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Tfie aimual''meeting"of t1» Timaru Bowing Club was htld in the Sophia Street H«J|—last- night - when- there •*# pf attendance of members, and "Mr D. U v£' : dsaiK ' . , fjThe annual repor 1 - showed ihai membership of tie Club was as follows:f'Si* membeib, 11; honorary, S3; actiye, 65; total 126. At the end of'last season aft con tract was eniered into with Mr GWellington; for the supply oi. tlrreonew club and two racing boats ; a pair and a-club boat had been reeved? -:and? & wi« «pected the ethers told arrive shortly. . The Hadlow had m sent to Wellington for renovation, and had been returned in a satisfactory slate. There \raa.again no foniul opeu- r % day this J9r, hut a ladies ' day was h*ld on Decranber sth. The mual s»n of boat*,' «!'few scratch |wwTng"faic<», and a ducklmnt, for swimmer*. helped ■tiife pass away enjoyable afteruwD. Tie club were' represented at Lyttetton regatta, by Messrs G. Mansford, and W. ■jjT Carlton, but were unsuccessful, and «§ere 'O/ have been represented at the CSjristcborch regatta, held at Lake Forhut'owing to bad weather the reJs*'*a had .to be postponed, the members Khng unable to compete. *lhe club rac«-a ouring the season were "very successful, all being keenly contested. . The fifth annual iater-chib race with the Oamaru Club was Iftld at Oamaru the club losing for the fifet time by the narrow margin of nix inches-" " The -rlub "waci ed by Messrs 11. Wulker, F." I.' Washboum. H. EJravr, L. Reardon, Coxwiin.V. Hawkes. Touching j ' on social matters mention was tmde of the annual ball held in the Assembly Booms, the smoke concert and \ arize distribution, and the' hare shoot' at Olrari Gorge , on Empire Day. when the qtimberw were the gue*«> of the prcMtt, Mr C- H. Tripp. Mr \V. Webb, champion ' sculler of the world, had entertained by the club during h's *tay here a few months ago. * The b;l----tlard table in the Social room bad beeu patronised and two tournaments had Kkd held and were , won bv Messrs ' K. and O. (». Aylcu. At the beginning of tile mutun a bw unming branch of Club was ft-nyed, and had proved .sue-I «t|isful. The thank* of the ylub wvre duv ttf Mt'Mii G. H. Tripp, D. C. Turnbull, Gfc S- Cray. W. J. - Cbtterili; G. Priest, a T H - Archer, fur donations, an# astis -1 ajbi'e to the club, to the Harbour B«>ard aijd Mr Sm th for their ajsitanre on I,«day, and Mr G. \Yataon for donation of a medal lo be wen by the number "Wrings nwst points in rowing, l running t »witnruing. The running races for medal ar« Mi IP to be conipe e<l _fi>r. T|je .committee -atjy'desired U> JfcsJß' K Ifealev. and J. MaeConachie, «(*§ club's delegates to tl»e L'auVxbtiry X.Z.A.ItJViv Sir X. * Galbmi hj, wfio had looked after ther intercuts in YEeHiogton in connection uiUi the new. hijjfits, .Mr Phil Bradley, who hid Toadied "ff the regatta crew?, and al»o the huu. .-tod it or. Air S. Shrimpton. During the the seivno, of the following nctnbex>: M. Maho'ney. I». Iteardon. and H. Walter, the former * wing to pressure of businc;*-, and the two latter through left riowru. The vacancies caused by the resignation of the two first n:iiucil. were tilled by Mcs«r.« J, H. >"icholk>; an<l K. Millichamp, that caused, by Mr Walk» rW resignation traj not ftlltrd. The following were of races for (Ik* tiC.iMiit IyiVOS r—Trial fours—C. Bradley, J. Morrison, (». Itr.idlw, and W. M jrk; junior fours—>s. K. M«vo, A. tainh, W I'enrtv.?: connuMice- foui"—(J. G. Avfen, E- Millii-iutnip. H. Arvu-.r. \V. Ko iKfrts; prt»ident tour*—.!. \orne. A. J l.*ampl»«U, B. Mhllimjh, \V, I'eiuov,'; senior j«irt—G. I'rjot, and H. Archer; junior —K. Mavo and \\ . toiwaiiii —V. Hawk**, and C. l oxinad. The balance slr-cI »honed t tnl ih: .» »e;s «:xttvded the liabilities by £(> M 15s> 'id, the ar*et».. in.i'U- up oj baiik bjlaiite-* AJ6B 15s 7d, boutfhed and wajs £-100. boat> and oars £l2&, (urn turc and piano billiard table £52, ou:>tan<iuig &ob><rip ti»as £34 and in.vnst due Li, £706 15* 7d. in the liabditic> ucrr itcm> < f £3O for unrtdccuK-d d«l»eiiinr< >, £2B on a pu«no, aud £4 lor uujuc.-emed pri/.- or drr*. The receipt* lor the juiouih cd to £576 11» 'Ai. the ptincjwl it« in b.--inj; £156 !t» for »üb.<-rtptioii»; £o-J » .<3 paid for new boa s, £<o 126 ii !<>r .il and r» j>air> lo ile- >litrd» and new »k>d», £57 liK for piuo .m l omr CIJKIIX .V n tl'T .l> I'he chairmtu read an for .«li from the prwiem oi tut* ilul>. Aii C. -Howar«i Tripp, wtio ij» at> present at liotorua. Mr 'J urubull brklly r\vn>t»c<i ".he rrjKtr'v ami baiantt - 'i lu- coninu! u« lu't a deal lo do. Inr Uicy it.«d •loOc their work wvll and «nf>; to l><? t«ngratulatc<l on tlv m<ult. 'l'he l>alanre »he\t •bowed a on tli« yrar* workiujT «»f |'ru-n<-.tlly £-10 Hfi was pl-M «nI tt» that the o\cnltjfs ba>l duwipj»C4rc<i and Uiat tlw club hid .» cud-t ijalanee Ht»;hop<d thix j-t .*te of tii«- linsn«f> would lonp toniiniK. and th" >-lul» would ad<>pt a. »elf tehata pulity. >uil« .».<« would obviate the nc»-«t>.Mty (or wnnz to th.j bank a;:am for an overdraft. Hint iwvtb»at% would l»«» c»»inirix to hand shortly, and the*»> would run ihp rlub mtj> <■<•» tiderable ex|>>ndilti?t. tmt the tioiM for the cartent year w«»uld In- torn inj; in shortly ami thrr*« was ix» r>n why tin.- tr«i.»nnrr >honld n>»t !>« .»bl.- i«. a cietiit biUnce n* *t year it ii ••iiilk-jx |«-»id tip thru i ijh u.i.?. they should do. The club'« ■wct« n«»w <l«uble what tiwy ,i y. ir or two> ago. and th-- club wa» to Ih? iwn plinicntcd mi. the position it had He UJov«*d the adoption of the fj-oit .«nd balanc»-*l»eet. In iep'y to Mr Jordan, Mr I'm*!,

(treasurer) said that there was £2l outBCanding in members oubscrtp'ious. lie anticipated that by the end of the month this amount would be materially reducedDuring the year the committee have paid off £SO or £4O of accounts which should have been paid the previous year- .~, - tne value of tlfie boatslieds and ways (£400) was '.nrlived at. * The se««tary (Mr H. H. Eraser) that the dub could not get- the boatthed and ways replaced for the amount named, and the chairman said the amount *a* immaterial as they did not wish to tifwle on their assets. 'j Xo more questions being forthcoming, Mr Collins eeconded the ' motion jn-opoktu by the chairman, and it was carried. " A ktter was read from L>r. Bo«e, , resigning his potition as patron of the dub on account liu. approaching departure from Tiriiaru.—A hearty vote of thanks was passed to '-Dr Bowof • for his services to the'clab. "--v Eleven honorary and >24 active membcrs were elected. : The electioif of officers resulted a? follows:—President, Mr C- H. Tripp ; vicepresidents, Messrs W. J. Gotterill, G. - S. Cray,. J. P. Newman, and W. Priest; captain, Mr C. Bradley; deputy, Mr O. G. Aylen; hoh. treasurer, Mr W. T. Mahonev; hon. sccivtury r . Air ii. h. Fraser "(unanimously re-elected); commitI tee, • Messrs Price, Millichamp, Xicholls, ; Mayo and Xorrie; delegates to the Canterbury Centre X.Z.A.R.A.,. Messrs Walker and Williams; trustees, Messrs 1). C. Turnbull, J. P. Newman, and C- ill. Tripp.; i A hearty vote of thanks was parsed t'» Mr Price for the very able manner in which he had acted a* captain during the past year and for what he had done as deputy-captain. _ ,■ The hon. secretary reminded members that one of the ruKs of the club, wiii-li says that- all subscriptions shall )v, |»id by November, i.« too. frequently broken, and he fsprcssed, hopo; members would pay up promptly (his yesir (that it would not be necewary to go to the Bank for an overdraft to pay for tho new boats. The fixing of opcuing day was left to the committee. |The meeting then closed.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13704, 19 September 1908, Page 7

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TIMARU ROWING CLUB. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13704, 19 September 1908, Page 7

TIMARU ROWING CLUB. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13704, 19 September 1908, Page 7