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1/etters for John, Burness (3), Owen Hensnaw.'K. C. Hamilton, JNliss Osbonie. 0:. Bentfc-and 11. Taylor await '-claimants at the Timaru Tost Office, For th* next..sitting of the Arbitration Court ; n Timaru, 'lnspeotor -Keddio has kstted five citations for broaches of awards. The date'for the ttitling of the Court, in Timaru hni> not yet been iiied. :'..■" A doubt, has been raised whether the' * wreckage discovered thirty miles <;ohth of Cape Maria 'Van Diomon is from tho missing bartiuei, Loeli Lomond. It is suggested that the letters "I.oc" djecern- ■• ible on the broken door may hi- simply, portion of'• tlh» word "locker," • Tenders''-are-'being 'colled'.by the Public Works Department for the erection ofthe new boardinghouric at Mqtint Cook. Tliis~ will bi> a large and handsome structtirei* costing about £IO,OOO. , The liuilUiitg will be of local'stone,, in two'storeys,"witji' balconies, and will be upHo-dato in, eyvtrjr 'particular. I'rbvWon Jfi niado'iiv ftie plans for 30 bedroonw, with drawingrooms,' renttisiles i on a. liberal soalfr., • • • "■ . A special children's service, was held at the FresbyieriaV Church at"'Ro'lnlinnrn last Sunday inortiing. The, b«ilding-was packed and-exira' seats wore brnnghl ih from an adjoining build'ng. A' snitabl* • address.wa<rgiven''br;'tbift Rev. Mr Chappie, I and advantage was taken of the' weapon . by giving'out the prixes-in thft -'Qhil.dNn, , Kxtni booki; wore given to Katie RcoU'aad ' AlvrtUj l'nrva4 v f(ir and general • ability. At ihe 'conclusion it' vote-of the i 1 congregation was taken on thJ> changing • 'of Jtyhin' bo<ik. It was decided, uiiani- • mousiy to d'SCardthe.Sncredi Songs of th* t "NVw Jlyiiuiary. , '■ Tho l'rime Minister has received ii cable messago from the I'ostuv.UiteV-Geiicral rtt. '* Washington oxpres»>ing pleasurt« tit, (the- • arrangement by which New Zealand would if connect, with the American direct mail . service to Tahiti by meniHV of. the Union , steamers carrying the New Zealand mailtt " to and from that, point. The .American I'oMtnufuer-Geiieral had also advised that ■ his Government would reciprocate, iu the , matter of penny postage -on letters from , America to Xew Zealand, Thi* eonees- , sion (which if to come into force at once) Sir Joroph regards with much i-a-tisfaction. ■ The monthly meeting of the Winchester School Committee was held on Monday • evening. l'rrcria-:—Messrs ,J. Wilk"» L (cliaitman). .1. Huston, ,). Opio, T. Con- . nnlly. It. Maddren, and A. MyDonald. . Tiro master's report ishcetved a roll number of 88, wiih tin average of 79.8. Mr Win. Harrison had presented tiro school sports' ■ fund with 535. The windmill and tank had been erected in (he school garden, and the work had lveen done in an excellent, manner. The committee passed a hearty vote of thanks to all who had tissUuj-d in raising money towards cost of windmill and for other purposed. Corresjxindenee from (in* lalttcatioti Hoard stated that ;i grant- of £s'had been made towards the windmill, enclosing the inspector's rejxirt, on hm annual visit and a resolution of thoi Hoard oppressing ]deasure at, tli«« lii|»h state of eflicieney of tho school. The rejsirt- w:w read and a resolution wa«t jiassed by ihe cnminit.t« recording tlioir high appreciation of its satisfactory naltme. It was decided to make Thursday (Timaru Show Day) a holiday, and to ltold the annual concert on or about. Deremlvr It was decided to invite Hub'criptions from ihe school childreii and. from'the public towards the Barclay Fund. "Blessed 1>« drudgerj'" is tlie> title .of a book writ ton by Thoma«« n KempiH. There is drudgery enough to natisfy the most exacting on iv larg* dairy v |»tin where the catnvs aje Imrid-inilk*d. }>U)»t [folk like to avoid drudgery and ;yr«en I the •'La\vrenci.Ke«rit«dy-Gillies"' micMno I enme along, doing the Bulking in JisU tho time with less than half the labour, th-y felt moro inclined to r,ay "Blesinl b<- the "L.K.G." milking ai-tcblne. Mrssrs J'eacock and Andrews, Danntvirke, say—"The machine milking Is heaven compared with th« old drudgery." J. G. MacKwau and Co., Ltd., Sol* Aji«-ntfi, Dttnedin... lU|. iniiati-iii,, lumbago and -< iatiea ate <atis.d liv uric and in the blood. The only pittdbk* method of etire ix in talon* a. i.tiedy that will elunitiai" the |vooon the Mititu, ami any pnparatioti that purport* to ntr<- in any other manner will citior f-til altogether or motoly jpv.- a ~li»)it p-av-iiiif j.-ll.t it cannot. |vo«»ilt!y b- «•»' any jk no .-uirrit Value, ltletimo i* a preparation unfailingly <nr»« ll.fumal.nii and Ljiiill'il ailni'lll" brtattf--' r! unfailingly .j. no (he uric acid. It removes the e.n**.-, nnd in doing llo* it Mills th" Jib- ot ii theliiilat i. eitlijee! a mi': IV. lth»itm.» i- obi,!,, ftoto ..II .-hem<.V«. ar-l .1..r.,;, at 2, /„| and ■'„■ M [- r ft/-lt!c ... "\V\».d.,' peppermint Cur« t* btios Your <rad«> amon<t*t the *nuggeitt, I '«po r c it won't cure #verythhi(t?i' "Weil, no," rtplird «h>» drugßi'st. "It wont cure everything, m l«a»t, Ci.Je-ri I'm nntrh miitak«*nl" "Whaf w..r.'( it cur« in man or iWirt ?"■ Said ht; "It won't curt b*Coo!"'

The mid-day squall on Sunday was exc.puonallv eeveie at the- Upper O.'aio. The hail" piled rip in drifts, and caused waov stoppage** in gutters'. and in conleaks io tool;'. .3Gbe thunder and lightning was very similar t» what w experienced in Australia at times, and caa««d- many hoosewrves to cover np eteel and looking glarises. The rw method of tailing btnb; hy the ev of the searing iron instead of tlie knife is totting into general use. and meet* with the approval of the best authorities the fanners, many of whom have been using the iron for the- past two eeasuns. and declare it to h.> a great itnproTrnwnt. The- !•»*< of blood is practically nit. and the iambs evidently suffer less.

The committe; of St. Mary's Church - Completion Fend will b.* pl*i.«ed t» hear .that the- hon. secretary (Mr R. W. Simpson* ha*, received a cbeirue from th? Government for £36. being a refund of duty paid by the committee on marble colnniti; imported from New South Wales. The «»:h receipt* tor the completion Tond to date total £5520. It k expected that the completed church will be opened about tb* banning of February.. The subcommittee of the Harbour Board appointed for the purpose", met. yesterday aw! accepted the tender of Mr T. F. Slowey, of Rows, at £20,690 13s 4d. forth* cowtnictibn of the new wharf between Moody wharf and tho- north mole. The other tenders? were:—J. Fitzgerald, Wataroa, £21.072 16s; D. McLean. Wellington. £24,54Q; P. Bradley, Timam. £27.991; H. «reen. £25.567; "and Watson Rhode?. £29,026. Those who think that the life of a Cabinet Minister is all—or nearly aff—a life of ease and comfort, would have been dmUnsionsd had they accompanied the Hon. B. MeXab oa Iris ins-peetion of the Steward settlement yesterday. On tlw bleak Waitati plain he had the express stopped that he might get off, awl in the face of a bitterly cold wind and steady rain be drove about 12 miles Tound, inspecting the estate and listening to the complaints ofseHJerß regarding a, defective Government water-race. The vi«fc might easily hare been dodged, but this isj' not the war of the Minister of Lands, who has a truly Scotch way of getting at the root of things and acquiring information at. first hand. St...'Mary*s Church is fortunate in possissing as "one of ito auxiliary institution.", snch a willing and successful body of workers an is comprised .in the members-of St. Prwca's .GaHd; who -with Miss Woollcombe as'j. president and Miss Daisy Schmidt as secieiarjyrhave been busily engaged lately in> arranging something novel, in the form competition fair, the object being- to raise fond* wherewith, to purchase altar rails and a new communion eervice for St. Mary's.- The fair waa held in St. Mary's Schoolroom last night and was a great success. There was a large attendance, and tße various; competitions in reciting, piano playing, bed-making, step dancing, .washing, etc., provided no end of amusement. For most of the events there were a good many entries, the- prizes being won as. follows: Recitations, Stanley Satterthwaite;'piano solo, Bertha Lawrie 1, Gladys .Vincent 2. Hone Pearse 5; sofa cushion cover. Mrs Anw 1; painted plaque, [ Dorothy Selwood, 1; embroidered handetchief. Miss X. Tnrnbnll 1: D'Oyle, Mri ft. Smith: table cent-re,. Miss* Passmore :? needle book. Miss V. Ward: pin ■"'tishinn: (prettiest) M*s E. Ward"; smallw?pin cushion. Miss W. Wray; most original' pin cushion. ML«s X. Hardy; needleboWer. Miss C. Woollcombe: dra*sd doll.- ML-w Tna, Gilchrist-; ditto twopenny doll. Frances Fish (aged four years); doll'? hat. Miss K. 5?elwood; ditto bonnet, Mi?*» Priest; cooking apron, St. Pris-ca's-Onild,; shaving ball. ML«s Alcock; sweets,basket. Miss M. Hardy; sponge sandwich, Mrs Harrison: scones. Miss Olive Scarf: sponge cake, Mrs Annett: plum cake. Mrs Westropp: seed cake, Miss M. Grandi; step-dancing, Cressive Horwell 1. Maggie Davidson 2; bed-making, Mr Glover 1. Mr Wotien 2. The holders wer«» as follows: —Pin cushion srall. Miss E. Ward: cak* stall. Ml«s C. Woollcombe; fancy stall. Miss L. Ward: «weets stall. Mrs"FooVn and Mi?* V. Ward: doll stall. - Miss Hibbard. The Judges were—recitations. Mr A. Wilson: !«.010 playing. Mr Webb; cookery. Miss O'Brien : dolls and pin cushions. Mrs Warren. Mr.* Priest. Mrs F. Barker, Mrs Thorax* Dry den. At the closa of «he competitions an auction sale was held, when » clearance of all articles was ma»h> at satisfactory prices. The nervous strain of hou.j«hold care wears out even the strongest women. Tab* Steam's wine, the :*perle«» tonic, which builds up the body and makes fhe w.ak strong. Pleasant t<» the taste... 1.. B. James, ch'mist. has jusr- landed a fine lot of photographic canKrx.% and anyone thinking of buying a cameta should give him a call. * They range in price from £s 6d to £6. AH pbot«f----i graphic material can lv» procured at Jamru' pharmacy at lowest Tate.*. ... A IHtle forethought may «ve yon n» •nd of trouble. Anyone who makes it a rule to keep Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and D-Urrboea Remedy at hand knows rii» to be ft fact. For jale everywhere...

Chilblain* (broken or unbroken), ww of alt kind* relieved immediately by '*Ked fYrus" Ocintment. Is 6d everywhere...

We beg to remind onr readers that at this, waaon of the year Rater** (trange (Quinine Win* should he in every honsebolaL For tho*» who suffer from loss of appetite, it art* like> a charm. On* bottle will convince" yon of it« strength giving properties. Price 2s 6d from .f. Baxter, Chemist and Photographic Dealer, Ti■uro... Trout fishers and tennis players will plea*« doU *l«»t Mr Tasker, Hardy'« agent for Timtu.. _j* jnst. landed a fine a-ssort-toent of Hardy's fishing tackle, including rod*, reels, lines, casts, flies, phantom*, wadf-w. gaff», &r booki, etc. Also a line or Shuenger'* tennis racquet*, including Dobertr. K.CJ.M., Special Demon, Demon. ltenxbaw, etr. The new balls (1908-09) will b* in about a fortnight. . . . Visitors t<> the Show—The place to get bat*, caps, tiiirt*. Tim, brace* or auy otb*-r artii'le of gents wear, don't forget that they keep an up-to-date* stock at IrwinV Ontß Panama bats- 12Ls 6<l. 15s M. l&» 6d: gent* boater «craw hats, 5» 6»1, 6s 6J. 7* 6d; penN folder imitation Panamas, <W 6d, S» 6d. 6* 6d: gents frame hats, any colour, shape, or quality, including "WondrowV hat* ami •'Borsalin" hats as a< 6<l. IC< 6.1. lis 6d. 12» 6.1: gents flesibbj felt hats at 9« 6.1. 10s 6.1. 12s 6.1. A largp st.H-k of g,niw caps, all the latest »ha|ie< and newest designs of pattern ar .V 6«l. 1* 6.1. ->i 6*l. «Vut'.i shin*. .. I.irr-? range of all kind--, incluiling tenni*. with and without ioll.»r*. in white, :ind fancy: a grvat of newt-sc. *eas.,ix ti. s and gents rolLtrs. all the ne«.-st shape-; and ' «i/»*. at TrwinV'. Stafford street... Th* be<t jockey in th* world cannot win a race ncletn be rides a good bone. The b<\<t player of a brass instrument cannot win nnles* be plays oa the beat instrument. If ther<» was* anr proof required of the superiority of t!w> Hawki-"!> ■ bra-M instrurnenls. the prwienfc contest at Timaru lia< »upp4ie.l it. Out of twenty gold medals offered by the contest comsaUte«> 16 won by plavers of Hawke'» instruments. Out of twenty wlver metlal.s offereil by Uk» contest committee* 16 w»re> won '»▼ pUyen of Hawke's jn«lrum.nt«. Jn tb« Oaickstep Competition the bands playin? Hawke's were awanled Cr»t and second prizes, and in tho Tv>* Sele.'tion tlw> bands phyine nawke's carried away Cm and focrth priates. Moral: Tli« be«t players in tit* c<«it<*st ?!*? HawkeV nnd they can only be obtained at the Pr«id#n ..

Th<- Timaru Car Company's 'bu i-es will nin ti. til- Slmw groaiufe-iojlav; and ;ii«-. . r«n>rrow. Tlie amended time-i..l>le f"r subiirlian services ij, advert is:-d. It Ls reportetl that some vendors < f mill: intend tt> pries in a day or two. The supply of milk is sai'f to be very abundant just now. This year thrr- will 1.- :» p.-.11i:,g I. w.rh for the 'fiinatu ele.-t..rare at the i'.-.reora Hull. s.» ihat voters will !■- r.W- to r-.-gi>ter iHr votes more conveniently than fonii-rly. The following Is Captain EdwinV» forecast up to 3 p.m. to-day:—"Generally moderate- to. strong southerly winds, but changing toward* east at places nortiiwnitLs of Thame;-: and Mannkan." A message was received from the Mackenzie Country y.fterday that owing to the- suowfall on Sunday last, several people will not- he able to get- into Timant for their usual show week holiday. A nie-tinr; of tb* South Canterbury Prof,-ssi.»nal Athletic Club will b.- l:el<l ia th<- Crown Hotel on Mondiy nest to receive the latest entries for the- Sheffield Handicap. It ♦ d to set » large attendance, »■• other matters of importance- are to b- discusse«l. The entri*:; for ihe Sheflild ar.- .v> far very good, but a* Show we-'k is :» busy, one", it hail l*vn deenvtl only fair to give athletes another day or two to forward entries. The prize mouey is very liberal, and tlie Club is worthv of very strong support for their meeting on Xovemb->r 9th.

A little extitement. will b,=- caused amongst motor cyclists this morning by tbfi appearance i n Timaru of a Mountaineer. This marvellous little motor is a twin cvlind-r engine, with magneto ignotion. "and rated at 2 h.p. The total weight is something und»r 801Lr,. and can travel at the rate of three- milf", |K-r hour. It ii the oulv motor cycle that, has from Hangman Gully to Monnt- Cat gill without overheating, and will navel ICO miles at a cost- of one s-hilling. Mr Edwards. tl»- New JCealanil repre.?n:ative. will b- in Timaru until 1.30. and the Mount:iin-*er can be Keen at Scott's cycle d:jiot during this morning. There will be a good deal of business to occupy the attention of teachers at their Institute meeting on Saturday. Besides the final «l'scii«sion on the question of the best scale of marks to he allotted at the final examinations next month, sorr.-s remarkably interesting-'information as to school readers and superannuation will be ' available. And every teacher should be keenly interested in knowing just where he or she stands in regard to th? salaries parable' under iho new scale, which apparently is not nearly so rosy cr, it at first sight apos-ared. Hence all members would do well to makf a po : nt of attending. The meeting Is at. 11.15 a.m. in the Glasgow tea-rooms. The Timaru Operatic "Society had a meat succefifeful full dress rehearsal in tlie Theatre Koyal last night. fudging by th-.- ease with which'both principals and chorus got through their work, the production "of H.M.S. Pinafore to-night bhould realise the expectations of the numerous friends of the Society. The set scone is really excellent, and reflects great- credit on the. local artist who carried out the work. Th* opeirt is supported by a powerful orchestra.'., and th-.-connecting music will be found to brightly run. Excellent will be the epith< t applied to one* of the prineijials to-night, if la-t night's form is kept up. The curtain raseu at 8 o'clock tdiarp, and :n> a - full house is anticipated, patrons- would do well to go early.

The first- heati; of the elementary pain; of the local Rowing Club took place; lastevening. In the tirtt heat.. Millar and Bridges met Norrie and Berry. Norric got a buetled start.. Millar taking threequarters of a length's stroke lead on him. Norric, rowing much the quicker stroke, gradually reduced ibis, until he was level at the end of the Moody wharf, where Millar sprinted, anil finished a bout, a length ahead. A good race, both crewu biding exhausted. Tlie wcond lieat- was rowed betwtv-n I» Sueur and Dunn, and McCarthy and Wheeler. Le Seur took thr lead from tlie i;tart. and gradually rowed away from his opponent, winning comfortably by about a coupb* of lengths-. The third and fourth heats will be rowed this evening <it 6.15.-when Newington will meet Kilgonr. anil Howie McKenzie "Tlie light that failed" was certainly not a Welsliach lamp, fur that has never been known to fail. The new Welsliach

Incandescent Kerosene Lamp gives a very fine illumination, and is as simple to line as switching, on an electric light. There are no anuoyaiiees with th" Welsliach lamp—just fullest satWaetion anil a, positive sarins of two birds of oil. Any ordinary lamp ran hi- greatly improved by fitting it with a. Welsliach burner and mantle, the cost of which is infinitesimal in comparison to the Hiving of oil anil the beautiful light given... In accepting payment by small monthly instalments for pianos, llegg't, make buying a simple affair with no baratsing condition* with the choice of inr<rum-iit.s of-known worth and durability. ... We would r.cnmnw-nd alt tho*- visiting Timaru during show week to call and inspect the splendid value in cameras offered by |. Itaxter. His is exceptionally fine, the prices are right and those desirous of taking lasting pictures at- the show should make K.ixtrt's I'liarmai-v t!*«=- first place »f .a 11... For an easy running, durable cycle, make a U.S.A. Premier your next mount. Price.* from £lO 10s to £ls. Kepairs. plating, and enamelling, a. speciality, also phonograph and tennis material, with 1%89 balls always on hand. Grant Bros., Christchurch and Timaru... Ko better skin preparation made than "Ked Cross" Ointment. Cures roughness, cbap.s, cracks. Is 6<l everywhere... The proprietors of the Cains' Terrace Motor Garage find that tHr present, premises are no: large enough t«» cope- with their increasing bnsinevc. and have therefore secured the l-»rg.> building known as the Old Cdnnial Hank liuildings in K: rat Italian Street. This place ha* ln«n fitted up with all the lat.r* improvements, as a niovf. npto-iLi:- Garage, and from Saturday 24th. this new Garago will ]hi at tho disposal of South Canterbury Motorist.". Arrangements can bo made with this firm for storage on tfilher daily, w.ekly or monthly terms. '1 hey undertake to guarantev tlw upkeep of their cars, and it would pay anyone interested to enquire fir th-ir charges, which in all will be found most, moderate. Thvre will be on show at this new Oarage sampt.s of the latest patterns of lie Dion and Darracq cars... Chaml>erlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets aw purely vegetable, and contaiu no ingredient that can in any way be injurious t« the mo-t, delist.- rw-rs.-n. Tlieir action i< mild and gentle without any of the painful tcnoationa experienced by the ns.> of l'liN. Chamberlain'* Stt.rn.ich and T.iv.-r Tablets net as a tonic, strengthen the irr'tem, and a««i«t the natural movemen! of th* bowels. For tale everywhere... Have von tried S'.uter'.s 4 tins of boot ■polish for U. H in the cheapest and IMtlish on tho market. Money r-tunicd if first tin l*s not rat Soutcr. l.ivo P.0..t Dealer... Junt laiel-.l a. big shipment. <.r ladies dirk t,n 1,".-:- and >h.»-s. Neuter's P.oot Dej-.t. Lutes'; tan gl.ico ki<l '■trap in twin, tripef. cr.-s and tnlby bar-. AKo dark t..n glace Lid l.o« and button »-h'*s, and Gibo.n tie *h..e«. m round t.*3, milium toe*, medium pointed t--«, and poiuLcd to.*. We> will make a window di«pl.iy of ladies tan foot wear, in our l.iditM window on Friday. October 2ith. Swiitct'* Direct Importing Hoot Depot...

Bitterly cold weather prevailed all ny.-r South' rfmteibtiry yi.iJera.iy, and showers of'niMi fell at Interval-! during the day. In lilt- early morning there was. a l.ill of .-now owr'the country between Temuka ami ('!. raldine.

The cow, which ilhe farmers f.ay) cannot- jump over the uivou <>f tit* Government dairy regulations, is playing a part in the .lections, and is <oays tilt- Wellington " lV.<t "j trying to gci tha Hon. R. M'Nah on its dilemma.'horts, hut theMinister, who was once an athlete of 6ome consequence, has agility enough hit to keep a twist ou the cow's tail. Another jnur>ic shop is to open in Tiniaru as from to-day, Mr .}«. Parker, :i recent arrival from the Old Country, being the proprietor. Mr Parker lias, secured a shop in Stafford street clow to Wag-s-raffs stationery depot, and having bought out the entire slock of the Peerless Music Company, of Chriwtchurch, Ik? intends to sell music and musical instruments at bedrock prices... Anglers, also tennis, croijnet and cricket players, will find at Cullmann's sports depot- the best selection of high-grade materials and equipment for the eujoyment of their outdoor pastimes. We advise an early inspection of our goods by those who desire, to possess' the beet equipment. AH tennis and croquet materials are newly made for this, season by Slazenger and Son. New stock latest 1908 tennhi balls..

SYNOPSIS OF xj:\v ADVF.RTISKmj:xts. Jonas and Co.—Sale of furniture to-day. drapery on Saturday. C.K.C.A.—Studholme. sale on Friday. Guiniiti-j; and ■' LeCren—Stock at- Studholme- on Friday. A.A.A. Co.—Jonar. and C.». want- subagents. o"Cal!a»hau and Co.—Sell fnrnilnre. l)Odts, .--ti;.. tn-tkiy. Show grounds—Mxhiliit ion l>\* Loan Co. to-day and to-morrow. T. - and J. Thomson—CSfiods in all de paitmenl:, for .Show week. l'eerle>t> Music ehop opposite Stom- siabLs. G. and T. Young—Beautiful detdgns in jewellery and electroplate. The Mountaineer Motor —On trial Scott's cycle depot. Levels Countv Council—-Xotice. to ralw£s4oo. • S.C.P.A.C—EiUrifR for Sheffield Handicap extended. Xora, Dene—Show -visitore to see' milI linory parlour. At Workman's—Rolls of linoleum and floorcloth.'. « Oamarti skin salt s —Stands postponed io 6th November. W. F. Massey—Addrftw at Temuka tomorrow- evening". . W. Jeffries—Notice to electors of Oeraldine. I). Mahoney—Farms and town properties for atle. * Timaru Car Co!—Rnn"'busses to Show grounds. Wool cartage—Tenders invited bv N.Z. L: and M.A. Co. Geraldinc— Opening Primitive Methodist, Church. November.-sth. HaselP*" ftuperphospliat*—Firms who have it on sale.' Political—Mr W. Ti. Campbell's committee meet to-night. Lest—Silver medal, reward, at this office. Educaiioal Institute—Meet 11.15 a.m. on Saturday. South School—Mr Ceo. Roller electors this evening. RodgeiG and (Hopkins —-Agents for Argyll and P..S.A. motor cars. SeottV cycle depot—Full particulars of bicyclesl W. Penrose—Wante, lad for parcels. Wantedt—Six notices.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13736, 28 October 1908, Page 4

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13736, 28 October 1908, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13736, 28 October 1908, Page 4