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Hear lie's Bronchitis Cure. ™ e T *rr Those who have taken this medicine are amazed at its splendid healing.power. Sufferers from Bronchitis, Coughs Croup, Asthma, Difficulty wOU&£.U& €*✓ \i/V»W;3. nf "Rrpathin? Hoarseness Pain or Soreness in the Chest, experience delightful and rapid relief; and to,those.who are subject to Colds on the . chronic, nor Consumption to develop. Consumption is not known where "Coughs" have, on their-first appearance, been properly treated with tins-medicine. No house should be without it, as, taken. at the beginning, a dose or two is generally sufficient, and a complete cure is certain. ' . .' Small Size, 2/6; Large, 4/6. Chemists, Medicine Vendors, or the Proprietor, W. Q. HiARNE, Chemist, Geelong, Victoria* Forwarded by post to any address, when not obtainable locally

AS APPLIED TO CHAMBERLAIN'S GOUGH REMEDY. HOW TO PREVENT THE CHILD'S LIFE CHILD'S NEGLECTED HOW COLDS ARE COLDS. __ COLD CONTRACTED COMMONSENSE ADVICE. AND DANGERS THAT THREATEN. AND THE RESULT. AND PROPER TREATMENT. Habitual colds are due to an ill-kept The worst danger to which the Colds are the special banes of A cold is always the result of undufl skin on the outside, and by dyspeptic children of Australia are exposed is childhood, and often lay the foundation exposure to low temperatures. Thq mucous membrane on the inside, the neglected cold. If your baby has for the more serious diseases 0 f rap"! cooling of the surface, when not the result of indigestion, coupled with a co ld, don't say, "Jtf will wear off," a fter-life. One child catches cold, and balanced by proper reaction, produces carelessness. Cold water, proper food, and let it go at that. 'lf your children scares . h . hvsterics ■by COTig f sU ™ inflammation of the and commonsense are the foundations have the snuffles, or sore throats, or f 9 . ltS mother int ° W s ™™ 3 oy nasa l and membranes.. Obupon which a preventive must rest. wa tery eyes don't hesitate to take havm £ crou P ln the dead of m £ nt - viously, such an ailment is not comA cold sponge bath, one ;to three them from school fo" a day or two so Another child catches cold, and mU nicable, in the ordinary sense, minutes long, before breakfast, with that you may break up the colds they before jt has fu ''y recovered from from one individual to another. A» a brisk, dry rub, is excellent-usually have Every pare nl; can add to the rt ' takes another cold, and perhaps the slightest "cold" predisposes the all that is necessary to keep the healthy condition of the family and before that is over contracts a .fresh individual to attacks of the mpst severe cutaneous circulation alive, and the to his or her own peace of mind by one * This succession of colds, or even and. .dangerous catarrhal affections, skin reactive to sudden changes of g Uard j n g against any and every kind the ne e ,ect of a common cold, causes the necessity for its quick cure temperature. For those unaccustomed 0 f cold Generally the child does not the inflammation of the mucous need not be enforced. These facts to cold water, tolerance can be gained know how it caught cold It may be membra ne, which was at first acute, to emphasise the necessity of extra prein three weeks' time by the use of impossible to prevent it exposing its become chronic, and the doctor will tell cautionary measures against the ordiwater at any comfortable tempera- sens iti V e body to those dangers which you that the child has chronic catarrh, nary cold. Everyone' cannot change ture, making it one degree colder older perso ns shun But the chances from which ifc will never fully recover - W s climate at will, but may make the each day, until'it can be employed, 0 f contracting colds can be easily Still another child catches cold, and most of what he has at home—viz., without dread, as cold as it will run. diminished by a little care and fore- could easily have been cured by proper take Chamberlain's Cough Sea salt may be added to the water thought. If the children get colds, trea tment, but, being neglected, soon as the first indication of the cold for its stimulating effect. Cold water, don - t waste any time. Don't trifle develo P s the most fatal malady of appears. If not only cures a cold intelligently used, does not steal vita- with a eo i d This warning should be childhood ' pneumonia. The doctor is quickly, but counteracts any tendency lity, but fosters it. It stimulates the heeded by all The lives of many cal , led > and pronounces it lung fever, of the cold to result in pneumonia, nerves that control the expansion and children are sacrificed each year by and if the cmld is lucky enou & h to hve > Tnis f act has been fully proven during contraction of the blood vessels, &nd ne glecting the colds which they take • 5t h as developed weak lungs, making the epidemics of colds and influenza regulates the cutaneous circulation. ot hers contract chronic catarrh, from jt susceptible to all lung diseases, of the past few years. No case of One should "keep moving " when wet wh ich they never fully recover. 'Of all Everv one of these children could have either of these diseases having resulted or chilly, and not stand on a street the cough mixtures sold, Chamberlain's been cured by the P rom P t use of in pneumonia when this remedy waa corner or elsewhere without taking Cough Remedy certainly heads the Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. A few used has ever been reported to the deep breath. The lungs used in this U st as the most efficacious for colds • doses of Jt ' and the child cold is £ one - manufacturers, and thousands of way act as a pump, and drive the croup . and w hooping cough in Ifc counteracts any tendency of a cold bottles of it are sold every day. Thia blood along. This practice, with the children, and the one remedy that can to result in P neumonia ' quickly dis;- shows, conclusively that it is not only others named, will reduce to a shadow a i ways be depended upon to effect a P ellin £ al! fear of that dangerous the be3t and quickest cure for colds, the liability of taking cold every little spe edy cure, and that is pleasant and disease - lt is also a certain cure t- ° r but a certain preventive of that danwhile. If you should contract a cold, sa fe to take' This remedy contains no crou P> and has never been known to gerous disease; pneumonia, get rid of it as quickly as possible, opium or other harmful drUg, and may faiL When , given aS , Soon aS th * EV FRY^T^E^ARANTEED ' for every cold weakens the lungs, be given M confidently to a baby as crou P y cough appears it will prevent EVERY BOTTLE GUARANTEED lowers the vitality, and paves the to an af j.. lt r t „ „_„„<. wor t h nl „i the attack. A medicine of such great If you fail to get beneficial result* wav for more serious diseases This ? t l f great worth and Chamberlain's after using two-thirds of a bottle of way lor more berioub uis.edt.ei>. nut. mer ,t ]n the treatment of these " " ".■ , ~ , , ,_ . r*r r a h/rn r-rt ra r Arte is best accomplished by the use, of disease s has been attested by many Cough Remedy should be kept in every CHAMBERLAIN S Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, a pre- thousands of mothers. • ' ■ house where * her u e al ?. yo ™ g children COUGH REMEDY paration that can always be depended Don't Wait till the child is sick, and .. ' upon and that not only cures the cold, then have to send for it, but keep it on Tu but counteracts any tendency toward CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REMEDY hand, ready for instant use when we u known for its prompt cures of nnpiitrinnia. sold everywhere 1/6. needed, coughs, cold and croup.

Are your lips white, II your ears transparent ? *<! A (ov And" do you look thin §asT/»»'..' and careworn? It J doesn't i imagination to see \li red lips, I//") "J}] blooming cheeks, and a bright, cheerful face, in every bottle of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. If your appetite is poor, your digestion imperfect, and you feel nervous and weak, you ought to take AYER'S Sarsaparilla It expels all impurities from the blood, and gives strength and vigor to the nerves. It will surely restore you to health. As now made, Ayer's Sarsaparilla contains no alcohol. There are manv imitation Sarsapariilas. Be sure you get "AVER'S." . Co., Lowell, Mass.. Lr.S.rt. AYEB'S PILLS, tko best family laxative.

A. SMAIIT SUMMER SUIT £2 ss, £2 10s, £2 15s, and £3 3s. MADE TO MEASURE. THE SUITS now being made by GEORGE DAVIES, STAFFORD STREET, Arcade Corner, next Priest and Holdgate's, at the above prices, are really superb in style, fit and finish. They equal in appearance the suits Timaru men have been in the habit of paying the tailors who give credit five and six guineas for, and they possess one point which no other firm can supply—the famous Keep-Shape Front. The "Keep-Shape" Front is a registered front that ensures the coat front from turning back and getting out ol shape. It is the latest idea from the best London and N<yv York tailoring establishments, and. Mr Dayies is very fortunate indeed in possessing the exclusive right to use this front in coats made in New Zealand. Gentlemen who have' already had suits made at the Christchurch establishment since the "Keep-Shape" front was introduced have been highly pleased with the splendid coats produced. Then, special care is given to every detail >a the making of every garment, and Mi Davies is so. satisfied that your suit will give complete satisfaction when you oider it from him, that he has authorised us to state that he will give a written guarantee to refund your money should you not ! be entirelj satisfied with the garments when you receive them. •We attribute the difference of £2 in the price of Mr Dayies' sujcs. us compared with the ordinary i'u:idg-to-measure suit largely to the modern methods adopted in the making of the garments, and, of course, alsc j to the fact that he sells entirely for

FOR CHOICI la all t&« N*w«*t Dasigu, AT PBICB3 TO ffUTT ALL. Q* «• HDIDOOI, PAPMBHANGHBK, PAUNTSK, &S* SLAZUB, 1 imam Brewery, (HHOLE, GRIERSON AN!J DW!> LIMITED), WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS BREWERS, MALSTERS,• AND BOTTLERS. DRINK ONLY LL ALES AND STOUT. •"< «.;«p at all the Principal Hot* iE in Canterbury. Buyers of Bottles in any quantity, ilighest Price given. TIMARU AND CHRISTCHURCH

Embrocations and liniments won't cure Rheumatism, Gout, Lumbago or Sciatica. The cause of the trouble is in the blood—uric acid—and the only possible cure is to eradicate this poison. RHEUMO does this, and does it thoroughly. Thousands who once suffered have been restored to health by RHEUMO. All Chemists and Stores, 2s 6d and 4s 6d...

FOR SALE. SECTIONS AND HOUSES. KENSINGTON House. •, i-Acre, 5-Roomed King Street, i-Acre, 7-Roomed House. King Street, i-Acre, two doublestorey Houses. Heaton Street, i-Acre, and 5-lloom-ed House. William Street, J-Acre, and 5-Room-ed House. Craigie Avenue, }-Acre and G-Room-ed House. Craigie Avenue; i-Acre and 10Roomed H ollse - North Street, J-jAcre and 4-Roonicd House. North Street, i-Acre and 7-Roomed House. North Street, i-Acre and 7-Roomed House. Woodlands Road> 1J Acres and GRoomod House. Avenue Road, 20 Perches and 4Roomed House. ' Elizabeth Street, i-Acre and 7-Room-ed House. ! Elizabetth i-Acre and fiRooraed House. Beverley, i-Acre ; and ]O-Roomed House. I Roslyn Street, J-Acra and 4-Roomed Cottage. | Waimataitai, i-Acre and 6-Roomod House. Maltby Avenue, lißood 35 Perches and 6-Roomed House. Rathmore Street, iJ-Roomed House. Maori Hill, J or i Acres, and 6Roomed House. [ Maori Hill, 1 Rood 13 Perches and 6-Roomed New House. Beverley, First-class Residence. Arthur Street, i-Acre and 6-itoomed House. Edward Street, J-Acre and 5-Roomed House. I Church Street, and G-Ruomed House. I Sections in Rhodes, 'King, Heaton, Hobhs, Wilson, Lough, Rathmore, North and Oxford Ktrei'ts, Woodlands and Wai-iti Roads. \ Wanted to Purchase, iliuilding with good Shop, near town ceßtre. TYPEWRITING OFFICE. BARLOCK TYPEWRITING- AGENCY N.B. AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE COMPANY.

NEAVE'S FOOD is a PERFECTLY SAFE FOOD for the most delicate child, if used according to the directions given. It assists teething, is a valuable boneformer, relieves constipation, and Is a complete diet for Infants.

cash, giving no credit whatever, thus making no bad debts; and after all, it does seem absurd that one man .should have to pay a higher price for his suit, just because some other fellow tails to pay for his, but that is just what happens, for somebody has to paj for those who do not pay, and it is naturally not tne tailor who gives credit; it is the man who does pay—you. Mr Uavies has just opened in the Timaru branch a very large shipment of the newest Summer Suitings direct from the manufacturers. They include all the latest shades and colourings in tlia fashionable brown and green worsteds so much worn now, also many beautiful light materials, and the standard qualities in blues ana blacks, which are guaranteed to retain their colour, being of the "best possible dye. Your early inspection of these splendid suitings is invited, and advised. The address is— GEUhGB DAVIE-*. STAFFORD ST., ARCADE CORNER Next Priest and Holdgate's, TIMARU. Also at Christchurch, Dunedin, Invercargill, Wellington, l'almerstou North, and Wanganui.


"■MayVath, IHOS. ' " or Sirs,—/ enclose a photo of our si child, Ronald, who i.s- thiee and a-half years old. He teas an extremely delicate child, only weighing ih-ee pounds at birth. He aas very ill, and though tut tried most patent Jooa's, they only kept him alive and lie never seemed to improve. At tin months vie put hhn on Neave's Food, and iti a month he became quite-Jat. He is now quite a sturdy specimen, and very strong. Yours truly, " LUCY E. KIRK, " Messrs. Josiah R. Neave <S- Co., " Fordingbridge, England." Manufacturers t Josiah R. & Co., Fordingbridge, England. Purveyors by Special Appointment to H.I.M. THE EMPRESS Of RUSSIA. 7"OU can't do better " —get. one of . Alfred J. Stephens' Suits to leaaure at £2 17s 6d; fit guaranteed.

WOODBURY, GEEALDINfc, AND ORABI. r BEG to inform th« Trav oiling Pnblit that my Royal Mail Coachei wil) no an under : Geraldine to Orari and Back— Qeraldine dep. 7.45 a.m. Gerald ine dtp. for South Expreti, 1( a.m. Geraldine dep. for both Express** North and South, 1.30 p.m. Geraldine dep. for Thnarn Train, 5 p.m Geraldine dep. for North. Exppeee, 6.4r p.m. In connection with the abore, 1 coo Inct a Lirery Busine&s. Gigs, Sa-idl* Solves, Coachei, etc., on Hire at Reaios ibl* Rate*. N. BEERRATT, Proprietor, G«roldia*. T«lepkon« N». 44.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13811, 23 January 1909, Page 4 (Supplement)

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13811, 23 January 1909, Page 4 (Supplement)

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13811, 23 January 1909, Page 4 (Supplement)