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Thi« morning tlie GeialOiiieVitisfriUt has b-.-wme the home of.ii (lit•'» U«r«Wirie Mail." It is a i.ublicaiiou. printed .-..0n .good be i-sued ni-wecklvV uml if >. keeps UIV n.c by the initial «»P«^: c hoidd'W't -.With the ..approval; of, the sW- ; .., sidents of the .district. .-..- ~.. .. :i ,j • 0 .;.,-,.' The Pleasant- Point Town Boars is,m- ; viting tenders for grading channels and shingling footpaths at the Point. Collectors and lovers of Hne«rt, art reminded of tho sale of, hue. collection of. paintings to-day jit. <5 o'clock oLthe Sophia Street Hall. ■ "\- South Canterbury horsewoman has entered lor buo of the jumping compoti-. tion.s-.for hunters., at-..the Timaru A. and P. Show, and intends to ride her own hunter. . Intending eihibitois at the forthcoming show, are 'reminded thut to-day is the husfcdav for making entries in the sheep, cat tie, and pig* classes, and Tuesday next is the l«st day for entries of nit other slock. --,■"■ t ■' Mr .1. S. Rutherford has purchased from Mr Paul Studhblmc, his hunter, Mvtterv. Mr Rutherford i* making .tip a "fwu-'in-haud tctun of greys and ho has now-got icven of very lineftamp in lu* Mubk=> from wliieh to pick the quartette. His team will probably be seen lit \ the Timaru' show. £■■■■ Mr Ferrier secured a couple of photo- ' graphs of the fire atCoronation buildings (he other morning- One of them Bhow* :i .vpectacuhr volume of smoke Tiring from the burning building. Mr Wilson's photocrnphs' of the 'ceremony of ©penimr the Scddou Ward al the Timaru iHcspffitl have been reproduced in the "OtagO'Witness," which also contain* ».' picture of St. Marvs Church, and of the* ruin wrought'by the last lire at Fairlie. Something in> the shape of an onion' famine prevail* in utt the pi«scnfc time, and as giving some idea of hoy acute the .position **. the price, or this article of diet has advanced in price duty ing the pan- month, from £l2 fa £l7 5* per ton. Occasional importations conuj to hand from Australia, but these. ai«) not, nenrlv sufficient to .meet", the' demand. A Tima'ru merchantwas offered a consignment of onions at £l4 per ton. a month ugo. and he is now regretting that hj" <lid not take it. The price* above referred to. arc all wholesale prices.

Mr (!. I\ Genie tins Taken over the butcherv bur/incsa lately earned on by Mr Honvcll at the coriicv of Heaton <-trect. and la.-J. evening made liis first Friday evening display. He had a fine collection ..f incut, including three carcases of beef, with nnittou and lamb, and n good assortmem ..f Miiall goods. Mr Gerric intend* to iiiiike it, speciality of pork J-anwge* on Saturdavs. Ho purposes also enlarging and icfiuing the shop, and -improving the lighting for evening work. Mr l»e«rie had many years experience in the trade before coming" to Timarn. and the energy he hits xhown in another-line *imv coming here should «iwiire hi" «mtve*n in tin? venture

Mr A. IJarron (chairman )nud Mr-A. C. Princle, membci> of the Land Purchaic Hoard, visited the Jlakataramea Valley on August 7th. for tin? purpo-e of ivporting on the Hakataramea otale of 57,000 acres, n« to ii« Htiitability for -ettlemcut. Mr Barron, in a i-cjiort -to the Mini-tcr of Uuid*. stated that they were able to >ce very little of the oxlat*. as 52.000 acres of if were still white with •now that fell on the 6th to the lCth nf .luly « month In-fore. The snowfall.m.v« 2ft. 6in. at ilia homestead, Hit. 6in. at the down*, and deeper'still at Mackenzie Pa.**. Keen frost* weie cipciK'nced every iiivrlH. from 7 to 15 degrees lieing registered. At the time of their visit, the stmir till hiy 7 lo 12 inches deep. The fall wa-. piobably one of the • heaviest expcihneed in the Hafcaieramrit Valley, but in 1891 and 1903 Mimihie Monn* great htfM-i! of stock, and Mielt (a\l>i may b- .-in-timed (» occur eyeiy '.five.-, »> e»jyd year)'. ;- : -. dV •' A -pccial »<c*>ion of the Life Hoat. Lodge,, No., 101. 1.0.t;.T. wa« held on Tuesday evening.' for the purine of reeeivrng- ;an official vi.-jt .fi-uiu the Htjir .uf .A r ur(ral«»iu Lodge of the wat.>lpi> Kneounlcr; !i'?icti» was ah ixeellont-«tU|«J»ne« of.hi weltome the n«v«l brothers, who*«;«»*' oflicmlly by the C.T. Ilro. Muchmure in a m<>.-t entlitisias!,ic manner. Tim* Naval l/odgc then limk charge of ll>" minting wilder the able chainnalinliip of Hi... (tiiflin C.T. In responding to lite weleoine, the C.T. gave a most ctitrmg .ohlrrss on the Chder and the aranil woik •I has accoinplishiii',' 'u the Old laiiul and >troiigly nigeil even- member to, be a working initi in a noble work. Tin- «<!• ilross was listened to with gteat interest, Ittnn.-trkable »«ee<t,v has .-.t.-inle.l the "«i ship hvle,. since ii suiried on Novemb- r la»t ; the pi. •< lit membendiip '**■ el<»>- on iO. mill spleiiitid w.iil. is Wing done amons the wilots. A itiivt cnjoyablw evening wa- p.-.-seil in sonijs. recitations and inmunieiital iteiiK". those given by the visjlilii; l.iy»lheiT being glcallv elijoycl. A ple.i-aiit break was mailc hi the piwed ii>K- !" pAiuki- "f refiohmeiits kindly ■li-|)ciiseil by the Life IWat Lmlge. Th"'e i-oiitiibuting th-* pmgrjitnme were - ~- i-..1.>, |tbt«le-, ll.«t*. Millar. dill, W.-Mi.,K-k. and Ma.k of the N«v«l 1..-ii.v and Ibtrthei. Low iv. Coke.. Mm hmoi---, Keiivl.y. Ss»i«-i». Claui-h'on. Sadler, ittelty. l/c'g K n!t ami lii-adding. He»Jt-c \.,les .if Ulaliks wet,. pas,e.l lo the l.'f* ttis.t for tie inanm-r lh<r had -er.tved and rnt.itaitl'd llie vi-iling brothers and a heaitv vol,- of thanks t" •he Naval l.e<lj;e for' their visit brought a .in'*! ebjorabl* iwi'tinf to ■> ' rjow *i

The Oamaiwixaces::?nß hi hM'-'-vext Thuwdir and Friday; Aa usual excurriomates wOl be-the rule from Tnnani and intermediate stations, by the mornmg trams, and the evening trains returning, will be delayed, leaving Oamaxu at 6 p.m. ■ » • • A month ago the Otago Land Board granted some remissions of Tent to Crown tenants on account of damage suffered through the July flood. This week eight .•similar applications were refused recog.nitiou on the ground that the flood happened three months ago. Entries for the second theory examination of tfie Associated Board of the Royal Academy of Musk and the Royal " College of Music will close at Canterbury College on October 24.- Mr T. F. Dunhilt, the Associated Boards examiner in practical subject**, will visit Timaiu on November 25. . About two thousand men. employed by lh»'lnternational Paper Company «c ro strike in consequence of a threatened re duction in wages in certain depar*raents. ; Asfa result, all the mills owned by the ' trust are shut down. It is stated that there is an adequate stock cf -fc> band for immediate requirements.'but if i the strike continues very long the ihwsI papers are likely to have difficui-.v m find- " ing- supplies'. A curious l instance of the- importation of a New' Zealand bracken fern is given by the 1 rector of -St. Andrew-by-the-Ward-robe. Recently be.came acrces a *>mall fern growing in the joint of a Waking pipe outside Sion College.. London. He transplanted it to the greenhouse in his pretty little garden off Queen Victoria street, and there it has flourished to an extent enabling authorities to class the fetranger as.a vsitor from New. Zealand. The: theory is that the seed was blown on to the embankment from a barge passing up the ~ Rrrer Thamte.' The "Dominion Journal" for October is '-•tt, a cheap'threepennyworth of reading matters and pictures. The editor appears to have skimmed many scientific, industrial and domestic publications for material, and, among all the sort.* of people who make up the world there are probably few who would not find some paragraph or article that interest them in ths collection that has resulted. The journal has an attractive cover, and : s well printtd as to the reading matter, bat the paper is not quite smooth enough of surface for successful printing from .photo-blocks. Th~ second supplementary roll for tbo Timaru district » now in the hands of the- printer. It contain* 830 names. Tbt third and final supplementary roll will bo-dosed as soon as the write arc issued. It is, the intention of the Registrar of Ekctoid to *sue a batch of summonses shortly against all those persons who have not replied to notices sent them by him. All who are summoned to appear before the Court will be required to t-how why their names- should not be struck off the roll. It is no£ expected that many will put in an appearance as it js'known that ■ a good number have left the district, while others haTe gone to that bourne whence no traveller returns. When theso rased come on for hearing.-therefore, the Clerk of the Court will be hi the peculiar position 'of ' one calling to the dead.

On Tuesday next an- influential deputation of Jnvtrrcaigfll citizens* consisting ••f Rev. A; Mitchell, Weskryan minister,- and Messrs Baxter and Wesney. leading roer•'hantri of the town r w"U, deliver addresses in Timaru on the results of no-license in the southern city;. Unfortunately the theatre >i not .available for that night, ami the No-License League, under whose auspice? the meeting is being held, has twn compelled to choose a smaller hall. The meeting'will therefore be held in Trinity Hall. Barnard street. As the test'mony of these men is based upon practical experience, elector* should mako a |>oint of bcarinc; what they have to say! Qikv tions will be invited. Admission is free, but a collection will be taken in aid of the campaign fund?. A (•peciaig general meeting of lb:- New Zealand Sbcepbreeder*.'..AssociationJ*"!*'' Wand> w to be held on "Sovcmb-r lZtlt in response to a requisition asking that e.ucl» a, meeting should lx> held, for the' purpose of considering whether it is desirable to proceed further with the inspection of the stud flocks of the Sfonth Inland. There *» understood to be a wide difference of opinion amongst members on the subject an<f there if likely to be a very spirited discussion. Under the direction'of the Association-there has been an inspection of the Border Leicester llih-Vk in the South Island. » the rtsnlt of which a considerable amount of cnlline wa* necessary. It-is pretty generally acknowledged that *ome kind of inspection or supervision »» necessary, but whether or not the pnsent system is the right one remains to be thrashed out. The nsnal weeklv meeting of the Ljfe Boat Lodge. No. 101. 1.0.0. T. was held last evening, the C.T.. Bio. iluchmore. presiding. ' One candidate was initiated into the Order. The balance-sheet showed that after all expense* in connection with.the Naval Lodge .there was £1 to be handed over to ihe lodge fund?. Th« balance-sheet was adopted and a hearty vote of thanks passed to the committee for the trouble they had gone to in order to make the visiting brothers* visit enjoyable. The programme for the evening took the form of i» Mock Parliamentary Election the candidates being Government. Bro. Hawkey: Opposition, Bro. Toye. Their views having been plac-d before the electors questions wore forthcoming' after which the contestants went to the ballot resulting in a win 'ir the Opposition by one vote. N»-xt will take the form of a socbl evening.

Further development* have occurred in ■ imnectton with the recent arrests by Detective."" Jas. Kennedy andKadc of two men on a number of cbargo of burglary in the Islington district. It is stated, that a few week* ago a resident in tlie> neighbourhood of Christchnrch paid a lioliday visit to Sydney, and wlien he cam" back fonml that, "nearly all the furniture in hi* house had been removed, hnk. stork. »n*l barrel. Th- m«*lu» operandi »» described by the d'tcettvt-s a- "a regular American. do*lc«."" and it is the titc.t • ime a bnrgbrr of th** nature hj»» in the CamVrborv di-lrict. It i« alleged that the men were, on a re*.< nt night. »een at I-lincton currying a cbe»t nt drawers >fr>m% which the draw-i-n. hid tVen rxtrartcl' ow * «-*"»ple of |»ih« *-lmiz ort -traps attached ti» their and thai a« MMin as tlx-y w*r«> ol>-.rved tlwy hnrriedty rferampe*!. k»ring th- empty • lK»t of drawer* on the rrM*fc>i*l«'. It W thought » most of the furniture ltan l>«tn burned, but a number of household *tt*ect*. inclmbnc enrfait**. weri- foun<! in the bonse occnpieil by one of tl>*- m«n arresti-d. and a»- a. sequel they wdl have t» ars-wer to another elt-irtjo of theft, in addition t<» the ehargen already prvf rr d a gains*, them. CbamberUins Stomach and Liver Ablets are purely vegetable, and contain n» ingredient that can in any way be injoriotw to th* m«»t delicate person. Their action is mild and gentle without any «f tint paiafnl aewations experienced by the roc of Pills- Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver TabkU act a* * tonie, §lreni;theo the »T»tein. and as*t-t the natural movement* of the bowels. For eale everywhere...

Oire nw a utotip of sparkling win*. Oiv»* me a »«>o?. a trc*ir friend. Cirr w th« irU* of beatjtT'w emilcs. .lad I'll *>• happy tn *h« «"** But when lb* h*ad with fever borni. And higher creep* theWhea chew i* »«*• M" 1 ***' «» oer - Give w* Wood*' Great Peppermint

':" At Waimate "Police Court_yesterday..l}e : fore Messrs R. N.icol and E. J. At will. J.PV. a man of unsound mind was-com-mitted to the Mental Asylum at Sunnyside.

Messrs Maling and McKay are ciect'ng a new motor garage alongside the Union Bank premises at Geraldinc. Judging from the area of the foundations he building should be a large and commodious one. Some of the Otekaike settlers arc having better sport with the rod than South Canterbury anglers are able to get at the piesent- time. Fisbing_ in the Maerewhenua river (which flows past the estate) one day thus week some good fish, scaling up to 41b.. in ' weight, were secured. Speaking at a no-T - .cense meeting at Dunedin. the Rev. It. J. Liddcll. of A>h burton, declared that on a recent visit to Twnuka. a town of about, one-fifth the size of Ashbuiton. he saw more drinking and drunkenness in an hour and a quarter than he had seen in Ashburton in eighteen months.-

The services at Chalmeis Church V--morrow will be conducted by the It»»v. C McDonald, Moderator of the ".'lui'-'i, when- the charge will be preached .vacant. It it also Young People's Day, . and a feature of ■ the- .morning service will be respensive readings by the 1 minister, teachers and scholaw. The "prizes, .gained by the scholars at the recent assembly examination will, be distributed.

Some small birds in a plantation of firs at Otautau goti a scare one night luel week when a couple of the email-eared owLs. which had been Jiberatcd. further north appeared on the scene. That th.-y are multiplying and spreading is evidenced (says the "Otautau Standard) from the presence of the two seen in Otautau by a resident, who watched the pair for 15 or 20 minutes, during which rime they accounted for a couple of dozen gparrowe. The Salvation Army' Biorama Pictures and Glee Party are to be here icwinw night in the Army Hall. Living licture-' of a memorial service will be given of well-known warriors and the last message of dying saints. There will be appropriate" singing'. On Monday night, the world's latest accomplishments will pass in grand review, including the American fleet at Auckland. This should "be seen by all those wh* were not privileged to go to Auckland: • There will be other gems of -unquestionable humour.

The Rev. W: "Bromilow, the founder of the* Wesleyan Mission in New Guinea and for; seventeen years in charge of it, ■ will preach fii trie Wesleran Church to-morrow morning, -mid the Rev. >W.-> Baumber in the evening," On -Tuesday- next -'' at 5 o'clock. Mr «nd Mrs. Bromilow will-.'address the ladies* auxiliary, and=in the evening a public meeting will .be-held, when they will give addresses on '"Seventeen years experiences in New Guinea" and will sing Papuan and tFijian duets. Mr Bromilow Li making a -special appeal for the New Guinea and-Solomon Islands* boat fund:

Those who have not been to the top of the tower of St. Mary's Church (obtaining permission of course) should make a. point- of doing so, for from the summit a very fine panoramic view of -Timaru and the surrounding country is obtained, and at this time of year -when everything is looking its beet, the scene that\meets the eye is specially pleasing. What- makes it more attractive is the fact that it is not confined to land, but takes in a great expanse of «a as welL A ]>eculiarity noticcable in viewing the town from such a height is. that the -undulations of the site it occupies appear to be flattened out somewhat, and the whole town seems to be mach smaller that in docs to the pedestrian who traverses it. or to the eye when- glimpxs of its distances can be had, a« along North street for instance. The Hospital and Park in one direction, the Athletic Ground? in another, appear to be quite near. Even the long eastern mole of the harbour seems to l>e much contracted, when seen from that elevated point of view. The anniversary of the Primitive Methodist., Church. Timaru. will be celebrated by special* services to-morrow and a concert on Monday evening. Miss Eva Field, one of the leading contraltos of Chris tcfaureli. will sing on Sunday morning ''There : > » green hill far .-tway" (Gounod), and in tin? evening '•Nearer My God to Thee.'' Mr C. Rudd, vice-presi-dent of the conference and chairman of the Canterbury District, will preach in the morning, and Rev. J. Olphert in the evening. Ar Monday evening's concert Mb* Field and "'Miss Anderson will each sing two solos. Mr Ellis Wood's orchestra will play some selections, and "Misses Thompson and Vincent and Messrs Black, Chapman, Budd. Miller. J. Fleming and Matthews will contribute to the piogramme. The ""Golden Gift Tre«" will \k a novel feature of the evening. Miss Field has been highly praised as a soloist by the Christchnrch paj>ers. and i>:- slip was a memberof the Exhibition Oiclic-ttni and a prize winner at the Exhibition concerts. Monday evening's concert will therefore ,be more interesting than usual. For an easy running, durable cycle, make a U.S.A. Premier your next. mountPrice* from £lO lCs to £ls. Repairs, plating, and enamelling, a speciality, ;dvi phonograph and tennis material. with i9OB-9 balls always on hand. Grant Bios. GhrV-tchurch and Timaru...

It i« quite possible you have experienced the uncomfortable feeling of wearing an ill-fitting shirt, well if so you have enly to take that one off and put on on* of ours, which you will find comfortable and perfect tilting, in every resp.-ct. We liave a large stock of all kinds of fashionable shirt* for summer wear, including tennis. ,-hirts with lund*. and also with collar* attached, at 4s 6<l. 5s 6dl 6s 6d : gent* ncslige shirts, soft fronts, fit 5s 6<l. 6* 6<l. 7s 6*l. 8« 6d: gents whh> mat and fancy pique shirt- .lurid- only, and ak*> collars attached, at 4« 6d. 5« 6d. 6s 6*l: gents white anil cream mcrcen.-cd shirts with hands and aL«o with collars attached at 4s 6<l. 5s 6d. 5» lid. 6s 6d : i»ents tunic shirts, tin- latest out for summer wear, at 5s 6d. 6s 6d. 7s 6*l : white shirts, short fronts, best limn cuffs, and fronts, at. 5* 6d. 6s 6d. 7s 6d. at Irwin's Clothing' and Outfitting Shop. Stafford Street, next Pro««cr°-..

The approaching fcistivitiets-cvtiituatiiig during band contest and show week*— will can-e you a. lingering feeling of tegret withont you visit Itcgg'r. daily phono concert* in i\m Arcade...

A little forethought may mv« yon no end of trouble. Anyone who mak's it. a rule to k«ep Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Dairrhoea Remedy at hand knows this to be a fact. For sale everywhere...

The- cough that i.« contracted in tlie winter, anil which continues through the spring and Mimnier. nearly alwayt, indicates some thrrKit or lung trouble, and should not b* jßgleeted. Tin- onlinary cimsh medicine may mh.ilw- th- thro,t. but it h>i- not tlf< js.w.r to heal. IteeoTery t* not complete, and a alia. U is more liable to f-dtnw. You r.tnnot pet a better m*dnine for couglss of thai- description than ChamherlainV Cough Remedy. Chaml-rrUin's Couth Kemedy is an nclient medicine for all thro it and lung trouble, for it. not only i-oollter* t!:«- itrilntion. hut tt heals the affected parts, and leaves thcra in wucli a healthy comittion, that the danger of a attack i* removed. For sabs everywhere. ... Sores, birns ulcers, speoddy cur*d with "lied Cross" Ointment. Soothes and beak. la 6d all dealers. ...

Of aII Im* thing* none i« more r»rUip than Uut <!»ar«' Hrxdtroi- Cnre inrtn ablr com; b*»djch«*. It '« ta»t«Ie»». e«T to "take, mad eYirroo* thonld keep il in fcaad. ...

"The contractoxiS' new building for the Bank of-New Zealand at Gefuldinc ate ,makins excellent: progress with the work.-" »

The* Getaldin-.- Domain Tennis Cl»l> hold their opening on Thuisday next. Ihe caretaker./.Mr Somniervill.'. is now' haul at work getting the old courts in order. The Synod of the Primitive Methodist Church of New Zealaud (Second Canterbury District) is to be-held in Waimate from 18th zo 23rd inst.

Although the shooting season for native game does not 'open until 'May Ist of next year, iwme sportsmen ate already erecting shooting boxes on the: Washdyke lagoon:

" Better-than -sacrifice** is the- subject ■>f Mr Greenwood's address at the Oddfellows Hall; Wooleombe strest to-morrow at 6.30 pirn. All seats are free and-tbve is no collection.

A'lrjieciur meeting of the Geiald'ne Swimming Club was bdJ in Mr Williamson's saloon on Thursday evtnng. to adopt the 1 balance-sheet-held "over from the annual meeting. As amended" the show that ' the. club has hot 'made- much pi ogress financially this ]»' st year, -owevcr. thi incrta-ied! : nte"'c-"t ■ ', -shown by membeio.t and the raising of ■the fec> ; . should'work--wonders-in.-purt'ng ibis popular institution 'on its feet.

At the Magistrate's Court ytt-terday morning. Donald Munro was charged with having been drunk in Timaru the previous day. Accused pleaded guilty and the sub-inspector said that In: had qualified :<•<■ an habitual diuukark. His Worship told accused that he did not desire to take away his liberty, but if v, id no' mend hi* ways he would have to do so. by sending him an an institution for habitnal drunkard-.-, for a lengthened period. Accused suggested that a prohibition order should be issued against him, and this was granted, a fine of 20s being imposed at the same lime. The Magistrate advised accursed to break away from his wretched habit if he did not want to lose hi.s liberty. The Hon. W. Hall-Jones ha,; been forwarded the following resolution by the Government Railway Superannuation Fund Board:—"'The members of the New Zealand Government Railways Superannuation Fund Board, while regretting the. Los of the ten-ices of the Hem. YY. HallJonc-- to the Board consequent on his i appointment to the important post . High Commissioner for the Dominion of New Zealand, congratulate him on icce'ving the appointment to that high office. and feel confident that the ability and singleness of aim which have invariably distinguished him in the pcrform-iacc (if hi-- responsible duties in New Zealand w : H continue to bi" shown in his new career."

Many thousand* of people are employed daily in England and on the Continent to act dramas of real life before tho camera. According, to critics it hah In-come quite the recognised thing to have these dramas produced by means of the bioscope. One feature of the dnunns so produced N that it does away with the bad grammar, etc.. which both actors and actresses are so prone to uso in the. present day. Not' only that, but the scenery must be essentially realictic. and that in itself is sufficient to make modern drama more endurable. One of the most successful real life dramas yet shown is entitled "Twixt Love and Duty." This- depicts an anxious mother left alone with a sick child, and shows the trials she goes through to save the crew of a burning ship from perishing. This picture is only on? of the many to be produced during the forthcoming season of Valentine's Red Seal Pictures commencing on 19th Octob-.r.

Not only headaches but all other sorts of liervous pain are conquered by St corn's Headache Cure, the most extensively used headache remedy in the^world; it is dependable... ' Wooda* Great Peppermint Cure for Cough* and Coldi B*rtr fail*. 1* M and fc6d.

Mrs S. H. Walker, 230 Humffray-st., Ballaral, Vic, writes: "Have wed Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for four years, and know it is excellent. Ifavo found it most beneficial. ' Can recommend it to anyone. In fact have done so many times,, and it ban accomplished good result* in every caec." For sale everywhere...

Pale, nervous women •with little strength and failing appetite are among those -who receive the- greatest benefit from .Steam's Wine, ths matchless tonic and strength ratorcr. Try it... Trout fishers and tennis players 'will please not* t**«ti Mr Tasker, Hardy's agent tor Timai.. -as just landed a fine assortment of Hardy's fishing tackle, jnclnding rods, reels, lines, casts, flies, phantoms, waders, gaffs, lly books, etc. Also a line of Slnzeiiger's tennis racquets, including Dolicrtr, K.G.M., Special Demon, Demon, KenshaV. etc, The new balls (1908-09) will be here in about a fortnight. ...

Mr A. W. Martin, sole controller of I)r J. A. Sherman's method of curing rupturn without operation, will be in Timaru from the 20th to the 22nd October, and may he consulted at the Kmpire HoU'l. Suffered will do well to call and investigate this method that has cured no many cases in New Zealand. Consultations ate froe. Hours from JO a.m. to- 8- p.m. Send for two free booklets...

Sometime ago, Mr Soiiter, of Souter's Boot Depot, cabled for some ladies dark tan glace Gibson shoes, laced with wide tartan laces, 'these goods have now arrived and are displayed in Mr Soutei's window. The styles arc quite new to Timaru. anil we are sure that they will be grpatly admired and worn this season...

As most if the tennis eluirs are having their owning day this week, we snticipate their needing the 1908-9 tennis balls which are now on haud, alto racquets and nets, with cycles to corvcy you there. Premier Cycler* £lO 10* to £ls- Grant Bros., Phonograph and Cycle Depot... Kczcma, burns, b««tlo. scalds, cuts, or cracks cured quickly with "lied Cp»*" ointment. Is 6d everytlkic . . . M.-n'h and boys' clothing at. ready - money price*.— There- never has been in our More so (in*" a display of clothing as we an" rdmwinjj now. The "teniiih' and "outing" goods are more numerous: the hat and cap styles arc finer, and the boys' clothing in certainly low -price*! enoiiah for even the thinit-st "puisa-. M> »'- all wool loinliiul tweed suite, thoroughly well made, with padded rhouldcrs. caiiv.i» front*, bo-t of linings and (riiomirif. and perfect titling, at 52s 6.1. 355, 37s 6d. _4Ct». 45*. a good range of patterns in nil siz>s. from 3 t<« 7." '•Hon,'- all wool Norfolk suits. I3«s 6d. 14k 6d. 16s 6d. 1&, 6d. ItoVR. wm-hing blouses, for summer wear. onlV 2s 6*l each. Boy-' washing hats. K each, at Irwin'h clothing shop, .Stafford i>trcet next Preiser's)— Holidau. for bind contest wc-k.--«)ur I retail 51.'0,, will Is- ch*-cd Ttioday. at 1 p.m.. and \\. din -day. at 1 p.m. ' •'•• I shoji will be op. n Wedm-day liioining. ; .1. W. Soul-r. le>"t impoi tir.. . THK GUINEA I'd KM! i A CHKIjUK I"t>lt £1 1- ha- been I .cut to the wiilct of ■■hi- >t» M'--I K.M . 'k\>. Ail-laidi- load WclliltKtoii : ! \V.-i«hiug morning What a! KAPoN m>.\P : All worry ..'■ . WIN A GITNKA! Prize l'"*m Pub I lisbed evert Saturday. Best origins] four j lAW.line »dvt. vers' about "SAI'ON" «"» ' each week. SAPON wrapper mini Is- m ! ei«*d. Address :-"SAPON" i Oat meal i Wa»hin7 Powder* P.O. Box 635. Wel'mc t ron Wii:*: tor :>■<• Art 8.,0k!«t. con- | turning 25 valuable Linif «>c Wa«hmg. ...

. .. The senior sergeant or constable- at each; • polite station has been appointed to take proceedings for breaches of sections 11. 43. 45. 46. - and 50 of the Infants' Act. 1908. Regulations have been gazetted regarding the use of the publ : u bowling green at Queenstown. which belongs to the Tourist Department.. The charges to be made are : 6d per player for each game, bowl., being supplied by the caretaker; weekly tickets 2s. monthly 6s. season 2Cs. players rinding their own material. No | player is- to play more than one game if another is waiting to have one. Golfers and others will be -pleated to learn that Souter's Boot Depot have on sale geutlemens brogues from Allan Bros., Edinburgh. Just landed ex "Turakina" 1 ca*c of men's tan brogue shoes and boots, also black brogue shoes. J. W. Souter. the live boot dealer. Sole agent for Allan Bros, brogues for South Canterbury. These boots and shoes are very fashionable... The best jockey in the world cannot win a race unlerjs he rides a good horse. The best player of a, brass instrument cannot win unless he plays ou the best instrument. If there was any proof required of the superiority of the Hawke's brasw instiumcnts, the present contest at Timaru has supplied it. Out of twenty gold medals offered by the contest \ committee 16 were won by players of Hawke's instruments. Out of "twenty silver medals offered bv the contest committee 16 were won by "players of Hawke's instruments. In the Quickstep Competition the bands plaving Hawke's were awarded first and second prizes, and in the Tee* Selection the bands pbving Hawke's carried away first and fourth prizes. Moral: The be*t plavers in the contest play Hawke's and they can only be obtained at the Dresden... \nglers, also tennis, croquet and cricket plavirs, will find at Cullmann's sports depot the best selection of high-grade materials and equipment for the enjoyment of their outdoor pastime*. We advise an early inspection of our goods by those who desire to possess the best equipment. All tennis and croquet materials are newly made for this season by Slazenger and Son. New stock latest 1908 tennis balls.. The cable news which arrived on Saturdav morning shows the motoring world that* the Darfracq is the most reliable and one of the speediest motor cars in the universe. The Isle of Man race is organised bv ihe Royal Automobile Club of England* to test the car most suitable for ordinary touring puritoses, and the cars used are ordinary sized stock cars, and not specially built for -racing purposes. Certain dimensions were given for the size of the engine, and as these y«re 4 inches for the diameter of each cylinder, the car had to be an 18 brake horse power. The second and third cars were Darracqs of the above size, and exactly similar to two cars just landed, one for a Tima-n gentleman and the other for a Chrifitchnrch lady. The first mentioned of these two cars js now on view at our Timaru garage. The above result is most- convincing that when it comes to ordinary -stock cars', and not cans specially prepared for lacing purposes, the Darracq leads the world. We take this opportunity of letting the motorists of Timaru and surrounding districts know that as we ire about to. move into a, new and larger garage, we have -a few Kecondhand cars which we are prepared to sell at ridiculously low figures, in order to make room for large shipments of-new pattern cars, which we have arriving!.. SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. N.Z. Loan Company—Point sale on Monday. Wardidyke on Tuesday, Gerald ine l-.i Wednesday, at the Burneide saleyardri. Tuotdav next. « C.P.C.A"—Pleasant Point on Monday. Washdyke on Tuesday. Goraldine on Wednesdav. property next Saturday. Dalgetv" and Co.—Sale at Pleasant Point on Monday, at Waishdyke on Tuesday. N.M. arid A. C.—Point stock sale Monitiiy. Washdyk- Tuesday, Geraldine Wid-iK-sday. G. 'l\ Gerric and Co. —Sale of sundries to-day. L. O'Callaghnn and Co.—Sell produce, •tc* to-day; farms on 31st inst. Guinness" mid LeCren—Point sale Mondav. Washdyke Tutelar. Geraldiw- Wednesday. Well Park" estate 21r-:t November, residence to let. , Jonas and Co.—Sjweial business notice: sale of furniture, etc.. to-day. Union Assurance Society—Want >ubagent.", apply Guinnces and LeCren. Club Hotel—Want a cook. North Otago Tanner*' Association Want auctioneer and man for grain department. New Hall. North hired Mr Logg preaches to-morrow. Dawson Egg Carrier Co.—Want to buy fre-h eggs. Ja>. Gvanger- Choice t-.eclion and dwelling for sale. > Timaru Harlwur Board-Wharf tcndei,. close ThuihtTay. V E. Porter— Has property for immediate sale. Th<». Thomson-—Thank* t" lustoni-rs. friend* and othoiis. Canterburv Metropolitan Show—Nov. IllJl. 12th. 13th: entries 24th October No-License League—Meet Trinity Hall Tiifsdar next. 1.0. K. -Brethtcn to attend funeral. Art exhibition and sale—At Sophia street Hall. 2 p.m. to-day. F. K. Webb -Plain fuels in «h iilisivy. ■ Town Clerk. Timarii -Auctioneer's lireive, fixing Ktreet levels. , Primitive Mothodfcsti Clmr-li- Amn'cr >arv to-morrow, concert Monday. Rrvam and Co. Table .-peeialitiv--. Vn'irlie Cricket Club- -Meetinc ••» >■•■»'• dav. T. C Mullioos- Tendci.- for paintingJ. Granger -Sh,ir.r> for >ale. Mi.» Boyd -White leghorn chirks for " R. Somiiieivilh-Curc for odds, nhthma. ell-. Tiipp and R..lh„t..ii Not"-.' ir <-stat» .1.1 1.11111-. Pleas..!!' P"inl '»'.."!! R.Ml'i l<n'l'u allied. ~ . Tlic.tie R'.jal Mu-ie..l o in li'-* 1 ''"• .1..v nigh'. N.w Ze.d.ll.i Kail" ays Heap fan" ("1 ():ilil.ilii race*. 11. it. Half Ne» »""1 -< •-«! piSuild.lV .->vi.-.- Tllllltv. < 'h:»llllC(s. W-d«-v..n. Salvation A inn. " f I'hrst. Coi-e P-..1.-..11 T..V- ("i Or-din- l'-.v ] ..,, .-ale. I Kvlo .ui.l <"o. R.'imc -d inilliii.-iv f't i th- " Show. Tl.os. S-aly ami C. II V-.-iity A\..:i ploughmen. ,T. ..lid .1. 'll.Mi.iw,,. <rl- In :.U..!1-n ~f bill li! «!««. Funcr-l i.-li-e- P.y W. -I. I- '■'• W.intol-

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13727, 17 October 1908, Page 4

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13727, 17 October 1908, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13727, 17 October 1908, Page 4