lcssrs AY. and H. Black, and Dunning. architects for the Canterbury Farmers' Co-operative Association building, have been commissioned to prepare plans for a structure, 125 ft high, to be built in reinforced concrete, on the American plan.

The following is the Kev. D. C. Bates' weather forecast: —"Westerly winds strong to galo and changing soon to southerly are probable generally with cold and" cloudy weather. Cain is probable in most parts of the country and snow on the high lev9ls and in the south."

Mr It. 11. Smith, the well-known cash fielder of Wjiiniatc, wishes us to state, in fairness to him, that he w:;s in no way connected with John Laing Smith-, who was convicted of welshing at the Court on Thursday. The latter was appointed Mr 1?. H. Smith's clerk, but was dismissed for insobriety, and Mr Smith was in no way responsible for what happened afterwards. Followers of the art and pastime of boxing will have,an excellent night's entertainment provided for them at the theatre -to-night, "when the Timaru Sports Club have arranged a first-class programme that should and probably will please all. Barring accidents the 'pro' contest should show something fast and scientific and there is no doubt that any bouts in which Hcggarty •Stuart, O'Hagan and others figure will be well worth watching. Mr J. ' Morris, of. Castle Rock, Pleasant Point, reports that the rainfail for July was 1.25, which fell -on five'days, the heaviest fall being 0.3!) oil July 3rd. The rainfall for July for the previous four years was:— 1905, 2.70j 190G, 0.63; 1907, 0.60: 1903, 6.34. The rainfall for this year" to" date was 15.52 inches, and for 1908 to July 31st, 20.60 inches.. July had bperi a grand mild month taking it all through; some, of -the goai: trees are out' in flower, supposed to be a sign of' an early spring, ■ but all the same it has been the best winter Mr Morris remembers in Canterbury. The South; Canterbury Pipe Band's anfiuai Scottish ball is an event looked forward to by the many wellwis'ncrs of tlie' balidV .The tickets are selling rapidly, and as the number is limited, apj>lic:ition is necessary So-lis to avoid disappointment. Mrs Mayo's band will supply the music, and tlie'catering is in the.capable hands of Mr'Jas Slietfan. The kilties expect efery britlier Scot to don the'tartan-on the night of the 26th, and a number of country residents have already intimated their intention of jloing so,and a good gathering of the Clans is assured. \Given a fine night (and the • clerk of the weather lias never vet disappointed tlie kilties iii "this respect), the grand"" Scottish" ball' of 1909 promises to eclipse previous Ones held. Tickets obtainable- from any of -the bandsmen, or .from the secretary, Mr Duncan Hume.

The grand benefit concert organised by the South Canterbury Pipe and Battalion Bands, in aid of Mrs J. Burns and family, and which will be heltl in the Theatre Hoyal on the ,16th inst-, promises to be '/cry successful, fropi? a irfinancial ;point .of v.eivThe jiiibfic evidently appreciate, the good work the bandsmen have undertaken, as the tickets are selling rapidly. AjKirt.from the obiect of the concert., wliicli should appeal to evelyone, the nrogramme ,is a . first-c'nss one. Timaru's leading artists ■ will assist, and St. Marv.'s young men':; minstrels have' also 'ciyon ' their assistance. The Battalion Baiid will render a descrintivo - fantasia, "The Smithy in the Wood," and the Pipe Band a stirring selection and .fiiotdi reel. , The .entertainment provided is wellworth patronage, and the programme is one of the, best ever to a-Tiniari' audience. so- that bouse is . ass»ire<l. Tickets can V from +he- >hon. ' secretary; AV. . Duncan Hume. '" - • • Souter's Boat Sale is , now on. Hundreds of customers have taken • advant-age-of our low" sale prices. It is not surprising' to find ; that our sales attrack boot buyers, from as faT as "WaimateT Fairlie and Temuka. Our price l ; are the attraction. Call-to-day, and see'jthe: bargains for-yourself.. -Jso onepressed to buy. Souter's Boot Sale...

Cold days,and cold- winds play havoc with tlio delicate skin of ladies. The skin can be protected by tho application. of : a little Cross" -Ointment rubbed gently r in. Wind won't chap, and" rain won't crack the skin if treated in-this fashion. For all skin affection in winter —chapped hands, cliilfreely. No ointment.-lieals -and soothes quite so well. All grocers , and chemists...

■ 'Mr L. Brenauj 'Mackay, Sliortlaud,Thames, N.Z., says: '•There is no question about it, ChamberlainV Cohc, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is the finest medicine that anyone can use-tor Golic, "Diarrhoea or similar complaint. 1 have used it and know that it gives i every satisfaction. 1 have rccoinmond-«l--ic to my-friends and acquaintances and have never known it to tail.'' For bqlu everywhere...

jt'or'i children's hacking cough ai nigho, Woods' Great Jfeppernunc Cure, I ttd &nd 2b fid... CAN I INVENT. ~\es! Edison says X), and lie ought to know. He says that anyone can become an inventor if he applies himself to it. Some will jjo through quicker than others; but all dan aTrive at the goal 1 of their ambition by constantly brooding over the thing sought for. Edison: advises an independent •n -of actionj without reference '-"to what others have done, as by so doing yon avoid the other fellow's ruts and pitfalls. This is good advice, and ■if those with a mechanical turn will watch these columns, or call upon Henry Hughes, Patent Agent, 183 Hereford Street, Christcliurch, they will find many suggestions that'will sot them thinking. In compiling tho pamphlet "Advice to Inventors," Henry Hughes included a list of some inventions heeded at the present time, and auv further information with reference to same may be had from the above address, where also conies of the pamphlet are obtainable. The firm of Henry Hughes (A. Jt. Holdsliip, manager) Christchurch, lias been established over- a quarter of a century, and intending patentees canjiot do better than consult them before- applying for their patents. Timarn representative, J. E. S. Jackson, Stafford street...

Pallid, thin, and -passing weak. Shivering in the cold Wind bleak. Coughing till he scarce can speak, This i$- man without it! \ T migliing at enrh cough and cold. What is this that makes him bohl ? Staff that's its. weight in gold—v Woods' Peppermint Cure —don't doubt ifcii.

" hat do wo get out of the motor cars; I think we are ♦loin'; far toe much for thenv." said Mr Irving- at the meeting of the Mackenzie County Council yesterday.

The monthly meeting of the committee of the Society for Promoting the Health of Wouen and Children will be held thi": afternoon in the Borough Council Chamber.

'J'he Chief Postmaster informs us that the new trunk telephone wire between Timaru and Christchurch was completed and brought into use on Tuesday last. The charge for bureau messages to Ashburton will be Gd, and to Christehurch Is, for every period of three minutes.

In Wesley Church to-morrow, the Kev. W. Baun;ber will conduct service morning and evening. The subject of the address in the evening will he, '"The Wages of Unrighteousness." At Waimataitai Mr Ellis will preach in the morning, .and Mr Vogoler in the evening. Mr C. Brown Parker, manager for Dick Arnst, arrived in town last night, •and reports good business for his company down south. Arrangements have been made for a return visit of the company, together with an entire change of the picture programme, at the Theatre lloval next August 12th.

Iu the civil action Thomson, Bridger 'and.GJb. of Dunediii, v. 15. O'Brien of Fail-lie (a claim for £7 13s lid for window sashes) in which evidence was taken in Timaru on the 26th ult., the plaintiff - has now withdrawn the action, .paying ' tlito'- defendant's costs as allowed at the ■ Tiinaru examination. Messrs Moore. Mooro and Nichol acted for plaintiff, aiid Mr Jordan for defendant.

Guinness and Le Cren, Ltd., arc instructed by the Board of-Governors of the Canterbury College,-to sell by puhlic auction at the Temuka saleyards (immediately after the stock sale), on Tuesdoy, the 17th August, the lease of '■their- reserve .No. 1196, at. Milford, /containing. 81£ acres of rich alhiviftl land. The lease is for 20 years and 9 months., and will be sold at a rental -per acre. This offers a good opportunity for graziers, dairyman,- and others to secure good grazing: land close to the Temuka siileyards'and creamery. Particulars and conditions of lease can be inspected at the auctioneers' offices in Timaru. ; :

At the sitting of the Land Board on Thursday, referring to a request by the. AVakaiiui Ho ail Board., to . tie given a shingle reserve iu the Ashburton ; riverbed, ,|he Conunissio'iier said that it was a serious thing to interfere witli Canterbury riverbeds, and iu granting the application, the Board, would be taking -a heavy resijonsibility 1 \ in the event of the course of the .river being altered.' He h a d asked the lloiKl Board .if there was any private land or public reserve frmji which "to obtain' gravel, but he had received mr reply.- It was resolved: not to grant the application, on account of the dangerous legal consequences that might ensue.

The Hon. D. Bhddo the -Dclicr day met a. deputation of lessees ot Steward settlement on the dry Waitaki plain, and discussed ; with them the question of. completing a water-race scheme promised when- the settlement was taken up. The Minister * promised 'to pay for the completion of the work on condition that the settlers undertook the. full charge of the races after completion. At a meeting of settlers Thursday, it was resolved tluit .the settlers form-. themselves into >a controlling board, and rate themselves to meet any expenditure, and sign a guarantee, to maintain the race after tlie Government had completed ~ the construction, the solicitors to draw up the guarantee. ' A vote of thanks was passed; to 'Mr : Young; the.-. Government engineer, for the improvement lie had made .in tile races. , Mr Young said tlie race .lind been': designed to,\ :carrv 100 cubic ' feet per second. In his opinion the race should he fenced and a; pathway made on■. each side. • - It wpuld also bo an advantage, lie thought to plant . trees r >but t]ie settlers . would doubtless look after that themselves; The' silt-at-the intake'would ■ prove-to' be troublesome, but if the protection were constr"ctt>cl t'"M - e should- «ot be much trouble. Ho thought if . the works were earned out as proposed there should be no difficulty in,getting sufficient'. water for the settlers' requirements. ■ - Hcv had done his best to ma"ke the scheme a success, and -when, it was- completed they would have, a first-class ■water ■simply, if it was -carried "out. on the lines of the-..surveyi Kverv farm would be able to get water; and his object had been to get lt .nn the highest portion •of • every man's land. As lie-pointed out before, the intake was th<» only sflurce of trouble, but that wouldaright .dtself in time. "Will you allow your cough to get tho best of. you? Zyniole Trokeys. stop cough and strengthen the throat. Try them. They will ,please you. 2 Now that eggs arc becoming .plentiful and cheapj it is well to remember that % 6d made iri the scarco season By 1 preserving the surplus -supply •in ■ Norton's ' well,-, known Prize Premier Egg -Preservative at a nominal, cost, of one halfpenny per dozen eggs. For further .information we refpr ofir readers' to-tho"-" advertisement "Appearing in this) issue;.'. Special agent for Kcdak, Century, and -l'rento Cameras.. The Australian ■lvodak Company have appointed Baxter'f>"l J liari7facy ! above cameras, where all the different models may bo seen, (including all the latest improvements in the ca'merii world. 'iTiose contemplating the purchase of a camera will find all tliey desire at Baxter's Pharmacy. ... . ;

The Dresden Piano Company, Ltd., announce their annual sale .of pianos and organs. In addition to models_by the world's leading makers, including John Broad wood and Sons, Lipp and Sohn, Collard and Collard, tliev have recently 'opened up a new shipment •of the iustly famous Bohtn jL'iano, .which still' maintains : its, position as ; tho best medium price instrument on. the market. They are also offering at special rates a line of pianos, slightly shop -.soiled, and-''would' recommend intending pun-liasers to. take' advantage of this--.opportunity • .to secure a. • high grade piano on tho best terms ever "( jn this district...

Mrs "Webber, Sharp-street, Gcclong, Vic., writes: "Chamberlain's Pain Balm is a wonderful liniment for cuts and bruises or rheumatism. Every member pf my family lias lised it some time or other and have always obtained relief after a few applications. One thing I have always noticed is that when Chamberlain's Pain Balm is used for -a cut or burn, there is never any senr left 011 the flcsli." For sale everywhere... 1

• There are - many different 7 ways of preparing poisoned grain and our way has been proved to be the most satisfactory. The Waimate County Council accepted our tender for the supply of poisoned crain,. after gbing carefully into the different methods. Full particulars. will be given on application. We have iust" received a large siionly of pure strychnine in loz sealed bottle. Price 3s 6d per ounce at our Pharmacy, Leonard Be-Tamcs, Chemist, Timaruhi.

At- tlie Magistrate's Court yesterday, before Mr \V. H- Williams, J.P., John Helean appeared 'and pleaded guilty to a charge of drunkenness. The accused was also charged with obtaining liquor .during the currency of a prohibition order. He was lined 10s or 48 hours' in default 011 the first charge, and remanded until to-day 011 the second. An elderly woman pleaded guilty to being drunk in a public place, and was convicted and discharged.

lvaiapoi was an important coastal port of North Canterbury in the prerailway days, as ifc was just as easy to ship goods or immigrants to the Waimakariri port for Northern Canterbury as to the Heatheote. "The railway killed the shipping business of the riverside town, but it has come to life again, and Kaiapoi now lias not only a Harbour Board, but also a Shipping Company. The Company lias; one steamer running, and has had another built at Home, and the new boat is due to arrive now.

Messrs C. S. Howard, J. S. Rutherford, and G. W. Arriiitage, members of the Board of Education, with Mr Alex. Bell, secretary," went up to Eairlie by the.early morning train yesterday for the purpose of inspecting the schools ia the Eairlia district and to enquire into the inied for the school which is asked for at Allandale. iThe : party left Fairlie'in -a four-iiv-lland driven by Mr Frayne, of Fai'rlit!, and ■ went first a,cross to Allandale where they had a look at the site for a school given by Mr Wilson when cutting up the Allandale estate. This site consists of half an. acre, and though the ; situation leaves nothing to' lie desired, it was agreed that it is -rather small. At Allandale the visitors were met by a deputation of half a dozen settlers who set forth-reasons for the establishment of a school in - their midst. • It was shown tjaat there were at present about a : doxen children : of school age wlio • would attend it, and that the prospects were favourable for more settlement in the district. No prpmise was by the visitors, who.drove from Allan-. dale 1 to - the-' Ashwlek Flat and Silyerstveam schools, find a fter lunching at Silyerstream, returned to Fairlie where they -visited the Fairlie school afterwards train for . horno. They found; everythinfr. working satisfactorily at the schools they visited and saw no carise for complaint of any kind. •• ' y - • • ■

You never have headache ? How fortunate! ' Some of • your -friends are less lucky no doubt. Do them a service—tell them Stearns' Headache Cure -stop.s the pain quickly.- Is a box. U SYNOPSIS Ol' 1 NEW ADVEKTISE- ■ ' , MENTS. Sale'.it Hinds—By N.M-. and A. Co. on 19th inst. Horse Gully estate —To be sold at Oamarn. on' 14th- inst;Jonas and Co.—Sell ixjultry, .pro-duce/-'etc'./ to-day < Morton and 'Pearson—Sale of mut-ton,-produce, etc., .to-day. ■ O.'Callaghan and Co.—Large furniture sale to-day. , ■ C.FiG.A.-—Point sale on Monday.: : Dalgety and: at Point .Monday.*, - Guinness and LeCren Stock -_at Point on Monday, clearing sales 17th and 18th. N.M. and A. • at. Pleasant Point on Monday.

D.I.C. —On sale every household requisite.

North Canterbury Education • Hoard —Applications for ; teaelicrshins. . : Theatre Royal—Arnst-Webb. return on 12th inst.

At. Begg's—-Effect •of complete .orehr.stra. - . Marriott's sale—All winter ouh to-day. -.... H. H. Webb—Good investments ;in properties: T.'Wairstaff—Books worth reading. T. ',J. Teatriie—'Bargains in property. AA\ and H. Black and Dunning— Tenders wanted*. '.*<. ■ ' ■NvZ. rrail, • Grand National meeting. ' AA r aiiiiate Hunt—Steeplechase meeting August 19th.- - , •

H. Hall —Tenders wanted for buildin as. " • -y 1 ■

Kerrytownj Convent: —Social: eveningat'Pleasant- Point. :

Wni-iti school—-Basket social August 13t1i. G. Pearson —Bargains in now . goods. Theatre Royal—Toy matinee this afternoon. ' ...

Wiinmorn Hockey /Club—Annual hall An crust 11th. « -■ ■ ■ Timarn.No-lieoivse League—Annual meeting August !)th. : . .

Wv.-Hawfc —Dairv farm for sale. - W-. Panton and. Son- —Call fenders for builders' work.- ■ . .

Lost—Greenstone and gold bangle.; reward. ■ -

Souter's boot sale—Bargains for fammrs. • -

Sparrow and Co. —On sale, Burnside CC'lOllt. ■' '• - ■ - •-•

McOJruer, -Davies and Co.—Lust day of '•ale. ■■■• •• ■-.

Church services r- By Chalmers Tnuitv. and \V>slevan. Wanteds —-Eight, notices. '•

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13974, 7 August 1909, Page 5

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13974, 7 August 1909, Page 5

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13974, 7 August 1909, Page 5