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Tlm* Hanks in Timarn ke+p holiday on the Ist and 2nd Jannary. ■ An assault is said to have bwn comm&i*d. «ih tfc«* liwnw*' of the Arowheaua hotel on Boxing Day, hy a ?jKEsngftr to tlw* district. Tito cas* is ''S^iWffctrtiiatetf at th* Tcmufca Court o» January 12th. ' ■'. Po«*iatia«l ;lrtl»r» aw lying th«* Timaro poafc of no* for: —Mrs K. V. 'Marlev ami Mr G. I»n*\ from Un*'*" Kingdom:: «. Patton and G. Trvker Xil, fr'nin Tatfmania ; and Giuld, fr-sq from -Xwr Srfath Wales.

At the Police Court yesterday rnorn- • Uui hefore s - J** Bo " an . a J*; gattertbwaite. J.P.'*. » H»t "*J en J* c wWbad Wn brought in from St. AnjtHn bv Constable Bolton, pleaded eoHty to a charge of drunkenness, and 'ftm&wd hi* willingness-to the i?sw -Af •» prohibition order against himself. convicted and discharged Mm ft* his law from sobriety, and 'ftfettedTa. prohibition order against h»m ..tor twelve'months. * ;Tne hoo- secretary to the Jubilee Gotomlftfe, Mr F. S. Shrimnton, has "reawvedTllO reol'ies already, to the ad--TBrtisw<i invitation to people who were •'uftWbklfc Canterbury prior to 1886. Ho ' *wju be pleased to be inundated with similar communications, but it is desired that the stream should run dry at an carlv date, as arrangements '*> be made for the ronvenienre' of "the'older guests at the Jubilee festival. proprietors of the motor garages: v bjfiv*» pUred all their ears at the ser'vice- of the committee for that day. and"' donbtles* many private cars will be"slm3arl# made available. y fhf Temuka river is not considered ~a. dangerous one nowadays, hut on , jfewltt/'morninß last, two men. Messrs El»» awl Flynn, had a narrow escape while attempting to cross it. I ney WenTdrivini?-below the traffic -bridge in a gig, when they came suddenly tnto: a deep hole. The gig «*"& > mme ~ diaiely, and the horw attempted iwint whore. Messrs Flyrin and Ehns alter vain to free the horse, had to give up and make for the shore. T*b natives (Messrs Mihaka and Tai&»na>; then came to the assistance of tB* i - ! strttggling horse and "managed to both the animal and the trap sake on dry land- The Maoris were warmI« cheered for their plucky action. ■;'** i am glad to see that the States aW falling into line over the tMMb grain bat" remarked the Coiomon«<n)th Prime Minister (Mr Fisher) recently. This is the small bag which waVf lirtrwdßeM by Mr Austin Chapman when Minister of Customs. He issued a .proclamation prohibiting the importation of grain hag!t over a certain standard* sixev ■ The standard hag holds { 2001b of wheat. "I have m-eived a { tetter from the Premier of Queensland/' went on Mr Fisher, kl informing ' me thai the standard bag has been j ■adopted there. The Queensland Hail- j way Commissioner have deckled to en- j force the use of the new bag by rhargcent, higher freight on hags ovpr i ti«e standard siae. That L< very gratifjring indeyd."

HJtfJS. Powerful, tit Waiteiuata Harbour, had a curious experience in a tkunderstorra last Friday. A lightning Hash coming' out from the he-art o£S&\ Wacfc cloud mass seemed to make' straight for th© warsbipj as being sonicthing tangible' for striking, and the eleefrie discbarge dnly arrived on hoard. Bat* it bad reckoned, without thai curious invention, wireless telegraphy, and the cobweb-like lines between the masts entangled the flash. The current passed harmlessly through the "earth line," not, however, before it had given a tnuoling display. In the the operating room it was as if halt a dozen messages were being sent at onc*»; there was the din that aeeompaniet* the operation of "sending," and a brilliant display of sparks at the '•sparking* plugs/' while a peculiar noise resounded through the ship. There seemed to be quite a dance of spark* along the decks and the effect wait both peculiar anil uncanny. < No damage of any kind was cansetl. Ax a sequel to the regatta held here on Boxing Uav. a lively meeting was held in the Excelsior Hotel last night, when the protest bv Messrs Waterns and Willman. against Henderson's win in the big motor race, was further discussed. At a committee, meeting on Sattmlav night, this protest (made on the ground that Henderson's boat wa.< not entered within the specified tune) was gone into and sustained. Ilender«on -then decifled to stand upon his legal right to secure the prixc money, as Ins entry hatl been accepted ami he had won the race. A committee meetin" was first held at 7.30 last night, when all present voted against confirming the minutes whereby the protest had been upheld. A general meeting of members of the club wm then held, eighteen being present, and Mr I J. Bradley presided. All interested in the race were asked to leave the room and were afterwards called in one at a time to give evidence. After this, it was proposed that the protest oe'dtsarisiKKh but an amendment wa* made, moved and carried that Messrs Partridge. Watson, and Porter be a committee to confer with Messrs \\aterus, Willman and Henderson *»«•* view to arriving at an amicable settlement of the difficulty. The Jesuit wa, that Messrs Waterus and \\ illman decided, on learning that Henderson had determined to stand on his legal rights, that the* would, in the interests of the c lnb. withdraw their pmtcst-a Son which wa. hailed with .Wight hy all present. ••Keep moving t" The N./* • «* pfMS cS .re'aiways* moving. Thoy £«r» furniture, etc. tn any address in STlhortest possible time, in the most at the lowest posParcel* delivered anyof Customs worries. Tourists' and trarellers bagJXlooked after and transported f££m ©lace to place. Write, call r.r !*?. S\rompf attention yen. Brashes throoidiont N«r 7-ealaort. Address fall towns* Express. ... Any mazier to b* really w^**" 0 * .«H lianw thould purchase Hardy's tacUs. one of b«wSttSfpfi! and a .hilling, worth o fu£saU tobacco mixture He will Ktf catch heaps of trout and the> grjSTof them away »«" *™ htm "f SScli ld*«WT* as the «%*»*•- ■ntondid stock of above goods at iasa IK Sporting Timani...

The Terauka Caledonian Society have everv reason to be satisfied with t1..result of their Boxing Day gathering, the gross receipts amounting to £*27t. The Companionship of \ho Timarn Herald- acknowledge Christmas and Stnv Year greetings from the Lyttelton Times and The Evening Star. Dunedin. Mr Goodwin, of Adams. Ltd., received a wire from his head office last night that the Talbot team »f four cars which is competing in the reliability .trials now being held in Christchurch, are all-non stops after the second day's running. " At Waimate yesterday, a prohibited person was charged, before Mr .1. Manchester,. J.P.. with being drunk in a public place, and was lined H'<. In connection with this case, it is likely that pmceedimrs will he taken lor procuring liquor during the currency of a prohibition order. Some vandal visited Onion's arcade. Waimate, oh Monday night, and broke open the eupboard in which is the meter, cut a hole in the gas pipe, and wrenched the connection away, bavinthe «;a> ttimed full on. As the arcade is pretty well closed in. 'then- would have- been serious danger of an «•>:- plosion if a light- had l>eeii introduced. The matter is in the hands of the police. The '• New Zealand Herald " stater. that a remarkahly tine specimen c.i rainbow trout has Wn forwarded to Inspector Cullcn from Tanpo. The fish was caught in the upner reaches of the Waikato -river by Mr J. Mcßae. taking half an hour to land. It weighs 19ih. lOoz, and measures 2ft 7in in length, with a girth of Ift f>in. Several other, fine specimens of trout ha v. 4 been caught near the exit of the Jake recently.

Asked as to the volume of business done at the Tiniaru Post Of lice during Christmas week, Mr Capper, chief postmaster said that in .•orrespoitdence there had' been a marked increase, while in telegraphic matter there had lieen a slight falling off compared with last ycqr. He thought however, that last year's increase had lieen brought about by the introduction of the pietoral telegram card, which had taken on wejl so long as its novelty lasted.

A novel way of setting off fireworks was adopted by some youths yesterday afternoon, when they got- some rifle cartridge.-* and carefully put then* on the line for the quarry train to run over as it came down Otipua road. As the engine passed over the brass cases, the «-artridges exploded with a bang. The driver of the train, thinking that some springs had snapped, stopped his engine and looked about for the eaiise n hieli he found in the flattened out remains of the cartridges, on the line, ami two youths laughing behind a fence eIo«* by.

A meeting of Court Southern Cross, No. 312:«. of the Ancient Order of Foresters, was held last evening, the CIL. "Hro. C. Maslin. presiding. The woodwards reported that two meml)ers had devlarod on the sick list, and three declared off. Amongst "the correspondence was the quarterly report from the High Court, Glasgow," and a letter from the secretary of the South Canterbury Jubilee Celebration Committee, asking the court to join in the procession. It was resolved that the court fall in line with the other courts, and do all in its power to make the procession a sure-ess. Accounts amounting to £44 5s were passed for payment .and before closing Bro. Coates. P.CR., wished the court and members a happy New Year. The court was closed at 10 p.m.

W. Elliott. the professional featherweight champion of the Dominion, arrived in Timaru by the express yesterday, ami was mot "by the committee of the Sports Club. Mr Trigs*, »» •'* short speech, congratulated him upon his success, ami invited him to a smoke <oncer* in the Timaru Hotel wi.Wwlnesdav evening. KUiott has decided to try his lurk on the other side, and leave* lor Melbourne next week. The ehampinn cup won by Elliott when he was an amateur has arrived, and is now on view in the window of \\. Pearson, draper, of Stafford ■street. It i< a handsome silver eup, with a solid silver figure of a man in a lioxing attitude uvm the ti>ver. .V well-attended meeting of the Proeessiou Committee in connection with the 'jubilee celebrations *vas- held in the Borough Council Chambers last evening. Mr W. Priest presiding. Vanoil's details were discussed and matters were pot well under way. The route decided upon for the procession is as follows:—Start at Post Office, along Sophia and into Elizabeth street, ns far as Grey road, then down towards Caroline Bay fretting on to the main road at the viaduct, back towards town, marching through the main street as far as the Trooper's Memorial, then turning off into King street, and on to the Park opposite the South Seliool, down Queen street to its junction with High street- in front of the Hospital, and back to the Drill Hall. Seregant-Major Jones said that he had steoued this route and found that i f . .could Ik* done comfortably within the time allotted, namely, on.- hour. Often people wonder how it is that owners of Darracq cars are so Beldom troubled with mishaps; but on examinin«' these cars thoroughly it will be found that they have one-third less parts than any other make of cars in existence. It is a recognised fact amongst all great onthonties at Homo that t.» anvone. who wants a car for constant hard work, and also for cheapness of upkeep and reliability tho Darracq stands alone. Their ever repeated wins in Belinhility Test all over the world testify to the j»woyi» points. Ihe new model 14 lCh.p. which under test is actually :« Brake h.p., although only landed" a few weeks ago is already considered bv experts to lie the quietest and most flexible little family car in tho colonv. Anyone interested m the purchase "of a motor car should not decide until they have had a run in one of these littlo cars, the total weight of which is 15cwt, and which travels at a speed of 40 miles an hour besides being a wonderful lull climber, and exceptionally in petrol. ■ Darracis ore also making a small pattern -t cvclinder 12 14h.p., which will be retailed at £3oo. The new pattern De Dions for which wo aro also taking orders for indent are the following 1012 hp. 4 cvlinder, 1214h.p. 4 cylinder,'and l'Sh.p- Further information and trials will be given on npp 1cation at Messrs Skeates and Bockaert's Garage, this firm being the solo New Zealand agents for both De Dion and Darrawjs... A Kodax is the eat<-h-line of rather a telling advertisement that Jl.i\ter"s pharma.-y is ninning ■•!! pnt-'«- ■ ■ . The forthcoming visit of Melbn, the greatest Ivrie artiste of the day, *iU mark an epoch in the history of music in the Dominion. The diva i<> ii* in the zenith of her career, ant! will leave iu the remembrance ot God's irreatest gift —a lieautiful voice. But tin* visit has another !'»;♦• at significance. Madame Melhi, »ill bring with her a lieautiful Bn»adwo.«l gram! piano to be used at all her concerts. thus pmphatie.dlv derr..»ust rating ami endorsing the sup. r.-ntv of tins greatest of all English made pianos. \« Christmas is approaching, n-uiy may hesitate as t«» their eh»-i.-e «>t" a Christmas present, but t!i- «-.|.H-tion ..f n HroadivotHl ..r a Cllar.l the UM two Kn-.di.-li built instrument--, c.nbl not If improved nor etpiall.-d. 1 )••• Dresden Co. are ■•«;;. r.H for 1.-th pianos, ami also for the l»--t German maker*. ...

A fracas occurred in Queen street, Waimate. yesterday afternoon between a Boron-di Councillor and another wellknown citizen. The latter shows coi«siderahlv the result of the conflict. A Court ease will -probably "follow. The following is Captain Edwin's forecast for to-day:—" Westerly winds, strong to gale, are probable. generally with "rain, in most parts south ol Kawlmi and East Cape. Barometer, little movement .in the north. hut falling in the southern districts." Three generations in a shearing-shed is not a common occurrence, but it happened at Kckcrangu (Marlborough* at the shearing,just ended/ Mr Tom Norton (who lias been for forty years a' knight oi the blades* was on the | lwiards aceoninnnied by -his son. Mr Harrv Norton: while the hitter's son. ! Henry, was engaged in flccee-picking. Dr Hutchings. the medical expert, who is travelling New Zealand -on behalf of the Government of the Commonwealth, iiivestigatinu; the wet wool ipiestion passed through Tihiaru on the express yesterday' afternoon, bound t<>r Ota- o ' lie was met at the station by Mr Kl Wa.ldelj. Dr Hutching* is sanigiiine'of arriving at some met hot] oi : testing, that uill-l»e satisfactory to both owners and shearers. He ha.; found conditions in the Dominion soine- | what similar io those prevailing in the I Commonwealth, and so far is satisfied with his investigations. Just landed, a big shipment of ladies' dark tan boots and shoes. Souter's boot depat. Ladies' dark ton glace kid strap shoes in twin, triplet, cross and trilbv bars. Also dark tan gjace kid lace "and button shoes, and Gimson tie shoes, in round toes, medium toes, medium " pointed toes, and pointed toes. "We will make a window display of ladies' tan foot wear in onr ladies' window. Souter's direct importing boos depot... All skin eruptions, sore legs, varices ulcers, quicklv healed with" "Red Cross" Ointment. Is fid chemists and grocers... Have von tried Boater's 4 tins oE boot polish for Is. It is the cheapest and best polish on the market. Money returned if first tin be not satisfactory. Souter, Live Boot Dealer... "Throw physic to the dogs" ifl a course that-might wisely be pursued bv Rheumatic subjects, who injure themselves by taking nostrums which profess to relieve every kind of ill. The onlv method of Cure for Rheumatism, Lumbago, Gout, and Sciatic, is to clear the blood of nine acid, and RHEUMO has cured thousands of sufferers. All Chemists and Stores, *3 6d and 4s 6d..."* SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADYERTISE•MENTS. Leslie O'Callaghan ami Co.—Sell ponltrv, furniture, etc.. to-day. Farm for sale—Apply Dalgety and Co.. or Hurdley and Hon. . Bnllantyne . aud Co. Prices o) lustre:-'sac and silk coats. Ada Crossley—Concert at Timaru on January 7th. Lost— Brooches, bangle; rewards on return. n . ... , David M. Martin, Otaio—Wants good ploughman. Hedges Bros. —Perambulator work:; in full swing- , Manager, Otaio estate C.»ooct teamster wanted. . . Bank holidays—On Friday and Saturday. Ist and 2nd January. Miss Dryden—Wants a general ser--ro rlßHwistein" Bros.—Want a parcel Boxing-Latest details for New Year tenders for sheenT WV Mee —Young cows for sale. W ; . Mcßride—Time for New P W\ J. Murky—lmportant notice re drainage. . Wanteds—Seven notices.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13790, 30 December 1908, Page 5

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13790, 30 December 1908, Page 5

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13790, 30 December 1908, Page 5