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The "Ladies' Column" in to-day's supplement contains tie first of a weekly butot of. news on social matters inTimanvfor winch arrangements have been made;.by the "Herald." Tfe» annual meeting of the Timaru Wo-Licenee League will be held in Trinity Hall, Barnard Street, on Monday evenapproaching election it. * hoped that all MtOTQrten o£ the League will endeavour to be> present. , Massrs William and Herbert Blacks plans* for the Canterbury F*nww Cooperative Association's new building are B £v on view in Mr BadclifFs shop window The drawings are very dear and an excellent idea of the appearance of the building both on the Sttathallan and Beswiek Street frontages can be obtained from them.

In the course of a talk about accident insurance at the Mackenzie County Council yesterday, objection was taken to the rates charged for county road men, who use drays on levels, being much higher than those for farm hands, who may have to drive drays on steep sidelings and to that extent were employed in a more daneerous occupation. The plea that, road men sometimes had blasting work to do, was admitted but the occasions were so rare as to be. * very small addition to the riskLatest information from the Mackenzie Country is to the effect that the mow k slowly melting, but so slowly that there is very little "black country" on the Tekapo side, or on the range west oi Faibdie. Sheep are still being "raked out on some of the runs, and they are often found to be much stronger than was expected after a month of starvation. In. many eaearithe sheep have eaten the -wool off one .another's backs, and this is Tery apt to be fatal .to the eaters. The tracks that have been ploughed are now floored with uneven ice, that makes it impossible to ride along them faster than a walk. The Life Boat Lodge, No. 101, LO G T., held its usual weekly meeting last evening, Bro. Hawkey, C.T., presiding over an exceEent, attendance of members. Bro. G. Ellis was elected to the office of Sentinel in place of Sister Bradding, resigned. The chief templar notified the lodge that a district meeting would be held on August, loth. Ine various officers' reports for the past quarter showed that, it had been most successful in every way, the membership at present being 66 and the finances over £ll. The reports were unanimously adopted The installation of officers , was earned out by the Lodge Deputy Bro. Peake assisted by Bro. Lowry and Sister Walker as installing marsballs. Hearty votes of thanks were .passed to the retiring and installing officers. Prizes were kindly offered by Bro. Muchmore and faster Peake for the member who brings in the most new members during the quarter, and accepted with thanks. Sister Leggott, Bros. Muchmore and Hawkey, contributed to the harmony of the evening. The programme for next meeting is m the hands of new officers.

A curious bit o£ Land Board red tape was discussed by the Mackenzie County Cbuncil yesterday. The Conned purchased, at an auction held by the Cluef Cautioner, the freehold of the site of the Tekapo hotel, paid down a cheque for- £l4 as "deposit," and undertook to % the balance £ a month. The cheque ££ drawn for the balance and the County fund being in debit, the clerk put the safe to hold it as long as possible to save interest ou overdraft. fc held it. too long, forgetting the date of payment, and when be forwarded the %£%.* few days late, the Chief Comthe Land Board, and Wellington authorities one after another, declared that, they could not. accept tbe.bai- * ance, after the due date of the deposit must be .forfeited, and _tne *«*SBfc f*T£ if tie Owmcil petitioned' Parliament tligy wonld-'bi ab>; to' get the deposit retained.. ',; ?np property, has tised foriblei Ufi"Bsh; the County Council will have t«Vb»ji & alr&h,,paying a fresh deposit, nopjpgfci.get;*** ■&&„**J"*; ThViUicaioß. thought the Department had apßfei ke<L tape to make a lot oE itronDfe'over a slight sEp; it. evenseemed like fiiHarp practice, for no reminder was civenof the balance coming due, and there was no notk« in the first eaW ad ment that the deposit would J» forf *fr if the balance was not paid by the date fised. , Strychnine foe preparing poisoned wheat 3s 6d per ax. in sealed bottle from L. B. James, Chemist,. Timara... THE GUINEA POEM! A CHEQUE FOR £1 Is has been sent to the writer of this verse :-Miss M-, Warepa., Otago. On the banks of thyme the gods recline, Or beds of fabled Asphodel; On ebeets of mine, so white and fine, With SAPON washed, they'd rest as wellWIN A GUINEA! Prize Poem Published every Saturday Best original four BhortXne advt. verse about "SAPON wins each, week- SAPON wrapper must be endosed Address:-" SAPON" (Oatmeal Washing Powder) P.O. Box 635, Wellington- If your grocer does not stock Sapon, pksie fend his nam* *>d «ddrw». ... TUSSICURA cares coughs and colds at once. Stops the tickle and affords t-asy expectoration- All stores. Cought Cough! Cough! Dont Cough. Take TUSSICURA. Soothes the inflamed membrane. Soothing and healing. Is 6d, & 6d.

' The • annual garden party of the Wesleyan Ladies' Guild will be held in the grounds of Mr C. Bowker, College Road, on December 3rd.

The following is Captain Edwin's weather forecast Tip to 3 p.m. to-day: "Moderate to strong winds principally from the southward and little movement of the barometer."

A telegram received in Temuka yesterday afternoon stated that the Mayor (Mr Buxton) who has been attending the Municipal Conference in Wellingtou, was ill and confined to his rooms.

The Rev. W. Baumber will conduct the morning service in the Wesleyau Church to-morrow, and Mitsioner Neale wdl preach in the evening. At Waimataitai Mr Vogeier will preach in the. morning, and the Rev. W. Baumber in the evening.

Mr Schlaepfer gives the telephone a good name. He, a snowed-up Mackenzie runholder, told the County Council yesterday that the telephone to Tekapo had been invaluable during the snow. He would rather see the roads neglected than lose the telephone.

A successful euchre party was held at tha St. Andrews Schoolroom, on Thursday evening. The men paid an entry fee of Is each and the ladies provided the refreshments. There were 56 players- The first prize among the ladies was won by Miss Cague, and Mr P. O'Leary was first among the men. Special consolation prizes were also given to those who scored fewest points. The proceeds are to be devoted to improvements in the school grounds.

The newly-formed Geraldine Morris Tube Club held a practice on Wednesday evening wlien atiout 30 members fired. The highest scores were:—F. .Clarke..33, W. Tinigy and H. Campbell 32, G. Knowles, J. Kennedy, and A. Templar 29, P. Cochrane 28, F. Templar. W. Fyfe, J. Bagrie and S. F. Scott 27. A committee meeting was held when arrangements for shooting for the medal presented bv Mr J. Mullan were made, and it was decided, to count the next three shoots and handicaps to be fixed. A progressive euchre party in aid of the windmill fund of the Winchester school was held on Thursday evening. There were about seventy persons present. Winners were ladies' prize (gift by Mr W. Palmer), Miss Bisdee;' men's prize (gift of Mr A. McDonald), Mr S. Palmer. The booby prizes were won by Miss Aimers and Mr Fitzpatrick. Refreshments were provided by lady friends and members of the committee assisted by others in a very pleasant mariner. The profit, will be £3 ss. Mr H. E. Smith has given a handsome sheepskin mat as lady's prize for the next euchre party, and it was 6hown on Thursday evening. • The committee of management of the skating rink announce this morning the programme for the grand fancy dress carnival, which will be held in the Drill Hall on Thursday evening next. Among other attractions will be a hockey match on skates, a novelty as far as Timaru is concerned. Two races will also be held, a mile medal championship and a half mile backwards race, and as good entries have been promised for both these events some interesting racing will be provided. The programme for the evening is one which-will commend itself to patrons of the rink and spectators will be afforded a good evening's enjoyment. Skating still continues to boom, and it is anticipated that there will be a bumper attendance.

Mr C. A. Wray, S.M.,- dealt with some by-law cases yesterday morning. Leslie Orbell was charged with driving a motor car at a greater pace than four mile's an hour over the intersection of Stafford and George streets. To this he pleaded- not guilty. Constable Smith swore that defendant, driving in a southerly direction, had travelled at about 12 'miles. an hour. a pace so fast as to' draw the attention of other people. The road at the time was clear of traffic otherwise there might have been a mishap. The defendant said he thought his speed was between 4 and 5 miles an hour, because he was using the eight-mile-an-hour gear, but did not have ft extended. His Worship considered there was a big margin between this pace and 12 miles; if 12 miles was the speed he would have to make the penalty stiff, hut as the police never brought action unless the speed was excessive he would take a medium view. He imposed a fine of 20s and costs. J. D. Smith, W. Duncan and C Hayes were fined 5s and costs each for cycling after sunset without lights.

It is not only important for farmers and other users of motor-cars to decide on the brand of car they should use for their hard and continnons work, but it is also most necessary that the agent should be able to prove and ' give them a guarantee of what the car will cost for up-keep. The local agents for both Dediqn and Darracq cars, after many years' experience with these cars, are prepared to give an estimate: .in fact, will contract for two or three years for' the np-keep of the cars. For instance, the 10-12 h.p.'s of either of the above makes they" guarantee to run 25 miles and over on a, gallon of petrol; in fact, some private owners of these cars will testify .that they have done over 30 miles on a gallon. Will ?iny other agent guarantee the same amount for any other 10-12 h.p. car. They also guarantee that this car fe more economical, as far as tyres are concerned, than any other would be. Long experience with these two makes has shown that the chassis are built in such perfect alignment and the running of the car is altogether so true, that the wear on tyres is as little as it is possible to be. The brakes, which are the most vital parts of a car,

»re a specialty with above makers, and we can challenge 'any other motor-car maker as for their strength. It is proof enough when we say that all other designers are trying to imitate these brakes as' much as possible. The local agents for the Darracq car have just received advice that the New York Cab Co., after having much experience during the past two years with other makes, have now decided to give an order for 500 Darracq motorcabs for the New York traffic, and this is tlie greatest possibJe proof of cheapness in np-keep. The local agents will be only too delighted to give any trial on the above point. ... For rheumatism, backache, faceache, earache, neuralgia, and other muscular pains nothing can equal WITCH'S OIL (registered)...

So great has been the demand for the wonderful Broadwood Piano-player, that the one selected for Thraxu only arrived on Monday "and it was disposed of yesterday, and hence it is impossible for the manager of the Dresden to give the concert, for which a number of invitations had been issued. It is however, only an opportunity deferred to hear this new invention, for within ten days another shipment is due and the date of the postponed concert will then be duly announced. Meanwhile many new songs have been received at the Dresden, for which an early inspection is invited, and many bargains in violins, banjos, mandolins attract large crowds daily. ... SUFFERED FOR OVER TWENTY YEARS. CURED BY RHEUMO. No matter how long you may have suffered from rheumatism, gout, sciatica, or lumbago, RHEUMO if given a fair trial will cure you. Read the experience of a lady who suffered for many years: "Having suffered for over 20 years with rheumatism and sciatica, I tried many cures but did not derive much benefit from them. I was advised to try RHEUMO and can recommend it to anyone as It fe only thing that has done_ me good. A* single dose will give relief.— Elizabeth Mowat, Gore." . RHEUMO is sold by all chemist* and ttores at 2a 6d and 4i 6d. ...

Yesterday Messrs W. and ;R. Hay, tie owners of the two large buildings at the corners o£ Strathallan and Beswick streets, gave final instructions to have the. .electric lifts -taken out. of■ both. buildings. They state that they are so disgusted with matters in conneeion with the supply,of power ihat they would not. ; t.ake, the current now even if ifc were supplied for nothing. .. The drawings and handicaps for the fifth monthly medal, to be played on the Highfielll Links, by the members of the' Timaru Ladies'; Golf. Club,.-on. August lllfch and 14th, are as follows:—Sirs. Mathespn I v. Mrs. Marinering 12, (£j, Miss Revell II v. MissDryden 17, Miss L. Revell scr'v. Miss A,. Buchanan 8 (i), Miss N. Hay 4 'v. Miss Gartshore 25, Mfes J. Grant 27 v. Mrs. Cox 12, Miss L. McLaren 39 v. Miss Marelianb 27, Mrs. McLaren-40 v. -Mrs. .Cotterill. 40, Mrs. Morgan 40 v. Mrs. Stronu'ch 4.0., Miss Hole 40 v. Miss P. King 40. Miss „N. Matheson 20 (i) v.' Mrs English ,20 (i), .Miss'Q. White'2o (4) v.. ft#ss B. Hay 36, Miss P. Ziesler. .36. a ..bye.'.'.'... • The St.-Andrews Gun ©lub. held a. clay bird match on Thuvsday, afternoon. Conr sideling tha cold wind that was blowing in ithe- faces of the men, tlie,.shooting was very good. Me/#rs *TQ.uncaii, Eraser and ; " Starlight" tied .for .first place .with; scores of 29 out of 30 and divided £65 b«etween thfim. Mr F.. Wain arid E. ' Bloy with ficores of 27 divided third and fourth, money, amounting to. £10; • The-club had made very complete arrangements for the comfort of,the visiting sportsmen, and it is regretted that the number of entries was not larger. A sweepstake of 10 birds fired after the big match was won by Mr T. Smith, who shot : all his, birds. Messrs P. Wederell and F. McTlwrick divided second and third money. The Waimate hunt concluded the season on Thursday last with a meet at Linkwood, when some fair runs took place. Those present were entertained at afternoon tea before leaving, Mr. and Mre. Rattray and family treating the party in a. most hospitable manner, and three hearty cheers were given for them. Three cheers were also given for the -master arid secretary on the call of Mr Archer, who referred to the hunt since .its inauguration. Ten couple of hounds were hunted this season, though the number of kills fe}l short of last season's,, .only two being recorded. Some very good;. runs . occurred and members of " the Hunt . will lobk forward to the commencement of the season, again nest year, interest in hunting being on the increase. ".' .' ' r .' '. Mabel. Oh Mum. Souters. boot sale starts to-day, and you promised to buy me a nice pair of tan boots when they started - ; their sale. Mother: Wei. will go down this momingand get apair,: I will gejt myself a' pair afc tine same time... ~ Phonographs and records/. .We have just received a "large consignment of Edison's records, of the-la-test Scotch .and coniic songs sung by the J famous Harry Lauder. Among them .are "Rob RoyMackintosh, "' 19173, " She's My Daisy," 15174, " Taberinorv,", 19175, "We Parted on tie Shore," 19176, "The, Saftest.of.the Family," 19177, "I Love a . Lassie,'' 19178," "Stop. Yer Tickliri', .Jock," 19179. Grant 8r05.,, Cycle and "Phonograph Dealers, "Stafford' Street...

ilnfluenza is always more or less, prevalent at/ this season of the year. This disease is very similar to a severe; cold and if; allowed to take its course; is liable to cause serious results. The best treatment for influenza is to avoid exposure and take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. 'This medicine gives immediate relief and if used as directed, will.ward off all dangerous consequences. It leaves "the system in a natural and healthy cures and cures quickly. "For sale- everywhere... "

.Fathers and mothers, ins would have your kind attention while we relate to you the following items, which may be, useful, guides to you when • you go shopping—50 pairs of boys tweed knicker trousers tcj fit boys up to 16 years of age, bought job, now selling at 2s lid per pair, sterling value. Leather'stockings: for the boys made of the best Colonial wool, at ls_ 6d, is lid per pair; girls cashmere stockings, very durable, Is 3d, Is- 6d, -Is lid per pair; children's black and tan cashmere sox sd, 7£d, 9d per pair at Irwin's Drapery and Clothing Shop, Stafford Street... . :Souters straight' deal boot sale starts to?day £very pair of boots and shoes has been '. .educed in price. Our sales are aXw* * successful, because we offer the,.-whole stock at reduced prices. We do * not buyup a lot of rubbish for a satej but sell our regular stock at cost price. We-hold a sale for one purpose only, and that is so as to.reduce stocks,,before new. season's goods arrive...

A sore throat may be quickly cured >y applying a flannel bandage dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm. A'lame back, a pain" in the side or chest, should be treated, in a similar manner. Pain 1 Balin is also: famous for its cures of For sale everywhere... . \

The quickßesults of Chamberlain's Tablets in the cure of Biliousness, and prompt relief of all its bad symptoms is something unequalled by any other .xogdicine.. They cleanse the stomach, clear out and gently stimulate the liver ,drive away every syni T ptiom of pain, distress and discomfort. For sale everywhere-•■ , -■,

AUCTION NOTICES. Guinness and LeCren, Limited 1 , will sell by public auction at. Timaru Landsale Booms this day at 2 p.m: on .account of. Mr S. F. • Smithspn, his handy little farm containing 128 • acres, situate close to Sutherlands railway station. SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISE- . MENTS. Wright Stephenson and Co.—Horse sale at Dunedin, Friday next. C.F.C.A. —Pleasant Point sale on Monday, Jonas and Co.-r-Poultry, pigs, etc., today.""' - O'Callaghan and Co.—Sell live stock, Guinness and Le Cren.—Land to-day; I Point sale on Monday; clearing sale 25th. Loan and Mercantile Co.—Point sale on Monday. G:P. Gerrie and Co.—Sell produce, furniture, etc., this day. ■ , Clearing, sale—At Waituna by Guinness and LeCren and O'Callaghan and Co. 13th inst. .'■ " ''■'■''-, Vfebb and KempthoTne.—List of properties for sale. E. reopened junction coal yards." -,"■■'- G. and' T. display m gem ring?. . Bryant and Co.—Details of table deliSkating rink—Fancy dress carnival, on Thursday. ■ N.Z. railways—Arrangements for Grand National.

G. Pearson—For confectionery and novelties. .

No License League i\nnt|pl meeting, on Monday. . , "Penrose's drapery—Show of millinery, to-day. P. Cairns—Has farms and houses for sale.

J. S. Bennett—Buyer of empty bottles, etc. •

■Church services—Trinity and Wesley. Carlton Bros.—Require teams for ploughing. A. Brown and Co.—Have a disclaimer. Fairlie batchelors*—Meeting, on Monday. Pleasant Point Football Club.—Annual ■ ball on August 14th. Waimate Hunt Steeplechase.—Nominations "close to-day. Lost.—A curb bracelejt; reward.. M. Higgine..—For cycle goods at v sale prices. % Baxter's Pharmacy.—Hot water bottles to .clear. > ; Wanted.—Twenty-one notices.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13667, 8 August 1908, Page 5

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13667, 8 August 1908, Page 5

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13667, 8 August 1908, Page 5