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President, Mr J. Sinclair? Stewards, Messrs AY*. M. Connolly, W. Cootaon, Messrs W. M. Connolly, \\. UmClv W. Cookson, J. Gilchrist, John Hole,. *\ Mora,- G. MuntA W (Wen, J. Rpberston Jl, Scarf, Jl Shaw, &.< J- Smith, F.WatBon; Judicial Stewards Messrs W. G. Garrard, W. Ogdeii, J. Sinclair, . F. (Watson, GVWestropp; Hon. Judge, Mr J. Sinclair; Hon. Timekeeper, Mar ibr W. S. Lindsay; Hon. Surgeon, Dr C E. Thomas; Hon. Clerk:of Course, at J. Mee; Starter,,Mr H.^Reynolds; "Hon. Clerk of Scales, Mr D. McKensrie; Handicapper, Mr H. Brinknian; Secretary, Mr H. H. Fraser; - , If justification were needed for the resuscitation of the South Canterbury Trotting Club it was forthcoming in a very, ample idegree.yesterday; :when the aewlyiformed club held itsfnrst meeting. Strictly speaking It is not a case of resuscitation, for the club which has now undertaken to revive the sport of. trotting in this district in an entirely liew oue. and is determined to carrv it on along *be_ . best and" most approved lines;: They made an excellent start yesterday, and congratulations were shower-. ed'in upon them from all sides. While they achieved success it has also to be. said that they worked so as to deserve it, all the arrangements being complete and satisfactory in every detail but boe, : .the exception being in the lack rfamah to take charge of horsed vehicles for which a charge of one shilling V.each was made for admission to the course. But this was doubtless an oversight which will be guarded against in the future. The day was beautifully fine, and there was a very satisfactory attendance; the takings at the gates and lawn amounting to £4l 9s. A -special train'ran out from Timaru to the course the same as for the S.C.J. &s. meeting and this was fairly well patronised. There was no totalisator, .at the meetingbut thirteen bookmakers were licensed, the club'deriving just | on £IOO from this source. The sale of programmes netted £l4 12s, and in nomination and acceptance fees £l4O was received. Thus 1 the receipts ran up to just on £3OO and the club paid qnt £lB5 in stakes—ah amount which cannot be said to err on the niggardly side for an initial meeting.. The track •was in splendid order and some really good trotting was' witnessed. The fields were large, but the starter (Mr Revnblds) and the judge ; (Mr Sinclair) made no mistakes; there were ho protests, nor anything to cause unpleasantness; and the meeting passed off under ; -the happiest possible auspices. In, the competing horses were representatives dfv North Canterbury, . North Otago; and Sonth Canterbury.' The Marine •Band plaved a good programme or music on the lawn and Mr J. Shewan had charge of the afternoon tea arrangements. The officials all did first- " class work, and the secretary (Mr Jl. H. Fraser) filled the office worthily. After the second race there was a gathering of officials and visitors in the luncheon room of the grandstand, when the president (Mr J. Sinclair) presided and took opportunity to give thanks, afcd to extend a welcome to all. He said that this was the first meeting of the newly-formed South Canterbury Trotting Club and so far as it had gone he thought they might congratulate themselves upon the results achieved. He cordially thanked the racecourse trustees ior having granted them the use of the course, the stewards of the South Canterbury Jockey Club for having generously lent the appurtenances necessary to the conduct of the meeting, the various officials, including the handicapper and starter for the liberal terms they had given as this was an inaugural meeting, the nominators and acceptors, and lastly he thanked the press 'of Timaru for assistance willingly rendered. Mr Sinclair said that the* club intended to do its duty and its endeavour would be to provide good clean sport. (Hear hear). It had ambition, and one of its aims would be to get a course of its own, the S.C.J.C's. course being" rather large for trotting. With these, few . remarks, time being short; he asked the company to drink "Success to the South Canterbury Trotting Club." The sentiment was honoured, after which Dr, .C. E. Thomas. «is president of the South' Canterbury Jockey Club, spoke briefly. He said he had looked forward with pleasure to this meeting, and he was very glad to see it turning out so successfully. So far as' it had gone it was n great success, and he hoped that it would lorn/ continue to run successfully. Sneaking for the Jockey Club, Dr. Thomas said fiat that body wished the Trottinc Club the fullest possible measure of success, and he ncked the company to drink the health of the president of the new Club. The toast was enthusiastically lion-

ouredj. and Mr Sinclair acknowledged | tne compliment paid mm, after wim-li he proposed the health or the visitors, uieutioiiing that they had with them Mr Jteid, of Newcastle (who, prior to leaving Australia, was president of the Newcastle and District Trotting Club), and Mr W. G. Garrard, a member of the New Zealand Trotting Association. The'health of " The Visitors " having been drunk, Messrs Herd and -Garrard replied to. the toast. Mr Eeid said he had been very favourably impressed with the meeting so far as it liad gone, arid lie unreservedly congratulated the Club Upon its liberal v programme, as well as upoa the "complete arrangements- made for the meeting. The programme compared more than favourably "with . trotting programmes ■wher'e- he came from. In New South 'wales the stakes ranged from £"2O to £4O, but, on the programme for that Ua> he noticed that the stakes ran' up as'high as £55 for a single race. :Mr Reid concluded by cordially thanking tiie.Club.'for having extended to.-fliim ah invitation to'--be' present that'day. (.Applause.) Mr Garrard returned thanks on behalf of the Christchurch visitors. He congratulated the Club upon the attendance, and upon the successful start it had made. Trotting was a spurt whieJr had come to stay, and he. could assure the Club that the governing body, of which he was a member, would do,all in its power to encourage it. The Trotting Association intended to insist on the sport being lcfept dean; and. any oft'euders would with' m a manner calculated to achieve that end.. He;wished the South Canterbury Trotting Club every prosperity. plause^)-At-this stage the bell for the next race rang,.and the ; baptism of the new* Clu(> being com'pieted, the business «£ the 'afternoo-r was resumed. , Tlie following are details of the results : .. .

TRIAL -HANDICAP,- of 20/ sovs: second nurse 3 sovsirom _ tiie stake; 1$ mile. . Air «. Howell's b ni Lady Mine, j aged, IGsec (J. Messei-vy/ ':....'.... fl Mr W. Brassell's eh g Good Hu]y, aged, 29sec (J. Baju} -.. j.2 Mrs. T. Annett's b m Gladsome, 4yrs. scr (Owner) 3 Couiit 13see. Pom Pom losec, Bonnie Doon 25see, Beltress 2osee, Ann p. 26sec, Miss Hay 2Usec, Stance 29s*c, Little Toby 29sec v and Red Maid 29 sec, also started. The big field was despatched in capital style, and the contestants quickly settled down to their pace's. " Little Toby was the first to show out, closely attended by Stance, thi3 pair passing the stand in company the first, time. Just after this Little. Toby broke, and was not again prominent in the race. , Going round the back stretch there was: a series otV changes. Pom Pom pulled up, and Lady Mine, Good Hope, jml Count went to the front in the oiiler named. Lady Mine was first into the straight,. closely followed by Gpod Hope, and this pair fought out a :ine finish. One hundred yards from home they were trotting neck and neck, and it looked'as though the big horse would crain the victory, but Mr Howfll's mare, trotting consistently and ilell, claimed the verdict hv a neck, 'Gladsome, fifty vards behind, finishing tljrd. and 'Count" fourth. Time, 3min 57 l-o sec. :

LADIES' BRACELET, oil 10 sovs,mnd bracelet valued 4t 1U sovs; s>ccLnd ; horse 3 siivs iroiii tiie stake; Juco round. ~ Miss R. Smith's b in- Beltress-, SyrSj losec (T. A. Smith) 1 Mrs A. Binnie's b m Woodleigli, ao-ed; losec (E. J. Munro) 2 Mrs G. Birehheld's b m Queen Mahibrino, aged, 19sec (Gilcliristl 3 \ C. scr, Jolly Tom lsec, Tornado 4sec St. Oraer losec, Lady Millet 15 sec,' Princess Lily 17see, Delaney Lfeee, Gay Boy 17sec Broadleaf I.7sec, D.P. 19s'ec, Ladv Tracey 19sec, Ruapuna 19 «,ec and" Rothbloom 19see, also started. Defaney,' Gay Boy and Tornado shaved a disinclination to start, refusing to trot until some of the horses had covered half the distance. When at last he did get going however, he .xave a remarkably good performance, though he had thrown away his dunce in the race. Queen Mambrino was the. first to fet going, and in a mixed rait she led all round the back stretch, and was first to turn her head for hone. Woodleigh, Beltress -and Rothbloom had been her nearest attendants g«ing round the back, and once heads v,ore fairlv turned for home, Beltress arid Woodleigh came away in fine style, and passing the Timaru mare hallvay clown the straight Beltress won bv a length from Woodleigh. Queen Mimbrino being three lengths away thrd. Time, 3min 1 3-5 sec. TIMARU HANDICAP, of 55 .ws; second horse "7 sovs from the stake : 9 miles. Mr W -Ambury's blk g Wicklifie< a fed, BOsec (T. Annett) 1 Mr"-7 Williamson's br h Prince Gift. aged. 25sec (rJ. .Bebington) 2 Ml- W. Bottomley's b g Special Lad, aged (J. Messervey) 3 Opihi' 2sec, Urgent 23se<\ St->rh.,i-o Prince Woodburu 25see, Lihe.i-

cut 28see, Caberfeigh 28sec, and Rubican,3ose<;, also started. Wickliffe went

otf with a great rush right from the start, and was.never caught. At-the end of half a mile he had Caberfeigh and Special Lad following at a respectful distance, and this 'pair chased him. round the back, but were tumble to reduce the distance that-separated them • from the leader. About three furlongs from home Prince Gift made a determined effort, and while lie succeeded in passing Caberfeigh and Special Lad, Wickliffe won by six lengths easing lip, and Prince Gift ..beat Special Lad for second place by fifty vards..' Time, ofoin 20sec. WASHDYKE HANDICAP, of 2o sovs;. second hdrse 4 sovs from the stake; . once round. . ' Ulr A. Bhmie's ,b m Woodleigh, aged, 2sec (Owner) 1 Mr W. Connolly's blk ■ m Priwess

Mento, 4yrs, 17sec (T. Logan) ... .2 Mr E. Macdonald's b g A.C., aged,\ lOsee (G. Grant). ..,..........:....... 3 All Day ser, Kintore 6see, .Tornado I4sec, Mist 16sec, Lady Mine llsec, Kakiiio ISsee, Lady Miller 22sec, King Lyn 22see, and St. Omer 22sec, faced the starter. Kakino started be-' fore her time, and after pulling.up took no further part in the race. The others all went off well with the exception of Tornado, but with Mr Cookson in the saddle and the application;-' of the greenhide,, he was, soon persuaded to face the music, and there- • after he trotted well. Woodleigh" shot away in the lead and was never caught. At the home turn Princess Mento almost caught her, but Woodleigh came again, and going on -won comfortably by ten lengths, Princess Meiitq. beating A.C. by four lengths. Tornado , finished fourth. Time, Smih 6see. TROTTERS' HANDICAP, of 3Q soys; second horse.4 soys from the stake; i 2 miles. Mr E. Macdanald's b.'-'g': Stance, 6yrs, 48sec (G. Grant) ............... A Mr G. Birchfield's b m Red. Maid, 4vrs, 48sec (Owner) ......:..'...:..... 2, iMu'.T. Robertson's' b h Red Rothtihild, 6yrsf, 3osec (Owner) .._....'..'. 3 Opihi 2sec, Gladsome 9sec;' Master Tracey 22sec. Starborp 2osee, Prince Gift 25sec, Prince Woodburn 2osec. Undercut 28sec, Pom Pom 30sec, Ruliiciii; 30se'c, Beltress 33see, Miss Hby 44s<>e. and Good Hope 4Ssec, also feft the saddling paddock. The big field was despatched in good style, and one of the- two limit horses. Stance, sooik established a commanding lead. Going round the back stretch the ireldiiig had a lead of quite, a hundred yards, followed by Red Maid, Miss Hay, and Red Rothchild. ' The next change saw the Washdyke \ trotter pass Miss Hay," while Stance went on and won as he liked. There was'a good finish in the straight between the two local men,, the Saltwater Creek owner eventually triumphing over the Washdyke representative Time, omin 34 1-5 sec. FARFAVELL HANDICAP; of 35 soys; second horse 5 sovs from the stake; Ih miles. Mr J. Smith's blk m Imperial Wood, 4yrs, 16see- (J. McConachie) 1 Messrs Piper and Gorton's b ..g _ Count, aged, 19sec (C: Piper) ... .2 Mr J. Shearman's, ch g Urgent, 6vrs, 16sec (J. Brankin) •■ „3 Wickliffe 12sec, Nellie S. 14sec, Jolly Tom.l7.see, Caberfeigh 20sec, and King Lvn '>9sec, also started. Early in the race Imperial Wood took command, followed bv Count. Nellie S. refused to trot when half the distance had'.been covered At the home turn Cqxvnt had almost caught Imperial Wood,-but the leader, answering gamely to the call made on him; forged ahead again, claimed the verdict with a hundred lengths to spare. A keen contest between Count and Urgent tor second •place resulted in favour ot the rorme. bv six lengths.' Time, 3min 4osec. ' This brought the meeting, to a .close shortly after 5 o'clock.

GORE SUMMER MEETING. Per Press Association. . - GORE, Jan. 21.. The Gore summer meeting concluded to-dav in fine weather. There was a iar"-e* attendance and excellent, racing. The totalisator handled £4374, and for the two days £BI2O. Results:— GRAND STAND HANDICAP-Vol-ogda 1/ Lor* Olutlia 2, Allsides 3. Snatched—Fulmar, My Lawyer., Radiator, and.Sacha.-'Won by a length. HOKONUI HANDICAP— Redmond 1 Maystone 2, Miss Bray 3. All started. Won by a length. . RAGING CLUB HANDICAP-Heir. loom 1, Erskine 2, Spinning Flight 3. All started. Erskine p led for a mile when Heirloom got on terms and. a splendid finish ended in a win by alength for the-latter. . PROGRESSIVE TROT— Rothschild Junior 1, Warrigo G 2, Hindoo 3. Won AN HANDICAP— Vologda 1, Little Medallist 2, Fulmar S. Snrn+fhei—Wardland. PRESIDENT'S HANDICAP - Octave 1, Liza 2, Lupulite 3. Scratched —Vologda. Won by a length. TELEGRAPH TROT—IX-coy/ 1, General May 2, Dragoon 3. BOROUGH H ANDICAP-Eous 1, Lord Clutha 2, Heirloom 3. • Scratched —Linda and Red and Black. Won by half a length. r .


WELLINGTON, Jan. 21. Tawhaki and Kint have been scratched 'for the Wellington Stakes. The adjourned enquiry by the Wellington, Racing Club stewards into the running of Penates in the Telegraph Handicap yesterday was concluded today The stewards accepted as quite satisfactory the explanation of A. Barclay, the owner, and C Pr.tchard, the trainer of the horse. Penates showed in his preliminary that he was palpablv too sore to gallop in his usual free manner and his jockey (A Oliver; wisely refrained from punisHing the horse for no purpose." .

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13810, 22 January 1909, Page 7

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SPORTING. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13810, 22 January 1909, Page 7

SPORTING. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13810, 22 January 1909, Page 7