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E FLAT BASS. F Childs. :■■ L.M. ' -tjeaniterte and | Jeauot." Allegro brilliance. ; Cadenza. No' in r keeping with the movement. J rll ' e bad. Plavs I time instead of 1-4.. Bhrasiitg all ivi-oug. Tii>>« all wiobg. A bats player'especially should learn to play in strict time beioie he take*.' liberties with ir Paused ou ¥ instead of G. Andante moderato :■ Phrasing _bad. Makes too. much no'se. whilst breathing. Tone, imI proving as be goes along. Melody all I -poiU because phrased badly. _ Executionlaboured.—6B points. "• J. Wood. D.C. •' Ponderous." Attacknot clean. Takes breath in the wrong place. Cadenza too slow, cousequently takes breath in wrong places. -Movement not majestic enough. Semiquaver passage all blurred. Polacca: Too slow. p. passage veiy nicely played. .Slurred semiquaver parages, if i.emiquaver passages uneven. —71 points.—2nd prize. A. Waters. L.M. "Edelweiss." This opening cadenza most unsuitable for bass player. Very fa rly played. Andante: Tone very colourless on low notes. Splits tone. Has no idea what a " jodel" means. Whole movement too slow. Takes breath in wrong place. Xo style. Allegretto : Too slow. Gets better tone on higher notes. Hurries the time. Most uninteresting performance, and such a lot. could be made of this piece. Andante: Triplets wrongly played. Doesn't know what stringendo means. Does nut' under-, stand this piece at all. If he .had played a piece-more suitable to the instrument he would have scored more points.—6B points. H.' Segar. T.M.- " 1 ouderous." This is better. ' Opening veiy good. Semi-. quaver passages good, Polacca : Too clow. Must not lose character of the dance in 50ft passages. Veiy good performance. —79 points.—lst prize. B FLAT BASS. D. Miller. B.X. - Wiedelkehr." Xo character in andantino. Phrasing in cadenza wrong. Xo notice taken of lenti. Andantino, theme: Tone quick. Phrasing fair. Var. 1 : Xot light enough. .Semiquavers not distinct. Want • of style. Var. 2 : Staccato not clearly (ongued. X'ot quick enough. Andante sostennto: Played semiquavers as demusemiquavers after dotted quaver. Very monotonous. Allegro brilliance: Tone quick. Xot brilliant enough. Lacks style.—74 points. —2nd prize. L. H. Campbell. T).C. "The Hardy Xorseman." Tone muffled. Xo expression. Tlieme: Xo style. Uninteresting. Var. 1: Takes breath in wrong places. Var. 2: Xo character. Doesn't understand the meaning of " affetuoso.'' Var. 3 : Should learn to play a simple sustained melody with good tone.—7o point*. H. Anthony. L.M. "Aunie Laurie." Thia i* better. Should have taken a breath after pause on G not before. Played E instead of G in cadenza. Very good. Theme: Plays F instead of E ; n melody. Good ere-sc. Var. T: Time bad. Tone too quick. Var. 2: Hun its time. Var. 3 : Minor pa.-Gages played very well. Xot sufficient agitato. Var. 4: Li.'.-s tone- at quick passages. This can he-improved by • practice. . — lut prize. BB FLAT BASS. R. Brown. D.I. " Wiederkehr." (The Reiurnj: Veiy good opening. Cadenza neely phrased. Good toiie. Theme : Very nicely played. Phraoed very nicely, but makes too much noise taking breath. Var. 1 : Good. Xot staccato enough. Andante (.ostenuto: Veiy good indeed. Allegro brilliance: Very wrll played. Ha* Veiy good command over the instrument. — 81 points. Ist prise. A. Gihnore. L..M. " The Men of Harlech." Xot .sufficient between f. and p. Theme: Xot martial enough. Colourless. Var. 1: Colourless. Var. 2: Expression marks not ola.;eived. Xot btiglit enough. Lugubre : X'ot observed at pp. mark*. This style 'sn'ts him be ler. Polacca: Doesn't know the meaning of-the word " scherzando." This solo ic most unsuitable for the player. Allegro brilliant*-: Xo *iyle.—73 points. John Keinan. B.X. "King Hal." Opening: Take*, breath in wiong pluces. Low G out of tune. Xot fast enough. Wrong accent on the 6 quavers in the bar, should !>.♦ on the first, third and fifth, not first and fourth. Thin is an easy piei-e wh'ch should have been played much b.tter. The title of the solo is - King Hal." usually 0.-illed "Bluff King Hal." The character of it is tost.—6B poin;s. J. J. Collins. T.M. "De Roriot's sth Air." Opening : Tone had. Allegretto : Colourless: Too monotonous. Xo variety in tone. Var. 1: Same here. Var. 2: Same hen*. Var. 3: Want of expression all through. Xo colour. Xo contrast. Dolce: .Same nil the way through. Th : s nolo ii mo«t unsuitable lor a has pla)er y.-t the phrasing, tone and time, were g00d.—75 points.—2nd ptize. M. Hoiken. A.T. " l'e Anau." Triplet* in cadenza not even, makes a rest between each triplet. Time bad. Andante form about thji movement. Phrasing bad. Tone good, hut no varieiy. Monotonous. Expression mark* not observed. Allegro con. brio: Xot majestic enough. Intonni'on bad at change of key. Bolero: Xot brilliant enough. Doesn't get top V nicely. Cadenza laboured.—6s poiutci. " J. Msloney. D.C. "The- Village Blacksmith." Allegro moderate: Too (■low. Xobody eonld ning it in this time. Xo character. The wotds of the song art not illustrated here. Andante religioso : This pait i» very good. Affetuoso very nicely played. From "' Aiidmii.- ie--1 gioso" to the pause beautifully played. Xot made enn.itgh of at "Something attempted, vomethliig done."—72 points. 7'homatt Rogers. E. Cli. "The Men of Xot pompous enough. Sj>li:* b/s 'fine on top utiles. Theme : N'ot mar rial enough. Var. I : Tune not il-ar. fhraw-d l|adlj-. Var. 2: Not distinct 1 \(ll Miflicjeni variety of :<iiie. irUguhre: Phrasing bid. Sol agitato (OfHigii. mnikv at |it. not taken 'licitirr of. Pillared badly. Polacca: itheriaudo not light enough.' Should Inplayed mole playfully. Polka : Tone tliiek. —74 point 4. BARITOXE. S. Hay. D.l. "I.e. Bluets." Out of ?une w'th piano. Var. 1 : Mow.* top iotes out o!" tune. Vat. 2: Tak-* bieatl, h the wrong place. Var. 3: Th«. i«i /nrmanc-e Has spoilt by being out of tune Vith lb,- piano ae.oinp. .Sol,, plave.l v.-n nic-l- but «.poili .c> abov M.'ii-,l —7O points. William Riiu-land. E. Ch. " Singvogel then aw den, Wold." Bluu-d deniisemiqua*. r* hi cadenza, nice toiie. Andanfno: Very nicrlv plaved. Them-: V rry nicely played. Var. 1 : V-i v good. \ai. 2: T.11.e good: Adagio S.e.'lei.uto . lakes too many libciti,> „ith (ioie. Tim. all wrong IM tl,i_ mov-mei.! „.tli deim.vniiquaverv. P01...-,:,: Wo,v i.,,,1, .., ,),;, is the bad time. - 75 i,.,!nu -l„t i.i ,t Steph.n H. Hig.nao. !■;. ( |,.' ■• .^ TOg.-lcll.-|.. etc." Ile|„ l x.„.i. 1 11. ( Sfl. bIU! red ill caoen/a. Ve, v 5 „.,.i. An-lant no tirace notes not »ia, x .fullv plave.l. ~i. not M,ft riiough. Theiiie : Art.,, k „.., (ban. Vt-iv in..-. In,! ii,.t m, „ c !l ~1.,, «-d ..-. prwiois. pviioin,., Vai. 1 : Wi'v good. V..t. 2: T.u.e ~11 «ion- ,i, i„ ,'t ri bar.. Hii. vai-ati.,l,. : i„, r ~;\ «.,.„-. San..- ii L.i a b.u,. Ad..0,., : ;>,„( ~.,?: of this tune uioiit; .i-.'.,in. C,1.,..., >).,., mov-n.eiit vny i,„ ,ly plave.l,ii n,.,i1., Bell ..|.....v..i.' Vi in-nf.. ;>u-i p. . .. It IWi-oiiv 1..M. •■S„ 1K , ( , t! ..|. J,..,, •_«-■■" H.|..|.r,„i, | ~.„r t. i,.,.,,.,, . : . , ■ ico/.i. ifou.l .ven i..iir iliioii-bou: the Itl-tnill.flii. \.,y u „„.| , ||:„-. ' .\„ daiit.n.. : Mis„, „,a, v ,\|! ~„,.[; ~., s «-ig<s> !i!iut-d In ii,- Vlli bo- un-ie "Ml!! " ■» maikr.i h !f i,,.,ik .1.-.. l„,i ."•le -o :ht ..,!>.. t .i|,i,!if., to t'ne .-n:iy of the a-vwnpaiiim. n;. All tlic play«:'^

who played this solo played • that note too loud.) llunie : Very nicely" played. Var. 1: Veiy good. Var. 2:. .Same mista'ke hste as other players, but-'wor&eJ Thus all wrong. Same at ;lento, i Adagio.i Plays out.of tune.'.Time. all.wiong at the last 8 bais.' Polacca : Piu Lento : Too ,blow. Plays semi staccato notes too slaccaio. Playing *tune.~ Plays quick passages wlien tougued very r well indeed," but when slurred they ale ail blurred: —72 points. ." R. .E. Cook, D.GV,''Pensez a Moi." Recit.: Think, of "tlie' : little arid : trytb put tha words to first few notes and illustrate theui on your-,instrument. ■■. The cadenza veiy good, but- the character lestbecause the theme of it was not brought out. Andante: Very good. Allegro moderato: Cadenza blurred. Time blurred. Phrased badly. —7O joints. E. Cannon, A.C. " Singvogelchen. etc." j Blows low C out of tune. Andantino : Out of tune. Phrased badly. Xotcertain of his low notes.-- pp. too loud. ', Good tone but out of tune. Theme: Too slow. Var. 1 : Alters- the accent J m the bar before the pause. Var. 2:~ Time all ■ wrong here, the same as the others. Still blowing out of tune. Ada- • ■ gio: Time wrong in the 2nd half. A lot of good work in this solo, but <it would have been very much better if it had been put into a solo more polacca. Loud-C sustained too wobbly.—7o points. R. Whitley, T.M. " Schnsucht." Andante: Stilted. Too* slow. Andante means moving. Theme : Good, but too slow, and no character in it. Colourless. Var. -1; Good. : Var.. 2 : Misses; notes. Piu Lento: Xo variety in tone. Piu Allegro: An uninteiesting performance.—67 points. J. Xunns, A.T. " GypsyV* Warning." Good opening. Xo variety of tone. Theme: Too slow. Var. 1: Better tone here, but very little character. Var. 2: Good. Var. 3: Very good. Andante : Very nicely played:—73 points. H. Burkenshaw, B.X. "Bacchus." Expression very good. Arpeggios' not/ clear. Xot distinct jn cadenza. Andante : Played with very nice expres-w'on. Var. 1: To'ne too thick." Var. 2: Tone too -thick. Andante moderato:" Plays slow movements very nicely. Allegro: Triplets not distinct. Tone too thick nil the way through. Scale passages at the end very artistically played. Last few bars very coarse. There was notreally a good player in this" class.—67 points.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13736, 28 October 1908, Page 2

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BAND CONTEST. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13736, 28 October 1908, Page 2

BAND CONTEST. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13736, 28 October 1908, Page 2