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The loan of £IBOO applied for by the Temuka Borough Council for drainage extension works, has been granted. The Timaru Marist Brothers' schoolboys recently journeyed to Kerrytown, in charge of their teachers, and gave a concert there in aid of the Sisters' school. The building was well filled, and the concert was a great success. The Temuka Bicycle Club have decided to hold a road race on Thursday, 13th May, the course to be from Temuka to Washdyke, thence to Winchester. and back to Temuka—a distance of 24 miles. An emergency meeting of the Lodge of St. John, No. 1137, E.C., will be held this evening in the lodge room, Church street, for work in the third degree. The usual cordial invitation is extended to visitors. The lodge- will bo tyled. at 7.30 p.m. The following is the Bcv. Mr Bates' weather forecast for to-day Moderate to strong easterly winds are probable north of New Plymouth and Napier, and rising northerly winds elsewhere. Barometer fall steadily and probably fast in the south after 16 hours for very unsettled weather; fine generally in the meantime." Mr C. S. Eraser, as hon. secretary to the Navy League, has received from Messrs Orr arid Co., farmers, of Waitohi, the proceeds (£1 2s) from the sale of . a fat lamb, as a contribution to the Navy Leaeue Fund. The N.M. and A. Go. sold the lamb and deducted no commission. Mr Fraser will be pleased to receive any further donations, and forward them to the Navy League, London

Christcluirch messages report th?.t both the Premier and the Hon. Mr Mackenzie, who.'passed through for the south yesterday, declined to be interviewed. Sir J. G. Ward, however, said that he would deal with all prominent public questions in his Ivvorcargill speech on Saturday night. Ainong these are the offer of the Dreadnoughts and the. manner in which it is intended to raise the money : •he colony's financial position; details of the svstem of military training lie intends" to advocate, and retrenchments in the Civil .Service. A paper devoted to postage stamp news Teports a niost extraordinary "corner" in what is known as the

; Lincoln postage stamp. It appears j that this stamp was issued to commemorate Lincoln's 100 th birthday, and that the whole issue, 100,000,000 2c. stamps (face value £500,000) was snapped up bv speculators. The paper, which was shown to us by a Timaru collector of stamps, remarks: —"It seems . incredible that even in the land of corners an attemot should be made to corner and hold "up for a rise an issue of one hundred million, stamps." A rather ingenious" reason was given by a. member of the South Canterbury Education Board, for the _ removal of the upper part ,of a- partition in the Makikihi school: —"Later on in life " he said "the children will often have to work amid interruptions of sorts, and the fact that if the partition is removed in the school, one class will be able to hear the other will he good training for. them.'' Another mem ber remarked that that reason mas what on a par with one given in defence of a teacher who was very deaf, when his advocate said that it was good for children to have a deaf teacher,-' as it made them speak up- ana strengthened their voices. The Pipe Band held their annual social in Budd's cafe last evening, about tliirtv to forty being present, including members of the Band, in their tartans. McGregor "resided over tho gathering. Before the .social began a meeting of the Band w as held. ;at which was J iea4..the annual report and balance-sheet, the latter sliow - ing a credit balance of £sl. Such ji large surplus was put down to the factthat a considerable sum of money had been raised for the purpose of sending the Band up north to compote m a- • contest, an arrangement that did not come off owing, to the contest Mr McGregor was again elected PipeMa ior. and Messrs Hume and McWuir secretary and coloifr-sergeant respectively. 'An attack was then made upon the "appetising , array of .eatab es and drinkables provided by Mr B" f l<V arid the rest of the evening was wh.led> ay with songs and general good fellow shin. " . * The annual meeting of the rimaru Chess Club was held last night. all G 1' Wood occupied the chair, ana about' a dozen members were present The financial statement showed that the Club was 14s 8d to the good, a *>osition that was considered very satisfactory. Complimentary remarks were _ made about the good work done by the secretary, air Mara, and votes of thanks were passed to him. and- also to the vice-president of the Club, «'l>° ad materially helped, with liberal donalions, and to the Club's captain, Mr Wood. The election of officers resulted as follows:—President. Mr laytor: vice-presidents, Messrs Ivinnerney, Cuthbert, Hassell, and Walton; secretary. Mr 'Mara; captain, Mr G-. 1 • AVo'od; committee, Messrs Cox Mills, : »nd Courier. It' was decided that the fee- for the ensuing year should be os The captain and secretary were deputed to make 'arrangements for the use ot a club room and the meeting a vote of thanks to the Timaru, Club for the use of the room that evening. Mr A. J. Stephens'has a coupon advertisement in to-day's ,»apor. Readers requiring a good up-to-date suit can obtain one of Alfred J. Stephens i-A ]7s6d at less that, cost price.. He is; giving this concession in consideration; of tile numerous patronage .bestowed upon him. Up to the present lie has given every satisfaction to his ens-, tohiers, who speak in eestacy of Ins work; in turning out a good suit. He evidently leads tho way, and others follow, or try to do so. By cutting out the advertisement coupon you can save 'Bs off your rait. We advise you to give him a trial. This concession is only for a limited period...


To demonstrate to all readers of the Timaru Herald the great purity of " Red Cross" Ointment, and its ability to heal quickly cuts, bruises, . burns, chaps, chilblains, pinvplcs, etc, the Proprietors will send on request to anyone a sample of the ointment —free. Send a postcard to-day, and you'll get a (laintv little tin by return mail. You'll find the ointment useful, acceptable—the best you've ever tried. Address: Murdoch and Co., Agents, Dunedin...


And New -Zealand's offer is exciting great interest. Still, another matter of nnportance to the public of the Dominion is that the New Zealand Express Co. Ltd., undertake to forward goods and parcels to any .part of the globe, to pass entries for traders, provide storage accommodation and sample rooms, remove furniture, handle baggage. To traders, travellers, tourists, and the general public they offer a service guaranteed reliable in every department...

I've bunted ticcers in Bengal, And lions at Zambesi's fall, The elephant and hippo, too, The rhino, and the kangaroo: But though I am a hunter bold, I must confess I funk a cold. So when I'm huntine, I make sure A gn in c t <=n<*h risks by AVoods' Peppermint Cure., i ;

The dismantling of the reading room and library at the Mechanics Institute is just about completed now and the reading desks, etc., will he fitted up in the Public Library.'

In couneetion with the demands of the General Labourers' Union, the Timaru Borough CoH'ncil docs not object to being brought under an award provided it is'one with the same conditions as that under which the Christcliurch City Council is working. The school at Hunter- lias been deserted by its committee, who some time ago resigned in a body and the secretary of the Education Board remarked that if a. committee had not been elected on 'Monday last, the Board would have to appoint commisioners to take over the management of the school. A sign of approaching winter was manifested by the competition for seats near tho fire place by the members of tho Education Board yesterday. It was a case of first come first served and Messrs G. Lyall, W. M. Hamilton, and T. Sherratt were the lucky ones, who reaped the reward of punctuality.

"Harbour" writes to deny, that Messrs Beck, Pearson, Porter and "Watson are seeking Council seats for no other purpose than that of harassing the Mayor; and to say that those who think so must be of opinion that nobody is wanted on the Council who differs from the Mayor in regard to Domim.M politics. ■ ' There seems very little competition for the position of teachers in country schools in South Canterbury. At the meeting of the Education Board yesterday only six applications, were received for positions at five different schools. One man applied for the sole teachership at Kapua, none at all for positions at Orari Bridge, Orari South ,-aiid Waitaki, and five for a pupil teachership at the. Main School.

The usual, fortnightly meeting of the Timaru Lodge of Druids was held in the Foresters' Hall last evening, a fair attendance of members being present. Delegates were appointed to meet the other societies to carry on the Friend ly Societies' card tournament. One candidate' was initiated into the order, andr two, proposed for., membership. After the usual business had been transacted, the Lodge was closed in due form by the' A.D. (Bro. W. Curie)'.

Ail exliibitibn of aft work in connection with the Teniuka Technical Classes is now being held in the Association's rooms, and is being visited-by a good number of people! There are a number of English scenes by Mr Greene, and exhibits in relief carving by Miss Hall. ' The following also arc exhibitors: —Mesdames Hayes, D. Shaw, Aspinall, Buxton, • and \Y. H. Brown, Misses Guild, Paterson and Cooper, and Shaw jnnidr. - The auctioneers (N.M. and A. Coy.) wish to draw special attention to the clearing sale to "be held at' Mr Robt. Andrews's farm-at Hook on Thursday, when his live and dead stock, and a number of good draught horses and implement will be submitted to auctionth plement on account of. Mr Jas. W. Anderson will be submitted to auction. As Mr Andrews has sold his lease and Mr Anderson has given up contracting, every lot offered is for absolute sale. At next Saturday's meeting of the Educational Institute Mr Pitcaithly will criticise the requirements of the syllabus in arithmetic, geography and nature study. The mere fact that it is Mr Pitcaithly who speaks ' should attract a good attendance, and members - are advised to come prepared to make very definite statements concerning tho work required in these important, subjects. "The meeting is to be in the Glasgow Tea Rooms at 11.15 a.m. The opening run of the South Canterbury Harriers will be held to-mor-row, when the club hope to see all the old and intending members present. The patron of the club (Mr J. Craigie), has extended his usual kind invitation to make his residence on "YVai-iti Road, the rendezvous for this run and as it is surrounded by ideal harrier ' country and Mrs CraigieV hospitality is proverbial, a record field should be present at 3 o'clock when the hares are timed to leave. • ■

The articles that have appeared from time to time in these columns with reference to the advisability of procuring a teacher of agricultural science for South Canterbury, seem to be in a fair way of bearing " fruit and at the meeting of the Education Board yesterday the idea, was taken up with considerable enthusiasm. The man who will probably be offered the position is most suitable from every point of vie«", f>nd the excellent work he has already done proves liis fitness for the position both in theory and practice. " The committee of the Waimate A. and P. Association at a meeting on Saturday, accepted -Mr Beckett's resignation as secretary, and as Mr Glendinning had only -been appointed temporarlily it was necessary to advertise the vacancy. It was reported that there were outstanding subscriptions to the extent of £94, and the meeting decided that a circular be sent to those cwing same. Mr T. Liken offered two special prizes of £2 2s for progeny of his horses, it was decided that future meetings be open to the Press. Will vou allow your cough to get tli.y best of" you P ' Zyniole Trokeys stop, coughs and strengthen the throat-. Try them. They will.please you. 3

Pure drugs and honest service are essential in the dispensing of your physicians prescriptions —yob get both when you take "your prescriptions to Baxter's Pharmacy...

■ Owing to-an unusually large number of exchanges" made recently in this district for new. pianos, the Dresden Piano Co.; Ltd.,-is in a position to .offer some splendid bargains in second-hand pianos and also two harmoniums •in firstrate condition. Prices - from seven pounds upwards. The Dresden still leads in all qualities English and German instruments. Broadwood, Collard, Lipp, Roniseh, Bohm and the trre'atest of all "the Ste.inwav." All the leadins pianists of the world use pianos of which the Dresden lias the.sole control throughout the • Dominion. .A new Broadwood. player piano just unpacked. Come .and hear this wonderful musical instrument...

Chamberlain's • Couglr Remedy •is Nature's", most natural remedy, improved by science to a pleasantj permanent, positive cure for coughs, colds, and all inflamed surfaces of the lungs and bronchial tubes. The sore, weary, cougli-worn .lungs are exhilarated, the microbe-bearing mucus is cut out, the cause of that tickling removed, and this inflamed membranes are -healed - and soothed, so that -there- is no -inclination to cough. ■lt always cures. Foi sale everywhere...

James' Vinegar" Essence is undoubtedly one of the best preparations we have. One small bottle added to one gallon of cold water mak-.s absolutely pure vinegar of superior flavour. Price Is 6d from'L. B. " James, Chemist, Timnrn...

"Bladder-lined waterproof Loots for men; price 30s. Procurable at Sontcr's Boot Store. Sole agent for Titnaru...' Mrs Webber, Sharp-street, Geelong, Vic., writes: "Chamberlain's Pain Balm is a wonderful liniment for cuts and bruises or rheumatism. _ Every member of :ny family lias used it some time or other and have always obtained relief nftpr a few "applications. One tiling''T have-always noticed is that when Chamberlain's Pain Balm is used for a or bivrn. there is : never any left on tho flesh." For sale everywhere.,. ' ;

There will be no. gymnasium, practice of St. Mary's Young Men's Society tonight. Miss Ada AVard Will give an address at the Salvation Army Barracks at 8 o'clock to-morrow evening.

The arrivals in New Zealand during March last numbered 3347, and departures . 4780. The figures, for March, 1901, were arrivals 3382, departures 39DS. ■ The annual election of three memoes to the Temuka lioad Board to f. II vacancies caused by the retirement by rotation of Messrs O. W. Arniitage, A; Bisset, and I'.- Coir a takes place in the 7th of May. • - ■

; At-the, Magistrate's Court yesterday, before Mr V. G. Day, S.M., a first offender - for • drunkenness (said to have come froin Asliburton) was fined ss. The defendant did not appear in answer to the charge. The National Mortgage announce an important clearing sale to be held at St; Andrews this- day at 12.30 o'clock sharp.- • This sale was also noted yesterday, but a wrong time in the'"date unfortunately got into the advertisement.

The Temuka. Bicycle Club made a profit of £74 lis "4d out of its recent Easter Monday meeting and the dance at night. The club propose to hold a road race oil 13tli May, Washdyke to Winchester and back, finishing at the Temuka Post' Office.

Mr W. Angland asked a question of the cancli'iatos tor municipal Honours .last night. as to whether they • wouitl be in lavour or opening the Caroline .bay Tca llooms on Sundays, Mr Beck saul yes, most decidedly, out Mr Daviusou' said that it' people got a good Sundays tney would 'not need any tucker. Mr Beck- retorted that sermons ' would not fill the stomach. Tho little exchange aroused hearty laughter.' ' ' ' The members of the Education Board seemed well pleased with their new quarters in the Technical School, j The Only adverse criticism was made about tlie outlook from the windows; which is certainly not very attractive' from a scenic jK>int of view. • One optimistic member said that would be rectified soon when they had a flower and rose garden planted on the bank, when the view would not offend the taste of the most aesthetic - among them. From Rangitata to Waikouaiti, and as far hack' as Mount Cook, you will find Souter's bladder-lined waterproof boots for men, the only English boot that is guaranteed as absolutely waterproof. Souter's Boot Store are sole agent for South Canterbury. Our winter stock of these boots are fast selling out, and those who have been recommended by wearers of these boots, to try them, should lose no time in purchasing a pair; -'while able to do so. Souter's Boot Store, where the prince of boots isr>stoclt<!d... At the meetirtg-df'tHe Burgesses Association last night a'mew'originator of the eastern mole'turned iiy,'Tin the person of Mr John - Davidson; '/who said he had told tlidm years,, a'gp to leave the shingle alone;' And : to run a mole out there: 1 And" he • added proudly, •' thev did- it,'though I- an) old .TotekuD.avidson, : the or%inator oof the eastern fitole.''.'"'"XGreafc'." laughter). Soriie frnff , 'wafrtured. ; K tliat Mf f -Will iiitn Rvaiis- h&S-soiltiethiu'g to do Troth-' it'i'.'but Mr Davidson didv:not seem iiteifned to v, yield 'tho-'lionour up to 1 anyone;' - '■ r '* " " '

Don't miss 1 the theatre to-nlglit just because your head • aclics. x Stearns' Headache Cure drives away the pain quickly and makes you feel as if you never, had a headache. Is a box. o Hockey and golf players will find all requirements for these games at Mr J? . Tasker'Sj Stafford street. Both games are well catered for.. 300 golf clubs from 7s upwards, 600 balls from Is upwards, also caddie bags, ball cleaners, etc. Only the best makers', good kept in stock.' • Hockey sticks, balls, shin guards, etc., in great variety, to suit all players. ...

Farmers nailed boots for winter wear, light, medium and heavy. Wholehacks, watertight bluchers, all made to resist water. Souter's, the farmers boot suppliers. We specialize in farmers working boots. We have built up a large trade, through selling working hoots that -will wear and resist water. If you are not a customer of Souter's' boot store, and are unable to get good fiirin hoots, try us for your next pair; AYe will be .*atisficd with a trial. Souter's Reliable Boot Shop, Stafford St., Tiniaru...

The South End supporters of the boot repairing business lately carried on by Mr Muir, Alexandra Square (opposite monument)- will he pleased to know that the shop will bo reopened on Saturday, 17tli April, when the man in charge will be pleased to receive the patronage - hitherto! accorded to -the above. Your work will be done in firstclass style, and no waiting, prices right for cash... ■

Distinctiveness of style, gracefulness and attractiveness of figure, combined with perfect freedom and comfort, is desired by every woman, and the P.D. corset has a world-wide reputation for imparting these great essential points to the wearer Science and skill have combined to render P.D. corsets absolutely unrivalled for durability; they will wear considerably longer than any other-make. ... 1 SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. O'Callaghan and'Col —Sale of tweeds, serges, etc., to-day. Wright, Stephenson and Co. —Sell sheep at Palmerstou on 3rd May. C.F.C.A. —Entries for Tattersall's oil Saturday. N.M. and A; Co.—Clearing sale at Hook to-morrow.

Dalg(jty and Co.—-Point stock sale Mav 3rd. N.Z.L. and M.A. Co.—Sell farm on Bth May. Marriott's drapery—Prices ot jackets, Lodge of St. Jolin—Meeting this evening. ' Furniture trade workers—Meeting this evening., , To grain growers —C.F.C-A booking orders for manures. London dental parlour—Now open, next Baxter, chemist. • _ Pareora. East —Grand bazaar oil 6th and 7th May. iy: Municipal concert—On Caroline Bay this evening-.- ' Upper Pareora—School concert and dance Junc:,3rd. " . Cantei bury Engine-drivers: p<iion— Employment" book at Labour oificc.-_ AYai-iti school—Basket social' on / tli : '*N.Z. ' railwoys ; Time-table alterations, Fairlie branch. AY. A. Pearson —Notice to electors of Timaru. . . Timaru' Harbour Board —lenders tor timber. ■ ~„„ . ,' , AVest's pictures—At Theatre Royal this evening. ~ „„ j. Sherwood's pictures At theatre Royal on May 3rd. _ Rosewill—Fancy dress ball May /tli Salvation Army—Miss Ada Aiaiu to-morrow evening. R. E. Mahan —Tenders for feeding off turnips. Fairview—Social, on■ May /tli Lost—Bag purse, reward at this office. . . Educational institute—Meeting on Saturday. ' Mount Peel Road Board Annual meeting May 4th. St. .Mary's Y.M.C.—No gymnasium to-night. ' AA anteds—Seven notices. .

The Pleasant Point technical classes in blacksmithing and woolclassing assemble .to-morrow evening, to arrange for a. time of' meeting' to suit the pupils. ■ Tile manager of the-Benevolent Home desires to acknowledge with thanks gifts of buns and cakes from Messrs J. Hutchison and P. C. OHiver; apples from Mr G. Butler, newspapers from Mrs Pigeon, and' reading matter from Mr Howell. • ■ !"'■ -

A bankrupt in- liis filed statement of assets, as submitted to a meeting of creditors in Timaru' yesterday, showed that he had riot a very liigli opinion of the value of Dairy Company shares. His estimate of the value of shares which he held, was £O." ' Have you tried Souter's half guinea men's light nailed shooters. You may be able to buy a cheaper boot elsewhere, but you will not, get as good value. We sold over 700 pairs of this ]os 6d shooter the past year. -We: believe that this year we sell over 1000 pairs. Each pair we sell, sells another pair to a new customer. Try Souter's Busy Boot Store for your next pai r of boots-... •'

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13889, 28 April 1909, Page 5

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13889, 28 April 1909, Page 5

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13889, 28 April 1909, Page 5