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TH M EATENED DEY lATIOV RETORT BV COUNTY ENGINEER. At the Augti.= ni'.cliiip of 'he W a mate Cvmitv Council. report by Mr F- W. Ma reliant <o .Mr A- Elwort.hy whs read, tn which it was dated I lint there- was verv ;raic dauber thn' tIK- river l'areora. would dewrt it-- channel at- Holme Station, for iionie miles. damaging many thousand pounds ■worth of cultivated lands, and a < ousiderable length of county road, and leaving the Upper Fareora bridge high and u*c-les«. Mr Marehant reeommended that some substantial fence and rinbsnkincnt work 'jb undertaken, in order io |>ievem a disaster. The County Council instructed 'heir engineer. Mr Rrcmiicr. to make the necessity survey* and report on the question.

urni at ili' ir iiveling yesterday Mr Brcmner submitted • lie following _ report. which wa,, tabled. ami consideration deferred mjijl next meeting: "Ailing under your direct "ir. I have made a survey and lakcn levels over that portion of ;1r- I'aieota river and the land.- on ;b" rijiht bank from above Holruc Station to ib»j Dp Creek near the 'Springbrook s-hool. Borne nine to the east of l lie Marling point, of which length lines at approximately tight alible* •>i the live*- «:ic levelled over in three section': for about 33 miles. > li' r-" nil of these leveH ir- shown on the plan accompanying lliis report. "Tli-.' object of the eiirvcy i» to showtlie level* of the floor of the prtseut river bed in tela 'ion io the surface of tli;flanking lands an I the i r-rk b d ami .fturm water channel-, running parallel -.Mth ii on the south .-ide. I hcs.c levels arc reduced from a common datum, -o rh"l it may be ;>en at a glance what relation they bear to ond another at any particular poinr. "Dealing with Section No. 1. besw-en Holme Stat'on and tli- Upper Farc-iiv. tr-illif bridge, (he average gradient i ' 'lk- river 15 I in 173.2, equal io .Sin fall >ll tvery hundred feet, and in the parallel 1 haiui' l through which (he owrllow occur; • auj-'' which joins Gordon's V-allcy •:f -as about 15 chains from the tiver bank) Mi? average graJienl is one in 183.6. equal i<> Tin in every hundred feet. ".V 1 lie point of overflow I lie il lb r etice of level between the bottom of the river bed ,nid tho to[i of I lie bank it> 6ft Oin, and in I Ik- direction of the terrace towards tho homestead 26 chains oil", the ground surface i- 'lft 2in below lh« river bed. At the road cruising the difference ••f level i.o 'lin only, the road surfa;c b.'ing that amount lou-ar than the v iv?r bed: the .inclination is therefore mostly 011 the south tide of tho road. "The fall of the river bed itself »irj» site these points is. however. <ousit.!"'l iy greater than a: either of tli«.-:-«- j >!.i -<• -. being 2ft Tin and f>[t lin beneath e:.« 11 i.'NjK'ct ively.

" I'ur tin- next 1!3 rliniikj ;>n• I nunc < l.'- • iverllmi • li.iinit'l >li|>s imiM'lentW/ 'ill : l j<> n> tlif (.it'iilim* V<ill* \ I'rvck. am' ;i' "In. - Jo ■ liiin |n>i'.il. ilr- bi*il il* -1 fI lOiu l«el»u llir U-l "f tli«* lii er h''i-jiljt" t" ii. Kr-ini <.;<ird"u'{ - Valjrv cn'.'k juiu tn'ii uji« ;n<!% Jimvevrr, - j>w i"5 ll.iltfu. ;n»<i Uic nri-U I». '1 .* risrr. fnmi . T -fi !?i:i li> (I 1 I'lin :iljuv<- tin* riwr >ln.i:HU - r liiUiiemc li-ilif; tlie f'Kithl'.iizk m>;iv l!u> «<ml>|icl ">i" (lie '.toss i f;< I o t h'.* I'l'lkt I'aroTrt lirijgc..' ! tv< i 'ln - whi'lr Mil-fin - * - *if tlif (Icimlcd liCfU ia-twc*.-n • lie iilmvo JMCiitiuupd ]»lhw* llicic is I (11• - vvii'lcin c "f si.our, tlio cixek i.ihiualK'iiiiT Mniu>u> ;4inl lb', - , w.itcr c»in]iarutiv. ly <li:il|iiu - . .-i 11J sjiiC.iil _ nut, t.lll Cllln.l" lj:mk <if I lie ili.'inncl iivc'r :i "i'Jc <>xteu>uf yrouii"!.

" Hcturning to the liver., there is .t plaic 50 chains below that at ' present tin.■ait tied, wheie a! souk- time a similar attack on it >. bank would appear to' have been made ;ind protective works: built nil a lin ill seal--. which 1 a fteruntils. de

f 'ltc-i by .1 1 liangc'-in tlm course (if the " ' b.l^;:b,uii)il" does- not; .1 ppcar to l.nv b.;cn I>u- 'llie ."rtitnjutnl iig-. any tinfc Arlifcii' in tTtjoj, 1! i|:.\v" ilivcit io and inerll'iw in 'he dii.eiion-sbowii at the point I! <>n lli ■ |>!:iii. * ' - "• I

"liii Migge.-tcd j'lolOe'tion 'tip-rireani, alliioiigli 1 It-it ii.i I 110 doubl th< rcabou(s, wmi.'il not Iklji io guai d llii.'. but would latiicr. I tend to aggravate «lie lineal* ning evil by precipitating the cur- '■ n; in tlie dneciion of the weak spot. 'I li- ic is ampl widencc all along this 1 ver. a> in oilier,, < allying enmiuous <{ii.«ui 1i 1. «.| Mim ing -hingle, dial the pMiiljoii* oi tli-ir courses ale eoiiMtaijllv buying, ami e\en sh-jrp 'liivo. worn by refilling |Hm.|- in the em rent on ."otl banks may be abandoned 111 ,-.ubsi'H.eul flood-, ami new channels adopted clear away itom tlo m. "I lii.-» has I'ven the ca>e In many itiNtaiiee> fur miles above ami bi.low the locality now under conMdcialioii. aim whi le ihe lop of Ihe Hood tal»«Ci otr and <listr'l>ulcs over the aiijoming landL-. an it don ■ lieie. I'l oleet iv:- «011» collld. 110 doubl. be uiiiiei taken with advantage 10 >.iv, juj. ■ lit r rnciion ot tile banks ami 10.-.-' ••t land, Iml judging by the set of liio Ul'-ei-l. a. .11.-4 .| ta Ti • <'.\tellsiv« 1 hiiv- of !• vcl> taken. 1 would not "j-piel, „ I aiiy g|-:vc 11-K of ih . liver luu 'i• 1 > :l>, I';-. , ao imugli. iinle> s something i> done to prisviit it, it. n ill undoiibtcdiy continue to Hood over and the low lying lands io th> south.

riiggoled in a picvioiis icjnjlt, tlie whole of l he ovt-illow could be inUrceptcd Ii;. et.nsi 1 iicling a >i o p bank 2i chains back fitun 1 lie liver on Mr l-T*worlhy's land, at the po-iti.m A 011 the' plan, or. a. au a!tei nat ivc, t li,- depiessiou in |||,. i<>.o| i-Miild, allh<i'agh with less cfliciemv. '• lu.d- up with ih" 5..1111- object. V olll'llg JI.KV to t lie <|IR-tlcHI of tlie "'•"'ling of .M, i:iwo,i!u > l.ij to-::..! ..11111.- on mad.-, further ...i,-t, tin- ' "ill l l !»• w lndlv iclieved by a .liveisioo of Hoidoir... Valley Cieek, In culting tew 1 liamiil for it for chuilis on t,||.liii' tint d reil, whii-h would :t • in *• ► I lie nv<-r.

Srcijtm No. 2. A Mvtioii ..n ilu- hi i.tcli. .1 \... 2 Ho I.u- KP| . clh.h- i> MiJli.-icnt, f.ill 1.. ailuiv ~f tl.l> !■ 11.- «ill, „|„ )U | ( | \| r I.iw.filn .11 Idle 111 Ml'-ll ;> 1.1., I. 11 nil .VII Il,„*lin-, fum, i ;<>ni.iiiv \.i||,;y (,'ic-k ;ilid I,vrilii|)|>in- ..f til" l\irrni,i liver ;it>o\r. iv<>itl.| thus | f . « 'i! -'if fi-.m !.uii|> MI,;. - I, i'iu. .imi •illll.l-ir/ 1-V lilt; out i.| Inl ij \\ ;i V-* "" M'.mlii" 11..111.1 1,,. K f...,riv . '' I"', ■[. ll 11-ir u Jii.lly |.r. \. iili-if. v •iiictnl i. V |. ni'ic 1..U, II ~]• [ | j 11 •» ,!l " I'-tl.ti'lf- .-I. !..»v v.,11. V <K.k 11. ,•!- I lie M >..,1 -in (). «i|. Ii„I"':"! '• -ft . ~f 11...)..,:",,.\';-i:.v I uvk :.i:,! I "UT ;.v. i!l.,u .1-.. ii,.,.. "" : '' l ' (ItM-M'lls \ ,i!fcV ( jr. I. .1 !. .11., I .i Hilt.- ii|> -Ij.-.iiu Inii.t |ji ( . fiuiih- : 11> In," ill.! tin- !'.,><■,.|.i iiv . ■ "lit I 11 lift (■• I i i, j r; « .11: 1 .» "It. \ , ,| 1| tu- ! 1,. f i ..m . , ■ \|, ,, wii.i Si..!.'. i!i- mil - nun!. ! »! : I.<~l l>!l 1 ill' 1 '"-111 ill.lit It 1"- >.|.|rlivti. ll.iiiii- M.iii'-n. .-111(1. ,ilrlii.n,-ii ih 1,,.1, ;iii-1 In.i' i;I i in* (urk. >i;r imp h ..n 'lie kiiii*1. \< !. i!..- im. r\l - nnn-l. • 1.-a, ill- 1.. i!„ i- tl>* I. M'.lll'l 1., iiiiic i.j no 111.(lib.".,1 i.f tin- I'.iin-M Mink .im..-* !<• liir Mnii 1.. Si*111r n:ilni'. | 1 'lit. P.- ti:- Id*-. li.iii!>» I.; Mi lA.ui-" i.iii-!. ■ (ty Mi-s-iv 1-A.iii- ,<ii I Sett. -.' Cli p»:.ili!:>il,..l. nli «lul ;i«-1 •■"ih .iuiin,; ti;. llixi.l in , i'i:v tii-iiv.-r 1 r■ .in fuitiiT •:-ii. iit imicii! i. 'i 1:0 v !i;!.i.» ■ ■! tin- m< t.d !i«.in S-.tit'iiilii u S h---I I i i -1 - -11! • I!"... 1. : - ' th'- in..--., ir it. Muni : i - M(!U I Ii 1.1. 1 .11..1 M'.llll. St;.tint:. ii;-.. win.lK (i- if- :.. til.' I.wiil.iu H;. ;;iii'''-' irnn* -- tvk .m-l it" :;iiiuM:i- -.

(he channel of which is ten- limited in area and extremely tortuous throughout-.-

" sS«clion No. 6.—On Section >i». 3, fronting I hj«» propvrtie. isof Messrs J. .1. McKeown,. Mailer. Williams - and Moyle, tlr.' river again converges on the loud and the levels of the b-.-d and the surfaces o£ ; Jic abutting iam.'t> approximate moro closelv than elsewhere ic the case. "inaction Xo.'J2of Mr J. -J. McKeown t w a fall from the river (where there is no intervening bank) towards and on to Mr Mailtr's section No. I JI of oft Jin, and unless protective works are built across this opening, a. large volume of the river i' ill continue to pour through the depression in flood time, doing much injury to private land and scouring length of metalled road towards what is locally known as tho Dip (.reek Crossing. Ihe 'locality and course of this overflow are shown on the plan at the point C, arid are the most menacing to the Councils road work along the river. It was in consequence of this the Council some, years' ago gave assistance towards works undertaken by local settler* to divert tilt)> river awav from this side. '■ Further cast "at the Springbrook School, the river has completely destroyed the low-lying portion of the reserve, but the terrace is so high here as to ensure a solid protection to the road reserve against iiijuiy by attack from it in the immediate futureEstimate of ccfct. of building -.stop bank, at A (the point of ovtrfldw!. —Average measurements, 152 f- x 15ft- by oft. 366 c. yards at lo 6d, £27 9 s - ... E&timaic of 1 suggest ;d Gordon's \ ali-.y Crcek divcifcion.—Average <iiiiK-uision«. o0 x •1] x 6oft. 330 c. yards per chain. _tor a 0.4 chains, 10.032 yards at- lt> 6d, £752 cs ;• metalled ford* at, public ;fnd private crii>singa. £l2; total, £76'4 Bs. Estimate of protective work at McKfiiwii's and Mailer's liver bankis at t.6 chains iron rail fencing,2- 2 ions of rails at £5 ICfe. £l3 10s: driving pik*, six days at- £1 ICo, £9; wire, £3: wilions and plant. £10: bank rear of lencing, •'">2 chain!?, average 9ft x 4ft. 400 c. yard* at Is 6d. £30;" contingencies. £10: total. £75 lfe. A glance at Mr Bremner s plan and figures, marking levelr>. >hows where the river strikes into '.he bank above the overflow at Holme Station, the bank is sjft above the riverbed. Where the stream, turns from the terrace the - bed io about, 6ft abow the bank. A line of kvcl-> an right angles io the. l'iver at the homestead show* that the land is only between lit and sft above tlu; river-bed, and mar Gordon's Valley Creek, at.-the homestead fence, it- about 2ft below the river-bed level.

The .proposed new channel for Gordon"o Valley/ Creek taps the creek rtcar the homestead .and takes a straight course to the river, at an angle with the road and the line of the river. The fall assigned to the cut is 1 in 398, and the "material excavated its shown "<■> a broad and shallow embankment some way from the cut, the bank being made of easy rlopi\s, so shiit- it could be cultivated. A letter, signed by ,las. Bell. B. Evans, Tiler. Scott, H. ,). Evans. -las. Ulaefcmofe. C. Caldwell, ICupert Parry, ami T. Priest (for Joseph Bell). «» read, iitating tJiat they- as ratepayei* owning property on the banks of the. Pareoru, eonsMered that, there' was grave danger threatening their land, through the probable division of the river ojipc«sile. Mr Elwoi-lhy'w house, and prayed the Council to take steps to prevent thr danger. Tin: letter concluded : —"We cannot see our way to contribute (o\vardr> tin; cmi. as we have continually to .ipend money oil (he protcc iion of- our (roiitagcs."—The letter wau held over iviih the ivport.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13713, 1 October 1908, Page 2

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THE PAREORA RIVER. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13713, 1 October 1908, Page 2

THE PAREORA RIVER. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13713, 1 October 1908, Page 2