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,„„• W.,ii..«i« .-..rwi-mlcm t-r-rts that. riim fell »«. Thursday a(tc....".n ««»» -»- „„u.-..l ll.r..u K lii.ut ilic nißbt. V-M-rdaj the wcilh-r ileaivd. Th, ; .nni»vr>aiy «f the Om«t.T!*ti«.iu,l Sunday *ch«d will he o-W.rMcd hy hi t-nioirow. the prvacher fur •!,, Iv in'-i,* lt<v. Ar.hih.hl K. mux. In ,|,o aiVernr»,n a. mu>in.l ~rvit-c will I>« i„UI, Mlien .-,iui.«ni«. »»»«". «lu»rt«l<-« »M«I J.VIIM.K «ill »«■ >UH- h.v tl.c cli.l,hvn ««■ ,-'ted hy ill.- -hoir. aro cnlmllt invite!. Th.- tilth meting of the T.nmru \m;.R-nr Swimming Club i* «» '"' '"•■•'« i»t ilut.-hiM.n-* IV., H.«.nw ..« Tuesday «v,i>. ,„•- ~,-s t . tho 27(1. «.f OcClKi-. All intendin- im.-iiilm-i-i- i>« »<•!• •■"* it"'"'* l "* " f V l "' .in!. :i:c cordially im iu-d. Hy yre.vni. St.-ri'i-iii'in- the .-luh iti>ti , 'ii«>'«- •' v cy «'»*> *■;(*.,». and it t- t" '*• '"'l*-' 1 <!, M "'l ,1, ' 5! winhrri. r«f the Huh «ii! turn up H* th" nici-tini?. 'lin- ih-'M» K ' --«tiiu r "< th" PrlmHivr M.-!h..liM at, was mark'.! i,v .1 t.a mt'-iing. «-li.< h «*,., In-td iii :!..- i)<l.Ht\l'.«»' H.. 11 i.« TUui-day i,i«ht. Mv I-:. W Hall, "f <'!.i"»t.-liui<-h. |H.-*id«'l ~- si . ». I.i; hrlil aft«'.r the it<\. and .1 <-li"ir, , i.n.miii- ..f \\V>lfyaii« and I'jimtlivr Mrih'.d:*;. Mljljdlrd M-IHl*- fi«»' mn^ir nof m.-"Sf dtij-incr ll"* <-vriJtii<; i.v :!><• rh:Mfn> ; .ii. •>«■ th" !W. S\ Hoidw von, K'V Mr Dudlry. »'»* >* r '

The <rate takings at the Alum- School party on Thursday totalled about £4O. The sum of £lO odd was taken in the tea rooms. The Boveric. front San Francisco arrived at Auckland about 3 p.m. yesterday. The southern portion of iicr. mails will go forward by the Takapuna. Kingman, the horn* which won the Belfield Hurdle Handicap at the Oamaru races this week, wars bought by Mr A. Hamilton in Tattersalls yaixH Tiimmt, for £9. The race which Kingman won this week, was worth £BO. The services at Chalmers Church to-mor-row will be conducted by the Rev. Mr Axelsen, of Dunedin, his subject being the " Social . Work of the Presbyterian Church," especially that part in which he is connected, the Presbyterian Orphanage Dunedin. Mr ; W. R. McGiath, veterinary horse dentist, has just- returned to Timarti. Ha is making Timaiu Ins centre, and will he pleased to treat all caiacs. His work is unique, inasmuch as lie uses no ropes" nb operations, and his methods embrace the latest ideas in the profession. " Delusions by which the liquor traffic thrives" is the subject of Mr Greenwood's address at the Oddfellows' Hall. Wooll<>onibe -street, to-morrow at 6.30, p.m. Siwcial temperance sonus and choruses! new to Tinwu. will be *unjr. Friend* and foes of the liquor traffic are invited

To-morrow will be, observed as young people's day in the Wesleynn Church and Miccial services xrill be conducted bv the Rev. W. Banmber. Tn the morning an nddiws to children will be given on "TV Storr of Joseph" and a special form nf femw Millie wed. In the evening Mr Baumber will give an address to vomur men nod women «-n At Waimataitai Mr Brooker will 'preach' in 'lie morning, and Mr Brown in the ; even-

Guinness and LeCreu, Ltd.. Timaru report the sale of Kinnoul Estate to Mr Robert "McKeown las* week, included Mr Sjmoh" MaeKcmie's registered stud / flock No. 146 of Border Leicester Sheep,cbm- ' prising 340 stud ewes and lambs, 182 Ktud rams, including the celebrated imported ram bred by Mr Kerr, Havistoun Castlfc, aud 64 stud ewe hoggets. This •flwck was founded by ewes purchased from iMessrs John Reid, of -Ederslie, Stuarb ■ Holmw, James Smith and Sons'* Greenfield Flock, rams from Messrs Donald Grant. Win. Grant, Little Bros., McGoverin and Hardie. and yt is the intention of the present owner to keep up the reputation of this noted flock. ~,.-'.

Aiuspeoiuhneetiugnf the trustee* of Hid Primitive Methodist Church, \Geraldine, it was decided that payment should be made as per contract price to Hopworth, Rims and Co. of Christ church, for the Calmon's Asbestos slato roof. It was> decided to have the ridging taken off,-and arrangements, were made with Mr W. A.

Sherratt, the builder, to replace ifc by another. The arrangements are well forward for tho opening -services and the- president, .the Rev. J. Olphcrt, will conduct the dedicatory service on the afternoon of Thursday, November sth. Thw will be followed by a tea and public meeting. Special sermons will be .held on tho three Sundays following. At St. Mary's Schoolroom last evening St. Priscti'ij, Guild held a most enjoyable social in aid of the sweet stall at .their forthcoming, ..Competition Fair. , Friend* were most liboral in their contributions. Musical items were rendered by. the Misses Kempt lionio (21, (2),: Cinrt'shorei Callor, Ray, Leggott, .Finch, - and Cooper, Messes Andrews, Pratt and Parnell and Miss Tcimenl also guv© nomo enjoyable recitations. ..Entries aro coming in well for the Competition Fair. Those interested are reminded that entries close- on Monday, at, 10 a.m. at St. Mary's Schoolroom (or will be received by tho President.; Mis* WoollcomlMS oh- -Saturday), with the. exv ception of the cooking ctitriev which will close on Tuesday morning. The'fair-will open on Tuesday, the 27th, in St. Mary's Schoolroom, at 7.50 p.m. On: Thursday evening a very pleasant gathering, took place at Hutllow, the form of a dinner given by tile Trusteesi'of tho late Timaru Rohdcs, to celebrate tltfl coming of age of the eldest son,' Mr Timntn Rhodes. The guests wore welcomed by the manager, Mr Armstrong and Mr*. Armstrong. At the .conclusion of the-'dinner, Mr Armstrong called on Mr N. tJosgrovc. as the oldest employe© on tho estate, to cut the large birthday cake. The host then, in a few chosen words explained that'.Mr Rhodes was nimble, to attend owing to being at' Cambridge, England. Hw health was Mien drunk with harmony. After « few usual toasts being honoured the partr retired to th<> drawing room, where music etc.. wax kept going for a few 'hnurx. ufter which the merry parly brolo up with cheers for Mr Rhodes. Where did v»u purchase your bowls; at Priest, and '- •ldgaUiV ; their new shipment of Taylor's first quality eilycr and ivory mounted arp now here... For an easy running, durable cycle, make a U.S.A.* Premier your next mount. Prices from £lO 10s to £ls. Repairs, plating, 'and enamelling, a .speciality, also phonograph unci tennis* material, with 1908 9 ball* always on hand. Grant Bros., Christ church and Timaru...

Rlu'iiniatis'm, gout, lumbago mid sciatica, arc caused by uric acid in the blood. The onlv priswiblo' method of cure is in taking a rVmedv that will eliminate, the, poison from the sybtem, and any preparation that purports to euro in any other manner will either fail jiitopctlicr or merely R ivo a slight passing relief—it cannot possibly !>•• of any pemmticnt value. Khcunm is i\ preparation that unfailingly cures rheumatism and kindred ailment* bcc«n-<-it unfailingly ejects the. uric acid. • It removes the cause, and in doing thin it stills those agonising pains which make the life of it rheumatic subject « tniwry. Uhc-umo is obtainable from all ehem'Ms and stonii, at 2s 6d and <1« 6tl per f>ott)c. ... SI'KCIAK 8817.K CHBBSTUHUUCH A. AND V. SHOW 1908. To encourage. thoughtful fanners wid inventor* generally the lina of Henry Hushes has decided t<> ofrcr « .Special Pri/.e of live guinea* for the Ik*-(- improve, utem. in agricultural implement* «hih»W at the next ChriHtehunh A. «uul I*. Show. No one in more competent, to Miow where farm implement* can l» improved t ban tins faimers or th«so cnnnceiwl with farming;. It is w.|| known that no implement fully mc;U tite demands jeiiuiied of it : n every detail, and thin is where the intelligent unil ■observant farmer or w»»>»(anl« take the matter in their own hands by itdjustiu« or alteriuir t" meet the case: frequently taking their ideas to the manulactuier. 'i'h'se news and Miguesltonn arc valuable ami in many si.stamf* would bring eon j.ider.-ib!e capital to the originator if pt" (e.ted fioin infringement. Any idea* Mtb. mittd 1.. Henry Hushes, latent Agent. Hereford Sue.".Yhii'tchureii. will 1>« rare fully roiiMdct.d and rlimN "ill treeivr <>* Vert advice on nil ruggest »«nx win !•. him. Kull information ran !"• obtains! from the «oi( of lis/- A. 'lid l\ Woei.i,!..n. or from H. Hiitfhe>- I*. B. fbmio. Mrtim-i-r W, H-refold Siiwt. (Inii-t----ehmeh... •Wood-' peppermint Cure nprtfmrw tfl bring Your trad.- amongst UlO MiUßßeirt. 1 'jikoc it wont cure everything!'* "Well, no," replied tiro druggUt. . "H wont rnr« everything. «t lea»t, t'nle.-n I'm much mistaken!" won't it cure in man or besot.*. he: "It won't cur* bacon 1"..,

Mr G. P. Genie bad a vtry nice show of meat and-email gocwfe in bis Premier butchery last night. The Railway Department advertise the special train arrangement* for the Timaru show on Wednesday and Tbujsday next. Mr John Brtcbener. of Hook, will be a candidate for the vacancy od the Waimate County Council, in place of Mr W. J. Haxdte, who has resigned. ' "We have got the name of trying to squeeze everv penny out of the ships." eaid Mr Young at the Harbour Board yesterfor. -And oat of the ratepayers," added* Mr Manchester. The case in which the Timaru Borough Council sought an order against W. JS compelling him to pun Jown a Reined iW. was agam called on at Court yesterday, and adjourned until Monday next. The town clerk of Woolston, in a letter acknowledging w«*Pt °' *™» f°Znl t» n sent br the Harbour Board about tbe amount "of harbour rate, remarked: "Tour district shows a wonderful progress in tie fire years, tbank* to the- energy of it» people." -if Speaking of the valuations required lor Harboor Board purposes, Mr Orb.-H remarked that there was sometbrag unfair m the erstetn of valuation, when the Levels County total had been raised by "»•- 000 and Wahnate County by only 4.10.OGO Some vears ago Waimate County w» neartv doible the value of the p™» snow jt was £2.520,000 aganst Levels- £2.110.000. In reply it «ra. said that there had been mote revaluing done m Levels than in Waimate County.

At the Magistrates Court yoiteruay, Gordon Fergusson was charged with riding hi* bicycle on the footpath at Maori Hill and was fined 5s and coats. John Webb, charged with having insufficient lawful mean* of support, denied the charge and said he had plenty of, means. Accused had been in gaol for the pact week under medical supervision to a »certa r n whether he was in bis right senses. Dr G. E, Gabites now certified that accused was in full possession of bis menial faculties. H» Worship said it was strange that a man should behave as accused had when last he was before the Court. Sub-in-spector Green said accused had been sleeping out at n r ght before he waii locked op. , and did not appear to have adequate me a ns of Bttppoe'- H» Worship discharged him on condition that he leives the town at once.

The weekiy meeting of the Lifeboat Lodge. No. 101. 1.0.0.T.. vraajheld bet evening, the C.T.. Bro. Muchmore, presiding over a splendid attendance of members. One candidate was elected and

doiy initiated into the order. Comspoadence wsw read from the district secretary, notifying that the- next s-seion of the District Lodge would be held at Teniuka on. November 3rd. A peasant break wa>» then made in the proceedings for the pur pore of making a presentation to two of the getters, who are about to be marrkd. The U.T., in a few appropriate amt amusing remarfce, then asked Sifter X. Berry's acceptance of a wlver-niounted pickle jar. and Sister M. Butt* acceptance of, a silver-mounted cruet, and also wi»hed them every happiness and success in their married life. A. very enjoyable hour was spent in eoogs, the following taking part: —Sisters Warner, Kielly, beanie. 3>ggott. Bradding. C'laughton. Brdthen* Claughtoa. Hawkey, Ellis and Hemsley. During an interval the sisters handed round » plentiful supply of refreshments. Next meeting the nomination and election of officer* will take place. One candidate was proposed for membership, after which the lodge closed in the usual manner at 10 p.m.

The Timartt Agricultural and Pastoral Association's show, to be held on Wednesday and Thursday nest, promises to Ik? the btefr in the hfetory of the Association, provided the weather hj» tine. The entries exceed by 100 the previous higher total, and with the favourable spring that has been experienced, stock should came forward in the pink of condition. For the Lloyd Lindsay, 14 entries have oeen received, and for the other military events the entries are also very good. The four-in-hand teams promise a special attraction, these inclnding one comprised of. four black ponies, the property of "Mr H. Lee, of Temuka. In the clats for best jumper on the ground, there are 22 entrkb; for beat journey horse, to travel from Timaru to Orari and back the day prior to the show, four entries are in. A new departure te to be made thin year in the prize-giving, the Association having decided to give Wue ribbons to champion* in.the horse classes. There will be a demonstration by the Government Inspector of Apiaries, who will give some useful instruction* to bee-keepers, especially iu the matter of transferring the honeymakers from box to frame hives. Tliere has. been an exce|>ttona! demand for space for bide shows, practically all the available opace having been applied for.

Thw child that just "feels bad" arid can't tell why, needs Steam's "Wine, the matchless and delicious tonic for children, renewing appetite and aiding digeetfon from the first dose...

We beg to remind oar readers that at this season of the rear Baxter's Orange Quinine Wine should be in every household. For those who suffer from loss of appetite, it acts like a charm. One bottle will convince you of it* strength giving properties. Price 2s 6d from J. Baxter, Chemist and Photographic Dealer, TimartL.. Trent fishers and tennis players will I please not* ***6 Mr Tasker, Hardy's agent for Tima& _» inst landed a fine assortment of Hardy's fishing tackle, including rods, reels, lines, casts, flies, phantoms, waders, gaffs, ny books, etc. Also a line of Slawnger's tennis racquets, including Dobcrty, K.G.M., Special Demon, Demon, Benshaw. etc. The new balls (1908-09) will be here in about a fortnight. . . . As most tf the tennis elate ara baring their opening day this week, we suticipate their needing the 1908-9 Slaztnger tennis balls which are now- on hind, s,;o racquets and nets, with cycles to corvey yon there. Premier Cycle* £lO 10s to £ls. Grant Bros., Phonograph and Cycle Depot.. The best jockey in the world cannot win a race nnleca he rides a good horse. The best player of a brass instrument | cannot win unless he plays on the bent instrument. If there was any proof required of the superiority of tho Hawke's bra»H instruments, the pn*ent contest at Trmani ha* supplied it. Out of twenty gold medals offered by the contest committee 16 wen? won by players of Hawke's instruments. Out of twenty silver medals offered by th« contest committee 16 were won *r> pUyert of Hawke's instruments. in the Quickstep Competition the bands playing Hawke's were awarded first and second prues, and in tho Ttft Selection the bawls phying Hawke's carried away first and focrth pri/>s. "Moral: The best players in th« contest play Hawke's and they can only be obtained at the Dresden... THE GLINKA POEM! A CHKQI'K FOR £1 l« h«s been sent t» the writer of this \er-e -.Mr II W.. Reefton: * What ho! How now '" cried Biggs t'» Higgt-. "H*»t bought thyself new Miiiinsr tofffcT" " Bought naught.'' qrf.ill Bogg*. and wtmk hU eye—"Mr »if* E»t SAPON MJAP t.. trv WIJT A GUINEA! Prize Poem Pnb lished'every Saturday. Best original four •hoitline advt. vers* about "SAPON" win» •ten week. SAPON wrapper must be en dosed. Address:—"SAWN " Washing Powder) P.O. Box 655. Wellington.Write for frw Art Booklet, c-n----taioing 23 valntblt hint* on Washing. ...

Owing t<> the unsettled state of the weather th? Garris-on Band have decided to post|*>Dt< the concert they intended to give at Caroline Bav to-morrow evening.

The following is Captain Edwin's w«th r forecast : "Expect h-:avy west>rly i;ii!c north of New Plymouth and Napier, ami ek.wh re, with heavy rain generally." Mr F- Waddell. secretary lo the Professional Athletic Club, will l>e in attendance at the Crown Hotel next Tuesday night, to receive nominations for the Sheffield Handicap. It is stated on good authority that the Timaru buses will stop running shortly unlc'ss a great improvement is shown in the support accorded. The closing down of the enterprise would not be to the best interests of the town.

Workmen are now engaged in adding a verandah to the Orari railway station. Mr Maslin. on Thursday night, spoke indignantly oi the long time the Geraldine people had waited for a verandah to their station. And now. that it was coming he was still indignant. They ought now to have a new station, and not a verandah only.

A voung man named F. J- Slow, who appeared in Court in full riding costume, includins the latest style in leggings, was charged before Mr C. A. Wray. S.M., yesterdav with having forged a cheque for £10." Sub-inspector Green asked for and was granted a remand until Tuesday next, accused having only been arrebted tbe previous n-ght. The Harbour Board had a very interesting discussion on the introduction of Oregon pine into New Zealand, but this is lost to tbe public through the Board considering tbe qwstion in committee. The d'HCUMiton was originated by the absence of provision in the by-law fixing wharfage charges for any other than "nativt" tanbrr and Australian "hardwood." H was resolved to get the by-law amended.

Evervbody says that the country never looked 'better than it docs just now. Every green thing has been growing with a rash, and tbe fresh grass, new foliage of the trees and rich blossoming of the gone filt» tbe country with coloured post card scenes. Tbe "coloured post card often appear* to be too frightfully coloured, to be true to nature, but sunshine after rain just now puts some very rich tints on the country side.

The local branch of the W.C.T.U. held a special meeting on Monday afternoon in the Sailor*' R*st, for the purpose of ! meeting Hiss Stirling, who « on her way to Temuka, on deputation work among the Maoris at Aronbenua. Miss Stirling, who is a half caste Maori, is very anxious that the Maoir people should he helped to live purer lives than hitherto, and the has come from the North Island, visiting the different pahs on her war. getting branches of the W.C.T.U. started, and in other ways Iwlping to raise her people to a higher platform. A very pleasing hour w;ts spent with Mifis Stirling, listening to her story, and earn e;ly pleading the cause of the Maori, at the close- of which a very hearty vote of thanks was accorded to the visitor. Afiemoon tea was provided by the members.

Anglers, also tennis, croquet and cricket players, will find at Cullmann's sport* depot the best selection of high-grade materials and equipment fr>r the enjoyment of their ontdoor pastime*. We advise an early inspection of our goods by those who desire to possess the best equipment. All tennis and croquet materials ar* newly made for this season»by Slazenger and Son. New stock latest 1908 tennis balls.. Mr A. W. Martin, solo controller of Dr J. A. Sherman's method of curing rupture without operation, is now in l'lmaru, and may be consulted at the Empire Hotel till Thumlay at 2 p.m. Sufferers will do well to call and investigate this method that ba* cured so many cases in New Zealand. Consultations are free, flours from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Send for two free booklets...

Ju*»t landed a big shipmenti of ladies dark ta«» boots and shoes. Souter's Boot Dejiot. Ladies' dark tan glace kid strap shoes in twin, triplet, cross and trilby bars. Also-dark tan glace kid lace and button »>hoes,' and Gibson tie shoes, in round toes, medium toes, medium pointed toes, and pointed toes. Wo will make a window display of ladies tan foot wear, in our ladies window on Friday, October 24th. Souter's Direct Importing Boot Depot...

It i* quite jHMwible you have experienced the uncomfortable feeling of wearing an ill-fitting shirt, well if so you have only to take that one off and put on one of "ours, which yon will find comfortable and perfect fitting, in every rexpect. We have a large stock of all kinds of fashionable shirts for rummer wear, including tennis shirt* with hands, and al»n with collar* attached, at 4s 6d. 5s 6d, 6s 6d ; gentx neglige shirt.*, soft fronts, at 5s 6d, 6s 6d, 7s 6<l. 8s 6d; gents white mat and fancy pique shirts ,l»nds only, and nlr*> collars attached, a l 4s 6d, 5s 6d, 6s 6d; gents white and cream mercerised shirts with bands and also with collars attached at 4s 6d, 5s 6d. 5» lid, 6s 6d; gents tunic shirt*, the latest out for summer wear, at 5s 6d. 6s 6d, 7s 6d: gents white shirts, short fronts, best linen cuffs, and fronts, at sj» 6d, 6s 6d, 7s 6d, at Irwin's Clothing and Outfitting Shop, Stafford Street, next Pressor's.. No better skin preparation made than "Red Cross'* Ointment. Cures roughne."*, chaps, cracks. Is 6d everywhere... The proprietors of the CauW Terrace Motor Garage find that their present premises are not. large enough to cope with their increasing business and have therefore secured the large building known as the Old Colonial Bank Buildings in Strathallan Street. This place has been fitted up with all the lattct improvements, as a most up-to-date Garage, and from Saturday 24th, this new Garage will be at the disposal of South Canterbury Motorists. Arrangements can be made with this firm for storage on {tit her daily, weekly or monthly term*. They und.rtake to guarantee the upkeep of their cars, ami it would pay anyone interested to enquire for their charges, which in all cart-* will be found most moderate. 'lli.-re will be on show at this new Garage sample* of the latest patterns of l)e l>i<»n and Darr.nq car*... Have you tried Soiitcr's 4 tins of boot ]»>lioh for Is. It- w the clicapc.-t and bi st jH.INh on tho market. Money returned if first tin be not satisfactory. Soutcr, Lire Boot Dealer... Distinctiveness of style, gracefulness and attractiveness of figure, combined with perfect freedom and comfort, is desired by every woman, and the P.D. corset ba*. a world-wide reputation for imparting thew gnat essential points to the wearer. Science and skill have combined to render IM). cornels absolutely unrivalled for durability they will wear considerably longer than any other maka. ..- A little forethought may save yon no end of trouble. Anyone who makes it a rule t» keep Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Durrhoea Remedy at hand knows tiis to oe a fact. For sale everywhere... Chilblain* fbroken or «nhp.ken\ sores of all kind* relieved immediately by "H-d Cross" Oointmenl. Is 6d everywhere... Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are purely vegetable, and contain no ! ingredient that can in any way bo inI jurious to tins m«>st delicate jvn-m. Their 'action is mild and gentle without any of the painful sensations experienced by ths use of Pi!U. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liv.-r Tablets act as a tonic, strengthen tti- «v»tem. and a««i-t 'he natural movement "«f the bowels. For tale everywhsre...

SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. N.M. and A. Co.—Sale at Temuka Tuesday next-. Dalgetv and Co.—Temuka sale on Tutsday. N.Z. Loan Company—Stock at Temuka on Tmaday. Studholme Friday. C.F.C.A.—Temuka sale on Tuesday. Guinnest; and LeCren—Well Park estate for sale ; Temuka sale ; notice to wool' growers. O'Callaghan and Co.—Sell live stock, produce, etc.. to-day. J. Stewart —Cow for sale. Kyle and Co.—New stock of underclothing. George Cox—Fruit, vegetables, confectionery, etc. Garrison Band—Sunday concert postponed. Art needlework depot—Selection of new. good*. J. Brassell—Paddockiug for Timaru sliow. Aisembly Rooms —Babket social on Thursday. Professional Athletic Club —Nominations due Tuesday. J. Strachan—Houses and land for sale. G. Pearson —Challenge writing pads. W. R. McGrath—Notice re liotee dentistry. Waimate County Council—Tenders for works. Woolbrofcers' Association Postponement of bkin sale. Timaru A. and P. Show—Railway arrangements. Timaru Amateur Swimming Club—Annual meeting Tuesday. J. Bitchener—Candidate for -Makikihi riding. N.Z. Trade Exchange—Hairdresser's buninefcx for sale. Church services— Congregational, Chalmers, Wesleyan, Church of Chrfct. ; Timaru Gun Club—Entries due on Monday. Thomsontj sale—By auction from 10 a.m. to-day. W. A. Pearson and Co.—Special iiiuii in clothing. Hemsley Burnet—Hair colour restorer.. Webb and Kempthorne—Town properties for sale. Mullin and Temple—House for sale. Frank Smith—Notice to electors of WaitakL T. Coulthard-Mullions—Call s tenders from builders. Bryant and Co.—Genuine pork sausages. Cannon's Silver Grid Frash fish, luncheons, etc. Valentine* pictures—At Theatre this afternoon and evening. Lost —Two notices. Wanteds—Two notices. >

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13733, 24 October 1908, Page 4

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13733, 24 October 1908, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13733, 24 October 1908, Page 4