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Hearne's The Famous Remedy for Coughs & Colds " Those who have taken this medicine are amazed at its splendid healing power. Sufferers from Bronchitis, Cough, Croup, Asthma, Difficulty %J %J U.GS% JLI.2& %X/ vUIUO of Breathing Hoarseness. Pain or Soreness in the Chest, experience delightful and rapid relief; and to those who are subject to Colds on the it effects a complete cure. It is most comforting in allaying Irritation in the Throat and giving Strength to the Voice, and it neither allows a Cough nor Asthma to becom* cfi" nor Consumption to develop. Consumption is not known where «Coughs " have, on their first appearance, been properly treated with this medicine. No house should be without it, as, taken at the beginning, a dose or two is generally sufficient, and a complete cure is certain. Small Size. 2/6: Lara, ««. Chemists, Medicine Vendors, or the Proprietor, W. a HEARNE, Ohemlet, Qeelong, Victoria. Forwarded toy post to any address, when not obtainable locally • , " FOR SALE LOCALLY JiV L. Ji. JAMES, J. C. ODDIE, CANTEKtfUKK FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION.

m fe? m m OWj K '**■' m m BR 3«fc mm 1 "-———»« Sir >vwv\<w xm ♦3 «ES» in »B*KSS Anyone can'buy some low-priced i inferior grade! tea, put it up in a fanily packetjjand mark it 2/- per lb tor anvJStfTer price. 0010 AV\U'l\V r MEO»L 1 MOAfTE&Co.'s s |TEA Is pure Ceylon and pure blended tea. and you have a guarantee of its Purity, Quality and Value. It test for THIRTY YEARS, from 1879 to 1909. & 1/4, 1(6, 1/8, 1/10, 21-, 2/2 per lb. I MONUMENTAL SCULPTOR, ~r . LARGE ' , ,- A • CHOICE t LOCAL and k IMPORTED | BTONES a* ' (MODERATE J PRICES Marble and Granite Monuments fiom Scotch and Italian Quarries. Note Address: Sophia Street, Timaru Opposite Wreck Monument. GOVcRNWIENT .• DEPARTMENT FACT No. 10. The Department is a NATIONAL INSTITUTION whose 'liberal conditions and benefits have SAYED THOUSANDS FROM WANT, and it deserves the support of all those who have an interest in the Colony.

H. H. WEBB. TIEVISED LIST OF GOOD FARMS _LV FOll SALE ON EASY TERMS. ACRES Rich Cropping Land, L\JO handy to Tiniani. All ploughable. Buildings first class. Vill easily" grow 50 bushels wheat per acre. Very easy terms. Particulars on application. QiVK ACRES, 9 miles from railway, Old mostly ploughable, well subdivided and watered. Good buildings. Some fine bush on the property, magnificent orchard ■' 14 acres. This season produced 20 tons fruit, 5 tons being cherries. Fruit will nearly pay interest on the capital value. Also 170 Acres Leasehold adjoining given in, with Horse, Implements, etc. £2OOO cash wanted. Balance 10 years at 4 per cent.£2O PER A ORE. OAA ACRES rich Cropping Land, OUU handy to Timaru, well subdivided and watered. Extensive frontage suitable for subdivision into smaller lots at good profit. Fine fattening land, and will grow 50 bushels wheat per acre. £3 10s per acre made off the place last year. Handy to Timaru. freezing works, school, etc. Extionally, easy terms and low interest. £25 PER ACRE. OA ACRES, handy little farm, close Ul/ to Timaru and handy to school. Rich land, well subdivided and watered, 50 acres ready for wheat, balance good pasture, good buildings, orchard,., etc. About £6OO cash wanted. Balance 6 years at 5 per cent. £27 PER ACRE. Oiy ACRES L.1.P., handy little Dairy *' Farm, close to freezing works, railway, dairy factory, and sohooi Rent 12s Gd per acre. AYell subdivided and watered. 6 acres swedes, balance young grass. 6roomed House and large shed. Goodwill £350, a bargain. ACRES, good Farm, all plough--00 able, lying well to the sun. Well fenced and watered. 5-roomed House, stable, cowshed, piggeries, etc.; fine orchard: fairly close to Timaru. About £3OO cash wanted. Balance can remain at G per cent. £26 PER ACRE. 11. H. WEBB, Stafford Street, Opposite Ballautyne and Co. REVISED LIST OF TIMARU >., TOWN PROPERTIES FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS. CULLMANN STREET (broad part)— Good sound totara-built House < Rooms, etc. 'i-acro, good macro carpa hedge; a splendid, sect:::* sunnv aspect. Easy terms. £3f>r OFF WAI-ITI ROAD—Good 4-roomed House, with scullery, washhouse, etc.; nearly J-acre land, good locality. £275 AVENUE ROAD.—Splendid Site. £l3O KENSINGTON. Nearly new wellbuilt 5-roomod House, with bathroom, h. and c. water, scullery, pantry, etc., detached washhouse, c. and tubs; nearly J-acre, room for another house; good outlook. Easy terms. £550. FAIRLY CENTRAL in good locality— Well-built 7-roomed House, with bathroom, scullery, washhouse! etc. -J-acre *land, good gard* and orchard, "room for anoour house. A real bargain, very easy terms." „ £6O1 l 1 MILE FROM TOWN—2I Acres -id land, suitable for market garcb'iar with new 6-roomed . plastered House, stable, trapshed, eowshe!. pigsties, etc., green house. Lying well to the sun, good frontage to road, and very suitable for subdivision. A grand for a gardener, going very cheap and os easy terms. Worth prompt enquiry. Full particulars on application. FINE LOCALITY. First-class 7 roomed Plastered House, all modern conveniences, detached wash house, c. and tubs; nicely laid oui garden and orchard. -J-acre, good outlook. Cheap. £750. OFF WILSON STREET.—New wellfinished 5-roomed House, bathroom, h. and c. water; scullery, pantry, etc., detached washhouse, c. and tubs, underground drainage. 1-6 acre. Very easy terms. £405. FEW MINUTES FROM POST OFFICE.— Good sound well-buili 4-roomed House, with scullery, pantry, bathroom, washhouse with copper, over -J-acre. Very nice sunny position. * £375. RAYMOND STREET.—' Nearly new well-built House 5 Rooms, with bathroom, h. aud-c. water, scullery, pantry, etc., detached washhouse (c. and . tubs), fowlhouse. good garden, J-acre,'sunny aspect, j £SO denosit, balance easy. £SOO VERY CENTRAL.— Good well-buiH 5-roomed Plastered House, all conveniences, detached washhouse (c. and, tubs), large workshop, fine j garden and magnificent orchard in full beariug. Over >'-acre, sunny aspect. A real bargain. ;' £B6O CLOSE TO CENTRE OF TOWN AND BAY—New subdivision 5 fine sec tions. Particulars on application H. 11. Webb, STAFFORD STREET (Opposite Ballantyue and Co.)

J. KEMPTHORNR. John Kempthorne, Estate Agent. 160, Stafford Street. TELEPHONE 184. 15 ACRES, handy to township, railway and creamery, with a new 7-roomed House, cattle yards, trap shed and loose-box. Price £475, £3OO in cash, and £l4O at 4£ ycv cent. NORTH ISLAND STORE FOR SALE. Large General Store and Bakery, freehold. Turnover,' £6OO a month; 2000 loaves and 200 dozen smalt goods a week. Very easy terms for ingoing can bo arranged. GOODWILL OF LEASE, 104 ACRES, very- heavy country, close to a creamery, school, and a good saleyards. Lease has 11, years to run at 14s an acre, and valuation is given for the buildings and improvements at end of term. This is a first-class Farm, and vendor is selling as hj« nas purchased anothdr farm. IS6 ACRES, heavy rich limestone country, 9 miles from a railway station, and close to a school and post office. , Carrying capacity, 2J- sheep to the acre, arid grew this year 47 bushels of wheat. Lying well to the sun, and well watered. About £I6OO in cash, balance'arranged. 350 ACRES, cropping land, lying well to the sun. well subdivided and well watered, fences in good order, and everything well looked after. All necessary, outbuildings, and a good homestead, and very close to a school. Price, £25 an aero Terms, £lfoo down.. 400 ACRES, close to a creamery, 1.i.p., rent 7s; all ploughable, well farmed, and in good heart, no grass paddock down more than 3 years, fences in tip-top order, awl a really good homestead, wool shed, grain store, workshop, large stable and sheep yards. Carrying capacity, 2 sheep to the acre, and the land has been ''valued at £IS an acre. Goodwill £2400. 290 ACRES, first-class land, about 5 miles from a- railway station, well subdivided and watered, lying well, and has been well farmed. Buildings consist of ■ 4-roomed house, stable and granary. Price £ls an acre, and about £ISOO down. This is a cheap farm, aud'is for absolute sale.

IRRITATION OF THE SKIN. Ever have any irritation of tbi skin' There are many forms of it, any of then bad enough to tax your patience. Piles, a plague of the night—no rest for tlu sufferer from that complaint. Eczema too. Hives don't sound dangerous, bui they cause much misery to those unfor tunate enough to be troubled by them Doan's Ointment is a " wonder " for even tortuiing skin inilation. No such troubli can resist its lualing, soothing influence Lots of people know this now. Mrs Andrews, Main street South, Ti maru, ,says : —" Doan's Ointment is thi best skin" remedy to have in the house where "there are children. It is soothing valuable fur irritation. I would not b< without it now that I know it is realh good for skin troubles. 1 got this ic medy at Oddie's 'Pharmacy." Doan's Ointment is splendid for the skin, it i* a safe, sure, and eaisy to apply cure foj every irritating skin disease Get tha remedy to-day ; it will end your sufferings Doan's Ointment is sold by all cnennstt ind storekeepers at 3s per pot, or will bt tested ou receipt of price by Foster McClellan Co., 76 Pitt .Street, Sydney. Remember the name—DoanY ...

"Public Opinion's - ': striking paraphrase of the title of a book b.v JDr Saieeby; " Health, Strength and Happiness," which is a plea for the cultivation of a sound body and a sound brain as a part of the body. ".My bain.'' says -the. author, "is myself." ."The brain is the 'man," says Forcl, the psychologist. "The; ' average sensual man,'" says Snlecby, is one who uses his brain to serve his body, to find attractive food for his stomach, or diversion for the centres concerned with racial punwses in his spinal cord. The new ascetic is he who uses his body to serve his brain, which is the substantial man."

Travelling Goods. IVERYTHING FOR THE TRAI VELLING PUBLIC. REAL LEATHER EXPERTS. . CALL AND SEE US. Wade's Tourist Dept. OPPOSITE ADAMS'. 'Phone 177., have a record of remarkable achieve- , merits behind them'. Thousands cf ♦ people have derived incalculable ♦ benefit from their use. Why should you not try them? You may take ♦ them with all confidence. Quite ♦ + possibly you have been imagining + . life a burden; little duties that you . ~ once performed with ease and * ♦ pleasure and without thought or ♦ trouble have become irksome. * Pleasures that you used to enjoy ♦ have lost their savour. You no ♦ longer relish your food. This is, of course, a serious condition, and ▼ demands immediate attention, or it j l MAY MEAN I I lifelong misery to you. It is more ♦ than likely that your symptoms are * I those of Bowel, Liver, and Stomach $ trouble, in a more or less acute form, ~ Beecham's Pills have worked won- * ♦ d2rs in countless cases cf this ♦ I ' a cription. They- will ensure your Liver performing its work thoroughj ♦ ly, they will cause your blood to flow ♦ : through your veins in a pure life- 4 giving stream. You will enjoy a ♦ perfect digestion, and be free from ♦ : depression and despondency. In a 4 ! word, Beecham's Pills will 'endow A ♦ you with * : afresh : ♦ LEASE OF LIFE. ♦ + Sold in boxes, price 10\d., lll\ & 2,9. 4 TYRO L TEA ROOMS I HAY'S BUILDINGB. 10 a.m. to 7.80 p.m. Daily. 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday. IQHT LUNCHEONS and U»ILI* I from 1| to 9. The Elevator is now Running and Patroni may aroid the atairi. Coomi are available for " Afternoon* or "Ereningi" by arrangement.

FOR BALIS. SECTIONS AND HOUSES. [7"ENSINGTON, J-Acre 6-Roomed L*. House. King Street, J-Acre, 7-Rqomed House. King Street, J-Acre, two double storey House. William Street, §-Acre and 6-roomed House. Craigie Avenue, J-Acre and 6-Room-ed House. » ' ' Craigie Avenue, J-Acre and 10[loomed House. .. North Street J-Acre and 4-Eoomed House. j North Street, J-Acre and 7-Roomed House . Elizabeth Street, J-Acre and 7roomed House. Elizabeth Street, J-Acre and 6 Roomed House. Elizabeth Street, J-Acre and 5-Room-ed House. Hatton Street, 30 Perchea and 4Roomed House. Beverley, J-Acre and 10 - Roomed House. Roslyn Street, J-Acre and 4-Roomed Cottage. Waimataitai, J-Acre and 6-Roomed House. Maltby Avenue, 1 Rood 35 Perchei and 6-Roomed House. Rathmore Street. 6-Roomed House. Maori Hill, J or £-Acres, and 6Roomed House. Maori Hill, 1 Rood 13 Perches and 6-Roomed New House. Beverley, First-class Residence. Arthur Street, J-Acre and 6-Roomed House. Edward Street, J Acre and 6-Roomed House. Church Street, J Acre and 6-Roomed House. North Street, 6-roomed House and J-Acre. Elizabeth Street, J-Acre and 6 Roomed House. Rhodes and Hassell Streets roomed New House. , Church Street —8 Roomed House anc J-Acre. North Street, 7-Roomed New Houb6 and J-Acre. Otipua Road —4-Roomed House and J-Acre. South Street, J-Acre and 4-Roomef 4 House. Pearson Street, large new House. Bakery Business. Tea Room Business. Sections in* Rhodes, King, Heaton Hobbs, Wilson, Lough, Rathroore North and Oxford Streets, Woodland? and Wai-iti Roads. FOR SALE —Secondhand Typewriter good as new; cheap. TYPEWRITING OFFICE. BARLOCK- TYPEWRITING ACENCV N.B. AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE COMPANY. . Jamas Granger. Sitting: a Pleasure, NOT AN ORDEAL, at Mahan & Halford's, "THE PHOTOGRAPHERS." ENLARGEMENTS a Speciality. PORTRAITS are our Forte TTOLDERS OF COUPONS, no mai 1 ter how far back, nor how old ihould bring them along,, and we wil fulfil our obligations. CABINET PHOTOS, 10a per dozen. Studio: ARCADE. TIMARU. 'RMSLEY Burnet's Hair TWoroi !__■_ for («rt\v ii.ur. Price 4s ' Dd, | Itadiiiy; chemists.

» OYAL MAIL COACH B I; GERALDINE ORARI SERVICE. Leave Geraldine, daily, 7.45 a.m. Arrive Orari, daily, 8.30 Leave Orari, daily, 8.40 a.m. Arrive Geraldiue, daily, 9.30 a.m. Leave Geraldine, daily, noon. Arrive, Orari, daily, 12.45 p.m. Leave, Orari, daily, 1.10 p.m. Arrive, Geraldine, daily, 1.55 p.m. Leave Geraldine, daily, 1.30 p.m. Arrive Orari, daily, 2.15 p.m. Leave Orari, daily, 2.55 p.m. Arrive Geraldine, daily, 3.40 p.m. Leave Geraldine, daily, 4.50 p.m. Arrive Orari, daily, 5.40 p.m. Leave Orari, 4.45 p.m. Arrive Geraldine, 6.30.p.m. Geraldine dep., 5 p.m. each day via Orari Bridge. Woodbury arr., 6.30 p.m. each day. Woodbury dep., 6.40 a.m. each day via Orari Bridge. Geraldine arr., 7.40 each day. .Fares reduced to Is each way. In connection with the above, I conduct a Livery Business. Gigs, Saddle Horses,-Coaches, etc., on hire at reasonable rates, General Carrying and Carting carried °E- Travellers' Samples are earefullj bandied and brought from the railway. Charges reasonable. Telephone No. 44 N. SHERRATT, Proprietor, Geraldine. JAMES CRAIGIE, CAIN'S TERRACE TIMARU. ANITARY PLUMBER, GAS FITTER, HOT AND COLD WATER ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR ALL D& BCRIPTIONS OF SANITARY Telephone c. "E.MSLKY Burnet's Ilnir Restorer I'm - Grey .Hair. I'rici; 'ls JM, ing chemists.

Timaru Dairy Co. STAFFORD ST. fOOTH, TIMARD . OPP. BCARF AND COOXBON, '"HI fIMARU DAIRY! COT. an lounca that *hey bar* Bommenoar miineii si Manufacturers o! iNOWFLAKS BP4JSTL* Choice Factory Butter ind are prepared to par the 1 BiGHEB r ) PRICE for SEPARATOR CREAM dt irered at the Factory or nearest Rail ray Station. With the New Year come new ren r.tions. You cauaot do better .an jend yonr Cream to us—the bigpes price ever given in the lesitate, but send it ct onoe. Please write for pnrtiuuWoj or. ba ter itill v call and ice hi. 'FHON» 104. I

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13916, 29 May 1909, Page 4 (Supplement)

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13916, 29 May 1909, Page 4 (Supplement)

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13916, 29 May 1909, Page 4 (Supplement)