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The follow ing js Optftin Kdain"« «f„itfK'r fotvtutst fo 3 tontorr""':~-•'M»«i«<- t<> tTintng Koutltfrly winds tiott I) w.Hfj of Nfij>kr and W«itg«ntti: wcxScrly winds tln-mo houUi HiUti," A iih<e of 'ypljoid fewr w!*is tv|w>rt«sl to tho CouiH'il !;i>: niglM, tlw jmtk-nt br'ing a man who. it win uttrntiwl, had nuight th-- tiwaw m fhe of a dnuii .ii tin- i'xnlity wlier* lift hvoi. 'l'll-- m.tlt i* tir.w irt tiKAt Lim night's of ISIO ISonnigh t'itum-il a l'-H« r « «» re.**l front a l>u»c «ii» limii of rfASirtK «lt«r iut.=nt ion to in f««w «»?« hiMorv of Tisiwtu for the. |-a>l M ?*«*■ Th> Mayor -u»i Cotini-i|J.»rj< rettiaV Joral arte rprtJW} had a«it <«kca titl» matter up. A nwt'.-h li.vx l«yn omafiw! Itrlircen th« wr<wtlcr* !>• uf Cikanry, »it<l {', Hitur*. of Alhurj", i«>r £25 » f'hK, (.(«» • oil j!i Tunat-u on i!w 25th f)c to}K*r. I lit-y '<»•• '>• ■>* in ihrvo f.!yi«> ♦ t'mnlip{la.»«l, i-tti h r tl, h crt». Ami <"1i„r itntl rlh'H*', Thf«- !"<•!! Itn'f- ««- J-"-'-ycat*A ('.<ktlonn<n s>p'nf» fit 'lt»iaru f »h ;4o! ii fall. A H'iihoiv of Miiiirvthst r*-n>K*'-.}a v% r. |».r!<vi in Iwvi" jjlam sij Tsiisijii y-*'N;ii!-'ty itfu-tinwirt ahoiU it r.'i lwk It -ijiJk- io. tha!. X Mrtv fiUtil. «f I'f's .1* »loi»sJ »<W Work oik,>;.U- lict !io»jr*' t i»" Uack 'l»"i>r, 4ttd j ,<- -i m th« lioiiw, f «."n« «. tho ;iO«JW7 to MM wltAt,. it W#*, *•!«« A lIMII.. !I'.-.ii'.:! otM of one of thv fmiit an<l ntrsk«f«X H» r i» six.' fscc* k»«H:kc«l brr «l«>wtt .iti.i ir!' 1* r in -*» cttflu ion, Wif-n Sf-K Stou rc4 Miftirt-mly to l»« able to ntako- » of Ut« it jfo-rtaiiK'l th 4 £5 «•«* iii*.niuj{ l:om «. ! bunt. >j' dsMWcr-', H iiich it*4 !#«• f-.! !- L ( •! .

' The Waimate Brass Band turned out on Sunday afternoon, and played selecting in the Hospital grounds to tbe enjoyment- of patients and VBitois. The crew of Japanese and Chinamen on the" steamer Mortlake, now in port, are . paid the munificent sum of one shilling per day and found. This is double tha wage they receive in their native land. lie borough of Cambridge has carried a poll in' favour of a special loan of £3OOO for the purpose of erecting, furnishing, equipping and completing a town hall, municipal buildings, and public library in one building. is » proposal to make a new road running between the main Otipua road, and tbe Fairview road along the valley about; three quarters of a mil© west of Saltwater Creek., Such a road would be a great convenience to a good many pleMr Maurice''Williams, who has been in the employment of the Ashburton Drug Company fear about seven years, has severed. has connection with that firm for tbe purpose of opening up a business at Geraldine. Mr Williams, during his residence in Ashburton, has been an enthuio*tk angler, and has taken a keen interest in all out-door sport. . The Kia Toa Bowling Club's ground is expected to be ready for play by Thursday next, but the official opening will not take place until abont a fortnight. The club's membership is steadily increasing, and everything promises for a most successful season. The ground has been splendidly laid out, and it is a credit tq those who did the work. A, sitting of the Old" Age Pensions Court was held before Mr C. A. Wray, S.M., in Umaru yesterday, when two neir pensions were granted—one for £9 amd one for £22. Thirteen pensions were renewed —9 afc £26, 3at £24, and 1 at s£s. One application for a renewel was adjourned for further enquiry a& to income. , ■ The Waimate Agricultural and Pastoral .-Vsßociation met on Saturday afternoon. Two applications were received for she position of secretay, and Mr L. Glendinmng appointed. Captain Morgan (Ashburtoa) wrs appointed judge in the LloydLmd»y compedtion. The judging of the Jriving competition was left in the hands oi stewards

. Tht final Tpatrh of the intcr-club hockey competition; which, was played at Geraldine on Saturday, resulted in a win for Geraldine Aby one goal to nil. Thas win sectored the S.C. Championship for Geraldine, whose record for the season now stands as follows: —Matches played 6> won 5, lqpt 1. Temuka, Ttmaru, Geraldine B, Dominion and Wesley were the otter competitors, who stand in the order named. *

An 'inmate of Lyttelton gaol; a man named B- J. Cowks, was before the Court here yesterday morning on a charge of. wife desertion at Lawrence. Sub-in-spector Green said that as the accused was at present serving a sentence for another offence, he'thought it would be better if the present proceedings were allowed to stand in abeyance until the expiry of the sentence accused was now serving. - Accused agreed to this course, and-the Magistrate made an orderaccordiagly. .

The name "Aberdeen granite" has become too wide in its meaning to be de--Bariptiver there are now so many different varieties of granite coming from Aberdeen. , Sir 8. Mcßride has recently landed some bead-stones, from Scotland's granite, centre, .which indicate that a quarry has been opened up in a variety new in Che export market. It is of very fine grain, ebony black in colour, the polished surface ae dark as wet slate. It is also the hardest granite that Mr Meßride has had to work on.

-At the Magistrate's Court yesterday morning, before Mr C. A. Wray, S.M., two offenders for drunkenness were dealt * with. John McLaughlan, charged with barring been ■ drank ; * and 1 with' having broken a utensil in hi* cell, pleaded goilty : bat said "he would never do it again." As the accused had been locked up since Saturday, the Magistrate let him off with a fine of 5s and ordered him to pay'?s 6d for the broken cell utensil. Another man who was charged with drunkenness for the first time, and who had been bailed out and did not appear, was l|ned. 10s.

An Order in Council is gazetted authorising the Timarn Harbour Board to sell tbe 16 acres or thereabouts of land which they purchased from Mr Clissold for quarry purposes, and do not now- require. Tbe land is situated in Wai-iti Creek, on the further side of it where the quarry tramline crosses the creek, the stream being the boundary on one side. Tbe gale is to be made subject to the'right of the board to maintain and use the tramway through it so, long as may be necessary. It is also subject to » statutory provision which requires the land to be offered firyt, at a valuation, to the person from whom the Board purchased it. Politics are in the air just now, and there is much speculation going on an to who is to be the next representative for 'iimaru. There is afco much adveine comment on the way the member for Timarn is failing to take his constituents into his confidence by telling tbem definitely whether he does or does not intend to take the High CommissionertibipThis adverse comment i*> not by any meatus confined to supportcm of the Opposition, but come* from men who have In-vn staunch supporters of tbe (Jowrnment for atissy years, and who consider that they ure entitled to better treatment than tiny are receiving at the hands of the member for Timaru. The Directors of the Canterbury Farmen' Co-operative Association, held a special meeting in Timarn yesterday to deal with tenders for their new building. There were toil tenders, including some from both Christchnrch and Dunedin.

The director* accepted the tender of Mr P. D. Craaipton, a. local builder. The new building, which is to he of brick, two wtorey* on one frontage, and three on tho other, is to be completed within wven months of the date of .signing the contract. The amount of tin* sucve«<ful tender ba* not been disclosed. Mr Cramp-

ton is the contractor for tbe woodwork at, St. Mary's Church. Mr Joseph Sealy, representative of Crown tenants on tho Canterbury I«and Board wax wised hi* opinion by a ** Herald" reporter yesterday, concerning tho equity or otherwise of giving Judder* of runs in tlw Mackenzie Country, tinright of renewal at the crxt of tii' ir pic *ent le*»e*. without going to public com petition. Mr ise«ly said ho thought that •he lessees nhould be given tlx- right of renewal subject to revaluation. lie did not think that t!**«*• runs could Ih> ad vantageously subdivided —not at alt event*, to any material extent, and the dittstrou* snowstorm of laxt winter had, be thought mad* this clear. The chance* wvtv that if men with little capita! were put on to Ktnall blocks of eurh country th<y would pimply hwc their little .ill. He thought however, that the present k*u*m of 14 and 21 years might !*• our tailed; ten tenr* nhould bo the long*-*! period for which a leaw» should bo grain

ed. If thi* were to *nd an incmux? in th«* value of the runs c»nw* aliout fn>ni any twukw. the State would !*• able to g»i »om« benefit from it «ooner than wan powible under tho existing leaw*. I'ri T*t« property owner* very seldom gavo a Ic4um» extending over mor«? than tiv«« or •eTtn yearf. Mr f>caly aI«o mentions! that hj" thought the I.and Hoard *h'<nld not hold all it* meeting* in Chri-Mrlmrch. and b« *aid that it- *9* hi* intention t« endeavour to get the Board to hold at Jeiwt two sittingn In Timaru every rear. »o" that *Crown t«n*nt.<i would he ah!o to air any grievances they might have.

Entriesfor the Timaru horse parade close to-morrow.

After a very successful season Mr Lowiy wishes to state that lie will wind up his classes with a social in ihe Sophia Street this evening, and' invites all this season's pupils to attend it.

A concert and dance in aid of the Hazelburn School funds will be held in the schoolroom on Friday next, October 2nd. Tbe concert is being held earlier than was at first intended. A first-class programme will be given. The hockey fixtures for the season are now completed. At the conclusion of the round the Temuka and Geraldine A team tied, but in the play off, the Geraldine team were the victors by one goal to nil. Geraldine have played very consistently this season, scoring five wins and being beaten .once only. The total number of goals scored by Geraldine was '6b. and against 1. The winners of the competition . are to be complimented on their good performance.

Mr W. iXlurie, formerly manager in Timaru for the New Zealand Hardware Company, has spenfc a few days here in connection with the business of his linn. One line he induced the Borough Council to try, a deoderiser and disinfectant for use in street watering. This substance, a sort of soap which dissolves in the water, is in use, Mr Mnrie states, in the ptreet carts of Wellington and Dunedin, and in the latter city is also used as a germicide and deoderant in the sewers. Mr Mnrie also brought under the notice of Timaru architects the beauties of New South Wales marbles, of which be brought along some samples and beau'tifuly executed colour prints of others. That State appears to be extremely well supplied with plain and ornamental building stones, and polished marbles are coming

into common use „ for decorative purposes, in both exteriors and interiors. Most of the marblts are curiously variegated, pinks and browns being the most usual. One is chiefly black with narrow clear white streaks. One is wliiie, not pare white, bat the defect is less marked than in the common mortuary marblts. A meeting is to 5 be' held at 1 the Stone Stables on Friday evening, for the purpose of considering a. proposal to lorm a Trotting Club. The promoters say that the Club which existed here some years ago, was squeezed out of existence througL being at the wrong end of the

list when totalizator " permits" were issued. Now, however, » club can exist without a totalisator, through the legalising of the bookmaker. It is well-known that the S.C.J.C. would be glad to e>ee «-v Trotting Club established here, as they dislike including trots in their programmes, yet owing to the pressure of owners of trotting horses they have felt compelled to include then). An argument of gen-eral-interest is that the trotter that fails to reach. tie iigher standards of the track is still a useful buggy horse, and itis also said that the breeding of ti otters has been found to be quite a profitable industry jn Ashburton. As a consequence of this, no doubt, Ashburton is able to rim two trotting meetings of two , days each annually, with satisfactory result-?. As many more people own trotters-than racers, the promoters expect to have a well attended meeting on Friday, and that the proposal will be eagerly adopted. The annual meeting of the Winchester Tennis Club was held on Saturday evening. Mr R. Smith, senr., presided over a large attendance. The report and balance sheet were submitted by the hon. secretary (Miss Aimers). The report stated that tlie club had had a very successful season. The year Lad been one of heavy expense ; as besides donating £lO towards cost of new pavilion, the club bad purchased a lawn mower, a croquet set and a watering hose. To raise the necessary money three euchre parties had been held, resulting in a profit of £lO 10s 6d. Ordinary club subscriptions had yielded £5 10s and some of the members had given £4 15s extra. Through ill-health the hon. secretary (Miss DeRe nzy) had unfortunately to resign. Valuable work had been done by some members, particularly by the captain (Mr W. J. Moore). The balance-sheet showed receipts £23 Is 8d and expenditure £22 11* 6d. There was an account of 4s 6d yet unpaid. The report and balance-sheet were adopted on the motion of Mr Kalaugher, seconded by Mrs McCaskill. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to the retiring captain (Mr W. J. Moore) for the great amount of work he had done for the club in the past season. Olnccrs were elected as follows—President, . Mr R. Smith, senr.; vice-president, Mrs Me-

Caskill, Miss Opie, Messrs H. K. &mi!h and Wm. Harrison; captain. Mr J. P. Kalaugher; vice-captain. Miss Mabel Opie; hon. sec., Mis* Aimers; committee, Misses Hewson, B. Barrett, and L.

Ensor and Messrs J. Deßenzy, R. Smith, junr. and T." Harrison. The opening day was fixed for Saturday, 17th October, the lady members to provide afternoon tea.

It was decided to get the court* rolled at once, and a sub-committee was" appointed to make arrangements to have tligrass cot, and the courts marked rvgularly during the season.

After a long, exhausting illness, when health is slow about returning. Steam'* Wine is always found of great value. By gerftlv stimulating the appetite it aids nutrition and restores strength...

The cable news which arrived on Saturday morning shows the motoring world that the Darracq is the most reliable and one of the speediest motor cars in the universe. The Isle df Man race is organised by the Royal Automobile Club of England to test the car most suitable for ordinary touring purposes, and the car# used are ordinary sized stock car*, and not specially built for Tacing purposes. Certain dimensions were given for the size of the engine, and as these were 4 incites for the diameter of each cylinder, the ear had to be an 18 brake horse power. The second and third cars were Darracq* of the above size, and exactly similar to two cars jwt landed, one for a Timaru gentleman and the other for a Christchurch ladv. Tlie fin»t mentioned of

these two cars js now on view at our Timaru garage. The above result i» mo*t convincing that when it comes to ordinary stock car*, and not cat is *[h-ci»llv preparvd for lacing purpose*. tho I)arracq leads t lie world. Wo take this t»f»-

portunity of let t intr I It*"" motorist* of Timaru and surround mi; districts know that, i.v we nro aiiout to limvc into a new and larger garage, we have a f-»w f.«woud hand car* which w.> arc prepared in sell at ridiculously low figure-*. in ord-r to mike room for large fihipmcn'fs of ik-w pattern car*, which w® have arriving...

As an indication that Timaru ha* gone ahead.— It i* a known fact that Timaru ha* incn-.«v <1 in m/.c considerably dtiting the past frw yearr;, and no matN r whit Nimc jnropl- *,iv, tlf '.own wilt continue to increas-- amf |>ro«j»-r. It i-» jeatn Mr Sont«-r started in the retail Iwioti bsisnie** iii Timaru. As a commercial traveller he had an except ionat opportunity to urirt out llw' town* with tlw b M jx * ■ sibili'.i-n. .\* a ti.»v«-!W he at ail the important l"«te ;n N»-w Z-.ilind. .u;d aft«r tive years' wanderings through IkiiU mlatnls. hj" | >:« k- «i U|»«n Titnatu (» oj»-n a r»-tuil lxx»; busin-•**. Hi* f cUi tn-n proved a go"<{ on--, for although 1.-' hi*, only started thr»-«- jruK. hr wr-krd up i large b**tt bi*n>«-*»>, which i* •'•orid to none in Timaru. I'crf.iitcnt cP^—r* cll*!o|iKr«. and con*!ant T"|)T----;o keep a f« lcr(ti<n <>f t• —>ti* » "i" *l. ii"t to a Titiurii Mandard. but tl>.- i.g lv"l »l«*pots ill th«* four reti! r--.*. 1> i« - i r-r.<-cfy, Sout-.r'* »!)<»• j>("re re'l n.rp- p'ir rf - IM:r l:.. r C'- Tr'.t.i ag-.. That is* f.';.: -- .

The Education Board's Inspector, Mr A. Bell, M.A., paid his-annual visit 'to ihe Winchester school yesterday. The school is now closed for the usual holidays till October 19th. There is on view in Mr H. Goldthorpe'6 window a handsomely framed illuminated addre«s, which is to be presented to Mr Thomas Finch, late postmaster, Geraldine. Ibe testimonial, which is the work of Mr Wade, of Timaru. is a really excellent specimen of the illuminator's art and will be prcsenied to Mr Finch on Thursday afternoon.

The children attending the Cave public school jifuembled on the school grounds on Saturday morning to receive their Dominion medals and to salute the flag. Mr Roberts, chairman of the committee, addressed the children in a well-prepared hut simple worded speech. The medals were distributed, refreshments were handed round, and this succtiusful little function came to an end.

Last night an enthusiastic public meeting was held in St. Augustine's Hall, Waimate, the Mayor presiding, when Mr and Mrs Coltman, on the eve of their departure for Auckland, were presented with an address and album containing the subscribers' signatures and a purse of sovereigns. All the speakers agreed that the guests of the evening had been valuable citizens, and their places .would be hard to fill. Mr and Mrs Manchester mad* l th" presentation. The Waimate band played several selections veiy acceptably.

Le Cren's Terrace : must how be considered the test ground for the enthusiastic motor cyclist, who to find out what his motor can do on the hills. Our attention was caled to a very fine Ust of liill climbing bv an Imperial Tfiumpli motor cycle belonging to Mr A. S. Palmer, of Washdyke. The motor was 'lrivon bv the manager of Messrs Adam®, Ltd., wht> had a passenger on the carrier. The itootor /succeed in climbing up the hill with the driver and passenger whose coihbiiied weight is over 20 stone, without any assistance from the pedals. This j* claimed to be the finest performance that has ever been accomplished bv a motor cycle in Timaru. The local agents {Messrs Adams, Ltd.) claim that there is not a hill in South Canterbury that- the Imperial Triump will not climb, no matter how long or how steep...

Asked by a representative of an Auckland paper about the introduction of any new species of sport fish, Mr Ayson stated that there ws-s quite a number' of very fine sport fish, which might be acclima;ised with advantage. For snow-fed rivers in the south, that flow into a number of the mountain lakes, some of the moun-

tain trout obtained in the ' high Sierra Mountains of California should do remarkably well. For such lakes as Te A nan and Manapouri, and the rivers which flowed into these lakes from tin? southern Alps range, Mr Ayson recommended the importation of the land-locked salmon, or ounaniche (the fish's Indian name)",of North .America and Canada. . "This 'fish should do splendidly," he remarked, "because the natural conditions of these lakes are similar to its natural habitat in North America. The ounaniche is considered in Canada to be the finest sport fish they have. The name it gom under there is the "fighting ounaniche," and sportsmen claim that, inch for inch, the fish is gamer than any other."

' The Council of the Waimate branch of the Waitaki Acclimatisation Society met on Friday last. It was reported that the punts on the Waihao were ready for use, and that the hut had been removed to the south bank of the Pareora. The president referred to the "single river" license, and to the fact that the South Canterbury Society were likely to bring a test case against men who fished on the north sid« of the Pareora. The Waimate members regretted "that such action was likely to Ik* taken, and consider such action unfriendly and opposed to the interest of sport; a single . river license, at 10s is perfectly legalj lind entitles the holder to tish on ejther side of tlie river for which it is issued; and this Society is prepared" —morally and financially—to protect its license holdere, either on the Pareora or other rivers under its jurisdiction. The Society finds the single fiver licenses very popular, and strongly recommends the South Canterbury and other societies to adopt them, as in so doing t!i«y would be catering for the public generally, and not for the wealthy portion oi-'.v; revenue would increase, and there wbuiil Iv more legitimate sportsmen And fewer pnwehvrs." The South Canterbury Society's request fur Waimate to tihnte half cost of ranging on ih" Panoro river wgs declined, as Waiinate has its own system of rai.ging on the iiven< in its district, Mr W. J. Hardi»» was thanked for his yift of a pair of Mallard ducks for Knottingly Park. Two guinr.-fi were voted to the At glir.g Society for pii/.us at their coni[writion on Thnmlay next- Accounts lor £56 lis 7d wire parsed for payment, and :'ie nueting closed.

For cycles (new or second-hand), phonographs, records, tennis racquets and balls, together with repairs, it would pay you to call on Grant Bros., Premier Cycle Depot, Stafford Ktreet. ...

Trout fishvrs and tennis players will p!c:oe tiot*> Mr Tasker, Hardy's ageut for Tuna. ~lk j«st landed a tine aM>ortl.ient of Hardy's fishing tackle, including rods, nxls, lines, casts, flies, phantoms, wad rs, gulfs, tiv book*, etc. Also a line of Slazengt-r's tennis racquets, including Doberty, E.0.M., Special l)emon, Demon, Itftishuw, etc. The new balls (19C8-09) will be bore in about- a fortnight. . . . Eczema, burns, boils, scalds, cuts, or crack* cured quickly with "Red CriW ointment. Its 6d everywhere. .. .

The superior quality and excellence of the pianos imported and bold by the Dresden Piano Co. Ltd. has just been demonstrated in the most emptiatic manner. During the past official year 600 pianos were imported into Dunedin, aud 600 of the>e were sold by the Dresden. Ir oth'-r words the Dresden sold 500 pianos during the past year against \iio by two other concern*. No other piano house can hhow su< h a record. The 'imam brunch of this unrivalled firm Las a magnificent stock of Lipps, Broad wood*, Roniscbs, Collard and other fin-t class makers. 1 hese four makes represent the best markets of the world. At', the latest up-to-date niuMe * kept in •tot-k. Orders executed within hoorg...

Kczema. varicose ulcer*, all «kin erup lion* di*ap|»»ar after uMitg " Ked Croy*' O ntmeiil. Is 6d all chemiMfi and ero ceni. ...

Mm K. (i.nlil, 307 Mudiahyt., North I'liriMclitirch, N'.Z., writer: "Chamberlain's Cough Itemcdy in a most valuable medicine. 1 sell a lot of it in my *hop, ami it i.« used hi tuv home. I have recommended it to several people and have n-vcr known it to fail. There i* no question but what it in the foremost cougb medicine *«ld in thi* district." For *al« evarv wherm. .

Angler-, alfci I'-niii-', rro«|U»-l and cricket play«-i*. will find at t'ullm.uinV d< |»>! the licit •election el* high grad«- ma(•iiat» ,itid <<|iii|.inent f<-r the <>f tlwir outdoor pan'ini'-J«. We advi*<- an .-.U iv m»J"-cliiili of our goof}* by thn*>- who dcn r>- to th«! cjiiljutif lit. All t. nntf. and croquet nMt'-ria'f, arc new lv niadc for tin* .»ea»on bv Sla/engi r and Son. N'cw *io»k lat' IC'OH tenuis ball*..

To ulu! do you .lltrihtl!* vn-ar l'r« emmenc- " nA'd the intervi^uer (if Madam Melba lately. What ke.-j« vour voice so clear mid pure. I he tone »t«*.idy, firm, and mire. That charms the wotld ro grcaliyV 1 kill i ru.'d *! onf,' »a:d »he. W-.'h (»r< P-ppernrne ( tire.

An ex-Timaruvian, Mr Edgar .CoUins, is at present , a membter <jf. thft orchestra, of the " Humpty Dumpty" Company.

As evidence of the demand for seats at the performance of " Humpty Dumpty" last night, offers ranging as high as 10s a seat were made to persons who had secured seats in the circle. To mark the launching out of Messrs Parr and Dooglas, engineers, in a larger biisiness than was foimeriy carried on by Mi - W. Parr, the employees met together a few days ago, and, through Mr DunSmuir, mAda presentations to Messrs R. Parr and R. Douglas' and wished them every success in their newventure.

The tightness of money, of which so much is heard, does not appear to be reflected in the local Court returns to any great extent. Last year 544 civil cases were dealt with in Timaru, whiie for the past twelve months the total is 624. It is pointed out that although there is an increase of 80 cases for the past twelve months, • the population of the district is larger than it- was for ILr' previous twelve months. AUCTION NOTICE. The Canterbury Farmers' "Co-operative Association _ advertSsfe full particulars of an important clearing sale to be held at Messrs MdKenzite Brcs'. farm, Waibab Downs. On Tuesday next. As the farm k sold. every lot is for absolute sale, and the auctidiftSelfe can recommend the stock arid plant to anyone requiting same

SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. National Mortgage and Agency Company—Stock sale at Studholme on "Friday. Canterbury Farmers' Association—Sale of property on Saturday. Clearing sale at Waihao—By Canterbuy Farmers' Association, on October 6th. o'pallaghan and Co.—Sell furniture tomorrow.

Jonas and Co.—Sale of furniture on Thursday. Trotting Club—Meeting to form Friday evening. St. Mary's Young Men's Society— Weekly meeting this evening. I>. Mahoney—Farms ,nd ■ oilier- properUes. for safe. . J.; A. Kndwleb—Has lost- gelt'ing. re■uard.

M. A. Scott —Thanks f-jr assistance and sympathy. Kyle and Co.—New goods from Lordciu and Paris. Hazelburn—Grand 1 concert aid dunce Friday next. <J., E. Reid—Boots that wear, bi-st and cheapest. A 1 bury races—Nominations doe F p.ih. to-morrow. G. Watts—Tendens for or i-tion <,f residence.

Dairy Company—Notice re creaint rks and home separated cierfrn. _Gefaldine Presentation to Mr T. Finch on Thursday. Wuimate County Council—Price to be paid for birds. George T. Dawson—Ha6 purchased J. King and Co.'s grocery. Lipton's pure , Ceylon tea.®— C.FX'. A. agents. - Wotten and Co.—Want coat and tromser hands. P. and D. Duncan—Want travelling implement salesman. Miss CVowe, Geraldine Wants a general. . ,- Adams, Ltd.—Want bicycle, mechanic. Sophia, street Hall—Wind-up social tine evening. Ballantyne and Co.—Good taste in millinery and dresses. Houses for sale and to let—Apply to Guinness and LeCren. D.l.C.—Special offerings in blouses. Wanteds—Four notices.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13712, 29 September 1908, Page 4

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TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13712, 29 September 1908, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13712, 29 September 1908, Page 4