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Mr Alex. Scott, of the National Mortoajw said Agency Company, returned yesterday from- a risitt to Australia. The Tiinaru Cricket Clab have had their pitch on -the Athletic Grounds tmpdressed, and hope to have it. in playing order within a few weeks. .The 'secretory of the Kurow Jockay Cl«b has .received a handsome silver cup for the Hunt Steeplechase from Mr R. O. Campbell, of England. Yesterday afternoon a purse containing about £lO vw dropped overboard from thesteamer Navarino. at the main wharf, and to try and recover hi the services of the diver were requisitioned, but without ava : l, for in Davy' Jones' locker the money still liee. In connection with the garden party to {.e held at Mr J. W. White's "Grhnmere," on Tuesday. October 13th. when tbe band contest "will be in progress, a meeting ol lad e* willing to help will be held in tM Dresden room* at 7.30 thj* evening. A «="«» of £BSO, privately subscribed, k in hand for of a crematorium in Wellington. -This sum includes tbe donation oi" JB4OO made bv Mis* Studholme. A farther stnn of £4OO has been volet! by the City Council . but farther subscriptions are needed. Ihe question of sites will be reported on by the city toto tbe matter.

Something in the way of a nai-nrol cariosity pawned through th-i streets of Genldio# yesterday,; '.n ttw ohap of a j donkey drawing a small cart on which was something that looked like a barrel «irgan. "The owner of the turnouu, »!»• alongside, a man of large stature and rofauss- appearance, lo«>ked more able tu draw th« load him»elf than his Miiilt beast of bvnku, which be occaiuuually ntge.l to greater diligence by blows froui a crocked attick. * This week's "Canterbury Times" makes & good bid for patronage in the Geraldint* <: t "wic-C r with a page of photographs of the ceremony of laviitg the foundation stan* ot tiif new Pr mitive Method Church"in that town. Girl hockw plavers will he interested in a eeriest of wiap»hot» of tbe Canterbury v. Ocago match. Street scenes in Wellington, and other subjects, make op a good pictorial supplement.

An ordinary meeting oi the Star of Canterbury Lodge, No. 10. I-0.0.F. wa< h«ld ou Wednesday evening Ipet*. The N. 11. Br». A mas presided over a good attendance of tnembeo. The principal biLtiAnts was the initiation of five candidates, the ceremony being creditably performed. Bro. Brnadley was re»jueste<l to represent the lodge at the aunual social «f the Gladstone Lodge, Fairlie. to ba held thi* evening. The lodge closed at a somewhat later hour than usual, owing to a good deal. of discussion on matters' for the good of tbe Order taking !*«*•

Dr. Hayes, tbe examiner, repcrtn that the following members of F)r. M. HCraickshank's " home-nursing class, con ducted bv her 'in-connection with the Nufcoroft Siiidholinc, bave the examination aecessary for the certificate of th* St. John Ambolance Association: — Mrs. Sophia Duncan. M**« Sarah Boyce, Sarah Magdalew Mell r n. Ellen Eileen O'Connor, and lM»bert«. Dr Have* ad<l* that- owing to a large majoriit of the cla» uot luiving "fiist aid " certificates, ami the pr.«"--nce of scarlet fever tn the district preventing other* from attending tho examination, only five out of a total membership < f twenivlive presented Tin* p«p>*n« of tb«ve few, however, rellectei! great creibt on themselves ami th* lecturer. Th.-y Jkml a goo*l theoretical knowledge «.f their work. and. what iw Mter. a sonml practical knowledge.

A cold in tlx* no*-. a* you'll !„ k terribte niii-wr. K<»*inr*-» »<««■ ' ilat Wcxtxl** tJrvat l*ejij>en»'in! Core'* .1 friend. \Vfu.<"* kindly aid will alw.\v« lend' Y»>u nwr l»e »ate coltk cudtsie. TTw .•» twawti! nt-urr - 'then f<»r Wood*" tlrral i'c(>iwnuinl I 'nix- f ... Patent Kfcitlitr Im>o;* and rh<«\ ar«» tho 1 IHfUjf t-vlic* f< >• >t vi *-j r i«>r the j cntnnttf .Wfti. On«* <if t!«•* mu«t f;t»h»on* sbte t> a lad #•* )Wltnt colt vamp aml golosh »hlrf. »nil rlovi- ur dnll ktd rjnaner. Tin- «<>e *• known j» tho Fifth Avtnue toe. or |>«.»r >ha|-- !<«_■ V«>u ran tli* ah"*" stylo in Mr Iviutrr'* window, which l»<« juxt ft--en «»ut wish the bt*w» *prmß g.nKl*. Mr S.u'.rr hi* Iktb al way* i« h.iinilhigh tL> v J« f<«*»«f. al »"l s '"> *i«-** which lw R-iiiwd wiatrn «>vcr 100 K»gli*h. Aai«*ricJit. I j|ii<lun. <i*r nun. Att»ttU« n«d Su ni.»uu f:»<-t«u*r* iu N'"«* for iivo s ; a nd> him »'« R" 1 " 1 fuwd. !!«• *. to tt«l>n«ni»h one manuf-wlnrtr * from »uo»lw-r. and tl«»r i«lul«:h'y and valoc to » nievtv. without any work l»u*in*»** whkh th- •! lu« po resoft to.

In the hockey matches yesterday,. Rawhiti beat Rangitira (Christchurch) . by four, goals to nil; and Timaru beat Ashburton by two goals to one goal. In the men's game Geraldine won- easily from "Wesley bv six to nil. The Tui Hockey Gub drove out to Geraldine yesterday afternoon to have a friendly match ".vrh the ladies club there. The game resulted in a win for the visiting team by two goals to nil, both goals being shot by Mes Ina Gilchrist.' After the match was over the visitors were entertained to tea bv the Geraldine Club.

Th? 33rd anniversary of the foundation of the Lifeboat Lodge. 1.0.G.T.. was he-Id in the Assembly Booms last evening and provided an evening's enjoyment to quita a large number of mtanbenj and well-wishers of the lodge. The proceedings took the form of a vocal and instru-. mental concert concluding with a humorous farce entitled "No Followers. Among those to make the entertainment a success and contributed. it«3ns were Mrs Allott. Leggott. Berry and Walker and Ifcssrs Lowty. Coker. William?, Ellis. Hawkey, Muchmore, Claughton and Wheeler. A well-attended meeting of ladies was Jteld last night to further the bazaar to Ikr- held in connect'on with Sr. Marys Young Men's Society. Mr F. J. Dunn, was in the chair, and Mrs Pratt - chairwoman of the committee, and tl» Rev. 1. C'urnow were also present- It. was decided to hold a garden party on the Thursday during the -time of the bazaar, which will take place, from to Friday during the third or fourth week in November. It was decided to hold two "article socials," the first on Thursday, September 24th. The-meet : ng closed with a hearty vote of thanks to ih«? chairman. " A bazaar to raise funds for the purpose of reroofing Knox Church and renovating the Sunday school was opened in tha Drill Shed, Waimate, yesterday afternoon by His Worship the Mayor (Mr X. Francis}, who expressed his pleasure at being called on to open the bajfuar, and hoped the objects aimed at would be realised. The Rev. A. S. Morrison thanked the Mayor for his services, and an orchestra (under Mr Logan s leadership) played a selection. Tha ladies of the congregation have worked assiduously for manv months, and have assembled a wide range of articles both useful and ornamental, the whole being tastefully arranged, and judging by the attendance at the opening and the wide interesttaken in the sale, they bid fair to raise the necessary fund*. The New Zealand Accountants and Auditors Association ireg.) intimates that the annual examination in connection with the Association will be held throughout the Dominion on 2nd November next. The examinations are for the associates' and students grades, and are available to members of either sex; a* a matter of fact there 3re several lady members who have already qualified by examination. Intending candidates may procure copies of syllabus, past examination papers, and other particulars, from the Registrar of the Association, Mr J. H. Mackie, Auckland, or Mr Geo. Tennant, car e Atlas Milling Company, Timaru. Application* mart readi the Registrar not later than Saturday, 26th September,- 1908. The Trinity Tennis Club are holding a meeting on Monday night next, to .see what can be done in the way of procuring new courts for the coming season. At> will bo remembered this club had the misfortune to lose its court in Harper street, owing to the section having been sold for building purpose*. The trinity players are not going to be without a court, however, if such » can be avoided. A most desirable section, situated within eight- minutts walk frotn the post offier, is at present- under offer to them, on very easy trims. Three courts tan be put down, two double and one siugle oue. The meeting on Monday is to consider the advisability of purchasing this sectiou. when it is hoped there will be a large attendance. It hat. always been the experience of the managing committee of the skating rink that a fancy dress carnival provides a strong attraction for the public, and the success of last evening's carnival at the Drill Hall proves that the interest. in this popular pastime is as great as ever it was. AH the seating and standing room on the balcony aud around the hall was taken up with keenly interested spectators. The antics of «ome " nude-women and girls'* provided imamusement to both themselves and the onlookers and proved quite a feature of the eiitertaiimH-ut. The grand inarch provided a tine display of costumes, including gypsies, female jockeys, clowns, fairies, a troubadour. Indian rajah, and other* of a mUcrllaneous character. tins prizes being won bv a gypsy (Mis* Lucy Hawkes) and Indian rajah (R. Sterudale). Mesdanu-s Thomas and Buckingham were th« judges of the costume*. The inclusion of posters in th? programme did not draw many eiilrauts and the b«u wer»- those rvpre.t*ntiug the "Troubadour*" nnd "Datracq Motors. A quarter mile- giriti race drew thre*.* competitors, Miss I. Connelly whining and Mtaa V. Manning coining in >ecoud. Iu a race for hovs under 15. half a niil>'. C. CSlover won easily, with A. Manning second and thi>« irfhers following. An egg and spoon race was appropriatvd by \jrs \V. Duncan. it*" only one to finnh with the *gg >till in the t-poon. f«. Manning. who was pre-sentnl with the medal he won in th- mile chain,).on>h.,. at the last carnival, gave an exhibition of fust skating, after which tlu- floor was thrown ojk-ii to all lovers of tlu- toilet*, who v|H lit un enjoyable evmmg. vfrd L Peter*, Minimar, Wellington, N Z tavs: " I cau tc.ftly r.-coxnnund iliamberiain'* Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy to anyone suffering from pains in the stomach. A few days ago L- littlt- U,y. 0 .'"?»• «» »" agony with this complaint I onH hfta » ft-w doses of Chamberlain s Cola, Chlra and Diarrhoea Remedy and he was nuon well and has not Inn troubled I think this remedy should l>e kept in borne." For sale everywhere... FfRST I'ltIZF. LINCOLN WOOL A 1 lilt: KMiLISK HOVAI. SHOW. \Vw Zealand ami Australian breeders will \h- !uvere« «d to karn that Mr Henrv Dudding. of l.ibv l' l "**- ,n <- laud, secured !ii»t pri/.< for Lublin wool at th- »»>.»*•«• show, held a i New«.-»d« <>u •lyi.-, fiom Jut*- 30th to July flih of tiuH J Mr Dudding'* •xh.bif was s.mply *unctb- M.ft handling .(Ualil . s ; t ..d briiTht la-in>u.» appearand ! " hv far the «»est and ino»t at:r.»«-«ir- «"<• rihibit <'f any cla t. on »how a, deal Kxs l>een wniUn r,.'-!,.. d„» uv,l by Mr lowing 1-tter jus-.» b> >U ' gu.iKll Htotlver* il.inuted'. «•>' ! fronr that g.-ntl-nc.ii .-<rvr' t«» !""« ' j on the subjec: -,r.. j Uibv tlrr.v.-, Ormi-lij. Julv llih. I'-K'S-|.,,r Sirs,-In r-ply «'.» v..»r | w ,th iev*.tid t., , ' f! " T ! ' - , ; U 'L hu ' Of 1 have n-r.t v-ur d I iii-a-tir* in »»£-»tm-I :!>•»- i ! M " . ttcii-ivclv "ii l«J" !,,r " v " ' '' UJ ' tl r i.i a '«ntury. and always with th«- uu.->. !»;i!i*fa«-t«jri- rv-ul'." \Vt !» t.> my w—l. « h-"h »bt-*•»• ■» t » it , pr/e »r the „Vk. I 1.-g t» y " ,Ui d.pj'd. y (jlirs fuitbfullv. iStjrn.,l, iir.suv nrnniN*:. \ '•( shove 1 ,r « r l»« .an l>' «' Jijlj'p'y aiid Co'* ofike* thr»u«h-ttt Au* tti!a*ia. ...

As evidence of the forward state of the -season in the Xorth Island it may b' \ mentioned that the shearing cl stud sheep in ths - Wairarapa district.j Ls now almost completed. This is a. month earlier than last year. The -wool is in all cases is said to be of good quality. The Southland Education Board expended over £IOO on letu-r postage last year. £o that it will he readily understood ihar an enormous amount of correspondence flow* through the board's offices. It is calculated that about 24,000 letters were .written and despatched during the year, and, of course, about the same number, i were received. ,

The Wai-iti school committee has i-_sued another circular to chairmen of school committees, asking the members to meet; in the Sophia Street Hall on Saturday. 19th inst., to further consider their proposal of a scholarship in memory of the late Rev. G. Barclay. The chairman of the , Education Board (Mr Jackson) has kindly consented to take the chair. Mr William Thomas, of Geraldine. -was one of the enormous crowd in the stadium at the Olympic games. London, to witness the finish of the great Marathon Road Race. He afco saw the polejnmpers and their excellent performance?, two Americans (E. T. Cooke and A. C. Gilbert.) each clearing 12ft 2in and tieing for the championship. A recent South African paper, referring to the opening of the new telephone exchange in .lohannesburg, says:—"The charges are to be placed~ori~a more equitable basis. Instead of a charge of £2O yearly, in future a subscription of £7 10s •will entitle a renter to 600 calls. Over that number a charge of 2d per "call will be made up to 1800, a penny up to 2.400 and a half-penny up to 4800, with a maximum of £so' per annum. A suggestion has been made that Mr C'. A. Marcus, formerly stationmaster in Timaru and now a resident in Wellington, should offer himself as a candidate for the Timaru seat- at the coming election. Mr Marcus declined last election to stand against Mr F. J. Rolleston, and as it is uncertain that the latter" will be back from England in time to meet the electors this year it is suggested that the opportunity would be a favourable one for Mr Marcus.

Tbe Pleasant Point Young Men's Literary and Debating Society held an open meeting; on Tuesday evening in ,the new school, there being a very fair attendance. The Rev. J. Gellie gave a Very interesting address on the life and works of Sir Waiter Scott. Songs were rendered by Misses Cartwright, 'Tlje March of the Cameron Men" ; Bishop, "Donald Dhu." and Lyle "Jock O'Hazeldean." A reading and recitation from the " Lady of the Lake" were given bv Mr C. Donaldson.

His Worship the Mayor has received from the* Governor's aide-de-camp an intimation that Lady Plunkett- will visit Timnru on the 23rd inst.- to open, as requested, the children's ward at- the hospital, and if it can be arranged she will hold a meeting tbe same afternoon, in 'connection with the Society for the Promotion of the Health of Women and Children, and give a practical demonstration. Mr Cruigie will endeavour to make the . necessary arangements for a good meeting, •. and. the hospital board will no doubt do the tame for the ceremony f* the hospital. . When your throat is drv and husky, a Zymole Trol.-ey will relievo that, disagreeable feeling. Zymole Trokeys give the month a cleansed and refreshed sensation...

"Red Cross" Ointment—Dutton's Mighty Healer —cures all tores, old or recent. Is 6d all dealers. ...

. The superior quality and excellence of the pianos imported and sold by the Dresden Piano Co. Ltd. lias just been demonstrated in the most emphatic manner. During the past official year 600 pianos were imported into Dunedin, - and 500 of were sold by the Dresden. Ir. other words the. Dresden sold 500 pianos during the past financial year against IUO by two other concerns. No other piano house can show such a record. The -i----maru branch of this unrivalled firm Las a magnificent stock of Lipps, ■" Broad woods, Ronischs, Collard and other fiistclnst; makers. These four makes represent the best markets of the world. All the latest up-to-date music >s kept in stock. Orders executed within <8 hours...

It, was again to l>e expected that the Scottish Reliability Trials, which are recognised throiigliout the world to be the mt:*>t on motor cars would prove that the Darraivj cars could l>eat all comers when it cotues to real hard work on rough roads and heavy hill-climbing. In this trial one of the four cars secured the biggest award, a gold medal, another one scor.-d an absolute non-stop certificate, while tlie third car secured the prize for climbing the Trinafour hill, the stiffest grade in the whole trial. Consequently nut of {lie four Darracqs entered three gain-nl prizes thus proving their great re liability qualities. In the English Reliability Trial the little 8 h.p. DeDion ran 2000 mile*, and won the first prize in her class, thus making a most creditable performance for such a Miiall car. It *• therefore becoming quite monotonous in reading the results of the recent Reliability Trials in all parts of the world, as in all cases when there are })arrr»cqs or DeDions entered one can always look a*, the top of tho list f<»r the reMiita of ttieir pcriormanccti. After seeing the ibove results it is no wonder that these cars are named in England " The World's most reliable Cars." Tito following is a report which was giveu by one of the Sfreatc.Ht authorities in England : "The merit of tli© performances put up by the Darracq care will l>e appreciated when it is renumbered that tic.- prevailing conditions were of that nature •<> test the capabilities of the cars t<> tiieir utmost, and auy car which completed the trial? in tlh» way in which the Darracqs did were certainly the be«c made." The King of England is using a Darracq for a shooting brake; no doubt, on account of it* ex eeptional reliability and fitness for hart! work oil rough roads. The local ac«-nts have alrv.idy commenced to land xonie of the new season's models, and «s the prices have been substantially reduced it will be of interest to any intending i>urchas.-rs to call and get further particular*. ... Eczema, varicose ulcers, nil skin eruptions disap[)<'ar after tu-mg " Hcl I ro«s Ointment. 1-i 6d all cle-mists and gro-

premier evele nvide with genuine R SA. fittings from £lO to £ls. Phonographs and all the latest Kd.*on records kept '<> stwk. Cvcles and phonognph'. repaired. Grant IW., ChrWchurch and Timam... Blood p«dson resulting from mall wounds is becoming more pr.-va -Ut. Even ,o slight an injury as the M ratd. of a pin will tim* s cn-c blo.»l poisoning Iho safe wav if to apply Chatnber.ain o lam lialm us soon as tho injury ha* been t« cvcl. That Jiuijii' nt yr*-vents all «lauge. of l.hiod causes tho injury t„ heal in about, on-third th- tsmu required by the usual " r ° ,ry ' ww^re...

ANOTHER TRIUMPH FOR RHF.CMO. Mr William Hrrcomb of Cuba St., i* * well known Wellington buMtww R.-a.l hew RHEI'MO mrcl him of Rbrt»-ma'-in Uout. He writw :—" January <th I«vi8. For many year* I »uiTereti witu rheumatic gout, and dunng tl»n tmw took variou* tnedicinr* n-c-mmend. d t" run-, hut. I r.-gr«t nay with_ v- <7 lilt.o effect Some time <»£•» RHEI M(» w« brought nndrr mv noti.-fl by a and nt hi. ran,est '-olicitation I d. to try * b-.tilc. I dd *o, and feeling liettrr. dended to tale another. Th- result waa «nrprl»in j: and 1 am<l to »a/ th»t I nm How qui:*- w«ll " Try RHECMO. It will cur* yon- Ail ch«ini*t» ttorrf, 2» 6d *nd 64...

SYNOPSIS OP NEW" ADVERTISEMENTS. . a O'Callaghan and . Co.—Sell lire stock., produce, etc., to-morrow. Theatre Royal—■"* The Scarlet Troubadours," on 17th and 18th inst. Nora Dene—New lines in all millinery. R. F. Batcbelor —"Wants to buy tract ion engine. j't-nrctvo Bros.—Last week of lxiot sale. Accountants' and Auditors' Association —Examinations on November 2nd. - T. and J. Thomson—For 3 guinea and other suits. Druid stodge—Members to attend funeral. * ■ ■ ■ ■ -- C ■ i ■ Baiul contest- —Meeting this evening. - .. Trinity Tennis Club—Meeting on Monday. Dr Drew—Resumes practice, to morrow. Adams, Ltd. —Special. clearance of cycles. . At Bowie's —High grade fruits at low grade prices. Funeral notice—By- W, J. Lister. Wanteds —Fire notices.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13696, 11 September 1908, Page 5

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13696, 11 September 1908, Page 5

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13696, 11 September 1908, Page 5