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The "SCO majoriiv i-lau.y?." and flu-v..-iv .vtiucl; out yesl'.rday. The d.tau* of iliv >-.ti-riliee ;i* in our I'arlii--11,,'iHaiy ie]».rt. jonii jnu'ie>ting reading. A ealde h:i.- bcn» received in Timani from Mr V. -I. itoll-xoii. .-.talmsj in » |dv to a <ine.stioii jui! to him by e < s f" hi- friends her., that h>- >'..! intend to offer himself a* a eaiidhlate for Timaru at next elect ion. The folh.winj,' i. fa].tain K.hvin'.i w.-ailii-r for-c;is! t!|) to .1 |".m. t<. d.y: ".Vioiijj Hind to fr..rn the <a>!\iai.l. jiiuhahiv with ram a: most iilaee.i iiortJi o! K:-...i t'a|.«', 'i'.!li).o and vtalildiau lleadv. • to Mr..!).; winds flout lh.- nor!l,«.if.l. liti! -tally Jin- .Is.--«h:'r.-." The bazaar in aid of ill-- fund* "f th-I'l.-a.-ant lVint Hi-Mi.-: Hi-I. N hool .. .-. b- open-d on Motirlay next, .tint •'■» innird 1.V.-I- tin; day f«.U..w inj,'. The j.!al'.. Mii! in.-hid.- tii- usual |.<.j,ular iis.vottm-nt. and :h-.-i<- will )> nitim l"ii. sjmci.i! at-ti-tc:i..i».». I'ri/.-s v. ill 1..- otfn-.-d >U v.iln.s.. ii.tiijn''. Itli'ti'-. oj-in ... < inldi. |) and nili.i«. '1 h.- ...IilliHl!- ha v.- noik.'.l V'jy h;,r.! f..r th- b./ v. !■-.. h |.ioin.- ■* i- !, -,it.-,«-..iiii. Noiiir hauler \va.- indtil','.-.l in a! Mr T. I.". T..vh..'s i.t.',..,,' h.trn-. 1.,-.: «..j;hi on 1.,s ..> a ch-mjaoti „i No !■•« . Th.- M.-\..i. in In- :n'i...iiK'. ion. aid t,|..y i,.,d li aid Mi Ta>!.,t ill Ttlll.'itl l».-f.-f.-, :n j-.<.[.!: as t/1.,1 ~! .1 (.1!..,'!. I'.lll |K.« !i" a.,- ,u:t\\ .:, his |j"h; tint!'!, and «.-•■- "• iti-.:' ...oh' ■■ .-idii-.■ iihi.ii «..-> .-.minion ? t..uiid io both the I.i.iuot- and \.. li.jtior ,„itt-. Mr Tash.r -.i-.J »« forms ..f lanati. ism «-'■- eatciiin?. and fit.' v.-.-mu irme Mr fri-n.N mn'V <"< • *-*!»- |,i 6 .. t . !1K ;.bo„; -lie^;- ■■-. - ; St-- t-m.^l:-

There are Sow oyer 600 names in Mr dominations for all events at the North Otago Jockey Club's-spring meting fall due this evening at 9 o'clock.

The vital statistics for Timaru for* September were as follows :'■—Births 24. marriage:;- 7, deaths 12. Last- year the iiguivs for the same months were Births 27, marriages 8, deaths 21. Th? Technical School will b.» ckr.iug down shortly. Must, of the classes will finish this week, as the contractor for the additions- to the school requires to get into the old rooms. #

A daring robbery look place 'from the Crown Totel, Timaru. on Wednesday night when some valuable jewellery was stolen. • The. police were promptly on the track of the thief, and at a quarter to ten yesterday morning. Constable Harvey arrested a young man in the bar of the Wa>-:hdyk? Hotel on whom he found articles which Ted him to believe that he. was the culprit. The man wr.u brought into the lock-up at Timaru, and will appear before -:ie. -Magi-fi-ate tlrs jrornmg. * ■

The chairman of the Wellington Collego Board of Oovernors .drxis" not approve of the "free plae-" system, especially in connection/ 'with the girls' college. i„ a . memorandum to the Board -Mr Brandon points out that the effect •u t $Uw wi,i hft tl»nt presently there will be only free place pupils; that the average claw being 20 and the Govern-im-nt fee £lO per pupil, the Board would only receive £2OO a year, out of which to pay a teacher and other expense*. M that rate, they could not afford to pay good teachers.

°- f '«. • Tuve » il *'Cbnrt. held before Mr C. A. Wray, S.M., yesterday' iHoromg. a lad U years of v » ebarged wah cruelty to, a cat bv settin■nice on to worry it. The offence took law ma paddock off the Fairview road, |lie cat being «, badly knocked about that it will probably die; Constable Harvev happened to he tiding past at the. rimV ot the oftence, and he told the lad who appeared before the Court yesterday, as well as another one who was ViHi him that they would have to appeal 1 b?for« the Magistrate and answer tor their conduct. Th;> second boy luiled to appear at Cotiit yesterday, but it is the intention of Subn.iipeetnr Orern to see that' he does appear. The lad who was before Mr' was severely admonished and disehargeu*. 'lhe r-ii:»borne Harbour Board obtained from Mr Mnrclinni a (lesigii for an outer harbour, formed of. rubble moles, estimated to cost £350,000. Tho desigu was .submitted to Mi\ Leslie Reynolds, who approved,. of 4he design so "fur as it, went, but thought the harbour would not be big -enough. He therefore recommended enlarging it. vthe cost to £570,C00. ~Mr Alnrehant wrote in criticism of this recommendation,' and his letter was discussed by the Harbour Board on Monday. Mr Mardinni poiuu out that Glsbprhe can ne.ver have so

large a shipping trade as l.yttelton, where a harbour of 106 acres, only half of it teally deep water, suffices ;* whilst bis plan for Uisborne'-provided for a total urea of 156 acres. 77 acres ,of it deep water. To make a larger harbour would hi a .waste of money. The Hoard's discussion of the .'question was inconclusive. c , ..... ■

The Zingari Foot ball Club held. a sueoorsful Roeial hv>t- evening in McDonald's ira rooms, when'opportunity was takento present a nunibeiv of medals wpn during the season by members of the club. Tliere> were between forty- and fifty present, including a number of niiinbeiu of other football olcUn and .the'-social,' which lasted until u l.ttc hour/ was carried through with ihat enthusiasm which in characterstie of the Zingaii Chili. Mr W. A. Pettr*nn, 'president, of the club, made a. very good chairman. Ho-wa* .supported on one, .side by the president of the .South Canterbury ltugby Union (Mr P.- Watson), mid on the other-by. the club captain (Mr K. Darroch). A long toicvt list was gone, through, and between speech and i-ong unit presentation ceremony, a v<ry evening w:u; span:. Mr Wntoon presented the medals, which wc-ic won by the following :—IU.-t back, K. Danocli: most improved back. J. Htggtirty: best, forward. <;. Stevenson: most, improved" forward. 0. Maslin (all junioi.;).) The presiileiitV, medals wool, to It. Mooiv, b«i-,t back, and K. Faiibrolher, bust, forward. 'lh.» winueia were cordially applauded as they received (heir decorations. Mention u;..s made by several of the visiting spNikj (is of the rapid stride* (he- Zingaii Club had made, and members were heartily congratulated on llu- mit-mi; they had ecliieved in attaining th? position 'hey now lu!d. An excellent opreud war. provided for tit- function by Mr McDonald. The following is a return of the t;aw* dealt with at the Magistrate's Court. Timarii. during the September quarter: - Xumber of sittings presided over by the Stipendiary' Magistrate, 61 ; number presided over by justices, 00. Civil cases heard by the Stipendiary Magistrate, 112; aggregate amount sued for, £2450 os 4d; aggregate amount recovered, £127.2 13s Id. Xumber of plaints ertried. 203; d."ntress warrants issued, 9: judgment s-umnioiiMs issued, 17; ord;'rs made on juilgniont .nnimoiises, 2. Summonses «r other proivwe*. s,erved_by haili'T and assistants over two mile.?. 31 : distress warrants executed over two miles, 3. Amount cf civil fees paid in statn|»s £llO ss; licensing fee* do.. £1 15*. Ciiniiual cases.—Persons taken into custody. 111.134, f.6; di. charged for want of evidence, m.B. f.2. dismissed on merits. A 0; summarily convicted, 122—41 lined, I JO 1 : impiisoned in lieu of fine, 8---Q; p.-rttiiptoiy imprisonment, 7-1; convictwl ■md discharged with a caution. 15—-2. The offences were--against the person 5, agaiie-t property 17. against, good older 108 (imdudiiig 36 of dttinkciitiesM, other i.ffeii<-es TO. During the quarter 7 old a-.'.- p-nsioiis were- granted, 1 wa« «• fiiVed, and 1 application is under in-

Hod taiie >* !1N prom'" 1 * 111 nx ever ■» ..-nine of t li■■ liov.rmitem Department* i« Timant. and i» fW ,:iWS » l '" f3rr ' e . l ' ;r. :i iidieitlotls extreme. K'Jh'.-inUy i* t!ij. >« in (In- forms which have >" ''* jjiuc- iln .ujjlt before ;> »:ime i»« ,M * tUI niV the .-Irrt.iral i'ill. I - "' - instance there U ili... nam- •>( » man '"> <' lo Tiinnni ebotoial n-II who never at airy time lived in Timatu. and the HeifiMrar vr.mied t-> <tvik.' it otr. Before doiliK M' liowcv.r, 'h- -jo; tJu- police to make. «'«iiuiri«* ami 1 i lit y r.jK.itcd •'it.. Mich man Ifre." Ihtn the IU-«'-tial' "fin t.> <li<J J-otiil »«■ ! UtoiitH- and tli-y al-n repotted ihui, n» ! such ii'i. known to them. Ho j 11.-.x! asked iKi.ple jli the locality wllrlc l ihi> man »a- Mippo-cd 1., liv. .if thrV ; knew :.iiy!li:ii[' of him. and their report. ,urtv>)»m'ih-d with that. K'v.n by the p»In- and lh" li.isl.-tl auth. iili.l-. Added to all thi. testimony »'.n tie- fart that tii.' man had ncv. r vol.d mid such testimony «.ii:M have l»en Miflirit-nt for <>t - dittary IlioilaN; hut. i: did not Kitisfy ;li.. Urpartim-rti. Mr Montgomery Ma* told thai he rould not Miik.. tho n.lUKi.ff vt. He mi>»! wii.r a notice t<» this individual, it ho «'Xi«t.H only in Sinaj...ii..ti..i!. wartime; him that iii. name would lx- s mn:l; oir the roll if he did l|..t mat.. hi- il.lili) to ellloimrlll tfoo.l. 'I his notice will of roiltse he i.lulli'M (hioiij>h tie- Joe-!, marked " li.-t known.*' tt'iii-rrii|uiii {he Iti'giMtiir will have 1.. have fulthi'i rniHi'i-' tilth his iiii:i ( ;iii.i!V ioi ie>)»ui.tMii hy i- iidiriv: loin a mii.tnoti* to apju.t l» f.'t" the Magistrate So uluiw <ui. r whv hi" linn.- should l»e struck off ,1,- roll. And nil tin* in the ROtU ■miin y J'uuy Itov* an.! tfiri.s u «.l caiefnl at-tnr-i.iii. X.'-htiiv; ouit" ■■;<» (.own! for (h*m ~s Mi-:iffi'.i wall.-, wlih'h lti.ik«"« !„ » hloiMl. 'h.ut.rtn tli'ir aptM-iit-. mid I ■■>tt« ihild. l.ood> U* m v./,ur ...

Montgomery's hands for inclusion in the supplementary electoral 101 l which is in course of preparation.

Mr W. Y. Purchase (Clerk of the Magistrate"* Conn, Waimate: has been appointed returning officer for the electoral district of Waitaki. vice Mr ft. V. Cochrane who did not seek re-appointment.

The prohibition party is now engaged in a hoase-to-honse canvass of Timaru and district -with a view to getting as many names as possible on the electoral roll." The Rev. A. E. Hunt is personally engaged in this wcrk in the Pareora district.

The Spring Flower Show organised by the Geraldine Parish Guild was»opened in the Parish Hall yesterday afternoon, when there was a fairly large attendance. Thete was an excellent showing of Bowers many of the narcissi being particularly clioiej and large, and there was good competition in manv of the different classes.

The following announcement appears in the London "Morning Pcet":—"A marriage « arranged to take place- early in Jannarr between Major Archibald CD. Spencer. lat> Royal Iri>h Rifk-s. "young.:.: con of the late Henry Spencer. D.L.. .1.1'.. of Ha vaat, Hanta, and Bishop Auckland. ThulianjL and Mis* Harriet Dvke Achind. of the hateRon. John Barton Mount Peel. Cantorbm^^^B^ealand." The Department Commerce has received from tne^Pent.-Gener-al Conunanding-in-Chie'f at Malta, a forift--of tender calling for the raipply of fresh meat and live cattle for army and naval services in that command during the period of "12 month*.from Lit January. 1909. Tenders which should be rendered in duplicate, mast reach the office of the Assistant Director of Supplies ami Transport. Malta, on the 2nd November. 1908. In the event of a tender from New Zealand being accepted, notice of the same: will be cabled to the 'tenderer.

Though the weather was cold yesterday, there- vi« an excellent attendance of members and players at the- opening of '-he W«eleyan young people's tenna; court. the 'players were several from kindred clubs, and all spent a very enjoyable afternoon, some Tpry good . tennis being shown. At an interval the ladins of the club diypcDSMi afternoon tea, which was most acceptable. 1 The court playeel well, but requires a Hitl-" attention in tlie way of marking etc. Tlie yonng people tikean enthusiastic interfst in the and hare a v;ry successful reason. The front fishing season op-ued y.:sijrdar in weather that was not at ail con-ducive-.t© heavy basket. The reports to hand ctate that, generally speaking. cpoTt tras Tery poor, anglers returning he.roe rather dwappointed. At ths- Trmuka the best basket- wis said to be 15 fish, of an average of Jib. the tront bring v<?ry email all round. Several angler* who visited this stream had only one fish. In the Opihi the *"wormer«i* had no luck: th» best haisket was 32. said to b? takeji whbtrw By. V>ry fair spor: wa« had at the Parson. There was no new* last night from the Rangitata. A Press Association message from Christchurch state.* that the "season opened satisfactorily."

At the meeting of the Educational Institute to-morrow morning, some im-

portant business will be brought up. in addition to the presidential address of Mr J. Metuue*. . Mr Valentin?, «ecre:ary to toe' Institute, hoi receive*! a telegram from the- Hon. W. Hall-Jones, that he had posted copies of the Teachers" Supranauation Act Amendment Bill, which was read a first tim? in the Hocr-e on W-edn.i;-dav. The teacher; mrst l>e interest-d in

the- changes proposed to b? mad- in the

scheme that has been in operation for- the ■/ fc«;t thres yeare, ami there ought, therefore, to he- a good meeting. Mr Valentin* may be expected to uiak-> a statement regarding such points, from a comparison of tb? Bill with the Act. The Waimate School Committee met on Wednesday night, Mr K- Nicol being in the chair. The committee' granted permission for thsi headmaster (Mr G- Pitcaithhr) to lie an inspector temporarily during Mr Gow*<s absence. The Barclay scholarship -came"up for consideration, on Mr Black"* repon of the recent conference nf committees, and it was considered that th_- matter should be earnestly advocated when list are issued. Th<> . visiting committee rei>orted on the satisfactory portion of tlie school generally. In sundry desired improvements it wr..> decided to ask for the Board's architect to advL-e. The jcliool grounds are to be made mor» attractive by a children's gardening be»». Accounts w<-re passed for payment, and the committee ros>. It may bs interesting to those who may •jo wL«h it, that you can get collared, cuffed, tied, or braced at Irwins better than any outfitting shop in Timaru. A great assortment of the- newest styles in gent-'* collars, ail shapes, and the best iinality of linen. Gent's ties, all the newest and latest creations in Derby ami

handkerchief ties ;braces in gnat variety in Argosy, Samson, and Toko. All the very best- materiafe at Irwin's. Drapery and Clothing Shop, Stafford stre-t, next Prosser's...

The cable news which arrived on Sat

unlay morning shows the motoring world that the Darracq is the most reliable and of the speediest motor cars in the nniverse. The fsie of Man race is

organise*! by the Royal Automobile Club of England* to test the car most suitable for ordinary touring purposes, and the cars used are ordinary sized .stock carv, and not specially built for racing- purpoiKS. Certain dimensions were given for the size of the engine, and as these were 4 inchm for the diameter of each cylinder, the car bad to be an 18 brake horse power. The second and third cars were Darracq* of the above size, and exactly similar tn two cars junt landed, one for a Tinurn gentleman and the other for a t'hrifiicburch lady. The first mentioned of these two cars is now on view at our Timarn garage. The above? result is most convincing that when it comes to ordinary stock car*, and not cam specially prepared for lacing purpose, tb* Darrioj leads the world. \V« take this opportunity of letting the motorists of Timarn and surrounding districts know that as we are> about to move into a new ami Jargcr garage, we have a few secondhand" car* which we are prepared to sell at ridiculously low figures, in order to make room "for targv ehipmentft »f ww pattern car*, which we have arrivinir...

A little fort-thought may >av- you no end of trouble- Anyone who matt* it a rule Jo keep tliaiuherlam'* folic. Cholera ami Dairriuva Remedy at- hand knows thii to be a fact. For sate everywhere..

Th- cough th->i i« contract.d in thwinter, and which iTJiiiinu- Miri.Ujjh th- • pring ami i.uuimer. nearly alw.tyi. indi ••jtix «i/iii» i.r lung ir..uh!-. r.u<i flu.uld not W ii'jrle.tcd. Ih. ordinaiy tc.ngh tiKdicitv may .-...nth.- th- tlir«. -t. 'u:; it h*.i no? tin- power to heal. I'c.r.ry i% not cnrnp.eV. and a * cotid atta;-!-. .s root* liable to follow. You ranr...; g-t .. belter medicine lor cngLo of thV. ■!• •«. rip tinn than Ohimb-rbin.i <'<>ugb 1'..-in..,y. (hamb-rlain* I'.math K m.dy i» an -\

medicin- tor all throu and lur.g trouhk 1 . for it not only ,;«oth<i> tt-- titit.i tion. bur it heal* the atTccti-1 j.ittv. and tlxMn in >uch a If-al'-hy ..i.i.o::..ii. that th- danger of a second attack =. rmoved. For »ak- everywhere. ...

It is probable (says the Press) that the splendid cab service of Christchnrch will shortly be supplemented by six motor cars, as i! is unders;ood that a local syndicate is importing a number of- these vehicles.

The harvest conditions in Western Canada continue favourable (wrote the Ottawa correspondent of The Times on Augcvt 11) although there is a great lack of farm labourers. The Canadian Pacific Railway'' Company is offering a 1500-nvle trip for £2 to men willing to work in the harvest field.*.

irg huilt for the Oreymouth Harbour Hoard, was to be launched on Wednesday last. A cable messaee has been received in Oreymouth from Renfrew etating that work on the vessel had been delayed by strikfii and that the bu : lders desired a month's extension of time to complete she vessel.

The Timarn horce parade will be held on the Maori reserve. Maori Hill, to-mor-row morning. There will be 26 stallions on parade—ls draughts. 4 thoroughbreds, and seven which aie classed as trotters and carriage horses. Though the entry in the aggregate" is three ehort of that of last year, the quality of the horses coming forward is generally good.

On Wednesday Sir William' Steward asked whether the Government would favourably consMer the proposal to offer a bonus for the invention of a steam, snow plough, capable of dealing effectively with the blocking of roads by heavy snowfalls? Mr McCJowan replied:—"The Government do not at present see their way clear to offer a bonus for this phrpos?. It is a subject which would probably b? beidealt wirh by th? local authorities or those more particularly interested."

There i? teason to believe that the earth crust at Rotorua is cooling. A number of geysers have ceased playing ami some pools are drying up. Tnat there is some ground lor the statement i« borne out by the assertiorv. of a numh.-r of tourists, and also by Mr J. (). Bid will. «ii the Wairarapa. to a Dominion lepresentaiive. Mr Bidwill state.; that he has been a visitor to Rotorua i-ince 1876. and he says that he has no doubt whatever that the crust of the earth, at Rotorua is cooFng. /

Visitors to Dunedin from the .North Island confirm the reports with regard to the tightness of money iii the soutnem portion of that island. A resident irom Hawke\s Bay remarked that things w-sre very quiet in that d'striet. The. drop u the" price of wool had resulted in many large losses, and it would be come time before the district would get over tne present- depression. At Hasting., there kid been a land boom, which had now gon» to pieces, and people from the South who had h«en enticed by the glowing accounts to open up bu?ine«s there. were now bkintr their finger.-. Jilt i.; very re fresh : ng." hj" added. " :<> find things going along f-a steadily a.-, usual in the South, and to hoar very little grumbling.''

[ A sad Instance of the folly of hoarding iup money Is reported from London. Mr I Robert Love, who keeps a greengrocer's ! shop in Plough road, ltattersea. was roh- ' bed of £925. which represented his and h>s wife's savings of a lifetim?. The burglars made their entry through a side door while the couple were away a: the i.-.rly morning market at Covent ftantc-n. The money, which was all in gold. wai» kept in a box underneath the bed in nn upper rixim. The box was not locked, but tightly corded. The robb.-r<> had no d'fficulty in rinding it. 'WV have ben saving for tbirty-thre.' years." said Mrs Love, when interviewed. " Only a few we.ddi ago our shop was broken into, and a couple of pounds taken from the till, and now the- means r.f ending our days in pace are taken from us." Wh-n asked why she kept so much money in the house. Sirs I.ove replied that ehe thought she could make l»tter use of it than by placing it in a bank. Opening- of the- Tenuis SeaGon. —We have just opened a large- shipment of ladies' tennis boots and shoes, also gentlemen*.* fennV hoots and sho.-:i. We guarantee to re-sole all tenui* boots and shoes, which we sell, whether they have rubber coles or chrome soles. Hoater's Store—the shop for sporting footwear. We do not .>ell fishhooks, tennis balls, etc.; we devote all our energies to boots and rfioe-s. J. W. Soute-r. the Bo;y Boot Shop. ...

For cycles (new or second-hand), phe.nograplus, records, tennis racque'-s and!b, together with repairs, it would pay you to call on Grant Bros., Premier Cycle Depot, Stafford street. . . .

Trnnt fishers and tennis players will please not* Mr Tasker, Hardy's agent fur Timai. . _.<6 just landed n fine nss.u-t-Uent of Hardy's fishing tackle, including rods, reels, lines, casts, flies, phantoms, waders, gaffs, fly books, etc. Also :i line of Slazenger's tennis racquets, including Dohortv, K.ii.M., Special Demon. Demon. Renshaw, <>t<: The new halts 119CS-C9) will he here- in about a fortnight. . . . Eczema, hums, boi!#, scalds, cuts, or cracks cured quickly with ''UM L'r..r*>" ointment. Is 6d every r here. .. .

The superior quality and excellence of the pianos imported and sold hy the Dresden Piano Co. Ltd. ha* jn.*t been demonstrated in the most emphatic manlier. I'nring the past olficial year 600 pianos were imported into Dunedin, and 500 of tl»e*e wero gold by the Dresden. Ir other words the Dresden fold 500 pianos during the pasr financial year against \\)Q by two other concerns. No other piano house can bhow such a record. The .i----maru branch of this unrivalled firm has a magnificent stock of Lipps, Broad woods, Ronischs, Collard and other fin-t----clasK makers.' 7he.v> four makes represent the best markets of the world. -AH the latest up to-date music * kept, in stock. Orders executed within hour*...

Eczema, varicose ulcers, all skin eruptions disappear after using " Red Cross " o"n:ment. Is 6d all chemists and cro cers. ... "

Mrs R. Gadd, 507 Madras*., North Cbristchurch, X.Z., writes: "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is a most valuable medicine. I sell a lot of it in my shop, and it i.« used in niy home. I have recommended it- to several people and have never known it to fail. There- ja no quetvtion but what it i* the foremost cough medicine sold in this district." For sale everywhere... Skin tioul.W. rhilhlaii*, cracks and chaps r<-lii-vi-.l> ly wiil» " !:,.,] Cni«s" oiiiun-nt. Is 64 chemists and groceri... and »hn-v:H"« (or the- .-LiUien stocked hi white. I.ui ami I.u-d <-h'» t-lii-s and i linv-r-tits. the .-.a Dili's n-w stvlc. at Son'.ero Shoe St on-. Th- .hop for vandal.- -all >:/• , in Mo. I;. J. \V. S.ut.-r. th.- livo hoot d-aler. ...

' Angler*, also tenn'n, rrooti-t and cricket player-, will find at OuHimnn'i. e-|>ori6 ; the best 'election of high grad.- mat. naU and equipment f-r th- enjoyment ' : of their outdoor paot'mv\s-. We advi<-.- an | early in«.p-< tion of r.ur good* hy those who ; dc.arv to |>os».r.s the) Ixr-.t C|in| liien:. All t«-nn* and .-rootic-l nnt.-naV. .ir.» newly mado for thi< va»on by Slazeng.-r anti Son. New »tn.-k latvt ISO 3 tenni* l»all«.. Mr W. f'ot. tlumtriay-tr.ft. lSnllarat. i V.'".. Wiite> : "I bavr l»-« n ' MitT j f:«r from tlnritn.aU.iii i"d having ol.tain ' el tin- ..:>•.'!■••, i,1,.f l,v the »v '( t'hatn '.'. l'ain Halm I cannot ,«p-ak t-». ) b.ghly of it. Wii-nivi-r I !•-. 1 th- tln-u ' ntati.- piiii" coming on, I give the auVct.-d •part* a !'• w and :i. alwa\» arrets', tix- attack 1 know rev. ral p.» i p!e Mho have ii«--.i ( hamherl mi'.> l'ain : Halm .ind they all *p«-ak in tl« highot prai'e* of it." For *••!« everywhere...


Dalgety and Co.—Sell stud horses tomorrow. N.M. and A. C—Sale of farm at St. Andrews 9:h iost. T. and ./. Thomson—Special notice of men's wants. J. O'Romke—Piie-.s of new boys" clothing. Pleasant Point—ft rand bazaar. sth and 6ih October. S.C. Dairy Co.—lmp:jri-:int notice to dairymen. Stallion for lease—Apply to Loan Company. .Hugh K-i-rr. Fairies— notice of Sirns Reeves ;ind Commander Yet. H. Hal!—Cal!s tendeiii for two-siorey house. Adanu. and Co'.—For dressmaking and millinery. Lost —Pair of spectacks. reward. North Otago Jockey Club—Nomination-, due to-day. Borough of Timaru—Catherine street closed to traffic. Mjjcfceozie County Agricultural Socieiy —Annual meeting-16th inst. N.Z. Clothing .Factory—Prices of hats and ca]*>. \Y. A. Peareon and Co.—Men's gnodr,, latest in styles. .- Wantecv —Five -noiices.

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Bibliographic details

Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13714, 2 October 1908, Page 4

Word Count

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13714, 2 October 1908, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13714, 2 October 1908, Page 4