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1, W well known that 'the -'(summit of Mouia Cook can he mvii from.Timnru ami the neighbourhood, from 'ho Fairlic railway line near Sutherland*, ami from the main line as the train the Onmia l.e,<h. It ; s not so generally known that it ran also h- se> n from tic- railway where, it passes Pareora Ka«t, ami over the Pa-n-in a river bed.

Sir William Steward wan betrayed into :t show of heat by mit- ijneslioner at bis Waimate nwetin-i.' A vounjr fanner F H ' r ' sifted in >ayini{ lhat the flour duty oti«htto be increased, as an extra pumd a ton would just have "iven a prolii. to the fartn.'r. "and for want of it we have been living for -x month- on Australian Hour." He that the (iovernment had brlti-ii rvervbodv but the farmers-. Sir William off a loii£ titling <>f enjii.ssie.ns ami aids to farmeir.. and conclnde.l with "The ha>» not 1h lped the fanners ! You oiijfhi to be ashau.ed of vciuistlf!"

The " Au.-kl.ind Weekly X-u-" has * Miril :l v.iy line t'ltiii>ttii:i« Number, well \v..ith ihe rltill ; nif m he p:>i<l for it. 1' iom;iini vim- tliiuy ■■.\iuiH"i of ejc<<l!-nt photoprints of ,i variety of New Zeakunl and ther.foi- is -i v«-ry hiiii.-iltle Ciiii.siiu.i.H jne-.-n; f.,r friend.* m th.- t)hl Count iy. Nut .1 f«-«- of tli<- 11■ c--tuie* :ne ,i couple of coloured i<il|i|"lfllt."tith .tic cinllv printed for "Uth t;-e to he innde of i hem. One i- .in iii(.-irM>ti;r seen- of .! railway construction i-.-inip in th<\ hush • nhiiir pi 0 >,l fioiu , t The oilier I„ok« like :in iiiipolt.-d .ir.ici.- n highly colon!,,i -l.i/<d picMlrr of i yoliny Appropuaielv mount, d tin-, vhoul.i look very well on a tt.-tll. A fr. h kili<l of Int'TMit lias Wu f>!vei» i„ li,e Xi. I.iiel>-e illK-tilill hv :i I'lcilli'iltftf i-ti.,l l.v tU.- lirv. W. Thorn-on, of Ittii;--din, -t'liir,- thai A,'l GOO would !.<• pud (.. the Dlllledin U-.-jnl.-ll if the No I.i.cliMI'.itly 1..11111 pL.Vc :h;.l •■ J (r. in li;;i>|.-> -houiii}; .i late- tmtiih. i ..( . ..miction, for dnmkeiino- :n '•!.'• oh! I'ioh.l.ii ..u Si.iV ..f Maine wen- »-i..n t . Th- I! v. }',. S Hammond slated ..t t 'hi ':-•■<. -liur. Il ill "i IS< !■- <U\ :U:r. (if . h.lHcsi-.- |,.i«- \ K r u :,.-..|.!.-it Thi' rulill. appai-nth. •.inn.. i<« known for time .)» Mi Hammond '■■ij* 'he li-ni. . n.:i-' !«■ M.l.ii.i!t<-.) t.. .oiii|*-Vi,( .•lillh..r:!i.-. in Maine lint. Ii- .* -i - i --- lhS".-. I. ~ii.<- i• i-i lev. -1 Mill" tlilllfi .« ,;...,.i l.ii.i. U.ei «i!l ..!l-r Mr 'Horn i , *r(Vi .u,. !,,! |-or.f !!.,.! ronvn t-.oii.. for .m-iik-tn,.- - if! d-ci.-.-..,-.! n No >.,.,„.- ~....- .:■ X. « Zealand. -lU.i i'm-V Ointment H«i'ur--'>irr» *H ra>r*», old or r»--<-iit. Ii 6d ill «l«*!«m- ...

■;-. Possible ■ electors who have nt.t yet "olv tained. enrolment must hurry up. The ..." writs'' will bi.jn-iied. and the mil* ' chwed; h\ , a day or two. The Stipendiary'-"'.Magistrate' yesterday ' dealt-.with- civilclaims'in which Dr-Bowo was .the plaintiff, anil obtained judgment, in both. The first was against R. Shillito. claim 10s 6d, 'the other against H. Berry, claim £3'ss. Mr Eme>b'e appeared for both defendants. ■'--;': At the Magistrate's Court. Waimaie. on Wednesday.' before Mr T. Hutehfcon. S.M.. for supply : ng liquor to a prohibited person, James Cook was lined £2 and cciits, and the prohibited person. for receiving the liquor was fined a similar amount. Civil cases..--Judgment by default was .given in W. F. George (Mr Hamilton) v. S. Knight. £1 17s 6<l and coats 7s: Manchester Bros, and Co. v. T. Geai v. £5 6s. costs 15s; same v. T. Sheettan,* £6 fo, costs Bs. In CV Coventry (Mr Hamilton) v. J. A. K. Mora (Mr Perry I, claim £5 7s 6d for supplying dentures, the plainCff was nonsuited with costs after hearing of evidence of both parties. We are informed by a school teacher that, Mr Buxton's Makikihi utterances about the Education Act are not in accordance with its- provisions In the first place the Act. does not come into force till 'January Ist. 1909. In the next place the Department has just declared that the, only addition that- teachers remaining hi their present, positions will receive is £5 per annum. Hence it- is evident that for most teachers-the minimum salary under the Act cannot bs reached for four years, and the maximum not for 10 years. Hence 'teachers feel .as if the Act were like the proverbial bunch of carrots. held before tin famous donkey of old! If the police are desirous of eontinu ing their praiseworthy efforts in , bring'ng logbook offenders who break the bylaws with impunity, they should set a watch this, afternoon for mot mists on thts main road between Timaru and the idiow "rounds. Last evening, after the v-how was over, the motor car nuisance wa« a verv serious one. and the wonder h that a serious accident was averted when theie was so much'traffic on the road. What the police will require if • they wt-. ■ the watch suggested, is a pair of very sharp* eyes and a note book wherein to jot down the number of any offending car as it whizzes past at lightning speed regtvrdUi s of consequences and of all other users, of the road.

The- Chief Commissioner of Lands' for Canterbury, eame d° w " n fronv Chrwfchurch yesterday for the of conducting tin -auction, of two lots of land in „tR township of Albury ou behalf of the Canterbury School Commi*.sioiiHU. Oik* lot, ' comprising: six of the original quarter-acre Grcwons, has the Allmry hotel standing upon it, and on the other section of 1 acre adjoining is « .stable. The nale took plate at life Land Office, and therew,re .-about- a dozen persons present. The vvjtet prict- of the hotel property was £BOO. Uidding lor this lot was decidedly brisk. beginning with £5 advance, and going on bv fifties till £llOO war, reached. At the close'Mr V. ,J. I'. West-became the. purchaser ar £1125. Mr J. S. Kutherford purchased the stable lot, at the ui«et. £IOO. For a good serviceable U.S.A. cycle ot from £lO 10s to £ls, call on Grant-Bros. Premier Cycle, Depot, also tennis and phonograph* goods alway* on hand... With cyclists the name,of U.S.A. isjquite. familiar," ensuring whetvver thii* trade mark is found, excellence of material ami finish. After being'at the top of the tree in the. manufacture of cycles-and aceemhrie» for iitany years, the U.S.A. C<.inpauy decided to enter into th<- iliinnufactim* of motor can*. The Scott Motor Company of Wellington have secured the New Zealand ncv for these- machines, and have appointed Messrs ltogers and Hopkins, of this- town, agents for Timarn and dis'triet. This firm also hold the- agency for Argyll, Renault. 4-Cvlinder Napier. Unie and New Vick Motor caw. Ivel Agricultural Motor*; Argyll Commercial Vehicles. Full particulars can be had on application... Troitt fishers and tennis players will prease not* Mr Tadker, Hardy's agent for —is just landed a !Dne ajworijuent of Hardy's fishing tackle, including rods, re*lß, lines, casts, flie», phantom*, waders, gaffs, fly books, etc. Also a li«*j> of Slazenger's tennis '.racquet*,' including Dohertc, K.G.'M., Special Demon, Demon, BenshaV, etc. The new balls (1908-09) will be here in about a fortnight..... . visitors to tho Show—The place to get hats, caps', .«hirt«, ti«*>, braces or-any otlur article of gents wear, don't forget that they keep an up-to-date stock at IrwinV. "Oenti. Panama hats 1& 6<l, 15s 6d, 18s 6d; gents boater «raw huts, 5s 6di 6s 6d. 7s 6d; gents folder imitation panamas, 4s 6d. 5s 6d, 6s 6d; gents frame hats, any colour. shn|K\ or quality, including "WfKKlrowV'hats and "Uorsalin" hats at 9s 6d. 10s 6d. lis 6d, 12s 6d; gent* flexible felt hats at 9s 6d, 10s 6d. 12s 6d. A large stock of genlN caps, all the latest, shapes and newest- d«tsigns of pattern at 3* 6d. 4s 6d. Ss 6d. Uenfu shirts, a largo range or all kinds, including tennis, with and without collars, in white and fancy:

a f»ri>at raiiffe of newest. season* -ties and pniis collars-, nil the newest, shajies and size--, at TrwinV». Stafford stiwt...

The nest jockey in the- world cannot win a raw unlets ho rides a good home. The best player of a brass instrument cannot win unless Ik* play* on tlio best, instrument. If there was nny proof requireil of tile superiority of tho JTawke's hra-H instruments, the present contest at Timaru lia.H supplied it. Out of twenty g..hl medal* ottered by the contest com-miit.-e 16 were won by players of Hftwke'* instruments. Out of twenty filvcr medals offered bv the contest committee 16 werei won by "player? of Hawke's instruments. In the Quickstep Competition the bands piayinf* Hawkc* were awarded, first and second prize*. and in the T«T«t Selection the band* phvinj; ITawke'.H carried nway first and foVrth prizes. "Moral: The best plavers in the contest play ILwkeV and thev can only be obtained at the Dresden.".. Wood*' Oreat Peppermint CV* *« Congbi wad Cold* MY« f»3*. « ** uihU i<h«ui)inti*tn, tfotii, lumbago and M-taiiea ate (siiisid bv uric tujd in the blood- Ibo i,jilv. jW.*m!il« method of. cure-in m. taking a lYinrdy" will eliminate tl»- poiM'H fr.un the "symvm,. and "".V preparation that purport* »> cute in any other manner will either fail «lio«.-thcr or m« ivly giw a Mi«ht. par-sinß n-b. f >• cannot |»c■ibiv be of any |h-rman«nt value. Jtheiuno is ;i preparation that unfailingly <u« * sin and kiudi-d ailments hecanee tt unfailingly <j-• Hi the ui.e acid. 1< removes the c.<ni-\ ;nid in doinj* tlii* it stills ilios- paint, which make th- lib- of ;i t brumal h- subject n ini»-ry. Icheiiiii.) iv obtainable fioin all . 1.. in* tai:l stor-ti. us ?.i fid an.l ti. Od j«-r ft..tile. ... Jn ic. r|.i,u : .. (iviiKiii by Mitall monthly inslaim. til-. f..r pian..«. Jtcgj-'i; make buy in-f a r.imple atf.iir with ti>>,' • "!> d'uioiiv v. all the < boico of iiirfnmi-lit* of known wottli and durability, ... \V- would ivii,nuii..inl nil ili.«'l'im.iru show w«-i-k to <j!l and in ► pes the s|.],,„!,d v.dur in cameiai offnvd bv ) 11.-x!.:. M.s »:<>ck is «-x« rptionally tin.', the ate Mid <h">c dr»ir<.ll» of taking 1-i'tiliff po-tnies a* Ihe *how ► bould mak- H.iti<-t'« Pharmacy th<- fir»t l'»-""- "f •■■■"•« ■•WooiK" Peppermint ("tire nppeara U btiiii* Y..iir ir...!" nmoiiK't the »imsC'»t. ] 'spo-c i: won't, cure r-verythinif!" -Well, 1...."' "It »..iit euro < Ytrythiritf, at leait, rul«"n I'm inti'li nii*tak«-n I" "What won't n cur* in wan or l»-.i«t j" Said b« ; "It «oii"l <-nr- hv..n'."

>At Mr'Kollei"s meeting in the 5-onth School Lvu night, the- casr of Lionel T?m- was.elwrllT digctt'fse.l. Ony speaker Rjfil"t"aat.■ ibe» prisoner wa* costing the State £6Qo'a vear to keep. Another siid he-was worth'tt. Mr Koller thocgh: that Terry should lie put to .«ome- ns*tnl emploTro^nt. i. meeting of tile Waitaki Licensing Committee wat. held at the Court house. Waimate-, resterday. An application for temporarr'transfer from Mr* Manon (Mr Jordan) to 3lr John Bain iMr Raymond), of ilur license of the .Silvei.-tream Hotel, wa* granted. Another mwlc shop L* to open la Timaru ** from to-day, Mr It. Parker a recent arrival from th* Old Country, behn? the proprietor. Mr Parker ha* ."eenre«l * shop in Stafford street close to >\ag«aff> stationery depot, and having bought ont the entire «ock of the Peerless Music Company, of - intends u> !<efl nrosic and monVal instnnnents at l>edrn<;k prices... Anglers, also t*nnis, cTmnwt and cricket pbvrat. will find at Cnllmanns eporta. depot th« best selectioa of high grade miteriak and equipment f-r tlw enjoyment of their outdoor pastimes- We advise an early isspectioa of our goods by those who aeeire to possees 'the best equipment. Ah tennis and croquet materiab are newly mad* for this «asoa by STazenger and Hon-Naw stock latest 1908 tennis balls.. Xo better skin, preparation, made than "Bed Cross" Ointment. Cores roogfrac*, chaps, cracks. Is 6d everywhere... The proprietcrs of the Caiiw' Terrace Motor Garage find that their present premj«eji are not large enough to cope- with their intreasing business, and have therefore secured the large building known as the Old Colonial Bank Buildings in Strathaltan Strert. This place ha.* been fittetl up with all the improvements, as a ) most up-to-date- Oarage, and from Safnrday 2Jth, thi-« new C.arage will be> at the disposal of South Canterbury Motorists. Arrangements can. be made with this firm for storage on rfther darly. w««klT or monthly terms. They undertake "to guarantee the upkeep of their cars, and it would pay anyone interested to esquire for their charges, which in all can** will be found most moderate. There wfll ba on show at this new fiaiaa** sample* of the latest patterns of De Dion and Darraqi ears... Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablet*, are purely vegetable, and contain no ingwdtot that.can in any way be miurioHs. to the most" delicate person. Their iclion is mild and gentle without any of the painfnl eensations experienced by the use of'Pillr. Chamberlain's Stomach and LiT«r; Tabfete act as a tonic, itrengthen the -system, end assist the natural movenKntof the bowels- For sale «v«rywbere:.. Heit you tried Souter's 4 tins of boot polLsbj for Is. It i» the cheapest and best p.d»h: on the market. Money returned if first tin be not satisfactory. Sourer, - Liy#.-Boot Dealer... Jost landed a big shipment or ladies dark ta» b»n{s and shoes. Sorters Boot Depot. " Ladies* dark tan glace kid strap shoes in twin, triplet, cross and trilby bars. .Also 'dark tan glace kid lace and button .rfwes, and Gibson tie shoes, in round tees, medium toes, medium pointed toes, and pointed v toes. We will make » window display of ladies tan foot .wear, in our ladies window on Friday, October 24th: Sorter's Direct Importing Boot Depot... L. B. James, chemist, has just a fine lot of photographic cameras, and anyone thinking of bnving a. camera should give hnn a call. They range »A price- fr»>nt &M to £6- AH photographic material can procured at JaiWß' pharmacy at lowest rate*. ... ChQblains (broken or unbroken}, sores of all kinds relieved immediately by '"Bed CmstT Oointmtat- Is 6d everywhere... We beg to remind our readers that at this «eason of the year Baiter's Orange Quinine Wine should be in every household. For those who suffer from, loss of appetite, it acts like a charm. One bottle will convince you of it* strength giving properties. Price 2s 6d from J. Baxter, Coembt and Photographic Dealer, Timaru... SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J. Mundell—Sells show stock to-day. X.M. and A. Co.—Sell show .stock. X.Z. L. and M.A. Co.—Srll show stork to-day. Studholme- sale to-morrow. O'Callaghao awl Co.—Orcat i»de- of watches to-morrow. X.Z. Railways—Train arrangements for. to-day. At Penrose'tj—Art pictures this nvefc. X.Z. InßUrancf C<».—Transact.* all classes of iw-urance. Sugar Wanaka Uvw Auckland to-<t»y. Webb ami Kempthome—Real bargain, coitage for *aU-. Mit» H. C. Strachau—X»-w millirxry for the- show. James Granger—Choi.-e s.-c.ii..n for immediate sale. Lost--Basket, reward Mum to Dawetore. Mrs J. W. White—Wants a holts.-maid. Chalmers Church—The- Mttsiah on 2-1 th Xovemb-r. Mr G. Kolter—S|*al* at Paieor.i l<> morrow. Colonel Bailey—lmportant notice to he---fcjvper^. Wanteds—Four notices.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13737, 29 October 1908, Page 4

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13737, 29 October 1908, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13737, 29 October 1908, Page 4