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The * New Zealand Flour Millers \ssociation yesterday reduced the price of flour to £lO 10s per ton t.n.b.. a::2os reduction all round on the basis of sacks.

f he Main Wharf yesterday was positively enveloped in clouds of steam, which proceeded from the exhaust pipes of the winches of the steamer Elsa At times, owing to the lack ot wind", it was quite a difficult matter to steer clear of obstructions on the wharf.

The following is the Rev. I). C. Bates' general weather forecast:— •'•Moderate southerly winds prevailing .and cold atmospheric conditions are fxpected in most parts, with fair weather and little movement ot the barometer. There, is a small ram belt in the far north, where the northerly and southerly currents are meeting.. Twentv-three members of the Winchester Morris Tube . Club fired on Mondav evening for the trophy presented "bv Air .1. C. South: Scores—l. Gillum (4i 35, R. Maddren (2) &>, J. Cripps (scr) 34, A. Wilson (scr) 34, C. Smith (scr) 34, A. Opie (2) 34 LVoung (scr) 33, A. Cripps (scr) 33, J. South (scr) 32, C. Haar (1) 32 T. Young (4) 32. In the shoot oft 1. Oillnm made 33 and beat R. Maddren

2V The* monthly meeting of the Temuka School Committee was held on Tuesday evening. Present:—Messrs 1). Mclunes (chairman), F. Saunders, P. A. Ac-heson,' A. Colville, G. Lt-viis, G. Thomson, R- Metson and Jas. Davis. A circular was received from the Barday Memorial Committee asking the committee to bring the matter of the memorial before the householders. Alter discussion it was decided to hold :i concert in aid of the fund on 17th June. Canterbury College wrote asking the names of the committee for the purpose of the election of meniliers to the Board of Governors. The information was sent. The visiting committee reported that they had inspected the buildings and that they badly needed painting and much of the brick Work needed repairing. A movable partition was required for St. V and VI -and the flooring in several rooms needed attention. The asphalting and top dressing were not satisfactory. It was decided that the attention of the P.oard be drawn to these matters and that the Board's foreman be asked to inspect the building. The headmaster's report stated that the attendance continued good: the total on the roll was 430 and the average attendance 380. The chief inspector, Mr Gow had visited the school. The Education Hoard advised that five single desks bad been granted to the High School. It was decided to apply to the Board for single desks for Standard V and VI. also a partition for the rooms containing above standards. Accounts for S'l'2 os were passed, and it was agreed that the balance of the account for asnhalting be paid on condition tli.->fc the work Ik> completed to the satisfaction of the chairman and visitint committee. It was decided to five- the children a holiday on Einnire Dav. Watson and Saunders wp" l nnnointed the vi<=itim r committee and the meeting terminated.

The South Canterbury Pipe Bands social will he. held oh June 2nd. Tickets are now on sale. Preliminary notice is given that a grand bazaar in aid of Chalmers Church will be held/in the Assembly Rooms on 2n:l September next. The meet-at Arowhenua to-day will beat II o'clock. The Waimate hounds will hunt in ,the morning, and the South Canterbury pack in the afternoon.

Miss Baumber, L.A.8., and Miss F.stelle Baumber, L.A.8.. notify that they will resume .- teaching on May 27th. They will be at home to intend- | ing pupils mi- "Wednesday, 26th iust." -To-day and to-morrow promise to be exceedingly, busy days at the harbour for no fewer thai! eight steamers are due. Where they- will berth is another matter for there are only two berths vacant 'for boats of any size. Local fishermen who go out to the deep sea are still getting good hauls of grnper. .but they are not reaping much of a harvest financially, as the prices obtained for the fish are verv low. The last- .consignment sent to Christchurch netted only 8d each. A Wnodvillo Press »csnoir>tion message is as follows:— L Mr Clement L. Wregg'e's latpst report snvs—The Antarctic d'sterban"" iv">ed "Messov." first advised on Mav Bth when eff Cane Leenwin, is now influencing the Dominion and especially the central and '■"nntheru parts. He"vy squalls from between w«t and eoi-t.h ore su'-e to be experienced, especially along the seaboard, with much min and pvr-hnh'e lneol flooding in the Middle Island. ■'"Massey'' will vet onorate for n few days, and be followed bv a di«turhai>"o named "Carroll," wlii>-h is due at the end of May or ea»-lv in .Tune. Minor shipping is specially advised.

The annual meeting of parishioners of Utaio and iJiuecliiis was held in the library room, St. Andrews, on Tuesday '■ast. The wear, tnoe Uev. L. Cars ley lirady, presided. In his report for the past year he stated that there had been two marriages, six baptisms and sis burials, 'ihe attendance at'the services both at St. Mary's and St. Andrew's was well maintained. The school was prospering, and doing excellent work, under a devoted band of teachers. The Ladies'" Guild has I been actively at work, and fully dei serves the best thanks, of the parishioners. The St. Andrew's Church oljoir under. Mr Proudluck merited the highest praise for efficiency. Mr Brady rejoiced to be able to tell them that through the generous response made by personal appeal for funds, a. tender had heen accepted for the erection, of .a Parish Hall in brick, which would provide . ample accommodation for the Sunday school, together with a separate and well appointed and spacious room for a Ladies' Guild, and \ estry meetings: a Sunday school librarv will also find a home in the new building: tho_work.of erection will be started immediately under the supervision of Mr J. S. Tiirnbull. architect, and the opening will take place sometime in September, when the bishop has kindly promised to be present; and the converazioue. which would otherwise have iieen held at the annual meeting, the vestry had decided to postpone until the opening of the hall. Mr I?. Neville Hawkcs submitted the balance-sheet and churchwardens' rejwrt which showed that the finances were fullv up to previous years, notwithstanding a number of church members having left the district during the past year and their .subscriptions'therefore lost to the parish. Mr Hnwkes and Mr Stephenson wore appointed churchwardens and Messrs Tbos.. TesE. I'. Phodcs. Ardc", Ashin. S. C'ague. W. J. Mulcock. Peare<\ rrid James Stoweli vestrvmen. Mr Foxon was r.ppointed auditor. TTeprtv vr»te« of th.i<iks accorded to the Snndav school teachers: the chowv: t.hp chancel caretaker; ph festivals: and to Miss T illv ,Hn«kes,rs voluntary organist, whose ' services f-e much appreciated. And' a'so to +>'e churHi offices. np"."ially +-> Mr Hawses for his services as nnrish treasi»v»r. -On the metir>n «f Mr it w»« unanimorsHcorried :. Tl>Tt tlio ti>ink tbe Louie's* Guild and esnee : Miss AVederell. lion, secretary and treasurer, for t'>"ir services >n con»iec*ion-w'th their woi-k and nartinnlirlv in • ref"re«fe t-o tho amount njsod f"V"-ds the biiiklin" fund r-f t-be Pan-h Fnll. \ henrr*- v<j>to of thinks the vicar brought the meeting to a close.

"How thin you are looking! 7 ' Do you hear this statement made too often? Then take Stearns' Wine of Cod Liver Extract; it's a wonderful flesh creator. Builds up your blood, too. Try it. 22

it pays? Yes, that's it! That's the reason why so many people write to us from all parts of the country for hoots and shoes. Quality tells, appearance tells, value tells, their tale at Souter's Boot Store. The wet and dirty weather is at hand, and you will find* at Souters, the heavier makes of boots and shoes suited for winter wear...

We have just received a fresh supply of sugar of milk, which we can guarantee to be absolutely pure. We import direct from England, ai.d always buy the best quality. Sugar of milk Is a lb. Thermometers, measure glasses, rennett, and everything used in the preparation of humanised milk procurable from li. B. James, chemist, /.Tiniaru... Mr Walter Trafford, Pharmaceutical Chemist bv Exam., High-street, West Maitland,"N.S.W., writes: "I have had over 2i) years active and practical experience in leading English and Colonial Pharmacies, and am convinced .that* of all the numerous- cough medicines, none has given greater .satisfaction than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. 1 invariably use it in my own family and have derived such nenefit fronv it that when T am asked to recommend a good medicine I unhesitntinVly recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy." • For •sale pvery where... MONEY IS FREQUENTLY..LOST Bv traders sending out goods on credit to unknown buyers in other parts of the Doriiinion. Avoid the risk by consigning your goods fhroiigh us on the C.O.T). system. We not only forward the goods, but collect amount of your invoice, including freight and insurance, against delivery. It is a convenient svsiem—-a money-saving system Consignees all over the Dominion appreciate it. The N.Z. Express Co.. Ltd. Offices all towns. ... A mule can. kick both hard find quick, And when you least expect it; A cold may kill, and often will Defy you to reject it! But Woods' you know some time ago, And after years of thinking. Invented his Great Peppermint Cure, Which stops all colds like winking. .. A TIMELY WARNING. How often have you left a slight cut. scratch", or burn to become serious through carelessness and improper treatment. Many people take too little notice of this most important fact. What are we. to do, you ask. The answer'is: Purchase a tin of RED CROSS OINTMENT, the mighty healer, and keep it as a household necessity. It has been proved to be the safest, surest, and mast effective remedy ever discovered in cases of nurns, scalds, cuts, ulcers, etc....

Another arrest was made by "the police yesterday of a man who li;<d been overtaken by the effects of a too lavish indulgence in the cup that cheers and also inebriates.

The final meeting of subscribers of the Timaru Mechanics' Institute will be held at the .Institute, at B..o'clock, to-morrow evening to receive final report and balance-sheet, and hand over the Institute to the Timaru Borough Council.

The clock on the station platform at Timaru hears- a very mournful aspect at the present time. After working faithfully for a great many years it has now ceased to go ou_ recording the minutes or the hours, and-'because of its infirmity it is apparently in disgrace, its face having been covered with a broad sheet of brrtwn paper, as if to hide it from the. gaze of the timeenquiring public. How long the sheet of brown paper is to obscure the clock is a matter'which, is causing some speculation, and the hope has been expressed that the Government -will not.have to wait for an easier tone on the Lon- !■ don money market before supplying ! this good old member of the civil service with the skilled attention which its run-down condition demands. Another good audience patronised 'Sherwood's pictures at the Theatre Royal last evening, when the same excellent programme -as on Tuesday was shown. To-morrow evening an entire -change of programme will be given, and at the matinee on Saturday the essay competition will be judged. A lot of interest has been aroused by this competition, and it is anticipated that a big attendance will be present to hear the results. The beauty competition is proving a success, a good number of entries have been received, so those intending should hurry up and give their names in. On Saturday night next a competition for male ballad singers is announced, a gold medal being, the prize. The Professor ha.s got something in the way of a. big attraction coming off shortly. The committee of management have issued the prospectus of the eighth annual musical and elocutionary competitions, to be held in Dunedin in September next. ' The programme includes a church choir (-ontest. pianoforte arid violin contents, singing '(2O classes), competitions" in literature, .-' drawing, speechifying, recitations (about 20 different classes of these). - crmiedietta -and calisthenics. The total nrize moiia*- is £3OO, of winch. £3o is allotted to two prizes for church choir contest in anthem and hymn, and'£lo for choral work in a part song. .-Valuable special prizes are provided for several items, one being a 2o guinea silver shield for the church choir /competition, and another of the same value for solo singing! The prospectus contains the .vords or the recitations whose subjects are fixed. ; - ;

'At a special meeting of the Oamaru Harlxmr Board: on Monday, a subcommittee that had. been appointed }o wait on the Timaru Harbour. Board with reference to hiring dredge 850, reported that they met ■•members of the Timaru Board nn the Bth ihst., when the whole matter was fully discussed. The 'terms suggested by the Timaru members were so unreasonable that the committee recommended that no further action be taken. Enquiries were also made re obtaining the Greymonth Harbour Board" dredge, but a reply was/received that slip was not, available./ Mr Rose suggested that the details be given that had influenced the sub-committee in so reporting. The chairman replied that the terms suggested'by the Timaru Board wore practically the same as- on the -occasion when last approached., and Mr Paterson said that the information given by the Timaru Board was given in committee, and it could net be unless in committee. The report- was adopted, and the secretary was instructed to convey to the Timaru Harbour, Board the thanks of -the -Oamaru Board for the manner in which the deputation had been received.

An irritated throat- is quickly soothed by Zymole Trokeys. They increase the throaat secretions and strengthen the vocal cords. Nothing better for public speakers. •'.-',..• 20 Women's stock-yard boots at Souters Boot Store. See pur women's kip leather boots for stockyard use. Call and inspect our-winter stock of boots. Children* school boots for winter wear at lowest prices. If unable to come into Tiniaru to shop,, drop "us a line. "We. do a large letten-order trade. Remember, when .you ' shop at Sout'ers. you have the largest and best selected stock of boots and/shoes in South Canterbury...

Build up your strength and protect yourself fro in ■ coughs and colds by taking Baxters orange quinine wine. Price 2s (id, from J. Baxter, chemist, Tiniaru. ...

The firm that bought the cleaning and pressing plant for gent's suits and ladies' costumes, etc. from Christchurch is thoroughly satisfied with same. The manager informs us that it is absolutely the best and most up-to-date appliance that has come under his notice. He says that the old suits are made as clean as they were when new/ and the customers are agreeably surprised when they get same and a>-e qu.ite. willing to pay the six shillings which is the charge for cleaning and pressing the suit. This department is .i'liother addition to Alfred J. Stephens (opposite the post office), who is saying his customers thirty to forty shillings per suit made to their measure at" from 57s Oil to 72s fid. and the public are saving money when ,thcy buy their mercery and clothing from him. It i« an energetic firm and studios the public's interest... The South End supporters of the boot repairing business lately carried on by Mr Muir, Alexandra Square (opposite, - monument) will be pleased to know that the shop'will be reopened on Saturday. 17th April, when the man in charge will bo pleased to receive the patronage hitherto accorded to the above. Your work will be done in firstclass style, and no waiting, prices right for cash.. . Owing to an unusually large number of exchanges made recently in this district, for new pianos, the Dresden Piano Co., Ltd., is in a position to offer some splendid bargains in second-hand pianos and also two harmoniums in firstrate condition. Prices from seven pounds upwards. The Dresden still leads in all qualities English and German instruments, Broadwood, Collard, Lipp, Ronisch, Bohm and .the greatest of all "the Steinway." All the leading pianists of the world use pianos of which the Dresden has the sole control throughout the Dominion. A new Rroadwood player piano juut unpacked. Come and hear this wonderful musical •nstrnment... Golf enthusiasts and beginners are respectively requested to note that they cannot possibly do better than pav a call to Mr F." Tosher's sporting depot, where you can get a choice of only the very finest quality of golf clubs at wholesale price. If you want a few of tbo best balls ever made get a few Dimples at once... Clothes count for .much. Knirey Camp herself would have looked nont in a P.J), corset, for in a P.I), the most ordinary grace seems exquisite, the simplest comeliness is beautiful. Clothes look as though they had grown in> perfect and inevitable hamony with the woman. , The P.D. stands first. No other corset approaches it in consistent merit, All stores soil it. ..

■ <-: Jjfj The recent mild weather following a week's light rain, ha.s set the grass growing again, and lawns' and grassy places in town" are richly green once more.

Letters for Henry Garon, A. Samuels, Mrs Willis Smith, George Shepherd (care Ballantyne and Co.), from places beyond New Zealand are lying unclaimed at the Timaru Post Office.

The leading cycle-dealers of Timaru have decided to raise the price of repairs as from the first of next month, this action being necessitated through the latest award affecting tlieir trade. In a letter read at the meeting of the Napier Harbour Board on Tuesday. Messrs Huddart, Barker and Co. stated that the masters of their boats visiting Napier had sent in their opinions- on the completion of the breakwater. They considered that if the breakwater was completed. as proposed by Mr Mnrchant, the Board would have a harbour of sheltered water, free from tides of currents, as good as any now in New-Zealand.-with plenty of room- to manoeuvre the largest ships likely to come to Napier. • Mr Frew, builder of Temuka," lias just completed a. contract for the restoration and enlargement of Dr Hayes' Nursing Home, in Temuka, which was gutted by fire some months ago. The work has been done According to a design of Mr H. Hall, Timaru, and the painting, and plumbing and decoration were carried out by MiBates. The exterior has been made somewhat striking by being painted a pure white, the spandril of the gable filled with a decoration of stained shingles, and the. is coated with brown hematite. :; The building now contains dining-room, sitting-room, six bedrooms and an operating room, besides the kitchen, offices, etc. The interior has been treated in a very effective manner, to produce a. ouietly handsome effect. All woodwork has been so made as to leave no dust-col-lecting angles, and has been painted with ivorv white, the walls are covered with mnnonhromVpap'efß'. end the ceilings of the sitting and cl : ning-roptns and hnU are covered wi+h fibrous plaster with-decorations. The fittings include e.lectirc' hells in all the rooms, the home appears to be in all respects up-to-date, and does credit to designer and contractors. ;.-•;"-•■' - - " :

OP' ADVERTISE-: MENTS. ■*■-■■' Stock Auctioneers', Association —Re Albury, Cave and Waihao sales. N.Z.L. and M.A>. Co.—St. Andrews sale to-morrow. Sale at Katikapuka— Details for 27th Mav. O'Callaghan and Co.—Sell suburban property on Saturday. C.F.C.A. —St. Andrews sale to-mor-row. . . . .'■■ ':, Mechanics' Institute—Meeting tomorrow evening. Grraldine-Orari-Temuka bus service— New time-table. _ Thoatr" Royal—Programme for this evening. YVostport. Coal Coinpan\ —Coals landing and to laud. Mark Higgius—Bargains in bicycles. J. C." Oddie and Co. —Proof of influenza mixture. David Shaw —Colt lost or stolen ; reward for return. Lost —Pin, reward afc ''Herald" office. The Misses Baumber —Resume music teaching 27th Jnst. Ballantyne and Co.—New delivery of peggy raid other bags. Penrose Bros. —Boots for wet days. Mr and Mrs T/Corlet—Thanks to friends. Timaru Hospital--Wardsmaid wanted Valuer-General—Rolls for Temuka borough on view. \ The Kilties' social—On June 2nd. Football—Matches for tin's afternoon. Chalmers Church —Grand bazaar on 2nd September. Imrie and Campbell—Details of sections for sale. Timaru Borough Council—Particulars of poll on loans. Funeral' notice—By W. J. Lister. Wanteds—-Seven notices.

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Bibliographic details

Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13908, 20 May 1909, Page 5

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13908, 20 May 1909, Page 5

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13908, 20 May 1909, Page 5