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Mr and Mrs. F- J, Boston, are returning from the Old Country m the

° P f ir " in aid of the Pairu,mor" '"owtag 8 " " * inabiWy '»(•"» ""J™ \jww& . a team together, ETSScb Timaru v, which to have been played at Oaniaiu, lu. Cricket Club will com mence practice to-iMrrow aftern«>on on IvlAtMetic Grounds. 'The Club w-u be' pleased to see all near and intending Bl^^ ll pply of milk now coming to the local dahy factory s 1 SSctory-mcre milk -*fng recervej now- xhan has ever been the case befojte at this time of the year. f Members of Jst- Mary's Young Men s Society ajw'VefiSmded ihat a snetmg wi beheld io-nighk in the society's room-s to" I 'consider matters in ™ the opening of the tennis court .for tlie Teachers are aj-ked to notice that the Institute meeting on Saturday •» , 11l b* held in the Glasgow, tea* rooms ar 11A5 a-m.—not : n the afternoon as heretofore At this meeting Mr Memres will deliver hi*t presidential address, postponed from last Meeting. Other interesting business will come before the meeting. The West- Coast has a long" list of items in. the" Public Works Esthetes, for the three cbtmties. Inangahua, Grey and WestbuxL Classified as far as they-' are tr-Three police Nations and ,£■ lock-up, £1650; telegraphs (£4OOO in Westport), £6470; hospitals, £9150f; harbour workft, £1425; roads and bridges-—ordinary, £9134 ; ' backblocks specials, £16,823; tobrist, roads, £lB,696; road* to open up Grown , £790; water-races/ £1500; total £65,638 At "the Magistrate's Court. Gerald'ne, v«wterday.. before. Mr C. A. Wray, *>.M-k. John Patterson. a . prohibited i>erson. was charged with having on 3rd, j T" ing the curxemv of a c prohibition order, 1 procured 'lsgwvr/ Accused, who was £<ii3cd<br Mr Famwv pleaded guilty, anil his after warning him that any fntnre lapse would b? severely dealt with inflicted a fine of 10» and costs 7s, in default oeven days' imprisonment. Judgment by default'was g»ren ;m the «a*? of E. H. Logan v. John Tait. claim £6 I7s-,Bd and eosts l2s. The petition .which . has been in circulation among members of Chalmers Church, ■ with a view to asking the Session to invite the Ber. R. Guthrie to return to Tiinarti after opending a year in America, is now-being held in abeyance until „the ! charge is preached vacant. liw. probably be done on Sunday next, but whether any farther action will b- "taken after that, is not known. A great many members of the congregation would like , to have Mr Guthrie back) but there is a feeling that it would be unfair to a«k hint to bind-himself down to, when-his prospects in America- might be very orach better than they could be here..

Ferro-concrete ha* been advocated aa a material l° r *b* rve!l Tonarn, on the ground that it will last no one know® how long without- repairs, except for accidents of "violence. That this i* incorrect, the experience of the Auckland Harbour Board shows. Their engineer reported last week on the need for breaking away , the concrete on a number of pile:* where oxidation of the steel rod* within showed on the outside. The engineer concluded that the rods were too mr the aurface. He recommended chipping off the rurted concrete, clearing the. steel, and filling op the, enfc made with fresh and rich concrete 13 to 1 mixture). .. A meeting of the GeraWine l.azanr Committee ww held on Monday evening, when there was a good attendance, and a rood deal of routine business »n connection with the btuaar was disposed ofAfter paying all accounts. 1 * ru \ that there would lie a net profit of £22 a. af which £SO will go to the *|iool funds, leaving £175 available for the hazaor, which with the Government biihsidy of £ for £ will give a substantial sum to work on. A committee was appointed to mak«* enquiries and report ait lie next meet's* as to the iwxt advisable means of 3Spoftine of the money, and wth i>ower to parchtu*e the old I "<t Ottue building should it be offered at auction in the meantime. The ordinarv monthly meeting of tw Winchester hchooi Committee wa*' held d September 28th. PresentMe.vsrsJWi&/(cbainnan). J. Boatou, T. Comply. A. McDonald, T. Lyons, J. Opie and H. Maddren. Th« heudmasUr reported a roll of 88 wkh an average for the qtwrter of 79.8. The inspector (Mr A. Bell M.A.) had visited the school that dayCorrespondent* was read from Mr 1. Dank*, stating that the windmill would b*> erected by tlw middle of October. Account* amounting to £4 0* od were passed. The *ecretary reported having paid in £l2 8s to the Education Hoard to get the Department subsidy. It wn.» decided that th« chairman have power t» let the school, it to be understood that appU&Uion* for use for moDeymaking purpose* be refu»ed. Tb© WiVbester -Morris Tube Club fin «h«i the arfwon with a match captain* train v. secretary's team on Monday evening. Tlie *oor»« were:—Geo. Taylor (captain) 32. W. ikon 32, J. PaUrwm 32, L. Young 34, J. South 34. A. McClintock 31, A. Taylor 29, B. Maddnen 30, T. Young 20, awrag# o«w man 00, total 305. J. Cripp* * secretary) 54, -l. Cliff 33. A. Cripp* 31. A- Wilson .?}. C. Op** 33. C. Haar 31, T. St on* 31. A. Opie 18. B. Steven 31, T. Gilium 51, total 304. The final lesnlr* for trophic competed for ur* —Mr 1). 'I nrighl s medal for best average—o«o. Taylor 32.8, J. Cripp* 32.7. A. Cripp* 32.6. «J. I lit! 32.4. J. I*. Kalaugher 52.6. {. South 32,08. A. Wilson 32.05. C. Opi- 31.89. 1.. Young 31.88. W. Scott 51.5. For highlit uggregst- ipru- presented ny Major J. A. Young?- Geo. Taylor 625. J. Cripp* 622. A. Cripps 621. Kor m* bull-eye* itrophy presented by Mr A. Opie)—Geo. Taylor 94, A. Cripj* 92. J. Cripp* 92. A *<<ial will be held on 8s li October, af which the priz*s will be jlrta to the rariotu winner*.

- r C.., Jonas, and ; Co. notify that they live teen appointed district agents for South Canterbury for the Australian Alliance Assurance Company. It is •; that the ' Government do not- intend to purchase the Hakaiammea estate, which was offered to them for close settlement purpose. The following is Captain Edwir.'s weather forecast up to 3 p.m. to-day: "Moderate to strong- easterly winds generally, with falling barometer." The annual sprinq flower show will be held in the Geraldine Parish Hall, tomorrow, and in the evening there will be Bome excellent tableaux. Mr W. H. Willkuns will open his political campaign in the Geraldine eh-ct orate, with an address at Temuka on Tmsday evening next at 8 o'clock. A Hereford Cattle Breeders' Association exists in the North Island. They have a credit balance of £471. and have decided to offer vaulable trophies at future Manawatu Shows for Hereford bullocks. Though it is considered certain that ihe Chinese crew on the Mortlake. now in port, have opium in their possession, the Customs officials are unable to find it. The Chinamen are very clever at concealing the drug. and iney are equally clever at evading any questions put to them on tlie subject-. "No snv-i\ no got," is the sum total of the information that can be got from them; the rest is "in committee." The United Ancient Order of Druids held their usual-fortnightly meeting last night. In the absence of the Arch Druid, 3ro. L. = Jonas, Y.A.D. Bro. W. Curie prWded over a good attendance of brothers. Correspondence having beeii read and disposed of, one candidate was initiated into the order, and three were pro-

|**sed for membership. A clearance was received from Kaiapoi, and was lield ovr-r till next meeting for acceptance. This being all the business the meeting terminated. <

The annual parade of entire hors=es -was beld at Temuka yesterday, in a paddock adjoining the saleyards. Though tne number of horses on parade was small," the quality was exceptionally good. The major portion of the entiy consisted of the same sires as were shown at Geraldine last week. There " was a good attendance, of farmers at yesterday's parade, and very favourable comments were made on horees which came under review. Among the Clydesdale® shown were Craigie Mains, Kng Edward, British King, and Lord Roberts. Some good trotters were exhibited, also one - thoroughbred. All the stallions were a credit tu the district. j The public^"office"of the National Bank has just been renovated by Mr Geo. Murdoch, and he has made a very good job of it. The walls, are painted a very pale green, with dark terra cotta dado. The coved ceiling has two moulded friezes, and. these have been very prettily picked out in a dark shade of green and red. The cedar fittings have been revarnished and polished, and altogether the room presents a very light and handsome appearance, and it- does credit to Mr Murdoch's taste as a decorator.

An important change in the ownership of business premises in the town has just taken . place, Mr G. T. Dawson, of Tapanui, Saving purchased the groctry ,* business so long and successfully carried on by Mr John King in Stafford Street, and Mr Dawson has hot only bought the business from Mr King, but. also the valuable site and building where it- is carried on. Mr Dawson has bad a long experience in the grocery trade; he is right up-to-date in his business methods, and, knowing Ihe requirements of the public so, well as lie,does, be. anticipates being able to still* further increase the extehsive trade done by his . predecessor. Alterations of an expensive character are to be made in the grocery emporium with a view to the convenience of customers, and displaying the stock to the best advantage. Mr Dawson has purchased the whole of Mr King's stock and the business will be carried on in all its branches on lines which the new proprietor hopes will earn for him an ever-extendinc circle of customers. No endeavour will be lacking on his part, or on the part of his large staff ! of assistants to meet- the support of the resident* of Timaru and surrounding districts.

The Harbours Amendment Bill, which pasxed its second reading ia the Legislative Council on Monday afternoon, rectifies definitions, the effect of which wis inadvertently altered by the Statute# Revision Commission. It also provides that pilotage exemption certificates, under section 68 of the principal Act, shall apply only to colonial trading and home (i.e., New Zealand) trade ships. Section 4 is in substitution for auction 75 of the principal Act, and provides that a shipowner or master, who holds a pilotage exemption certificate may obtain a pilotage rate* exemption certificate after entering the port, in respect of which the former certificate was issued, and Having on<- full rate of pilotage and at the inward rate payable on entry. Pilotage rate* are to be paid to the harbour board where there is one. and in otlß-r case* to the Collector of Customs. Section 5 empowers the Governor to grant occupation least* 'of land between high and low water mark belonging to tlu; Crown, and on which at high water spring tide* the depth of water is It*# than 5 feet. The period of such lea.«e mu*t not exceed 21 year*, and tin- lens<f may contain a provision authorising the lessee to reclaim the bind. Section 6 empower* any local authority to reclaim tidal lands with the permission of the Governor-in-Council. The last clause giv><» harbour boards power to coutrol harbour. traffic on regatta days. The Bill wan further nm.nded yesterday as reported in our parliamentary column thin morning. How taui'h (Jo yon care for vour head ? If it is worth mn« h to von. don't let it a<-he. Stejrn'x Cine relieve all kinds <>f l».-adachey quickly and without bad effects. ...

Sandals and shoc-ettes for the childten stockv.l in white, tan and b'«ck. Laced sho«" ette- and but ion r.hoe-ettes. ihe season's n«*w styles, at Souter"* Shoe Store. The shoo for sandals—all si/oi, in stock. .1. W. Sout«r. the live Ixvot dealer. ...

Anglers, ali>o t«-nnis, croquet and cricket players, will find at Culiinann'ti r.porw de|Mit the best selection of htgh grade niaand equipment for tl«- enjoyment of their outdoor pa*itim««. We advise an early inspection of our goods by those who tiesirr to possess the best eijuipment. All t<nn» and cro<iuei materials are newly made for this season by Slazenger and Son. New- stock latrst 19(ffi tennis balls..

Fiw Veults ago faiuielb referred to the "Laurence KeniJcdy-iiiliits * milking machine arv '* a " milking machine. 'I o-day it w "the" milking machine. It« sterling qualities have beconiv so well known, amt |, ban stcxxl the test of Utile so sal'-niac torily that for farmci* re«iuirttig the b <-t, an *i..K.<5." k» without .i uval. Hiin.ii>di< «.>! fnrm<-f* New Xn-.i:;iiui and Au.sii.i.ii have t«biitied t»» its splendid «otk. Not otilv arv tit# iows\ in 11) j« well as by hand. I»ut ihej* an- done <n tiaJf thr time, md with half tlf blu.ur. Full p..rt..-nlais from J. E. MacEwan and C»» , Ltd., sole agelilt., l)un«oin. . . .

"To what do you attribute yotir Pre eminent " asked the interviewer Uf Madam M«lba lately. " What ke, pn your voico so clear and pure, Th** tone so steady, firm, and sure. That charms the world f.o ereatlyT" " I kill a cold at once," said she, "With Woods' Grtat Peppermme Cure, yoa tee!"...

' Messrs Elworrhy Bros.' linnter, Wanganui, is to be a starter in the event at the Kurow races to-morrow. " An Ash burton bnsiness man who recently filed his schedule in bankruptcy, is paying his creditors a first and final dividend of 20s in the £. Mr. and Mrs. W. Grant, of Ellough-t-on Grange. Timaru, wlio have spent a long holiday at Home, left England on the return voyage, on September 26. The s.s. Athenic which left London on August 21st, booked the following passengers for Timaru:—Miss X. Clark, Mr. and Mr:-. G. Cox, Miss Cullman, Mr J. J. Ellis, and Mr and Mrs. B. Harris. A local land agent says that he could have sold four or fire farms during the past month if the owners who were desirous of selling would have given the sam-j terms as they were prepared to give 12 months ago. Mr W. Hay has made a satisfactory arrangement with Mefi-Ts Scott regarding the supply of electricity for his new building. and he is therefore having the lift replaced. Mr Robert Hay has made a similar arrangement regarding power for the lift in h;s building. Up to yesterday,morning Mr J; Granger had issued 39 fishing licenses in Timaru —3O to men, 7to boys, and 2to ladies. Up to the same day in 1907 the number of licenses issued was 57—30 to men, sto boys, and 2to ladies. It has been said that there is going to be a large increase in the number of fishermen for the coming season, but these figures do not bear out the prediction.

At the Magistrate's Court yesterday morning before. Messrs D. Stuart and M. White. .T.P.'s, R- Jameson was charged with drunkenness for the> second time. He pleaded guilty and in a way was proceeding to explain that his was by no means a bad case, when ; fined 10s, ]>eremptorily came from the Bench and nut his address short. " It's a bit sudden," the man remarked, and then hastened to add. " but I'll pay it all the same.'- * It , Wellington's new morning paper, l,tie Dominion," was first issued on Dominion Day, September 26th, 1907, and on Saturday celebrated its first anniversary- by issuing a special number, of 20 pages, for one pennr. Editorially the " Dominion" <=avs of itself: "The support, extended to it* from the outset exceeded the most., sanguine expectations, and the steady and rapid increase of circulation month by month has afforded convincing testimony of public approval, and has given added stimulus to the endeavours made to realise the highest expectations of the journal's numerous well-wishers.." A description of the premises and plant is given,, with engravings of the exterior of the building and some of th£ machinery, among the latter being a three-decker printing machine that runs through about 5£ miles of paper from the reels every morning. Opening of the Tennis Sermon. —We have just opened a large shipment of ladies' tennis boots and shoes, also gentlemen's tenns boots and. shoes. We guarantee to re-sole all tennii> boots and shoes, which we sell, ■whether they have rubber isoles or chrome, soles. Souter's Shoe Store—the , shop for sporting footwear. We do not sell fishhooks, tennis balls, etc. ; we devote all our energies to boots and jdioes. .1. W. Sonter, the Biifcy Boot .Shop. ...

For cycles (new or second-hand), phonographs, records, tennis racque'-s and balls, togetlier with repairs, it would pay yon to call on Grant Bros., Premier Cvd* Depot, Stafford street. ... Tront fishers and tennis players will please nc»u> 3klr Tasker, Hardy's agent for Timtu . -<is just landed a fine assortment of Hardy's fishing tackle, including rods, reels, lines, casts, flies, phantoms, vr.ader.s, gaffs j fly books, etc. Also a line of Slazenger s tennis racquets, including Dohertv, Special Demon, Demon,, Benshaw, etc. The new balls (19C8-09) will be here in about a fortnight. Eczema, burns, boile, scalds, cuts, or cricks cured qnickly with "Red Cross". ointment. 1b od''*eyeryr*hepe. - V--. . The superior quality and excellence of the pianos imports and sold by the Dresden Piano Co. Ltd. has just been demonstrated in the most emphatic manner. During the past official year 600 pianos were imported into Dunedin, and 500 of the.-e were sold by the Dresden. In other wordy the Dresden sold 500 pianos during the past financial Tear against UK) by two other concerns No other piano house can 6how such a record. The -i----maru branch of this unrivalled firm Las a magnificent stock of Lipps, Broad woods, Ronischs, Collard and other fir*tcla;« makers. 1 he*e four makes represent the best market® of the *orld. All the latest up-to-date music * kept in stock. Orders executed within <8 hmin...

Eczema, varicose «lc<rrs» all skin eruptions disappear after twing " Red Cross" O'ntment. Is 6d all chemists and grocers. ...

Mrs R. fladd, 307 North Christchurch, N.Z., write*: "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is a most valuable medicine. 1 sell a lot of it in my shop, and it is used in my bi>n»e. I have recommended it to several people and have never known it to fail. There is no qu<«tion but what it is the foremost cough medicine sold in this distribi." For asde evervwhero..

Skin troubles, chilblains, cracks and chaps relieved immediately with " Bed Cross" oinUn nt. Is 6d chemists and grocers... AUCTION NOTICES. Guimusci and LeCr«u, Ltd.. advert kid li*.- auction 6 at Pleasant Point on Monday next. on account of Mr John Acton, of a freehold piojk/rtv. comprising J acre. with dwelling-hoUM-, fhop, and .storeroom, in tlvc be*t busin-Mi s'-and in the r:t>ing township of Pleasant Point, and op|M*:ite the public library. Intending purtt-i and mvuitors .should niakt- an early induction, as tlk* ouih r mtt-iiils to "11«- property will be s«»ld ai tin- l'le:t,ant Point saleyards iiiilni'iiiat;*ly .tf'. r the Mock «d<-. SYNOPSIS OF NK\V ADVERTISEMENTS. tiuinness and l^Civn—loint i;tofk -sal«* on Monday: Studhobntr Friday. Natioirii Moilgagi- and Ag«*ncv C«>. — S-ll stmi horvtt. on Saturday. \\MW> atul Keinpthornc \ ery iin jioriant not*- for farutt-is. Jonas and Co.--Agents Aiintralian A 1 llaiuv AhSUnitHv- Co. Howkton and Son -SjKtrTow- and ( <>. agmtf Craig's lim«. A: lVni<te> ■» ontnu't piic«.\ >upply of riuoleunis.

.1. King and Co. and Oeorge 1. Daw son— i v • inponum clungmg hant'n. lieralduie «lt'itorat< Notn<- of ad-die-svf.s by Mr W. 11. William*. WadMvort h and C'o.- IV nt*lit> (roiu rash buying griKt-ritw. Educational I us* i: nt-. Meting oti Sai Uiday. Th-' M i-s. * Westroj.p Art ii'-« .Uework de|-i*. t ifr.ddint Spring tlow.-r »how lo inor

Hand garden p-nty Mtviing** .'>th and O h (Moh- r. Wed. rell f.iiiS'ly n.-UiLv !-• !i i-i> i.». f-r •ympiiliy. John lt-.ii. n-'.n i in.:,,. It*-i lt.ithi- !>i'd. F,ui\ie-a r.uVlt..inui-«lit! to ■inojii.iie\. n.i H r J,. \. !« < % .11 lity- ( . ;ij|. i 'lVlciris !--r e %M iin '•> 1. >• \j .ii\'< 1-• 111s. ' 'ill' M« ■! ev.-n-.ii^. t'ut: r, I't-ni-.ri War;:- v-ve. iuii.l W .nt- <iv— i';v. no! ic.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13713, 30 September 1908, Page 5

Word Count

TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13713, 30 September 1908, Page 5

TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13713, 30 September 1908, Page 5