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A notice regarding the next year's work of the Timaru High Schools will be found in our advertising columns. Meetings of householders are to be held this evening in the Upper Waitohi and Cannington school districts, for the purpose of electing school committees for these districts. Some farmers in town on Saturday were wishing for rain, because the hot and nor'-west weather we have had since the rains had parched the surface of the ground, and the flagleaves of the gram crops were losing colour. On Saturday night their wish was gratified, in some quarters at all events, by the fall of a few light showCTS. The Waimate Ministering Children's League held a competition in dolldressing and fancy work in the form of ~ a handerchief. These were judged by Mesdamcs Francis and Pitts, and the prizes distributed by the president (Mrs Stndholme) on Saturday afternoon. The results were: —Dolls, Linda Crawshaw 1, Hilda Searle 2, Margaret Kerr 3; fancy work, Muriel Viney 1, Eileen Kane 2, Ruth Butcher 3. Afternoon •tea, was provided by the secretary, Mrs Viney, for the children and lady visitors, of whom there was a large attendance.

From a report of the last meeting of the Otago Education Board, it appears that this Board lijse oar own, has a system of furnishing school committees with half the cost of such works as asphalting grounds, fancrog. and gravelling paths. . One paragraph in the report indicates a line somewhat more advanced than the Sooth Canterbury Board has yet adopted:—"That the architect be requested to furnish a schedule of the materials used in carrying out the Board's works, in order that prices for the same may be obtained from the leading merchants." A ladv formerly well-known >n iifaani, and who will be still rememoer : cd by a good many people here, pass.*-i through Timaru by the first express for the south on Saturday morning on W way to StndhSlme, there to **it her mother after an absence of »ne years. Th* visitor was Mrs \\ - Mirow (formerly Miss M. Foster, of the late Mr P. Foster of Arthur street). Mrs Mirow, whose homo is now in New Britain, but who for the past two years has been in Germany, on her visit to JNcw Zealand, by her little son—a bright Httfe fellow of about four summers who through residing in Germany for so tone, now speaks nothing but German, though he has been taught English. Mr Mirow. who had purposed accompanying his wife on the trip over, but was called back to New Britain on business, is the owner of very fsk-n----sive cocoanut plantations in New Britain, and he also goes in for the cultivation of rubber, having had yO.ll" rubber trees planted this season. Mrs Mirow will spend some time in Timar*i before returning home. The "N.Z. Government Insurance Recorder'' for November contains a reprint of the report of the Commissioner, Mr J. H. Richardson, for 1907, presented to the General Assembly as required bv law. The report states that the business of the Department continues to increase. During the year 3293 new policies, assuring £752,000 were completed; and the total number of-policies in force at the end of the year was 46,595, assuring 10.8 millions, plus over a million in bonuses: and there were also 350 annuity contracts in force. The total income for the year was £520,713, of which £183,618 was from interest on invested funds amounting to a little over four millions. The report states that of 86 British offices, there are only about 20 with a larger income than this Government Department. The total aroount paid out o*n, claims since the Department was founded 38 years ago was nearlv 3J millions. The working expenses amount to 10.6 per cent, of the total income, or 16.2 per cent, of the premium income. Of the assets at the end of the year (total 4i millions) £2,388.000 was invested in mortgages of freehold property. £697.00*) in loans on policies, £668,000 Jn Government securities and £177,000 in local bodbja' debentures. There were eleven other offices dojnii business in New Zealand in 1907, and of these the A.M.P.. came next to the N.Z. Government office, with 36,253 polices in force assuring 9.9 millions. • The National Mutual caBM» next with 11,961 policies and 1.9 nullons assured.

•Superlative values in men's goods. Trade bore and pay less for good goods. Everyone ha» something enthusiastic to say about them, such as natty styles, smart patterns, or splendid, qualities. These terms apply in particular to our large and varied assortment of gent's shirts of all kinds, including men's tennis .shirts, mens white shirts, - men's* mercerised tennis shirts, with or without collars, at Is tkl, 5* »"*!, *5« lid each, gent's white shirts, best qualities*, at o* tkl. fis On, 7s tJd; gent's neglige shirts, soft fronts, very comfortable tor summer wear, at os 6tt, ♦'« 6cl, 7s *VI, gent's striped tennis shirts, gent's cream tennis shirt*. gent's white mat tennis shirts at :is lid, Is tki. "m tsd, at .1. Irwin's clothing and mercery shop, Stafford street... Have you tried center's 4 una of boot polish for U. It k the cbeapeat and beet polish on the market. Money returned if first tin be not satisfactory. Bont«r, Lrr* Boot Dealer...

CfcDblains (broken or nnbroken), aorea of all kinds relieved immediately by "R*4 Croea" Ooinrmant. 1» 6d everywhere... When your thrisit » dry and huxky, a Zvtnote Trofeev »«!! r* Ivrre tint d*.t^re.

able feeling. " Zymo!« Tn<key> give th* month a cWins»'d and r«frt*.hed t-wwv tion. ...

J wt landed a big «bJpment of ladiea dark ta» b°°** *n& ahoe*. Fonter'a Boot Depot. LadW dark Uo glace kid etrap thee* in twin, triplet, eroea and trilby bora. Al<o dark tan glace kid Uce and •attoa ehoea, and Gibaoo tie ahoe*, in round toet, xnedhrm tow, medium pointed toe#, and pointed to«i. W* will a window display of ladiee tan foct wear. In our ladi«a window on Friday, October 24tb. Bontar't Diract Importing Boot Dapoa... Any angler t« b« rrally aurwjksfn! and "happy should p«xrchsuw» Hardy's c»«l<»brat«l fishing tacklo. on.' of I,oowes latest pipes and a *ht!linKS worth of Rangitata tobacco mixture. 110 will then cutoh hcapa of trout and tho tiving of them away will izivn him ax much pleasure as tho A ftplcndld »to«:k of aboro goods at Taskcr'a Sporting Dopot, Timaru... Tl« went th« butcher: aUo tlvy baker: He wtnfc to the grocvr and cabinetmaktr: H* «ven «oqa>red "f tl»* new wn.fcrtaker. And asked the distiller and brewer! And all of them aaid That for colds in the bead. And the b«st for the chert, m proTCn

The Ximrod is to sail from Lyttclton to-morrow afternoon for the Antarctic' regions. A movement i» on foot to secure the • establishment of three cottage Ashley County—at Rangiora, Oxford and Amberley. Office advertising almanacs are now being; distributed. One of the first to reach us was the familiar tattoed head of a Maori Chief in oval framing, with a war canoe beside it. The Maori head tells at once of the New Zealand Insurance Company. A well attended meeting of Indie.; interested in the promotion of a social to be given to Mr W. I). Camphell was held on Saturday night, and another meeting is to Im> held to-night in the Assembly Rooms at 8 o'clock. Country ladies are cordially invited. The sub-committee appointed at Saturday night's meeting will meet at 7 o'clock to-night. A gentleman who has visited various parts of the North Otago district during the past week states to the Oamani Mail that the crops are not looking at all promising at present. The lack of rain has caused them a serious setback, and brown patches are frequent, particularly in wheat areas. At least 24 hours' rain is badly wanted, and if it does not come soon the yield will be sadly prejudiced. Last Friday night a most successful basket social was held in the Makikihi school in aid of the funds of the local library. There were about 40 couples present, and all tltorouhgly". enjoyed themselves. Miss Mulvancy (piano) and Mr Wood (cornet) provided the music, while Mr Coe filled the position of M.C. A feature of the evening was the spirited competition of the yonng men to secure the baskets provided by the ladies.

At the Magistrate's Court on Saturday morning, Paul Henry Sleiker was charged on remand, with having, on or about November 16, at Geraldine, obtained a brief bag, value 15s, and £4 5s in money, from T. Shcrratt, bymeans of a valueless cheque. The same accused was further charged with having attempted to obtain a cheque for £5 from C. Coombs, at Tcinuka, with intent to defraud. Sub-Inspector Green asked that accused should lie remanded to appear at Temuka on Tuesday, next, and the application na; granted. St. Mary's grand fair, under the auspices of the St. Mary's Young Men's Society, in aid of the church completion fund, will Ik* officially opened by Jfr James Craigie, M.P.. to-morrow, at 8 p.m. A feature of the fair will be the splendid museum, comprising a large selection of beautiful and valuable goods and historical relics. An excellent and entirely new programme is to be presented each evening, for which no extra charge will be made, also singing and pianoforte comj>etitions for boys and girls under 14 will be held on Saturday. The N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company will hold an important sale at Kakahu to-morrow, when the farm and lire and dead stock belonging to Mr J. Connolly senr. will Ik* offered at auction. The farm, which consists of 26*) acres, is subdivided into nine paddocks and contains a nine-roomed house together with a granary, stables, and other outbuildings. The well-known trotting stud lielonging to Mr W. Connolly will also come under the hammer and those in need of a good horse should not miss this rare opportunity. The sale commences at 11.30 a.m.

News comes from Christchurch that the executors of the late Mr C. G. Tripp have been induced to put the «)rari Gorge Station under offer to »hGovernment for closer settlement. The property consists of about 8000 acres of freehold and 22,000 acres of Crown leasehold. 2500 acres being good agricultural land, and the rest mixed pastoral land. It is thought by practical people who know the estate that it might be divided into alwut twenty farms and fifteen or sixteen grazing runs. The Government has promised that the Land Purchase Board will inspect the property as early as possible and determine whether it is suitable for sub-division. Mr Thomas Buxton, the now member for the district, is taking a keen interest in the matter, and is trying to arrange for another large property to lie inspected by the Board during its visit to South "Canterbury.

Use Icilma Cream and watch yonr skin (trow clearer. Grcat>*!e."<*s. inovry, delicinndy scented, it is the only* croam which keeps the *kin in tone as Nature intended. In pots, 2n 6d. 3* 6d and 8* 6d, post free, from J. Baxter, cbemitt. Tiroaru. ...

The New Zealand Express Company have removed from their old premises ic Stafford street *o their handsome newbuilding in Barnard street, where everv convenience has been provided to facilitate the carrying on of tho vared and BK-ful work undertaken by the Compauy. The Company are now ablo to provide ample stonuje accommodation and sample rooms. They also havo a number of splendid :00ms to let, suitable for offices, etc ...

Jame*>* Foot Powder, a cnolinp. healing, and sntiseptic powder for the ft ft. It checks exce«*ive perspiration and destroys offensive odours. Sb.»ke a little into your boots in the morning, and have twy, comfortable feet all day. In bnxe* at Is6d. from Leonard B. Jamc*. family and dispensing chemitt, Timaru. ... We beg to remind our readers that at this season of the year Baxter's Or a ng* Quinine Win* should be in every household. For those who suffer worn losa of appetite, it acts like a charm. Oi© bottle will convince yon of ite strength giving properties. Price 2s 6d from J. Baxter. Chemist and Phou>grapbio Dealer, TiBun...

Tho now in street ii recognised by I«*«-i»l nn»l other motomta to bo the finest and np-to-dato pira;:o in tin* Amtral.iMan coh f io«. It is eomiptwd with :il! the 1.-tot plant f<>r effective and quick repair nf anv n-.ake of car. In->n!.'>i wimh «tovks of p-tro!. Tv r.•<. luhri. attnoi, and other aocMiries are always «>ii hand, ««> that touring motorist*, 'in find comfort and facility which is required in an Hp-to-datc uara-'e. There are ;»Ko in »t<>< k sample* of the fii.ost and v.-ry latest D<- Dam and I); rrarq oar*, tin* a;;ents of whioh lirtr received all parti.-darn of tw» of the urcat-st <!i»-t!t:on«. held on record. In the flit.Tiiati"!ial Hiil(omp.■t:t:«»n. h' hi on ( .dvary IMI m Tourvi!!.-. the Patra-q ,-.«r<«. wi11... oomj»im_; with .V> ■•: t!:- world"l*st oars. ;:aimd throe f:r ■■■l i>!.:-.-The following comm-i-t w.i* made t.y ,„,. of the hes* aoth'TiTa - !ll th-' w. rl.I ' Th- dti ("atv.orc ra.a n:».. th" cho.imoii of an timtm-stioiiahh-tr.umph f«r tin- Darra. <| ' >r. ar.d who know* that ti." >• v.h:< h's aro mat. hi. •-< from th- tourm" n>p-«t. will bo ;;'ad to Uiu« that th.' I);.rra.q came out !:r:t in s.;.moral < las Mi'cation, and also won iu<t in other rlav*-*. What i* Dion* r-mark-ahlo ,th<-o cars v.i-ro driven hy a!i:a toi.r drivers. Th- Darra.q ilhi;!m> tbo 1 in ~ gradient oi C'alvairo in IS so.i.nds. this pn*ln<iim a marr. !!ou> in-rrowi .n. II«r flexible reenter ami powerful engine san- all the while. »ru: she- iwrocd literally to fly up." ... "Red Cross" Ooiotm*nt i* a powerful

The nervous strain of household care wears out even, the strongest women. Take Steam's wine, the perlees tonic, which builds up the body and mates the weak strong. Pleasant to the taste... The triumph of the P. D. Corset is easily understood. Great surgeons and specialists commend the P. D. Injury was caused by the old-fashioned corset, but the P. D. confers benefit. It supports and ennobles the figure and gives strength and <timulns. Demand the P. D.. And get t Anglers, also tennis, croquet and cricket favors, will find at Culhnann'e sport* lepot the best selection of high-grade matrials and equipment for the enjoyment >f their outdoor pastimes. We advise an -arly inspection of our f>ods by those who lesire to possess the best equipment. All tennis and croquet materials are newly made for this season by Slazenger and Son. New stock latest 1908 tennis ballsWaiting for the pains to return—and waiting in vain is the happy experience of many rheumatic sufferers who have taken Rheumo. Rheumo does not pose as a cure all, as do many of the largely advertised remedies of to-day, which are supposed to cure all the ills the flesh is heir to, but which in reality are merely aperient*. Rheumo absolutely cures gout, lumbago, and sciatica, because it cleanses the system of all uric acid. This is the only poswble method of cure. Hundreds have testified to benefit received. It will cure you. Sold by all chemists and storekeepers. 2« 6d and 4* 6d per bottleTravelling requisites which you may need if you intend visiting Christchurcn dnring carnival week—Dress baskets, 18inch, 2s; 20-inch, 2s 6d; 26-inch, 3s 3d; 24-inch, 3s 9d; 26-inch. 4s 6d; 30-inch. 5* 6d, best quality. Gladstone bags; all sins and qualities, all solid leather, 255, 30s, 355, 40s. Hold-alls, a very useful bag, and very handy for these about to travel, solid leather, all sizzes, 20 to 26inch, at 22s 6d. 255, 30s each. Portmanteaus, all and prices, ranging from 12s 6d to 21s. Brief bags, solid leather, at 10s 6d, 12s 6d. 13s 6d. Travelling rugs, all wool, 13s 6d to 45s each, at J. Irwin's clothing and outfitting sLop, Stafford street. ...

The Edison Phonograph makes home tho most entertaining spot on drth. No single thing furnishes so much entertainment to a family, especially where there are young folks, it supplies all kinds of amusement which formerly only people of meana could afford, at little expense; it keeps you up-to-date with every kind of music; it gives you a means of entertaining your friends. Put it to the test. Come to the Dresden and hear the latest records. Como in and have a good timo and rest after your shopping. The Dresden is tho most convenient spot for you, and you can meet your fr-ends there, and spend a pleasant half bt'Ur. before returning home., SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J. Mundell—Entries for Washdyke sale to-morrow. N.M. and A. Co.—Sell town lots at Pleasant Point on Dcccml»er 14th. O'Callaghnn and Co. —Sell furniture am' curios on Wednesday. St. Mary's Church—Grand fair to !»e opened to-morrow. Hallantyne and Co.—Advertise new lines. Theatre Royal -"The Squatter's Daughter" to-night. A. I- Applcnarth Christmas presents. Bryant and Co.—£s reward. S.C. Dairy Co. Want homeseparated cream. Theatre Royal—West's pictures, Dc»i>"*her 2nd.

W. I). Campbell's committee—Meeting ot ladies to-night. Tiniaru High Schools —Notice re honrdinghotisc. T. W. Tayler—Notice re Tiniaru election. Wanteds—Mrs Raymond's registrv list. Fi'Meral notice —Of late Maggie Smith.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13766, 30 November 1908, Page 5

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13766, 30 November 1908, Page 5

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13766, 30 November 1908, Page 5