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; ' BOMB MISCONCEPTIONS.. (British Trade Journal.). I So> many mfoccfntcptions .still prevail regiardinn jtlics difficulties; . ?iVid risks of trade- with Japan that il'liaa become necessary Ito \daco the true> " t ).u S itiim of affairs prominently bctate < business community. . Humour ■ has 'been especially busy ! durkig the \)a-sb, year, and readers of Engj lish and news papers have been <i V scared " again and. : again. by sensational accounts of Japan's financial diflicult.icii which, vuriously enough, have been followed the next . day by reports of vast puSHtifcal ambitions and schemes in. Chum audj in the' Pacific,' projects -which roidd never by any possibility be realised by a 'country financially unsound. Then it. "was ( anuacaced that the-principle of the "open [door" was being- viola, ed in Manchuria, I and that; Japan was interfering with the 4 construction of railways there, while in | Japan Iho trado^uark. of foreign firms were I being openly iofringed in a must ccaudal-J-bws ntunncr. "Theau 'allegations it i» now | found werei "based upon.particulars 'which lili thenrielVes we're far from correct, and the* couchiiious drawn- from them have, been sho/wn to bo without foundation by tru&t-wafUiy observers. The' "Yellow peri],* scare, was cleared away -by the gjdtl-huuioured banter of Viscount Kaiieko Sfc the recent annual dinner of the Yokohama Toreign Boaftl of Trade. Japan, he sai,d, bad- a " While .peril" for two hundred and fifty years, aud her people ; irere frightened. Now the. Japanese look- ! Ed back and studied the history of Europe and • Amerlvsa, and they saw tliat -the "White, peril wwi merely Imagination." They touud that ffiieir feais.were visionary and. sometimes they laughed over it us 9 t -tale of hie "Arabian Nights." So, tco, fill the talk about a "Yellow peril" was ' a misunderstanding and a misrepresentation. Japan, itseems to be forgotten, is busily preparing' for licr Grand Exhibitwh: «f ,1912, and, ; as Chief Conimiiiiiionsr of that Kaneko pointed out' that on the occasion referred to that many foreign nations had already sent 'their'acceptances* and every preparation was being iuudeto.welcome foreigners and let them see on the spot what Japan was doing. ; Japan was not preparing for war; she- was pimply. making' preparations for a peaceful work by an exhibition to increase, trade, with . foreign countries and to interchange ideas with different nations and races. ; Th-s question of pa'terjt rights, and wars much talked about in Europe and America, and there was ecine,.fear .that when foreign goods we're sent to the Exhibition they would be copied and the trade-marks; stolen by Japauesei Japan had therefore parsed a'sj>ecial law on the matter, which 'lad bee promulgated '. only a few dayc, ago. Patents and '* trade-marks. would be treated! 'tinder the treaty for the'protection of industrial property. Inventions exhibited, even if nest patented,'-could' be rendered' secure simply by applying to the Japanese Government' for registration. The very exhibition/of the. good-i would then give the full' title and privilege. The general question of trade-marks ii> being constantly, brought forward' to discredit' Japanese methods, yet it seems, that in >cno respect Western nations' may learn from Japan how trade-mark infringements can be; dealt with. It appears that' the popularity of- English made cycles is so grwit in! tire Nagoya district that some iiriserupulous persons .imitated the English trade-mark,' and attached it -to' other 'cycles. The agent of the English cycles, discovering this, communicated with the proper authorities, with the-result that within two days 'tweuty-six!.of-the offenders were, arrested }>y the poliec and summarily punished. Japan, .riuaupially, huis. during the-past few months passijil/• through • a ■ crisis; money had been':scarce ; imports have been too niueh>in'excess of export .values;, and there has-been uncertainly- to the. manner in.■which'.the heavy.,•loans -incurred „ ed; : *he fiiiatieial'.position; in -Europe and in'/'the- United States .reacted, -upon the -Japanese .money uiarket, of interest hare been in force higher, than any anticipated when the loans were., ir.isued. ;• hence the impossibility of carrying- out ' uojrfersiaiif schemes. Thb. petition was fully dealt with by Marquis Matsugata, ex-Minister of State for Finance, in a recent speech at Osaka, before a meeting of 'bankem from various parts of the country. He strongly'urged the necessity, of stimulating hidm'trics and agri; culture in order to improve, the.',expert trade, and, that [this' may be accomplished, advised the payment of drawn bonds in; cash that the holders might employ'the money immediately in business. , "Europe -must therefore expect more' and more competition from Japan in the Chinese aud ! other markets; the industry and enterprise of her people are now- being ,pu>b' to the test in the field of commerce; and the same qualities of mind and'character which served so well during the Avar may be relied upon to ensure Japan's success in manufacturing- and niereliahtiug. All this muat inevitably lead t» increas>ed competition with Western nations,; but it wiH also cause a. renewed d«maud for many classes of machinery and for parUy manufactured goods ; and ■ as priciis rise and' the standard of living in Japan approximates more and more to Western ideas the severity: of the competition, .which, under 0-iiy ~ circumstances, is inevitable, . will be materially reduced. ■'•• Japan's-actipn in Manchuria is defended: in a letter, published-a'few. days, ago, from the \Tokyo .correapondeut . ;of the Tihiets. The Japanese,'' : he writes, ar« perplexed to.undeiwtaud m what their offence coiisists., " They" loyally evacuated Manchuria and restored it'W China-, Svho. bu't for their armed .intervention, must have ••■ permanently lost the three. provinces. They threw, open Dalny to.'foreign, and agreed to the'(stablislhnent of a. Chinese customs house there; : thus conferring a great : advantage, on the 'fade of Ku?sia, which, for several' uiontlis,• continued .to send her merchandise duly'free'across the northern frontier. They rectified the differential rates imposed under the Kussiau regimen with the--intention of developing Dalny at Newcliwaiig's "expense.: They -held China to her-promise as to opening new marts in. : .Mancliuria: In."slier 1,1 they honestly endeavoured to keep the door fully open arid until soiuo specific iustiuiteof r violating that pojicy can be adduced against them, • they. Hot; uiireasdnablj" ask to bB judged by established, factiii; not by vague g.enerahsaticn!<.": The - corrcepondent believes that, apart, .perhaps, from a few administrative mistakes, the Japanfee have honestly to fulfill their promises, in Manchuria, iintl it is significant it-hat recent reports from, the United ."States .and " Shanghai h'aye had less of the vagiie complaints or apprehensions of Japanese 'goods' being admitted free while other..'traders.'had As to.ij.ho quEiitiou of -imitating aiid.infriugiug trade-maiks, the "cprresporident poipts' put -that the trade-mark; law-of .Jiipau si'iraiiied after the Eiuppeau models, ';but differs from the law of England,. 7 inasmuch as .the .former rec'ogniees the-principle'of .priority of use. A cursory observer' might. therefore make the mistake of' inferring that ..the " incre registration.,'of-foreign., trademarks by aJapaiicSeJ in Japan confers a title ,lo'pirate" it withyimpunity.. But such is by, HO'ineani3.lhe- r case. "~ the Japa'neio law provides •" .that \ii<> 'tradMuark 'wliich' was in'iistJ'prior'to'the date of the law's' - enforcement, •'■and , -<wUicli- ! continues 'to i I>e' in 'tuiie:, ■ eiin r bo-.registered' in' favour of iahy-'person'Ot'lier-'thahi it's original,t whether 1 tho'.lutter:has:or, nbt~reg;Hter-•ed;'iu-Japan,,■. and-that;' regietfatioh.'shall be' lefu'sedvlo"all•trade-marks-,'.calculated' to ,: deqeive Jor- to -wk>rk .' fraud - oipOff' tlie , .public. -It'.is,' of-'coui>:e,'-po)isiblethat registration Verror- -to some- other-than- tho> 'original :: owner, but, in' that .even)therlatter -can obtain eancellation'.if: - ho '.applies-.within'.tlio space ' ' of years."'T > lainly> "tWreforrf, .any foieigner ■* may, Becuro 1 .-- hifs trade-ijjjrk -againsttfrauduleijtjj' imitation:-if:he adopts the simple'expedient'of'registenug-it.-'; -

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13679, 22 August 1908, Page 1 (Supplement)

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Japan. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13679, 22 August 1908, Page 1 (Supplement)

Japan. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13679, 22 August 1908, Page 1 (Supplement)