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' f jf. , '«. p*r;J*re»' Aasocfou irift. _ I Jf - : • ! It* PnniiL'il' totf' itt 2.30. P-W. I aStTA*. BODIES .-AIS'D ; UAsJWORKS. I - Mr- Cairncrcgte. the At- '• 1 itifted"that, it Vas not in-' . » I 1 cotJiKfeteil Committe*. I K|&«tiufc A section 16; Was amended jglwrHy of.'*A to make" * ptoriding for. the mode of ein - «a<i-.'7 hdars jEwafcil |o -!jp*°VMle - jßipe fijting the ratetjfcl TiS&«tii*--rat ion ] State**- 1 i; -. V ' 'I RiH/ was if- \ p 3 phjk. Industrial CpocilitH&a uyl Arbinat &■,*'•{ A^nendrant- KB. from the House, i it jpead' a "firat tirao, and the second 4 dfrjcniior ta- iuorrow . ]|7- HEAV* TRAFFIC. 1 *his in inoving th* ii imt oT the Heavy Traffic Kill, t ijkiit Was introduced. in rrspoDce to ap- | IfeuTon* from focal bodies and petitioto Sfc^driwii-of >%vbiek6. . Ptowsiou was 2^L t from ckuaa£eby com-. jiaiafcshadbeehmade -by drivers of Tehi./were;, fctadrlff every; local l>ody ILeiVwhtts* rood* 1 they- travelled, r.nd lis* »as># heaw ,iax. driving* many lueu out gtftprwe at tf» '"' *!a»4* ' «wa-. •X not' a ,; n fl e lot-il 'body would.adopt ftfe V/« 'J> reading w«t : d 10, and f&iBl wan '*<& •.i&e > ■-*>» utiJtnral • hajSbSJB .l-JIX,. J Tf|j|||Harbour Amearttaent" B i!! w»- 4 reaa * tiue. and the tj.nncil adjourned •Y t ß&- >1 PASSED, t" Council rosruning at 8 o'clock,' Bill and Counties Bill were passed, - • Sll SECOND READING. • *. Act BiH was rt»e at r SJSO p.m. .-.' :*' VTATIV FS j 'Iaft<»> -ft* J Ord<u> 'Would . &•«* t»fWORKS DEBATK! if. On" the.- motion ,to go int« Committed 4f i«uPPh' oo ihj Public Works Hamate*, ,\l r .uWy.Mij that l K>rU,,r tbe Public Work, Statement r P l i.;r e h'r™-> V»° k «•«••- »»>«"" uM Cvi-aoiu and -^«iaunw»iu. f-'t in rtgard :o other I"";- %** tbc *ery iawil amount «n n»au> ftroportton .to tbtr tot,i L vo Jf" f,l C the North UOand trimk »vA ih* fcsJrfc^' «— ; iv rr *t£ ifaSture occumd in to o*dinaty roado, tourist: «" • rwuk, tb* V*» l vo,eil U , |iuliltk't<fc> nKWfc £193x51. What wa» 'h-•'•s-v p„. ,JSj' fcb&r;s. il <°: h £iT£™"£ K ,htaW. n|W»B; v illi tt'J* 14 . , 1,1fcroous** »P « ,th a STttijaUrin- e«ery thr- I ' ,, I t,.. wa ,, .hat" IVriiataeut had i>«' •'» whu «i- with the lu>£v voted Sinew th. htd Leu »wr tho cvntPd v> iu, «" 'SnoiftrM it had o«a>ed t.. be a .t vn.U.d 1 eudaiive atid had Usoint ,L< tbau *^V ttl Tt y d ~v tL l#cniß«ot *hoiild hj« rett «i. -"" ,|.-al U»l»**s giv«>o what the late I'remter :< d!*d "an a«*ui*4 fiwo*-'- »|N.*-.«k«K •**• %b- t«p»*fc<siiative o( a ba*k bl<« k» • ••♦• it iuwoft. be Wt %ttv*& that setti,-,:. 4n the lark bhxk» »• rc not wh»i thf* w<re entitled to.. " ?*! amounted to two and a hail ui'i email country." and we b- oieiwi Mr Rutherford tsuled .to. wL-»t Mt if ..w bad -0 complain »t An anaiv >■» fof the rftid# tote =ho*"l that "i ''••• ptal vote oi £600,000, Auckland had v.'-

.. ;■ 1 cured no k«s than £235.C00, while the, 1 Xorth Island had secured a large bulk j of .'ilk? local appropriation. t "Hie Hon. G. Fowlds '-aid that v hen , iin'iiih rs referred to the .-uins voted for the Auckland province, "they ought to bear* in "Uiitid that they w. iy dealing with, a province comprising a i|iiai:.M «>f the j area and a quarter of tii. i; .n <»f j New Zealand. Mr M;-. >ey > itu-i-tinn t that Parliament had »o*t uiivml <•! the . purse wan hardly born - out by iln* keen criticism of the Kstiniauu. hv.-u-l ev. iy year in the House, " 7 > ~ Ur|}|6rrksr said "that if, as Mr Fowld* bait |eelared," Auckland, was a quarter 6f the 1 whole Dominion, it ought to get a quarter of the total votes, but nothing; like that stun was appropriated for Auckland. He regretted to, see no money on ( the'"fertisSates for tlie tttilination of water i p»»Wer. With regard to tbe extra vote i of £250,000 for back block roads, it was i to ,b • observed that votes for other roads I ha. I been curtailed by something 4ik* £175,0d0, "ao . thait in reality, the extra ' vol . for roads this year waa only £27,- 1 (XX). Frequently not half the vote was spent on the roads, tbe rest going in. salaries and he objected to sdarics: and surveying. being in : eluded in* a road vote. This «•'« especially hard on. back blocks road, owing to the heavy travelling expenses. Mr James. Allen asked wliy the Government did not speud the sums allocated by Parliament. Wheu the House r* turned at 7.7,0 p.m., Mr Allen said that the only »>;».■ <>i two possible explanations f«»r th • n»n exjvuditur- tif v«>!.ii was ihat eithrr Parliament warf :h ke-1 i«» vote too tnii< hj, or ibi the miwlntsl!->»ion of tbi?_:l)e^rtirieu; ; had too mu<li. Referring to the e.\|»eiid!ltiiv. hsaid that it had iticn-as -d by ov-r two millions annually sinre 1891. This w, ■- lar«L*lv.. if .not eiititely. -on borrou«l nvm=y —i state «.f-things which -could tuti go on. It was tihaui'-lul dial. 110 per cent, of "the railways vote obould be on tlw Midland Rail way, which i hey had t» •take oVer "from Kugi*h speculators t while the* Otago Cential had apparently dropped out of existence. "The Premier twitted Mr Allen wi ; h anouudi'tv in hi»> speech. He had com plained- Of "uudtr-expenditure, and:" V« 1 |r<«m-the. lii of the Financial Stale ment V would tiud that tin? Government's average annual -expenditure ivn>: £23S,CtX) a" vear mote than the average > \peudi;ui«* of" the Sc-ddon Government. "Ihen Mr Allen complained of expenditure going up by leapt, and bounds, but overlooked thc iuervr,ivr of revenue. Referring to the Opposition criticism of extravagant expenditure on public building*, mem be it. uanally did m> except wi far as their own dtoirictK wer.- concerned, but with re-jx-ct to the latter they were »v.i knocking at the Treasury door. Sir J. G. Ward >ahl tLat the Opposition crilickun on the expenditure- on back-blockt> roads was unfair and misleading. The fact was the Government had clearly earmarks! a quart*-r of a million aiuiually fufr ilk- b:nk blocks' settlers, and when it was stated that with the amounts on the Supplementary Estimaub, £725,000 was l' rt> jM*ed to be expended on roads and bridges, he a*ked what more was » x pected of the lioveniui'-ur' Refeuiug i<> tourist .Sir J. G. Ward «>uid thai they Were- a I wavi» built with ,full regard to tlw rt-»|uii>rmeut6 of the *ettlets. A». regards the (>tago Central Railway. £1.270,?>06 liad already b«t.n spent on tlun. work and he to say that a great deal of railway development in all pattr. of th-- count iy would b,- rcniuii-d tor many years to come. As to th" borrowing policy of the Government, h--refused to tell the lloute how the Government wa«> raising money It would bwrong to do mo, but everything in < tiou wi'-h the loin operatii»u. was hh.m the Public Works jiolicy was pi<»nr i.sivr. and was developing the country in tlr- j Ixtit ioter>-«s of all contvrned. | Mr W Fraeer urged that public woik* j khottid b- cairietl out with mmr outvji, j capital. They wvre relying much -hi j their own capital. | I)r Chappie thought tltu the sturdy ; „l,j p;oiie<rs of the wiulh had a claim to public money over newcomer uf the north. Mr Mill.*, speaking in all probaliiliiy for the last tinni in the House. urge<l the completion of the main truuk line a* u statesmanlike jiohcy. Mr Hanan looked uj-on tin- whole debate a* a demand for iucrea»e<l borrowing and womkred where it was going to laud us. Mr Sidey adv«vated irrigation in Otago anil th- prosn-utioti of the Hiago Central liadw.iy. The Hon. Mr Hall Jones -ai'i that the tiovernue-nt had adopted a prudent | rf *l uy. It liad started u.. n.w railway* m tliis ntat- un lit, but wa» vigorously -luv iug t<» th-- i.iilways in ii:iti<l N<\t vear only ten itciu« would hmu » on the li«J a lid thi'ti the Government could consider what line* to pro., cute, wbcth-r the Otago C'-uttal <,r Auckl.m.l I!a«i Coast. He JU'-t-lti-'l the iJoVCtll ment't railway construe-t»oii j-olcy. .-n i -ji.! that in a lev, yai- the i.-|.n.,iu. : iv|<owrr- >'i the railuals lie • not ision* Th - Hon. Mr 'Hall done - .i.i - l cej»tiii|j tlfc* main tiunk lm-- ni-'ic in»!•-1" hj i If- II oJ*lrd li y li. 11l on I lie * »!.ivn kVmr.d 'than on i«ny other iin«Mr Flaiinan aid the paving jxunt on the Otagft t <.|itri*l m» ah. ad Mr Al»«on <aid that m-.te • vj. n.hf nre

«.»>. .\»llr.i f.>r in tnorth th.wi in ilif South Wlan-i, though ninny jin.r--i-.f ruhviv ivTr .iji- n ii, i !,c ii in thr- X.-.jth Mini: «ii'i int-rr tn-.r.fv wis prov;d<*i for ra.lwiv ccmiru'.-Sion

he .South Island than in the north. 4 v. Mr Gray said that the North IfelaiifV aenjbers were staggering beneath th& watr of votes granted them. He hoped; hat* the Sonth Island Main Trunk line rould get a heavier vote* next. year. Mr T. Mackenzie advocated the prosemtkm of small branch lines, heavy revs :iiue-producing. Mr Macpherr-on advocated at som:-' length the claim? of the Lawn-nee-Rox-burgh, and Outgo Central , railways. Mr Xgata congranilatc-d; Mr-;Farata on; the enormous vote ' allocated'.. to 'he: southern Maori district. Mr X b aia protested against the -mall aSltcaiion o. laonev l»r ilie tnirvtys of native lands which formed as important a matter of !x>licv as iiny t Jovei iiiii'i't h;«d lo sider. He hoped tli i' £50,000 , would be provided on the Supplementary Kstimate*. i , Mr Heke spoke at eonsiderab.e lengtn in the same sense. _ j The Hon. 'Mr .Carroll in replying, said that- the Government- had decided to make provision np to £50,000, to be obtained for.. surveys under the Loans to Bodies Act. Provision would be made on the Supplementary Estimates for the j eurvev of some block®. ■ (Left, sitting at 2 a.m.) . ' j

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13712, 29 September 1908, Page 6

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PARLIAMENTARY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13712, 29 September 1908, Page 6

PARLIAMENTARY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13712, 29 September 1908, Page 6