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The* clerk ;of the -Waimate . County Council,-.Mr Cochrane,'be congratulated at the success that attended efforts- to get in all. rates owing. Up io' date- only'- £32 17s 7d are outstandings ~ a pleasant' contrast' to some otlfer.councils" who have sums ranging up-'as.high, : asV£Boo outstanding at, the present, time. .- "V. v Aii,- ; echb. of.'the recent'gale, inWWa r mate; was. lieard in a note from an einployee'. of the .County Council road at" yesterday's ..■meeting, "'-.■ in," which he siidV " "liis... liut''and' trap had beeii sniashed;.. and.lie had been:.obliged; to hang:on.-tq|a wire fence for.two.hours sind ; .;t-sv'enty, minutes to prevent'• liimself ■ being,blown ,:. ': - :

. "Arch Masons arc v.reminded thafc'iivregular convocation of the Cnapt*r "of' St. John'.'will - be held this evening -in -St: -John's lodge-room, Ghureh street. . The business will be .the: in-tt-attation "■' of ."principal -and': investiture of- officers for the; vnsuing year. .The chapter will be : tyled at half-past 7 o'clock! .Visiting companions are cordially invited to attend..

The meeting room of-the W'aimat-e Covm'ty Council has been dismantled for\the purpose of trying to improve its acoustic properties, which at present are vefy bad. It is proposed to fill up'the" skylight in the roof, and pierce the walls for windows, and it' is hoped the alterations will better the buikling considerably. The Council met yesterday in a smaller room, to the right of the main entrance:

•By reason of the frequency with which fires have occurred in Timaru; recently, an extra detective and an extra constable, were sent down here from Christchurch yesterday, so that a close watch may be kept on all , suspicions characters, by night as well as hv day, it being now looked upon as; a re.rtaiiitv that the fires are being oaqscd deliberately. It has been . suggested that some* members of the local police force, who know every nook and corner of the borough, as well as every suspicious character in it, should be told off to clear up the fire mystery, as' they would have a much better chance of succeeding than members of the force .•who are" strangers to the place. Another proposal (made last night by Councillor Watson) is to the. effect that .a,-vigilance, force should be formed in 'iimarn, the members of which would not the part of private detectives.

ft may be mentioned in connection with'iho fire at Radcliffe's furniture factory.-that this is the third attempt which" ha? been made' during the past eight weeks' to destroy it by fire. The first attempt; failed through the shavings which'-an attempt had • been made to light, going out. The second effort was made .five weeks ago, when one of the walls'was set on fire, and •had smouldered for several as when the employees went to open up for work in the morning they found the place full of smoke. After this, all the windows were kept securelv fastened, and everv opening in the walls was seen *o but in spite of this, the fire occurred on .Tne=dav night. The insurance on the building amounted to £4OO, in the RovaT office, and the stock was insifred for £2OO in the Alliance. The actual loss sustained in the cabinetrmnking department is • estimated at £IBO. and that in'"the upholstering department at about £4O.

The annual distribution of prizes in connection .with St. 'Augustine's Sunday School. Wairaate. took place on Tucs<lav ni"ht. the Vicar (Boy. McKenzio Oibson) pr-sicling. . After introductory remarks from the chairman, an inToro<;tinr- proorammoNof songs, dia-loo-nos. "fan drill, etc.. ivns presented, and was full" appreciated Sv the audience.- The superintendent. (JirJs Hn«snll) then reported on thf-.woik ot the school. The attendance duf>:»srthe roar averaged 80. frem n roll number of 117. an ""inTens" of 17 for the year. Fifty hooks had b°en add"d to *'<" Tohool lihrarv. and dnrine the year £l3 hid h«"n spent on books, cards, etc., and £3 for n Melanesia.!! hoy. Two toachors'hod left. a"d the school -ceded i"nre te-ehers. Thanks wore due to flnnnrs of social prize Th" r'mirmau •poke of the superintendent's enili""insm in the work, and under-his pnidan'-o there was sp ; "itunl as well as roVnnco. He also sn"ke mi -.'.-* iped for more teachers nod the diffidence el' thoce who should come forward, and he truster! that iriwo wor'.-cs com" forwrd t" assN* in SabWth «-nlio"l werV. Tl"> pr»es were 4 ben distnhi: f "d bv 'Mrs TTassal' and a vote of thnn'-s was nn.«ecl to the superintendent and his staff of teachers.

Mr J Cushen, .'one of the two" candidates for the Mayoralty of South -tnvefcargill, fell ill and died between the nominations' arid the The town.' clerk has been advised that 'lie cannot,' declare' the ..'other candidate elected, bii't- must: countermand the poll'and start-de novo; •■-;•■ '.. The discovery of, a marvellous contralto voice in New Zealand is reoorted to have been -made by Madame, Melba. The owner of the voice is a Miss ./Thompson, of Stewart.,lsland. Miss Thompson, says- ; the " Evening Post;" is to go to Melbourne by arrangement witli, Madame Melba, who will herself give her protege lessons. The following is the Rev. Mr Bates' weather forecast for to-day:—"Easter-ly wind?'moderate to strong, are probable north of New Plymouth and Napier, arid - increasing northerly winds elsewhere.. Barometer falling; everywhere.!'for'a cjiange in the weather. Bain is probable in the southernmost districts and on the East Coast, north of Napier." A rather good suggestion was made at a North Canterbury meeting of lioH.seholders by the headmaster of tlie West Christchureh school. He said that he had for some time thought, of suggesting a day, perhaps twice.a- yea'\ when parents could, visit the school and see it in full swing. Such an institution would stimulate interest in the school, and incidentally in the schnr.l committee elections. The ?' Otago Daily Times " yesterday published as a. supplement a- photograph "of. Amy Bock in skirts, but wearing a large overcoat .something'-like a man's.. The face in this portraitjs decidedly masculine. Her police record of convictions begins at Oamaru : 22 years ago, and there are seven subsequent entries. One of those is a sentence of six months for larceny at Timaru in; April, 1859.. : The-man-in the street, discussing the Government retrenchment scheme, says he'thinks, that as a proof of sincerity, and, as" a matter of equity, Ministers should begin by cutting down their own salaries. He hopes that in the speech which he is to. deliver at Invprcnrgill oh next Saturday night, the' Prime Minister will announce' that members .of the. Cabinet have decided to set tlie example, of accepting a reduced .rate ■ of pay. ■ ;.•_•■■'

. The j'Otagp. Daily Times " says there 'i'-ii very.pronounced shortage in grain sacks throughout Otago at the '.resent time, 'but amnio, supplies- for all .requirements will be to hand'.by.tho Aparima, from Calcutta, next month. ..-It win...hownver,- be wel'on into the, month of May/before:the Sacks ai;e.distributed aiming the farmers.. .There has alsa been a shortage of' railway trucks •• for the- transport -pf grain, and this ' in-' convenience "would have been worse if. there had shortage of.sack's. At the "Wainiate; Magistrate's Court, before Mr T. Hutchison, S.M., a. case of/wife'desertion was further adjourned for'/a; fortnight.' In civil- cases, . TX, Andrews (Mr Hamilton) v. A. Archer (Mr.Mid'dteton), claim £lO for damages to' land owing to failure of • defendant to-'havo .turnips eaten off as agreed, evidence: was; given by the plaintiff, and Messrs Ruddeiiklau and Guthrie, and , : by; the . defen'dant • and- Mr Rieknian. Judgment. was giveil for ; the amount : claimed- -with .costs. £2- 1.35. Judgment bv -default was given in C Coventry (Mr Hamilton) v. Kllen C. TlilV; claim' £4 'ss, costs 14s, and .1. Lindsay (Mr PerrvV. v. F. ttobson, £(»,.; and,eosts £L3s 6d. .' : A-nasty accident occurred to a young woman -passenger" on the North Island express, tlio other,- liight.v - It ..appears thai a voutfg, riian, • requiring refreshment •at about' • 3 n-.m.,- -j polished . oflf bottle-of lemohade;.arid .then-tlireyv,the. bottle out. of He did npt notice .in- the-darkness that the tram was -passing 'through ■a- cutting, -with the result that': the bottle rebounded and crashed through the window of a car'jn wiiiclr the young woman- referred to: 'was "dozing' off to'sleep. : She was rudely awakened, by > shower -of broken glas'si' and one piece"embedded itself in bo'f r-h C f\ below the right eye. causing the blood tp The. guard Was called,-and,-'after looking into the brought a very subdued young man -.along to. apologise. The victim generously forgave him, but the guard didn't, as he. collected ' 15s for the broken window. .."■'-. James' Vinegar Essence is undoubtedly one of the best preparations we have. One small, bottle added to one gallon of. cold water inaV-3 absolutely pure vinegar of -superior..''flavriiir.' Price Is 6d from L. U. James,. Chemist, Timnrij...-- •-'••'.

Have von. tried Souter's half guinea men's light nailed shooters. You may be able to buy a cheaper hoot elsewhere, but-vou: will not get as good value. We sold, over .700 pairs_ot this ids Gd shooter the past year... We believe that- this ; year wo will, sol over 1000 pairs. -Each pair we- sell, 'sells another pair to a new customer. lry Souter's Busy ;Bopt, Store for your next pair of;boots... . ■; "

Mrs Webber, Sharp-street,. Geelong, Vic writes: "Chamberlain's lam Balm is a. wonderful liniment for cuts and bruises or Rheumatism. Every member/'of family „has used it some timc : or other r ahd have, ; always obtained relief after a- few ? applications. One when Chainberlrtin's Pain Balm is used for a cut br burn, there is never any scar left on the- flesh." For sale everywhere-.-- . -.- - : Mr A .1 Stephens lias a connon' advertise'menfc iirto-day's .vapor. Readers requiring a.- good un-10-date. smt can obtain one of Arfred J. Stephens' £2 17s Gd at less.thai. cost, price. He is civin"- this concession in consideration of the patronage bestowed unon him. Up to the. present he has criven every satisfaction to his customers; who speak in cr-stacv of l«i work j n turning out a good suit He evidently leads the way, and others follow of trv to do so. By cutting out the'idvert'iseraent couoon you. can save. 8s off'your swit. We advise you to give him n trial. This concession is only for a limited period... FREE SAMPLE OF OINTMENT. To demonstrate to all readers of the Timaru Herald the groat purity _of " Red Cross' ' Ointment, and its ability to heal quickly cuts, bruises, burns, chaps, chilblains, pimples, etc, "the Proprietors will send on request to anyone a sample of the ointment—free. Send a postcard to-day, and you'll get a dnintV little> return mail. You'll find the ointment useful, acceptable—the. best vou've ever, tried. Address: Murdoch and Co., Agents, Bmuidin... THE' "lin RADNOUGHT" QUESTION And New Zealand's offer is exciting n-reat*interest. Still, another matter of importance to the public of the Dominion is that the New Zealand Express Co Ltd., undertake to: forward goods and parcels to any part of the ;globe, to pass entries for traders ■, provide stor•i«e accommodation arid sample rooms, remove furniture, handle. : baggage. Jo traders travellers, tourists, • and tlie general public.they offer a service guaranteed reliable in every department...

I've hunted tigers in Bengal, And lions at Zambesi's fall, The elephant and hippo: too, The rhino, and the kangaroo: Hut though I am a hunter bold, f'mvst confess If unk a cold. Ro wlion T'm hunting, T make sure Arrninst such risks by Woods' Popper mint Cure...

...Tltq,-annual' meeting of .-the/ South Canterbury > Acclimatisation Eocibty''; is tO:^be- ; neld-in "Timaru: this' ■.;; afternoon-, and. sonic "of the'riiembei's -aiiticipate that ■it .will be a fairly.lively 'meet-nag.-

A' -photo of Amy Bock ■ whicli ■; has found: a place in one of the show pases ou'cside ; .the studio ; of Messrs Mahon and' M ll ' l '- photographers,, in the ,{Ai> cade, attracted considerable attention yesterday. : :

; The Borough Council yesterday' received an offer of £IOOO at o per cent., for a little over 12 months, on account of .the drainage loan. At " the present time the Cotiiicil has to the credit of this account at the Bank, a little over £3000;:' ':'.. ');'"-- Mr Bardsley, secretary ■ to. the 'Timaru- Harbour Board, went to Christchuroh on Tuesday! Inst to attend ;"the sitting of tlie Conciliation Coi;iieil>in connection with the General Labourers' Dispute which -.was ..'to lie.'•'-•'heaijd. in Christchureh yesterday. ••■'.■': . Unclaimed Jotters' addressed to the following are awaiting claimants at the Timaru' Post' Office.:—From' the United Kingdom, S. Fenwick, Timaru, T. Kelvin, Auckland;, arid :R. Hi- Douglas, Timaru; from Canada, E. T. Edmonds,Auckland: from Victoria, A. .Shaw, Longbeach. ~, . ■•• ■' ■;• ':'; > The "Weekly .-.Press " pictorial supplement this week contains a- good photo of Jack Axnst on his record ride' to Dunodin, with two' motor ridei;s. splitting' the a'triiospherc. for, him, and' a motor car following with refreshments and " spares.'.'. 'A,-. ..couple, of- of Nganruhoe in eruption show that, sometimes the ontrush of steam makes as big a'show' as a good bush fire. -.

The engineer to the Oamaru Harbour Board reported, on- Tuesday that' the last heavy sea-did some slight damage to the breakwater, and' laid it open to further damage' through the, Iscttling of the: block' apron. ' The, outer monolith; '(the end of the mole) had tilted, forward another two- feet and if; more-under-scouring took-• place -the \\ hole. 'blocks, would .' disappear-. Some action should 'be. taken to prevent this.;

The'Oamaru 'Harbour"Board on Tuesday had to. express, regret'that- tire harbour master declined the responsibility of bringing in; tiie N.Z.S. Qo.'s Opawa. —"by: reason 'of her length; and thj? present condition .of the swinging basin: it -tdo'rgreat-a' risk The chairman' 'offered;, the ;cpiiselatipVi that Iwlien- the .dredging scheme is com-, pletcd.bigger, boats, than'the. Opawa can .bb■'.•■taken in. : .The., ' chairman, ' three other•, members,, and : th'e.' secretary, were appointed .a sub-committee to open Vnegqtiatipris '.-.with ■'ltlio. Tijirnru vHarbour Board'; for.-thc :• hire of dredge.-' harbour. ••;—,.-. "'■[■.- : ■■"'. A'good.many pe'ople seehi 'to .'■ think, that-; tiiey..''indiyidijally..'di\ser-re V creVlit for .the 'success of i-he' Timarni liarbpnr. works'. ;One; claim-' of'. this > kind,'; an odd one; is' /discloseo; ■ in a. letter ' irpm'.the correspondent of; .the .;", Ghiustchifrcli -'.'Press," describing the •career of .Mr- Walter Keiinaway,.;as.a.' : Canterbury colonist.; -After stating that '-Mr Keriria way; ; was a-inember. .of the ■'.executive..'.''of'; the/ Provincial. Council-, 1 - .the writer -has /itlie following,'paragraph :' "As -secretary rof wprks,..Mr- Kerinaway'was;!,closely .associated with'.'tlio, first;'.harbour Works viu CaVfterbury; The firstVl)rea : kwate , r';.a'fc('Ly^tolfc6^*« r as'- : coiri-' menee'd under his supervision, aikl-he, .also ; gotf ..under . weigh ' ; tlie preliminary works a.fc::;what; is. to-day .vthe •second port ,of Canterbury and one of t-lje lead-ing-ports ©f-.tHe I)ohiini<in- 11 .Timar.ii.' Sir: John 'Goodo,;.tlieL.'fahtous;;'harbourvcn-, ,gin'eer,'.wi\s coh'siiltedw-'niidP'onp .of;.Ms representatives came to'; ;-t'h'e'- t colony arid spent some -months,,.<ih-;1573; ,-in-v close observation of the tides. ; .".^lve.: iintipi'pypmWfc'of: the : ,port.of -Tiraapfi has,;heeiv a history of no'anirttint of expense'and' study -sub-; sequent-iy. could linfyOi produced the -proseut Jesuits'- if -work and. j,4Vp.ipolicy linayyvflfiopted■ had been unWtt'rid''' -'Vny dhe^"ignoraht, : of;;the historvof the harbour works .would'-epn-ol iiclfi"' f rom\ this': that:,:tb<\y." were", b.i sod • upon the work 'done 'by. Sir; ;Tphn-Cocd#s; represeiita ti vo. whereas that; work was "scrapped " as; entirely useless.;' ':■. T

Don't miss tlie' theatre to-night just because your: head aches. Stearns' Headache Cure drives away the. pain quickly .-arid..makes .you' feel as.if neverhad a headache. ■ 3s a; box/ 5 Marmola, nnd.'Liquid Barkola compound,- the two much •advertised preparations areobtainable from J. Baxter. Chemist. Timaru... From Rangitata to Waikouaiti, and as far back as Mount Cook, you will find' Souter's ; bladder-lined waterproof boots for men, - the only English -boot that is guaranteed as absolutely waterproof.. Souter's Boot Store are sole agent for South Canterbury. Our winter stock of these boots are fast selling out, and those . who have been recommended . by; wearers of these boots, to try them, should lose no time in purchasing a-pair, while able to do so. Souter's/Bpot.Store, where the prince of boots is stocked... Hockey and golf players will find all requirements for these, games at Mr I<.. Tasker's,- Stafford streets Both games are well catered for. 300 golf <. clubs from 7s upwards,: 600 balls from Is- upwards, also caddie bags, ball cleaners, etc Only the best makers' good'kept .in stock. - Hockey sticks, balls, shin guards, in, great variety, t6>Bint all players. ... ,''- ■'

The South End supporters of the hoot"'repairing business lately carried on. by Air Mnir, Alexandra :Square, (opposite . mbhument) : will be pleased to •know, that the-shop will bo -reopened on Saturday; 17th April, when the man in charge will be pleased to receive the patronage hitherto -accorded -i the above. Your work will be done in first-: .class style, and no waiting, prices right for cash... ' ' " '

Distinctiveness of style, gracefulness and attractiveness of figure, combined with perfect freedom and comfort, _is desired by every woman, and the 1 .D. corset hais a world-wide: reputation for imparting these great, essential points to the wearer Science and skill have combined to render P.D. solutely unrivalled for durability; they will wear considerably longer than, any other make. ... .

Pure drugs and honest service are essential in the dispensing of your physicians prescriptions—you get Doth when you take your prescriptions to Baxter's Pharmacy...

Owin" to an unusually large number of exchanges made recently in this district for new pianos, the Dresden P.ano Co Ltd is in a position to oiler snrae splendid bargains in second-hand pianos and also two harmoniums in firstrate condition. Prices from .seven pounds upwards. The Dresden • still leads in all .oualities English and German., instrument?. Brpaclwood, Collard, .Lipp i .Onpnisch J nnolvnV.;and. ! tte greatest 1 the leadJiKZ. pianists.ofivtlie<world Use : p.anos of -which the Dresden lias the:sole control 'thronahout. the • Dominion. > ■■'. A .new Proadwood player rfiinrad- just unpacked Corne'.aii'd hear this Wonderful musical instrument...

Chamberlain's Cough" Remedy is Nature's most natural remedy, improved by science to a pleasant, . permanent, positive cure for coughs, colds, and all inflamed surfaces of the lungs and bronchial tubes. The sore, weary, cough-worn longs are exhilarated ; the microbe-bearing mucus is cub out, tie cause of that tickling removed ami the Inflamed membranes are healed and soothed, so that there is no inclination to ooiHi. Tt always cures." I'oi sale everywhere.•» j

• The annual,' meeting: of-: the .Timaru. Cnjq'vietiGiub*will'ljc ,oii"tlie:"liV\rn td-riiorrow;. afterrioHh • .at:; 3;- o'clpel;^V '■.

At the rieXt,'sittiug"-of : -the. Supreme Court : in .-.Timaru, an important case is to come on. for hearing—a: case involving a considerable sti'rii of' money,:, it will- be' -remeriibered thatyin October. last, Miss ' 'Selbie.,'".'of-' Claremont, ■ lost' •lier•"]ife"in Timaru "as -the resri 11' of ah accident between . the. tran in \yhieh she was driving and a motor car owned, by Mr A. jNlanchester, of VVaiinate". ..rter Mr r George Selbie, isinpw ciaiming £|.ooo;.da'mages from .i\lr aianciliester. In support of- the claim. Messrs Perry,, Perry arid Kinnerney, and !Mr Solomon, K.C., of Dnnedi.ii,. will appear.- ,>;- i'''.■'■.. •■"'''':■-■ Mr Walter.:-Kerinaway, 'who has ' recently' retired- frpin the High Commissioner's staff in liondbn, has given -the London correspondent of -the Christchurch "Press" an account of his experiences in Canterbury. He came out in.-1853j.and' started farming at Heatlicptel . Then, he took up a run in Ashburton Forks, and then came, further south, and: \wii]t shis:i: ; bpptbgr 'and-; brp-: thbr-in-la\y the : Jate.E. .Aefori, took lip runs in the Albu'r-y and. Fairlie' district: ~'- In '.|6%«Mr •W. • Kennawayj was elected tO<' 1 Council,, : -"first as niember for '■ ".'Morint :.Cdpk,-" - arid next-for Setidown. He became pr'ovin-'j cial; secretary, find- soeretary for works | under./ Mi?: '■■Superinteiri'lfiiitti R-oll(?sfcon, and tgol?|riri Afitiye paiit jri shaping -the j proyiifcial: jnstatutioris- of,; Tn ; 1874 Mr: Kennaway went to England to take, a position in the AgeivtGeneral's office, and ever since he has been the active 'representative of.-New Zealand in London, the. cpnfidential adviser of the successive .'Agents-General and jHigli Commissioners. •'''-,.'■;. -Will you allow your:cough to get the best of you ? ■ Zyihole : Trokeys stop coughs and strengtheiiithe throat. Try them. . They'will: please you. • -3

SYNOPSIS OF NEW VDYERTISEMEXTS XZ L. and MA. Co Sale at Sti.dliolmc to-morroHv. Chaptoi of >St. John—Convocation this evening. R. Sommer\ ille —Peifeet corn ciiic. 1) \iztue —Boiough Council election. idutcon and Co —Reopening of St M«uj's> Chinch.. To eloctois of Timaru —Xotiees b\ elected Borough Councillors. W. R. McGiafh —Visits Christchurch this week. Albuiy Pacing Club —"Mooting on Saturday. Caning ot cats —Tenders bj Dalgciy and Co > .lonfs' buckjumper« —Open near Mclvjllo i Satiiid'n night i football —Matches on Athletic and Caledonian ground-.. hovels. Coimtv Council—Tenders foi melak > < Ln4t Buef bag, bangle, cornet, motor-lamp, rewards. If. P. S. Johnstone —Warning to ttc'spassers. Timaru Cioopiet Club—Meeting ■'tomorrow. Martin O'Brien —Challenge le step dancing lion ic and Co roundition as grocers. The Pnory—TTarness horse for c ale Girl wanted —Particular appl„v this office. Wanted —One notice

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13890, 29 April 1909, Page 5

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13890, 29 April 1909, Page 5

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13890, 29 April 1909, Page 5