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*\fir Georee Serr, who is at preseofc on the:OmtlnmV is ,el P ect ® d tack m Thimru |a;D«»nber. ! v :. - - • -Tfie Zingaii Jtotiall a meetia* listrighfcwhea tbey to hold on Thursday next for dnb memboß ooly- : . The nice bouquets presented bv the Jiayoress and her dangbto Picket iridHon. Kathleen Plnnket on thear station> yesterday, were' supplied by Mr G. J- SealeyTn tK* Theatre Royal to-night the hoys of tl»e Maiist Brothers' School are giving what prcinises to be a.firatrdaes ent«rtammenL The programme is an, excellent one and the children have been well prepared. The following is Captain Edwin's weather tip to 3 . p.m* to-day ** Barometer rising everywhere. Strong southerly winds generally but s probably strong to gale with rain on the East Coast between Kaitoura. and Eaust Cape." Thefirst case in Gbristchurd* under the and . Lotteries Act Amendment AcC 1907* was heard yesterday, when John. Palmer, a bookmaker was charged under sectioH 25 of the Act, with havingbeen in Hereford street for the purpose of betting on September 17th- Accused was found guilty and fined £SO. . xt meeting of tbe Band Contest Carnom^ decided to the proposal afc. their next meeting.. card mateh t/iwn f^ r tbe'Hib#rnians"wa» pl»y»d in * tbe imr las^ 4 and again resulted » » tbe Hibernians by 13 games- After bpner badbeenhanded .round a .very ?OTablegafbeHng was brought to a close with » mnsical programme. _ n TnMdaT. decided ?tßat tney reduce thehospitaL The question cattlfland cveEsts' riding wasJlrtferred to "the Mayor and _ Cl«£ The Council could not anbscribe to tbe S'&JS is/to be made f for motive power,. L qKShi street. Tbe town, clerk was to undertake private woj. JfwWater Committee's report was adopt£47 I6s 6d passed for.fpagfinent. - - .', " . AScaee of more thaa ordinary interest! ■*«» "iMnnoMz. fflniff"*** and carriers- ingenW. M. Xisbet succeas{nlly.sued. tbe Union Steamship Compay for lamage to goods earned by tbe s.*. Cox&ha from Dunedinto company, has always refused, to acknowledge, such claims. Ibe Pontiff, who- succeeded' in. reversing this order of things yesterday, brought the case m the ordinary way on his own account, but it had been amnged that if he Jost. tie ca«er the 'Emarn plumbers worild join inn -in taking the case to the Appeal Cooxb . • •: ■ . , „ , ' a good sfiowing of at tbe annual stallion parade at Geraldine •resUrdajV «me .particularly good speciinenE& being exhibited under the marshalsbipof Mr Mundell, tbe total number beinr 11- Following are the names of tho» «ihibitea :—MI A. Toomey's Kmg Edward, T.. Logan's_Craigie_Mains, HBritish King, Heney's Pruice AlexW: KeenV King of Quality G. HalFs Scottish Cbief, and Colm McKen-xieV-McNab (ClydesdalesJ; A. W eav« c Conspirer and W. Keen's Claymore UhoroujAbreds<; G. A. McDonald s Koko (polo.; pony),; and E- Majors Reaper (trotter). ' „ , tM Hobatt "Mercury" of September l2th contains the following paragraph:— - £ a New Zealand; architect, on . Thursdav, who was greatly impressed witW the architecture of Hobart, remarked the 'Mayor (Alderman Freeman) yesterday-, "The was Mr J. S. TornbnU, of Timartu He thought the style of architecture of our later building was of great credit to our architects, and the eommnnity genfcrally. He was delisted with the National Mutual Life boiMii|ig«,-with tbe derign of the Y..M t. A, with Brownells* store, and many othwi. He said be had not neen imy better clasa of "brickwork than that which he' lad seen here. Mr Tnrnbnll told tw that-he had a.Tasmanian by adoption, though an Englishmen by birth in hw office at Timaru (Mr K. B. Gooding), whoai he had left in charge of his whole business during the six weeks lie will be awajr.!*' ' A'good deal of discussion took pt*ce at the meeting of the Band Conte«t Committee last' night concerning the action of the Marine Band in practising on tbe Caledonian Growpds, wheie the quickstep Is to be held. Mr Hunlley thought iliat no band should be allowed to pracuce there, as if allowed it would give to suspicions even though they might not be well founded. Mr Battercby, major of tbe Marine Band, said he would admit baring taken. his land to t!u- C.iKiloni.ui Ground on Sunday mornings for puitiie, but it was only l«canse he was nnal>le to get anv other groun«ls; rcoreover. he ** bad not been on the> part of the ground where the qokki*fep would he held, ami had gained no advantage by going there. Captain Foden said th*t as a committee tber had no control over ihv Caledonian Grntmds, and could not prevent any band from going there. There was no un«s who would know tbe track of tbe quickstep until tbe morning of the day on | which it was to take place,. No one had a«ked him as supervisor, and lie had told no one. It was impowuhle for the Marine Band or any other band to know the actual *cene of tbe contest. As a mutter of tnet tbe contest would take place on the port of tbe ground where There were at present football goal-j>osts, and for th» reason no band could p«»ssiblv have practised on actual quickstep ground. It wajr tkcMed that in order to xetnove all suspicion the Marine and Pipe Bands be recommended not to again practice on the Caledonian Ground.*. The chairman said it was evident "that no " harm whatever had been done m» far. Messm Hole and Hurdley were appointed to wait on the directors of the Athletic Ground* with a- view to >ecuring these grounds for Sunday morning practices for the Bands. . Anglers, also tennis, croquet and cricket players, will find at CulUnaun* tqwrtft depot the best selection of high-grade ma-t-rtak and equipment f« r the . njurment of their outdo«>r imtimex We advice an early inspection of onr goo>ls by those wljo desire to poss«*» the best equipment. Ail t«nn» and onxiuet material are newly made for ibi* season by Slaiengcr and Son. New,stock latest 1908 tennis balls.. If you are in need of a cheap bicycle go to Grant Bros., as Saturday the 19' h is tbe finish up of their sale of U.S..Vs. from £lO to £l2 10s. Phonographs and xecoftVt kept in stock, with new tennis material to arrive during tbe week. Grant Bros., C'hristchnrch and Timarn...

"To what do yno att-ribnt* your I't* emineiJo» " aiked the intti vi<*wer Of Madam Mclba lately. •' What kc*ps y»«r voice so clear and par®, Tho tone so »t«ady, firm, and * nre \. That charms the world r,o greatly!'* "I kill a cold at once,' *aid she, "With Wood** Great Prppermine Cure, yon »<*!"...

'- 1 /Tie total cosfc* to* the • Dominion of . the farmers and farm labourers'' dispute, opto September 15th, 1908, was £B6B 17s Id. -V A . start was -made yesterdayby - the contractors for the No.. 2 .drainage contrait with" the ' work of. opening up • the trench. in the gully which forms the northern" boundary of the scheme - at Maori Hill. In response to numerous requests Dean Fitchett has agreed to give another lecture in Timaru early next year. The subject will be '"The Peninsular War" and itis said to be- the. Dean's most popular lecture.

The total' amounts paid to members of tbe Canterbury Conciliation Board during three years ending. March 31st, 1908, we're as follows:—J. it. Triggs £lO, G. B. Chick £ll 12s, F. J. Bidmeade £6 18s, H. Broadhead £67 15s 6d. H. R. Rushbridge £92 15s, T. J. Mcßride £3 3s, G. R. Whiting. £B6 8s 6d, W. Minson £95 5s Id, G. Sbeat £79 3a Id. A ? great - improvement has lately been made in the main north road between the top of Melville Hill, and Beverley Gully: The'road has been remade, along this length and it should be a good many years before it will require anything more doing to it. The footpath recently made on the side of the road next to the railway in this locality has just been further improved by the laying down of a concrete kerb along the edge of it. Tbe "Weekly Press" of yesterday contain half a dozen meet- instructive photographs of the great July snow. The scene Ls Eollesby Station near Burkes and the photographer, Miss G. Hayter. Throe of the views show the state of. the enow about the homestead, three, four, and six weeks after the fall, arid tins! indicate the downess of the thaw very well. The Waiinate ploughing match funushed a page and a half of snapshots and group pic-, tnres.. «"i- - . . -

It; may not be generally known that clerks receiving - not more than £2OO a vear, must be paid for overtime at the rate;of time and a half, and in no case must less than ninepehce per hour be paid for such overtime. Clerks employed in shipping offices are exempt from/this provision of tbe Act, and Inspector Kiddie says that nearly, all, the overtime worked by clerks in Timaru is done in shipping offices. Last year 36,837 hours of overtime were worked in factories in tbe Timara district.

Last night the Royal Pictures drewanother good'house, to the .Theatre Royal, and the pictures proved to be very well worth seeing.: The: first . film was a notable one, " a -pictorial record of a flight of Wright Bros.' air-ship, "June Bug," a .most interesting set. A film just received and shown for:the first time, illustrated rha. visit' of. President FaDieres *to the Franco-British Exhibition in London. The President was well men many times, and in one incident pictured the audience, applauded a-good ■ moving portrait of King EdSward. Tbe Stadium sporte, in running, high diving and water polo, -supplied'an interesting film, not least interesting because of the vast crowds seen on the stands. A series of pictures from the Tyrol included tbe finest torrential river scenes ever shown here. They were '"as good as real." Nearly a score of excellent items were put through, some of, the merry ones remarkably clever. The company provided a very good orchestra, and their music helped oat tbe entertainment to. a . valuable de-

gree. The company go next, to Oamaru, and return presently, with a stock of new films. Tbe "Merry Widow's Waltz" repeated last night is so popular that it will probably be kept as a stock item. A meeting, of the Band Contest Committee was held in the Borough Council Chambers last evening, Mr J. Hole presiding. There was a very good attendance, and the" meeting was an enthusiastic one. An apology for absence was 1 received from the Mayor. , The hon. treasurer (Mr J. E. Hurdley) reported that he had opened an account- at the bank, and had paid £lO to O'Leary arid Horton on aecouflt of the/sedate. The jsecfetary had 3 sum'of £4 4d in hand for incidentals. In reply to a question, the secretary (Mr Hugo Gorlitz) said that all the nomination" fees bad not yet been paid. A letter was read from J. Ballantyne and, Co., stating that the balance of the badges tbey were giving were nowready. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to the firm* named. A letter was read from Mrs C. E. Thomas, stating iK.ii B Jie would be unable to,assist at the garden party, and forwarding £3 3s. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to Mrs Thomas. The Timaru Marine Band wrote that tbey would have pleasure in ousting the committee by meeting the visiting bands at the station and playing them to their respective hotels. 3Lr Kingston reported that he had interviewed the proprietor of the theatre, and had ascertained that the theatre could lie obtained for use on the three days of the 1 contest for £lB. A good many details were arranged in regard to seating, and rooms in which the visitirig bands could practise. ' Three tenders were received for the right to cater "on the Caledonian grounds on the day of the quickstep, and that of Mr J. Shewan for providing afternoon tea at £3 5s wa» accepted, aud that of Mrs Wotten for the right to sell fruit and, sweets at £i S». Mr liattersby suggested that a massed kinds march should be sent out to the different bands, and tbe committee approved of this for the garden party, tlie march selected being " Indepeudentia."

Unlike other beadaelK- medicines, Stearn s headache cure does not cause that stupid, druggy feeling. It always cure* headaches, and is as relrefhing as a good night's sh*'p. . . . As an indication that Timaru h:ifs gone ahead.—lt is a known fact that Timaru has increased in size considerably during tlie pa>t few yeam, and no matter what some |Kople say, the ii.wn will continue to increase and prosper. It i* three yeans since Mr Sotiter started in the retail boot btisiness in 'llijiafu. As a commercial traveller he had an exceptional opportunity to sort out. tlie towns with the best- p«isibilitifti. As a traveller he calletl at all the important towns in New Zealand, and aftvr five years' wanderings through both islands, lie picked upon Tiniarn to open a retail boot business. Hi* selection proved a good one, for although lie lias only started three years, be has worked up a large boot basinets, which is -necond tn none in Timaru. I'erament efforts to pk-a«v customers, and constant endeavours to keep a selection of footwear equal, not to a Timaru standard, but the leading boot, depots in the four centrt-.*, has earned suco»w. Souter'»» shoe store sell three pair «f boots to-day to one pair three yeam i ago. That is micros. ... Tront fisher* and tennis play-rs will please Mr Tasker, Hardy's agent for Tinin. . just Lmdtxl a fine a*mrtlueiTt of Hardy's fishing tackle, including rods reels, lines, casts, llifs, phantoms, « gaffs, tly books, etc. Alm» a lineof Slazi»nc«r's tennis rai-quetrj, including I)oh»-rty, E.G. M.. Sjiecial IVtnon. Demon, I{««nshau-. ete. The new bills (1908 09) will be bciv in about, a fortnight. ...

The iuperi<>r quality and excellence of the piaa<»* imported and nold by the Rrwdm I'uuo Co. Ltd. bos just, be«-u demon•t rated in the nwwt emphatic manner. Daring the po*t official year 600 piano* veto imported into Duncdin, and 600 of these wcn» told by the I)r»«de»- In other word# the Dnwlen *«»ld 500 pianos during the past financial year against bv two other concern*. No otbr piano bou»e ean show mirh a nvord. The ! imaru branch of this unrivalled firm J»a* a magnificent stock of Lipp*. Hroad wood*, Ronjschs, Collard and other cla» makers. The** four make* r-pre* f*nt tb* best market* of the world. All tlw» latest up-to-date mu«ie *5 kept in itnck. Order* executed within <8 b00n...

The ' Tim am Rifles* Cinderella dance party last night the Drill Hall floor "rather too large, there. were so. many other ottractions. About, fifty couples, however,. enjoyed themselves' very nicely on the good floor, to music supplied by Mrs Hurdley.

Although Timaru was brimming over with loyalty to Her Excellency, 1 Lady Plunket, yesterday, as .indicated by the number of flags flying, it was remarked upon as strange that- at the place where the chief ceremony of the day t-ook place, namely, the hospital, there was no sign of bunting. . On Monday nigbfc the members of the Winchester Morris Tube Club fired for Mr J. P. Kalaugher's trophy (for non-winners during ihe season). It was won by .Willie Scott (scr) 34, and the next highest were:—J. Paterson (scr) 32, T. Gillum (2) 32, L. Young (6cr) 32, and C. Opie (scr) 30. Next Monday, the last night of the season, tfce match, Captain's team v.'. Secretary's "team j will be fired. A special attraction on Dominion Day will be the Spring Flower Show, which is held annually in aid of the Melanesian Mission. There should be large entries by local growers, and amongst .exhibits from. outside the district Mrs R -H. Rhodes bas signified ber intention of sending- a special stand of narcissi for /exhibition only. The classes for-cookery arid botany for children of the primary schools are attracting much attention, and keen competition is anticipated. Thj show, will be held in the Assembly Robpis atnj entries are to ba in the hands ii>f tbe*bon. secretary by 8 p.m.' to-morrow. "' "

As advertised in this issue, Messrs.Kernohan, McCahon and C 0.,. Ltd., North street, have been appointed agents in Xew Zealand for that well-known firm, Alisj. Dickson 'and Sons,- Ltd., of Belfast, Ire"lan<l, whose giant .flowered sweet .peas have gained world-wide renown.. Seeds sown in October or November- will give a glorious bloom ; during the summer* and be iri-lfull:perfection 'for tbe March Show. These sweet pea seeds have been carefully selected from raisers, who have been in constant toucb with the National Sweet Pea Society, where under tbe efficient' care of Mr Chas. Foster, Reading College, about 350 rows of sweet peas are annually grown, showing forth the various sizes, shapes and colours of a vastly .-popular flower. ' , , .When Mr Alex. Scdtj, was ,in New South Wales recently be * was informed that. a cufe for.anthrax bad been discovered and wa.h being successfully.tbat farmeis over tliere no longer feared this stock disease.; An anthrax .vaccine had been found, which was approved of and used by the Governments of New South Wales, and New Caledonia. By the pse of . this, one inoculation would "give protection, and over twelve' million sheep and cattle had been successfully.;... treated with it. The firnl which treats stock? of this procege, issues certificates approved of by tje Stock DeparfibAt 'of Victoria, to owners ; of,stock'vaccinated by them New_ §|nthj Wales,- which act as port such stock; to cross, tbe ' border, in^o-.Yictonaj or into New Caledonia, dnr; in^/Übe apttoax, season. • Such. «jertjficat«s ri'main. operupve foi- twelve months from date of ' The tw^^-rfiistr.-annual. meeting of the Temuka Caledonian Society was held last night. A considerable; increase in the membership bas taken place, and much greater interest in the Society's welfare, bas beW manifested than hitherto. The receipts on Boxing Day were £l6B Is 3d, sale of privileges £47 10s, nominations £42 Is (id, and subscriptions £4B 10s, all showing an increase. Two Inglesiden and, a bail were held and were highly successful. Reference was made to the departure of ilessis Johnston and Rogers,' two energetic members of tbe directorate. The sum of £l9 5s was expended as half ccst of a dressing and ■ trainings shed on the Park ground*. The Society's position- is a sound one, and 'the amount to £IBO 12s 9d, with no liabilities. Jlie Directors placed on record their 'appreciation of the good work done by tfie'judges and all who assisted to make Reportssuch ji success on Boxing Day. - - ; The usual monthly: meeting of the Temuka Technical Association wag held on Tuesday night. - Mr Miles, "for* the visiting committee, submitted a report ..of the work done in all the classes which was considered highly . satisfactory. It was decided that certificates of proficiency be issued to those students who bad completed a two years' course of intitniction and subject to their passing the prescribed examination. A deputation consisting of Messrs Mclnnes and Wat-son waited upon the Board in reference to fiooth and Mac Donald's account ' for" shifting the Windmill. Several members spoke with emphasis of tlie charges- running on to £43, when at> the time the firm's representative stated in his offer that it would not exceed £l2 15s. After a long discussion it was decided that Mr D. Mclnnes proceed to Chrktchurch and place the state of affairs before the firm and ask for a substantial reduction in the account. Several of the instructors recommended an exhibition of the work done during the year by the various classes, and it. was eventually agreed that a display be held in the Drill Hall about the end of November, the matter to lie left in the hands of the chairman and Mr MeLeod. Eczema, varicose ulcers, all skin eruptions disappear after using " Red Cross" Ointment. ls 6d all chemists and grooem. ...

The triumph of the P. D. Corset is easily understood. Great surgeon# and specialists commend, th© P. D. Injury caused by tbt old-fashioned corset, but the P. D. confers benefit. It support* and ennobles the figure and gives strength and stimulus. Demand tb* P. D-> And jet Any wore relieved and cured by "Red Cross" ointmritu Cures burns ami scalds at once. Is 6d chemists and grocers. ... Always keep a box of " Red Cross" Ointment in the house. Burn®, scalds, and all skin troubles instantly relieved by the Mighty Healer... Keep "Bed Cross** Ointment on hand. Cures pimples, bkin eruptions, 6ores, and •caids. Is 6d all dealer*. ... "Red Cross" Ointment —Dutton's Mighty Healer—cures all sores, old or recent. Is 6d all dealers. ... X<> cars have won greater renown in *pivd contests, hill-climbing competition*, and tests of reliability, than the Darracqs and De Dions. They now occupy a Huprvmo position, and are jvcognit>ed tho world over :ik tlt exponents of all* that is latest and best in motor engineering. 11 you require a that* you can abso-luu-ly dejH-nd upon, in any and all finergenckft, for all and any clatw of w<>rk, town work, country work, touring or racing—a car which," in design, material, and constructiotio, lias «-miTg«-d triumphant, where otlfrx have failed. fr»n» Uk* tots that human ingenuity can d«v v*»e —)<-t that car a J):irraci|. Arrange for a trial run and d«-cide for yours«-lf as to th«- nvrits of tic- far-fund l>e Dion. Mnc of the many advantages *.vur>'d by Darracq or D«« f)ion owikts in the facility for economical. tfiici«;ut. and <*xi>clit jvpairn at our new garag»\ in the Old Hank building*. where a <ar can b- tnadv • ijual to tun-, no matt» r h<»w badly damaged. . llurn* their f.tinn iinm«Miat» - ly 4 !U->1 Cn«h" c.!iit«i«-lit. is applied. K>-p it "li hand. 1* 6d rvcrvwhi-rc. . . .

Mm It, Gadd, 307 Madras M ; . North f'hri.xtchurch. NZ . writer*: ' ( hambtrlain's O-Uiih Remedy i» a most valuable medicine. 1 *<-11 a l"t of it in my *bop, and it i* n»cd in my lionK-. I have recommended it to twral people and have n- vcr known it to fail. There i» no qu<-ft-tir.n hut what it i* tho foremost cough medicine tmld in tbi» district." For aale everywhere...

The annual meeting of < the Waimate Cricket Club was: very poorly attended, and the;bnsraess was put - off to a meeting to be called shortly. The Temuka No-License. paxty are arranging for meeting on the 30th inst., when Mr H. D. Bedford, Dunedin, will deliver an address on "Tbe Ins and Outs of the Liquor Traffic." The Dunedin Butchers' Union support the resolution {qt the removal of Mr Justice Sim, owing to the. failure, of the :Ar r bitration Court to make an award in the Canterbury farm labourers' dispute. The only photographer on'"t-lie ground to take views of the opening of. the Seddon Memorial Ward at the Hospital yesterday was Mr W. Wilson, who came down from, Christchurch to get some Timaru views for the Christchurch "Press."

At Tuesday's meeting of tbe Waimate Borough Council, it was mentioned that His Excellency the Governor, would be in Waimate on November sth, but as it was not known whether or not in' a . public capacity, any action; that-may; be' necessary will be decided later on. The caretaker of the gardens at Carp-, line Bay has; - succeeded in rgetting; two M the - beautiful .red flowering rata trees "to grow in one of the shrubberies on the. Bay. The trees are some which Mr 'Gibson obtained from the south last year, 1 and they are now firmly established r and making vigorous growth. ' For the vacancy on the Waimate Borough Council, Messrs J. Hunt, D/ R. Buckingham, C. Allan- and W. F PSpipg are nominated, and a largely signed requisition was yesterday morning presented to Sir D. A. Morgan (a former Councillor), asking him to coma ..forward,. tad he has decided to comply with 'the request. Nominations close to-day. . The , box plan of " Htrmpty Dumpty" opens at the-Dresden this morning. * A report having been circulated that seats had been sold beforehand, the manager f»f the; Dresden desires ;to state that there is no truth; in the report.. Except,the usual privileges of proprietor, Press and box office, no seats have been booked, and none will be booked until 9 today, tbe hour advertised. Persons calling to book seats are requested tor' bring the proper amount of change.

The following Sonth Canterbury items appear in the Public/ Workg 1 /I^imat€S i *—- and* telegraph office, Fairlie,- £BSO ; old men's home, Timaru, £5000; new accommodation house, Mount Cook (on account), £5000; Mount Cook road bridgts, £4/50; Mount Cook and glaciers, tracks, £92; Pukaki to Mount Cook road(liability £300), £456. Countv bridges— Hanging Rock, Opihi {£ for *£), £1250; Hakateramea, £500; Halls Creek, Fairlie (£ for £), £150; Allan Sale rdad'."bridge, Fairlie (£ for £2), £500; Rocky Qully bridge, near Albury (£ for £), £550. Roads—Hatcheries' road, ■ Wannate countv. £1650; Morven- township - roads, " £170; Shearer's Hill road, Waimate (£ for. £), £SOO.

i At the Magistrate's Court" yesterday, before Mr C. A. S.M., for plahitjff was given,in the foUowirig- cases: —S- F. f?mithson fMr Raymond) •. x'.: John Barnes, claim £9 16s, lor rent; A. Chisholni (Mr 'EmslieJ v. J. Cullimore, claim £2 15s. . In tbe first case, defendant appeared and said he owed the money, but was tinable to-pay.-- In the case ,of - J.' Howqr T- H-i Stapley, claim £l3 4s 6d, on a judgment sumimons, His, Worship, after hearing eviderice, «iid be could make no Order. It transpired daring' the hearirig of the case that defendant is living apart from his wife, who has five children to keep (there was a family of ten), and that up to July last he had been allowing her £1 per week. The husband' is an .engineer by. trade. . r He annual meeting of the Temuka Tennis: and Croquet Club was held on Tuesday night, Dr. Hayes being in the chair. The report and balance-sheet :m&det reference to =the success, of the year. Many permanent improvements were effected, .-ind membership had gneatly increased. There was, a credit balance of £l4 Is. The report'ntrtit adopted, and' reference was Aiade to the good work done. by. the late secretary Grant), who tendered her Resignation.; -The election of officers ref y ,a|i:on, M Jatnes ; president, Df. Hayes; lion, secretaries, W. H. Brown 'and Mr \V. Pearse ; vice-presidents, Mesdames Ashwell, Wareing, and Dr. Crawshaw; committee, Mi.<*ses Guild. Paterson, Twoniey, Mrs Aspinall, Messrs Feilden, Bradmore, Buxton, and Guild; match committee, Messrs Pearse, feilden and A. Guild; deleate to Sports' Association, Mr W. H. Brown. It was decided that the club fhoiild affiliate with the New Zealand Association, and that'the opening day be fixed, for October 10th, and that invitations be to kindred dubs to attend.

A correspondent writes as follows: — "A very reprehensible and dangerous practice, namely, allowing youths to congregate -and romp on the public railway platforms and permanent way, is being constantly winked at by the Railway Department, especially at thei small stations throughout the Dominion. It ought to be immediately checked, as some serious and dangerous accident will occur soroner or livter. Although the Railway Department have special and emphatic notices ported upi in conspicuous places at all stations anent loitering and smoking, the by-law is a farce and a sham and is never enforced even at the principal centres, such as Auckland, Palmerston North junction, Woodville junction, Aramaho junction and throughout the Middle loland. One would imagine that- the department, for their own convenience would enforce tbis bvlaw, even if,they have not any consideratii>n for the travelling public, who have to endure the annoyance and inconvenience of idlers and devotees of nicotine, who would not be permitted by the various railway authorities, throughout Australia, either'to eoiigrtgute or sntoke on railway platforms."

Headaches of every kind yield to Steani s Headache Cure in a few minutes. Tiuse tinv, tasteUss wafens. bring" certain tvli<-f from almost every kind of pain. Used wherever heails ache." ... SYNOPSIS OF NKW ADVEKTISEMKNTS. (5,-rrie and Co.—Large Kile, of furniture on Saturday. Jonas and Co.—Sell furniture to-day and on October Ist, buyeit; of poultry. O'Callaglian and Co. -Siwial auction ami projvrty notice. Tlioroughbrt-d Finland---Stud notit-e for ■ Werrv's Hotel—Five sheep aotray, posson laid on farm. Howie and Co. Why giwd bruhhwatx' pav* Ik-nI. Nora Dene—Showing a cat*-, of trimmed lliilri. llaiuirt gani-n ]urty--Commitf.-e rafr-t \Vt-<liK , -<iav, not .Slonday. Kerooban, McCahon and Co.—lrish |>edigree swix-t pe.t>". l,o«t ~Pur»4«?> and money, reward. I'art-ura works ~Oj>en hliort j¥ tifnl (Jctol*-.-r 12th. Imri" and CamplK-li —Sf ciiow; for iia!<-, ! < any t<-rins. i Ncj|\ «ti*penft.try— Dand'-hun juils. hlfunl

j tonic. «-gg pr«r<-rv«-r. W U. K'.-nbcr furnsiuro tint ! will "biht. \V< bb and K< nip! horn- Farms and <-nI tr.d pr"{rt-r:i«t> f»r Mr* F. fur kin<in»v« :»«id *vni|rt'.by. M;UiUtr.> Uuding for CM-'.C.A. Tix-.i' r»- K"ra! -Marat boys* <-ntcr**.nnij!. jit this evening. Spring Sb-w-rr *!>•>■»■■ On Saturday t*-%u I H Hall K\t<-nnvn <-f :mv- for t'nd>-iK j \V:ini< Four notice*. I Fiinmi notice — lly \\. .1. I.ister.

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Bibliographic details

Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13708, 24 September 1908, Page 5

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TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13708, 24 September 1908, Page 5

TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13708, 24 September 1908, Page 5