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THE ANNUAL SHOW. Oflicers for vear :--Rations : Measra R. 11. Rhodes. A. E. G. Rhodes. G. H. Rhod-o. Preside..: : Mr J. S. Rutherf.,rd. Vice-Piesid'-iH :Mr J:. H. Rlmdfs. Hon. tr.-.buivr: Mr W. Pii'i,:. Hon. sargeon : Dr. C. E. Th.mias. Hon. Vct'-rinarv .-ureeons : M-i-.-rs i". E. N.-;de. M.R.C.V.S., and F. C. Robertson, M.K.C.Y.S. Auditor: Mr K. »!. Turner. .Secretary: Mr R. Lt-sli- Kibeil. Commiit<e of manageiiHiit.: Messi.-. .1. Armstrong. J. Austin, juni.. F. H. Barker. W. J. B:n.ett. A. Bis>.-i. W. R: Brookland. W. W. Cartwrigh:. 15. F. <i- Cochran. R. Davie, A. S. Klwoithy. H. Elwovthy, D. Orant. E. It. W. Harper. -R. Irving. E. Kelland. <!. Lyall, H. Lowry, C. N. (irbell, K. Parry. D. Shaw, junr., T. Te-,cli-inak-< r. (). S. Thomson, and J. Wit hell. Judgfj.—Slatp: Merino, D. McFarlano. Clareinont: Euglfch Leicester. T. S. Little. Xgapara; Border Leicester, Jno. McCn.sTie. Spar bush. W.iianiwa; Lincoln and Romney, K. McLennan, Timaru; Down breeds." y,_ Xgapara; inbred, hulfbrrd. crc.<-tibr. d and Ryeland.i. (.'. W. Reid. Lower Ricmiton; fat sheep and fat cattle, das. Hend:-reon. Dumvindel. Cattle : >hnrthorn. Hwe;ords. and Polled Angus. H. P. P.inncti, Springston: Alih'Uiev. Avitihire and milch. J. (kmraell. Mahtiio. " Horses: Draught. Matthew Dickie. Springbank. Mutaura, and Robt. McN'air. Dtititroon: thotoughhreds, hackneys and hunters. J. Mcßae. Mastetton; troop hpnses. Colonels ("hanVy aiid Hawkin.; : harness horses, colw and ]ioiiin;. E. C. S-.udholni 1 . Wahnare. Sheep dogs. T. McWhirler, Timaru: sjiorting dogs. It. Wark. ChrUtcliurch : pig.«. T. Langdoti. Winchester; «lairy prorluce. bread and scones. Win. Be-. Oamaru: agricultural product. M. Stack. Fait view: prniy tr..t and jn.iiieii over hurdles. O. Scott 'lliouitr.ti. Kakahti bush, (it-raldiiie; miiitary cvents. Coionels Cliaffey and Huwkjia;: driving compi-titioii. Major Lindtav. Class Stewards. Sh,-,-p: Merino. W. W. Cartwright an.l J. McArthur: Eng lisli Leicestet. H. 1!. N. dolmstoiie. It. Smitii and R. P.iiry. junr.: Bold- r l.ei-c-tster, Tasinan Smith. W. lirvdon. S. E. Talbot and C. L. Orb-11: Lincoln and Rsminev. W. Kelland. J. 11. Morrii; and .1. Rolkston: Down br-eds. H. Elwortliv .ind W. It. Brookland: inbred, halfbred". cm.d.r.d and ltvelamls. I). 11. Sidev and S. E. Ba.-. -;: : ' fat she. p. R. J. Mo Keoun. B. F. G. Cnrhran and J. Annstrong. Catt!.-: Fat cattle. R. ,L Mo Keown. R. F. (J. Cochran and J. Armstrong: Short horned. Hereford* and Polled Angiu. W. B. North. F. H. Barker and D. Shaw. junr. : Aldr-rnev, Avi-shire and milch. W. B. North. F. * H.'Baiker and I). Shaw. junr. Horses : Draught. R. living. A. B.'iis-t. J. Austin, junr.. W. Har|h-r and .I. Withell : thoroughbi.-d. hacknev and humtrs. W. J. Bactv-tt. O. Scott. Thomson. J. A. (inild and .T. P. D. Mee: ir.M.ji hon-es. H. Lowry: harness horse.-, cobs and ponies. W. J. Ba>i*it. Tims. Tit-cbiiiakri. H. B. S. Johibtoiie and J no. Ma/.-. Sjx<iting dogi*. W. W. CartwriLdit and J no. McArthur: sheep dn»s. W. W. Cartwrigh:- and Jno. M.--Arthiir: j.igs. R. Dawe: .laity produce, bread and sen.■>-. W. Eichbaum : agricultural produce. T. D. Voting: pony trot and |toiiy r.v.-r huidho. H. Louiy and K. 11. Reid: iniliiarv events. 11. Lowty. We aie Mir- that all nil th" sincere hope that ihe line opell of weather which !.-: in in lb.- -arly hours of yes i. r.lay morning has com- to stay, at U-ai-.t for a few days, so that th<- popular Show Week will be thoioughly ,-iijoyed by j.H. Ye-ttrday herahied the opeuing of the* 43rd annual exhibition, and so far ;.s :t has gone the m.-c.-.-s ..trained hi.ii l>-eji highly giatil'yilig. Th- Association have f..r ve.u-i h.-en winking on |K«pular lin.-. ill- aim be i.> aluait ..o many < xhibilois as possible, and to piovidc mi> h a coniplct.'- siiovr tint the of S..uth Cant-rbmy and fnends fi.,m north and oouth will -40 t>> m— i-. Tli- gioiinds are now v. ry coin]ile!--. and th • airangcuielitv on it so map|> d out that .1 maximum of pleaMiican he gained with a iiiiiouium of tiouble.

"Attlail 111- ptllili. " i- ill- 11 v.iMi: >•] "i----,-iiivi.e. ami in n- it. th- As.-m.-ia! ion (ieci.U-.l thi- y-:ir to n.;ik- still alioth. r forivanl move in th- ilii.-ciion ..! making the liii-t "lav. f.irnivily i.iie only for -In-eji men i<> gather .i-. .iitr.uiiv.- ;,.» po-sihl.-: it..: .■-Ta-tly to rival the I'. oph-'.-l)ay. hut to in, r.a«- th- itiU-i.-! ~1 lho>e well-u L-h,I •- who ( to lie ui>ti lkt-,.1 ami :itnil<ril ratliPr than whil- away time n iill. nes< m th- town. That impolicy «..i> i-oiniil was cviy cviileiit y<■•»■ telil.iy. wli.-n th- alt, inline- ».i< a i- ,-onl for a tit-t .lay in the ..Inio.-l half c-ntmv hi-1..!V of the Show. I; was gomi. ton. t'l -cr thai the fair -r\ .ippi-.-iatc-.l th--at:r.i.tions in a ultol- h-arteil iiiaiim-r. for ih- only ;in tie -o'. a l,if,|' ; . »y----vi-w of tin- ma-—.l .until «..- « hrii the jumping w.i- in pr«>j;i.--. an.l then llirilif. ami the lerian.. ueie aim,.-! <>.v-!,.l uilh |M-opl-. Thi- «as hi-hlv yi ilifvin-. ami a« ll»- veals 101 l on. ~n,i airaiu;are -til More p-ifei-r-.1. th- '.me will lOln- wli-ll ill- popular p.i-ti.ial ami aijrii -lilt illal festival « :11 I>.- ihoroti-hlv .vlahl.she.l an.! amply (ill I he I v.,. .layof th- war allnM-il in i-. Th« iiouml plan -how, I,:;I- , h.ii-e. Sh-»-|> were to 1. f..un>i in their ].-n, on til- Miinh of Ih- -iniimi. ami a., ii-ai lieii;hl-.uiii ha-l the hoi.—s whi. h h.-h si all-.I in -h.«l an.l 1...\. th- a.,,.mi11..,!.. tion in thi- having !»• n inn. h hv Mr IV t|... 1,m1,i. r. A- .. fioiit.ij.- |.. p-i,, an,l -till, u i- : litem, -oli.e ..I I l.rin I- iir, lai-,'. .mil a •-Inkin- 1...-U: • IX.a. ,i f.1.'.1.i- l.v ;!i C.F.f.A. -.-Itlli- lolth --1:- cl:.:lil- o! Su!i«>n"- "v! . ilmxn ih- ~-mi---XXI- 'he ilol-.- I ii.;. 11l « hull I- llle tia. i. f...- hoi--* an,l hiint-f Ii i- m tin- .jii..itM' •■!' 'lit- til.. - - -,,me mi ploviil- tit . i 11.1.., II- a- V IV 11. -• -l-atV I: ,-houhi !*• in the .in-. , tion of levrllinup or .loxxn ii,- «hoi.. ..i th- -roun,? in-..!-, -o th..t ~ In f ,!.,.. p..r.-!..- an.l .-x. :..- -1..U1..1 -iioiil.i 1,.- pi,.x.,1-.i A: tin.', .ill,l 'iie uiiexeiin.-h of -he -nil'... e l, ,pp. n < ill the l.'.i.h ,! 'ii-w.-ir ~:h.-r l-i,-.. al.-l -t-iel . 11.- 11-«J":lly l-.-,n,' lor I.a.•■•.r ...... In th- i,oil I. \\ , il 'hi- 1.11-f .he'.:, a xl-I'..r ■ ..l.l.o! hi.r'v M. I ;! ~: !. !. > , t<« an h'-r

nc-ar ihe luncheon und" tea booths or tl.c publican's" marqu>€6, and that a reire-her Kill give hint time to again adjus.; Irs beurmes.

So Tar a- tlie woik of officials went. \ -st-rday, all the shes-p weie got rid of. "itid will be; ueen to day - umn-r awatd. ' sjome of the spectacular classes of liors-.-s passed the judges, and a couple, of the contests for hunters weie wiped ntf theprograuune. Driving and ji.urney-liorse com]>etitions Weiv also .'lone with. it was all which madt: the oay »i very-much more than usual interest, .'a "nowever, a" very full Ivll lev to-oay. and it start ir» t,o be made on it ar 10 a.m. in saddle will be very numerous, and two other Urst-clasts hunting evelits will be got. off; ponies.and their small 'riders', and extra harness-horse classes are to come on for decision. To the. farmer particularly, all the draught horse sections will appeal most- strongly. These are ready but in a few of the most important, lin-v. It is hoped to get. a grand parade of stock. «> that the critical will be able to make their chosing comparisons and judge* for themselves of the class of stock South Canterbury contains. Yesterday all the officials of the Association worked well and quietly.; to-day they will Ik- oil a, higher gear and will have little time to diixmss politics. The Association is distinctly fortunate in having officials who give valuable time with au enthusiasm and courtesy thai- commands the greatest, success. TJie ler'ult- of their labours- is thus highly satisfactory, and it i< seldom that- a vote of discord is emunded. They are- men too who turn reading to discussion and suggestion for improvement, and knowing this we have no hesitation in offering a hint. A suggestion made bv i-onie visitors was to the. en'ect that the colour f.f the prize tickets should he in accordance with the colour adopted by tho leadinn A. and I'. Associations of New Zealand, those being the colours of the- Royal Agiicuitural Society (England). Those- who made this Miggestioi). said it was confuting to people who were, used fo visiting other shows and taking in at. .1 glance the winning pens from tlie colour of the ticket thereon. t;> come to Timaru and find different, colours to those in use- at the' ether leading shows. Another suggestion is that in "track event.-" fho numlier of each competitor should hj? distinctly displayed, on the horse or on the result boards. Still another that the time has arrived when a programme -of each day should be printed, not, two days' work humped in book form as it is now. It i.a such matt-rs as these that make for in-rr-M=ed tiopularily. Into the details of ihe Show it- is not for us to enter here: they sp:>ak for themselves, as follows:

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Bibliographic details

Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13737, 29 October 1908, Page 5

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THE TIMARU SHOW. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13737, 29 October 1908, Page 5

THE TIMARU SHOW. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13737, 29 October 1908, Page 5