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The Hospital Board yesterday granted Dr Beit. House Surgeou, a foilnight s holiday.

The" homeward' mail via lJrindisi. which left Wellington on 11th September, arrived in London on Saturday morning. The agricultural implement firms decided at a meeting held a few days ago, that* ihey will again refrain from exhibiting itt the Timiirtt show this year. At the Manawatu -show the space to be occupied by implements, totals 50,000 ft. The Visiting Committee of the Hospital Board should report at next meeting that the asphalt in front of the building should -he top-dressed, and thft wulks paralM y* Queen street, be remade, thes<* lieing Ttry bad condition. Mrs Hemftley Burnet, the hair specialist, will be in Timaru this day and io-morrow. and may be consulted on hair treatment and goi'lre. Min Burnet's addicts for consult aiioni' may be obtained at eithei Mr .lam<.s or Mr'Sommcrville, chemists.... The steam laundry at the 'I imam Hospital is not working with entire sidi*; faction. It appeal# that, tlie "washer, an important part, of the appliances, i« supj»o.«ed \» he. a combined washer and dis-inf-etor. and wliatever may he its virtuesas a diMufector. it is not. a good washer. Two erring individuals, who had »travwl from the paths of sobriety. appeal >-d 1,..f.,re Mr F. Smith. .1.1'.. at Court. >'•'• lerdav morning. One. a young ft'.in belonging to Timaru, «"ho had kept clear of the Court for the past two veal*. cautioned and fined s>. 'Die oilier was all old mail, mid he was oidend t«» »■»«■ tiibui. 10 s to the Treasury. The old m«n had iita:lv £9 on him when anewied. aili! ■die Bench told h ill that lie ought u> be thank ful io the pulii e f«r taking chtiijje t>f him Ivrfole he hail it all.

' file IV is nt one .Justice of the IViHi' ti Tililaiu who call <otilideully toiltiadiei lilt* a.wrl inn. often heutd. that J.JW have very huh- to do for the lion our i-onft-rifd upon them. \e»t'iday, Mr Flank Smith. .1.1'., was calkd Ujion U» • no ji-w. r than 236 untie** which<j >ent out ,<» persons uluim- nanoo ale nil tin- eltfilotal 1011, alltl who alv r> (juit' d to show \\ tty their name*. •dioiild mi! lie >lnnU off 'h-- ioil- . 1 he-i----aw all P' OpU- who aie loTi'-ve i to liav* lt'iiiovrd l*i mil the di-Uii't I hrotiji h «r otlmrwh-e. A Miir.>«ful .social w.i» h«ld ;>f Adair >ch<«il on Friday t-vviiing laM. .Aft-r tin- i liiiiniiaii i.Mr M. McSw..ji-y s ni.idt- a few rtinark"' « of the l.ile t<-arhvr, Mr A. <i. T.o!. «lio ha<; v-v-rrd bi>-> < i"II with tlx? ficjuxd. JVgM*itill({ In* departure, and w tilting hitil ouvcOK'Hi his iww ]Hi»itiou at I'l<:i».iiu J'f'itit. Mf J. in a pithy t>j* c< li, s (}»' I tiainiiaii'v I'tnaikf., and luitlly I'f-ri'd '.o the new Kdii<',i!ion An, find the l.'n tiu. to be ilrtiwl thet'-fjom. A : Sixth Sfaiiiiard *l. iwvi. ott behalf of til-' -elirM-d chtldMH. I'ad all : adrfre ii !■> Mr Taii. and pre~<-nted hint I with «u?d p-ii'iant, wn!» o«(fi..v<'d ' iiii'la!.". a'l.iiiK him !■> at c-pi '.in* m- OK Oli. ' S-. r> uiiild him "f '■!' p!ra>an! t tin tlrv ! h:.d »{»-ni l<-< r 'eth<t. Mr op i i>: *-pri.!tel\' lepi»=d, them i«.i j 'i. ii iwii.ii li ».tiild h'ghly pii/-. ! f: «lui't j'i' ali'l ' Jlir fi'-ru lb*- ] ti:. t crho'.i i c li"S . - Mc»i.ts H. | fl.-p>>. :.11 I lh .;r Mtpph.d the inu»ie, aid ! \|..»lS f (I a atld |l. IV> 1.-ia<!.- | ■ i!i. ..-n! \1 < "g 1

The annual conversations of ' Trinity Presbyterian Church will be held in' the hall at 7.30 this evening. Among the recent applications for New Zealand patents is Mr S. Wright, of-Fair-view. ■ who-seeks, to patent, an acetylene gas generator. ' The following is Captain Edwin's forecast to 5 p.m. to-dav:—" Strong westerly winds, are probable generally with rain: little movement of the barometer north of New Plymouth ami Napier, but fall later on." _ The golden key which is to be sent to Lady Plunket- as a seuvenir of tlie opening of the Children's Ward at. Timaru Hospital, was shown to the members of the Board yesterday, and the result- of Mr W. Mcßride's skill was much ad' mired. ; * A match between the draught players of Hilton and Pleasant Valley on the oiifi side and CJeraldine on tli«? other, has l**n airanged to take place on Tuesday next. The Geraldine team will he picked front the following playeiw: Messrs Brooks, Ci earner, Rawlinsoh, Howens.. BorrelL Stock, Mac Donald. Bruce, -and Willoughby. Six players are required for each team. A vrator from South who was in 1 imaru yesterday, remarked in the courseof conversation with a " Herald " importer, that he thought it a great pity the municipal authorities had not seen their way to beautify the streets by the planting of ■ trees, on either side of some of the most prominent of them. He considered that though the town was not'what he would call well laid off. it could be made much more attractive than it is jit present. ■ At his lecture in the Wesley Churcu last night the Rev. Mr Biomilow. a. Neve Guinea missionary mentioned aevefal points of alleged difference between the Papuans and the people of Xew .Zealand. For instance, he said. (\yitli a .twmfcle in his eye) the Papuans won't. \go to chnreh well unless they are visited; they'dbnl like long sermons or long prayers; , they have a. great love for money, and the> women folk put. tin a. good deal "of "side". He did not. suppose-''he,people/of " New Zealand had any of these tinits. (Laughter.) , •„ .\

In view of "the. fact- that'it-is not generally known the Bunk interest' is le-<ti at Home than ib is here, a "Herald" reporter made souie enquiries yesterday, and was informed that, the reason is ttt be found in the fact. tha't. money is more plentiful at. Home than itjis in Nevr Zealand: and it. is not possible to get-any more of tlu> surplus wealth' from Home transferred to the Dominion because Home people would not allow-their .money to-be invested here to any great- extent. Thii tendency was to send money to England from New; Zealand, lttther than vice versa. as capitalists here had been frightened by the labour laws of this country, and the ; socialists tendencies" of the present. Government. And not. only was capital, being driven out. of the country, but the owners of it were going too, and'in their stead, the Government was importing paupers. It was explained that the per cent, quoted in the; cables on - last; Monday morning, as being the Bank of England rate of interest-, practically" represented th" price of gold, the price, varying according to the reserves held by the Hank ii? England, wliich-was not a trailing Bank in 'the ordinary sense, but Government- .institution,.; whieh-regiilftteiV according to the supply of, and 'the•'de-. mand far gold. Thi& rote luUl little orno significance to the ordinary trader, hi'-.' iiig a rate'fixed by thc-Bank of England m its transactions,."\rith other countries. The reporter was ijurther informed that, in the opinion of i lie people of England,' the-indebtedness of New • Zealand \ra»i«lready too. heavy, and they considered Ahey had lent lis quite enough money. There was. therefore, no. possibility of getting cheap money out liere from England where- the opinion was, held that wet. we re spending too much on ornamental buildings and 'other luxuries, and we werfi running before we had learned to walk. ,H<ome - enpitalJi'tsr;' were -atriad' to send their money out hete, and they were'"nob alone in t iii-v Thousands sof jiGtind.H vr*ra sent from Xew Zealand t-o be invested at Home, and there were people, resident in 'l'imimi, who had their surplus cash invited in England. where they tonsideied it safer than if it wer* out at int: rest in Xew Zealand. Mr A. \V. Martin, sole controller of T)r •T. A. Sherman's method of curing rupture without operation, i< now in Timaru. and may be consulted at thei Empire Hotel till Thursday at 2 p.m. Sufferers will do wall to cail and investigate this method that has cured so many rases in New Zealand. Consultations tiro free. Hours from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Send for two free booklets... Jtir't. landed a big shipment of ladies dark tan boots and shoes, Boot DejKit. I.adits' dark tan glace kid strap shoes in twin, triplet, cross and trilby bars. Also dark tan glaeo kid lace and button r'hues, and Gibson tie ftlioes, in round toes, medium toes, metlium pointed foes, and pointed toes. will make a window display' of ladies tan foot wear, in our ladies window on Friday, October 24th. .Souter's Direct Importing Boot Depot... " Blessed be drudgerr" is the title of a book written by Thomas a Kempix. Tliero is drudgery enough to satisfy tlit) most exacting on a large dairy farm where the cows are hand-milked. Most folk like to avoid drudgery, and when the "l.awr«niv-K<riiiiody-(Jillies" inftchiiit* came along, doing tlio milking in half the time with less than half the labour, tiny felt more inclined to fay "IllesMd be tin- 'L.K.G.'" milking muehina. Messrs Peacock nnd Andrews, Davu»virke, say—-"The machine milking it heaven compared with the old drudgery." J. (5. MaeEw.m and Co., Ltd., Sole Agcntu, Dunedin...

It is |i<msililo you have taperi; cured (lie miromforluhlo of w'«-ariii{f iisi ill-lUt«ugf filiiri, w<rll jf so you Intvii i nly to 1 hut one off and pnt. on «n« of our*,' which you will find comfortabh l am] jitfi-fi ii fitting, in every respit. \VV haw ;i Inigc Moek of :ili kind* of fashionable nhiits for nitonier wear, iiulndiiin; trimi* twith bunds, imd ;ii«» willt d'H.'iw utt.ii liril, ni 6il, 5k 6d, 6s &I; penis neglige shirts, jsoft front*, nt fin 6d, 6s fid. 7k 6<l. 8s fid ; K«nl« whito IWtl | mid fatuy )ii<|tio hhirts .bands only. and collar* atta< hfd, ; ( j /Ji (>d. f*n fid, 6* fid ; s is lti(«■ <r< :tin tmrretivnl shirts with hands and ;il>o with collar* .ui;«h*l .-it. 4* 0.1, . r » 6<l. 5x 11.1, <k fid: pews fnnie >th<* l;it<'K| out for Mimmrr «<ar, at. 5s 6'l. (>■, fid. 7s (id ; (;«iti white shiii*. .short fronts, bc»t limn <*tiff*, slid fronts, at fw 6d. fix 6d, 7* fid, nv Irwin's Clothing and ()utlittinj> Shoj>, Si.ifTord St reft, ti'-xt JWrV. oh.iml>«r!»in's'h »j)j I.iwr Tables* aro purely and contain no ingredient that cn» in i»nv w.iy lx> injurious to nn<»(. dclir-at.- Tb*ir action i* mild and gmtta without finy •! tin? painful n-tiß.niom <>x]M a rieri<-e<l t.y th* ti'<> of l'ill«, ('hirotifrliin'* Sioiii.irh (md J.iv<r Tahht* oft si a ionic, «.tr^n^fh»>i •ho sv-iem. and iniiit th» natural nto**m< nr of tin' For *,ilo «v»rrwh*r«\..

•■\Y.mmK' l'i pi-iTUiini Cure fit Itl ilifj Yi.tir sr.vl" iiinni«v| tiiii mttiggi ft, 1 '.jxiir it «•».»»'« wri 1 <vf(vlhi«gV' "WVJI. no," Tfi'tici *ittijijii.-*. "it w.iiit rtjrc t-vtryi|iing, at Irs»t, J'rn imn it 11 " wm't i( r!ir«> in m>n «ir Kii'l hi*: "If v. iiii't tmctmV...

fe.-tbe anniversary of Nelson's victory!-of Trafalgar (1805). . 'A meeting of .the Ladi*is* Band Contest. Committee will be held at the Dr.wlen at 7.30 this evening. . The. Sr. Mary's Young Men's Society's fair advertised * for the 17th to the. 20th lias been postponed to 24th to 27th inst. Th* Rev. Mr Bromilow told his audience, hut night that the natives of New Guinea have perfect land laws, for there aB the land v» divided equally between tbeio. Country visitors wishing to reserve »e*ts for H.M.S. Pinafore, can do so by applying to the lion. sec. of the- Timaru Ope rat ice Society- The box plan is now open. . The director-, of the Canterbury Farmers - Co-Operative Association, have engaged* /Mr Howland. of Cbristehurcb. to actas." clerk of work 1 ; for their cew premises noV in course of erection. Mr Howland who i* a man of ooitii«ierabl? experience in the building line, came down to Tunitu fiooi CurLvtchorch. yesterday. Constable Harvey, who ir. at pi-eseat doing mounted duty at Timaru. went to Chtisichurch yesterday, to giv? evdenccat the* Court the-re to-day. against the young man whom he arreted about a loTtnight ago for the' theft of j-.-wollety at Tnuarn, and who was subsequently charged with the theft of other valuables from a - Christchurcli hotel. Valentine's- pictures attracted another good .audience at the Theatre Royal last evening, and judging by the numerous marks cf appreciation, the hearty appHaiw, and . the rippling merriment, the programme was greatly enjoyed. This t-vening the*c will be » complete change of; programme, and all who wish to see a first-etas show of modern pictures should make a point of attending. A pleasant hour was spent at the Kailoa t=a rooms yesterday afternoon, when M'.s I>u#V* Revefl was entertained at tea by her golfing frieoils, who wished to congratulate her upon her success at the recent championship meeting at Dunedin. and to present-her with "a memento of the occasion. "Mr 51. J. Knubley, president of the Timaru Golf Club, made the presentation; and told Mies Revell with what pride her fellow golfers had followed the results of her matches*. Mies Revell replied, inavery happy little which was, heartily applauded. - The ordinary monthly meeting of thecommittee of the Mechanics' Institute was "held b£t night, Mr Foden presiding, and Messrs Moore, AVicksUad,' Huaband. OTlourfce, Hamey, Dr. Bett. and Doyle "being present. Messrs Foden and Doyl* were appointed to draft the annual report. The next Committee meeting was fixed for November 24th, and the annual meeting for the 2nd December. Ac- ' amounting to £3 ii wert? paswd for pavment. The librarian reported that eight new members had joined during the month; that £23 13r 6d had been colketed, and that thai bank , balance that day wae £ll 13s sd. Considering that the yearly subscriptions were' being conVerted- into fcix-monthly ones, iii anticipation' of the clojing of the Institute, wlien the-; new Carnegie building i 3 completed, tluxtitj of the finance# was considered bv tbe .'members as indicating a. renewal of interest in the old Mechanics, or perhaps in liiefatur* generally. A lively discus(iion took place on the question of thernhscription to Labouchere's "Truth" b?ing Nearly . every member present spoke on thr- matter, and it was eveirfittUy decided to'pat- the paper again on' ihe" readinsi room IL-t. the cau»e of its lemporanr excloiloa b?ing economy. - Mr Revell vrxs electnl Imnorary auditor for '■ the'l9oß balance-sheet, and ihe meeting terminated with a vote of thanks to tl» chairautn.

.-.Men's and boys* clothing at ready-' monty prices.—There never lias been in rior'atore so fine a display of clothing as •mA are showing now. The " tennin'" and outing " goods are' motv numerous: the hat and cap styles are finer, and the hoys' clothing is certainly low-priced enough for <*veir the thinnest purse. Men's all-wool colonial tweed suits, thoroughly well made, with padded shoulders, canvas fronts, best of linings land_ trimmings, , and perfect fitting, at 32s 6d, 3Ss, 37s 6d, 40s, 4Ss, & good range of patterns in all sizes, from 3 tni 7. J-Boys* all-wool Norfolk unit*, 13s od, 14s 6d, 16s 6d, 18s 6d. lloyc, washing blouse*, for slimmer wear, only 2rt 6d each. Bov*' washing hats. Is each, at Irwin's clothing shop, Stafford street next Profcsera....

Xo better skin preparation.made than "Red Cross" Ointment. Cures chaps, cracks. Is 6d everywhere... Wood*" Omt Peppermint Cm* far Caught and Colds ami faOc. 1m fed »*wl 3m H Mrs S. H. Walker, 230 Humffray-yt., Ballarat, Vic., writes: "Have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for four years, audknow it is excellent. Have found it roost beneficial. Can recommend it to anyone. In fact have done so nfanv time*,, and it hae accomplished good results in every caee." For sale evervvhcra... Trout fisher* and tennis players mil please not» U»<itt Mr Tasker, Hardy's agent for Timat.. —«"> just landed a fine a»ortgient of Hardy's fishing tackle, including rod*, reels, line.*, caMs, flies, phantoms, waders, gaff*, fly books, etc. Also a line of SLuenger's tennis raequt-ls, including Doberty, K.fS.M., Special Demon, Demon, Reoshaw, etc. The new balls (1908-09) will be here in about a fortnight. . . . A* most ; f the tennis cl:i;« are having their opening day this week. we mticijiate their needing the 1908 9 S'!a«nger tennis ball* which are now on mud, a>o racqnet* and nets', with cycle*-to convey you there. Premier Cycle* £lO 10< to £ls. Grant Brosr., Phonograph tiid Cy-de Depot... .Angler.*,'also tennis, cnwjnet and cricket pliv-T*, will find at Cullmann'a t>ports depot the best selection of high-grade- materials and equipment for the enjoyment of their outdoor pastime*. VVe advise an early inspection of our goods by those who deaire to possess the beet equipment. All taenia ana croquet material are newly mad* for this season by Slazenger and Sun. New stock latest 1908 tennis balls.. The cable new* which arrived on Satnn\iy morning shows the motoring world tint the Darfracq Li the m«»t rvliable ma<l one of the speediest motor cars in the universe. The Isle of Man race is organised by the Royal Automobile Club of England to test the car most suitable for ordinary touring purpovs, and the car* used are ordinary sized .«tock cars, aud not specially btailt for racing purp<>s*-*. Certain dimension* were given for the sue of the engine, and as the*e wore 4 inclx-s f«.r the diameter of each cylinder, the car had to be an 18 brake horse power. The second and third cars were Damcqs of the above size, and exactly similar tn two can juet landed, one fur a Timarn gentleman and the other for a l.'hrietrhurch lady. The first mentioned of these two cars is now on view at oar Timsru garage. The above result is mo*t convincing that when it comes to ordinary atock cars, and not cam specially prepared for taring purpose*. the D.urracq leads the world. We take this opponunitv of letting tlie motorists «.f Tinartt and surrounding dixtru-ts know that as we ir*» about to Duva into a new and larger garage. v« have a few cecundband cars which we are prepared to sell at ridiculously low figure*, in or«i. r to nuke room for' large shipments > of new pattern cars, which we have arriving... For an easy running, durable -cycle, nuke a U.S.A. Premier your next mount. Price* from £lO 10s to £ls. Repairs, plating. and enamelling. a speciality. al*o phonograph and tenni« mat* rial. wi'h 1906 9 hall* always on han«L Grant Rro«. Cbrirtcbnrcb and Timirn...

.The ordinary meeting of Court Southern Cross. No. 3125, of the Ancient Order of Foresters was held in the Forc.-ters* Hall. "George street. las. evening, and a fair attendance was pre sided over by ihe C.R. Bro. C". Maslin. The Woodwards leported three- additions to the rick list, and five declared off the funds of the Court. Correspondence dealing with members contributions and matter:: relating to the sick occupied some hUle time of the Court. Accouir-r amounting to £lO6 17s 7d were passed for payment. Tha Court closed at. ?ZQ p.m. The liest jockey in the world cannot win a race tinier lie rides a good horse. The best player of a brass instrument cannot win unless he plays on the best instrument. If there was any proof required of the superiority of the Hawke's brasw instruments, the present contest at. Timant has supplied it. Out of twenty gold medals offered by "the contest committee 16 -were won by players of Hawke's instruments. Out of twenty pilver medals offered by the contest committee 16 were won by players of Hawke's instruments. In the Quickstep Competition the bands pLtying Hawke's were awarded first and second prizes, and in the Tent Selection 'the bands playing Hawke's carried away first- and forrth prizes. Moral: The best players in the contest play Hawkea and they can only be obtained at the Dresden... Captain O. E-. Gabites, officer commanding the .South Canterbury Reserve Corps, has isued the following squadron orders: —An inspection parade (demounted) will be held by oflicer commanding the district- in the drill shed, on Friday. October 30th. at 7.45 p.m. Dre;s. review order (big hats). A Government, parade - .will be held in the drill thed on Friday, October 23rd. to prepare for ihe | above* Drees, review order (big hat- ). : The election of an officer will take place after the latter parade, at which twothirds of the corps must be present. Ihe officer commanding the squadron desirei; to point our that if the corps is to secure the wrant of money promised by th-- Chief of the General Staff, every man iiiusl do his part by turning out with Ills riH<- clean and his. equipment in good order. The success or otherwise of the corps depends upon the attendance at this inspection. Why wait for that hoarseness Co "wear off," when Zymole Trokeys will stop it. .so much quicker? Disagreeable coughs - are often avoided by the use of Zymole Trok* evs..

Have you tried 'Souter's 4- tins of boot polish for Is. It. i 3 the cheapest and l»est polish on the market. Money. returned if first tin be not satisfactory. Souter, Live Boot. Dealer... We beg to remind our readers lhat at this season of the year Baxter's Orange Quinine Wine should be in every household. For those who suffer from loss of appetite, it act" like a charm. One bottle will- convince you of in-) strength giving properties. Price 2s 6d from J. Baxter, Chemist and Photographic Dealer, Timaru... Waiting for the paias to return —and waiting -in vain is the happy c-xperic-nca of many rheumatic sufferers who .'have taken Rheumo. Rheumo does not. pose as a cure all, as do many of the largely advertised remedies of to-day, which are supposed to cure all the ill« the flesh is heir to, but which in reality are merely aperients. Rheumo absolutely cures gout, lumbago, and sciatica, because it cleanses the system of all uric acid. This, is the only possible method of cure. Hundreds have testified to benefit received. It will cur* yon. Sold by all' chemists and storekeepers, 2s 6d and 4s 6d per bottle..."

AUCTION NOTICE Leslie O'Callaghan anil CV>. hold a clearing sale to-day of the household furniture and effects in th» estate of tie laid Mrs McKie. The «tle takes place at 9. 7*o p.m. in the Stafford Street Mart. SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVEltTfxr MF.NTS. C.F.C.A.—Stock sale at Geraldine this day, at St..Andrews ou Friday. O'Callaghan and Co.—Sell furniture today, drapery Saturday, farms 31st, inst. f!. O. Bridgte—Land Transfer Act notice. Peter Davidson—Stud notice of hackney Merry Land. W. Wade—Details of of onddK ry Timaru show. .1. O'Hourkt—Prices and details Panama hats. Mark Higgius—Specialist in bicycles and. supplier No-Liters'-—R"::cons fi.r striking ont the top line. 1L .1. Shackletcn, Waimate—Wants bodice haiitb. Sophia street Hall—Mec-ting of electors on Friday. W. P. Horwell—Accounts due to he paid to O. P. frt-rrie. Indies' Bind Contest Committee Meet at Dros-il-n to-night. (!eo. T. Dawson—Notice to [jrocerv customer,. John King—Accounts owing to b- paid to Mr Daw»on. Mackenzie Agricultural Socieiy—M-.ct o;i November 7th. Trinity -Annua! reaziointhai evening. Bryant and Co.—Are prejiarcd to cure I'igs. H..\f. Pinafoiv At Thentie Royal 28th and 29: h. box plan open. S.C. Daily Co. -Call t.-ndrs purchisv skim milk. «:e. Waimate i.hon—-Po-(p..n.d till 131! > November. S.C.R.C.—Mi—ting fiii I'iid.iv evening IleXt. Kakahu I'.uli Sthool— Social on 61 h Xovemlier. Pareora fiM-zing w»iL-.—Stop l.illliig on Sal unlay is«-xt. I.righton'i, f-alumr Kxchung. Pei.-i.ns waiting employment. Wanted.-. —Three, not i.-. s.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13730, 21 October 1908, Page 4

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13730, 21 October 1908, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13730, 21 October 1908, Page 4