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Letters fur Alex. L. Lamb, F. Y. Allan, T. F.' Benson, Edward Hager, and .J. J. Whalan await claimants at th 6 TimSVu I'ost Office. The Fairlie school re-opened yesterday after t!he mid-winter vacation. The township is now free of snow and in several places the plough can be again eeen ati work. ' ••• Tho Fairlie Golf Club were to to commence the first round of the competition for a, mirror pressed by Smitih and Smitli last Thursday, but owing to the bereavement in Mr Gillingham's family they postponed the day of commencement. In reply to a Councillor, the Mayor stated lash- night that the electric lighting of the suburbs would be completed by .the itiimjsT the next moonlight ha<l passed away. The councillor said a pola at the corner of Wilson and Cullmann streets ought to be shifted as it. was in a dangerous position now. The tripping of the light fantastic. toe was very much in evidence in the Assembly Rooms last evening, when the members of the Wimmera Hockey Club held a social. The hall was jusri comfortably filled with dancers of both seres and, with a flow of good music kept tip by Mrs W. Ellis, a most enjoyable hour was spent. The members of ithe club dispensed light refreshn-i;ts.

In a certain section of the community there is a growing impression that Sir Joteph Ward will himself take the position of High-Commissioner for the Dominion in London. The principal reason for this is that the Fremier feare.the defectinn of the labour, members from .the Liberal party and the formation of a third party in the House, which would possibly result in a loss of power to the Cabinet. The Timaru Borough Council Chamber was decorated laiit night with a large flag.'or banner prepared by Mr Pnl'eson lor the representation of Timaru at Auckland in "Fleet. Week." It is of bunting, white, with blue outer, and separated red inner margin (making red-white-aud-hhw border), and the white field well tilled with the words "Timaru greets the Stars and Stripes'' in large capital letters in led. The names of various people are being muntioned in connectijon with' tho High Connnissiionenship (sire the Wellington correspondent of the "Pries). .S seral of the people are not likely to be in the running at all, arid, as a matter «>f faet, not < ven the Premier of the Cabinet could ut present give any idea m to who the next High Commissioner is likely to be. The appointment is not likely to he made till after the general election. From a political point of view it would be a tactical mistake on the part <f tha Government to nfake the apptiinlmeut at an earlier dale.

Last E rid ay evening the neighbours of Mr Blacklev, manager of Kinnoull, met at the station to bid good bye to the genial manager and his wife. Mr. Morrison on behalf of the farmers of Tycho and tU employees of the station presented Mr. Blacklev with a silver pof. Mr. Blaekley on behalf of "his ifife ana «if suitably responded. During the owning songs," recitals and music were indulged in, and after doing justice to tlw good things provided by the ladies a most enjoyable evening came to a clo» wiiU three hearty cheers for Mr. and Mrs. Blacklev.

There was a very' good attendance afe the concert which was held in the Public Hall , St. Andrews, on Friday evening. Mr. C. H. Besley who pnwid&l explained that the proceeds were to be JXjjended on improvements to the iut< rior of tba hall. The ladies of the di.-irict kindly provided the refreshments. tlw expenses amounted to very little and ih-s net proceeds were £l2. Th v concert itself was much above tlie average an.l encotm were numerous. The foloning rentrihtried items: — Mesdames. Hawke-s Wilt jams, Stowell (2), and Drinnan, M?«srs Moßridf, Crawford, Pugh, William,. Perrr. Oram. I'earce, Cagoe, ami llawke>. A dance wn* hrid after the concert. The committer' of management nod th* *-nerg«:ie secretary Mr. fJeo. I'm' ry .tr- r<« t*e •■>»- grattilateil on tit—, i.l tlie- - ment.

SrFFI'.IU D FOlt OVER TWENTY YEARS. CUBED BY RHEUMO. X<> ma: t*-r how long y«a m« baT*? rof-ft-rnl from rli.-uinatL«m. g«ni, sciatica, or himlngn, RfIEUJIO if giri-a a fair trial trill cure you; Head the «xprri»sce of a lady who »nff>r*«l fur ro-ioy year*; " Having suffered f«r rheumatism ar.i! soiatu-a. I tr>-d satin*cure.< hat did cof iktir# titarS Kiw€i from"tli«iii. I was ailvLxnl 1"» try P.BEI"MO 3ii«l < ;in rrrammrinl it (i» aayose m it i; only thing that h:»i tUtcv nut gmvl. A single will telief.— Elizabeth tlotv." - » n- m «»y »» rarpwlt MMS «tores at Hn Cxt and **s o*. - The shipwrecked Bailor on the retf Was captured by the cannibal chief, Who had a dreadful coldt Tlie sailor offeivdhim that sure. Sate- re™ei!_v ; Gr<ai Cure! Tt saved the savage wooilir-hiirvd. And in his gratitude he spared The mariner wise and b01d!...

A mclal Will IX' n-.'i l" eorx l'.ast, this -v-nint,'. vl-'""-Tim.iru goino by dt.ig U»n» : 1K sfabl-x at r i o'clock. Mr Taltner, M.A., vill d-liver * er nire at Trinity Hall on Thuis.L.y evening neifc on "Th- Humourons I!,tv -i> of ShakesiK-are.' A meeting of Jh- dt)l<gates of lh» Souah CVnterhuty Sul '" 1 1 1 " lion Will be 11-1.l J» Hutc'lUihOllS moms ail 7-' SO p.m. motr'.w. V in:»u who «as taken off on- of l he train* at T.n.aru o„ Sal urday U* was ,n„ much into*,, ated w.. ; : Ui-d yrbiei-.Uy morniiiiT ai ih- to.-al Magi • irate'si l.'onrt. A report h..s been iid.mirt.-l to ihWVllingt'.n Hai hour Hoard l.y Mr. l.amg-M-aiion, th,- boai-d'.i engin.-er, oil a sch-me to construct a canal and a dock _in ll><w est-in aini of lie- Mutt l,i\-r. at. a i-wi of £70.00!). The Silllh I'anieibiiry t—a 111 "( footl.allers who intend touring lli- N'orth Island in 4U-st of vi.tori s l-l't Tirnaiu and Temuka by th'Hit- Timaru cf ntingnif w-rr- giv n hearty cheer* and biu wish-s when 1-aving. The following is Captain Kdwin's weather forecast- to 5 p.m. to-day Light and variable winds with fine weather generally, but westerly winds moderate, lo c.trong and changeable weather in southern .parts." i,ast evening two men who wers under the inflneno and wew creating a. disturbance in Stafford Street, had to be taken in charge by the police. Their arrest caused quite a crowd of onlookers t° as " tremble to witness the fun. 'A: football match was played at Seadown on Sunday afternc4.ll between learns icprtetnting Seadovru and tli-. four cr.x-s roads- district. 'J'he game, which attracted quite a number of Sabbath idlers, was won by Ihe latter team after a hard ttruggle.. Yesterday w::.'. the date fixed i:j-i.n for thet tlectii'n of thivo ni-mber-s of thlldacation- Hoard to till the v:u-;.i « i«>i caused by the retirement by rotation ot M«t>srs "Howard, Lvall, and but as these three candidates were the only ones nominated, they were declared relected. The Timaru Borough Council last n.ght passed a resolution on the motion of the Mayor and senior Councillor H:.v/k-y, placing on record ih; appreciation of the valuable public servieee rendered to S'cutli Canterbury by the late Rt_-v (!>o. and itb bympathy with Mt« 15ar.-l.iy and family. The Mayor spoke ot the great ability and attainments of the d- ei-ased. and his great interest in tie- cause ot education. Hia death, the Mayor said, had been a distinct low lo South Canterbury and to all N r ew Zealand. Th® Mayor -of Oreymouth has s-nt a printed circular round the Dominion asking local authorities to endorse a ieque-st for the protection of the timber iiuic-try in Xew Zealand against the competition ot' Oregon pine, by the placing of an increased import duty on this timber. Councillors of Timarn generally declined t° endorse the request. "Timber is dear enough now without putting any more hue <m :t.' said one Councillor; and "there s a ring on the West Coast,* said another. Fn repiy to a direct question, Councillor Rothwcll denied that there was a ring in Timaru.

Mr O. Schlaepfer, writing from on vFriday last says:—" We have had a good wind and a very good thaw. The t>uow is about lZ inches deep now. Luckily we have had no hard frosts, nothing l'ke during 1905 and 1895, but the enow was deeper this Undoubtedly there will be very serious losses. We hope to save some of strongest sheep y«t. Personally I was fortunate to have 3000 sheep on turnips at Fairlie, and a few thousand also on turnips tin Tasman Down*. The latter place, although only 25 miles from Mt. Cook has again escaped the heavy fall. There were 32 travellers staying at the hotel the other night. The mail service is running again, per pack horse from Burke's Pass to Pukaki. So far we have heard nothing of accidents or frost bites yet. Mr Pringle finds ' his oil-launch of good service now."

The Banal monthly meeting of the Fairlie School Committee was held on Saturday • evening. Present —Messrs C. Talbot U-hairman), Trotter, Watts, Hoeking, FoKing and Pinkerton. The chairman referred to the great loss sustained through the death of the Rev. G. Barclay, and he moved that the committee place on record its high appreciation of his services and condole with Mrs Barclay on her bereavement. He also spoke of the death of Mr GHlingham's son. Mr Gillingham was a former teacher in the school and later on chairman of the school committee. He moved tthat the committee condole with him on his great loss. Mr Foden seconded this, stating that in Mr Barclay the committee had always had a true friend on the Board. He also mentioned that voung Mr Gillingham had been a pupil of "the Fairlie school and he was deeply grieved to hear of his death. The motion was read in silence. A letter was read from Mr It- Grant, Technical Director, bailing that the Department would subsidise £1 for £1 any donations given for the improvement <>i school gardens It was - decided to have a neat fence placed round the gardens. The headmaster staD«.,r t.hafc the prfeent system of children procuring their own stationery was Tjnand suggested a small charge Ih-ing made quarterly in order that the committee might procure all the stationery necessary. It was decided to give the headmaster a free hand in the matter and ats« in tlw matter of issuing report cards The headmaster was authorised to spend 10s in procuring extra readers for the junior classes- It was decided to apply t.» the Board for extra piping for the stove in the school, the present piping being too short. The schedule of duties for the caretaker drawn up and duly signed was read, an<l deemed entirely satisfactory. When your throat is dry and husky, * Zvtuole Trokey will relieve that disagreeable *>i««nng. Zymole Trokey« give the month » cleansed and refreshed sensation.. If volt suffer from Backache, Still. Lame, "or Weak Back. Cold in r,r try .J;invec>* Backa»'h«* anu pills * Price. 2s a bottle. Try our Corn Cure: its the bu-,t preparation tor corns on tlie market. Price.,ls ..<>ni Leonard James, Family and Dispensing Chemitet, Timarti ... So great has been the demand for the wotiderful Broadwood Piano-player, that the one selected for Timaru only arrived on Monday and it was disposed of yesterday and hence it is impossible for the manager of the Dresden to give the concert, for which a number of invitations had been issued. It Is however, only an opportunity deferred to hear this new invention, for within ten days another shipment is due and the date of the postponed concert will then he duly announced. Meanwhile many n«w songs have been received at the Dresden, for which an early inspection » invited, and many bargains in violins, banjos, mandolins attract large . rowds daily. The remarkable strides made i>y the "Lawrence-Kennedy-Gillies" milking marbines during the pa.-t six years is shown liy tlie fact that 1016 machines have l>een installed to date in New Zealand alone. During the first four experimental years, a total of only 142 machines were installed, while during 1906 and 1907 the galea reached a total of 874 machines The complete list of names and addresses «>f New Zealand users furnished by the agents, is certainly unmistakeahle evident of the continued success and increasing popularity of the " L.K.G." milker. J. B. MacKwan and Co., Ltd., Hole *gent*, Dun«din. ...

Tii- I mi: ' -111 I * tl. .1 l-.l 1 11-\l 1 hr.r>i..l_\ • vi-1.11l ,il ill- I and pla.--. tin t Iter i. v\ >i in J > <ll >: Ii• ■ I ■ :.;■!«; ■i • I "I I' 111111..1 111.1.- i- -nil .1 '"•! "! lying ,ili,.ill in ill.- paddocl..-. :ili'l ill.- winking .it th- 1..inl u. living i.-i'li-i.'ililv in:, r-.l w.ilt. •'» t.iiins 111- -round lin.-. Ili.l vel I«■ -l-ll blok-ll Up ti'i I In- inkling ■if ~pniig grain. 'lll- le.-ull ..I lli- <-niiyi-«-i;-:i I ! -l-ci inn tor new 111:1 liao-rs in conn-ciion \i ilh 111- >'i. Piei-.bytrrian Chinch i.-. as folows:—Soiithhuni Messrs .J. .1. McKrtiivn. 'lip r. S.ot I. ;:nil 11. Evano; Si. Andrew:-. M.-.-I-... .1. .I:i'. Ra,-. .Hill .1. Ru.--.ell; Oiaio, Messrs I'. II :iini Wells: E>k Vull-v. Mti-.sio. Uen'on and Orav ; Spiingbiool;, .Mr. W. I'.if. wn.

'ih- A 1 bury Black Diamonds, li-1.l an entertainment in aid ot the piano fund Thursday in t lie Public Hall. Tli-r.! was a large attendant-. Tims.- in ilio circle w-rt —Mis.-es L. Rowland, A. Camp ■ti 11, M. MalMt, I. Anderson, E. Rod- | dye, M. Barker, and 'J'. Lewis, Mtfisrs !A. Basiled, (1. E. Rowland, >7. Cainpi hell. W. Roddye, W. McLean, ar..l C. Adam?. .\fis Campbell and Messrs BuckI 1-y played ihe accompanim-rns in a must efficient maimer. 'Hi- laKt. part w;u a Ic j ally written farce- " Wauled an Elephant" which was greatly enjoyed and quite convulsed the audience. The elephant, was well got up, anil Weiiti through 1h- diffei- ! ent performance* in a life-likes mnaner. A dance followed which was well attended, llie general impression being the Albnry Black Diamonds would Iks giving another entertainment shortly. The exji-i iem-es of shim- of these who' have been employed (lining 1 lie p:a,t f.rl.nighl fc-aichiug ill- Know i ov-i'-d hills I'or trac.s ot (h-ir imprisoned Hock., ar- thiilling in tli!* ••xiii-uie (fays the "Oaiiiaiu .Mail"). One t. whose rim ci.m----pi'iM.-s [ionic of lb. bigli -.-t ]i-ala-; in I lie Kakamii lJangfK. vvaci out with a mateendeavouring to find hw llock, having with thrill a lihe—p dog and "muslel iriji " sticks. On one occasion on« of (be twain slipped on frozen snow covering one of the high |t>-ak.s, and was only prevented from being piveipithte.l to certain d<iath by tli*:- fact thaU 111; mustering staff held. On another occasion the two were caught in a blizzard, by reason of which they not- only lost their way, butone of the number was stricken -with snow blindness. The effect of this was only to render confusion woise confounded, and the- r.suit might have been indeed serious bad it. not been for ihe faithful tugacitv of the sheep dog. Willi one of the paltv leading tl»«- other in what seemed little bettor than a \-ritab!e maze, the dog by ear,y stag-s led thern out of the storm and to eafvtv. As giving me idea of the peril in which the two w-re in, the pafitorulitit, who w.u: feeling his way with his staff, wai; lo»d bv the dog over what was apparently a drift. At any rate, on penetrating" the. crust with the stick, it was found that the depth of th« enow was deep,.-. th an its length, and it became necessary to beat a haefv retreat. 'J lie enow w;"i; sufficiently hard to bear the weight < f the dog. "but it un/> doubtinl if it would have carried the men.

Ladies glace kid op.-n front shoes, welted round toes; ladies glace kid open front bc"!fi, welted round toes. The very latest styles just imported. J. VV. Souter, Cookham House...

Fathers and mothers we would have your kind attention while we relate to you the following items, which may be useful guides to you when you go shopping—--50 pairs of boys tweed knicker trousers to fit bovs Tip to 16 years of age, bought job, now* selling at 2s lid per pair, sterling value. Leather stockings for the boys made of the best Colonial wool, at Is 6d, Is lid per pair; girls cashmere stockings, very durable, Is 3d, Is 6d, Is lid per pair; children's black and tan cashmere sor sd, 74d, 9d per pair at Irwin's Drapery and nothing Shop, Stafford Street...

The younger generation often Lear their fathers speak of the old fashioned Cookham boot, it "will no doubt bs of interest to our readers that J. W. Souter of Cookham House, has just opened a large shipment of Cookham boots. He is now shawing some first-class French calf, East India kip and horee hide Cookham boots... Often one reads about wonderful performances bv motor cars in Europe, wl-ere he road conditions lend themselves to fuch. Bnt nowhere were the fundamental qualities of motor cars so forcibly brought home as lately by the two best motor oars made in the world. the T)f Dion and Darracq; for reliability, speed ind evdl.'tp'ing wear, they stand al"ne; "h£ following are (he proofs : A little 10 h.p. twin cylinder last week ran from [nvereargill to llnnedin and back, 30C miles in eleven hours, it mada a per f ect nonstop run on wet and bad roade. ind left far behind a ear of another make if 16 h.p.: it is a world's record. I)oeF 'his not show wonderful speed and reliability for a small runabout car. As for jood wear the first 10 h.p. Darracq which was sold 2 years ago to a well known Waimate farmer was overhauled lately, ind the owner will prove that- not a 6d part was replaced, o* ii<■ f- a sign of wear Tas found anywhere. Ag»in we repeat hat the Darracq and De Uiun fctand alone Old ar* unsurpassed ..

SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISE- | MEXTS. X.M. and A. Co.—Clearing sale, on 6th Augusr. N.Z. L. and M. A. Co.—Sale at Clare rnont. 3rd Augusts. lluinness and Let 'reii —Cerahline norket. to-morrow; farm on 2th August. S.C. Board of Education- Applications for teacherships. .1. 11. Rruiv and Co.— l'aim for sab*; something special. F. Wall Makes and repairs booix to Siit-sfact ion. I'areora E:»s! —Hard up soria!, this evening. M. O'Reilly—Calls tenders for building cottage. Hockev—Meeting of delegates, to-mor-row evening. The. White Hon«e —Lust days of sale. Wrestling match—At Theatre ltojal, on Saturday. Timaru Main Srhool— Ex-pupils meet, 29th inst. D. Maliom y L.i.p. at Cricklewood, for sale. S.C Hunt—Meet at, M'lford, on August 7ird. Mr Valentine's lecture —I'ostooned to August 4th. j Trinity Hall—Fifth of le.'tuies, on | Thursday. | Wanteds—Two not ires.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13657, 28 July 1908, Page 4

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13657, 28 July 1908, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13657, 28 July 1908, Page 4