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The monthly meeting of the Timaru Harbour Board was held yesterday, l're:*:>t—Meters, J. Craigie (chairman), It. Skinner. R. Thew, C. Bowker, T. D. Young. C. X. -Orbell. J. Chisholm. F. H. U. W. Armitage, J. Manchester, C- H. Besley. . • Mr F- J. Rolleston's six months' leaving having expired, at his ■ rt-quest- by letter the .Board extended tlie leave by Lwo montlns. RATIXti VALUATIONS. Before the busTiiesti . wa*> taken, Mr Thew brought up the dispute that had arisen with the Mount Peel Road Board, lvgarding the valuations on which the Board's levies are calculated. The dispute referred to the amount to be de ducted from the gross valuations for ncinrat«able propertiftj.—The eecretan* stated that, he was in communication with Mr Clothier, Chief Valuer for Canterbury on Uie subject. A telegram was received during the meeting from Mr Clothier; but it did not, according to Mr Thew, give the rorreot amount of deductior.e>. Cormqnuulcnce ttid also taken place with regard to tho valuations of Tcmuka Road. Bo;ud and Geialdine, Borough. It was agrt-ed lo Kavc the 'matter in the hands of the i.ccrolarv. . CHAJRMA.VS- .^TATEMIiXT. The chairman otatvd that ihv leceipts for th- month had b< n £OC6 llr. lOd lor t>hqv.' dut>. and £502 2- 6<l wharf age. and £2492 8s Btl from rate. The ■-ICCOUIU& lo be |usjfd were £1517 9s Id. After payment of accounts there would b- a debit of £326 10, 2d. The AVainiati- County -had 'n»t. yet paid the whjch; if: paid Mould put the;account in credit. -

Information had been received that, H.M.S. Kneouiiter would visit. TLmaru in-xt' month, arriving on the 11th and remaining till the loth. The Standing Committee had considered the qutotion of entoitaining the captain and oflicens. aud recommended that the Board, should engage motor can. and tiakc' 'hern for a iuu round Geraldin- an.l Tmtiika, and luncheon be given them at TVmtika. COKKKSIM.LVNKXCK. Messrs I>. (". Turnhull aud Co., wrote re clause 37 of the bye law*, and the "day" /or icckoning ducr. . ' They under stood that the Hoard reckoned the "day." from midnight to midnight. This was unfair to a v,y««l ailiving at night, as -hf could not woik;,. hefoit.* midnight yet Mould hc'chVigcd "a .."day." Other etuics w, ie suggested '»n which a ves.*cl could-nut work tvitUiH a "ilny" s-lit would Ikchaiged for. They suggested that the day should coiirist of '{.X hour* ©tartttig ftom the lime tlie vessel came alongside the whaif, or failing that from 6 a.m. to 6 a.m. -h wa.» agj«.-ed to, intjmr*. what -> the rule in this r< gard at other ports. In teply to a suggestion in a letter to him. regarding the -.-. Waimate rubbing on the piles of the-wharf below water, Captain Cameron wrote thai a cork fen d»-r could not be un-,1 ..t the main wharf as, owing to the pile* l not .h-'ing vertical, a ct. ?el mooted at ill • would !*-• in •.oil-act with 'he p.lf" iiii-hi wa:ci, «hil*' :1k te was mom lot- a »ork kink-r to »wing tiev a', the sulfa../. A budget ot co!ie-pomi< lie- «.o ftotif Hon. W. Hall .I oik,., and Hon. .1. Austey. tei;:ii.iinu their action resjiccling the Local Auih' .<■ l-'iaii.-hiv bill t« • -*ll*l v b-fote i'alliamtlil. I*!k- Mill n.o ivjeeted l>y ihe I pper H"ii*\e. A v«.te of iva>'i >o Mr An-tey for oppoiition to tlk Hdl. and the iiu«-H**l hehad taken in tb« mattei.

I'onojKJiitlt IK*- w;<* it'.cl fii'in t»e> Hiurtci> :i»kinn !"i iiiiorui.r.ion, .mil ilii* h.m Ik.-I'u -nj>|>h« tl i>v ilie >eot< Mr F. \V M.iu-li.t'ii: ~pi'li'«i t«>< i««v. !■• »»—. she Un.ii'ir. r.-iiu-iil u-ter. m e<m mil ion mi'li 1 li%- Opiiii wink. ') be • in.m yiwii i~ luii-i-i'ut. iJ;i (" he p-i-'l (»i the ii.-- •>! ii AppifM'l. fr'.mke-. Mining ln-iii Adinir .ih\ H<>u«<. I)"VfiijM>|i. think-ii thr »ti if-.n_\ ii.i -. mm .1 • "J'v "' 'lie •'" lltl.ll ti'JHX.t .'till "lilt-l illilll 111 itHlll. .I.i'itll^ tin.u-h if ii.i-l !■!( tin- mil. he i mniim. <l :■» t.ike .ui inU-f.-*: ;n \e» Z«-il,ni<i. iii-i w.i- j>le.u»e«l !i> ii"'.- tli>- «-\i • iein ••> n( t-i'iiiiiiuci in thv- |*>i t • •! 1 1111,11 u HAf:i;i>t'i: m.\>ii:i: I !!•- h.i:11..11i Hi.l It !'|«ill'<l tlir lUUti "I S.'< -u .mi ~ii'i I.lie -..iil-lij; r-i-! \iij;ii»! iii ti'.illiir ii.Mi ln.cii tin. a'lMl -ilMMi'li -.;..- MI>HAI» H> S> KIM I ill- Iw-Ul lll.i-t' I l.'|"l>,''l ' .i?. if - » Kim «.i-« )• .tun- M...-1V 1. !s.i.; mi th* - -■ I i> ,i-ur 111! :-.. -.> .i'i".u .ml .fit 1 h<- ihnti ■" ->'-" '"■ 1 '-.j-n-t lit- nrr-i-;* llt.i' • : .i !-;-'• !f|...i'r.l i'|. !li-liij. It. \i.||.i t)i. 'U-I-i'.'" '-if >:. .niin .Hi.l iii...i4- '.i!-.n' .'■; h-\i: ii" 'i.iin.^---\.u. .1 • H. .is-1 ii"! K.ti'iJ-T fn»t iff n Jin •< <\ r> «j»i»i«:!iic t.r :ii,- iiit-ii.ij. ) \i;i\! 1.1: > i:i.Ctii:i \l! I' , \V I. 1.,:1r. f -:■!. U r -li.-1.. • : i.j..;:r.i on ;;.- £'•.;,; ii..-: :iir .j«.r:v {■!.,.;. V,.- •• .Un .'■-- -'■ :k' .= :! I'.Lkrn -liiu tin 'ii >' - '•'■-: ;i:-.-.. .-- ■■'••■

trucks packed and refastened. One locomotive had been running and tli6 other was being cot read% for' -Sori; Six trucks &f stone (91 tons) bad been brouglit down and tipped in the mole. The electric light on Moody Wharf had been used but was net yet taken over, a«r some additions and alterations would be done at once. .Dredge 550 had been working hi the new wharf berths, and outeidt when weather' was favourable. At the former place heavy boulders were met. with, but fair progress had been made considering the nature of the materia!. The Taniwba had been working at both wharves, and at the end of the old breakwater removing concrete blocks recently blasted there. Three level crossings had be'.-n yJut in the- -quarry line; and yarioue. small jobs attended to; The report was adopted and regarding the topping up of the mole it was agreed on the engineer's recommendation, to pay the tipper an extra Is a day—lis instead of ICoRAISING THE MOLE.

As requested the engineer submitted an estimate of the test of raising the Eastern Mole to the beams : —" The topmostbeams are 19 feet 3 inchts above H.W., and as 15 or 16 feet is ample for a breakwater, I have for the purpose of :hi6 tstimate, taken the height of the wall to the underside t>f the cross beams or 15 fert 6 inches above H.W.O.SIT. The staging would not be necessary for this work, as the wall would be constructed from a tram line carried along the top of the mole. The wall would need to bo carried up with large stone from 5 to 20-ton blocks. There is sufficient plane available for the purpose, and the probable • quantity '-.of stone requimi is 150.000 tons at an <jbUniated cost of £22,000."

Mr Young «xpr«ssed surprise at the 1 estimate. They had an eetimaie front Mr Bayned that it would ccet £BOOO tu raise- ti>« mole -3ft. Now tlu-y were told that ofl. more would ccut iJI4,OCO .extra. " ' ' • i The chairman and oUter nieiubeis-poiiit-jd t out that the- greater height would nee-d I a wider base; but Mr i'oung. did not, think it Mould. The ceijretary said, there was about £500,000 tono of Mone in the mole, and j a had cos:. £13d,000. •• . ( - Members agr-.-ed that they would not i face the-ccct, and Mr Thew added that ! it would bt> dii..tition6 to ■ carvy out the ' proposal. lh* report *«as " loeeired.*'. DREDGING. ,'Tbe dredge iiiaat<:i' re{K)rted that- the new wharf site had dredged to. 20ft at L.W.j.-and- work had been begun on tho space between the *it« aud Moody Wharf, to be cut to 50ft. There Avtt> a very hard, crusir and it had been ne- | cebsary to restart' further out to get under thift, ;ind they were now in line Vj\h tlw end of Moody-Wharf. They were taking a cut lOOttv wide, to about 6ft. from edge of new wharf eiti> as iiastructed.' "The ground is - exceedingly -rough, and tetrewu-with.heavy boulders : weighing from a ton to a ton and a half, which me'aii c\xces!-ive wear on the machintryi arid, needless to say, -our"- bucket lips 'are having a bad time. Oiir output siooe lant Board meeting » 25,000 totw—-7/000 from ! outside and 18,000 from iiteide. Iti con- ! cluhou, everything is workingy* a li»factor-' j ily, considering the rough ground. The average per dredging hour was 264.36 tons. The Tanrwha had lift-d 1260 tows, averaging 9.5 tons per hour.—Reportadopted. ; - The engineer made the following recommendation, which wars agreed to:—- i " D'»"' n g the next 12 months it is <istiinated that from 70 to 100 bucket links, at the rate of froth 6 U> 10 per month, will need boring and lebucdiing with man ganese steel bushes, and as this work is of a uniform-character. I beg to suggest that a bpecirka:ioii be pte'pare-d and that local quotations be übtaine'd for doing this work for a period of twelve months." rHOGKJb;y« OF TIM A UU. Mr Bowker drew attention to some tigurc.«txTracicd.lrom the Gazette, which iliowcd ul^.'l_it«ia_i - u . lor June liven £376,480, or £50,000• those of Dunediu and-, Oamaru put together. Mr Young remarked thai, it was not worth while comparing ijuarterly retunu?. Thcv .should wait lor a year's returns. VISIT TO THK Qt T ABKY. As some of the members had not seen the ijuarry, tlie, chainnan a*fced if any would like to run up, and bom* of -thent agreeing, arrangements were niadc for tire trip in the afternoon. The Board rose. at. 12.30

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13710, 26 September 1908, Page 7

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HARBOUR BOARD. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13710, 26 September 1908, Page 7

HARBOUR BOARD. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13710, 26 September 1908, Page 7